pdp task 1 & 2

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  • 8/8/2019 PDP task 1 & 2


    Task 1

    What is PDP ?


    Personal development is a very broad topic and can encompass anything that involves your

    transformation as a person. It means becoming the best you can be and reaching towards your

    potential. When you become a 'better' person than you were yesterday (this does not mean better

    than another person) your life and it's circumstances improve. This is usually achieved by

    looking internally and then changing the way you act externally. When it comes to doing

    something planning what you intend to do is essential. Writing down what you want is the first

    step. It's no different when it comes to your personal development. Plan for it. Keep it brief and

    monitor what happens. Write down the results in a diary. Writing down what you want and what

    you get clarifies your thought process and cements your intention. You are allowed to change or

    adjust your plan whenever you wish. If there is no success as you follow the steps in your plan

    that's your signal to review what you have done or to adjust your plan.

    Self Awareness

    The awareness of the self is in essence how well you know yourself. How well does a person

    know what they want? How much do they want and how really is it that they have plans for

    executing/ achieving what they want?

    Understanding oneself is something that can come through an analysis of ones Social,

    Professional, Cultural, Mental and Moral aptitude among many others. We shall gauze ourselves

    by going through a set of questions and an equal number if not more of answers that will help

    each individual understand what they are and what really is each ones purpose. The assessment

    can become a fun exercise. Not just bluntly sitting in front of a computer screen or a

    questionnaire that any body could come up with. Assessment through exercise of the faculties

    involved and required for each different person keeping a very strict operational code on

    uniqueness that should be celebrated as life is meant to be.

    Life Experience

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    Celebrating uniqueness has a lot to do with understanding yourself and then going on to

    constantly better each Endeavour. Life experience teaches us enough that we can manage to live

    happy fulfilling lives. But the world today is a teeming collection of newer ideas and

    explorations that we see every individual needs to have a multi-faceted approach to life. This

    kind of an approach can come only by rigorous testing and sharpening. It is a drill that each one

    of us needs to follow with the extremity of what we would call a drive.

    Consciously and sub-consciously we should always be on a quest of self betterment.

    A). career interests and insights

    B). reading, writing and speaking assessment

    C). scientific, artistic and statistical analysis

    D). Morals Values and culture

    E). creativity, skills and superpolation

    Based on the assessment of the above and a comparison with goals set we will firstly measure

    how far we are from our goals both individual and collective. We will strive to continually

    advance ourselves in the upward of the forward direction. All of us here today have come up to

    at least a level of education that will enable us to absorb ideas at a fair rate. We are already aware

    of what are our likes and dislikes. Also we are aware of the things that we like to do i.e. the

    things that arouse our interests. Our skills have also come a long way, our writing, reading,

    speaking skills are at a certain minimum that allows to communicate with each other with a

    certain ease that we forget how the process really works and how is it really that we are to use

    them to serve their purpose. We will now proceed point wise and cover a small area of the

    vastness that lies in each of us and try and gain a foresight as to what we need to do on a

    collective level to achieve that. Also at the same we will also be able to gain an assessment as to

    what each one of us really has to do to get up on that curve of self improvement.

    a) Innovative Learning Method

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    We will look to advance our honed skills through innovative learning methods that will help us

    expand our horizons. That means we will look to improve if needed on our world view, the way

    we look at the outside is a reflection of our inside. So in effect we will try and evaluate ourselves

    so as to we can see what are our individual strengths, skills, learning preferences and

    shortcomings for that matter. One thing that we will try and remember throughout is that all this

    is in retrospect to what we individually expect from ourselves.

    b) Goal Orientated Approach

    On that goal oriented approach we will apply the latest in material and methods. Our counseling

    media is made keeping in mind that every individual has to be catered to in a different way. Our

    counselors themselves are either, experts and professionals who are involved in relation to where

    we would like to see ourselves in or they are trained educators of Kollace who have gone

    through similar evaluation processes and are acting on those very guidelines.

    c) Self Understanding

    College and school students need to understand that they need to know about their goals. That

    they should understand the choice in front of them completely keeping in mind all the

    ramifications of how it may affect their future. We will work towards a better self understanding

    using the web and other media. We must remember that personal and collective satisfaction is

    what we are working towards here. Personally we may not be very ambitious and may have a

    simplistic expectation from life and our efforts in it but collectively it is indeed a little different

    as we need to consider family also as an integral part of the loop that is formed here

    d) Leadership Approach

    Becoming a leader in everything that we put our efforts in to. Our world today is shaped by

    competition and standards. We have to compete to be able to keep pace. Through our program

    we will discover what it feels like to be on top. The peaks will constantly be set and reset to

    higher points and altitudes for an individual who has the hunger for growth. For some there may

    be satisfaction in climbing Mt. Everest and for some there may be that very same satisfaction in a

    small personal achievement. Both need we be reminded has our energies focused on getting the

    best out of ourselves.

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    e) Self Assessment

    We will go through a lot of interactive slideshows and talks on critical areas where the individual

    can choose to stand. There will be a constant assessment and re-assessment of our goals and

    modifications can be done and followed. Becoming an individual who celebrates life needs for

    every person to be bold and back their decisions and feelings. We will interact widely upon such

    things with as much possible aid from various media as we can.

    f) Change and Adaptation

    We will study change and adaptation. We will strive hard that by the end of our program each

    person becomes more versatile, more mobile. We will learn about etiquette, listening skills,

    conversations and how we can get the most out of any communication process.

    g) Success and Failure

    Failure and success are symbiotic. One can not exist without the other. Those who have

    succeeded all of them have failed and that is how they have learnt to put one and one together

    into a successful effort. Again trying is the secret behind it. All of us have come across great

    stories and personalities who have repeatedly showed us the way. We must remember that each

    brick of success comes only from the heat of the intense fires of failure. We will learn how to

    take something away from every situation. Focusing on what we need to look for from our

    failures. Once again there is only one secret to succeeding, try and try and try and then try again.

    i) Out of the box thinking. Conventions are a good way of understanding out of the box

    thinking. Every convention that we have today was once a new idea and was once looked upon

    as grey. We have to learn to acknowledge that it is through an understanding of convention that

    we will learn how to look beyond the mirror to look deeper into our personality. We will assess

    and come out with our bad habits and shortcomings.

    j) Experiencing learning, every step of the way. A child who is new to the world has the

    best learning aptitude. We will try and emulate those at all levels. We need to keep our learning

    switch on at all times. We will also give a strong focus to learning passively and with practice it

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    will become so that we will learn sub-consciously also. We will soon experience that through

    this method we will markedly increase our performance.

    k) Increasing our presence of mind. The very common uncommonly practiced theory of

    common sense. Even though it is indeed the most common of terms upon observation it is easily

    seen that it is not at all a common practice. We will try and bring out that presence of mind in

    such a way that we become adaptive to situations and learn to think on out feet. Being

    knowledgeable is simply not enough; we have to be street smart if we are to increase our chances

    of success.

    l) Inquisitive, Interactive, Informative. Any individual looking for growth has to understand

    that they need to follow their curiosity. We learn things a lot faster if we are inquisitive about

    what is going on. We will look to build up that inquisitive nature. Developing a hunger for

    learning and constantly looking into ones desires, feelings and questions will help us grow at

    exponential levels. Working towards making learning a basic principle will help us in getting a

    constant weight to every query we can have about ourselves.

    h) Problem Response Stimulus

    Understanding the question. Most of us pay a lot of attention to the answer, so much in

    fact that we forget the question and we forget the purpose in doing so. An understanding of how

    what why where when will help us understand the question and the answer and develop an

    efficient Problem-Response stimulus. We will be able to grasp any situation and assess it in the

    real world as we look for the origins and roots of why the question exists. The answer will then

    come naturally without efforts wasted. A life long understanding will emerge.

    (i) Reactions and Responses.

    The subtle line between a reaction and a response needs to be understood. We should be

    able to judge how to react and when to do it. Reactions are mostly based on haste and do more

    harm in most cases that good. We need to understand that panicking and worrying will not make

    things better. We have to get up and do something about. We have to respond and that response

    is a culmination of our understanding and our personality.

    j) Human Relationship

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    Human relationships are important for each one of us. Understanding human relationships will

    help us become better communicators which will in effect help us with our management skills

    also. Prioritizing the fact that most of us will go on to choose professional careers and even for

    those of us who dont it is important equally that we understand human relationships so as to get

    a mutually beneficial result for both the source and the destination of communication.

    k) Use of Resources

    Tapping into the environment and making full use of available resources will help us minimize

    our redundancies and establish a balance between the environment and ourselves in such a way

    that we are the masters of the environment who also acknowledge the harmony that needs to be

    maintained at all times.


    Learning from examples that art, nature, history, myth and achievements have brought us to

    where we are today as a race. Drawing inspirations and setting ideals for us to work with always

    gives us inspiration and example.

    m) Values morals and development.

    We will look to learn how we can become individuals. We will learn how to accept our doubts

    and fears and anxieties and will learn to accept and thus overcome them. We will look to

    understand the importance of morals and values towards shaping a radiant personality and

    making success a habit. Understand that there is only one you and that has to be a model of the

    present and a mould for the future.

    n) Performance

    Performance and stress are also closely related. We must learn to accept that stress is

    something that we must learn to mitigate and minimize wherever possible. Keeping a calm

    collective of ourselves we will look on how volumes of information that is processed always will

    keep increasing and maintain a qualitative approach at the same time for it is quality that leads to

    a long term expansion of the self helping us become super-selves of ourselves.

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    o) General awareness

    General awareness is very important for every individual regardless of their professional

    or non professional goals. As men and women of the informative age where so much impetus

    comes on it from all vistas of life we will understand the importance of knowing our world.

    Developing our opinion and expressing it is important for each one of us if we are to hitch a ride

    on the road to growth and success.


    We will learn thorough exercise and theory on how we can become a teeming mass of

    radiant energy focused on the preset and betterment of life experience. Focusing on oneself and

    tapping onto the vast global collective will help us become more aware of our responsibility and


    q) Up-to-date Knowledge

    Up gradation of our technical knowledge and skill. Through assessment we will understand and

    look to gain introspects into our future paths and will look to make the best of what we can with

    the latest resources. In this respect we will learn that we need to set our own goals and not follow

    a herd mentality as we work and set our goals. We will also try and recreate professional work

    conduits with the aim of looking ahead and gauzing our comfort and satisfaction on the paths we

    are about to choose and weather we are indeed possessing of the attitude that our aim demands of


    r) Knowledge Sharing

    Share yourself with the world. We will lean that we can grow only by sharing our ideas. The test

    that we need to pass in order to boost self confidence in a way that we are able to assume and

    take responsibility to step up to take the stage when it requires for us to do so. We shall go on

    assessing doubts and fears that we can possibly encounter along the way. Know and understand

    your roots. We need to historically, socially and culturally understand where we come from.

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    Also knowing that we are all a part of a universal consciousness we will try to gain more

    momentum and focus on improving the overall quality of life.

    Task 2

    The aim of a Personal Development Planning is to ensure that members of staff have access to a

    structured framework for reflecting on their personal and career development aspirations, and

    developing a plan for achieving them. It will also provide the opportunity to set objectives which

    will support continuing professional development that go beyond simply attending a course.


    The PDP process is intended to provide staff with an opportunity to reflect on their personal and

    career development aspirations, identifying any gaps in their personal portfolio of skills,

    knowledge and experiences that they will need to fill if their aspirations are to be achieved. The

    process includes the option of having a structured meeting with his or her line manager to discuss

    their individual PDP.

    Self Review Importance

    This meeting needs ideally to take place with the line manager as they are best placed to advise

    on whether or not the individuals current role can be developed in line with their own personal

    and career development aspirations. In addition, if the line manager has a clear understanding of

    the gaps in an individuals skills, knowledge and experiences portfolio, that need to be addressed

    in order for the individual to achieve their aspirations, the line manager will be far better placed

    to provide reasonable support to the individual as opportunity arise.

    The PDP meeting is an opportunity to focus on career aspirations, within or beyond the

    participants current role, and to set and review goals in order to achieve those aspirations.

    It is envisaged that the process will be followed flexibly to meet the needs of the participant.

    Once an individual has opted to participate in the process, regular reviews of how progress is

    being made against the agreed plan are advised. This review can be formal, e.g. a meeting with a

    line manager, or informal.

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    Members of staff are encouraged to present paperwork associated with the PDP process in

    support of applications for promotion or re-grading, or for discretionary or accelerated

    increments, if they wish. However, there is no requirement to do so. Such paperwork will be

    treated in the same confidential manner as any other documentation submitted as part of these



    It is intended that PDP will provide the benefits outlined below:

    For individuals

    Provide the opportunity to take time out to focus on future career options

    Provide the opportunity to reflect on personal and career development aspirations

    Improve their ability to work effectively in their current role

    Develop their strengths and identify areas for improvement

    Create a greater awareness of themselves

    Helping them stay up to date with the skills and knowledge that individuals need to meet future


    Being proactive in seeking and using the development opportunities that are available within

    the Company

    Enable them to consider appropriate development opportunities to help achieve those


    The Individuals Role in a Team Work

    The purpose of the PDP is to provide the individual choosing to participate in the process with an

    opportunity to participate in a discussion that enables them to reflect on their personal and career

    aspirations and develop a plan that will help place them in the best possible position to achieve


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    Any individual wishing to participate in a PDP discussion needs to accept that it is their

    responsibility to take ownership for setting up the discussion and for progressing any actions


    An individual who chooses to undertake a PDP is responsible for:-

    Implementing the PDP process

    Ensuring he or she has a development plan

    Owning the delivery of that planning

    Ensuring their line manager is aware of specific development needs and support identified

    Reviewing the progress of achievement of the agreed actions identified during the process.

    Development Timescale and Problem Tackling

    Individuals are encouraged to think about their development needs in terms of the short, medium

    and long term to overcome the hurdles in their way. This helps the individual identify a

    development pathway that takes account of any immediate training needs to help them do their

    current job effectively, as well as developing skills and experience that will help them progress

    their career in the longer term.

    Short term development (0 to 6 months) may involve objectives which can be met quickly and

    with little forward planning. They may include objectives that help individuals meet the current

    needs of their role.

    Medium term development (6 months to 2 years) may involve objectives which require larger

    amounts of action or some forward planning. They may include objectives that help individuals

    meet the changing needs of their role and equip them for the future.

    Longer term development (beyond 2 years) may involve objectives that require considerable

    amounts of action and/or substantial forward planning. They may include objectives that help

    individuals meet their career objectives.

    Development Needs

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    Individuals should identify their short, medium and long term development needs to help them

    do their current job more effectively and help them progress their career.

    A good starting point is to consider the following

    1. What are the objectives of my Department and my team?

    2. What are my objectives? These should have been identified in your annual Performance

    Review meeting.

    3. How might my work change in the next few years?

    4. What are my long-term career goals?