peel writing strategy: one paragraph responses & multi...

This product includes blank PEEL Organizers for short responses and multi-paragraph compositions. Also provided are Teacher Models, Sample Writing Responses, and a PEEL Digital Anchor Chart. Can be used in any grade level or content area classroom PEEL Writing Strategy: One Paragraph Responses & Multi- Paragraph Compositions Created by Stephanie M. Icenogle ©2013

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This product includes blank PEEL Organizers for short responses and multi-paragraph compositions. Also provided are Teacher Models, Sample Writing Responses, and a PEEL Digital Anchor Chart.

Can be used in any grade level or content

area classroom

PEEL Writing Strategy: One Paragraph

Responses & Multi-Paragraph Compositions

Created by Stephanie M. Icenogle ©2013

The following items are included in this product:

Blank Four Square Organizer

Blank PEEL Four Square Organizer

Blank PEEL Short Response Organizer

Teacher Models of Organizers

Sample Writing Responses

PEEL Digital Anchor Chart

If you have any questions or problems with downloading this file, please contact me at [email protected]

Created by Stephanie M. Icenogle ©2013

Thank you for downloading this file! I hope that it is as successful in your classroom as it has been in mine.

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Four Square Organizer

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Created by The Creative Classroom © 2013

Four Square Organizer-PEEL

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Body Paragraph #1 Point:



Link to Next Paragraph:

Body Paragraph #2 Point:



Link to Next Paragraph:

Body Paragraph #3 Point:



Link to Next Paragraph:

Conclusion Paragraph (Summarize your evidence/details of your writing composition.)

Created by The Creative Classroom © 2013

Four Square Organizer-PEEL

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Body Paragraph #1 Point:



Link to Next Paragraph:

Body Paragraph #2 Point:



Link to Next Paragraph:

Body Paragraph #3 Point:



Link to Next Paragraph:

Conclusion Paragraph (Summarize your evidence/details of your writing composition.)

I am against mandatory school uniforms because it restricts students’ freedom of expression, does not stop bullying, and does not reduce student discipline problems.

Restricts students’ freedom of expression

The First Amendment gives every person the freedom of self-expression.

Uniforms keep students from expressing themselves and their individuality and it can send a message that looking the same is normal.

Mandatory school uniforms cannot only restrict individuality but may also send the wrong message to students.

Does not stop bullying from happening

Even though all students are wearing the same clothes, students will find another reason to pick on students.

Students will still bully others about hairstyle, weight, or even the way they walk or talk.

Mandatory school uniforms will not completely eliminate all bullying from schools.

Does not reduce student discipline problems

Students have been wearing uniforms at Gonzales Middle School for at least ten years and discipline problems have not gone away.

Students will continue to get into fights, disrupt learning, and other negative behaviors regardless of what they wear.

It is absurd to think that clothing will change the behavior and thinking processes of students.

For these reasons, I believe that school uniforms should not be mandatory for students at Gonzales Middle School. The uniforms prevent students from expressing themselves and takes away their freedom of choice. In addition, the school uniforms do not stop teasing from occurring. Finally, mandatory school uniforms do not necessarily mean that student misbehavior will decrease or end. Take a chance and put the choice back in the students’ hands by making school uniforms optional.

Created by The Creative Classroom © 2013

Persuasive Letter Exemplar Model

Dear Ms. Charlet,

I am writing this letter to express my opposition to mandatory school uniforms at Gonzales Middle

School. Mandatory school uniforms may have been established for a good reason, but is it really the best

solution to fix problems? Like many others who oppose school uniforms, I believe that uniforms are just a temporary fix to make things look better. The reasons that I am against school uniforms for public education

students are that it restricts students’ freedom to express themselves, does not stop bullying from

happening, and does not reduce the amount of student discipline problems.

The first reason that I am against mandatory school uniforms for students at Gonzales Middle School is that uniforms keep students from being able to express their own individuality. The First Amendment gives

every person the freedom of self-expression. By limiting a student’s First Amendment rights, a school will

also be limiting a student’s individuality and identity discoveries that most students experience during the

middle school years. In addition, by not allowing students to express their individuality it may send the

message that looking the same is normal and the only acceptable way to be. As you can see, mandatory school uniforms cannot only restrict students’ individuality but may also send the wrong message to


Furthermore, the second reason that I am against school uniforms is that uniforms do not stop bullying

in schools. Many supporters of school uniforms argue that by making students all wear the same thing, that it stops bullying from happening; however, that’s not true. Even if all students are wearing the same clothes,

students will find another reason to bully or pick on students. For example, many students will tease others

about hairstyles, weight, or even the way someone walks or talks. Just because you eliminate one source of

bullying by enforcing school uniforms does not mean that all bullying will be gone from Gonzales Middle School.

Lastly, the final reason that I am against school uniforms is that the uniforms do not reduce the amount

of student discipline problems. There is no proven evidence that making a student wear a school uniform will

alter the way that child feels or handles situations. Students have been wearing school uniforms at Gonzales

Middle School for at least ten years and there are daily discipline problems on campus. Students will continue to get in fights, disrupt learning in the classroom, and other negative behaviors regardless of

whether they are in school uniforms or regular clothes. It is absurd to think that clothing will change the

behavior and thinking processes of students.

For these reasons, I believe that school uniforms should not be mandatory for students at Gonzales Middle School. The uniforms prevent students from expressing themselves and takes away their freedom of

choice. In addition, the school uniforms do not stop teasing from occurring. Finally, mandatory school

uniforms do not necessarily mean that student misbehavior will decrease or end. Take a chance and put the

choice back in the students’ hands by making school uniforms optional.

Thank you, Stephanie M. Harpole

Created by The Creative Classroom © 2013

PEEL Pre-writing Organizer

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________


Evidence: #1



Explanation: #1



Link back to your Position (Summarize):

Directions: Complete this pre-writing organizer to organize your thoughts before you begin writing your argument.

Created by The Creative Classroom © 2013

PEEL Pre-writing Organizer

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Position: Youtube is to blame for the dangerous stunts videos on the website.

Evidence: #1 According to the article, a fifteen year old boy wanted to be an Internet celebrity so he set a basketball on fire and accidentally set himself on fire. (TC)

#2 Furthermore, many teens and young adults often mimic the videos that they see on Youtube. (TC)

#3 Many teens and young adults do not think of the consequences of the stunt videos and just see a chance to be entertained or entertain others. “Youtube has taken the one-upsmanship of playing in the neighborhood to a global level...The peer pressure is greatly increased, because now we can see what others are doing around the world.”

Explanation: #1 If Youtube banned dangerous videos, then this boy would not have tried such a dangerous stunt just to become an Internet celebrity.

#2 This can lead to serious injuries and even death in certain situations.

#3 This peer pressure caused by the presence of the videos on Youtube.

Link back to your Position (Summarize): For these reasons, I believe that Youtube should create tougher standards for the videos being uploaded to the website and ban all dangerous stunt videos from the website.

Directions: Complete this pre-writing organizer to organize your thoughts before you begin writing your argument.

Created by The Creative Classroom © 2013

Food for Thought Teacher Model (I DO)

I believe that Youtube should ban stunt videos because of the dangerous consequences that have occurred. According to the article “You Danger”, a fifteen year old boy set a basketball on fire in hopes of becoming an Internet celebrity; instead, his clothing caught on fire and he suffered serious burns all over his body. If Youtube banned dangerous videos, then this boy would not have tried such a dangerous stunt just to become an internet celebrity. Furthermore, it is no secret that many teenagers and young adults often mimic the videos that they see on Youtube. This can lead to serious injuries and even death in some cases. In addition, the presence of the stunt videos on Youtube can make it increasingly difficult for some to say no to performing the dangerous stunts. The author states that “Youtube has taken the one-upsmanship of playing in the neighborhood to a global level...the peer pressure is greatly increased because now we can see what others are going around the world.” Without the presence of Youtube, there would not be as much peer pressure on young people to perform such extreme stunts. For these reasons, I believe that Youtube should create tougher standards for the videos being uploaded to the website and ban all dangerous stunt videos from the website.

Food for Thought Teacher Model (I DO)

I believe that Youtube should ban stunt videos because of the dangerous consequences that have occurred. According to the article “You Danger”, a fifteen year old boy set a basketball on fire in hopes of becoming an Internet celebrity; instead, his clothing caught on fire and he suffered serious burns all over his body. If Youtube banned dangerous videos, then this boy would not have tried such a dangerous stunt just to become an internet celebrity. Furthermore, it is no secret that many teenagers and young adults often mimic the videos that they see on Youtube. This can lead to serious injuries and even death in some cases. In addition, the presence of the stunt videos on Youtube can make it increasingly difficult for some to say no to performing the dangerous stunts. The author states that “Youtube has taken the one-upsmanship of playing in the neighborhood to a global level...the peer pressure is greatly increased because now we can see what others are going around the world.” Without the presence of Youtube, there would not be as much peer pressure on young people to perform such extreme stunts. For these reasons, I believe that Youtube should create tougher standards for the videos being uploaded to the website and ban all dangerous stunt videos from the website.

Created by The Creative Classroom © 2013

PEEL Writing Strategy Your Paragraph should include: Point/Purpose/Position Evidence

Explanation Link back to the question.

Back it up: Support your point, purpose, or position with evidence

and examples.

Explain how your evidence and examples support your point,

purpose, or position.

Created by The Creative Classroom © 2013

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