pc hip openers

HIP OPENERS and Various Poses

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Aananda Teacher's Training PC Hip Openers Cecilia Lester


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HIP OPENERSand Various Poses

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Hip Motion

Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Internal Rotation External Rotation

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Motions Most Often Seen in Asana

Flexion Extension Abduction External Rotation

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Proprioceptive Neuro Facilitation PNF Contract Relax (CR): It is one of PNF Techniques usually

performed at a point of limited ROM in the agonist pattern. Strong, small range isotonic contraction of the restricting muscles (antagonists) with emphasis on the rotators is followed by an isometric hold. The contraction is held for 5-8 seconds and is then followed by voluntary relaxation and movement into the new range of the agonist pattern. Movement can be passive but active contraction is preferred.

Contract-relax-active-contraction (CRAC): Active contraction into the newly gained range serves to maintain the inhibitory effects through reciprocal inhibition.Indications Limitation in ROM.

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Using another body, wall, block, surface to practice contract relax, the PNF technique from prior slide.

Simply holding the position of greatest range of motion will increase the end of the range.

Warming the body by increasing the heart rate will assist in allowing an end range to increase. Warming the room is also practiced but is an issue for practitioners with hyper flexible joints and loose ligamentous structures as this can cause an already lengthened structure to weaken further.

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Review Muscles of the Hip Stretched During Flexion Stretched during flexion: gluteus maximus bicep femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus Please note that these are the muscles that

when CONTRACTED create hip extension. *Every seated pose uses hip flexion as

sitting is the action of flexing the hips.

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Basic Poses of Hip Flexion

Padangusthasana- Foot big toe posture  Padahastasana- Foot to hand posture  Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana- Upward hand toe

foot pose. Balasana- Child pose  Pashimottanasana- West intense stretch  Janu Sirsasana- Head to knee posture   Upavishta Konasana- Seat angle pose  Supta Padangusthasana- Reclining hold the big toe


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Hip Flexion

From neutral, with a neutral spine: the functional range of motion for hips flexion is 0 to 90 degrees

Yoga asanas often describe a greater than 90 degree angle of hip flexion with a neutral spine.

Many poses include both hip and spine flexion. Utanansana/Forward Bend

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Review of Muscles Stretched in Hip Extension Stretched during hip extension: Psoas major Psoas minor Iliacus muscle Rectus femoris (part of the

quadriceps muscle group) Please note that these muscles when

CONTRACTED create hip flexion.

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Hip Extension

Hips have an available extension from neutral or 0 to 15 degrees or hyper extension.

Many asanas require a greater degree of extension than what is required for normal gait and other functional movements.

Many asanas include both hip extension, spinal extension and knee flexion. Such as Danurasana/Bow Pose.

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Basic poses that require hip extension.

Bhujanasana - Cobra   Shalabhasana- Locust Posture   Dhanurasana- Bow posture   Asta Chandrasana - Crescent Natarajasana- Dancer Pose  Setu Bandhasana- Bridge pose  Urdhva Dhanurasana- Upward Bow     Parivrtta Adho Mukha Shvanasana- Revolving

downward facing dog Eka pada Rajakapotasana- Piegon Pose 

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Review of the muscles stretched in Hip Abduction Stretched in hip abduction:

Sartorius Tensor fasciae latae Pectineus Adductor longus Adductor brevis Gracilis

Please note that these are the muscles that when CONTRACTED create hip adduction.

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Hip Abduction

Functional range of motion for hip abduction is 45 degrees.

Many asanas describe a greater degree of abduction than 45 degrees.

These groin muscles can be easily torn and extremely difficult to heal.

HipHip lateral rotation (rotation away 0-45 from center of body)Hip medial rotation (rotation towards center of body) 0-45

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Basic Poses of Hip Abduction

Prasarita Pado tanasana – Wide leg forward Bend

Badha Konasana Any wide leg pose. Any pose with the name

kona. Many asanas will have hip abduction and

spinal flexion, and even inversion! Supta Konasana.

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Review of the muscles Stretched in Hip External Rotation


Tensor fasciae latae


Adductor longus

Adductor brevis


These muscles when CONTRACTED adduct and internally rotate the lower extremity and can be easily torn and difficult to heal.

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External Rotation may Require Muscles of ER and the Joint Capsule to be Stretched Piriformis * special attention due to the

sciatic nerve running through or under Gemellus Superior Obturator Internus Gemellus Inferior Obturator Externus Quadratus Femoris Often the joint capsule is tight and hip

openers effect the ligamentous structures.

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Internal Rotation

Stretches the external rotators. There are few poses that require large

internal rotation. We will do a iliotibial band stretch and an

eagle pose just to be well rounded.

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“Basic” Poses of External Rotation

Padmasana - Lotus Eka pada Rajakapotasana- Piegon Pose    Baddha Konasana- Bound Angle Pose    Gomukhasana- Cow Face   Agnistambhasana- Fire

Log 90/90 pose Aananda Balasana- Happy Baby  Sukhasana- Easy Pose Pasasana- Noose Pose Malasana- Garland pose  Simasana- Lion Pose Akarna dhanura asana- The shooting bow pose Anantasana- Side-Reclining Leg Lift 

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Various Poses

Poses after navasana in primary series.


Ardha Matsyendrasana- Half Lord of the Fishes Posture 

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana – Pigeon Pose

Eka Pada Galavasana – Flying Crow Pose

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 Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana -Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose

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