pdhpe wiki rationale

PDHPE RATIONALE PDHPE is essential in Primary schools as it educates students on the importance of healthy lifestyles, physical activity and safe living. Most of all PDHPE is about having FUN in a healthy, safe and active environment.

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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PDHPE is essential in Primary schools as it educates students on the importance of healthy lifestyles, physical activity and safe living. Most of all PDHPE is about having FUN in a healthy, safe and active environment.

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Active Lifestyle & Physical Activity encourages students to get active and improve their physical fitness. It allows students to develop skills and informs students of the benefits of leading a healthy and active life.

Active Lifestyle & Physical Activity

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Personal Health Choices & Growth and Development gives students an understanding of their bodies and nutritional needs. It encourages students to EAT HEALTHILY!!!

Personal Health Choices & Growth and Development

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Safe Living allows students to learn and develop fundamental safety precautions and life skills, such as: road safety, personal safety, water safety and safety at home and at school.

Safe Living

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Interpersonal Relationships improves communication and strengthens peer relations. PDHPE aims to develop self confidence in ALL students while monitoring their physical and mental wellbeing.

Interpersonal Relationships