peace researcher vol2 issue19-20 novdec 1999

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    Lve' em nd eve' em - US Nvy egcy

    (see page 2)

    Thi chld, one of many lke hm was athered by a U Navy evceman om Opeaton DeepFeeze. Hs mum's appeas o hep n the U have been met wth ence he U Navy andgovenment dont want to know (NZ Herald Photo/John McCombe)

    Pease note: This is a double issue (1920) which incudes artices compied for thefa to issues of 1999 We apoogise for the ate pubication of eace Researcher.

    th e:

    Operaton Deep Freeze - the US avy's hidden egacyA equest to the U Embassy fom the Unanowedged Amercan lden GopA houdy wns ase aganst IWahopa Austalan TV doumentary takes a new !ooGoeet efuses to abosh the GBK spes ht fo a [M 6lppnes enate atfes VFA wth U Governmentew eaad een to sel warpanes to Phppnes

    A pets nton state dnneook Revewstuaresonatos om on Curnow TustAA ganse epo1d atelte pY1g" - AB ett to anddatesahopa pyase otest, anuary












  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    We make his sbmission o he Unied Saes

    Govemen o of friendship o he UniedSaes and wih convicion ha is Govemenhas he poenial o ameiorae he disresswhich we have sered.

    hs sbissi is ade t the Uited Statesbass i ew Zealad i the idetexpetati that the bass will be -peative ihelpig hilde US seviee wh ae wabset athes t ahieve thei easableabitis

    heses abtis ae t idetial.

    Bt shaed expeiee asthes ad hilde is thatiese beaati ad legalhdles have appeaed ad havedeeated s. Plig idividalexpeies we have tatedad t bee satisied b

    + Castgad ates+ Cissie Sial Seit alad+ Depatet Health ad Sial Sevie+ Depatet Health ad Rehablitative


    + ilita Pesel aageet Depatet Deese Was higt+ atial Sevie Reds Cete St is+ ew Zealad Red Css+ Opeati Deep Feeze Depatet the

    av, Chisthh+ he Petag, Washigt Pivate lates ad detetives+ Sliits i the US ad ew Zealad+ US Cslate Aklad US bass Wellgt+ US ilitay bases i the Uited States+ US Pai Fleet Headqates Hawaii

    ths pess the US Gveet has seeed tpla a etal le. he US ilita has geealltied t ptet its ebes ad eptati We aevied that the Uited States i s apable bettethat th is th is spt we peset ths sbissi

    We aept that we will eed t aess pivate legalhelp bth ew Zealad ad the USA i we ae tpse aspets se lais

    Aess U iizens hip and passp hseeliile y iue hain an Aeian ahe

    he pdt a pehesive witteexplaati the te t be take i the a

    pak ildig pies all elevat detati

    t be pletedhe pvisi atve -peati t pletesh detat ildig diet liais wth keUited States ageies sh as the Depatet Health ad Rehabilitative Seves

    Aess supp shes pided dependens hse wh seed in he U


    O the bass p pateit beg pvdedaess t sh shees eg

    DRS t b e pvided.uppr aess Unied aes

    ur pedues

    e et detati btaied the pvis l

    iat advie ad sppt eg theUited States edeal ad state t sstes saxiisig the likelhd btag etdetati ad ahievig paet hildsppt

    Aie help ake na wih he ahe i heis sill in he Unied aes iliay

    he bass t vesee a hek t be detakei all sitatis whee the athe ld easibl still besevig the ilita t see i he is.

    he is US Depatet Deese t tat thea t expla the sitati he the Uted Statesilita athities t ake eve attept sgtstadg ights t ilita beeits as a leve tese that the a aepts legal espsibilit havig atheed a hild, ad pletes all elevat

    paperwk. he the athities shld -peatell i esig that he pas hld sppt eqied

    Cna wih ahe i n lne in he ilia

    US lita t det the sal seit be all e vlved the basis at sppledb thei hilde ad iat availabe i iltaeds

    he US Csse Sal Set at eegive the hataia ate the issi t

    wad a pakage t the pes whee pble tthei he addess he pakage t tai a lettead elses. eg. phtgaphs the hild

    Peace Researcher - Issue Page

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    nerned a separate reest r the prisin inratin n health isses in their ail whiha pride a le t inherited sseptiilities andpapewrk r the t plete i n ardane withthe speii needs the sitatin heissine t reprt i the pakage wasdeliered

    Ohe hiden in siia siuains in NewZeaand

    Gen that se the hildren in the grp hadade ntat with the S ass in the rse ther searhes the S ass t send details the grp t all peple wh hae ade writtenntat with the er the past xx ears

    Siilar arrangeents t thse prpsed in x and xae t e ade aailale t al thers whsseent l e rward

    uue aaneens siia siuains

    dates r thers inled ineialent sitatins t e identiied in+ Operatin eep Freee hristhrh+ S ns late kland+ S ass Wellingtn t e

    aessed i ther arrangeents reakdwn

    + ined with this the rle the Silitar dge dates t elared

    he S athrtes t gie an assrane that SSerieen wh are alleged t hae atheredhildren in tre will e taken ak t the S with

    the lessing the iitar athrities nl ne anestalished series steps is taken t ensre thatthe wen has tained apprpriatedentatin and a paternit rder We wldexpet the ass t respnd with a prpsedpress t inde pletin the adav paenage and physcal pesence We eliee that

    the rden pr shld e n the an ie i hedenies he is the ather, he shld hallenge theallegatin thrgh the paternit rder press

    he S athrities t prde a ser-riendl lealetlang t the predre t e taken

    iia ups esewhee in he wd

    t is nt nl in ew Zealand that S Serieenhae athered hildren Indeed, ew Zealandserieen arad hae ehaed siilarl Wereest that the S ass pride s with

    details ther grps knwn t the SGernen

    A hi d s upp aeeen beweenhe Unied aes and New Zeaand


    While en an esape int the nitedStates and aid liing p t theirrespnsiilities in ew Zealand, ansste set p t address the needs hildren athered erianserieen will hae signiiant

    liitatins We rge that the S Gernent statetheir willingness t enter int negtiatins with ewZealand We will ake siilar representatins tthe ew Zealand Gernent

    Waihopai 2000Jnv 21-23, Blnm

    Be there!!uher deais a he back f his Peace eearcher",

    Peace Researche Issue Page 4

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    Out Of Court Settlement; Damages Government Apology

    - Murray Hoo

    Pac Resrche has een ollowing thi s stor sineit ist stated ak in 1996 and wee pleased toepot that we hae soe good news a ae ito i na Aziz Choud has won his ase heGoenent has settled it out o out has paid hidaages the aount o whih as pat o thesettleent eans onidental in pepetut paidh legal osts and ost signantl, egudginglapologsed to i

    o eesh ou eoies, lets eap the eents nul 1996 Seuit ntelligene Serie SS agentswee aught eaking into the Chisthuh hoe oGA Wathdogs Aziz Choudr duing atiities toounte the Asia Paii onoi CoopeationAPC ade iniste's eeting. Aziz sued theCown o $00000 and the ist peliinar legalquesions a e eoe the C histhuh High Cout in1 998 t was at that point that the SS aditted that itwas thei agents, ut laied that the eak-in waslegal, as the wee authoised an inteeptionwaan

    n Augus t 1 998, ust ie Pankh ust u led that hewas not pepaed to aept a lanket deene onational seuit" as good enough eason to withholdo Aziz a lage nue o douents inluding theinteeption waant needed to pusue his iildaages lai against the Cown Pankhust hadspeiiall eeted a etiiate signed ennShiple, iniste in Chage o the S S its alwas thePie in iste asserting iunit o poduing thedouents. Pank hust uled that he wanted to inspetthe douents o hisel at the SSs Chisthuhoie, eoe uling on thei elease he Cownappealed n eee 1 998, the Cout o Appeal

    uled that Shiple e gien until Feua 1999 topodue an aende ertiiate with oe details onwh the douents should e withheld then it wouldule on whethe o not the should e eleased heudges wee uite sathing in thei opinion o the Cownase ustie hoas said he Couts toda ae notpepaed to e awestuk the anta o nationalseut" he aended eriiate was dul poduedalong with 0 o the disputed 0 SS douentseleased n ull o part and was the suet o a urtheCout o Appeal heaing in Apil 1 999 One againdeson was esered.

    ( GA TT: General Agreement on Tais and Trade, nowcaled he Wod Tade Organisaion, and eaded by NewZeaand's very own Mike Mo)

    Cu Appea Baks w

    hat deision was delieed in ul 1999 and it was aao lidown the Cout B a ou to oneaoit, it uled that udges hae no plae in attes onational seuit" and that Shiples etiiate statingthe douents needed to e withheld o unspeiiedeasons o national seuit" ust e espeted andShiple hesel tusted he Cout aepted that theeis an unspeiied ongoing opeation" that would e

    eopadised now isn t that intiguing? an d thatallowing inspetion o the douents would endangethe S Ss opeational elationship with the Polie andothe State agenies, suh as the and ansportSaet Authoit he inoit deision ustiehoas was sathing

    ike an itizen Choudr is entitled to aess tothe Cours He has a ight to ing a lai ased onan alleged iningeent o the law on the pat o thedeendant n exeising that ight he has the saeexpetation o eeiing ustie in a ourt o law asan othe litigant. But to the extent that he i s not ale

    to ahiee ull and pope disoe he isdisadantaged an d his ight o aess to the Courts isoespondingl ipai ed He will not e ale to otainthe ustie to whih he is entitled and whih othelitigants outinel eeie he puli inteest in theai and eetie adinistation o ustie is nottheeoe an ept slogan t elets the ights oee itizen in ludi ng Chou d

    he Pie iniste is the iniste in hage o andesponsile o the Seie She is not independento the Serie in the sense that Paiaent and theCouts ae inde pendent o it. Fu the as hae

    peiousl osered it is to e ealistiallappeiated that the etiiate is initiall pepaed senio oies o the Seie who irtue o the enatue o thei wok and thei own onsientiouspeoane o thei task a e oe-zealous inthei peeption o the see whih is equied o itue o the see whih attahes to theSeies adie an the iniste in hage lookelsewhee o assistane o eiiation he in isteis er uh dependent on the Serie

    t should not e oelooked that the Seie is a

    oet intelligene agen. t s deinition not anopen oganisation austoed to outside sutin. twi l l not weloe that sutin. t s oes ae itueo thei oupation patised in the art o deeption

    Pa Rsahr ss 912 Pag

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    The Servce, a wth a cvet tegece agecw trve der the cak ecrec t prtect thctr rm perceved verve teret adhte rce There rea t pect that tcer w t eeve perhap paate, themprtace ther tak r that the w e athgther tha ad carrg t Oce t accepted that the trt ecear t accept thecertcate t ace reat a trt reped r

    emracg the cvert tegece agec te themaetat ch adg jdca trt eemtrage t pace

    There a apparet ctec etwee themart depecat the cmpetece dget ae the etvt the dcmet ad thetrt paced the ter Charge the Sevce td the ame. Apparet the ace ad ttvededct whch rm part the pecat capatreqred r cvert tegece perat are eddge t w e qck amated the ter

    Charge the Servce. Certa, the terwrkg wth the er cer the Servce maeek ad ta mre advce ad rmat reatgt partcar dcmet, t t advce a drmat emaatg rm wth the Servce te t t dc t t perceve that reat th e ter charge w e ce t ad heav depedet theServce ad that th cee ad depedec wecear mpar the ectvt whch he r he carg t ear aeg the etvt patcardcmet

    T trate th pt reerece ma e

    made t the prect rght der1 the ca Secret Act 1 1 1 theted Kgdm 1 kw a theABC cae n h cae BC ood orhe hree deendan - breCampbell I wa lng n London a heme and aended eeral eon o he 978 ral ahe Old Bale I a ermch he cae celebre o da BC he n-Bae Campagn - hoedDncan Campbell n NZ n 996/9 He a orldeper on nelgence maer H] The Attreeera at the tme wa peraded Brhneal ecr and nellgence agenc d t

    athre the prect agat three deedattthtadg that t ecame kw that theecrt ervce had ecret vetted the jr the traprceeded. eae a ae [empha added d]cmet whch ecrt evce wtee camedwd dced, e a dager t ata ecrtwere hw t e pc kwedge, at tme thepcat havg ee athred te. Theprect der 1 wa dcted Twdeedat were gve cdta dcharge ade a peded etece repect the mche er ece de r 2 the Ac Edtracaed r the Attre-eera t reg r at eat

    t expa wh he had athred a ppreveprect. Te term h expaat are teg

    the reevace t the preet p He ad

    pera ad crtca qetedthe wh made the damageaemet w uld anespnse Ane Geneane he unanus ewspesened e that evdece th the matera cected Campe [e the deedat adthe rmat mparted Berr[ather deedat cd d damageragg rm er t exceptagrave t the ata ecrtEmpha added) See ereRert, he Jce Gametage 1 Chap pp 4-1 34 th ave qtat atp 133 .

    The caat w e the admtrat tce adpc cdece the ega tem t ere that

    pc teret mmt ctraed aw dcapect ma e a mperect prce t havgregard t the atre a cve ecrt evce, t the tem avaae t hd the Sevce acctae the crt are t prepared t perrm thpervr ct the dec the Servce tcam mmt w g checked "

    The mpcat th dec are aarmg TheAPEC trg rp whch rgaed the actvte

    t cter a the APEC meetg hed ew Zeaad thrght 1 ad

    Th jdgemet partcar dtrgcm a t de the ear ew Zeaadht the APEC rm The vermetha aread hw t wge t reakthe aw whe t cme t ppet APEC ad t ree trade ageda ve

    the extreme meare the vermet ha eewg t emp t ad expag the actvte theSS drgthe 16 APEC Trade ter eetga arace gve that ppet APEC 1w have ther rght t det prtected ad repectedca e treated wth p ad ctemp ath dgemet eem t gget e Shpe ad

    the SS are tta acctae t Paramet thedcar ad the ew Zeaad pc the we hde arad e ver arad pre reeae, 6)

    Eve the Ne ealand Herald edtra attacked theCt dec Tme ad crcmtace arechagg, ad wth them the demad r greateracctat eected repreetatve e k tthe crt t hep t ere that the Exectve kw t t mme rm depedet crt decdg taccept at ace vae t w wrd - the Prmeter atet ecrt cecate the Ct Appeaha dappted the expectat 8 Ct

    awe aga") The heade a regar ega cm the Herald ad t a h w h d P acctae Appea Ct w t 23; Pang dgemen

    Pee Resercher Issue 12 Pe

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    Seen rie The Idepede as aaed iedra Suppse hs ase had been heard Washnn n Wenn and he burlars hadbeen e en n SIS en and he brea-n hadurred a he Waerae pe n hudrshuse Wha wud ur udes hae dne wh hen apes? Wh rdered he lea brea-n? Mihhs nfran be naned n he duensShpe wans eep sere nne aln ur beres wud seep a l beer f Jusehass dssenn ew had preaed 14799 ppea ur abdaes re as deraahd Warren Berran

    Government Admits Blame; Settles Out Of Cu

    Despe he ur f ppea seba zz was een nnue he ase Bu he ea real was hawhu aess hse hheld duens he udn ae hruh a fu ra Nr dd he hae he r s needed appeal he r unln ndn The Gernen had preusl ffered

    an u f ur seleen (a sandard predure in f hs n d zz was aenabe s he nrean in uesn was he aun f daaes bepad fer se hai n a uu al saisfar(and subsaial su was areed upn. nhersandard feaure n su s f hs nd s ha he aunpad w rean nfdenal n perpeu as a par fhe seeen The daaes were er and abes eal ss hse were as paid b heGernen us he an ap nhnraus r hearfe sp a saeen ha heGernen apsed h Th was al publlannuned n uus 999 jus befre he E

    eaders Su n uand The Gernen waseaer e he aer u f he wa befre he I sand wrd eda ae wn

    has n lusns Th s is a r bu Iunpressed b he abre f he apl TheGernen s n reall srr ha s SIS aens auh I has ne rea lenhs er up sd rs The ase has pu a l f issues abu heSIS n he ap and shwn he Gernen be nuh beer han hse unries i les pin isfner a e 2899 "s es G pauVr laed er SIS He als sad ha despe

    uness assuranes he nrar he SIS hadaen unlawfu an aans pepe ined n awuldssen and pres Suppsed hes and baanesn he S IS d d n wr when he were pu he esn hs ase. The 999 leslaie aendens hadepanded SIS pwers n resried he . M rhudr sad he uld hae ninued fh hease bu fel ha he had renise he paraeersf he New eaand lea sse The ne he hadreeed was sa bies pared he $0n spen n he SI S eah ear and he $lnE se was sn he sad (bd

    He d he Dmo 2899 I peased haesred wh I hn a rare er he SIS ien

    her n hs bein una unabe eiher hepub r he urs . The bran urred when was nled wh ransn an alernaenferene ppsin he E Trade Mniserseen Irnall he seleen es as I paf a rup ranisn an alernae nferene andrall ppsed he (Sepeber 999 Eeaders Su He ha d areed he u f urseleen beause Un less u hae $00000 ae a ase he r unl hen is aual ued fful fr an nddua wh has reed n he s upprf peple n he un

    r he en he Gernen aded (as paf saeen f defene ha was ndeed SISaens wh were auh breain in zizs husean u f ur seleen was a pssib I beaeneable as sn as he u f ppeal rued hahe brea-n was lea.

    Juse Thas n his Jul 999 ur f ppealdssenin pinin said

    "I nsder ha shul d n be ered ha heen and searh f Mr hu drs he whh heSee under n 3 Jul 996 and whh senra hs la was ea This he efe fhe ur's preius juden nseuen heSere has eer reasn be nerned ha i wllbe hed abe fr daaes and ha is iae wll beserus daaed.

    The Gernen d n appea ha eeber 1998den bu rushed hruh new esanrerspeel lealsn al suh SS breans

    eep fr he ne a zzs huse Thus leareleraphed s nenns. In fa had n pn bu sele Is ne da n pen ur (he 1998hrshurh Hh ur hearin whh was nlabu lea uesns had been an unpreedenedand hihl unseln eperene fr he SIS - heprspe f a ful ra wh wnesses be rsseaned e e had be aded There s nsuesin f ziz hain sd u he was sun frne he wn se ne I was n a aseseein a ud ial reiew f he SIS r suh le I wasa la fr daaes arisin fr a spef ndenan nden ha wuld hae resuled n rna

    hares b he pli e f ed b anbd herhan er aens f he Sae

    Of urse he ae ends wh nne f us (inudnzz an he wser abu wh h SIS was breann hs huse Tha s wh he Gernen seedhe ase and pa d up - eep he SS peanshruded in sere There has been publspeulan ha he brean was aied n a hi bua hi s 6 Mean ues Dr ejandr iaar aspeaer a he unerE nferene herspeulan ha was aed a Mari ass MeSih and nnee Ses wh were als a he

    nferene Bu we neer nw n ffalanywa

    Peace Researcher - Isse 92 - Page 7

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    It i th f Aziz g ct t t th fg cti riig frm th ic i Smw th pr wh ct cght th SIS gtrkig t Aziz h It w h wh tk wth it c f thir mrpt which t thSIS th gt h r m rp t t th pic - wh w th gt

    th w I th mt itr ftr f th whpi th pic ri th hm f th Aziz i Sm, kig fr mmkigqpmt" h ftr th fi SIS rki. Ahx m h ft t th Chritchrch CitCci i ig hi mtri pi h r xpi rmrk imir hx mip Ack Arprt wh i w irttft hi thr rg crit xrci prir tth 999 APEC Lr Smm Cicicr

    r Sm th Aziz ttmt g him

    mm ifct t it w t th f thmttr fr h w ccr. H w ggt crt t k fr ici riw f picrch f hi h wk ftr th SIS rkf r Chr h. Pic h wrrt tk fr mmkig qipmt t th whpi ck f SI S p ic cmpcit ftrh ctchg th SIS gt, h i r Smxpct h pic w h t w p tccti th rch g ifrmtipr th SS. hi c iict rcc tht mthig fih w gig , h P 27/8/99; cv ge Gov payo

    Vcorlamed oveSIS I Octr 1 999 iSm hi cim with th Chritchrch HighCrt ig th Crw fr $300000 mgg trp rch f i right rth B f Right.

    S, wh w th pic r t? Simprg Aziz i fr hig cght thSIS th ct Or mthig mr ri? Wrth IS gt rkg it Aziz h t ptthg thr tht w f i qt pc r Bm-mkigqpmt rg thig t impict him i

    trit ctiiti Wh pt h high

    phtict hx m t th Ct Ccig It w g gh t cc xpi xprt wh h it w p frig t prc it fk h wh thgrk f rt trick prti, t icrit crmii ppt f th Stt gfr tr rtrct frig tmt

    h Snda Sar Tme itri 29899f hm ti fr r SIS p" htch th rgr f th tiAPEC prttrhm g cfrmg thr gicmptc h cfirm th picithir r j i pig iit t fightigri . h w w pp tight thfiti f crit thrt ig t i frig rfrgifc. hi mg gr Er tit ig i th ctr ifrigifc mr th rr h thx wh rg tr h ri mg r cm wt

    prct h pp t rik wi itr kChr

    r c cgrtti r t th mi. Wi th ABC kw hw hr t i t gt crgf r" itigc gc th rmtCmmict crt Br CSB which imch iggr th th SIS Er c ick Hgrpih hi mi 1996 k Scrt Pwr"tiig wht th CSB , pcific t thWihpi p it h mch tr crgr th i Z mt rct AtriV See elehere n h e or dead) Bt

    ch wrri wh it cm t th SIS, pcific th Chr c. rm O, it frtpg itm i th ppr p mr itm th ct f mgzftr h m g p t f th crmtgirt i thi tr. r thr r th gig SIS Azz himf h mr mi Hcm hh m wth h grfttrg pprt pht cwig frm ppr p w th ctr I it mttr ftim ti it m it Hw mi - Sm Azz c t p tw ArSchwrzggr Vit t wh

    p thm. Jt rmmr g - it w I wh pt

    Peace Reseache sse 912 Page 8

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    out th ogna p a that (coctyngd th SS. uggt a camo o payd byTom Cu woud b n od

    o ouy hatt thank a du to a thnddua and goup that donatd th thouando doa ndd to mount a cout ca En at

    mat' at awy a xpn and thga poc nhnty wghtd agant thpoo y con that wa on o tho whodoubtd th wdom o takng a cout cacondng t a too coty y ky a oudan on tm and ouc wth an un atactoyut th mot ky outcom wa wong and mgad wa t achd much mo than w coudha damd pob whn w t abouttackng th ct Stat th ya ago Th pand th potca mat ha had a mot tmyboot up th a.

    New Laws n The Wds WihNew Bss

    bn nd n b any o th cnt gatamndmnt. ut th oppot - th awchang a dgnd to xpand, not mt thpow o th SS Ty a h mght to aupop that ctc o APEC w not b ubct toSS noopng nny Shpy cannot hd th actthat both amndmnt b ha bn uhd

    though xpcty n od to gtmat uh SSbakn bo Sptmb Lad SummtAnd t wa th Pm nt h and aouatona Labou and ACT P who t nkdth pcd nd to ga SS bak-n toAPEC n Paamntay dbat and n th mda,not m ATT atchdog th APEC ontongoup o ou a hn th APEC ccu ndth aw w man wth th S S abo th aw

    Th twakng o th dnton o cuty todtnguh btwn pcd domtc' andogn o ognnuncd that do

    nothng to tghtn up th contoa conomcan d ntnatona wbng wodng whch manyoganaton ha oundy condmnd ho

    n th wak o th Choudy ca thonmnt (wth unanmou uppotom Labou ha uhd though twonw aw amndn g th S S gaton( 1 8 o dta Th S SAmndmnt Act (o 2 1999 camnto ct n Sptmb On nwatu th caton o aCommon o Scuty aantwho w jonty u domtc

    ntcpton waant wth th ntn Chag o th SS (who tan oponbty o ung ogn

    ,=. "c know what o who b dmd to

    waant Th t Common S JohnJ a td Hgh Cout judg (th awtpua that thy a th ony pop aowd tohod th job and om Poc CompantAuthoty Fo th t tm n t 44 ya htoy thSS w ha to pod an annua pot toPaamnt (a oppod to t cunt 200 wodannua nontatmnt Buc San th PacyCommon wcomd th commndatonAnd th contntou cton on ognnuncd

    oganaton ady actng Z' conomc ontnatona wbng ha bn changd to pcythat uch goup woud nd to b candtn odcpt"

    But th mno chang a a om atactoyCath aac o th umba goup ECO(Enonmnt and Conaton Oganatonakd hat about a npac pott ununga bann on a budng? . t y unca what thya tyng to potct w Zaand agant tabu to u cot agnc Thy a tyng tocatch pop who a not dong anythng ga" (NZ

    Herald 27799 Chang a to aay S S a"

    Az Chody not mpd Hang ad thatt on o th b, t ca th SS ha not

    t th nw catgoy And who wo th S S a nd t nt whow tan o authoty o ungogn' waant onmntha otn utd cutycackdown agant domtcdnt on th ba o puoucam o ogn conto o nun cho w cutn th actt o

    th SS n th gad Th ntand th S S patdy ay tut uhy houd w Th up pod

    tatutoy chck and baanc on th SS dd notwok a oon a thy w put to th tt hotyat th 1996 amp othng n th gatamndmnt mak thm wok now. Thy a acton. Thy man nonxtnt

    Th npcto-na o ntgnc andScuty wa unwng o unab n to admt thnomnt o th Sc n h pot on thbungd 1996 opaton he brea-n a zz

    hue d t took ga acton to gt an admonom th Cown that t wa ndd th S S andthat th nty wa ga That omon ha totak ga acton agant th SS to gt th a pot poo that th npcto-na oc tooth and th oght mchanmundamntay awd he curre IpecrGeneral rered Hh ur ude aure Greha bee reappned a uher hree ear erd thnk that Pacy Common, BucSan otat th gncanc o thuggtd potng umnt whch accptd woud u u annua pot to b

    tabd by th SS A thng condd th ay mno concon t au mo ymbocthan ubtant- and don't appy to ognwaant n any ca

    Peace Researche Issu Page

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    Ths resed bll des nt address cncerns abut the Is rle n surellng peple and rgansatnsengaged n l awful pltcal acttes Alng wth ts cmpann amendment t s a further affrnt t basc cland pltcal rghts an d anther step dwnthe rad f crmnalsng dssent" (26/7/99, persnal press release

    And the SIS has a newboss Lieutenant-General Don Mclver is retiring, and being replaced by senior diplomat

    Richard Woods. His backgroundIS international trade and economics, withsensitive diplomatic postings having

    ncluded Ambassador toTehranduring the 1980s Iranlraq War; Ambassador toParis in 1 995, during the crisis

    nerated by France's resumption of PaciCnuclear testng; and 1 990sAmbassador to Moscow. He is the first

    dplomat to head the SIS - of the four previous Directors three were from the Army (Gilbert Smith Mclver) and

    ne was a Judge (Molineaux) "I had always thought the SIS had a vey impotant role. Its traditional role ofpotecting New Zealand from espionage and sabotage and terrorism is obviously impoant. But it has been

    tended toinclude making a contribution to New Zealand's international and economicwellbeing. I have spent

    a far bt of my career concerned with that second area I thought my experience might be relevant and that's

    hatsbeen decided" (Press, 1 7/7/99). There's also a change at the top of the GCSB - Warren Tucker becomes

    he new Director, replacing Ray Parker [see elsewhere in this issue for detas. Ed] The future direction of our

    spes and wh they wll be targetng, s farly bus by the appntment f a spybss wth a backgrund ntade. As the Sunday Sar mes edtralsed Ths (the new spymaster s certanly an mprement n theusual mltay hardhats. Bu t the I cultu re remansthe same, and t s dubtful a retred bureaucrat can change een f he wanted t" (29/8/99 seful h umlatn fr ur I spes"

    Out th the ld enemes and n wth the new enemes Once agan thugh the enemy" seems t be us

    Asaan TV Dcnay Taks Nw L k A Ga py Nwk

    Once agan the erseas meda has put the lcalarety t shame by prducng an ndepth lk atWahpa and the glbal spy netwrk f whch t sbut a small part T he repercussns f Ncky Hagerssemnal 1996 bk ecret Pwer" cntnue t

    eerberate arund the wrld, but nt n N (whatshat ld sayng abut beng a prphet wthut hnurn h n land. Ths me t was Australan TV'shannel Nne ts Sunday prgramme (23/5/99 wasentted Bg Brther Is stenng" It was deted tthe tp secret KA Agreement, the 50+ year ldsgnals and electrnc ntellgence gatherngagreement that ddes up the wrld amng the ,K, anada, Australa and New ealand N Newealand gernment has eer admtted t tsexstence. The Tangmana and Wahpaspybases, admnstered by ur" Gernmentmmuncatns ecurty Bureau (GCB are New

    ealands cntrbutns t ts glbal eaesdrppn gThe 40 mnute dcumentary made abslutelyfanatng ewng Fr the frst tme, ne f the spyagences (Australa's Defence gnals Drectrateadmtted that the KA Agreement actually exstsThe prgrame lked at the wrk f the DD nAustrala (Geraldtn, n Western Australa, sWahpas sster spybase, and at the netwrk fsuch spybases acrss the glbe. It lked at (andgt rdered ff Amercan facltes run by the bggestBg Brther, the Natnal ecurty Agency (NA.t talked t Aercan experts, Australas Inspectr

    General f I ntell gence a nd ecurty, an d mstnterestngly t frmer and Canadan spes Itspelled ut the ncreasng rle these agences areplayng n spyg n trade negtatns and busness

    deals, n the nterests f the bg Pwers and thertransnatnal crpratns (whch has majrmplcatns fr N farmers

    It spent plenty f tme talkng t Ncky Hager the

    wrld expe n KA and ts Echeln prgramme(whch autmatcally cmputer scans bllns fphne calls, faxes emal, etc fr key wrds Nckyshed lght n hs research methds (t wascmcally as smple as beng able t read theblacked ut pns f GCB dcuments and theprgramme went rght nsde Wahpa But ewersshuld nte that t s ld ftage taken frm TV3s1996 20120 pgramme where Ncky and reprterJhn Campbell sneaked n and flmed rght nt theman (deserted cmputer rm the Aussedcumentays Wahpa ftage stll shws t wthnly ne dme ts had tw fr ute a whle nw

    Sunday had addtnal features that put Newealan d TV current affars t sha me the reprter,ss Culthart, was aalable fr an hur afterbradcast t answer uestns n ts nlne chatrm The prgrammes Webste had a whle lt fmateral nt screened - cpes f letters frm theDD Drectr, Marn Brady answers t a lst fFrequeny Asked Quesons abut the DD,Echeln KA and spyng and mst usefully, acmplete transcrpt that culd be dwnladed

    Th e prgramme was a news tem n tself New

    ealand papers reprted the wrtten admssn bythe DD Drectr that the KA AgreementeXsted, and that New ealand was part f t But tsNew ealand cntent was healy dwnplayed - fr

    eae eseahe Issue 912 ae

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    example th e ress carred the story on ts World page(255/99) llustrated by a photo of Ncky, but wthabsolutely no menton of ts New ealand content Forthe record here s what Ncky sad:

    The strongest personal mpresson on me was to look

    nto the operatons room ths most secret of roomswth bars on the wndows and specal codes for anyoneto be alowed n there. There were no staff there. Justths huge room of cabnets and computers andtwnklng lghts And not a soul The whole thng sautomated. Ths s spyng on thousands of people amnute and theres no one there Theres no oneneeded for t Because ts actually lke a great mportof technology whch has been plonked on the uetcountrysde n New e aland and spes on ts own . "The reporter descbes Ncys research methods Bycombng job ads, Goernment gaettes and electoralrolls, he found enough holes n securty to get the

    names of many of (the GCB's) staff One day ncensored documents released to h m u nder freedom ofnformaton laws he realsed he could actually read thenames through the blacked out deletons WhenHager approached many of these spes they wereoften prepared to talk about ther secret work he says because mo st had strong doubts that what they weredong was, n fact, n ther countrys best nterests . And Hager ds coered from the spes h e spoke to thatwhen Wahopa was approed, the goernmentbureaucrats had actually led to the Prme Mnster(Dad ange) about ts real purpose What thespymasters kept from the Prme Mnster was the fact

    that the Echelon system automatcally sendsntercepted commu ncatons drectly to New ealand'soerseas UUA partners Each UUA allancentercept base, such as Wahopa n New ealandand Geraldton n Western Australa s drected bycoputers loaded wth what are called dctonaresThe dctonay lsts any target sought a name a word,a num ber een ts though t a partcular oce Aseeryones phone or data messages pass through asatellte these bases are sftng through that feedlookng for matches to the targets lsted n thedctonary.

    Ncky concluded: Perhaps the most shockngreelaton wa when I dscoered there wasn t one lstn there n the N facltes t wasnt the N lst whchthen went to Wellngton and they shared thentellgence Th ere were fe lsts there And bgger thanthe N lst was the Amecan lst And those wereAmercan targets They had nothng to do wth N andthe ntellgence whch that dctonary computer chose,the phone calls, all the emals, whateer t was thatwere pced ut by the Amercan lst went straght toWashngton. They weren't sent to N The wholeprncple of the Echelon system was to automate t Itwas the way the Unted tates could use, not just

    ndrectly by lease ge us the ntellgence you get,but could actually use the foregn countres facltes asf they were ts own. And so the ntellgence whch s

    collected that the U wants from t goes straght backto Washngton no dfferent than f t had an Amercanflag flappng outsde and t was an Amercan staton

    Mnd you, New ealand teleson has not entrelygnored the ssue No t has neer actualy screened

    ths excellent Australan documentary But MeyHaoc and Newsboy dd st Wahopa, and theWellngton he aduarters of both the GCB and I aspart of ther Bg ellout Tour Of New ealand sereson T2 whch screened n Jun e 1 999 It was, shal wesay urky, althugh not totally excrucatng NcyHager starred n ths one also along wth a dancescene wth spybase alen mas and one unamusedspy)

    Yo can hre Bg Boher s Lsenng om B $0 ncldng posage or one ee Copes o eranscrp cos $5 yove never seen he 996

    pgramme on Wahopa yo can hre ha rom oo

    Benhei Paper Chanes ts Tu ne O n Waihpai;GCB Nt app Aut t

    There s one honourable excepton to ths N medablackout on the whole subject - the arlborogpress Now t's not too many years ago that thepress coerage of ABCs Wahopa protests wasllustrated by a cartoon showng a poor cop hang toarrest a nosome, flyblown proteste But the papersemp hass has dramatcally changed - reporter e

    Whte (who s now chef reporter) was so taen by theAustralan T transcrpt that he dd somethng eryunusual for a metropoltan let alone a proncal, Newealand pape He tracked down and telephonenterewed Mke Frost the retred CanadanCommuncatons ecurty Establshment CCanada's eualent of the GCB, and ts partner UUA) spy who features so promnently n thedocumentary Frost proded such good copy that thepress deoted not one, but two features, on what hehad to say runnng both on the same day (1That same day the paper also edtoralsed on thesubject (Buggng concerns"):

    Frost reports how on a phone ca ll the U Ambassadorto Canada let slp hs country was about to get a $5bllon wheat dea wth hna Canadan sesntercepted the cal and ther Goernment managed toundercut the Amercans New ealand s currentlyengaged n a battle oer lamb tarffs wth the Untedtates Frost belees a lot of data collected uderchelon s passed straght to the U nted tates. wthoutNew ealand knowng what t s or what the nformatonwll be used fo Can we be certan that we are notarmng the Unted tates wth nformaton that s to ourdetrment? .. " Way ne Mad sden a former Amercan

    NA spy, told the Snday programme that economcntellgence s top prorty" f we fnd somethng thatcould beneft a U company we would hae no

    Pac archr 912 Pag

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    roblem n ang along Bu he uuall confneha o e 500 comane We wll onl deal whhe bg gu . The Expess ad Howeer Mkero a would be exremel nae o beleenformaon colleced n New ealand no ued foruroe oher han wha mgh orgnall hae beenaed f ou belee ha hen ou gu are lng na-la land oer here' Echelon u uch a hell of aowerfu oo ure wa deeloed n he da ofhe old War bu f ou look a he economcoble of h damn hng he mlcaon arehorrendou

    h crc wa all o much for he e n he' backard GB Drecor a Parkereen mo memorabl hong 20/20's cameraade n h e 1 996 rogramme wroe o he edoromlanng ha he had referred he ewf ro o hoe of N own necor-General ofnellgence and ecur. reecfull ugge hahee concluon deere more credence han heunuored allegaon of a eron who ha nodrec knowledge of he oeraon of he GB eer 20/7/99. Preed furher b he ExpessParker en a econd leer aackng Fro'redb l ecfcall had n m nd he rongdenal b he former Brh Prme Mner JohnMajor ha he Brh goernmen ued alle o n Mner of he Thacher goernmen anallegaon whch he decrbed n Parlamen aclara'. am alo aware ha he anadaneualen of our n ecor-General of nellgenceand ecur ha erodcall reaffrmed ha heanadan E doe no eaedro on he raeconeraon of anadan czen ha aceare lawful and ha doe no crcumen anadanaw b akng agence of oregn goernmen oarge anadan czen leer 4/899) Bu Parkerddn wan o oen a ublc debae: would begraefu f ou would noe ha h leer nonended for u blcaon

    Echeln andal Reerberates Arund TheWrld

    Nck Hger e one er bg global ball rollng wh ecre Power - he Auralan T documenar u one n ar of he enun g chan reacon habeen a er bg or n Euroe where he Frenchalan German and candnaan hae beennone oo cra o dcoer ha her old Ang lo-axonmae he Amercan and Brh rounel onhem Th ha man feed elf no onl n he medan hoe counre bu among he olcan andeen goernmen. The Euroean Parlamen'cenfc and Technologcal Oon AemenGrou reeaed a 1998 reor enled An Araalo Technologe of Polcal onrol whch hockedEuroean goernmen leader ommonerMarn Bangemann old he Euroean Parlamen neember 1998 f h em were o ex

    would be an nolerable aack agan ndduallbere comeon and he ecur of he ae Ce 22/5/99 anada a kenooer nhuge nework J m Bronkll

    n 1999 he ame grou aroed a a workngdocumen anoher reor enled nerceonaable 2000, b Duncan ambell a longandng world exer on elecronc ng bore ouwha he ex-e had been ang:

    There wde-rangng edence ndcang hamajor goernmen are rounel ulzngcommuncaon nellgence o rode commercaladanage o comane and rade a Mrambell reo The fndng come a no urreo red ock who a he wa forced ou of E n1993 afer objecng o he agenc new emhaon economc nellgence and clan arge Mrock who worked n E ommu ncaon enren Oawa recall ncomng meage rafc ondealng wh Mexco France German Jaan andouh Korea The nerceed nformaon coerednegoaon on he Norh Amercan Free TradeAgreemen hnee gran urchae French armale and anada boundar due wh Franceoer he land of -Perre-Muelon offNewfoundland ouh coa To me we houldnhae been dong ha

    M ock alo manan he agenc rounelreceed nellgence abou enronmenal roeacon mouned b Greeneace eel on he hghea Oher former E emloee hae old mlarore of economc and olal ng A a maerof olc he agenc refue o dcu allegaonabou oeraon Howeer he federal goernmenacknowledge ha E uored b anadanForce eronnel collec and analze foregncommuncaon gnal nellgence rodeunue and mel nformaon on he nenoncaable and ace of foregn aeorganaon or eron a he defencedearmen Th nellgence ued b olcmaker o reole ue relang o he defence ofanada or he conduc of foregn affar andrade' Cen bd

    And he e hae rred u ooon n heunlkele of lace - among exremel conerae eublcan mo noabl ereenae BobBarr a member of he Houe Permanen elecommee on nellgence He wa one of hengaor of he ongreonal moe o meachPreden lnon o he ued o acklng bgoonen n 1999 Barr arranged for he anel odemand nformaon on Echelon from he NAwhch for he fr me n hor refued o urnoer documen cng aorne-clen rlege Barrwon' hae a bar of ha and ha cheduled hearngno he ubjec Th could roe o be he Achlleheel of he NA and junor arner beng

    Pece Resece ssue 912 Pge 2

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    of GB conrol or inerenion The Echelon sysemopering Wihopi (see ricle elsewhere in hisissue ws designed by Americn Inelligence forAmericn Inelligence The Americn Nionlecuriy Agency did no pressure N in o bu ilding ndopering Wihopi in order o llow N o conrol hellAmericn spying sofwre n d hrdwre s i sees

    fi.Th e leer ressured he House h he GBcollecs only foreign inelligence nd hs rules ndregulions h fully proec he pricy of Newelnders. Bu boh hip ley nd he hen direcor ofhe GB, y Prker, refused o define foreigninelligence when sked seerl imes in recenyers. Why ? Becuse n hones nswer wouldreel h New elnders would be on one end(perhps boh ends of counless soclled foreigncommunicions (fxes, e mils elexes, phone cllswih ery lile likelihood of heir pricy beingproeced

    Appended o he P M' s leer were copies of 27 nd 28April reports of urie Greig, he IG udge Greigsys, in he firs repor, h The GB hs nouhoriy or enbling power o inercep priecommun icions in N between N ciizens This is wondeful red herring since he GB cnnophysiclly inercep domesic communicions in Nbecuse hey do no rel by sellie The GBinerceps on ly ellie signl s Wihopi nd highfreuency rdio communicions (mosly beweenships se) Tngimon

    When i comes o he reporing rules nd regulions(menioned boe Greig hd uie lo o sy in hisrepor h e collecion nd repoing rules he wooerriding n d underlying principles The firs is hNew elnd ciizens or New elnd eniies re noo be deliberely rgeed, h is o sycommunicions between New elnd ciizens reno lbal seleced for collecion ssessmennd considerion. " [emphsis dded Ed ] Thssemen is bes grossly misleding since heEchelon sysem operes wih Dicionry of keywords If n y of hos e words re deeced by hecompuer he relen communicions re rgeedregrdless of he ir origins We repe he sysem isuomed udge Greig mkes he inelligence

    ghering process sound like he New elnd spiesre bunch of boy scous sifing duifully hroughbillions of messges nd clensing hem Thesecond principle is h where here is collecion ofinelligence or meril in which New elnd eniiesre idenified heir idenificion is suppressed in hefinished inelligence repors dissemined by he

    GB This is pure nsy in ligh of how Wihopind is Echelon sysem relly work. The blndssurnces of he I-G re brehking in heirne (or is i deiousness

    In his repor of 28 Apri udge Greig ses ou seenproposiions h ddress he kernel of his inirywhich is he conrol of he GB IGNT collecionn d reporing nd he exen if ny by which hoseciiies re d rien by is ptners n d hergoernmens sic] needs nd prioriies for foregninelli gence The firs proposiion repes he odfmilir heme

    Proposiion There no ccess o he collecionsysems Wihopi or Blenheim Ed ]oher hn by uhorised GB sf No one buuhorised GB sff cess or cie hesysems

    Bu Greig conrdics his own proposion wih hssemen on he precedin g pge I is I hink pinh unless inelligence ghering ciiies recrried ou in isolion an b n abnanal cnl The essence of collborion ndcooperion is o gie up pr of h bsolue conrolin he ineress of he benei flowing from he resusnd producs of h collborion [emphsis dded,Ed]

    I is ironic h his bln conrdicion is s close sGreig eer ges o he rel ruh bou Wihopi.There is no nd cnno be bsolue conrol of heIGINT ciies Wihopi by he G B , he soclled prlimenry oersigh commiee he I-G ornybody else in N Th conrol lies ouside N ndh s hou ld worry eery Ne w elnder

    In he fce of his disppoining bu predicble brushoff of our peiion, AB is considering is opions orfuure moes o bolish he GB

    /\' ("



    TH vWICE.

    N D GB E TR'

    , O 1 LOwED

    SAl J

    Peace Researche - Isse 12 - Page 4

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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    (Coiued f page 15)

    ere all e embassies r majr allies ldinlde inelligene agens. s s a e Zpbli desn en ge ind ey are.iky Hager ar Sere er said a ine rse is resear e ame arssedene a Briis inelligene iers ere

    als are invlved i n reriing e Zealanders rBrians ver miliary perains rldide,ms prminenly in rtern rela nd

    mlinsn nines be a rn in e side e as laimed a i as invlved in ear ras dea riness iana; is year eamed a tere as a 992 pl assassin aeSerb eader Slbdan ilsevi eier by aaed ar aden, a bmb (sing e lalpsiin r e Briis Speal Air ServieSAS

    And s lder rimes are sill e sbje ial serey - e Briis vernmen islding beynd e sal 3 year limi papers

    i ld deail e rle e Freign Oiean d in e 9 massare a brgSar per in ndnesia Briain (and eZealan d as en in knrnasi i ndnes iaalng e alaysianlndnesian brder inBrne. apers pblily available reveal a eBriis Ambassadr assred e ndn esia ns a

    Briain ld sspend ensive miliaryperains, s a e ndnesian miliary ldpress n ninerrped in is mrders ask pysially eliminaing e Cmmnis ary ( K and spprers (ne e rs massares e 2 enry O rse Briis inelligeneas very m a jnir parner in is elassiied US rerds s a e CAspplied e ndnesian milary i a name lis sspeed K members, and askep lly inrmed e mrder peple

    nelligene agenies need mre mlinsns bl e isle n eir diry lile seres


    . _

    several years PR as lled e prgress and e ilian mass ppsiin e VisiingFres Areemen beeen e US and ei lipp ine s One e rlds ms sesslati-bases ampaigns red e enry ldU bases Sbi, Clark and in 99 92 B VFA als e enagn in e bak dri any need mainain permanen USbes in e ilippines. ssenially e VFAp ns p all e ilippin es e US miliary nex bes ing aal bases i speialrig s a 22 prs and er ailiies. bess eqivalen diplmai immniy n US

    mil ary persnnel in e ili ppines exemping rm lal la alls in p 2 USrp a a ime r jin exerises ( in Sepember 9 e irs s in exerise as eld sine And i gives ee e 9 USippines al eense reay i adbe rzen sine e 99 Senae ve nren e bases reay

    B a as a dieren Senae n ay 999 eSene (red n by residen srada as a 99 Senar ad ved expel e bases ved raiy e VF e ive ved n

    ra deserve be rerded Senars na R imenel Osmena andeg a i menel said e VFA ld enane

    e aide mendiany pn r leadersard r lnial masers e pas nindependene mind in maers r nainaldevelpmen and even in maers miliarypreparedness" R said ill imprisn eFilipin spiri as i deprives e Filipin eqalprein e la in is n land" egardanlded is paenly nnsiinal, grsslylaed minsly vage deidedly nesidedand ners"

    e Amerian and il ippin e gvernmens ere rse, deliged by e raiiain i e

    Amerians making prmises sips and planes elp mdernise e ilippine miliary emass ppsiin nined p and beynd eSenae ve ere ere mili an press sidee Senae and US mbassy as e ve asaken varis peples rganisains iled rains in an aemp verrn i. e pps iinas vey bradbased ranging rm slims e Cali Bisps e Cmmnisledainal emrai Frn (i srappedpeae alks aimed a ending e 3 year ld ivilar in pres a e ve e ase agains eVFA as made ms sinly in a large

    adverisemen in e Pppne Dy Inqe(299 Welme, spnsred by a genmber grps res srada and prVFA

    Peace Researcher ssue Page

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    senats say that e need the VFA t mdenise the Amed Fes the Philippines and bstnati nal seuity But hy is it ate 47 yeas yeas mili tary alliane ith the US e ne e95 Tea Ed], the AFP emains bakad, ill equipped and unable t ptet u peple Asin gle ageement like the VFA annt d hat s many pevius ageements have ailed t d heVFA as made the sle upse advaning the US seuity agenda in the Asia-Paii t isdeetul and eneus t laim that the vested inteests the nly emaining supepe in thed tday the US ae dential t that its me lny"

    Be that as it may nse and nised ae bak in bed tgethe. Based n yeas pasteeene t s unlkey be a maage made n Heaven


    n the gd d days the as ditatship,e Zealand ha d a mi litay elatinship ith thePhi li ppines - anging m nduting exeisesthin the me US bases, t taining Filipinies hee t selling them small items militay equipmen But neve anything likeeing t sell them apanes hat epesents

    a qua ntu m leap - bakads

    n a highly ntvesial 998 desin,the venment uled ut buyinganthe igate but deded instead tpay $6 mi llin t lease US F 6 ighteets his le it ith the pblem dispsng the Ryal e Zealand AiFes n et ightes the yea ldSkyhaks n hh had spent $4m n a98s upgade) Flgging them t thePhilippines beame an attative ptinPesident stada ame t Aukland the

    Septembe 999 AP Leades' Summit Leutenant eneal Willie Flend thePhi lip pines Ai Fe mmande, as taken utt Whenuapa Ai Base and sent al n a testligh stada als ent t Whenuapai hePhil ippi nes Ai Fe is mpletely utgunned byhina in the esteing dispute abut the Spatlyslands - despite being the Ameians mst lyalmilitay ally it basts a ttal nly ve shrange F- ightes hih ae even lde than theSkyhaks

    hee is n guaantee that the Phiippines ill

    buy e Zealands send hand Skyhaks in 998 stada blked a puhase KuaitiSkyhaks But it an alaming pspet, hihas immediately denuned by the PhilippinesSldaity etk Ateaa

    Repts that the venment is tying t sellRZAF Skyhaks t the P hilippines shs thatt has leaned nthing m the deades eZealands sient mpliity th the buthes ast im, the genidal ndnesian militaryhe stated easn the pssible puhase is assist the Philipp ines in its teitial dispute ith

    hna ve the Spatly slands. n at the nlyhines e h have tembled at the migh t thePhiippines militay have been sme eantshemen

    i bught these planes ill be pessed intseie ding hat the Filipin (and ndnesian)mili tay des best - epessing and teising itsn peple hey ill be used against uslimsepaatists n the suthen island indanahee aeial and atilley bmbadmentsegulaly pdue tens thusands ivilian

    eugees (mst eently, in 998) hey ill al s1 , be used in the yea ld a againstthe Cmmunst e Peples Amyight thughut the ahipelag Bitainsld ndnes ia aplanes they eentused extenal deene, but t bmband stae ast im

    he Philippines military is the same huge andbutal mnste as s ndnesan untepat. tis espnsible untless human ightsatities massaes individual mud esttue, disappeaanes destutin ppery

    et et It als uses the same sr militias thathave eaked suh hav in ast im paamilitay death squads have been a deadedeatue Phlippines ual lie deades henly dieene is that the Westen media is nlnge paying any attentn t the Philippinesnaively egading it as a demay Whathappened unde as ntinued unabatedunde Pesidents Aquin and Rams andntinues tday unde Pesident stada nde the Indnesian militay ants the Upeaekeeping e t inlude Filipin units they uld eel ight at hme ith te

    ndnesian bthes hey speak the samelanguage - epessin and teis ing deeneless ivilians.

    e Zealand is ust stating t extiate itselm the eign pliy quagmie it eated tsel th ndnesia. ets nt have t einventthe heel all ve again ith the Philippinespess elease, 6999 e Zealand us t tSell Skyhaks Phili ppine s Pe 7999)

    A very untunate peedent uld be set ie Zealand sells these aplanes t the

    Phlppines he best ay e Zealand ansh patial slidaiy ith the pepe thePh ilppines is t have n ties th that untry'smilitary hih is the ause s muh sueingthee

    Peace Reeacer e 12 - Page 7

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    ABC Pickts Outsi Cnton's Stat Dinn

    sn Clnns Sa vs was only h snv Nw Zaan by a svng US snhsn a n 966) an h fs v hh s lan As son as w knw ha h was gng b akng a pos-AEC Las Su vs ohsh w ha w un' no han n Chf of h U S lay ong o hnly y n Asalasa o hs a US bas

    snally wasn ppa o wa anoh 3 yas ak y ssag o a US sn I ha yla h n w V sns (Agnw, nkan an Rkfll n Syny) b hs gh y nly sn

    ggna ly ll no wn on Spb s nag of 20 0 ns ha awoog plny f sag by US lay aaf nlunghg aas h nopn of snals was n n Aklan, wh aha ps h k fa was bba wh wongnb faxs g vng p s as of suy

    aangns sunng Clnns ava n h ny Th h us bok u a nalh shuh h an hn Clnn n say hngh fyng bak h US nsa Enlypaby h NZ gvnn fll all ov slf hs C non n a non of ab aff abas An h a v govng f an no sn sn 190s oya s haps was n nn ha n of h sns golfans n Qnsown was Mk obsonanagng f h N a an[ p Mohs an n NZ

    C n pk Clnon s pub l sph ah na Cn aoss h a fo h USas a Ch shuh Ap) png no

    anagns h husans f shl ks an hbs f h publ anng oak u ssag o h plal vn, naly hsSa nn , whh was hl n h sang vn ofA o ol h us u ha nw s n f hfw s gn s of lf n h sl fo RNZAga abas spll ou asns n apss las

    "Th AnBass Capagn has a spl ssagfo h Coan n Chf of h US lay whlsh s sng Chshuh g h U S A o ouof Chshh Ap N Zaan ps slfon bng nula f an ou fANZUS - bu hs nfnsh busnss onnng layaonshp wh h US

    o ov 40 yas Chs hhs awo A phas hos a u lvl lpupos USl ay bas, un h gus f pvng lgssupp f pafl snf sah n Anaa

    n fa h awo bas plays a val ol nsvng h nagn's py nlawafghng n l gn bass n Asaa Thsbass N unga an n Gap hav play aval n vy n Aan wa f a oKsvo awo kps us ly nvv n hAan lay ahn

    "An w hav a ssag f B l Clnn's hsJnny Shply - ls own h ahpa anTangana spybass, u h nll gn l nks whh US Nanal Suy Agny g NZ o f hUKUSA spyng agn NZ s h jun pan

    n hs p s fv nan nllgn gahngagn Th ahpa an Tanganaspybass pa by h NZ vnn

    a Ra Iu a

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    mmncatins crit Bra wrk as sbtactrs fr th U Natinal crit Agnc,cllcting lctrnc intllgnc b satllit andg als ntrcptn N is nithr nclar frn trl dpndnt tl w hav ct thsv and cvrt lnks th th U militar and

    ntlignc agncis

    l ntn n N bcas f APE thr will b strng antiAPE thm t t pcktcas th isss ar linkd h wrlds slsprpwr blatantl ss its mitar andntl l ignc mscl t scr prftabladvantag fr Amrica Big Bsnss thransatal crpratins that dminat thglbal cnm APE a ms t thrw pn thAsa/Pacifc rgin t n)fr trad and rstrictd frgn invstmn h U mil itars sd as th man nfrcr f this bankrpt


    giv it crdit th P wnd b NL) didactal r th gts f r statmn h daitslf was cld blak and vrcas Wassmbld tsid th man gat f Air FrcWrld havig insid knwldg f whn thdin nr wld stat) a nd tk r mssag t ththsands f rsh hr cmmtrs n th Mainth Rad pls sm pdstras wh hadcm t catch a glimps f lintn) AB hadn hg bannr radng U Ar Frc Ot Ofhstchrch Arprt, whch dmnatd th fw

    scn ds f V ws cvrag W wr ji ndb an Allanc canddat pls mmbrs andspprtrs wh wrnt vrl happ that thrlcal Alliac MPs attndd th dinnr) Grncladr Rd Dnald MP and a nmbr fGrns wh had th bst placard, rading:n dn't swallw Bil l 's (G) sd); and

    fllw rsplndnt in cstm and facpant wh was thr t prtst ars fpprssn f Nativ Amricans A grp f vrlivl and vcal Otag Univrsit stdnts hadcm p spcall fr th ccasin th hadth bst chant H H, Willam ak Yr

    Nclar Bas Awa) Ms t f th placards wrabt APE All p thr wr abt 3 f sIn itiall th plic trid t mv s awa frm thmain ntranc bt w wldn' t g th gavp and lt s al cnclding that wcnstittd n thrat t Prsidntial lif r l imb

    Evntall th Prsidntial mtrcad hv intviw (t was as t prdict as all th thrtrafc stppd and an narthl hshdscndd), and lintn hrtld past s st afw mtrs awa a strangl dsmbdid hadth intrir light was n n his lim sn ) h

    vrkll was ridicls Ims cp cars fficialcars sinistr lking crt rvc vhiclsv an amblanc It was all t mc h fr thsall mild mannrd Dr Bb nard, whstartd raring Wh at a bl d wast f mnat th tp f his l ng s h cps srgd fwardt within mill imtrs f s; w pmpd p thvlm dramaticall and a flash lintn andal l th imprial panpl wr gn In shrtrdr s wr w it was t bld c ld thang rnd W wr wll satisfid it was rfrst prtst abt Harwd fr a lng tm andn a whrlwnd f prtst thrght th ctr

    fcsing n APE East imr, r ibt (hinasPrsidnt ian g min was in hristch rch thatsam da) w had rganisd th nl actithat was targtd at li ntn and Ns cntiningmiltarintllignc tis wth th U It was thlast w cld d

    Peace Reseacher ssue 12 . Page

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    Nurrugar! Wha's ha?

    "rca's pac nns - DP sas and nana scry y Jry T RchsnUnvrsy Prss Kansas, Rvwd y B Lnard

    Th Arica ilitaryitlligc a at rrgari Soth Atralia ha log a i or th Ati-B Cpi g Why yo ight ak Bcait i o o th ajor a alog with Pi apvd y US ilitary light throgh ChritchrchAirpor rr gar ad Pi ap ctio aily adowlik ad cotrol tatio or a ltitd o pytllit. Ch ritchrch ad ar th li kd to thUS clr rly wrig yt.

    ry ichlo i a highly rpctd Aricararchr d athor o itlligci wrot th orword to ickyagr ook "Scrt Powrichlo w ook i a ticlolydoctd hitory o th Cold Warprogr tht cratd rrgar (aday othr tatio rod th glod th ltitd o pac-adhrdwar tht it ha rvicd ovr th yar DS Ptd or th D Spport Progra that ga ith arly tag o Aric p ai c ovr Sovit clar

    d iil capailiti i th 1 90

    "Spac Sti l i vatly dtaild covrig tchiclioratio o ch ky dvic a irard hator d thi r cpailiti . Dtctig hat roploio (oth covtioal d clar, rocktlach d v ort ir wa th jo o thoritig or thy volvd i ophiticatio aditivity ad ig throgh thi dtil c diicltor th o-pciali Bt what kp yo plo ghigo i th drlyig, aorig th o Aricaparaoi drig th Cold War ad yod Writig ia dry d ojctiv tyl ichlo tll th rivtig

    tory o th itrplay og th ky playr i thdvlopt o DSP th ilitary th poliicia adth corporatio that tood to gai i proitro digig ad ildig th hrdwr

    rrgar wa to a ky grod tatio i th DSPyt ad ig i Atralia it cratd coidralorig cop licatio or th Arica Thtory old i Chptr 4. h irt agrttw th govr t wa rchd i Apr il 1 99,d th crcy rrodi g th a ga "Thatoth th Air Forc iord Aropac DCoad tht th Pri Miitr o Atralia will

    aoc th 949 itlltio i Atrali JoitUitd StatAtralia Dc SpacCo icatio Facility That th acility wa thOvr rod Statio (OS or th arly warig

    atllit progr wold ot dicl od

    Pi p d othr hg Aric torthwt Cap had alrady tlihd i iilar atophr o crcy ad li to thAtralia parliat ad plic aot th trctio o th a rr gar ddd to thgrowig ity i Atrlia. Ovr th g yarojctio to th aciliti wold d o a varty

    o cocr tht Atrali ovrigty wa igcoproid, that th aciliti wold clrtargt i USSovit war ad that tha acilitatd ojctioal orig dd polici ch a clar wrightig

    A ati-a ovt dvlopd Atralia i rpo to th widly-hldcocr aot th Arica

    Dotratio wr hld priodiclly at all thra dpit th grat ditac ivolvd i trvligto th rot it ad ot atrocio wthr

    coditio i th otck v Lor Pri Mi itrogh Whitl ca activit ovr th crcyi. Ad wh hi ttrac ad pryig g toit th Arica. w all kow what hppd tohi political carr

    Plic dotrtio did ot pa otcd y thArica ithr "I 1 99 th Air Forc Oic oSpcial vtigatio (OS had prpard a tdyclaiid COFDTIAL OFO (ot lalto Forig atioal, titld Atralia At-rop A 1 991 Air Forc Spac Coad thrtat otd tht i pcti, th priary

    covtioal waar thrat wold i cld trroivadal diidt, d prott grop Activty tthi lvl woll ot likly itdd to hr orca icovic oppod to dtroyig thacility or halti opratio.

    Thi rvlatio ad vral othr y ichlorltig Aric itlligc worri aot Atrlidotrator cvd tiv covrg thAtralia dia wh th ok w plihd

    Atralia cadic Dod Ball ha alo rio rr dr th Arica addl ro t to

    ti o th ct o a rr gar ha dtctdad rcordd dta o or tha 000 Sovit iilad atllit la ch Th i dat i tord oagtic tap ad t to Arot or atophric

    Peace Researcher ssue 12 Page 2

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    eni fhe pceng an anali Thi aa incle infman n he bn-ie bn-ae an pecal ineniie f he vailiq an li ppelan e in Sviemiile an aellie lanch vehicle a vaiale an ne all eanablemeelgical cniin

    Ei ' ne The magneic ape efee b all alm ceainl wee caie .inelback he U S via he egla A Fce Salifefligh hgh Chichch Aip)

    all' ng incle allegain ha Nn ga mae an aacive ncle a agean ha aa fm Nnga a ecibeabve) wee given he US Saegic Defenen iaive Reagan' Sa Wa pgam). All hif ce ceae inenive meia an pblicnee an wa n appeciae b he

    Ameican Ameican Space Cmman evenniee clng Nnga if he ainwene

    C hape 1 i enie Dee Sm. ipehap he m facinaing ecin f he bkn ha i eail he le f he DSP anNnga in pving he US milia wihnfman n he lanch f aqi Sc miile ing he 1 991 lf wa DSP' effecivenewa paie b bh Ameican fficial an

    Aalia' Minie f Defence Rber Ra

    Nnga i finall be cle accing Richeln wihin ab f ea a gnain ae cnliae a n elcae evea new geneain f eal waning em.The en f he Ameican peence a

    Nnga ma pleae me f he whcnvege n he ie f eal pe manf whe ca wee pbabl ane wih heAniae gp Rame Hme'bmpe icke while he pe Kick heae' C he eae' Thi.

    Jeffe Richeln i be cmmene f hiniqe hi f Ameica' eeinhekpgam i pgam give eal waning fhe fin al ncle a echange We m hpeman f he in pwe in Ameica ea hebk f he len i ecibe, bl b


    Ten ea ben he en f he Cl Wa heUS cnine impve i eal waningem, epl han f ncleaweapn ea f immeiae lanh, an e new nclea weapn b vai evimean The US Senae ha j faile aifhe nclea e ban ea. N nga macle, b i i nclea bine a al in heg l US

    "ENEMIES WITHINPapa Nw G na, raa a n d andn Cr: T I nd ry

    MaryL QCaagan Dday. pp $29.95; radRvwd y Mrray rn

    The Pang na cppe an gl mine ngai nvill e wa ne f he wl' ve biggemi ne Owne an peae b a biia fRi Tin f iain, he wl bgge miningannainal (i wn Cmalc hee), i ha beenpene in 1 972, ve he en bjecin fhe gainvillean The aiinal lanwne

    wee appalle b he enm nvinmenalevaain an he viall e level falie pai hem Ove e ea hepee an file hge aage claimFin all in he lae 1 980, he ae abaginghe mine, Papa New inea bge eveneeane The PN milia veee an nbecame bgge wn in a ing wa fgainvi lean inepenence, ve wnVienam The mne ha been ce f mehan a ecae nw Fanc On he leae fhe gainville Revlina A l Tme1 0/3/97) "We l believe ha all f

    ganvil le ne hea f ecin bhee fegn cmpanie f min in

    996 he P gvenmen f Si Jli Chanha ecel ecie ha i wn bal annicipline milia wa incapable fppeing he ebellin, an cnaceSanline nenainal a haw cpain fAfican mecenaie cmmane b iihffice habeen eie he mine an efea

    he R n Mach 997, he PN mi l iaheae b igaie eneal Je Singikemane ha he cnac be cancelle hemecenaie epelle an he Pime Miniean hi clleage eign nea, Chan ackeSingik. The p ebelle backing heicmmane, an le a jin milia/civil ianblckae f Paliamen which fce heeignain f Chan an he (he wa amnghe efeae a he beqen genealelecin) Ti bk pvie an eemeleaile accn f he npeceene even(a fa a he eginal meia wa cncene i

    wa he "Ea Tim r f 1997) See "TeDy Dgs O Wa Pvaed Kes

    ee Resece ssue 12 age 2

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    Mcnas ins and ny" PR 3 Augst f an mdth accnt ths vnts andth lba cnt Ed

    ong o ths ook he ost hng aout theetenton of San lne ommane Leuenant

    oonel m Se y the PNG mltay as thathe msse the ong Kong Rugy Seens Bash MayLouse Oalaghan as a ounalsho oee he ss the os sne PNGahee neenene n 97 fom he nsean h e meae soues hae see h e ellhe ook eas ke a thl l too muh lke oneIt fu of oo m h extaneos sene seng etal an ees ofusngy aas an foas

    It s nsutay the nse oy ut too muh ofhat aso hee s no enoug h of he ouse stoythe ontex este no analyta Dontea ths ook f you ant to lean anyhng aout no one f the o's astest tansnaonaoatons on ea you ant to leanao>\ he fan mes of Sa ne atulaly nmueously sezng an exlotng he mnealh of ounes suh as ngola an SaLe e ont t f you ant o lean aou ohe ao Pos suh as h US an Btanha ae an aette he atsaon of a n tes fom fa o he Ban ts a aout an a s le ena lty Unfounaely t 3 no ge L he Bg Pue o use the lheso eoe of ou gloasts hs s the Ne Oe el soken tg s k l ng an o ng fo e th a ne at heque anay a gol !ne as aymen

    s use of meenaes ansnatona oaons tulay mn ng ansnaonals. he l e goenments has eome mmon n fa an s he logal eeomenf ooate fe als m By the 990s thee e e oe 90 aeames ate fa o geone exame n Januay 993anaan omany Range Olsent $30 m on f nanng a eanu opeaton n thengoan etohemal ty ofSoy y xeute Outomes aSouh fan eenay amyxeue nomes mght e a moe aoatename hes ous of aathe eate on asmle max thoughou - ase uay 997 uoes the eeant e n SeaLeone as eg Kl l eeyone ong to a enone staegst an a theoeta nPess 72/97 Muh of the ay to ay uenof efenng soety aganst the hea of o

    nensty onflt e tansfee to he oomngseuty nss an nee the te may ome

    hen the ogansatons tha omse hatn ess ll lke the onotte of o (meenayames e y mltay eneeneus ake oe heState

    he hole thng as a exook suy n aoganey ul shooloy k l les - fom the h lshlymahsmo omany name ee sne the Gulfa mtay et eames hae talke of anga lne n the san o he menaty of hemeenay ommanes ho must hae athetoo many eeats of Da's my an haoousy taken at fae aue ooa ones'mana "he fuzzy uzzes on' ke o steelhey on't ke t u em One of the moe omalseques to the hole squal faso as to efoun amongst the ne noy of San n e's asenaseze y the ustalans t nue seeal anmoes hh ges a hoe ne menson tohe long estalshe Btsh mlay taon ofmong on the nateso the geat su se tas the he muees ho foun the on esn ange (ey muh so n Ses aseomehensely suse oute an kke ouy Oeaton Rausm Kk he mtay eeonheae y Jey Sngok o a nsult to nuythey ee oute y the ey same PNG mtayhh ha ause so muh of the Bouganl less n the f st ae No ha these ml taygenuses hough hough he lan - f they hasueee n atung an eoenng thePanguna mne tha t oul hae een fa fom heen of the matte ut smly a etun to SquaeOne th mlant anones etemne o ose on agan y any eans nlung a Noha they onsee the oltal amfatons - as t as the Sanln e ss ought on the ha ngoenment an le to he extaonay stuatonof he natons tans eng esege nPalamen

    h e egon oes the eole ofPNG a g ote of thanks - theyose an hysally hke outthe meenaes foe the

    Goenment to ak on anoe out the oltansnung the PM ho eeesonse he eenaesfaso oe the

    eakthough to the esent eae setlemen onBougan le he eoe of one of the os ostmte ountes efeae the ols ggestmnn g omany an ts oa agents. n they so h a mnmum of looshe Not one usemsse o smat om as equ e

    Pe",;e Researce sse Page

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    "The Power of eople( !n n nu) y W Foot!.

    d y Jn

    As wil says ih te first capter, 'Te mouse tatoaed: "Te purpose of tis extended essay is

    sily t art o Neson Prvince becamenuclea-free and in doing so became part of teost signifiant te most ifeaffirming act in oust istory.

    I at Wi descibes as is ast book e ritesit is usua it and epains o te nuclearfree movement started in peoples omesmoving upard and outard trougneigbouood community and loca poiticagoups to eventually arrive at te steps ofParliamen

    Here is a booket tat must be read not ony byeveyone inteested in te istory of te peacemovement in Aotearoa/NZ but by tose keen tobe invoved in grassroots/communitybasedprojects

    Essentialy i l desries t amai tevisit of te US destoye uer Jy i Ote

    1 980 tu t 99 Mu sa is inevidene, as te ae of te ittemembers of even te mst umble a ouis isted

    Te oer of eople sos o dediatedpassionate and stongilled 'odinay Kiis eabe to cange te attudes of te amakes itis country, troug a campaign based on tepiosopy of act ocally t ink globaly

    eave i it te fina ord

    Nuclear eapons conventionaeapons, ar itsef must beconsigned to te dustbin ofistory Teres ony one tingtat i do it Te oer ofeope

    Dana Ingram, Austalan Peace An-Bases and Human Rghs Campagner

    D GMO 8, 1 948 Jun 3 1 999

    T ng Tru Dn urn kn iTe ainbo fag of te peace movement drapedDiana ngrams coin as e famy and fiends

    faeeled tis andsome, galant oman oad played suc an inuentia roe in Austraiaspeace m ovement and ate in care fo episones and te omeless.

    Bon Diana Capman se as adopted it esisters Barbaa and Aison by te Hoett famiygoing up in Granville.

    Diana eceed at sport particuay simmingand se as a pioneering oman suer oningand iding a Maibu boad in te eary 960s

    e oked on te Randick trams befoe

    marying an Engsman icae ngram, ense as 8 Togete tey ad tee cilden

    au and Jon born in England and Caroline inydney

    y te mid970s se ad decided tat teEngis cass system as not fo e ilden andso te family returned to Austaia

    Diaa ent back to univesiy studying atsla atydney University, taking baby Caoline it erto te ectures en se coudnt affod ababysitte e never copleted e final yearperaps because se fet tat becoming a layeoud mean oking fo people ate tan

    tem. Diana ould neve ave anted to be

    - /2 2

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    spaatd rm the mass o he people.

    nlmnt n studnt acivism o he 1 97s led oan aaness th horrors nclear weaponryand a passnae commimen o he peacemmnt partcularly nclear disarmamen.en tug deply cmmied wihin he ani

    nulea and peace movemens Diana celebraed l the environmen wih her children andtndd amiy dring camping holidays andsang tps S engendered a love o he narald in them and all those wh me er Her love the sa and hr cmimen o change saw heromng a n inegral par o Greenpeace dring isustaan inany and Di represened heustaan ofe on th e organisaion's i nernaionalad durng s time

    t r tme th G she helped ondTh Sydne Peac Squadn From conroning

    nula arships n Sydney Harbor o keeping s runnn g the shop and her nd raisingana as her a real backbone o hegansatn Se was a earless mediaspespsn "The Squad" and oengan sd lgal ad or arrested proesers Dianaas n m any n e grup wh dreamed o oneday buying a oa she was he one who wenute tang nagation and her corses

    n 19 se sald o Mrroa as pa o heptests aga inst French nclear tesing She jssse r gal eng blown back by hge gales

    l t e aic led er rher o a respec and mmtmnt t the ighs o he indigenosppl e gion inclding Asralia'sndgenus peple

    n s t urd araNew Zealand as par a degatn mmitted to he removal o USnar ar gtng and inellgence bases hereand in ustalia She was an acivis in many o sgncat antnuclear campaigns in Asralia:s as at t h Rory anti-ranim proess heatn t lse th S base a Nrrngar in he

    ut usta ian ds in 1 989 and he hge Palmunday and i sma Day marches in Sydney in at 1 90s S as he llime organiser or th Hirshma Day marches a his imealy n 991 se ok a leading role in heapagn t sp the US bombing o Iraq and shead at ead a 6 srong proesay tugh Sydney strees

    ads th end he same year she joinedusands s n Canberra in a campaign ostp X, a n ntrnainal arms bazaar Wihmass aests tang place as peace aciviss

    suggld hours a day r alms a week os dn t mchans o death Diana wasa a t police centre rganising legal

    represenaion and giving mch nee ded s ppor ohe exhased proesers in he cells

    Diana worked a he Breakout acivis enre asheir oce coordinaor or several years movingmre in criminal j sice isses She worked nhe campaign o ree Tim Anderson laer

    becoming a Justice Action case worker Shevisied he wors secions o he oghes jails inNS W bringing her sense o orage ino lonelydark cells Her genle srengh gave conidence oprisoners while bal governors qailed a herenry Prisoners wold hreaen hem ll ring D iand sor yo lo o!"

    Wheher in cor or hrogh vigoros discssionswih breacracy Di sellessly and seadaslyorganised or her men rom he Resamen ocein Trades Hall speaking o or he homeless oralcohlics and eprisoners men who oerwise

    had so lile sppor

    Eigh years ago she discovered she had breascancer She aced his wih her sal corage an ddeerminaion wriing her amos acion plans ochange he hospial sysem and he r healh Asalways wih Di here was a case Diana workedseveral days a week despie ailing srengh righp nil she ad mied o hospial or he las ime

    Many will remember her Ohers who never meher will benei ro her work or peace ad jsice

    Bob Leonard sent the following message viaZohl de Ishtar to the funeral for Diana.

    Dear Zohl,

    I'm wting for al of us in the Chstchuh Anti-BasesCampaign. We remember Diana for her enthusiasticpaicipation in the 10day AntiBases Tour of Aoteaain November 99. We visited the four foreign bases inthe Noth and South Islands That included an "assaulton the US Navy nuclear misse targeting obseato ina snowstorm, 4000 feet in the mountains ofMaborough We had to climb all 4000 feet in the cold

    and wet Aussies, Kiwis and many Pacific slanders. Ihave a wonder photo of Diana and sevel other vewet cold activists on the descent fm the base ThepOice thought we cold al colapse of hypothemia

    We didn't know Diana for long in 99 and we haventkept in contact except thugh mutual fends andactivists But we wmiss her greay as a friendsuppoer and activist in ve tubled times

    We send our sincee sympathy to al of Dianas family'"and fends at this ve sad time

    Yours in solidaty

    Bob Leonard, Melanie Thomson Muay Horton MoanaCo/e Greg Jones, Becky Hoton, ani Johansen andWarren Thomson

    ee R ue 9120 g24

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    ,' Dulci e Stocker - Peace and Scal Jstice Campag eULCIE TCKER19211999A Tribute fom May Hn

    Dulci Stocker who died In July 999 aged wa one of the nsung heroines f Chtchurhand f the brad New Zealand prgresvevmen on knw her th last dcade or of her life b 'd knwn of the Ster failyas a ital pat o the loal peae ovement for atleast year tly, we new them throu ghther sn Scot wh wa active the campagnt de iltaris Ha ewod and the whole gam peace and anti-nular iue tha sotransfore New Zealand In h 9 ABC haa wnderfu big lanated ss photo of us all in

    ful l regala f our 96 Spie Pinic atHarwod , potsting the US Ar Foe flghtthrough Christhurch t ervice the S pybasat Pi ap Autrala Sct i in the frnt rwThe famly ofrone th S ilitay atcnsidably hoe global f lashponts oo atDules funeral t was recnted how theyviited oh Krea in the early 9 and wentt the northe sde of the brdr Apparentlyyoung Sot shouted ints a the US troops onthe outhen sde but Dulie was in earsbcase thy were huan bings to andhou ld n t e teated like hat Scott left

    Chritchurh (he now a Neon teaher) othe w got to know hi parent rtly hi fatherPeter, who was by then a retd NatonalAiwas COpration plo H wa into everythingin th lcal peae movement and by dnt of hisbald head suunded b pur whte hair andeybos was imposible to is. Pete dieduddenly 1 he was a great loss t hsfamil an e d omniy

    We g u!e afer Peters de3th ewas a cmplet stalwart f the peace veentpartiularly of he Suner Peae Gup he ha

    belong ed it or deades Th grup deservesits own aolades it emain ne o th fwsurVg pae grups anywhere NZ: active; it puts ony where i mouth andon he s u bjet of muths i t has povided so e othe st outh watng derts and othertreats fr ndraers and evns hat ABC hasput n v te years he Sum nr eace Grouphas b one o ou taunchet supporterdespite the avag of age and deaths Du swas on he o rent She wa lynh ofe grp

    ! k i L y Ro C!:l ('ar ;' aq soat e 8S

    overome by emton at hr uneral ad hadifiulty fnishing his speh) She as actve inthe Restoatve utic Ntwork Father imConsedine its hief propnn offiated at herfuneral " 0 Stocke wa a very regularcorrespondent to th ss o ute fro hrobituary in T V Fm s (Septeber1 999 "These letter were remarkable for thergenerosity of prit an d the remarkable ab ility tget traght t the pnt and stck t it Sh e neveractuall y beongd to ABC r subsribed to s being t happy to get ur

    materia va th Suner Peac rup Bu t sh ewas the most generou of upportrs for yearshe pledged 5 per nth to the CAFCABCrganise Acount which provide y incme.She did thi ght up until the month sh dieddespte having had evral thousand dlarsozen n the collape f the Lyttelto CredtUnion Nr wa she gnerus ony with moneyone e she gave e a lad f firewod.

    he grup ha wa ulcie greatest pasinwas Cos She was a vlunteer ther for morethan year She and Peter worked hard n the

    house to houe collecton untl they weredcontned n 1989 for th last deade f herfe, she came nto Corsos Christchurch building(hh, in age and tmprature culd have beenused as the riginal mat freer several timesa week to d reeipts and ther admnistrativobs h i where I saw her os Hr Crobituary desribed her as the "moal centre fCh stchuh Corso he he made branuffins she brught along t aut to shareith thers wer as legendary as they werdeiius Dul nver waveed frm Cors,dspite al t internal and extenal upheavals f

    he last op of decad She was rck slidnd h devoio to rs permeated eveyapet o he ife and death Sh refused toaccept rthdy peents rm her kid askigl to ma a donat on o Corso ntad. At herunera the ruest wa fo 1 flowers but adonation to Cos nstad

    e wok n all srts of other grups.aging from th Allae t nion hurcl tnvolvement n the fercey ntetd battles tpreserve the harater of Sumne and Redcliffs wd eess from OG;? rin

    e l[, oa wi9 Ei,nj hnd ei/eri t1 tJ >"bxp: r

    Pce Rs Iu 9 g 25

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    mner an Re. he a h hroghohe 1990 epe her eroy eerorangheah he ha hear robe an ha o rave oDnen or rgery a o many beoreChrhrh go on hear n). n her ayear o e e o ne hen a her hea o knny an ny h h obvoy ba

    boo raon an y breahng. Ye heonne o rag here no Coro o ork a avoneer an o nvove here n a he eo he or rom he arm rae o anoonam

    In he m o a h De h a a an avee orn De Waon n Chrhrh n 1921h e a eae a Chrhrh Gr Hghhoo rom hene he are her eongove o hory an angage (n aer year hee an Frenh panh an Maor byorreponene) n 1938 he began a nrngareer ha ae neary 1 5 year he a aDr re an her oa onene aharpene by orkng n he op op o he Faroh an Ea Cape rng a hore or rvng oreah remoe an mpoverhe Maorommne n he 1940 To oe rom For a gr rae n 1920 an 30 Chrhrhho ha hary een a bron ae beore ha a hge hange. An he ove In 1949he en overea raveng o Engan anErope ong beore a he one hng oryong nge e Zeaan omen - hehhhke aron Erope h ong anerke omekne brogh her bak aer 1 5monh an he ook p her a Dr repo a Takaka I a here ha he me Peerke hoe mo amo orng man oevrea o rng De an ay re nre omek my baby ha aoe a kapokmare"). They marre n 1954 an ee n

    Chrhrh De gvng p pa nrng Theyha everyhng n ommon eep regon - Peea agno De C hran ah a enrao her e

    he a an nernaona o an een mona n a pakeha o her generaon. he ve

    n rne hen Pee orke here They regaryve amoa an aope evera hren oeren rae an naonae - here a arong amoan preene a her nera When mye eky r arrve rom he P h p ne egh year ago Chrhrh a a range an opae he nay orke a a Coro voneer -he remember De gong o o her ay omake her ee eome To he en o her eDe aay ne on me eng her hoeky a

    De hae beng he enre o aenon hea eremey e eang. peaker aerpeaker a her nera mae h pon an on have been pobe o honor her n hereme The greae ompmen ha o bepa her a ha noboy ha a ba or o ayabo her he a he or o peron ho aboey nvaabe n any organaon -heer ree a eae orker negenperepve an above a army hma n he be greay me by he movemen We enor eepe ympahe o her hren Pa Jonahan Je an o e have he aor: My moher a a ovng arm earng nny an brave oman he aeraornary enao an a oner mm.he eave a hge hoe n he ve o her amyan ren Hoever he o hae a o aron eeng a an orry o o a o yoreang h keep p he goo gh

    I Dulc Socr 191 1999 I 91

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    M MK Steven - ABC/CACA Benefactor

    MI M. K TEVEN 99 99 9y Muy n

    o yo migh hik ha he above i a preyimperoal heaig or a obiary o a all iealy ho i be ol have ihe i. Whehe r beame a member he a ko o oly a M . K. Seve o e i eve ko hageer he a Eveally e i olve hamyery a ob eoar a I aally go o meehe a a emiar. We ake her ho he ihe obe aree Mi M K Seve a he aera he a aama ha he i o ih o bealle M So ha a mh a e ever o oabo her i her lieime epie he a ha helive i C hrihh So he a g 1 999Pess obiay a pblihe abo a Mario KerrSeve a oblivio o i igiiae. I amiebe o ob o realiig ho i a abo

    Mi Seve ame o Peace eseace a heC rom he Peaceink mailig li i he early90. We iherie ome o i briber he ieae pbliaio Sh e remaie a Cmember l her eah a a parilarly geerooe. From Deember 994 il May 1 999 heoae a eraori ary $1 950 o heCCC Orgaer o hih proviemy iome Thi a o op o oaio o bohorgaiaio. She alo e o o beome amember o he Philippie Soliariy eork ooearoa a a a geero oor o ha.

    So ho a Mario Kerr Seve 8 year olmyery oma a beeaor par eellee?She may have bee ko o b he aeremely ell ko o oher I am iebe o herPess obiary ( 1 9899; Mih ael Reol) a o aleghy obiary i he Uiveriy o CaerbryCnce (2999; M lio Holro Depameo Clai)

    She a bor i Sraor i 19 2 oe o he loal

    oor or hilre He epee hi hilre oollo him io meiie a Mario oblige erbeig D o e Plymoh Girl High Shool aoly 1 5 h e e o Oago U iveriy MeialShool a a oe o he yoge ome ie Zeala o aliy or meiie age 23 aoppig he la i h er ial year S he graae i he early 930 a o holarhip o MileeHopial i riai. Whe he meial pariarhyo ha he a a oma hey ihre heoer. noable brh ih orovery ame aOago e M (i) Seve beame ivolve iha iveriy pervior Oe rie ay ha heM (i See a o o he a ore ogive p he e areer She laer move o

    Chrihrh here he pe he re o her lie(Pess) Hoever oe oor h aoher oeope Upo arrival i 1 938 h e beame a ea Caerry U iveriy College orkig pa imei he Libray a yig Greek a Clairom 942 il her reireme i 1 9 he aghClai iihig a a Reaer. Clai haalay bee her ir love o he hi rommeiie a' oo ramai

    She a a mh love lerer oe ormere ommee S he a o paioae abohe Greek lagage a eveyhig o o ih heGreek a he ae o hare i ih yo Shea j o alive a iereig he mo alive a iereig oma Ive ever me (Cnice He rparilar paio a Greek ar parilarlypoery 1950 he marrie Jame Logie heU iveriy regirar he beame ko or heirier parie or viiig aaemi a heirappearae a he U iveiy all. He a he loveo her lie b he ragially ie o aer aer olyi year o marriage. They i have hilea he i remarry. H i eah le her a ealhyoma a he e p a memorial olleio oGreek vae he orl la Logie olleiohih reai i he Clai Deparme o hiay i e i hao eahig a i ope o hepbli She peroally e a paiipae iarhaeologial ig i Cypr beig parilarlyelighe by a Taraaki epaper healie harea Taraaki Woma To Evaae I Cypr.

    She ha a eeri ie he oe ol lioHolro ho ke her or 35 year Look ormali a e ay a o a ge aay ih ayhigyo like (Pess) She reglarly opee her home oe, proeor a viiig holar,beoig he ri o her gare po hem aell. She i remembere or ylig aro oo her ol ahioe blak biyle (I can definteyeate t tat MH), o oaio ee aryig aGreek po i a hoebo o he arrier I laer yearhe yle eveyhere. er he hear aak i9 hih ore her reireme her oorreommee a lile ligh eerie. Simmig aylig ol be beeiial, he a ol Oeoer i he oor a aare ha Marioierpree hi a eaig he ol happily yle . .o oaio a ar a he QE 1 pool im 30legh a yle home agai" (Cnce). She haa vey aive reireme or eample aeigevery Cor Theare proio a ompilig aolleio o everal hoa eeive ovelilig valable ir eiio - hi ha bee


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    beh o h U ivrsiy Libry

    h so s sciig om oe regre o hvig o or eve relly me I my ys apiorig om oe ho sr crel iscrimiaio rom he prirchy b ho o osmp hr ielibl mr i hr chose iel All c o is h her or hr gre grosiy be grl h sh col i s io hr cholic rge o ieress rgig rom omer o rclePoiro

    Mss MK Steven 1 9 1 1 9 99


    Akland nmpoyd Worrs Righs oss - y May Horon

    h s sly se h closr o he AclUmploy Worrs Righs Cre AUWR)AUWC s lys io cio o h mosi rc i i bil ll ere rpio orbig h cig g o h ricl Le Is hvily io prcicliy big iegrlp o he sprb crl ciy Acl PeoplesCr orig hg rge o srvices or hemploy orig poo AUWRC lsoh is o pblicio h mch pprciee e hich e re o he severalhos mmbrs o h Popl's Cere o chg bsis ih pblicios sch asPeace Rearcher, go srigh o he poi my vori rglr scio s is Mggo oh Moh

    ly AWRC hs close becs is oris oe Wh i op i 983 mployme soo 00000 o i hsobl AUWRC close bcse o iligicil hm rsorces a ll oocommo problm i h e Le he res o sshol be hl h i ls 6 ciopc yers. h Peoples Ceres here re

    hre o hm i greaer Acla) arecoi i g AUWRC's ey peopl iclig rr hv ceri ly o bee los o he

    movem (Holmes ho obirisoihsi g repors o s rirem rgrealy eaggrae) hey ere ey orgisrsi he campig opposig h APEC Lrsmmi i Acl e hrsl is h Grcaia or Roey his elio herors liv er Wellsor)

    AUWRC ere he milis, ho oo vey iyorace pproch o heir rgs bgigheir heas igrively lierlly gis hpales o he mighy i s cse ll oo

    oe hvig her he bge gis yerby soli objec by he hire clm ohe mighy) Yo me i AUWRC h ll oemo gis i h employmereacracy, Govermes boh Lbor iol he siess Ro bl Jeyhipley he Asi evlopm heCommoealh es o Goverme Mee ig,he eyo epeecy coerece,coereces o arc oreig ivesors hiremos re lys ccompie by olsogs a sree here i 99 hy orehe cry ih proper here vry goo

    i s oo) hey pi ersome price or hisiliacy police bshigs leig o seriosijry i some ases) imrbl rress

    1 8

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol2 Issue19-20 NovDec 1999


    cort cases and mprisonment. They never gavep - on Hm Se codn't remember homany times she'd been arrested andor roghedp by the cops The media aays personifiedAUWRC as Se bt she as far from aone there as her hsband Bi , th eir kids so no nota chidren of radicas gro p to be bankmanagers) Caroine Hatt, Karen Davis IvanSoy and many many others too nmeros to


    ABC as prod to be ther comrade n arms Theynever took the sop kitchen approach tonempoyment they resotey condemned thecharity mode and efarism in genera BothAUWRC and the Peopes Centres demonstratedho the poor and nempoyed cod prodystand on their on to feet Shipey and co antthem to do that too bt ony so that they can seoff the chair from nder them). AUWRC aayssaid that the root case of the probem is or od

    mate captaism d abot sticing it p thecapitaists ith s

    AB and AUWR a speca reationshipactay in one ca a ong distance personareationship) In the eary 90s e had severameetngs of an informa radica activists netork in eson Picton Wengton and at Whatip aidy beatif spot at the entrance to Manka

    Harbor These ere to bid inks t o famiiariseorseves ith each others' isses and syes ofork, to break don the singe isse approachWe became good mates and comrades in thetrest sense o f th e ord They ere very va abemeetings

    The Rights Centre and a it stood for i be sadymissed Bt thank for everything yove donethanks for having the gts that so fe othersexhibited thanks for a the fn and thanks for thegreat memories


    ABC gratefy acknoedges the generosdonation of $750 from the Father John CrnoMemoria Trs An identica donation as madeto the CACABC OrganiserAccont, hich paysMrray Horton to ork for both organisations. TheTrst as ond p an d it s fnds disbrsed aftereigh t years of fnd ing varios progressive cases.Annoncing its impending inding p, the Trstcaed for appications for its fnds We ereamongst the cky ones ite a nmber missed

    ot atogether.

    It is appropriate that ABC shod be one of therecipints of Crno fnds John ho died in99 aged ) as an active spporter of orsand or predecessor, Citizens for Demiitarisationof Hareood We orked together on theinternationa campaign to rid the AsiaPacificregion of US bases his speciaity as thePhiippines. He as one of the fonders of theformer) Poghshares a Christchrch grop ofCathoic cergy and aity that regary hedprotests at the American base at Hareood

    against Z miitay spending, and against Zsinvovement in the 99 Gf War

    He as a driving force in the progressive ing ofthe Cathoic Chrch, his most prominent positionbeing eective secretary of the Commission forEvangeisation Jstice and Deveopment He asa eading figre in the ChristchrchbasedCathoic Commission for Jstice Peace andDeveopment since cosed don by the Chrchhierarchy See PR2. d) He as instrmenta insecring Ch rch fnding for ABCs 990 TochingThe B ases Tor He never aspire to high ceica

    office preferring to keep oking at the grassrotsas a pries f corse for his trobe e aracted

    great opprobrim from reactionaies both insideand otside the Chrch

    John as invoved in a the big isses Throghhis Ch rch connections he netorked ith theMaori nationaist movement e foght the goodfight against apartheid as did so many otherprogressive Cathoics He personifiedinternationais, traveing and orking on everycontinent I n fact, he ded mmediatey after geing

    home from the Marsha Isands. It as Asia ingenera, and the Phii ppine s specificay that ashi s greatest ove He first visited that contry in9 and ent again many times 00 peopeattended a memoria Mass in h is honor in Mani ahen he died in 99. He as the inspirationbehind the 984 e Zeaand SoidarityConference on the Phiippines in eington hefirst of its kind anyhere in the ord Essentiayhe fonded the Phiippines Soidarity eork ofAotearoa

    In a ntshe John as or friend and coeage

    We are deepy gratef that e are abe to benefitfrom his posthmos generosiy and i ensrethat the money is pt to good se

    Jon Cunow

    Peace Researche sse 1 Page 2

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    (The elevant extact fom a's epot to the Septembe

    AG of the Campaign AganstFoeign Contol of Aoteaoa CACA).

    I m oempoye y he AiBe Cmpig u i i o ere h CAFCA ork ke up he greuk o my ime My mi oriuio i o-eior oPeace Researche - Bo Leor I im o geou hee iue ye Wre Thomo i ou oe iue hi home om Thi u i o kehig i Bgkok ieiiey PR i muh me uerkig h o ih m e miigi iere emphi i ome re e overp uh Aziz' ou e gi he SIS ABCh h i mo ive yer o hie - i e 998 e he oher io egy eio i PioI i i ee y o MP our Tim Bre he Gee Ro Do We r ouo Wihopi om he ouie oy) ompee ih vegeri uge izze go epeeume o Beheim o og For he i ime i yer, ourey o Ro, e ee egy oe u po he pye' i e ge o pree ou peiio o him The peiio h ee ope or yer ig

    or he oiio o he Goveme Commu iio Seuiy Bueu he oure o i Wihopi Tgimo pye I Bo proje epie he h he eoverig om eriouurgey h e m o iey) ue hi gu o e here o he preeio I go goo o meiverge - he Ma/bough Expess i oiery more ymphei o u h i ue o e Theee o Bo Wre me h he k o orgiig h Wihopi io e o he re oheABC ommiee mye Me ie Thomo , Greg oe i oho eee o y h eIeigee Seuiy oSee Commiee reee he peiio Bu e e uue Bo ik i he e i ury 2 ou r Mie iu m poje? e re ogiig our ir uWihopi em o i hree yer ie Wihopi Wre e overe i

    There hve ee oher ABC iviie h ye Meie I ee he io Pee Wokhop Riveie Commuiy Mouek) e oh r orkhop. ABC uy ivove i he mmpig gi he vriou SIS mee riig rom Aziz' our e We pu i ui io

    o oh I preee our ir oe y megphoe poe ouie he S IS' Chrihuh oie.Th e h o ee ee ou o ou u ABC remi kee o keep goig ome or o mpigo ieigee geie. We ogie vieo eveig