peddie school viewbook

Everyday Courage

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An overview of life at Peddie


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Everyday Courage

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It takes courage to:

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pursue excellencesee both sideswork in a university labtravel to new worldsbe a roommatetake the leadperform on stagekeep the Cupserve the vulnerabledo the right thingbreak your own recordsimagine solutionsgive backbe yourself

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At Peddie, you can be courageous every day.

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A Curriculum for Courage

Peddie students are some of the brightest and most talented in the world, distinguished by their excitement, curiosity and character. We challenge these remarkable young people to reach new levels of achievement in all areas of their lives, teaching them always to strive for excellence. Our warm, open culture creates an environment where students engage in rigorous preparation for college while practicing enduring values.

Among these values is courage — the quality that inspires students to explore new ideas, create imaginative solutions, give and receive help, make difficult decisions and grow into confident, compassionate adults who are prepared to lead. Our curriculum develops courage through classic foundations and innovative approaches designed to meet the demands of an ever-changing world.

The Peddie faculty bring this curriculum to life. Equally passionate about their academic disciplines and about teaching and mentoring students, they foster the strong relationships with students that make learning as natural as breathing.


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Learning to Experiment and Apply Science and mathematics at Peddie are “real” in every sense. With our wireless campus and one-to-one laptop program, students gain appreciation for these disciplines through the integration of significant laboratory experiences and the use of advanced equipment and technologies. Many of these opportunities are more typically found in college environments, including multivariable calculus, linear algebra and electives like Game Theory and Mathematics Research. Our students apply scientific and mathematical methods to better understand today’s complex world.

Our approach to science and mathematics yields results. For the past 5 years, more than 98 percent of the students who took the AP Calculus BC exam received a 4 or 5; more than 97 percent of students who took the AP Biology exam scored a 4 or 5; and 100 percent of students who took the AP Physics C exam scored a 4 or 5.


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Student Perspective

“I was well prepared for the Duke lab because I’d read scientific papers and learned lab procedures and computer analysis at Peddie. The big difference was not having an idea of what the final results should be. In a high school lab, if you don’t get the results you expect, you know you’ve done something wrong. In the Duke lab, I found something I hadn’t anticipated, but that was a good thing. I liked being able to figure out how this unexpected result fit into the context of everything I already understood.”

Brynne Follman Yale University ’17

Faculty Perspective

“It’s one thing to read a textbook or conduct an experiment in a classroom lab. It’s quite another to work in a real lab for eight hours a day over the course of five weeks. EXP students learn how science is really done, how a lab works and how to communicate with other scientists. When they come back to Peddie after the summer, they know more than anyone else on campus about their subject and have opportunities to present their work to the wider community. That’s a powerful experience.”

Science Department Chair Dr. Shani Peretz Ph.D. in genetics, Yale University

EXP Research Science Program Part of the Signature Experience @Peddie, EXP is a cooperative educational experience for some of Peddie’s most engaged and talented science students, combining two semesters of preparation at Peddie with at least five weeks of summer work experience in a top-flight university or private laboratory. EXP students have worked directly with faculty at Columbia, Duke, Princeton, Rutgers and the University of Pennsylvania. In fact, many of them have been recognized as contributors to articles in scientific journals.

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Reading, Writing and Critical ThinkingWe emphasize English and history because they fire the imagination with stories that connect us with people from different times and experiences, and with our own humanity. Studying these subjects trains students to be critical and engaged readers, analytical and open-minded explorers and highly accomplished writers. Our curriculum in these areas is challenging — for example, Junior English is an AP-level course.

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The Summer Signature Experience program represents an important step toward academic independence for Peddie students. Under the guidance of a faculty director, selected students devote a portion of their junior year to developing their intellectual passions and dreams into off-campus projects, and then spend the summer seeing these projects through in real-world settings. Upon their return, students write on the signifi-cance of their work, present their experience to an interested segment of the community during the winter term and “return to Peddie” some artifact from their experience. The Summer Signature Experience is included on a student’s permanent record and transcript.

Extraordinary Experiences Beyond a rigorous core academic program, Peddie offers juniors and seniors the chance to pursue their individual intellectual passions outside the classroom in collaboration with faculty members.

Recent Signature Experience projects include:

Lost Children in Jaibon: Ironies in Child Development in the Dominican Republic

The People of Franklin Park: A Documentary on the Lives of the Homeless in D.C.

On the Edge in Culebra: Shepherding Sea Turtles, Shoreline, and a Motley Community

“Parthenomics” in Greece: The Cost of Classic Art in the Modern World

Deserving Credit in Bangladesh: On the Ground with Grameen Bank in Dhaka

Structural Engineering in Vancouver: Designing Stability into a Toronto High-Rise

A Playwright’s Journey: Learning the Craft, Living the Writer’s Life

Writing is emphasized across the entire Peddie curriculum. This intensive experience in writing prepares students exceptionally well for college-level work in all fields of study. Peddie alumna Monique Sterling recounts how one of her first-year college professors asked her where she went to high school: “I told her Peddie, and she said that I should write to the English Department and say thank you, because I was already an excellent writer.”


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The Power of LanguagesLanguages take us places we could not otherwise go — inside other cultures. The four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing enable us to communicate with others and better understand their societies. Language study at Peddie makes students appreciate the connections between language and culture and realize their place in the world. We extend our language curriculum through our membership in the School Year Abroad consortium, which gives our students the opportunity to study in France, Italy, Spain and China.

Peddie offers four years of study in Chinese, French, Latin and Spanish. Each language has AP or honors options, and often both, together with cultural studies courses in Chinese and Spanish.


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Peddie students are future leaders. An under-standing of Asia, and particularly of China and India, is essential to their success in many of the fields they will pursue. Our Asian Studies Program highlights our commitment to preparing our students to understand the complexities of globalization.

This endowed program provides the opportunity for significant interdisciplinary study of Asia and is distinctive for its dual emphasis on China and India. It combines language and history classes with sister-school exchanges and travel

in multiple countries. A culminating project enables students to reflect on and synthesize these experiences into a coherent whole.

As Brad Nicholson, co-director of Asian Studies, explains, “Twenty years from now, today’s students are going to be working together in high-level corporate, research and educational positions. Our exchange programs instill in students the courage and confidence they will need to build these relationships in their professional lives.”

Understanding Asia

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The Artist in All of UsWe believe that all students can develop the skills and creative spirit essential to making art. All freshmen are immersed in foundational courses in the arts with teachers who are also working artists. Students can then apply what they learn to art electives. Those who wish to aim higher can build their own portfolios in Honors Studio Art or produce and direct one-act plays in Honors Theater Ensemble. The Peddie Chorus and Orchestra are for-credit classes, and these ensembles are complemented by courses in music theory and opportunities for performance and study throughout the year. Our Arts Signature Experience gives students expanded opportunities for growth by integrating summer programs with arts courses, events and performances during the academic year.

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While the arts are a vital part of our curriculum, they don’t stop at the end of the school day. In the evenings, singers, musicians and actors are busy with rehearsals, while visual arts students work on projects or hang shows in the Mariboe Gallery. The academic year is marked by numerous art exhibitions, concerts and theater productions. One of the most anticipated events is the winter musical, with recent productions including Thoroughly Modern Millie, Into the Woods and Guys and Dolls.


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There’s something about Peddie…

I’ve learned to love history, and I’ve improved so much as a writer. Still, nothing makes me happier than being a Dynasty leader — the passion we have in each dance move is irrefutable.BRIDGET ADARkWA

At Peddie, I’ve bonded with people from New Jersey to Cameroon. My experience here has taught me that I have so many more lessons to learn, people to meet, perspectives to be altered and fun times ahead!JONAh BROOkS

Coming from St. Lucia and the British-influenced educational system, I’m excited by how many more opportunities I’ve had at Peddie — EXP research, history and international studies, and swimming.JOShUA DANIEL

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I’ve grown immensely as a singer and actor. And by collaborating with my friend Nathan Tempro, I’ve come out of my shell about vocal solos. I’ll take that confidence with me to Georgetown.DANIEL BRELAND

In American Literature, we read A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and our incredible discussions made me realize my passion for English, which I had not seriously considered before.TULLY MOYER

Peddie is all about balance. I’m immersed in science, but I also love literature, playing in the orchestra for the musical and being a prefect in a freshman dorm. Now I’m heading to Duke for engineering.XIATING ChEN

When I first started rowing, I had no idea I would become so enthralled by the camaraderie, challenges and excellent advice from our coach, with her Olympic experience. And now I’m the team captain!JACkIE MCGRATh

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Feels Like Family

At Peddie, serious academics and a warm, friendly community atmosphere exist in harmony. Campus life feels a lot like family life, for both day and boarding students.

In significant ways, Peddie is a family. Ninety percent of our faculty and their families live on campus, acting as role models and also getting to know students as individuals. Twice each week, family-style dinners bring the students, adults and children of our community together for a meal and conversation. Other events — including community meetings and the Chapel Program — punctuate the week with home-like rhythms.

Because of this culture, community life is vibrant. At Peddie, students become fully immersed with friends from many groups — the dorm, the team, the performance group, the lab. It’s often difficult to distinguish day students from boarders, since day students are regularly on campus well into the evenings and throughout the weekends.

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It all comes together on center campus

Can’t decide: work out, or finish history report?

A beeline to dNA lab

Planning touch football victory

It’s a family kind of place

A friendly debate

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Center campus between classes is Peddie in microcosm. Everyone has a clear direction. Hustling off to class, to the dining hall, to the gym or dorm, we take the time to look one another in the eye and say hello. There’s a lot of talk, a lot of laughter. You can feel the energy.

A beeline to dNA lab

It’s a family kind of place

On a mission

Could climb Everest with this pack

What’s for lunch?

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“What I like most about Peddie is the community. Because so many teachers live right on campus, you don’t see them just in the classroom. You get to know them on the playing fields or in the theater or in your dorm. I know I’m always welcome at my advisor’s house.

Academics here are challenging, but I like the way I’m learning to think. U.S. history is my favorite class; calculus is a bit of a struggle, but I’ve learned how to advocate for myself when I need extra help. It’s made me realize that not everything is going to be easy, and that I have to work harder in certain areas.

I’ve always been someone people can talk to, and as a prefect, I enjoy being a role model for ninth-grade girls. They can depend on me, and I have a real impact, helping them decide who they are and what they want to do with their Peddie careers.

I’m not very athletic, but I’m Peddie’s number one fan. I’m always there to cheer on our teams, especially girls’ soccer. I love theater, both as an actor and a stage manager. I feel good knowing that Peddie athletes will be there for me when I’m doing theater or something else on campus.”

Morgan spivey

President, Blue key Society

Gold key Society

Two-year Prefect

Dynasty (dance club)

The Nest (school spirit club)

Two-year Multicultural Alliance Leader

Recipient of Certificate of Achievement from Princeton Prize for Race Relations

Peddie 150th Committee (one of two student members)

Service trip to Dominican Republic


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Stepping Up We believe that leadership requires a sound ethical framework and a commitment to public service. Peddie students, along with faculty, staff and parents, have a keen sense of responsibility to others and the creativity to make service effective and rewarding.

Throughout the year, Peddie students devote significant amounts of time to helping our neighboring communities. They lead food drives, tutor children, assist the elderly, build homes with the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity and rebuild sand dunes by hauling donated Christmas trees into trenches along the shoreline of a local state park. A highlight of the year is the annual Community Day, when local children visit our campus for a student-organized carnival. Responding to the need for global leadership, we have service opportunities in other countries over the summer and during spring break. By the time our students graduate, serving others has become a consistent and intuitive part of their lives.




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Why it matters

“I thought the bike trip would focus on physical challenges, and that students would be competi-tive. I pictured the faculty as always giving us directions. I thought that the only learning we would do would be in places such as Gettysburg and Washington, D.C. I was completely wrong.

Cycling for miles and miles is not easy, but I learned so much. Every single day of riding was a new experience. There were no distractions or constraints, and no air conditioning. Instead, I could feel the summer weather and the tempera-ture changes. I had a front-row seat to whatever was to be seen.

There were many daily material items that we were deprived of. Sure, they were simple things that you could live without for 7 days, but it opened my eyes to the larger, even greater things to be thankful for. My parents remind me of the first thing I said to them after returning: ‘After this, I can do anything!’”

Samantha Myers

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Our Incredible JourneyEvery June, another incredible journey begins — Peddie’s legendary 7-day sophomore bike trip from campus to the U.S. Capitol. Like all great adventures, the trip is as much an inner journey as an outer one.

Where we goSome 250 miles through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. The trip takes us to some of the most important sites in American history, including harper’s Ferry and Gettysburg, and through countryside that most modern Americans have never experienced. It’s also an interdisciplinary enterprise, combining history with English, writing, geography, government and environmental science.

What we do“Each day begins with breakfast, breaking camp, a route meeting, and, just prior to departure, the ‘Rumination,’ or question of the day. A typical Rumination: ‘Does the land make the people, or do the people make the land?’ Cycling through the morning, stopping for a leisurely lunch along the road, we generally arrive at our campsite by midafternoon. The day’s food crew departs either after lunch or on arrival at camp to shop for that evening’s dinner, and the next day’s breakfast and lunch. Others enjoy the campsite, spending time making camp, writing in journals or comparing notes on the day’s trip. Dinner is a focus for everyone, and evening campfires, and the stories, songs and camaraderie they engender, finish the day. The next morning, we happily do it again!”

— PJ Clements, English teacher and leader of bike trip Read more at:


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Playing to Win — and to Learn At Peddie, athletics are an integral part of the overall learning experience and a true extension of the classroom. The program provides a broad range of opportunities for students to undertake new challenges and develop their talents. They can begin a new sport and make a team or hone their skills at the highest level of competition. Our athletic facilities, some of the finest among secondary schools nationwide, are the ideal setting to inspire student-athletes. In 200 we opened a new, state-of-the-art aquatic center, an all-weather synthetic turf field and a ,20 square-foot fitness center, where our strength and conditioning coach works with the entire community.

Peddie fields more than 40 interscholastic teams representing sports. We compete in the Mid-Atlantic Prep League and against local public and parochial high schools. In addition to leading their teams to league and state championships, numerous Peddie athletes have garnered All-American honors and excelled in Division I collegiate athletics. A select few have even gone on to earn Olympic gold medals and compete professionally.

Read more, including achievements of our teams, at:

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“Coming to Peddie to play soccer and lacrosse was a challenge, but one I’d been dreaming about since the fourth grade, when I first learned about Peddie. I’m pretty driven, but I had to learn quickly how to manage my time. Peddie helped me keep my priorities straight, and I was able to find a good balance between academics and athletics — the discipline I learned on the field helps me in the classroom. Last year, I liked math and science best, and this year I love history and English. I’m even taking creative writing, which I never dreamed would interest me.

During my sophomore year, I started to focus more on lacrosse and trained intensively at camps. That hard work paid off because now I’m headed to UVA to play lacrosse. In lacrosse, I have to listen very carefully to what my goalkeeper is telling me. That’s different from soccer, where I’m the one giving the advice. I like the sense of control that lacrosse gives me, and I enjoy the pressure of competition, trying to snag the draw or score the goal that wins the game.

There are so many people here who care about me and my future — my teachers, my coaches, my friends. That’s a great feeling that I don’t think I could have gotten anywhere but Peddie.”

daniela Kelly

College choice: University of Virginia

Gold key Society

Blue key Tour Guide

Christensen Speaker Series

Captain, Peddie Varsity Lacrosse

Starting Goalie, Peddie Varsity Soccer

Under Armour Lacrosse Underclass All American-NJ Tournament Finalist

Athletic Excellence


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Our NeighborhoodOur campus is located in the suburban community of Hightstown, New Jersey, just miles from Princeton University and all it has to offer, but our neighborhood extends north to New York City and south to Philadelphia. Each of these great cities is just 0 miles from campus, extending the scope of our classrooms and our weekend activities alike. Arts classes regularly tour world-class museums, attend concerts by major orchestras and see Broadway shows. Science classes explore museums and centers devoted to science and technology. U.S. history comes alive on trips to Independence Hall, Valley Forge and Ellis Island. Faculty and students annually celebrate Chinese New Year in New York’s Chinatown.

Artists, writers and musicians regularly visit our easy-to-reach campus to give performances, master classes and readings. The Christensen Speaker Series hosts noted, dynamic speakers from the worlds of culture, politics, sciences, media or sports. In Ayer Memorial Chapel, the Peddie community has heard from many distinguished speakers, including former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Colin Powell.


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“China has always fascinated me. At Peddie, I took four years of Chinese and participated in the exchange program with our sister school in Shanghai. With this preparation, I was able to begin Chinese at UNC at an advanced level, giving me the chance to dig deeper into the problems that China is facing now and the future of Chinese-U.S. relations. I also enjoyed math and social sciences at Peddie, and I’ve decided to major in economics with a business minor.

My college counselor at Peddie encouraged me to apply for the Morehead-Cain. I didn’t know about it, and UNC wasn’t on my original college list, but I trusted that Peddie would always steer me in the right direction. I was ecstatic when I was accepted, and it’s even better than I imagined.

During my first Morehead-Cain summer, after I graduated from Peddie, I participated in a national outdoor leadership program in Wyoming. I spent the next summer teaching at three different schools in hunan Province, and this summer I’ll be working at an environmental nongovernmental organization in hong kong. The opportunities during the school year are equally amazing.”

JR (John Raphael) Rodrigo

At Peddie

Potter Scholar

Studied Chinese for four years

Participant in Asian Studies Exchange Program

keynote Speaker (in Chinese) for welcome ceremony at EFZ School

head Student Council class representative (four years)

Editor-in-chief, Peddie News

Member of Peddie Chorus, acaFellas, Peddie Singers

Peddie Varsity Golf

At The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Admitted as a Morehead-Cain Scholar. Only at UNC Chapel hill, the Morehead-Cain is the first merit scholarship program established in the United States. It fully funds each scholar for four academic years and four summers of customized learning experiences. Morehead-Cain alumni form a worldwide and lifelong network of connection and support.

Extraordinary Opportunity

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“I’m the oldest child in my family, so the college search process seemed overwhelming to my parents and me — until I started working with my college counselor. Immediately, I was calmed by the atmosphere in the office and the help I got in narrowing and focusing my list so that I knew I would be happy at any of the schools I applied to.

Every Step of the WayAt Peddie, our goal is to help all students find the best match in a college or university. We look for the right fit in academics, athletics and campus life, and we work with our students through every step of the college selection process.

Our process is family-friendly. We begin working with parents and students during the junior year, often introducing them to colleges they might not otherwise have considered. We smooth the path by working with each student individually to create lists, edit essays and prepare for interviews. We’re here to celebrate with students as their acceptances come in and to help families evaluate their options.

It was the same with all the other steps. My counselor became almost a part of my family during the process, far beyond what we expected. In the end, it came down to a choice between Georgetown and Duke — and now I’m thrilled to be going to Duke.”Megan McSherry

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University of Pennsylvania (55)The George Washington University (48)Cornell University (45)New York University (37)Carnegie Mellon University (35)United States Naval Academy (35)Boston College (30)Lehigh University (29)Villanova University (29)Georgetown University (28)Johns hopkins University (28)Columbia University (26)Bucknell University (25)Princeton University (25)Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey at New Brunswick (24)University of Southern California (23)Boston University (22)College of William and Mary (22)University of Richmond (22)The College of New Jersey (20)Vanderbilt University (19)Yale University (17)Brown University (16)Franklin and Marshall College (16)University of Miami (16)kenyon College (15)Northeastern University (15)Duke University (14)Washington University in St. Louis (14)harvard University (13)haverford College (13)Lafayette College (13)University of Chicago (13)Gettysburg College (12)Tufts University (12)University of Rochester (12)Wellesley College (12)Colgate University (11)Davidson College (11)Trinity College (11)Union College (11)Babson College (10)Emory University (10)hamilton College (10)Stanford University (10)Tulane University (10)Dickinson College (9)Elon University (9)Loyola University Maryland (9)Muhlenberg College (9)Northwestern University (9)Rhodes College (9)Stevens Institute of Technology (9)University of Notre Dame (9)Ursinus College (9)Connecticut College (8)

Fordham University (8)Susquehanna University (8)University of Virginia (8)Barnard College (7)Bates College (7)Dartmouth College (7)Drexel University (7)Indiana University at Bloomington (7)Skidmore College (7)University of Delaware (7))American University (6)Bentley University (6)Bryn Mawr College (6)Rider University (6)Swarthmore College (6)University of Michigan (6)Vassar College (6)Wesleyan University (6)Williams College (6)Auburn University (5)Colby College (5)Mount holyoke College (5)Rollins College (5)Syracuse University (5)University of St. Andrews (Scotland) (5)Wagner College (5)Drew University (4)Flagler College (4)hobart and William Smith Colleges (4)James Madison University (4)Middlebury College (4)Purdue University (4)Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (4)Rowan University (4)Southern Methodist University (4)The University of North Carolina at Chapel hill (4)United States Military Academy (4)University of California at Los Angeles (4)University of Maryland, College Park (4)Wake Forest University (4)Wheaton College (Massachusetts) (4)Allegheny College (3)Brandeis University (3)Bryant University (3)Case Western Reserve University (3)DePaul University (3)Florida State University (3)Furman University (3)Ithaca College (3)Juniata College (3)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (3)Pennsylvania State University, University Park (3)Reed College (3)Rhode Island School of Design (3)Roanoke College (3)

Saint Joseph’s University (3)Sarah Lawrence College (3)Seton hall University (3)Smith College (3)St. Lawrence University (3)United States Air Force Academy (3)United States Coast Guard Academy (3)University of California at Berkeley (3)University of hartford (3)University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (3)University of Mary Washington (3)University of Pittsburgh (3)Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (3)Washington and Lee University (3)Washington College (3)Albright College (2)Amherst College (2)Bard College (2)Berklee College of Music (2)Bowdoin College (2)College of Charleston (2)College of the holy Cross (2)College Prep Year (2)Denison University (2)Fairfield University (2)Goucher College (2)Grinnell College (2)Iona College (2)Manhattanville College (2)Monmouth University (2)Norfolk State University (2)Oberlin College (2)Occidental College (2)Oxford College of Emory University (2)Providence College (2)Quinnipiac University (2)Rice University (2)Sacred heart University (2)School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2)Simmons College (2)Springfield College (2)St. John’s University, Queens Campus (2)Temple University (2)The College of Wooster (2)The University of Arizona (2)The University of Scranton (2)The University of Tampa (2)The University of Texas, Austin (2)Trinity University (2)United States Merchant Marine Academy (2)University of Florida (2)University of Tennessee, knoxville (2)University of Toronto (2)Washington and Jefferson College (2)West Virginia University (2)

Beyond Peddie Our graduates go on to study at some of the finest colleges and universities in the world. Listed below are the schools at which two or more Peddie graduates matriculated between 200 and 20.

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Applying to PeddieThere’s an unmistakable feeling of vitality and friendliness on our campus. These qualities are passed along from class to class and generation to generation because Peddie enrolls a diverse group of young people who distinguish themselves by their excitement about ideas, intellectual curiosity, strength of character and enthusiasm about contributing to the life of our community. These are the students who can benefit most from what we offer in academics, athletics and all aspects of campus life.

To find the right students for Peddie, we have an admissions process that includes a completed application with transcripts and three recommendations from teachers, standardized testing and a campus tour and personal interview.

Read more at:

visiting the campus

We are eager to welcome you to our campus. Families who are considering Peddie always enjoy meeting faculty and students; seeing our academic, arts and athletic facilities; and learning more about our community. A visit to campus is the best way to know that Peddie is right for you. Please contact the Office of Admission to schedule your visit.

Our approach to financial aid

To bring the very best students to Peddie, applicants are evaluated for admission based on their academic and personal strengths, regardless of their families’ ability to pay. Approximately 40 percent of our students receive aid totaling more than $ million annually. The majority of this aid is awarded based on a family’s ability to pay.

Need-based aid. To assess financial need, we require families to submit a Parent Financial Statement and other financial information to the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS).

Merit-based aid. In addition to need-based aid, Peddie offers merit-based aid programs to entering students on a competitive basis. Each year, we consider all applicants for several Potter Scholarships, given to students who demonstrate unusual personal and academic promise. Applicants may apply for The Annenberg Scholarship, a full-tuition scholarship awarded to an entering student who has shown extraor-dinary qualities of citizenship and service and exhibits great potential for leadership at Peddie.

Read more at:


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Contact usTo schedule a campus visit or learn more about admission and financial aid at Peddie, please contact:

Office of Admission 609-944-7501 telephone [email protected] 609-944-7901 fax

Peddie School 201 South Main Street

hightstown, NJ 08520-3349

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Meeting the Peddie ChallengeEach year, 140 seniors leave Peddie to “begin their labors anew” at the world’s most selective colleges and universities. None of them leaves as quite the same person who arrived here. They have all sought new heights during their Peddie years; they have all contributed something distinctive and important to the school and to their peers; they have all been inspired by their teachers and classmates to step outside of the familiar and the comfortable confines of proven success. In short, they have met the Peddie challenge. And in doing so, they have become exceptionally well prepared for college, and for life as leading citizens.

The faculty is extravagant in its attention to and expectations of our students. Our teachers motivate their students to distinguish themselves not only by what they already do well, but also by what they are ready to learn to do well.

Our students meet the Peddie challenge because of the instruction and inspiration of their teachers and the genuine encouragement of their peers. Each year, new students join the school by demonstrating something more than strong grades and test scores; they bring a remarkable combination of excitement, curiosity, and character to our community. These qualities are highlighted in the mission of Peddie and define our school.

Despite being among the most selective and well-established secondary schools in the country, Peddie is inviting rather than intimidating. The school’s location, history of diversity and inclusion, broad and challenging curriculum, active student life and democratic informality mean that Peddie appeals to those who seek an aristocracy of achievement, rather than one of entitlement.

And now, let me invite you for a visit; nothing else is as vivid and exciting. No publication can capture the magnetic energy of our students and the engaging commitment of our faculty. No website can replicate our atmosphere. Nothing except being here can make Peddie’s transformational impact clear. I hope to meet you when you visit.


Peter Quinn Head of School

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Peddie School Profile

Founded in 1864.

listed as one of the 12 most selective boarding schools in the nation by, a New york Times Company-owned website.

Enrolls approximately 550 young men and women as boarding and day students in Grades 9 through 12, including a postgraduate year option. students are 65% boarding, 35% day.

longstanding commitment to need-based financial aid, with significant aid resources for a school of its size; 40% of students receive need-based aid totaling $6 million annually.

student-to-faculty ratio: 6:1; average class size: 12.

Faculty of highly experienced teachers, 75% with advanced degrees in their field; 90% live on campus.

150 academic courses, including honors and Advanced Placement courses in 34 subject areas.

Campus: 57 buildings (and an 18 hole golf course) on 280 acres.

located in Hightstown, New Jersey, 8 miles from Princeton and approximately 50 miles from New york City and Philadelphia; convenient to major highways and airports.

According to an article published in The New York Times, our endowment ranks among the top ten boarding schools in the u.s.

Accreditation: Middle states Association of Colleges and schools.

Admits qualified candidates without regard to gender, race, religion, nation-ality, sexual orientation, impairment, or financial circumstances, resulting in a diverse community of students who excel; approximately 25 u.s. states and 30 countries represented.


Page 45: Peddie School Viewbook

Design Carter Halliday Associates

Copy Susan Geib/Written Work

Principal photography Bob Handelman

Additional photography Jim Inverso, Nick Kelsh, John Madere, Jon Roemer

Produced by Peddie School

Page 46: Peddie School Viewbook

Peddie School 201 South Main Street Hightstown, NJ 08520-3349

609-944-7501 [email protected]