pcds yearbook 2008


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M e s s a g e s f r o m t h e H e a d & D i v i s i o n H e a d s :u ---------------------------------- PCDS: like no other.A school sits on the edge o f the desert in the shadow o f a cam el’s back,

The land had a starting role in films, a real director’s hack,H alf o f a century old, bound by new traditions,A school, physically reinvented with renewed am bitions,Defined by academic prowess and seeking to be that school,The one that gets ‘em in and graduates no fool.In the end there is bu t one goal,To race this thoroughbred, once a colt, once a foal,To the end— spent and tired, nameless the school— the horse runs to catch and rest among its brothers,O f course tru th be told, it needed not to strive, achieve it had already...It’s PCDS: like no other. m m

Mr. Campbell, Head of School

* Jeremy Abdo, Gregory Adrian, Joseph Bacal, Ivaylo Bahtchevanov. Ashley Barnhill. Matthew Benson, Alexandra Blandford, Morgan Brown, Cody Cashman, Conor Cathey, RachelChancn, Olivia Cumsky, Pallavi Dhadvai, Ryan Dougherty, Savaria Drumm, Rachel Epstein, Max Farrar, Courtney Finnegan, Nicholas Gibbs. Sara Goldsworthy, Henry Gridley, Kylin Hamann. Fangxing Han, Cindy Hwang. Bailey Keogh. Nabccr Khan, Jacc Knudson, Alex Kost, Colin Laccy, Kelly Lin. Rachael Lopez, Shannon Manley, Danielle Marquis, Bckki Matwijkow, Kirea Mazzolini, Harley McKee, Michael Meath, Lindsay Merhcgc. Ryan Miller, Nikita Mokhashi. Julia Najafi. Ian Neufcr, Marccla Nicmczyk, Zahid Pasha. Adclar Pesqueira, Ryan Pitt. Ariannc Price, Matt Prusak, Allison Puglisi, Nithin Pusapati, Ncha Ravi, Katie Rector, Ryan Rcisman, Liz Rodic, Hailey Rose, Sybil Rose. John Sands, Lauren Sheffield. Gordon Silverman. Christine Stockslagcr, l i? ™ Sturr. Sophie Swanson. Ashley Sylvester. Stefan Topalov, Latina Vidolova, Thomas Wall. Meryl Woods, Michael Young, Kathie Zhang, Christina Arrcgoccs, Bnan Baker, Sarah Bauer, Sophie Boyer, Peter Brown. Haley Carroll, Margo Casselman, Bianca Cervantes. Kevin Crain, Douglas Dc la O, Alexander Dioncs, Daniel Dodcll, Erica Dohring, Tyler

I Drew, Chris Paragi"’?. Alex Gonzales, Cole Goodyear, Ariel Gordon, Sarah Gordon. Spenser Gwozdzik, Alex Hcltnc, Chris Jackson, Dylan Kaminsky, Lauren Kauffinan. Hannah Keogh, Benazir Khan, Navncct Khera, Maude LaBellefSophic Labelle, Basil Latif. Margaret Liu, Valeria Lopez, Xavier Loza, Grace Martineau, Margaret McCain, Josh McGrath, Zach McVay, Yuka Milton, Laura Moracs, Emily Morazan, Lexi Myers, Katharine Onofryton, Themos Panotopoulos, Salona Patel, Katie Pcairs, Michael Perry, Mackenzie Pcrscn, Taylor Pitt. Adrian Reiter,Jaclyn Roberts, Asmit Sanghera, Ariellc Schlesingcr. Diana Schron, Britain Scott, Matt Selling. David Selvala, Morgan Shepard, Dcvika Soni. Sergio Tavizon, Patrick Taylor. Ashlcigh Troutman. Jake Villadolid, Tres White, Chris Abdo, Robert Adrian, Alfred Alvarez, Owen Bean. Alex Bcllcr, Sophie Cartcr-Kahn. Andrew Chang. Zinnia Daas, Mark Eiscnbcrg, Alexandra Favicr, Eric Fram. Will French, Elliot Ginsburg, Jessica Gordon, John Greenberg, Stephen Hamway, Brett Hcnncssy, Isabel Hines, Zach Hitchcock, Tori Hussey, Devin Ingcrsoll, Anne Inkpcn, Amrita Kang. Colin Kelly, Harry Kent, Stephanie Kost, Nicole Lopez, Adam Lowe. Erin Malone, Suchita Mandair, Stew McClintic, Varun Mokhashi, Ben Murphy, Amber Naumann, Adam Ocst, Jessica Ornstein, Sakina Pasha, Sara Pauli, Gino Picozzi, Alex Raskin, Arianna Rose, Matt Roscnzwcig, Aytcn Salahi. Jack Schwimmcr. Noah Segal. Andrew Scraichick, Anna Silverman, Michael Silverman, Kendra Simon, Javon Smith, Schooner Sonntag, Natalie Swinford. Nicole Swinford, Malt Tibi, Tyler Tsc, Thomas Turansky, Alex Van Horsscn, Tcddic Vidolova, Chris Wade, Pratcck Wakharkar. Bccca Wax, Mark Zhang, Janey Zitomcr, Richie Zitomer, Abigail Abraham, Ycscnia Armcndariz, Jillian Attaway, Hutch Balholm. Michele Barnhill, Aaron Baumann. Will Bixby, David Blackwell, Laura Bodell. Ian Brandon. Lizzie Burton, Mercedes Cain, Andrew Charlson, Alcxa Cohn, Steven Corey, Bccca Crane, Tori Crase. Anthony Dahkoshay, Quinn dc la Concepcion. Sam Debold, Dcby DeVries, Ivy Epstein, Karen Feltz, Jay Fielder, Guy Gamble, Natalie Garagiola, Stcphancc Germaine. LcManley Gishic, Emily Gogolak, Gary Gold. Andrew Grady, Piper Gustarson, Destiny Huynh. Julia Ivanova, Todd Jenkins, Navdcep Khera, Eric Lewis, Danni Lin, Jonathan Lorentzcn, Kaylie Marsh, Lauren Mattioni, Lauren Motzkin, Becky Myer, Jcssi Nicholls, Jenny Papp. Nick Pappas, Katclyn Pascavis. Kalccna Patel, Greg Pcairs, Ryan Pcarlman, Dccpa Rao, Ally Rcsnick, Chelsea Robbins, Gary Simpson, Manasi Soni, Jimmy Siecby. Aravind Swaminathan, Warren Wagoner, Nina Warner, Caitlin Wilcnchik, Richard Wong, Alex Zadel...


PCDS Lower School: A Place Like N o Other.PCDS is a friendly place where students, teachers, and parents care about each other and show kindnesses in small ways each day. PCDS is a learning place where children reach for new heights and get a boost as needed. It is a joyful place where teachers develop the m inds and hearts o f the children in their care. At PCDS, we hold the key to making the world a better place for everyone to live, learn, and give o f themselves with a grateful heart.

k k ----------------- PCDS Middle School...A school like no other.A school with faculty that have competed in the Olympics and climbed Everest A school where students carry luggage to school every day A school where a rain shower is as exciting as the first snow A school where we share teachers with a school in China i A school where every grade travels on an overnight tripA school where we care not only about math problems and science theorems, but also about creativity, self-confidence, artistic expression, and each other A school where students build rockets, create videos, design robots, and go for hikes A school with some of the finest students in the SouthwestA school where the community is built around education and not the other way around A school like no other that I’ve ever seen...

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t struly "like no other;' I hope, as you look through these pages, that you discover how unique, one-of-a-kind,

distinct PCDS really is. And while this theme, indeed, reflects our community, it also reflects this yearbook and the people ) made it possible. ::

First and foremost?,f would like to (hank my adviser, Miss Lynch, from whom I learned the value o f effective,communication and itive encouragement, both'key items to a successful and finally-completed yearbook. Without her,' there would be no catchy puns for tions, correctly spelled student names, full-on re-staging of sports photos, grammar done to perfection, or many, many proofread drafts ranteeing a close to flawless book. Even her "fierce New York attitude" ensured the staff thankfully never went hungry or went too long lout a fair dose o f sugar. Thank you for being a m entor and a role model. Secondly, I want to thank the core staff of Editors who have a with me for every twist, turn, fall, and power session. I deeply appreciate your genuine commitment to this yearbook and your ingness to stay at school until 2 AM during deadline weeks. Adam Lowe, your design sensibilities are beyond imagination. Y our, itivitv and passion for graphic design and photography have added a special touch to this yearbooks especially on the Senior Bests page, Lifers page, and many of the senior ads. Stephanee Germaine, your careful eye and exceptional perseverance have proved to be duable in the production o f this yearbook. You proofed pages with enthusiasm, and willingly edited pages as many times as needed; it been a great pleasure to work with you this-year. Sophie Boyer, your time-management and communication skills surprise me everyday, lr ability to delegate work, complete text assignments with ease and speed, and produce first-rate work makes you an integral part o f the rbook team. Also, Adam “M o” Oest, you stepped into yearbook right when we needed a photographer who was willing to take photos i moment’s notice; thank you for saving the staff much hassle by taking such extraordinary sports photos. I want to thank Morgan pard for completing the Club section by collecting all the information, taking the photos, and laying out the pages in such a timely nner. Finally, thank you to the entire staff (listed on pg. 255) for your patience, determination, and understanding of all my miniscule nment changes|strict adherence to the complicated style guidelines, and crazy assignments in such time crunches:'

To Mrs. Thompson I send a heartfelt "thank you" for providing us food and supporting us every step of the way. To the US faculty: nks for being understanding o f the staffs tendencies to fall asleep during class, and the stress bubble that enclosed everyone involved in rbook. I am extremely grateful to the Division Fleads for their contributions and their tremendous support in tracking down names and itos. A ls^ aapecial thanks goes out to the Lower School Representative, Kimberly Sauer, and to the Middle School Representative, Jane amer, who undoubtedly smoothed the way in the process of identifying students and selecting photos.. You accommodated our needs ti smiling graciousness, especially during our tight deadlines. A very special thank you is extended to Mr. Pesselato, who genially igned our fantastic title page and offered his valuable advice, and also to Nancy Crase, who took stunning sports photos. I extend my titude to the TJj department, Mr, Mazich, Mr.Lindh, and Ms, Treadway, who let the staff completely take over the computer lab for nths. You always made us feel like no request was too small or too much of a bother, whether it was force quitting applications or iving a laptop.

gJLast, but surely not least, I want to acknowledge m l friends, who put theiphard work iftto this book even when they were not® cialty part of the. staff by supporting us in our last deadline. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to stay after school and p out. I want to personally thank Jenny Papp, for her clever captions, Lauren Motzkin, for her untamed editing pen, Mercedes Cain for dashing photos, Alex Zadel and Karen Feltz for their awesome editing skills, Kaleena Patel, for her swift proofing skills, and Natalie

ragiola for covering any laist details. One final thank you goes out to everyone (mentioned and unmentioned here) who helped make this rbook "Eke no ofner." — DanniXrrTlike to echo D^nni’s thanks to Division Heads, L& and MS Reps, and to the dents whp weren’t pn staff, but who went above and beyond to help us. A big nks goes out to Debra Kolbet for sharing her collectibn of photosand fonalways ng there to catch the perfect PCDS moment. To Nancy Crase: your photography ndlessly appreciated and admiredV Thank you to Ms. Kiltz, and to Ms. Olson for iking it work." One last factoid: Did you know Mr. Hendrickson is the best?! ndi: Thanks for all of your help. Thank you to LisaXjhelfi, Barry Shepard, Will larton, Paul VanDerWielen apd Mitz;i Kxockoyer |br;jadditional photos.; To nni: you cease to amazeme. You have been an exemplary EdItor-in-Chief aste| Multi-tasker/Decision Maker/Laxer/Leader/Ernailer/Student this year. Your ion, organization, creativity, and positive attitude have set the tone for our |mt ire >erience and have made this yearbook what it is. To my "Fab Five:" There aren t High words (of space!) to express how endlessly impressed I am with each of you. ank ypii For your tireless dedication to this project and for being who you are. is book is truly the product o f your tremendous hard work and effort , and it is a nning achievement for which I am incredibly proud. Thank you for making this if book and my firsPj^ar teaching at PCDS "like no other." — Miss I§ynch

“In the busy wilderness that is high school, you are our mama bear. You are the matriarch of the pack, protecting us, feeding us, and eventually teaching us to survive on our own. We come to you as little freshmen, new to the big scary world of high school. The first day, you teach us the most important of all biological truths: our goal is to survive. You not only teach us how species can evolve over time but also how we ourselves can adapt to survive high school. You told us, IRemember to have fun with it, it s not worth stressing yourself out over everything.’ To you, making Suife we enjoy life is just as important as making sure we enjoy sciencesYou help us discover the world around and within us and in doing so, you have become! our friend as well as our teacher. Charles Darwin said that fa man s friendships are one of the best measures of his worth.’ So for everything you do and everything you teach, we are proud to i dedicate this yearbook to you, our mama bear.”

— Alex Zadel, Class o f2008

.-Class o f 2008

D e d ic a t io n : s . S mith 4

Vhen I walked into your class for the first time, shadowing my eighth grade year, I knew that you were no dinary teacher. I could see that you were a truly dedicated teacher, as well as a caring adult to all of your , , | idents. I had no idea that you would become so much more than just an amazing teacher to me once I me to PCDS. After getting to know you both in and bu t o f the classroom, a few words immediately come m ind when I think of you: dedicated, understanding, and supportive.. Even though your room may be all

e way up in Hormel, I always know that your door is open and you are behind your infamously messy :sk ready to talk and give advice to me and to anyone else who needs it. Words cannot express the atitude I have for you always being there for me at school. Many times I have called you my ‘second other,’ and I realize that you actually are the ‘PCDS Mother’ here at school. You graciously share the me care,*support, and love that you give to your own daughter to so many of your students. It is not every ly that we have another mother to help us and care for us at school as much as you do. You are able to iderstand us as a teacher and mother. So thank you. Thank you for always being there for me and for my ass. Thanks for being there after school, nights and weekends, when we are stressed, happy, or sad: lianks for being there all of the time. Personally, you really have made such a big impact on m y life rough all of your wisdom. To us, you are not only a teacher, but also a mother, a mentor, a friend, and s o l uch more. Thanks for being who you are.”

— Aravind Swaminathan, Class o f20081

^et’s take a trip to Botswana. Here we observe a family f African elephants marching through the savannah, ow, take a moment to imagine that we are those ephants. Our family is lead by a wise female: the latriarch. Ms. Smith, to our herd of students, you are that i latriarch. You train us to be excellent biologists, | i avigating us through fields of daunting scientific terms, iverting us from the threat of misconception, and pening our eves to the wonders of the natural world. To le senior class you are not just a great teacher-— you are a ( lentor and a friend. Even though you are busy, your door j i always open. Like the fluid plasma membrane, students j re constantly flowing in and out of your classes and your ffice. Of course there’s no question why students are ttracted to you like Drosophila melanogaster (a.k.a the mit fly) is to a bug light. You are inviting, comforting, bsolutely hilarious, and very bright. Your enthusiasm is ontagious and your passion is infectious. Ms. Smith you re an amazing, loving soul. Although we may not have tie memory of an elephant, the senior class can onfidently say that we will never forget you.”

— Deepa Rao, Class


F irst F riday"N e v e r d o u b t t h a t a s m a l l g r o u p o f


w o r l d . In d e e d , it i s t h e o n l y t h i n g

TH A T E V E R H A S .” ------ M A R G A R E T M EA D

Kaylie Marsh, Grace Schlenker, and Ally Resnik

Student Body President Aravind Swaminathan addresses the entire school and describes his PCDS experience: “When I came to PCDS as a new

freshman, I was really nervous. But in no time at all, I realized that PCDS isa community like no other.”

David Richmann and Jay Fielder

Guy Gamble, Luke Briguglio, and Aaron Baumann

Did You Know?

PCDS was originally incorporated as “Talley

Academy” after founder, Mrs. Franz

\ Talley, in 1960. /

■ ■ It’s always exciting because you know it’s the start of something great. n

— Sophie Boyer, Sophomore, on the beginning o f the school year



B l u e & G o l d D a y" E n t h u s i a s m is i

C O N T A G IO U S .

B e a c a r r i e r ."

— S u e R a b in

| , , --------- -»— -— ''and Juniors Brett Hennesey and Robert Adrian break out in dance.

Did You Know?

Headmaster Shepard originally selected blue

and white as the school colors because

he was a Yale man.

Diver Natalie Swinford

PCDS Cheerleaders

ool Yoi:through its sign as they enter the gym to a roar o f applause.

I get myself into the spirit by thinking of myself as an eagle.

— Aravind Swaminathan, Senior, on pumping up for Blue and Gold Day

Adelar Pesqueira and Jace Knudson


American High School Theatre Festival, Scotland. Lauren Mattioni, Teodora Vidolova, Lizzy Burton.

Natalie Swinford, Nicole Swinford, and Victoria Hussey have a self-titled "estrogen picnic'

on Arthur's Seat.


Chengdu, China:Front Row: N. Villanueva. Middle Row: A. Tseng,

C. Gonzalez, S. Patel, E. Malone, J. Villadolid, H. Keogh,D. De la O, M. Shepard. Back Row: J. Fielder, A. Reiter

W. French, Z. McVay

"T r a v e l i s m o r e t h a n t h e s e e i n g o f s i g h t s ; it i s




British Museum, London, England:Front Row: V. Hussey, Ni. Swinford, L. Burton, T. Vidolova, Back Row: J. Kiesel '05, L. Coon, Z. McVay, Na. Swinford, A. Charlson, M. Tibi, K. Bums, C. Keller, L. Mattioni, R.

Smith, G. Wielkoszewski

u A big difference between Chinese and American cultures is the type of food that the Chinese like. They eat cow tongue and animal liver— food that Americans usually don’t eat. — Kylin Hamann


lorocco: Fulbright Exchange PCDS Teacher

Ms. Wielkoszewski

'isa, Italy: Kevin Crain "leans" against the Tower of Pisa.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H I


C ommunity O u tr ea ch

Hutch Balholm, Guest Speaker Atequllah Faizullah from the International Rescue

Committee, Zach McVay, and Destiny Huynh at an Upper School Global Awareness Club event.


4 4 I so enjoy w orking w ith refugees no t only because, in doing so, I'm helping people in great need, bu t also because getting to know such ind iv iduals opens m y eyes to d ifferent cultures an d critical global

realities. 55— E m ily Gogolak


u I really enjoyed Unitown as a Freshman because I felt like I got to know more people outside of my grade. Although we learnedabout differences, it was abonding experience too. 77

— Alex Blandfordl Freshman


B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s

G eoff Campbell Ellen Brown (Parents’ Association President) Eric Cornwell (Alumni Association President)

Jahm Najafi Beverly Ax

Samuel G arvin

D avid G rounds Tracy Schwimmer

Jonah Shacknai K enneth Allison Susan Budinger

Susan G arrity Steve Greenberg

Larraine Ho Ken Kendrick, Jr.

Leonard Lillard

PCDS is a place to grow, learn, and be yourself. It is a community that cares about the well-being of others. With dedicated teachers, students learn so much and truly receive an education for life.

—Mrs. Thommen Lower School Head

F a c u l t y

Robin Anderson M arie Bippus Adrienne Bonnet Cheryl Brown K aren Bruntz

Linda Bryant Georgia Buelow Keith Bums G eoff Campbell Eduardo Caro

Jean Ackley Lisa Adrian C ort Alcott Rebecca Allison Janice Anderson

M argaret Carter Jennifer Cherilla Kevin Cherilla Joyce Cone Jerry Cook


F a c u l t y

Jim Cook Lance Coon

Carla Cose-Giallella John Crabb

Susan Crane

Jane Cream er Cindy Davis L inda D rate

D avid D um m er Lee Edwards

K athy Ellis Chris Eriksen

Sadie Etheridge John Fielder

Rick Fitzgerald

Chuck Flail Peter Flanagan-Hyde

M aurine Fleming Valeska French Sarah G aum er

Did You Know?

Presently, there are seven PCDS

employees who have been at PCDS for

over 30 years.

u When I think about teaching, I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes: ‘The art of teaching is the art of discovery.’

— Ms. Ellis Upper School Math Teacher

F a c u l t y

Bob Hendrickson Michele Huskey Diane Ingold M arilyn Jacobo Lauren Jacobs-Gonzales

K aren Johnson Bob Kosower Erin LynchEvelyne M acrodimitris Daniel Majeski

Kathy Malone Sheila Marks Dave M artin Sue Mazzolini Patrick M cHomey

Y olanda Gilbert C laudia Gonzalez M ary Ellen Gould James Greenlee M att G uthrie

• ^O ne of the best things about being a teacher is working in a community that is com m itted to kids. *

— Ms. Thompson Upper School Head

u The most stressful thing about the college counseling process is not having a magic wand to say to students you can go wherever, whenever you want to go. Often, the most rewarding part of counseling is the frustrating, challenging part. n

— Mr. Schweikher College Counselor


F a c u l t y

Andy M cKean Katie M cKean

M ary Kay Meyers Leslie Milne

Bobby M irzaie

Judy M itchell Emily N em eth

Jan Newm an Liz Olson

Chris Palm er

M ichael Pesselato M ary Petrich Jack Phillips D avid Rowe

Kim berly Saur

Brenda Schertenlied Paul Schweikher

Cecilia Sheppard-Downey Jaim e Sheridan

Terrance Sheridan


Not Pictured: *Debbie Chen *M arti deAnguera *Sarah Driscoll *Janet Green *Alexis M arsden *Melanie Sainz *Stephani Stephens *Georgeanna Wielkoszewski

F a c u l t y

l ^ The best parts about being teacher are the days when class •es really well and I see a group kids thinking something out

gether, because I feel I made mething important happen.

— Mr. Coon 12th grade English

Catherine Smith Jennifer Sterling-Barker Shirley Stiles Lezlie Strolle Andy Surber

M ichael Swingler Peg Thom as Barbara Thom m en Ken Thom m en Sharon Thom pson

Teeraya Tomlin Jenny Treadway Amelia Tseng N euvi Villaneuva James W hite

D onna W iehn D ean Wilkins Molly Williams Betsy Youngman May Zhou


Randy Allmon Hilario Alvarez

Sam Anaya

N ot Pictured: *Chris Aaslid *Jose Calvo *Isabel Castro * Allen D oehrer

K aren Anderson Kristie Berg

D uane Bergstrom Carelie Bisinger

Lee Buettner

Barbara Bzdak C.J. Carlson Jr.

Cliff Carlson Sr. Karen Connolly D onna Corbett

Sam Dysart Brian Ellingson

K aren Fries Carol Hook

Andrew H uff

Charlie Jones Bethany Kiltz D ebra Kolbet

Jackie Lee Niclas Lindh

Ilene M anna Steve M azich Alvin McCauley Eric Neufer

Lorrie Olson Sandy Orrick Judy Ortiz Luis Pastor Brandon Perry

Kathryn Peters Y olanda Prisco Gabi Ragsdale Pedro Ramos Joan Risley

K aren Roberts M arti Skloven Bob Spaziani Katie Stein Danny Strickland

Tom Sylvester Carl Thom pson Trudy Tom Jacki Valinski Richard Zielenkiew'

"W h a t t h e t e a c h e r i s , i s m o r e


T E A C H E S ."

K a r l M e n n i n g e r

unique ______________________________

F a c u l t y L ife

Ms. Johnson and Ms. Meyers show off their Halloween spirit.

9 •W hen I was in high school, I wanted to be a football player.

— Mr. Mirzaie Upper School History

Mr. Cook

Ms. Driscoll

M r. Flail and his grandaughter Lexie Lewis catcl at the Middle School new student orientation

Latin and the Classics were my I favorite in college, but in high school, I liked marching band.

—Ms. Anderson Upper School Latin

Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Pu pose triumphhantly at the top of

Piestewa Peak._______


S e n i o r s :Congratulations to our National Merit Semifmalists. They are

Aaron Baumann, Ian Brandon, Ivy Epstein, Todd Jenkins,Navdeep Khera, Lauren Motzkin, Kaleena Patel,®und,Clreg Peairs. vSix seniors were named Commended Students bfpdi® N|tio|nal h |pfit Scholarship Program: Samanth^T)ebold, Erid LeWisf Danhi Lin, Ally Resnik, Gary Simpson/%nAAle^Zade|s A total of 14 4e,niorsC, more than 20 percenjfif th |,c la s % ^ z Q ^ have received Natiohal Merit recognition. J*Lauren Motzkin was a summer fhtern at the Biodesign Institute of Arizona State University. Shejworked in the Institute's Center for nfectious Diseases and Vaccinology with researcherY aralid

Sotomayor, assembling a corona virus from different DNA ragments to help-understand mutations that occur in )

coronaviruses JsucffliS5SARS.Navdeep Khera contributed over 165 volunteer hours to Hospice

of the Valley’s Teen Volunteer Program. He has volunteered in they Thunderbird PaJliatfffc§re Unit on a wifekly basis since1206 5 m d is currently an active volunteer. He also held an internship at Merrill Lynch for three months, for which he received excellent recommendations and the offer of ah ltl|er internship.:Yesenia Armendariz was named a Natiohal Hispanic Scholar by he College Board. The honor serves as an endorsement of her

academic achievement, and her name has been submitted to U.S. colleges and universities.Kaylie Marsh received the 2007 Youth Leadership Award at the

Spirit of Community Leadership Awards Luncheon on Dec. 14.The Youth Leadership Award recognizes a youth leader who has made contributions to his or her community, family, and school, and also exemplifies leadership and community service values. Kaylie's involvement in Camp Swift, a summer camping opportunity for 300 underprivledged inner-city children, was a factor in her qualification for this award.*Michele Barnhill was selected by the Arizona Republic to play for the First Team, All-Arizona Soccer Small Schools.

Ms. Thompson and Mr. Campbell salute the students.

\ g I

V . f i 1

Kaylie Marsh and Ally Resnik


.eManley Gishie was accepted into the Interim Year program at Phillips Academy, better known as idover, in Massachusetts.

u n i o r s :

ack Schwimmer earned a spot in the All-State Band playing alto sax, second chair, essica Ornstein organized a fashion show, held Jan. 11, 2008 that raised $2,800 for the Wellness immunity of Phoenix, an organization that provides support, education, and hope to cancer patients and eir families.

O PH O M O RES:tasil Latif was appointed to the Governor’s Youth Commission (GYC): The GYC is intended to be a verse and representative body of the high school population within the State of Arizona. The primary lrpose of the GYC is to advise the Governor and the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth, and Families i issues affecting youth in Arizona.

r e s h m e n : Ilyan Dougherty earned the highest PCDS score on the AMC 10 given in February. Greg Peairs earned the ghest score on the AM© 12 and qualified to be invited to the American Invitational Mathematics Exam.

j _ l U p p e r S c h o o l n |Members of the PCDSStudem Diversity Leadership Advisory Council (SDLAC): Sophia Boyer, Benazir han, Emily Morazan,, Sakitta Pasha, Matt Tibi, and Richie Zitomer attended the Student Diversity jadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts Nov. 29-Dec. 1 sponsored by The National Association of [dependent Schools. These students were also invited by the Scottsdale Unified School District Service jaming program to attend the Youth Voices event at Saguaro High School on Jan. 14, commemorating the 'e and legacy of Dr. M artin Luther King Jr. The presentation included speeches by Scottsdale Mayor Mary lanross and one of the original members of the Tuskegee Airmen. Major Clovis Jones Jr. The keynote teaker was actor and founder of the Eracism Foundation Inc., Louis Gossett Jr. The SDLAC members in tendance were Hutch Balholm, Sophie Boyer, Lizzy Burton, Destiny Huynh, Benazir Khan, Emily lorazan, Richard Wong, Richie Zitomer, and James White, Assistant Head of the Upper School.Vlusicans Ryan Dougherty, Yuka Milton, and Jack Schwimmer auditioned and qualified for the West egion Festival of Honor. They will audition for All State in the spring.rhe PCDS Latin Club recently won two prestigious awards: the Spirit Trophy, which is awarded to the :hool that is the most organized, dedicated, and shows the most teamwork/effort regarding the Latin anguage, and the OMNI Award, which is awarded to the school that earns the highest score based on points imed during academic competitions.

unique*The Art Club went to the November First Thursday gallery event in Scottsdale. Deepa Rao, Art Club President, has made it a priority to get the Art Club out into the community. Art Club member Jenny Papp, with financial assistance from her mother Rosellen Papp, made it possible for ten Art Club members to view the Picasso Ceramic Exhibit at the Desert Botanical Gardens on Nov. 11.*The Junior State of America Club helped launch the first Spring State Convention in Arizona, with a $300,000 grant from the Robidoux Foundation.*PCDS debaters will represent Arizona at the National Scholastic Debate Tournament in Las Yegas, June 16-20. The winning team of Matt Rolenlweig aiiff "Mark Zhang, both juniors, finished first among all Arizona schools (lA-5M dn them afkm i quaiffy|n% r |im d h l d at Central High School. This is the second year in a row that PCDS ha^qu^if%CT<C|r the rj|g jon |f tournament. PCDS also placed first in the State Scholastic D ebaft C h p p m ^ t k i v e r ValKy\f%h S c h ^ l Jn M a r l^ 4 - 1 5, where the school competed in a 1A-3A tournament against smaller high s c h o o l s . ( f r e s h m e n Ian Neufer and Kathie Zhang, ahfil sophomores Basil Latif and A le x _ ^ |z a l^ shared! third place. This is the fourth consecutive,vear that PCDS has won the state 1A-3A championship. The debate team is coached by Matt Guthrie.

M i d d l e S c h o o l :*Eighth grader Rachael Franks organized her own team for the Townj of Paradise Valley Relay for Life, which was held on the PCDS campus the first weekend in M |y |L ast year she whs the youngest team leader at the event. She is also working with the town as one of the event o rg a n is t . ■*“>* Seventh graders volunteered* at St. Mary’s Food Bank in November, w hite they bagged 2,100 lbs. of potatoes and yams for Thanksgiving and assembled over 1,400 boxes used to pack food for daily and weekly dJstributionljSt. Mary’s, the world’s first food M m | assembles approximately 4,000 food boxes per week.*Seventh graders went to .St. Vincent de Paul on Dec. 21, where students made sandwiches and bagged lunches for the less fortunate. The students also toured the entire facility and sang Christmas carols. Finally, Students made centerpieces and helped set up for dinner.* Seventh grader .Derek Chan won th e M ia ^ S :h o o l Geography Bee. The runner-up was Quinn Larkin.* Seventh grader Melanie Cohen w ontheM iddle SchopFSpelling Bee. The second-place winner was James Hobin.*Sixth grader Ashlynn Miller was cast as Twee die Dee ln Alice in Wonderland, which is directed and choreographed by Debbie Allen.*The sixth-grade annual sock drive collected a record number of 1,700 pairs of socks for those in need. The socks were sent to UMOM and Sunnyslope Family Services Center in Phoenix.*The PCDS Green Tide robotics team placed second in the robot section of state competition on Dec. 15 at Carl Hayden High School. The team also took second place overall in the East Region in their debut performance on Dec. 8. This is the first year PCDS has had a robotics team. During the state competition, the team had three great runs of the robots and a flawless research presentation. They were in first place for most of the day, with another team beating their score in the last round (325 to our 310). Only three teams


:ored over 300 all day in the robot competition. Members of the Dbotics team are Amy Aube, Rohit Kothur, Alexander Garner, Kevin leath, James Hobin, Ben Mattinson, Frances Rucker, Joe Schornak, nd Avery Silverman.The Middle School presented a check for more than $ 1,000 to Jon tettner, Chief Executive Officer of the National Make-A-Wish oundation. The donation was the proceeds of Middle School's Penny /ars.Mathletes captured 7 of the top 15 spots in The regional|M athCountf^ 'ompetition on Feb. 17. A total of 19 schools competed for the ;gional championship, sending 4-8 students froth each school. After ’ iree grueling hours of test-taking, the PCDS team placed second as a ;am and went on to the slate competitiOh. held on March 1 in Tucson. 1 embers of the PCDS regional team were Nicole Bassoff, Rohit iothur, Frances Rucker, and Avery Silverman. The alternate team icluded Sam Ax, Brennen Lee, Ben Mattinson, and Micah Travis. In idividual placements, Frances Rucker placed second; Brennen Lee, J th; Nicole Bassoff tOok 8th plaeefAvery Silverman placed 11th. Ben Tattinson pliced lMi^' Rohit Kothur, 14th; and Micah Travis|;5th.'he MathCounts team placed seventh in state competition.

-O w e r S c h o o l , : *

Fourth grader Jessica Sherman authored a cookbook, which is being old as a fundraiser. The title is State Fair BluFRibbon Recipes. The iook contains recipes fdr which she has won awards at the Arizona itate Fair over the past three years. The cookbook is for sale for $ 10 at Citchen Classics, 404:1 E. Thomas Rd. All of the prBfeeds go to the Cids in Gear Program i f Jthe Arizona Science Center.Jae VanderWielen, Teddy Peles, and Brierly Wand, an .11-Kindergarten team, were the winning team in the Arizona State Jhess Championship in Tucson on Jan. 12. This is the sixth straight Cindergarten title for PCDS. About 400 players from across Arizona :ompeted in 10 divisions. Brennen Lee is the new Arizona sixth-grade :hampion. He is one of the top-ranked players in his age nationally and las won two national scholastic titles and several Arizona titles, leginning in Kindergarten at PCDS. Also participating were first graders Luc Bergera and Darshan Mand (medalist); Griffin Fletcher, iecond grade; Spencer Wand, Parker Whitfill, and Curan fanDerWielen, third grade; and Ammar Mand, fourth grade._________


Mark Zhang and Matt Rosenzweig

Middle School Robotics Team

29Kindergarten Chess Team




Kyndall Cole Rachel Cooper

H annah Drewitz Emile Dunoyer

Lauren Eby

Eric Em am i Lexi Flader

M ax Goldstein Talia G oodm an

Jaden Grossm an

i l A mermaid since they’re pretty! JJ

— Rachel Cooper, on her life plans

P r e -Kin d e r g a r t e n

Greta Bindley Gwen Bindley

Aaron Bracher Kaitlyn Bush-Friedm an

Ciena Carmichael

a I want to be a diver because I want to see what the bottom of the oceanlooks like. 55

— M ax Goldstein


C la s s o f 202 1

D arw in Harriss Jason Kim

Ella Maffi Spencer McKee Victoria M oreno D asan Orlich

Anika Patel Ciara Rethore Ben Richardson Claudia Sheridan Jacob Singer

Keenan Surber Annabel Symington Olivia Vu Ava W ilbams M im i Yonover

i ■ I want to be an onaut and zookeeper ause I want to see the hi and planets in space,I see the rest of the zooI I never get to see.

— Dasan Orlich

one-of-a-kind _______________________________

K in d e r g a r t e n

K iana Aftahi Erik Barkdull

Luke Briguglio

Christopher Buskirk Alexandra Jing Clayton

A nna DeFilippis D ylan DeFilippis

Allie D ever

Chaya Feng Annabel Firestone

Myla Hill Tyler Lodato

Kiki Longo

Katherine Lynch M eriel M edina

John M oore Sean Patrick O 'Connor

Teddy Peles

u The best part of the day is when I play Harry Potter with Christopher at recess. J J

— David Richmann


C la s s o f 2020

Alexander Petrides Annie Prusak D avid Richm ann

Joel Rubin Grace Schlenker Aari Sivakumar Lauren Stein Sam antha Stein

Lilly Sutton Shray Swarup Somya Swarup Nicole Thoits Jae VanDerW ielen

Kevin Vishteh Brierly W and Kevin Wang Benjamin Williams Brendan Zuieback

Snack time is the best part of school! I like the cheese sandwiches the best!

— Luke Briguglio

one-of-a-kind _ _ _ _ _ _

F ir s t G r a d e

Luc Bergera Andrew Bivens Gage Bradford

M organ Bradford Sarah Burr

Simon C antor Clayton Carmichael

Jack Connelly Isabella de Roos

T atum Dial

Will Dickerson Fiona D onovan

Brenna Dugel Will Ellegard

Jakob Feng

Lauren G arvin R yan G ilbum e

Ida Jackson Allyson Kim

Zachary Linhart

£ 6 My favorite color is red because fire is red.

— Henri Richardson

C la s s o f 201 9£ £ I love

nk because ;arts are

— Nicole Zuniga

Ella Longo D arshan M and Sophia Najafi M atthew Peterson

Justin Racine H enri Richardson Michael Rosenthal Zach Sarver Michael Slate

M cKenna Smith Ariana Isabel Sokolov Brent Stein Alex Tam Charlie Towle

Phillip West Olivia W itt Caroline W ittekind Jaden Yonover Nicole Zuniga

I like blue because the American flag is. 7J

— Darshan Mand


Louis Aaron Sophie Ax Sam Baker

Cola Buskirk Lindsey Cherilla

Carter Clemmensen Eric Cole

Ian Cooper Karli Davis

K ati D ean

Stephanie Elizondo Olivia Ellegard Asad Farooqui

Griffin Fletcher Ryan G oodm an

Isabella G ordon Andrew H annem an

D J H auben C arina Ho

Rose Larkin

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M i

u I like the book James and the Giant Peach because the peach is giant!

— Nikasha Patel

C la s s o f 2 0 1 8

Josie Milisci Christopher M ontooth Blake M oorad Jennifer M oore Natalie Moyes

Reed Myers Cam eron Najafi Olivia Najafi N ikasha Patel Joey Peles

Will RayMichael R ichm ann Harrison Rooney Stuart Rucker Anika Sanghvi

Jake Sarver D avid Schwartz Carsyn Smith Jem Stem Ryan Wang

£ 6 My favorite movie is Lord o f the Rings because there’s lots of action! S *

— Harrison RooneyD id l


T hird G r a d e

Daniel Aklog Annalise Bracher

M adison Bradford R obert Bratton

W alter Brown

Em ibe Canulla R ica Chan

A dam Cherilla Curtis Clemmensen

M adison Dever

Will D onovan D avid Farca M arc Fuller

Alejandro Gonzalez N ate G oodm an

Ally G rounds M ax Johnson

Margaux Katz Thalia Koliopoulos

Janae Lewis

C la s s o f 2 0 1 7

Gabby Loeff Celeste M artinez Nicky M eath Brendan Morey Alexa Portigal

Bree Rigberg N athan Rubin Em m a Sheridan A m anda Slate M atthew Stein

Pierce Swanson Alexandra Thoits Will Towle Grace Tuton C uran VanDerW ielen

Spencer W and M addie West Parker Whitfill F inn Wilkins Sydney Zuieback

Recommended Top Reads from Third Graders: 1) The Harry Potter series2) Nancy Drew mysteries3) The Lightening Thief4) The Ghost o f Popcorn Hill


H H H H H H H f iH H H H H H Hone-of-a-kind

F o u r t h G r a d e

Sophie Arregoces Jacob Bain

Sabrina Barkdull

Carson Bishov Alex Botto

N ick Briguglio M ackenzie Cantor

Leah Chanen

Jillian G ilbum e Ali Goldberg Alex Heinritz

F iona Hines Drew H osm ar

Caroline Cohen Natalie Cohen

N atalie Cooper W yatt Dial T ara Dugel

Andrew Ekm ark Sam Evans

A braham Farooqui Sam G arvin

Edaise G erm any

have fun by dancing to Fergie’s song Glamorous. * '

— Sophia Spizzirri


u My favorite song is Sweet Caroline! It inspires me. 77

— Nick Briguglio

Barrette Janney Alyssa K aufm an K ira Kirby

Raagini K othur Chloe Leifer Daniel Lillard Josh Lindley A m m ar M and


Am ara Miller Isa Pesqueira Natalie Prieb Liam Rethore M atthew Rosenthal

M ax Sarver Ethan Shacknai Emily Sherman Jessica Sherman Tiana Siragusa

Sophia Spizzirri Ryan Sullivan Abbey Sutton Sophia Swinford Carissa Wang

“ I like the song Bet On It from High School Musical because it has a cool beat! 9 ?

— Raagini Kothur


A c a d e m ic s "If y o u c a n r e a d t h i s , t h a n k a t e a c h e r .

- — A n o n y m o u s

uMy favorite word is ‘water’ because it was my first! J J

— Matthew Rosenthal 4th grade

Jaden Grossman Students listen intently for the fate of the black cat.

Morgan Bradford, Margaux Katz and Thalia Koliopolis

Olivia Ellegard

Rica Chan

favorite subject is math because I like numbers and how they can be used.

— Sam Evan.4 th gradi

Samantha Stein

U My favorite word is ‘pudding’ because it sounds weird and makes me laugh!

— Will Towle 3rd grade


• • My favorite singer is Hillary Duff because her songs always make me dance.

Music "Mu s i c i s t h e m e d i c i n e o f t h e m i n d .

— J o h n A . L o g a n

Madison Dever

Didr You Know? 'l

Founder Mrs. Franz’ Talley envisioned

i PCDS as the ( “Exeter of the


Henri Richardson and Zachary Linhart

*Justin Racine, Olivia Witt, and Gage

Bradford perform a new song.

Alex Tam holds his mallets, ready to play!

e Briguglio, Myla Hill, and Dylan DeFilippis work diligently to find the perfect color combination for their art projects.

In a r t a s in l o v e , i n s t i n c t i s e n o u g h ."

■— A n a t o l e F r a n c e A r t

Paper-mache masters: Asad Farooqui and Sam Baker

Brent Stein, Simon Cantor, and Tatum Dial

47Emma SheridanReed Meyer


L ife" W e c a n d o n o g r e a t t h i n g s , o n l y s m a l l t h i n g s w i t h

G R E A T L O V E ."

— M o t h e r T e r e s a

Simon Cantor conquers the monkey bars,

Ida Jackson hangs around the playground during recess

6 6 School is important because you have to be educated in order to get a job and be successful. 9 9

— Daniel Lillard 4 th grade


wm mgmj You Know?' Only 14 students 1 attended PCDS in 1961,1

the school’s opening

m n


Only at PCDS: rolling backpacks



Hannah Drewitz

■ ■School is important because with math you can pay taxes and with reading when you are 16, if you can drive, you would have to read signs.

— Natalie Cooper 4th grade


S en io r B u d d ies

Stephanee Germaine and Erik Barkdull share PCDS stories over popsicles.

All Smiles: LeManley Gishie, Sean O'Connor, and Andrew Charlson bond over milk and pizza

at the Senior/Kindergarten Lunch.

a My buddy was so cute that I wanted to take her home with me.

— Lduren Mattioni Senior



C A N B E ."

Do u g l a s P a g e l s

ristopher Buskirk and Jimmy Steeby

u My Kindergarten buddy was really cool. She said she wanted to be a rocket ship when she grew up.

— Lizzy Burton Senior

Becky Myers and Anna DeFilippis



G r a n d p a r e n t s ' a n d


m/’. 1


kiEric Cole, Kyndall Cole, and their family enjoy a wonderful,

sunny day full of cookies, lemonade, and family fun.

u My grandparents are special to me because they always take me to the park and give me the best hugs.

— Isabella Gordor 2nd grade

Luc Bergera enjoys a snack with his grandmother, Anne Bergera.

Sp e c ia l F r ien d s ’ Da y

First Grade Sand and Sea Performance

innmgi iece fo

Kevin Wang and Brierly Wand

.Ch ica g o .

a My grandpa was a football player. I like when he plays football with me. J }

— Myla Hill Kindergarten

Ryan Sullivan and his dad check out all the places they want to visit.



E v e n t s"Y O U C A N A C C O M P L IS H ANYTHING


A n o n y m o u s

Ms. Newman's canine companion Hena and her canine friends visit

Lower School students.

First grade students Isabella de Roos, Sarah Burr, and Ryan Gilburne cast their ballots in the presidential primary election,

I »ver School cr dogy Center

Talia Goodman Pre-K High Tea

Jaden YonoverVoting Booth


Third Grade Lego City

Sreya Ravi and Anna DeFilippis 5th Grade and Kindergarten

Gingerbread Making

"J o y i s f o u n d n o t in f i n i s h i n g a n


G r e g A n d e r s o n A ctivities

First Grade Brownie Girl Scout Troop 275

#1* t>s!sy C|M Scouts

Rising Star PCDS Tennis Team

Third Grade Brownie Girl Scout Troop 1963 After School Swim Gold Team

Thalia Koliopoulos' last lap of the swim exhibition goes over swimmingly.


S wim E xhibition

"V .. T

Jennifer Moore

Alex Botto

T r a c k 8c F ield D a y

U My favorite event on track and field day is the tug-of-war. It's my favorite because each year, the girls team ALWAYS beat the boys team, and there's nothing they can do about# 77

— Sophie Arregoces 4th grade

M iddle


Rae Aaron

Sofia Aklog Meryl Ax

Will Bassoff

M atthew Bohannon D ean Boyle

M ackenzie Bradford Davis Bratton

Ian Burke Shannon Burke

H ope Burton Caroline Cogliani

Kyah Cohen


F ifth G r a d e

C l a s s o f 2 0 1 5

Elise Daniells

Peter Firestone M adeline Gordon W ynston H am ann Gabriel Ham ilton

Katharine Hannem an Lina Khan Arion Koliopoulos Carson Krause Staley Lane

Adam Davis Kate Dickerson

a I like being in Middle School because we get to switch classes.

— Mariel Sokolov


uThe talent show was so much fun during the 5 th grade trip! ■ ■

— Morgan Richman

Bond McGillivray M ax Milisci Kyle Money

Amelia M ontooth

Jake Morey Joshua M unoz

Claire Myers Lexi Nelson

Sarah Petrides

F ifth G r a d e

Dylan Langerman

Fallon Leyba Peter M artineau

Daniel M atloff

C l a s s o f 2 0 1 5

Sreya Ravi Kendall Reaves M organ Richm an

Bryeson Rodgers Bradley Sheffield Y ohan Sivakumar Mariel Sokolov

Bryce Stockslager A m anda Sullivan H unter VanDoIah Sabrina Whitfill Tyler W itt

a The campfire was definitely the best part of our trip! The s'mores were so good!

— Sreya Ravi



S ixth G r a d e

Charlotte Aaron Jonathan Abdo

Raghav Agarwal

Jose Alvarado Sam Ax

Reid Bard Tom m y Beckham

Chase Bishov

Isabelle Brothers Brendan Burke

K aren Catano A nna Connelly

Ana Corey

Tyler Dial EJ D ohring

M ichael Engert Chelsea Fassero

Joanna Fennessy

4 4 If I were the Head of PCDS, I would make it a rule that twice a month, the students have to give the teachers homework!

— Cole Shepard

C l a s s o f 2 0 1 4

I ■ What makes PCDS ferent from other schools :he education. J J

— Sophia Ho

Andrew G am er Jake Ghelfi

Sam Gilson N iki Gomez Michelle Greenfield N ick Grounds Gage H am pton

Sophia Ho Jessica Hochschuler Alexander Kaufman Liam Kelly Cal Kendrick

Catherine Kendrick Sidrah Khan Tony Rnudson Quinn Larkin Brennen Lee


S ixth G r a d e

Lexie Lewis G rant Lillard

Lauren Lindley

M argaret Loncki Kalea M artin

Christopher M attinson M adison Mayhew

Ashlynn Miller Blake Miller

C hristopher M oorad M addy Nelson

Jennelle N orem

Rachel Onken Francesca Pavone

Sydney Portigal Alex Rigberg

Jonathan Rooney

My favorite part of the class trip was all of the activities. They were so much fun, I couldn't choose which was best!

— Karen Catano

C l a s s o f 2 0 1 4

u The zero gravity trampoline on the trip was so cool!

— Jennelle Norem

Camille Rucker

Aashay Sanghvi M organ Schwartz Sydnee Schwartz Gabriele Shacknai

Cole Shepard Am ara Spizzirri Joe Spizzirri Rachael Stottlemyre Melissa Sullivan

Olivia Swinford Sum m er Travis Kam ron Vishteh Emily W endt Kate W erth


S e v e n t h G r a d e

Leo Blavin Andrew Bohannon

M aria Bridgeman Isabel Carter-Kahn

Clay Cashm an

D erek Chan D om inique Clancy

M elanie Cohen April Curci

Nicolas DeMaggio

Christy Doherty Amelia D rum m

W hitney Fahnbulleh Zoe Fitzgerald

India Grasso

u I like being in the new building because we were one of the first to use it and it was our own space.

— Lauren Hanneman


N ot Pictured: *Ace Cohen *Lennon Riggs

C l a s s o f 2 0 1 3

G rant Gustafson Stenson H am ann Lauren H annem an

Dylon Heinritz M ichael H osm ar Tyler H um phrey Selena Jacquez

‘ £ Once, Mr. Phillips, 7th grade math teacher, us about a place he

w where you could go hear your atoms

tting.. .he’s the greatest :her ever!

— Walker Tuton

H annah Johnson-Clague Alec Knappenberger Evan Kolbet Jack Larkin Arielle Lee

Elana Leifer Kevin Lynch Saira M alhotra Taylor Money Justin M oorad

individualEsSwWTy* iM S^SslaSSfit'- > - p > w > 4 . ^ * ? ' ' - - * ^ ^ I

S e v e n t h G r a d e

Cole N ovatt D anny Onofryton

Jessica Osborn Christine Owens

E m m a Pappas

Olivia Pearson M ariclare Rethore

Breana Roberts G arron Rodgers

Patrick Rody

Philip Rody N atascha Schippel K iersten Schneider

Emily Schron M ichael Selvala

I loved when we went rock climbing once on a trip It was a really cool way to relax and just have fun! } 5

N ot Pictured: *Jean T routm an

U My favorite part of the year is when we go on the class trips, because you get to bond

with all of your classmates.

— Kiersten Schnieder

C l a s s o f 2 0 1 3

Em m a Seraichick Erin Sheffield Pauline Shongov

Colton Siddle Angelica Sisson Kaddie Stephens M addie Stem

Charlie Sturr Alex Sylvester Paige Thom as M icah Travis Kassidy Tse

W alker Tuton Nayely Velez Cruz Benjamin W aitkus Pallavi W akharkar Aaron W itt

u Catalina was great. I was new to PCDS, so I got to know everyone and make new friends.

— Aida Duarte

Rohan Andresen Amy Aube

Jam es Barranco Nicole Bassoff

Maxwell Baum

Jacob Bronfman Lauren Chanen

Lindsay Coda Alessandra D agirm anjian

Liam Dempsey

A ida D uarte Kayla Eller

Blake Fassero Rachael Franks

Clare Fuller


E ighth G r a d e

Alexander G am er Brock Ghelfl

Elliot Goldberg Kate Gonzales Kendall Goodyear

Jann-M ichael Greenburg W illiam Gridley Adam Grounds Kevin Heath Kaela Ho

James Hobin Gillian Hormel Kyle Jackson Cam ren Kaminsky Mary Margaret Kelly


E igh th G r a d e

Rachael Kelly N im ra Khan

R ohit K othur Jacob Langerman

K athleen Larkin Danielle Lee

Q uinn Lincoln Scott Loncki

Benjam in M attinson Brandon Mayhew

Frea M ehta

Christopher M isner Justin M organ Leah M otzkin

N athaniel Nearhood Reid Price


I P loved our trip to Catalina because we got to do a ton of fun activities, like snorkeling in the ocean. 55

— Kendall Goodyear

C l a s s o f 2 0 1 2

Kylie Prusak

Angelica Riazzi Alexa Roeper Kelsey Rose Frances Rucker

Joseph Schomak Jessica Segal Taylor Shomo Avery Silverman Robbe Simon

J.B. Stockslager Leah Stofko Margaret Turansky Harrison VanDolah Danika W orthington

u This year we got to do really cool projects in art. We even got our cacti illustrations exhibited at the Botanical Garden Gallery.

— Leah Motzkin


A c a d e m ic s"T h e w h o l e p u r p o s e o f e d u c a t i o n i s


S y d n e y J . H a r r i s

a If I were a teacher, I would teach P.E. because I love the sports offered at PCDS. J }

— Brock Ghelfi 8th grade

Did You Know?

Middle School teachers Linda Bryant, Georgia

Buelow, and Joyce Cone have all taught at

PCDS for more than , 30 years.

Nicole Bassoff and Danika Worthington

Ms. Nemeth and Reid Price discuss thesis development in English

The smaller classes and great lers really make school more fun really make PCDS unique.

— Reid Price 8th grade

Karen Catano

As. Marks and her Eighth Grade History class

Matt Bohannon, Amelia Montooth, Katie Hanneman, and Adam Davis

With unbroken concentration, Kevin Heath works through a complex math question. 77


V is u a l A r t s"im a g in a t io n is a p o w e r f u l t o o l . A n a r t is t




- Wiltu lllm 1&2

Mariel Sokolov

Ms. Gaumer hits the nail on the head with her latest plaster project.

My favorite art project was drawing a bird with pastels. It was cool. % %

— Wynston Hamann 5 th grade

H i■ r - _ bM B

Christopher Moorad

" M u s ic i s e n o u g h f o r a l i f e t i m e ,


— S e r g e i R a c h m a n i n o v

Alessandra Dagirmanjian

ney Portigal and E.J. Dohring Jennelle Norem and Kate WerthGarron Rodgers

—— — >Anna Connelly and Niki Gomez trumpet in perfecl

I love band because I have such a great time playing music and bonding with my friends.

— Emily Schron 7th grade

individual" T h e r e i s a b o u n d a r y t o m e n s p a s s i o n s w h e n t h e y *



E d m u n d B u r k e

Dylan Langerman, Reid Price, and Aashay Sanghvi perfect their poker faces during the card-playing elective.

Morgan Schwartz gets technical in her circuitry elective.Mr. Alcott

Did You Know?

The first ping pong table was gifted to

the school in 1973.

Carson Krause

u I like electives because it's a good way to end the week and it's fun and it's usually not academic. J 9

— Stenson Hamann 7th grade


Erin Sheffield

L ife“ L i f e i s a g r e a t b i g c a n v a s , a n d y o u


D a n n y K a y e

Life as a student at PCDS is always full: full of books! Jack Larkin, Danny Onofryton, and Riggs Lennon

show off their massive suitcase "bookbags."

I can't wait for the Student Cafe in the Upper School! ^ ^

— Natascha Schippel 7th grade

age Hampton, Grant Lillard, and Chelsea Fassero

Snack time! Hungry Middle School students gather around the snack bar to socialize and pick up healthy treats.

Did You Know?

Over 20 pizzas were consumed in

the production of the yearbook.

I If I had to sum up PCDS in two Is, I would say: 'great lunches!' W

— Justin Moorad 7th grade

individual" I n e v e r y c o m m u n i t y t h e r e i s w o r k t o b e d o n e . I n



M a r i a n n e W i l l i a m s o n

H R f ]

Fifth Grade Junior Girl Scout Troop 2612 Back Row: Morgan Richman, Maddie Gordon, Sofia

Aklog, Mariel Sokolov, Staley Lane, Sreya Ravi Front Row: Kendall Reaves, Sabrina Whitfill,

Elise Daniells

t o liked April Fool's Day in the Middle School because this year we got to play pranks!

— Lindsay Coda 8th grade

I n

Sixth Grade Cadette Girl Scout Troop 881 Touring the AZ Humane Society

Morgan Schwartz, Camille Rucker, Michelle Greenfield, Sydnee Schwartz, and Kate Werth

G R E A T , S T R O N G , U N S E L F IS H S O U L IN E V ER Y


E l b e r t H u b b a r d C o m m u n ity

i Kolbet, Ms. Thomas, Gabby Shacknai, Joanna Fennessy Maddy Nelson, Mariel Sokolov, Mr. Eriksen,

Arion Koliopoulos, and Kendall Reaves help out the annual Turkey Drive benefiting St. Mary's Food Bank. Kendall Goodyear, Taylor Shomo, and

Nimra Khan present a $ 1,078 check to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Did You Know?

In the 60's, Camelback Bible Church (across the street) often used PCDS

classrooms for Sunday School. /

£ £ l love being a part of the Middle School community because all of my friends are here and the teachers are great. 99

— Claire Myers] 5th grade |

[)livia Swinford and Joanna Fennessy

Food Drive


E v e n t sT r u e e n j o y m e n t c o m e s f r o m a c t i v i t y o f t h e m in d


— K a r l W i l h e l m v o n H u m b o l d t

My favorite school event is the Super Bowl because they serve nachos in the cafeteria.

— Will Gridley 8th grade

Ms. McKean with Derek Chan Geography Bee Champion

Did You Know?

The average student-teacher ratio

is 9:1.


■ ■ To carry the Middle School title means that the Lower School looks up to us as role models.

— Sreya Ravi and\ Elise Daniells

5th grade

Francis Rucker and Mary Margaret Kelley Elements Fair



and 8th Grade Team: Jlavin, R. Chan, N. vlaggio, J. Dempsey, B. ;lfi, A. Grounds, G. stafson, T. Humphrey, ,arkin, R. Lennon, K. ich, J. Moorad, C. vatt, D. Onofryton, P. iy, C. Siddle, J. ckslager, A. Sylvester, B. itkus, A. WittHP Ip ; 7; T- ■

5th and 6th Grade Team: R. Agarwal, S. Ax, R. Bard, W. Bassoff, T. Beckham, M. Bohannon, D. Boyle, A. Davis, E. Dohring, M. Engert, P. Firestone, A. Gamer, J. Ghelfi, N. Grounds, M. Hampton, C. Kendrick,A. Rnudson, D. Langerman, Q. Larkin,B. Lee, G. Lillard, M. Milisci, B. Miller, K. Money, C. Moorad, J. Munoz, B. Rodgers, C. Shepard, R.J. Spizzirri,B. Stockslager, T. Witt


7th and 8th Grade Blue Team:J. Barranco, J. Bronfman, A. Gamer, E. Goldberg, J. Langerman, K. Lynch, C. Misner, N. Nearhood, J. Stockslager, J. Troutman, H. VanDolah

Tip ALL5th and 6th Grade Blue Team:T. Beckham, C. Bishov, D. Boyle, A. Davis, M.? Engert, P. Firestone, A. Gamer, J, Ghelfi, N. Grounds, M. Hampton, Q. Larkin, G. Lillard, B. Rodgers, B. Stockslager,

5th and 6th Grade Gold Team:R. Bard, W. Bassoff, M. Bohannon, I. Burke, S. Gilson, A. Knudson, D. Langerman, P. Martineau, D. Matloff, M. Milisci, C. Moorad, W. Morey, J. Munoz, A. Sanghvi, C. Shepard, R.J. Spizzirri

7th and 8th Grade Gold Team:J. Barranco, L. Blavin, C. Cashman, R. Lennon, C. Misner, J. Moorad, D. Onofryton, M. Selvala, C. Siddle, A. Sylvester



5th and 6th Grade Blue Team: S. Aklog, I. Brothers, C. Fassero, J. Fennessy, N>= Gomez, M. Loncki, M. Mayhew, C. Myers, L. Nelson, M. Nelson, S. Portigal, S. Ravi, M. Richman, R. Stottlemyre, M. Sullivan, O. Swinford, K. Werth

and 8th Grade Team: lassoff, Lj Carter-Kahn, A. irte, W. Fahnbulleh, I. sso, S. Jacquez, M. Kelly, Gian, K. Larkin, D. Lee, A , E. Pappas, O. Pearson, B. >erts, P. Thomas, P. kharkar, D. Worthington



3 Mlal 59

(Pictured)5th and 6th Grade Team:R. Agarwal, S. Ax, R. Bard, W. BassofF, D. Boyle, T. Dial, J. Ghelfi, G. Hamilton, M. Hampton, C. Kendrick, C. Krause, Q. Larkin, P. Martineau, B. Miller, K. Money, G. Moorad, C. Shephard, Y. Sivakumar, R.J. Spizziri, T. Witt

7th and 8th Grade Team:J. Barranco, L. Blavin, A. Cohen, N. DeMaggio, B. Fassero, B. Ghelfi, A. Grounds, S. Hamann, A. Hosmar, T. Humphrey, K. Jackson, J. Larkin, K. Lynch. T. Money, J. Moorad, N. Nearhood, D. Onofryton, A. Sylvester, J. Troutman


5th and 6th Grade Team: S. Aklog, M. Ax, C. Cogliani, A. Connelly, E. Daniells, D. Gomez, M. Gordon, M. Greenfield, J. Hochschuler, C. Kendrick, S. Khan, A. Lewis, F. Leyba, K. Martin, C. Myers, L. Nelson, M. Nelson, S. Ravi, K. Reaves, M. Richman, S. Schwartz, A. Spizzirri, A. Sullivan, E. Wendt

7th and 8th Grade Team: I. Carter-Kahn, L. Hanneman, S. Jacquez, M. Kelly, E. Pappas, M. Rethore, N. Schippel, K. Schneider, P. Thomas




7th and 8th Grade Team:R. Anderson, J. Barranco, J. Bronfman, A. Gamer, W. Gridley, G. Gustafson, T. Humphrey, A. Rnappenberger, T. Money, N. Nearhood, C. Novatt, P. Rody, M. Selvala, M. Travis, B. Waitkus, A. Witt

5th and 6th Grade Team:S. Ax, T. Beckham, C. Bishov, M. Bohannon, B. Burke, I. Burke, T. Dial, A. Gamer, G. Hamilton, C. Kendrick, A. Knudson, A. Koliopoulos, Q. Larkin, G. Lillard, P. Martineau, B. McGillivray, C. Moorad, B. Sheffield, B. Stockslager


5th and 6th Grade Gold Team:R. Aaron, M. Ax, M. Bradford, S. Burke, K. Catano, J. Hochschuler, L. Nelson, R. Onken, is. Petrides, S. Portigal, M. Schwartz, S. Schwartz, M. Sullivan, S. Travis, K. Werth

ifid' hth Grade Blue Team: aron, I. Brothers, S. Burke, A.Connelly, A. y,*C. Fassero, J: Fennessy, D. Gomez, S.C. Kendrick, M. Loncki, M. Nelson, J.:m, C. Rucker, G. Shacknai, R. Stottlemyre, winford, E. Wendt

7th and 8th Grade Team:I. Carter-Kahn, L. Chanen, J. Clancy, M. Cohen, A, Drumm, A. Duarte, K. filer, Z. Fitzgerald, K. Goodyear, S. lacquez, H. Johnson-Clague, R.Kelly, N. Khan, F. Mehta, L. Motzkin, J. Osborn, E. Pappas, O. Pearson, M. Rethore, A. Riazzi, F. Rucker, N. Schippel,J. Segal, E. Sheffield, A. Sisson, M. Stern, P. Thomas, W. Tuton, N.Velez Cruz, P. Wakharkar, D. Worthington


8th Grade: M. Baum, J. Dempsey, B. Fassero, B. Ghelfi, W. Gndley, A. Grounds, C. Kaminsky, . Loncki, C. Misner, N. Nearhood, H. VanDolah7th Grade: L. Blavin, C. Cashman, N. DeMaggio, R. Lennon, K. Lynch, J. Moorad, D. Onofryton, C>

Siddle, H. Sturr6th Grade: M. Engert, J. Ghelfi, N. Grounds, C. Shepard


7th and 8th Grade Gold Team: I. Carter-Kahn, J. Clancy, M. Cohen, A. Curci, L. Hanneman, S. Jacquez, H. Johnson-Clague, A. Lee, E. Pappas, O. Pearson, N. Schippel, K. Schneider, E. Schron, E. Sheffield, N, Velez Cruz, P, Wakharkar

nd 8th Grade Blue Team: N. Bassoff, L. en, A. Dagirmanjian,C. Fuller, K. Gonzalez, jblfyi'R KellyJSl^Khan, K. Larkin, L. kin, J. Osborn, K. Rose, J. Segal, L. Stofko, tomas, D. Worthington

5th and 6th Grade Gold Team: R. Aaron, S. Aklog, M. Bradford, C. Cogliani, M. Gordon, M. Greenfield, K. Hanneman, C. Kendrick, A. Lewis, L. Lindley, M. Mayhew, A. Montooth, C. Myers, S. Portigal, S. Ravi, M. Richman, M. Sokolov, A. Spizzirri, A. Sullivan, S. Whitfill_______________

and 6th Grade Blue l earn: M. Ax, 1. Brothers, hirke, A. Connelly, A. Corey, C. Fassero, J- . messy, D. Gome, J. Hochschuler, L. Nelson, M. Ison, J. Norem, C. Rucker, G. Shacknai, R. ttlemyre, O. Swinford, E. Wendt, Ki Werth

S i



m __


N ot Pictured: *Daryl Burton *Ivaylo Bahtchevanov


F r e s h m e n

Jerem y Abdo Gregory A drian

Joseph Bacal Ashley Barnhill

M atthew Benson Alexandra Blandford

W hitney Bowers

M organ Brown Cody Cashm an

C onor Cathey Rachel Chanen Olivia Cumsky

Pallavi D hadvai Ryan Dougherty Savaria D rum m

Rachel Epstein M ax Farrar

I really like the freedom. I expected less independence in highschool. 55

— Pallavi Dhadvai

Courtney Finnegan Nicholas Gibbs

Sara Goldsworthy Henry Gridley Kylin H am ann Cindy Hwang Bailey Keogh

N abeer Khan Jace Rnudson Alex Kost Colin Lacey Kelly Lin

Rachael Lopez Shannon Manley Danielle M arquis Bekki Matwijkow Kirea Mazzolini


F r e s h m e n

Thom as McKee M ichael M eath

Lindsay Merhege

Ryan Miller N ikita M okhashi

Julia Najafi Ian Neufer

M arcela Niemczyk

Sara Owens Zahid Pasha

Adelar Pesqueira Ryan P itt

A rianne Price

M atthew Prusak Allison Puglisi

N ithin Pusapati N eha Ravi

K athryn Rector

i t In a way, high >chool is what I thought it would be. I thought the work would be hard, but I didn’t think it would be this much fun!

— Lauren Sheffield


C l a s s o f 2 0 1 1

Robert Reisman Elizabeth Rodie Hailey Rose

Sybil Rose John Sands Lauren Sheffield Gordon Silverman Christine Stockslager

Elizabeth Sturr Alexandra Swanson Sophie Swanson Ashley Sylvester Stefan Topalov

Latina Vidolova Tom Wall Meryl Woods Michael Young Kathie Zhang

Did You Know?

This year’s freshmen class is the biggest to date with seventy-two



S o p h o m o r e s

Christina Arregoces

Brian Baker Sarah Bauer

Sophia Boyer Peter Brown

Alexander Diones Daniel Dodell Erica Dohring

Tyler Drew C hristopher Garagiola

Haley Carroll M argo Casselman Bianca Cervantes

Kevin Crain Douglas D e la O

C l a s s o f 2 0 1 O

Cole Goodyear Ariel G ordon Sarah G ordon Spenser Gwozdzik

Alex Heltne Christopher Jackson Dylan Kaminsky Lauren Kauffman H annah Keogh

Benazir Khan Navneet Khera M aude LaBelle Sophie LaBelle Basil Latif

a The best thing about sophomore year is getting a learner’spermit. 55

— Mackenzie Persen


S o p h o m o r e s

M argaret Liu Valeria Lopez

X avier Loza Grace M artineau

M argaret M cCain Joshua M cG rath

Zachary McVay Y uka M ilton

Laura M oraes Emily M orazan

Alexis Myers

K atharine Onofryton Them os Panotopoulos

Salona Patel K athleen Peairs

M ichael Perry

u The best Flail story is the one about the trick he played on his friends with the lamb. J J

— Britain Scott


C l a s s o f 2 0 1 ONot Pictured: * Britain Scott *D iam ond T routm an

Taylor Pitt Adrian Reiter Jaclyn Roberts Asmit Sanghera

Arielle Schlesinger D iana Hsu Schron M atthew Selling D avid Selvala Morgan Shepard

Devika Soni Sergio Tavizon Patrick Taylor Jake Villadolid Robert White


J u n io r s

N ot Pictured: Sophie

Carter-KahnChristopher Abdo

Robert Adrian

Alfred Alvarez Owen Bean

Alexander Beller Andrew Chang

Z innia Daas M ark Eisenberg

Alexandra Favier Eric Fram

W illiam French

Elliot G insburg Jessica G ordon

John Greenberg Stephen Hamway

Brett Hennessy

u Junior year is really intense and stressful, but it has been great so far!

— Sakina Pasha

10 8

C l a s s o f 2 0 0 9

Isabel Hines Zachary Hitchcock

Victoria Hussey D evin Ingersoll Anne Inkpen A m rita Kang

C ohn Kelly H arrison Kent Stephanie Kost Nicole Lopez Adam Lowe

Erin Malone Suchita M andair Stewart McClintic V arun Mokhashi Benjamin M urphy

^ • Junior year is like peanut butter. Sometimes it’s crunchy and sometimes it’s smooth. ? *

6 6 The ID paper is like a Double-Stuff Oreo... there’s just SO M U C H ST U FF!5 9

— Andrew Seraichick


J u n io r s

Alexander Raskin A rianna Rose

M atthew Rosenzweig Ayten Salahi

Jack Schwimmer

N oah Segal Andrew Seraichick

A nna Silverman Michael Silverman

K endra Simon

Am ber N aum ann A dam Oest

Jessica O m stein Sakina Pasha

Sara Pauli Giancarlo Picozzi

C l a s s o f 2 0 0 9

66 The great thing about junior year is that your academic possibilities really open up.

— Adam Lowe

Savion Smith

Schooner Sonntag Natalie Swinford Nicole Swinford M atthew Tibi

Tyler Tse Thom as Turansky Alexandra Van Horssen Teodora Vidolova Christopher W ade

Prateek W akharkar Rebecca Wax M ark Zhang Jane Zitom er Richard Zitom er

Abigail Abraham 144 Yesenia Armendariz 158

Jillian Attaway 138 Hutchins Balholm 156 Michele Barnhill 131 Aaron Baumann 151 William Bixby 154

David Blackwell 149 Laura Bodell 139 Ian Brandon 150

Elisabeth Burton 168 Mercedes Cain 133

Andrew Charlson 160 Alexa Cohn 119

Steven Corey 153 Rebecca Crane 167 Victoria Crase 128

Anthony Dahkoshay 11 7 Quinn de la Concepcion 124

Samantha Debold 127 Debra DeVries 162

Ivy Epstein 1 71 Karen Feltz 163 Jay Fielder 126

Guy Gamble 148 Natalie Garagiola 129

Stephanee Germaine 1 75 LeManley Gishie 145 Emily Gogolak 123

Gary Gold 136 Andrew Grady 143 Piper Gustafson 122 Destiny Huynh 157 Julia Ivanova 125 Todd Jenkins 159

Navdeep Khera 141 Eric Lewis 1 72 Danni Lin 174

Jonathan Lorentzen 116 Kaylie Marsh 115

Lauren Mattioni 146

Lauren Motzkin 135 Rebecca Myer 161 Jessica Nicholls 166 Jennifer Papp 134

Nicholas Pappas 140 Katelyn Pascavis 120

Kaleena Patel 130 Gregory Peairs 1 70 Ryan Pearlman 142

Deepa Rao 147 Allyson Resnik 114

Chelsea Robbins 121 Gary Simpson 173 Manasi Soni 132

James Steeby 169 Aravind Swaminathan 137

Warren Wagoner 152 Nina Warner 165

Caitlin Wilenchik 118 Richard Wong 155

Alexandra Zadel 164

Sew o/i

P a g e s

We can’t return, we can only lookE

<n Be who you are W j and say what you feel

because those who mind1 don’t matter and H H

those who matter H r don’t mind- «







He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

- Mohammed Ali

Curls for the girls"- Dan Dawson

.g fcrftc

Qgl look Wt* I dwpuE II


ai B







\0 been thewe:s never r*

yfies gQOgmr bad wilhbring tear> . • ' #13

k t 1 m . ̂ .11 ^ v

k to Sis

And words can never replace feelings.

■gE * v

n & g f l 1 3 % *W m "P '

1 I J H l @BK y 1

n a s . gy■OCa iSQ̂HpIl * N y




AftC okPobbiKS




jj or


In the farmhouse things will be


Do you have soap?







MZ <


Kt V



l Friends are Jusi

130Thanks bos. you're a doll and a h a lf...Fa Avq X ...lo o k a t oor faces, yoo can't set moch better th an th a t...W h a t i

I kowtowed the wabob!"...figer and T a zzz!

"The point is to ask question about the questions."

Judith Butler

“Standing Behind the Men and Women Who Stand Behind the Badge.”

100 Club



in n V C/j\ LIVJNG

Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.

Carrie Bradshaw


“Touri e un mondo fragde. ‘Ma tutto cjui cade incantevole cuando resti con me.”


“One nn onlyfea tfiat wdi das the power to harm.” —‘D ant


“(Don’t foCCow the crowd, ‘idobody goes there anymore.It's

K too crowded.’

‘“Don’twasteyour time, ortimewi((waste


s t o p a n d b e h u m b le e n o u g h

A 'dreamer is one who can only find his . way by moonlight; and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest

of the world. -Oscar Wilde'n p o r t a n t t h i n g i s t o

| s t o p q u e s t i o n i n g . J i o s i t y h a s i t s own ;s o n f o r e x i s t i n g .

- E i n s t e i n

F E D S '

N i c e b e a r d ,

b e a r d o !

- W i l l B i x b y

Ian K



Be who you are and say what you feel, because those .1 _ d J l ^ 4- w « n 44- / > ' n r > v , H 4*1* o r \ A w i o ■ H ' A f H r \ n t

mind.” -Dr. Seuss “We are born into tins world narmed... our mind is our only weapon. ~Ayn Rand “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain ot my

soul.” - William Henley




^ ' 1 I c > 1 f 1 S'TODD. t&S&sK







The Reaper always knows your shirt size, brother.


Never Compromise. -Rorschach

The only difference between you and me is that I’m a puppet that can see the strings.

-Dr. Osterman

If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava -- let them go ‘cuz man,

they’re gone.

Never let them question your h e a rt



No speed of wind or water rushing by But you have speed far greater. You can Climb back up a stream of radiance to the sky. And back through history of the stream of time. And you were given this swiftness not for haste, Nor chiefly that you may go where you will.But in the rush of everything to waste.That you may have the power of standing still— Off any still or moving thing you say.Two such as you with such a master speed Cannot be parted nor be swept away From one another once you are agreed That life is only life forevermore Together wing to wing and oar to oar.-Robert Frost "Master Speed"

"Because I knew you,I have been changed for good."


"I believe in a thing called love." -The Darkness

You know it's nothing new, bad news never had good timing But then a circle of your friends

will defend the silver lining. -John Maver

"I miss you, things you do. Time we had, good and bad. Day we met that I can't forget Signed sincerely me."

-Better than Ezra

/ha t if there were no hypothetical I



Q )

So thib Lb my Ufte,. I and <7 want you, to \ knout-that Q am, both happy and baud and m̂btUltiyiny to

ftiyute. out hout- that could be,.

- The. (pti/cJi O ft © sing a, UJaUjjloutii.

“tThe person who r/shs nothi/fy, does nodu'rftf, has, tiot/iu jtj, fs nothiny, and becomes not/uiy. Sdemqt/ aooidsfjpfcring, andsorroto, hut he simp ft/ ca/mot /ea/tt a/u(/e(d and e/a/tge andj/roto and fooe, and /u>e<. ” - ufeo LdL L&ascc[tj/ia

"Ai far as I'm concerned, if Something is 8° complicated Ihat JJ°u can

explain it in ten seconds, then its j >r°f>aL>lj) not worth knowing siijwsjj

eometr is God himself

Blood v # i it R i v e r

What is, must be; with rhythmic laws All Nature chimes, Effect and Cause. The sand-grain and the sun obey --

What ho! the World's all right, I say. Robert W. Service T I I H I B I !

‘The universe is flux life is opinion.”

- Marcus Aurelius

t o S e e .” -Ghandi1/ .

IT'1 . 1 .

a ! m

S -tfa IH F c5 jrm )s1

j are not judged by how much you love, but by i much you are loved by others.” -The Wizard of Oz |

l i f i 1 . jp, fm

l a P |s'lM * jflp u

e mI B 1

| f t y

j j | t a

L o t s o f p e o p l e w a n t t o r i d e w i t h y o u i n t h e l i m o , b u t w h o w i l l t a k e t h e b u s w i t h y o u w h e n t h e l i m o b r e a k s d o w n ? ” - O p r a

Greg Peairs

Skool at the Pool:” Sam Debold, Lauren Motzkin, and Manasi Soni reminisce about their freshman year.

Natalie Garagiola and Gary Simpson

Andrew Charlson

David Blackwell

I don’t care! I’m asenior!

— Lauren M attionion the infamous Senioritis disease

Jfefe „Quinn de la Concepcion gets

creative with her faculty-made pancake breakfast.

Nick Pappas

Did You Know?

The first graduating^ class in 1965

consisted of 12 students: 6 boys I

and 6 airls.


’ "D o n 't c r y b e c a u s e i t 's o v e r , s m i l e b e c a u s e it h a p p e n e d . ’

— D r . S e u s s

’’S k o o l a t t h e


Imitating the Titanic

Acting out a historical event: Washington

crossing the Delaware

P o o l : ” Color-coded teams compete for points by acting out ten scenes, pictionary-style, for the faculty judges to identify.

.ravind Swaminathan and Caitlin Wilenchik check out the college board for visiting schools.

‘Skool at the Pool” Water Polo

! Ryai ew G


a „ J P &A &6 t n a n S

C a r t e s ’ i^ m o n e .r , * * J/•< A a r o n S a u n a * P aSdca /^i n a r °

(a » J M a n a t' S°™> _

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A laSt V&N [ to f a l l

l > u r ' ' » 3

I fSiC /ass C/otot\ Most Athl&tn

L i z z y B u t-Y on I M id h e-f Barnh'H tarf f j a r y (S o /d

* * * * * ^

W - .

25l*>»S« /V, ■■■

M o S t Lifce/y t o £e

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t - f f a d u a t i o / id i m / n y S z l<°ef>y a n d 2>anni L in

M o s t Sc-Li 0 0 /

S f i f l t e dAr-ay* n d S to a m i naY f a n

a n d S a m 2> eA o/d

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T ime W a r p sA b b y A b r a h a m : com bine^ h er love o f b o th psychology an d celebrity gossip to becom e a shin ing face on the Los Angeles 1

m ental health scene as the new D r. Phil(lis).Yesenia Armendariz: successfully founded and now runs A P P L E (A ssociation for the P ro tec tion o f Penguins an d the

Longevity o f the E nvironm ent). mJillian Attaway: is a b ru tally honest review er o f books, m ovies, television, an d m usic fo r USA T o d ay. She lives in Vail

w ith h er husband , an O lym pic skier.Hutch Balholm: is now the nightly anchor for N B C N ew s as well as th e H ead o f Al G o re s O fficial U .S. G reen T eam . He

has been v o ted "Best Smile" by the S ierra C luh' fo r th ree straigh t years.Michele Barnhill: tu rn ed h e r fear o f grim e in to a nationw ide cam paign against germ s, publish ing several books on sanitizing your house— an d a few cookbooks— and speaking to school groups abou t "the im portence o f cleanliness" during

the p ro soccer off-season.Aaron Baumann: m oved td F ra n c e after y a k in g m illions th rough his ow n SAT prep com pany. H e now collects classic

race cars an d hosts luxurious parties o n his 250-foot super yacht.Will Bixbyj has becom e w orld-renow ned for his fifteen seasons in M LS an d has been vo ted M r. C ongeniality by his

team m ates th ree consecutive tim es. H e has houses in V ail, Y ellow stone, B erm uda, an d Los Angeles.

David Blackwell: along w ith h is wife C aro line "Carrie" N atio n , bough t a cab in in Idaho w here he continues to backpack

and take photographs foriN a tio m l G eograph ic .Laura Bodell: w on the lo ttery the day after h er 21st b irthday . She used h e r w innings to bu ild , furnish , an d sec u r e j t ^ five-star luxury hotel in L ebanon, appropria te ly n am ed "Bodell’s B eautiful Abode," coincidentally located next u ^ te v e n

C orey’s spraw ling estate.Ian Brandon: gave up his d ream o f becom ing a drag racer after a close call a t 200 m ph and instead op ted for a slower

w ay o f life as a C IA undercover operative in France.Lizzy Burton: is currently living o ff the success following h er double w in at the A cadem y A w ards for best d irector for

"The; Best o f Senior Speeches— A D ocum entary" an d "The Long M arch R evisited .’" IMercedes C a in : purchased a large-class R V an d h it the road shortly after g raduating college, traveling to every m ajo r and

m in o r G u ita r H ero to u rn am en t in the con tinen ta l U n ited States, an d happily living#off her firs- place prize m oney.

Andrew Charlson: i / l iv ih g the high life as the first m ale D allas Cow boys' cheerleader in the new m illennium , and in the

o ffseaso n is traveling the Country as an in sp ira tional speaker adressing "the benefits o f good sound an d lighting."

Alexa Cohn: is now in fim o u s for being the only V ictoria 's Secret m odel in N ew {York w ho can dow n an en tire C hipotle

bu rrito ’in u n d er sixty secfends. Seriously!Steven Corey: inherited a gigantic estate in L ebanon from a d istan t relative and p rom ptly closed his prospering dental

p ractice to open a hundred-acre w ater park , cleverly titled "Steven Corey 's W ater Park."Becca Crane: is now Lizzy B urton 's personal ch ef and nu tritio n is t while also running a restau ran t in Santa B a rb an ic ailed,

"Food for the C ra n e - iu m 'th a t specializes i f t l a M c hom e dishes like b eef stew and “M attioni-n-cheese.”

TorfCrase: is currently traveling all over the w drld as a fashion photographer. H ow ever, d esp ite ;,h |rexo tic travels, h e r^ favorite fashion hub will a l la y s be M ilan, w here she often spends tim e w ith her co-designer and b ff N atalie Garagiola.

Bubba Dahkoshay: w orked his way to the top oftftie L.A. hip-hop scene as "DJ Butterfingers" .w ith his sm ooth beats and

m asterful m ixes. H e now focuses his a tten tio n on helping o ther up-and-com ers in the industry m ake it big.

Quinn de la Concepcion: was w orking as a veterinarian in L.A. w hen Jde Jonas happened to walk in w ith his dog. He quickly fell in love w ith her sharp w it an d v e te r in a i^ i l l s % n d the tw o now liye in a beautiful beachside hom e m Hawaii.

n r s Sam Debold: quickly rose to the C EO positio n at M attel due to the popularity o f h er design for l o U "Stick-to-Y our-M orals Barbie," ano ther am bitious blonde w ho sparkles and m akes w ise life choices.

■ B B H H K H || |B I B H H IWlHMWIIIIiifHlI H B H B H H | ' - P H I H H H H H lI

sby DeVries: m arried the F rench M in is te r o f Foreign Affairs after m eeting h im a t a D ancing w ith the Stars-style

llroom dancing com petitio n in the Swiss Alps. T hey are now b rillian t dance partners, as well as F ran ce’s top diplom ats,

y Epstein: co n q u ered the art w orld w ith h er original an im e com ic "Ai W ei's W arriors." D esp ite h er success, she couldn’t

;ist the offer to becom e H ead Z ookeeper at E ric Lewis' Space Age Jurassic P ark an d once again w ork w ith her friends,

iren Feltz: fo u n d ed an d runs the global design firm th a t c reated the first fully-sustainable portab le energy source. T he

m pany is so rich th a t K aren is now carried place to place in a sedan chair held by R aja Bell and G ran t Hill.

iy Fielder: is a part-tim e race car m echan ic /designer and a full-tim e fa ther o f five daughters an d one son, Jay Jr.

uy Gamble: w as finally dub b ed th e "In ternational G ran d m aste r o f Chess" an d has an Elo chess ra ting o f 2630, bu t only

an d bis chess-prodigy son know w hat th a t m eans.

atalie Garagiola: follow ed h er roo ts to Italy w here she w orks in M ilan as a successful fashion designer. D espite her

c tic schedule, she still m anages to find, tim e to organize the annual In te rn a tio n a l B oard o f V isitor's Ball,

iephanee Germaine: is th e lead executor o f the co m m ittee (aptly n icknam ed "O's D ough") th a t oversees the d istribu tion

O p rah 's charitab le funds. In h er spare tim e, she m ild ly stalks the stars o f the Phoen ix Suns.

eManley Gishie: w as recru ited by abollege w restling coach for his "manly" nam e and is now the tw o-tim e defending

W E C h am p io n , know n now as HTne M anly G ish inator." |

mily Gogolak: recently w on the N obel Peace P rize for h er w ork w ith M arc Jacobs creating an econom ical and

ologically-friendly line o f clo thing in so u th ern A sia, b u t h er secret hobby is m anaging the first all-vegan fast food Chain

jo-Go G reen."ary Gold: is a fu ll-tim e je t-se tter, m ak ing m em orab le red carpet, television, an d m usic v ideo appearances in glittering >ld ou tfits as a m em b er o f B ubba D ahkoshay 's h ip-hop entourage, LeM anley G ishie 's w restling posse, and occasionally

ick P ap p as ' p residen tia l cabinet.ndrew Grady: is the jtsfrting shortstop for th e LA D odgers and , u p o n A bby's urging, becam e the official

o d e l/sp o k e sm a n fo rP o lo 's P la id Shorts D ep artm en t.

iper Gustafson: is a con tribu ting ed ito r to T he N ew Y o rk er. b u t is m ore often th an no t h idden away in h er private

m galow in th e C aribbean w orking o n h e r fiftieth novel, F ro m D ebu tan te to Rovaltv.

lestiny Huynh: w rote W hat's in a N am e? , the new gold s tan d ard for baby nam e books, w hich has achieved D r.

pock-notariety. She now tou rs the w orld w ith O prah 's Book Club.ulia Ivanova: schem ed h er w ay in to the W indsor fam ily 's inner-circle and quickly w on the heart o f beautifu l Prince

rilliam . She is now relaxing as she w aits to becom e the next Q ueen o f England.odd Jenkins: is now teaching m ath at PC D S, w here he rules w ith an iron fist, giving a week o f deten tion for tardiness

ad incom plete hom ew ork assignm ents.favdeep Khera: is the lead college basketball a n a ly s t and announcer for ESPN an d w rites a weekly Fantasy Sports

olum n for T h e N ew Y o rk er.:ric Lewis: bough t th e en tire real estate available on the M oon an d equ ipped it w ith exotically-bred giant lizards to create

le universe's f i r s t ^ l i Space Age Jurassic Park.)anni Lin: w hile serving as FH hnr-in-C hief o f T he N ew Y ork T im es, she h ad an ep iphany about her future. She prom ptly

Kit her job, m arried a Republican, and m oved to T ahiti to pursue a prosperous career in belly dancing,

fonathan Loren tzen: w as insp ired by h isy p u th fu l d ream o f being a "F.B.I." agent to (m ore realistically) becom e a

lifferent sort o f inspector. H e is now a m ortic ian and part-tim e rapper.Caylie Marsh: is the D irec to r o f seven— yes, seven— non-profit organizations, m ost im portan tly C am p Swift.

^auren Mattioni: is curren tly w orking in the deepest h idden labs a t H arvard U niversity to sequence and analyze cavem an" D fjA . In h er spare tim e, she perform s dram atic poetry readings at local coffee houses, and rakes in

oyalties fo r h er fam ous “M attioni-n-cheese” recipe.


L 3Uf6n Motzkin: was the reigning editor o f Vogue until she decided to jo in up with several male celebrities to form a non-profit

organization to help end illiteracy (and also hopefully end her single life).Becky Myer: has settled down as a m other, coach, and spokeswoman for Nabisco Cheez-Its after her record-setting career with a

USA Softball.Jessica Nicholls: followed in M ark Twain's footsteps and becam e a novelist, dedicating her first novel to both Twain and her

other key source o f inspiration, Schweik.Jenny Papp: m oved to New Y ork to pursue her dream o f becoming a fashion designer, bu t instead quickly m et and m arried the fantastically handsom e U.S. A m bassador to Greece. The couple now live in a villa in Athens. H er three step-children go to

boarding school in Antarctica.Nick Pappas: realized his dream (perhaps much to the chagrin o f his classmates) and was elected President o f the U nited States, j H e will go down in history as the first President to havgh is collar popped during an inaugural address.

Katclyn Pascavis: is a family w om an and model-turned-CEO o f a prom inent foundation that helps support the fashion

challenged" by conducting clothing interventions across the country.Kaleena Patel: has taken the phrase "child-friendly'Uo a whole new level, working |g c h day w ith children as a prom inent 1 pediatrician, and returning hom e Idch night to managgjtter twelve-child household ^Greg Peairs: is the Lead Engineer behind Lewis' Space Age Jurassic Park and com m utes m onthly between Earth and the M oo^B In his spare tim e, he continues to work on a serum tha t will allow him to live forever. Scffhr, hisjresearch has been inconclusive.

Ryan Pearlnian: m oved his way through the ranks to become the Sheriff o f M aricopa County, only to leave the force to head ijM his own private defense com pany in Europe, specializing in customizable tasers.Deepa Rao: now dedicates the m ajority o f her tim e to art and to her new husband Johnny Depp, after significantly helping the

fight against world hunger with her design for a photosynthesizing arm sleeve. Sorry, it only comes in green.

Ally kesiuk; tised her creative design skills w ith ties and tie-dve f b win the sixth seasop o f Project Runway. She then started her j own hippie com m une in western Pennsylvania with the winnings.Chelsea Robbins: used her outgoing personality to not only becom e the youngest partner in her New Y ork City P R firm, but J

also to achieveiher goal o f becoming the first m em ber o f the class to be m arried and start a family.Gary Simpson: is now the H ead o f the W om en's Studies D epartm ent at Wellesley College and is the author o f Love, Poetry, a&U 'U nm anly Sensitivity.Manasi Sorii: upon returning from a three-year stint in the Peace Corps, M anasi bought cam era equipm ent and aW W van that

runs on biodiesel. She now stars in her own traveling TV show called “O n the R oad with Jackie Kerouac.Jimmy Steeby: ditched his job as a historian and is now the leader o f a small band o f m ilitant libertarians operating out o f a

rem ote pom pound in northern M ontana.Aravind. Swaminathaii: opened his own chain o f do-it-yourself prank stores featuring his tradem ark Collapsible orange construction pones, in sp ire lb W h e original ©one prototype developed during his high school years. Every once and a while, he can be seen resurfacing at odd hodrs on his old tu rf at PCDS, undoubtedly seeking additional design inspiration.Warren Wagoner: After year^ o f holding low-profile jobs (weight trainer, owner o f The Chopping Block Grill, car collector) it

was revealed in a governmental leak-—much to the surprise o f family and friends that W arren had secretly been employed as a

secret agent ever since jun io r year o f high school.Nina Warner: used her arsenal of random knowledge to nearly double the Jeopardy winnings o f the famous Ken Jennings,

making enough money to finance her writing and world travels.Caitiin Wilenchik: became the U.S. Am bassador to Italy, but left the post after a feud with President Pappas. She now runs a j

multi-national interior design corporation operating in L.A.Richard Wong: now holds the record for m ost consecutive wins on Iron C hef America and is particularly popular for his

passionate victory speeches at the end o f each show.Alex Zadel: became the leader o f an underground political opposition group while visiting Belgium to m arket and distribute

1 Q 2 . ^ aren s source- ^ er whereabouts are currently unknown.


/('■ A& k̂ cu! A A r a h fA ^ K ^m n a t Aat$$Sm^ref&j•ra B o d e ./ / , A /e .x a X ^ tl̂ ) 'JayU f ? •' J e n m 'A e f P a p p ^ A { U y A /a m A /e , r

i q o f i / P e a ! f 5 , A /iS d A & t/l B u r t o n



44 My favorite part of PCDS is the teachers because they are not only great at teaching, but they also genuinely care about each student they teach.

— Richard Zitomer Junior

US L ife "D r e a m a s if y o u 'l l l i v e f o r e v e r ,


J a m e s D e a n

■ Did ̂ 1 You Know? ^V in earlier years, students 1 r often purchased their lunch from an outside vendor who

i came on campus in a k delivery truck nicknamed k \ the "Roach Coach." A

jnkStephen Hamway

Aravind Swaminathan, Stephanee :rmaine, Katelyn Pascavis, and Nick7 *ppas prepare for their next debate at

the JSA Convention.

Heimet-ciad freshman Conor Cathey wisely advises a lower school student on the challenges of high school: "It can be tough up there!'

My favorite part of being in the Upper School I community is that there are no age barriers between the students. I love that it is okay for freshmen to talk to seniors.

— Morgan Shepardl Sophomore\


M a t h e m a t ic s" P u r e m a t h e m a t i c s i s , in i t s w a y ,

T H E P O E T R Y O F L O G IC A L ID E A S .”

A l b e r t E i n s t e i n

C ^ M y fav o rite te a c h e r is m y

m a th te a c h e r M r. G reen lee

because I ’m su re th a t o n e d ay he

w ill grace th e co v er o f People

m ag az in e as m o st aw esom e m ath

teach e r alive!— D evika S on i

S oph om ore

Ashley Sylvester

fr ^ .T T ’._______ ■.

Steven Corey and David Blackwell break out the book:

for their Carbon Footprint ______ Project in Stat.

Michael Perry and Themos Panotopoulos morph into mad scientists during Chemistry lab.

This year in Chemistry we put a gummy bear in acid and it blew up. It was so cool to watch!

— Alex Gonzales Sophomore

distinctive" W o r d s w i t h o u t t h o u g h t s n e v e r t o

H E A V EN G O ."

W il l ia m S h a k e s p e a r eH u m a n ities

International Relations students do a "hands in" before they enter into intense negotiations with other teams

from the Intematial Relations Committee._____ Junior Beowulf Banquet

Great Gatsby Party: Anna Silverman, Sara Pauli, Janey Zitomer, Jack Schwimmer,

and Sophie Carter-Kahn

a My favorite word is pneumonoultramicrosco- picsilicovolcanoconiosis because it is so commonly used.

— Kevin Crain Sophomore

190 Matt Prusak

^ D id ^. You Know? «f The Upper School } used to have a Trap and

Skeet Club that met i L every Saturday on A

the range.

Masters of the board room: Steven Corey, Natalie Garagiola, Jessica Nicholls, Jimmy Steeby, Nina

Warner, Quinn de la Concepcion, and Mark Zhang at j the Arizona Supreme Court for Government class.

■ ■ ■ I" L a n g u a g e i s t h e b l o o d o f t h e s o u l


O F W H IC H T H E Y G R O W ."

— O l i v e r W e n d e l l H o l m e sL a n g u a g e s

u I've learned a lot about Panama's culture and local inhabitants through Senora Gilbert's stories in Spanish class. 11 — Jessica Ornstein


Anna Silverman, Sara Pauli, and Richard Zitomer debate proper noun conjugation.


Andrew Seraichick

The Cast of The Dining Room

Zach McVay and Nicole SwinfordEmily Morazan

Stenson Hamann, Andrew Seraichick and Ivy Epstein

Eric Lewis and Natalie Swinford


B u t d r a m a i s w h e n t h e a u d i e n c e c r i e s . ”

— F r a n k C a p r aD r a m a

6 6 My favorite musical is Wicked because it has a convoluted plot.

— Christina Arregoces 1 Oth grade

SL|§ V “ 1 a

Thamos Panot< Andrew Se

ipoulos and raichick


Brian Baker takes great care to fit the frame around his finished work of art.

A r t" C r e a t i v i t y i s a l l o w i n g y o u r s e l f t o m a k e m i s t a k e s . A r t i s


— S c o t t A d a m s

£ • Art thrills the visual senses with its grotesqueness, beauty, and simplicity.

— Teddie Vidolova 11th grade

jpii vjjice acvi

* nnnf Tnrum nu cm Joel

U pper School Strings: S. Patel, Y. Milton, M. Barnhill, K. Patel, R. Dougherty, S. McClintic, and A. Barnhill.


R i c h t e r S t r in g s


U The music I hear on any given day is often the greatest rt of that day. The best part of music classes at PCDS is that sryone with me in the classroom feels the same way. ^

— Ivy Epstein 12th grade

Upper School Junior Varsity Band: T. Wall, T. McKee, M. Young, J. Sands, A. Gonzali R. Miller, C. Cathey, N. Khan, P. Brown, S. Topolov, D. Troutman, Proutnan, I. Neufer,

Pesqueira, Z. Pasha. Not Pictured: G. Adrian.

Robert Adrian and John Greenberg

u My favorite music to sing is Swiss yodeling and occasionally African chanting! / /

— Lizzy Burton 12 th grade

U pper School Varsity Jazz Band: F ront Row: H. Kent, D. De La O, E. Fram. Back Row: C. Jackson, A. Schlesinger, B. Murphy, W. Wagoner, S. Gwozdzik, C. Garagiola, R. Adrian, J. Greenberg, Z. Hitchcock, C. Kelly, G. Gamble,

A. Baumann, G. Picozzi, G. Peairs, A. Heltne, K. Peairs.

B a n d "M u s i c i s t h e u n i v e r s a l l a n g u a g e o f m a n k i n d .

H e n r y W a d s w o r t h L o n g f e l l o w

"Music e x p r e s s e s t h a t w h i c h c a n n o t b e p u t



— V i c t o r H u g o H a n d b e l l s

Deby DeVries



S t u d e n t S e n a t eThe PCDS Senate is the Upper School student government organization. Senate is comprised of elected members, six from each grade, and a Student Body President. Senate is the liaison between the teachers and the students and is responsible for school events like Blue and Gold Day and Halloween, and spirit events like Game Day.

Front Row: G. Gold, K. Simon, A. Sylvester,A. Price, B. Khan, T. P itt, A. Heltne, H. Keogh, M. PersenBack Row: R. Adrian, J. Schwimmer, S. D rum m , K. H am ann, L. M otzkin, S. Sonntag, M. Prusak, A. Swaminathan, T. Jenkins, N. Garagiola, M. Perry, E. Fram , H. KentN ot Pictured: N. Khan

S.A.D.D.Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) is a nationwide peer leadership organization dedicated to keeping teens healthy and safe. Emphasis is placed on the prevention of underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving, self-injury, teen violence, and teen suicide, but SADD chapters can choose to address any themes that affect the well-being of students at their respective schools. SADD’s mission is to give teens the information and tools they need to deal successfully with these relevant issues.

SADD Officers: A m rita Kang, Benazir Khan, V aran M okhashi, and Thom as Turansky

SADD has 80+ members.


S e r v ic e C l u be Service Club meets to plan i attend community service ivities on a weekly basis. Every ursday, members take a trip to idre House, a local soup chen, to prepare and serve )d to the less fortunate. The rvice Club’s aim is to change | world one project at a time.

;sident: Stephanee G erm aine

jnt Row: M. Shepard, J. G ordon, J. om er, H . Keogh, S. Boyer, A. Price, Zhang, K. Linck Row: S. Tavizon, C. W ilenchik, C. ibbins, K. Pascavis, S. G erm aine, S. inley, K. H am ann, R. Chanen, B. rvantes

J.S.A.Junior State of America (JSA) is a national political awareness organization dedicated to combating student apathy and encouraging civic involvement. Meetings consist of debates and thoughtful discussions on the topics of euthanasia, abortion, and other controversial issues. Past events include a Voter’s Forum (2006) and Hunger Banquet (2007) aiding children’s education in Indonesia. Twenty-nine members attended SoCal Fall State 2007.

President: D anni Lin Officers: Mackenzie Persen, Salona Patel, Hannah Keogh, Devika Soni, Sarah Bauer. Jaclyn Roberts

JSA has 40+ members. m


F.O.R.G.E.Members raise money for the FORGE organization, a United Nations affiliate, supporting refugee camps in Africa. Members organize an auction, sell raffle tickets, and host tailgatd parties to raise awareness and funds. Members are concerned about global peace and poverty and wish to make a significant impact on lives of African refugees.

President: Jessica Nicholls

M em bers: N . W arner, J. Nicholls, J. Ivanova, B. Myer, S. Carter-Kahn, A. Zadel, D. DeVries

G l o b a l A w a r e n e s sThe mission of the Global Awareness Club is to raise awareness within PCDS and the broader Phoenix community, to take action on issues challenging the world. Members write letters and make telephone calls to government officials and the media to fight for causes. The club hosts guest speakers, facilitates discussions, and plans events to support human rights and environmental issues.

President: Emily Gogolak

Members: M. Shepard, S. Swanson, S. Manley, P. Dhadvai, S. Boyer, E. Gogolak, S. Carter-Kahn, N. W arner, D. Rao


T h e P h o en ic ia niblished annually, The wenician is the student-run ZDS Yearbook. It is designed to ghlight the experiences of the irrent school year. The tblication is completed by adents outside of their regular assroom studies.

litor-in-Chief: D anni Lin

ull staff is listed in ;knowledgements.

le Yearbook has 30+ members.

Ac t iv e V o ic eThe Active Voice is the student-run newspaper dedicated to bringing news to the PCDS community and covering the major events happening on campus. Last year, the newspaper was converted to an online publication so that a larger number of issues could be published. Editorial team leaders offer basic journalism information sessions to allow newspaper team members to improve their writing skills.

Editor-in-Chief: Hutch Balholm

Front Row: B. KhanBack Row: A. Sanghera, J. Najafi, R. Zitomer. L. M otzkin, H. Balholm, S. Carter-Kahn, E. M orazan, M. McCain


A Did \You Know? ^Previous PCDS 1

iwspaper names include' The Interim (’69), The i

Page (’72), and The A k Register CSS). JBk


Daybreaks is the PCDS Upper School literary and art magazine. Editors evaluate work submitted by PCDS artists and writers to create an annual student-produced magazine.

Editor: Alex Zadel

M embers: S. Carter-Kahn, D. Rao, A. Zadel, N . W arner, M r. Coon

D a y b r e a k s

In t e r n a t io n a l F ilmThe International Film Club (IFC) meets each week to watch a selected foreign film. The mission of the IFC is to promote the awareness of and appreciation for foreign film and the issues they present. After watching a film, members share cultural insights and discuss thematic elements and other related issues.

M embers: N. W arner, D. Rao, D. DeVries, E. Gogolak, T. Vidolova, M. Brown, L. Vidolova


T h e R a d ic a l'he Radical is a PCDS ublication that strives to ilighten the PCDS community bout the fascinating points of lathematics. It features itriguing articles and puzzles, long with math humor.

ditors: A dam Oest and en M urphy

ront Row: J. Sm ith, B. M urphy,1. Rosenzweig, S. Ham way, A. Oest,). Dodell, Ms. Ellis, J. Sands lack Row: A. Resnik, S. Carter-K ahn,. Schwimmer, A. Lowe lot Pictured: I. Hines

E n E s t e M o m e n t oEn Este Momento is the PCDS Spanish publication, written in the Spanish language, featuring a wide range of content including restaurant reviews and articles about Spanish culture. It enables the PCDS Spanish-speaking population to put their skills to practical use.

Editor: Ben Murphy

Front Row: W. French, J. Ivanova, E. Malone, Senora Gilbert Back Row: A. Oest, M. Rosenzweig, B. M urphy, K. Hamann



J unior L ea d er sh ipThe Junior Leadership Program (JLP prepares approximately twenty rising Seniors to serve as role models and counselors on one of several ovemigh class trips held each fall in the Middlf and Upper Schools. JLP members attend monthly classes and a four-da] overnight retreat in Flagstaff during their Junior year to complete the intensive training needed to become i successful trip counselor.

Front Row: M. Soni, L. Burton, K. Marsh M iddle Row: A. A braham , K. Feltz, Q. De L Concepcion, M. CainBack Row: A. Swam inathan, G. Simpson, G Gam ble, A. Zadel, J. Lorentzen, M. Barnhill N . Khera, R. Wong, N. Garagiola, G. Pears,B. Myer, J. Fielder N ot Pictured: P. Gustafson

P e e r A d viso rThe Peer Advisors are a group of twenty Juniors and Seniors who undergo leadership and other specialized training in order to become mentors for underclassmen and new students in the Upper School. Peer Advisors serve both as teaching assistants for the freshman Perspectives class and as “big brothers and sisters” for younger students as they adjust to life in the Upper School.

Front Row: L. M attioni, S. Kost, C. Abdo, A. Raskin, C. Kelly, J. Papp Back Row: A. Resnik, L Epstein, S. Sonntag, S. McClintic, V. M ohkhashi,A. Salahi, L. M otzkin, K. Patel, FI. Kent, B. Hennessy


B o t a n y C l u bie Botany Club plants sert-adapted vegetation in the jyes Garden and searches those plants in order to :rease awareness of desert flora r the PCDS community.

jmbers: D. R ao, Z. M cVay, N. im er, Ms. Sm ith, P. Ram os-Gonzalez it Pictured: J. Steeby

J.C.L.The Junior Classical League is an academic team designed for students enrolled in Latin and promotes an appreciation of the classical Latin language, literature, Greco-Roman history, mythology, and culture. Students use their knowledge in numerous competitions and at regular club meetings.

Consul: M att Tibi

Back Row: T. Vidolova, K. Onofryton, S. Sonntag, M. Tibi, Na. Swinford. K. Peairs,B. Baker, A. Diones, T. Hussey, A. Seraichick, E. FramFront Row: A. Resnik, Y. Milton, S. Swanson, S. Chang, S. Labelle, D. Soni, D. Kaminsky, M. Labelle, P. Brown, S. Boyer.C. ArregocesNot Pictured: A. Lowe



S en io r V id eoMembers of Senior Video continue the tradition of creating a video for the senior class. The Club films, cuts, and finalizes thi video in order to capture the memories of the seniors in their last year of high school.

Leader: Lizzy Burton

M embers: J. Abdo, M. Tibi, E. Dohrin L. Burton, M. Benson, B. Matwijkow, N. Garagiola

The Art Club includes current and former art students interested in art. Past activities have included creating murals, painting portions of theater sets, and doing art-related community service projects. Additional mural projects, workshops, speakers, and community service projects with Free Arts for Abused Children are currently being planned. Members are frequent visitors of Valley Art Walks.

Front Row: N. W arner, D. Rao, R. Crane, C. Hwang, T. Vidolova Back Row: Na. Swinford, R. Pearlman, A. Grady, Mr. Cook, Mr. Pessalato, J. Ivanova, A. Lowe

A r t C lu b


:am members compete in proximately twenty debate urnaments statewide and itionally.

iptains: M ark Zhang, M att jsenzweig, Basil L atif

ont Row: K. Lin, K. Chang, A. Kost,. Benson, C. Cathey, M. N iem czyk, B itif, M. Zhang, M. Rosenzweig ick Row: M r. G uthrie, J. Najafi, N. okhashi, I. N eufer

Th e s p ia n S o c ie t yThe International Thespian Society is an honors organization that recognizes excellence in the performing arts. After dedicating a certain number of required hours to excellent theatrical work, students are elligible to be inducted into the Society. International Thespians at PCDS provide the student leadership core of the Theatre Department.

Front Row: I. Bahtchevanov, A. Pesqueira. T. Vidolova, M, Tibi, L. M attioni, L. Burton, Mr. Bums, Ni. Swinford, L. VidolovaBack Row: N. Pusapati, W. French, Z. McVay, A. Seraichick, T. Hussey, S. Carter-Kahn, Na. Swinford, M. Brown



T RANSFORMERSGathering once a week, members watch the 198 hit The Transformers.

Officers: Colin Kelly, Eric Fram , Andrew Seraichick, Johi Greenberg, and M att Tibi

The Transform ers club has a m em bership o f 70+ students

C u l t u r a l D a n ci

Every week, members learn a new dance from different cultures.

Front Row: S. M andair, S. Pasha and A. Rose Back Row: N. Lopez, V. Lopez

S.V.U. C lu bEach week, members watch different episodes of Lav and Order: Special Victims Unit, an educational and interesting television series that showcases criminal investigations.

Members: N. Khera, A. Sanghera, Y. M ilton, H. Carroll, V. Lopez, M. Liu, J. Roberts, A. Blandford, K. Mazzolini Not Pictured: L. Kauffm an, B. Khan, A. Troutm an, M. Labelle, S. Labelle, D. Kaminsky, A. Swanson, O. Cumsky, K. Crain, D Schron

A .S .V . C l u bvery week, Action Sports Video (ASV) shows :tion sports videos documenting skiing, lowboarding, skating, surfing, bmx, motocross, akeboarding, and waterskate. The members plan > attend rail jams, movie premiers, competitions, ad even watch and support each other in sports lovies or competitions.

resident: Zach H itchcock

.S.V. has a m em bership o f 25+ students.

Ju g g l in g C l u bWeekly, members learn how to juggle, practice juggling, watch juggling, or teach others how to juggle!

M embers: D. Schron, J. M cG rath, S. Bauer, C. Arregoces, D. De la O, M. Prusak, K. Peairs, T. Panotopoulos, S. Tavizon, A. Troutm an, A. Diones, V. Lopez, A. Kost, M. M cCain, B. Baker, D. Rao, J.

NichollsNot pictured: J. Steeby, A. Resnik, B. Scott, D. Dodell, Y. M ilton, M. Liu, N. Gibbs, J. Knudson



^ 4 tf\&£tics




“We left the season with man great memories— from Mackenzie almost breaking her nose while attempting a flip turn to dancing around at the shave party?'’

— Laura Bod y t Varsity Capta

Coach: M ika Maczuga (Swim) an d Kirstin Pruett (Dive)Captains: Laura Bodell, M ercedes Cain, Kaleena Patel, Javon SmithSwim; Jillian Attaway, Ivaylo Bahtcheyanov, Andrew Chang, Q uinn de la Concecpcion, E ric i | Dohring, Sara Goldsworthy, Anne Inkpen, Lauren Kauffm an, Ben M urphy, Am ber N aum ann, Jessica O m stein, Salona Patel, M ackenzie Persen, Chistopher W ade Dive: Sam Debold, M aude Labelle, Sophie Labelle, Natalie Swinford, Nicole Swinford

- “The Men’s Team made the state tournament and Becca Wax, from the Women’s, Team, placed third at Regionals. We ended the season on a high note when Coach told us our team has a ‘heart the size of a cow’s heart—which is really big in case you didn’t know.”

— Gary Gold Varsity Captain,

7oach: Pat Riley Captain: Gary Gold Varsity: Alexa C ohn, ' Vex Heltne, Bailey Ceogh, Josh M cG rath, 3reg Peairs, M ichael Perry, Jim m y Steeby, Stefan Topalov, Becca Wax, R ichard Zitom er



“Golf this year was all about improvement. Losing two key seniors this yeaj allowed the rest of the girls to step up and real work on their techniques. Led by excellent coalhes, the team lejm ed from the best. Thre< out of five girls shot their best rounds of the season at the regidnal tournament!”

— Karin Fe I Varsity Captc

Coach: Brian Ellingson and Pan W riglr|Captains: Karen Feltz, Caitlin W ilenchikYaristy: Isabel Hines, lAlex f avier, H annah fteo g h


i “No one expected an eleven person team to go very far. However, our numbers did not defeat us. We faced Scottdale Christian Academy, a long-established rival of PCDS, in a close game with a level of dignity, perseverance, and skill that I have not witnessed in any other years playing Volleyball/’

— Chelsea Robbins Varsity Captain

loachrGreg Hullaptains: Chelsea R obbins, Avtenilahiarsity: D evin Ingersoll, Nicole opez, Rachael Lopez, Suchita landair, K irea M azzolini, M argaret IcCain, Lindsay M erhege, Taylor itt, Hailey Rose unior Varsity: M organ Brown, .achel Epstein, M argaret Liu, Liz .odie, Lauren Sheffield, Ashley ,1 ylvester

Coach; D ean Buckland ,■ C ap ta in s |R obert Adrian, Andrew

>Grady, T odd Jenkins Varsity: Greg Adrian, Alfred Alvarez, Aaron Baum ann, Will Bixby, lan Brandon, Steven Corey, Kev^rrCrainf, D dbg de la 0 , Brett Hennessy, Jac^K nudson , Colin

; Lacey, X avier Loza. Ryan Pearljnan, Ryan P itt, A drian Reiter, M att Selling, Schooner Sonntag, 1 Patrick Taylor, Jake Villadolid, i W arren Wagoner; Prateek W akharkar, Tom Wall

“The team is much like the ingredients ̂ of a chocolate chip cookie-—chips, flour, milk, and sugar— because every! member isi unique but integral to creating a I winning combination and bringing PCDS one of its finest^ seasons.”

— Andrew Grady Varisty Captain

I tg T '








1_L V J ------ 1, 1

loaches: Andy M cKean, Aimee HansoorCaptains: Sam antha D ebold, Michele BarnhillVarsity: Ashley Barnhill, Mercedes C ain.N atalie Garagiola, Ariel G&rucih, J u h a l f anova, M a u d g y gpjblle, Grade M artineau. Yuka Milton. Lauren M dtzkin, Jessica O m slein, Jennifer Papp. Sakina Pasha, Kaleena Patel, Salona Patel, Lauren Sheffield, s-Elizabeth Starr

"Our season is best described by Zac Efforfs singing in High School Musical II: 'We're in it to win it, in it to win it, oh

- yeah.' Wc worked o u t hardest to make this season the most successful and most fun."

-^sMjphele Barnhill Samantha Dcbold

Varsity Captains

M i




Coaches: Kevin Cherilla, Bob Hendrickson, Patrick M cH om eyCaptains: Elliot Ginsburg, G ary Gold Varsity: Greg Adrian, R obert A drian, Anthony Dahkoshay, Tyler Drew, Guy Gam ble, Christopher Garagipla, LeM anley Gishie,M ichael Perry, M atthew Selling junior Varsity: Greg Adrian, Alfred Alvarez, Andrew Chang, Kevin Crain, Cole Goodyear, John Greenberg, Spenser Gwozdzik, Alex Heltne, H arrison K ent, M ichael Perry, Ryan P itt, D avid Selvala. G ordon Silverman, Prateek W akharkar, Thom as WallFreshmen: Greg Adrian, C onor Cathey,|M ax Farrar, N abeer K han, Ryan P itt, John Sands, j

H o n Silverman, Stefan Topalov, Thom as Wall

"Our slogan for this season was: 'Persistence is glorious."'

— Guy Gamb Varsity Capta

loaches: Jam es W hite, N anna Farrell Manager: N ina W arner jf Japtains: K aren Feltz, Alexandra Zadel farsityrStephanee G erm aine, Haley Carroll, ^ lianca Cervantes, Rachel Chanen. Rachel I ipstein, H annah Keogh, Lexi .Myers. Julia N ajafl vlarcela Niemczyk, Allison Puglisi, Christine M ckslagerJunior Varsity: Haley Carroll, Bianca Cervantes, Rachel C hanen ,R achel Epstein, H annah Keogh, Lexi Myers, Julia Najafi, Marcela Niemczyk, \llison Puglisi, Christine Stockslager

A;” We had a young team with lots of potential, backed bv amazing seniors. With a Ifreat new coach, this year was full of both hard work and fun times."

— Karen Feltz Varsity Captain


Coaches: Vincent Perez-M azzola, Cody SonntagCaptains: D avid Blackwell, Jonathan LorentzenVarsity: W illiam Bixby, C onor Cathey, Andrew Chang, Kevin Crain, Douglas De la O, Jay Fielder, Gary Gold, Alexander Gonzales, Dylan Kaminsky, N abeer Khan, Jace K nudson, Stewart M cClintic, Joshua M cG rath, Thom as McKee, V aran M okhashi Zahid Pasha, Michael Perry, Adrian Reiter, D avid Selvala, Schooner Sonntag, Jake Villadolid, Robert W hite

"Everyone predicted a dry season for us, but we made it rain, so you best bring your umbrella."

— Jonathan Lorentzer Varsity Captaii

oaches: A drianne Grenchik, Cassie H ilpm an [anager: A ravind Sw am inathan aptains: D anni Lin, Jennifer Papp, P iper Gustafson arsity: C hristina Arregoces, Sarah Bauer, Laura odell, Sophia Boyer, Juha Ivanova, H annah Keogh, rrace M artineau, Laura M oraes, A m ber N aum ann, sssica O m stein, A rianne Price, Ayten Salahi, D iana chron, Lauren Sheffield, M organ Shepard, Ashley ylvester, C aitlin W ilenchik, Janey Z itom er

"Our team has always been a group of close girls who are friends, but this year our friendships, potential, and success all reached new heights."

— Jennifer Papp Varsity Captain


Coach: Jerry Keever Captains: Peter Brown, Steven Corey, T odd Jenkins Varsity: H utchins Balholm, v Alexander D iones, W illiam French, Cole Goodyear, Spenser Gwozdzik, Christopher Jackson, N avdeep Khera, Basil Latif, Them os PanotopouloS, N ith in Pusapati, Robert Reism an, Patrick Taylor

"Like our T-shirt say: 'Don't try to date! us...love means nothing.'"

— Steven Core vairsity_Captai


B§ W mm

mi 111

Coach: Jerry Keever Captains: A rianna Rose, K endra Simon Varsity: Zinnia Daas, Pallavi D hadvai, Jessica G ordon, A m rita Kang, Benazir Khan, N avneet K hera, N ikita M okhashi, Marcela Niem czyk, Jaclyn Roberts, Asmit Sanghera, D evika Soni, Christine Stockslager

"Our team is fierce. We are people of few words. Game. Sweat. Match."

— Kendra Simon Varsity Captain


Coach: Bob Hendrickson Captains: Guy Gam ble, Gary SimpsonVarsity: Nicholas Gibbs, John Greenberg, Zachary Hitchcock, T odd Jenkins, Giancarlo Picozzi, M ichael Young

"Our team can be summed up by our Coach favorite saying: 'If you don't have fun, it's a two stroke penalty.'"

— Guy Gamfc Varsity Capta

baches: Pat Riley, Sara Shugars aptains: Rebecca W ax, Richie Z itom er arsity: Ivaylo Bahtchevanov, Xavier oza, Erin M alone, Sergio Tavizon, tefan Topalov

"We might be a small team, but we are quite mighty as shown by the words of our Coach: 'We have a easy run today. It's eight miles.'"

— Richie Zitomer Varsity Captain

Coaches: Jeff Huber, Steve M azich t Captains: Robert Adrian, Brett Hennessy, Andrew Grady Varsity: Aaron Baum ann, C hristopher Garagiola, Alex Heltne, H arrison Kent, Nicholas Pappas, Ryan Pearlm an, N oah Segal, Andrew Seraiehick, Christopher W ade

"Even though we don't have a lot of players, we have a winning combination of enthusiasm, skills, and looks."

— Brett Hennessy Varsity Captain


loaches: Jackie Beener, Paul chweikherlaptains: Sam antha Debold, K aren 'eltz, Rebecca M yer ?arsity: Yesenia A rm endariz, Michele lamhill, Bianca Cervantes, Q uinn de la loncepcion, Sam antha D ebold, Rachel ip stein, K aren Feltz, Rebecca Myer, iaylor P itt, D eepa Rao, K athryn lector, M anasi Soni, N ina W arner, Alexandra Zadel

"This year was 'our year' with a tight-knit group of talented, mature underclassmen, and eleven seniors who have been playing together for four years. Three years ago, we were getting run-ruled by powerhouse teams; now we are a powerhouse team." — Alexandra Zade:

Varsity Player

’Coach: Jenny Treadway Captains: Destiny H uynh, Erin MlfloneVarsity: Yesenia Arm endariz. Margo Casselman, Andrew Charlson, Rebecca Crane, D estiny H uynh, Anne Inkpen, Valeria Lopez, Erin M alone

"With a lot of hard work, team bonding, and audience support, the cheer team had an amazing year."

— Erin Malone Varsity Captain

K o s o w e r F i t n e s s C e n t e r

The Kosower Fitness Center had its grand opening on February 25, 2008. Students, parents, faculty, and staff were present as Mr. Campbell thanked Mr. and Mrs. Gamble and Mr. and Mrs. Hirvela for their generosity in making the facility possible. The Center was set to be named after the Gamble Family, but in a surprise twist, the Gambles presented Mr. Kosower with a plaque stating its new name: "The Kosower Fitness Center." PCDS faculty and staff are active participants in the running of the Center. On a daily basis, Trainer Terrance Sheridan, P.E. Instructor Sadie Etheridge, and College Counselor Patrick McHomey monitor and train students and faculty in this new state-of-the-art facility._______


SenioJL J \ d s

Your home is your world.

Ybur world is not your home.“Knowing is better than ]

wondering, walking is better than sleeping, and even the

biggest failure, even the worst, beats never trying.”

-Grey’s Anatomy

Trust yourself. You know more than

you think you do.-Dr. Spock

We love you so much Mom, Dad, Jack, and Grandma

Laura,!7ls important as a chifd’s order of hirth may be, it is only an

influence, not ajinaijact of life forever set in cement and

unchangeahhe as Jar as How that chifd xviu turn out.

-Dr. “Kevin Leman

“And Laura, you have turned out greatl

Keep your head hefd high and he proud oj the individuafyou

have become.We ad Cove you very


C o n g r a t u f a t i o n s L a u r a l

Dad and (Jretchen <Uom, Jason,Lindsay, and ‘Ahhy



Us you pass through the doors of (PCDS for the Cast time after 14 years (a Lifer), we wish you the hest as new doors ojpen with

many experiences and opportunities awaiting you.

Enjoy the wonderfuCjourney ahead, as your (PCDS

experience win serve you weCC We are so proud of you and Cove

cCaiming you OLKRS!

/ays,(Mom, Dad, ancpMatthew

“Success is peace of mind in knowina you did tfie best”

LLmdy,You have afway done your best.

We are so proud of you.

Love, ‘Mom |

an d D a d

Lmify, not onfy are you my sister, But you are also my Best friend. *1am so prou d of you an d add tBat yc Bave done.

Love, Carol

You are suck a Beautifufperson on tne inside an d out. You are my Be.

friend. You are tBe Bardest worker know and 1 am so prou d to Be yow sister. W Bat ever you do in fife wifi a success. 1 Cove you so mucB Lmil

Love, Si


J; i Thcfse who Bring s _ sunshine into the /% i « ] j m ,

lives M oth s h ^ e ^ l f h d f k e d f h n ^ B j

\ . Jromthemselves.P v J a n ^ w f / B a i r i e J

(ft) JconJi^eMy in tkeglirectionl m ou dreatHsflivlfflhe life JWu have imjzgufm

Henry Davkl TjioreiTft^L

W e love you

so very w\}Acbl

M o n \ D ad,

S arah s ar\d C larke

'Sfixne on you crazy diamond.” - Link T(oycC Love youjvreverjduan,

91 (fie, Kenzie, ‘RiefCy, a n d Liz


And if I ’ve never told you, I want you to know... that as I watch you grow—

I pray that God will fill your heart with dreams And that Faith gives you the courage to dare to do great th

I ’m here for you whatever this life brings, so let my love give you roots and help you find your win

Its only for a moment you were mine to hold, the plans that Heaven has for you will all too soon unfol

So many different prayers I ’ve prayed for all that you migh But most o f all I want to know you are walking in the tri

May passion be the wind that leads you through your da And may conviction keep you strong, guide you on your ■ May there be many moments that make your life so swet

But more than memories—

I pray that God will fill your heart with dreams And that Faith gives you the courage to dare to do great th

I ’m here for you whatever this life brings,So let my love give you roots and help you find your win

Its not living if you do not reach for the sky!!I ’ll have tears as you take off but I’ll cheer as you fly!

I pray that God will bless your heart with dreams And that Faith gives you the courage to dare to do great tl

Let my love give you roots, and help you find your win$ — Mark Harris

Deby-isms -

“David: New York, New York is not attached to New York - Right Mom?”

“D ad and David: you think you are going to fish in the Grand Canyon? How would the fish get all the way to the bottom of the canyon?????”

W e love you and K N O W that you are going to conquer the world!!!

M om, D ad and David and Princess too


C o n g r a t u l a t io n s!VOe l o v e youcA r a v i n d . cM o m , ^jDad, & oA n a n d


M\Je are so p rou d of you a the young woman you’ve become.

"We have cherished every moment on the way.

andwiCCmiss when you feave

M/e Cove yc you greatl for coCCeae,

ir %, Congratulations} Love...Mom and D a d


Congratulations Class of 2008!

dCabeena,dt fias been an amazing journey so Jar antfwe are very proud J your success!

Your (ovingjamify,(Mummy, (Daddy, Saiona, (Ba, (Dada, dvy


■amHa; mm

o Jay, our Jayster...

Let your fife speak through your smife, th a t radiant smife horn from your heart ofgofd

Let your dreams a n d endeavors afways he true to your heart an dyou ’CCnever fose your smife.

With much fove a n d tremendous pride,Mom, Dad, Wiff, &? Mickey tool



Matt C l a s s o f 2005 G pe g C l a s s o f 2 0 0 3 K ^a tie G l a s s o f 2 0 IO


5< 'Rudvard OCwfina

N ic k c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s o n

ALL YOU HAVE ACHIEVED!W e a r e s o p r o u d o f y o u !

Lo v e , M o m , D a d , a n d E m m a


love/Dear Piper- Tkrougk 18 years of Ilaugkteo and family adventures-' A

we are so proud of you and cant wait you emkrace tke next 18!

NX/ itk love from tke wkole F an-damily!/Vlurri/ Faja and Orant

250 H i

Congratulations, Katelyn!!From Daddy’s little girl first experiencing the world

to a beautiful young woman ready to take on the world. We are so proud of what you have accomplished so far

and can’t wait to see where your future takes you. Love

Mom, Nicole, Mike, Bella Dad and Baby

CorgratuUiioi^ Natalie!

R£rt\em!?er' wt re forever Jrier\ds,

L@v@»M#r, U#L mtk CKrk

£©MgratwUtie>t\£ t? o w

Kw$nc(M\_ Orteirvgtl

D e a r C M e a n d C a f e t e r i a S t a f f :

On^behalf of the entire student body, we would like to thank youjall for your dedication and hard tyork throughout the year! From the famous pasta, to the beloved chicken nuggeti, to Brunch-for-Lunch, we know that each of you have put yoli! hearts into ensuring that everyone on campus is well fed, happy and healthy, jfeach of you make a difference in our community, and we want ou to know how much we sincerely appreciate

you—and the delicious food you provide!

NANCY CRASEPHOTO602 558-1829www.crasephoto.com

T h e P h o e n ic ia n S t a f fAdviser:

Erin Lynch

Editor-in-Chief:Danni Lin

Managing Editor/Photo Editor/Senior Ad Designer: Adam Lowe

Senior Copy Editor/Layout Editor: Stephanee Germaine

Assistant Editor/Text Editor: Sophie Boyer

Senior Photographer: Adam Oest

Layout Staff: Alex Kost Matt Tibi

Text Staff:Christina Arregoces Sophie Carter-Kahn

Will French Kylin Hamann Maude LaBelle

Shannon Manley (Fall Layout) Lexi Myers (Club Editor)

Nithin Pusapati Morgan Shepard (Club Editor)

Nicole Swinford

Photo Staff: Mercedes Cain

Salona Patel Chelsea Robbins Natalie Swinford

Additional contributors thanked in "Acknowledgements"

The Phoenician, Volume XLIV, was produced by the yearbook staff of Phoenix Country Day School in Paradise Valley,Arizona and was printed by Taylor Publishing Company in Dallas, TX. The account was serviced by representative Susan Feamside.

The theme, Like No Other, was developed by the Editorial Staff in July and August at the summer workshop held by Taylor Publishing. The cover is a four-color matte lithograph, designed by the Editorial Staff in August. The cover features embossing of the "P" graphic, which is uv-coated, along with three stripes.

The book’s 256 pages are printed on Enamel 100 pound paper stock in full color.All body copy is set at 12 pt. Times TPC. Headlines are set in 65 pt. Copperplate Gothic TPC. Section divisions are set in 72 pt. Musescript and page numbers are set in 20 pt. Musescript. Colors used: Process Blue, Super Blue, All-American Red, Poppy, Pansy, Royal Purple, Emerald Green, and Kelly Green.

The Phoenician was produced using Studioworks, Adobe® Photoshop7.0®, and Adobe® Photoshop CS3® on Apple® Macintosh® G4 Computers with 1.25 GB RAM and 80 GB hard drives and an Epson Perfection 3200 Photo scanner. Digital photos were taken with 3-, 4- amd 8- megapixel digital cameras. Pages were directly submitted to the plant via internet through Taylor Publishing Studioworks. MountainView Photography took portraits. Sports photos exclusively taken by Nancy Crase, Adam Lowe, and Adam Oest. Nine-hundred and eighty copies of the book were made available to students and faculty on May 19, 2008.

C o l o p h o n

Please remember The Phoenician is a student-created publication and we work hard to represent Phoenix Country Day School and its students, faculty, and staff. We apologize for any errors or omissions on our behalf.


