peer tutor training what do peer tutors need to know? created by: rhae tullos, bse,ms,chd pensacola...

PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

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Page 1: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College


What do peer tutors need to know?

Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD

Pensacola Junior College

Page 2: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Goals & Objectives

The goal of this program is to: provide you with some training

to build skills which can be used to assist students wanting to improve their performance in a certain course, or to become better students

Page 3: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Goals & Objectives

1. provide overall academic support in a variety of subjects for students needing assistance

2. create a personal supportive environment and peer relationship where learning can best take place

3. bolster the students’ self-image and self-confidence, providing as many successful experiences as possible

Page 4: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Code of Ethics The subject proficiency and knowledge-

ability have top priority. My major motivation is building the

student’s self-confidence. My student deserves and will receive my

total attention.

Page 5: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Code of Ethics

The language my student and I share must be mutually understood at all times.

I must be able to admit my own weaknesses and will seek assistance whenever I need it.

Respect for my student’s personal dignity means I must accept each individual student without judgment.

Page 6: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Code of Ethics

My student will constantly be encouraged but never insulted by false hope or empty flattery.

I will strive for a mutual relationship of openness and honesty as I tutor.

I will not impose my personal value system or lifestyle on my student.

I will not use a tutoring situation to proselytize my personal belief system.

Page 7: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Code of Ethics The student and I will always understand

my role is never to do the student’s work. I count on my student to also be my tutor

and teach me ways to do a better job. I will do my best to be punctual and keep

appointments, not only out of courtesy, but also as an example for my student to follow.

I will maintain records, lesson plans, and progress data as expected and required.

Page 8: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Code of Ethics

I will do my best to stay abreast of the current literature about tutoring as it relates to my work.

Good tutoring enables my student to transfer learning from one situation to another.

Making learning real for the student is what tutoring means and is an important part of my goal.

My ultimate tutoring goal is my student’s independence.

Page 9: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Qualities of a Good TutorWhat does it take to be an effective

tutor? Sensitivity Patience Compassion Caring

Page 10: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Be Sensitive Be sensitive to the unique needs of your

student. This student is a very special person who

needs your understanding. Put your student at ease; create a welcome

feeling; and get to know him/her on a personal level.

Realize that your student may be embarrassed to ask for help.

Remember, we all need help at some time in our lives.

Page 11: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Be Patient

Be patient with your students. This could possibly be the most challenging of all.

You cannot undo in one or two sessions all the bad habits, doubts and attitudes that have evolved through the student’s experience. It may take some time to see progress.

You may be challenged to devise various methods of instruction, based on learning styles. Be aware that we all learn at different rates and by different methods.

Page 12: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Be Compassionate

Accept your peer-student as a person. Be willing to become committed in

this depth, rather than superficially. Be empathetic. Attempt to feel what

your peer-student is feeling: the frustration, the sense of failure or the joy of accomplishment

A non-judgmental attitude is essential to successful tutoring.

Page 13: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Care about your student...

Above all, care about your student. Believe in his/her ability to learn the material Show you care Get enthused Share experiences Smile! This is what tutoring is really all about!!

Page 14: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

A Peer TutorMust meet the following criteria: Have an A or B average in the

discipline you wish to tutor Be recommended by a faculty

member, in writing Demonstrate the qualities of being

an academic role model (good GPA, commitment to learning)

Interview with Peer Tutoring Coordinator or committee

Page 15: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Learning Styles

How an individual can concentrate, absorb, or retain new or different information or skills.

(HOW WE LEARN) There are three major types


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These individuals learn by hearing. Advise an auditory learner to:

Sit near the front to “hear” all that is being said.

Read assignments “out loud” so that you not only see –but hear the information . . .and in your own voice.

Make use of a tape recorder in class – so that you can listen to the lecture again to reinforce learning.

Page 17: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

VisualThese individuals learn by seeing. Advise a visual learner to:

Sit front and center to see instructor, board, posters, etc.

Emphasis on graphics, overheads, pictures, charts

Make sure printed materials are clear and easy to read

Utilize “flash-cards” to reinforce

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These individuals are hands-on. Advise the kinesthetic learner to:

Make sure studying is done while student is in motion – (read while up and walking or standing)

“Doing” is the key – not reading or listening

• Most career/technical students are predominately kinesthetic – hands on.

Page 19: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tutoring Do’s Punctuality: Set an example Honesty: Don’t hesitate to say that you

do not know about a particular problem. Enthusiasm: If the tutor does not display

a love for the subject then we cannot expect the student to enjoy it.

Come with a positive attitude . . .it will rub off on our students!

Page 20: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tutoring Do’s

Hard Work: Make sure you are familiar with textbooks and the correct version that is available to students.

Listening: Develop good listening skills so that you can understand student’s misconceptions and errors.

Willingness Maintain academic standards Good personal hygiene: Be aware of

odors; clothing, grooming products, BREATH!!

Page 21: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tutoring Do’s

Mobility: Provide easy access by circulating around the study lab - ask if “help” is needed.

Good questioners: ask students questions in order to understand what their need may be.

Encourage independence: You do not want to foster dependence on you. Our goal is for each student to be able to successfully accomplish his/her goals!

Page 22: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tutoring Do’s

Patience: Never act annoyed that a student does not know or understand something, even when you are questioned about how “you” do it

Maintain confidentiality: Keep any personal information between you, your supervisor, and your student!

Page 23: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tutoring Do’s

Introduce yourself and wear a name tag Encourage students to focus on learning

“how to learn” Allow for periods of silence. Avoid

feeling like you have to interrupt silence by talking. Allow students to reflect on the subject at hand

When present as a tutor - be active, be busy with professional activities when not helping students

Page 24: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tutoring Don’ts Do not assume the role of the instructor. Do not think of yourself as the dispenser

of all truth and knowledge. Treat students as equals. If they want to know about your “upper level” courses, they will ask.

Do not judge someone’s ability or intellect based on appearance or age.

Page 25: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tutoring Don’ts

Do not let one student monopolize all of your time. Our goal is to enable students to “make it on their own.

Do not allow your students to just “scrape by.” Challenge them to reach for grades better than a “C”.

Do not work the students’ assignments for them! Explain math and grammar rules, assist students to generate their own ideas.

Page 26: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tutoring Don’ts

Do not introduce fancy ways you learned in your upper level classes to help solve their problems. Stick as close as possible to the textbook version and what you know of how the instructor presents the material.

Do not portray lackadaisical methods and attitudes. They discourage students from asking you for help.

Page 27: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Active Listening Your role as a tutor is multifaceted. Not only are you

expected to know what the student brings to you, but you should also be able to explain it in a way that the student can immediately understand.

Active listening demonstrates respect by giving the student your undivided attention. The makes the student feel important and communicates positive nonverbal signals such as EYE CONTACT POSTURE BODY LANGUAGE

Page 28: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Active Listening

Remember that how you ACT is often just as important as what you are tutoring or saying

If you are doing most of the talking, something is WRONG!

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Paraphrasing Paraphrasing communicates accurately what is heard

by reflecting what is said. Organize the tutees’ remarks into one concise statement involves listening to the tutees’ own concerns and then summarizing the problem . . Hopefully providing clarity for the tutee. “What I hear you saying is . . .” “You sound . . “ “It seems to me what you are saying is . . .” “It sounds to me like . . . “

Often when we summarize, the student has the chance to “review” what has been said.

Page 30: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tips For Tutors

Of course, BE FRIENDLY! Put the student at ease. No one can learn well when they are nervous.

Stay on target - accomplish what you came to do. Limit time for sessions - it is recommended that no

single session last more than one to one and one half hours.

Attempt to explain information in a variety of ways. REMEMBER - Learning Styles, we all learn in our

own “special” way - know the learning style of your student.

Page 31: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tips For Tutors

Don’t do your student’s homework for him/her - students usually come with a list of questions. You may be able to assist them in the learning process.

Look at student notes. . . They may contain errors that students have already memorized!

Watch your peer-student at work . . You may be able to catch processing errors or assist in acknowledging where mistakes happen.

Page 32: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tips For Tutors

Don’t be quick to correct student errors . . Have students explain answers, Right or Wrong. Often students answer questions other than the one you thought you asked.

Find ways to enliven the course material. Observe the students’ written work and their attitudes

toward errors. Students often know more than they have the courage to show. . . Perhaps out of the fear of being wrong!

Page 33: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tips For Tutors

Recognize that many students come to you to learn more about their courses. . . Not necessarily because they are failing in that course.

Never criticize an instructor, even by implication. You can “grump” about the book. But leave personalities out of it!

Page 34: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Tips For Tutors Try to create an atmosphere that is good for

study. This does not always mean that you have to whisper. An adult conversation acknowledges your willingness to help as well as your interest in the individual student.

Be supportive and encouraging. Don’t bluff. If you don’t know the answer, admit

it. Do not be ashamed. Go for assistance. It may take no more than just a quick review of the student’s textbook!

Page 35: PEER TUTOR TRAINING What do peer tutors need to know? Created by: Rhae Tullos, BSE,MS,CHD Pensacola Junior College

Beginning a Tutoring Session Greet the student when you first meet him/her and ask if help is

needed. It is OK to socialize the first few minutes of the session in order

to provide a relaxed, comfortable environment. Ask questions about the class in which they may need help. Be aware of students’ needs other than academic ones.

Student may have disabilities Learning Physical Psychological, Emotional Personal - Economic, Financial, Family, Etc.

Set goals for the session whenever possible.

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Ending a Tutoring Session Know when to end a tutoring session. End session on a positive note. Make your student feels good about something that

he/she accomplished during the session. Assess and review what you and your student have

accomplished during the session. Advise the tutee with strategies for working

independently. Remind your student that “help” is available if further

assistance is needed. Acknowledge that you are glad that your student

came in for help.

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Review Guidelines

The ultimate goal of a tutor is to help students help themselves!

Interpersonal tips Know the student’s name Be relaxed and friendly Provide “learning” environment

Concentrate on strengths Encourage student toward increasing

expectations End on a positive note

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Review Guidelines Technical Tips

Come prepared to work Begin where the tutee feels comfortable Check to make sure problem is copied correctly Read word problems out loud Tutor . . . don’t teach Do not do student’s work for them Help students find their own errors When possible, have student explain answers Listen . . . Listen . . . Listen !!! Be creative in your approach toward each individual


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Practical Application

Practice What YOU Have Learned!

Use the following peer tutoring situations to practice specific behaviors needed to be a successful peer tutor

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References Tips To Tutors - Content www.academic_support/guidelines.html

University of North

Learning and Teaching Resource

Glendale Community

Becoming a Master Student, Ellis: 11th Edition 2005, Houghton Mifflin Company

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References Middle Tennessee State University – Tutor Training Handbook

www.mtsu/~smcdanie/ACA_3000F/TutorTrainingHandbook.htm University of Idaho at Lewis-Clark University of California – authors David Hammer / Ann D. Holley National Association of Tutorial Services – Code of Ethics Mercer University – Academic Resource Guide

http://faculty,mercer,edu/simmerman_jj/TutorTraining/procedures City College of San Francisco Clayton State University – Morrow, GA Duke University – Peer Tutoring Program Pasadena City College The Master Tutor, McDonald, R. 2nd Edition, Cambridge Stratford, Limited,

2000, Williamsville, New York ISBN: 0-935-637-27-3