pb fenech 2015 spring invitation sale


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Page 1: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale

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PB Fenech presents the 2015 Sale Team. There are 21 exclusive Sirelines represented in the 2015 PBF Sale Team, backed by the renowned PBF consistently producing cow families.

The outlook for the beef industry is strong, with significant indicators that represent longevity. Breeding and utilising quality cattle with superior genetics has never been so important. Solid markets with favourable weather conditions will put the industry in a more profitable position, and prepotent genetics will return favourably.

The vast array of the genetic pool selected is now coming to fruition for the PB Fenech Breeding Program. The band of Sirelines previously attained is unique, and will probably never be repeated. The array of genetics now being line bred, will ensure PBF heredities remain true to type with strength in breeding value. The carefully engineered genetics presented will satisfy the progressive commercial cattleman, the discerning stud master and every Brahman enthusiast in between.

It has been a great experience working with Charles and Carmel McKinlay, Chasmac & Carl and Gail Morawitz, Stewart Park along with industry stalwarts, the Price family from Moongool, Surat, to offer their bulls at PBF. Chasmac and Stewart Park present an outstanding line of Brahmans bred on buffel and prepared with the buyer in mind. They also offer 3 Charbray and Brangus lots, again with the market in mind.

Ian and Ivan Price will offer 19 Charolais, 7 Charbray and 6 Brahmans from their well endorsed line up. The Price Family need no introduction and their quality draft speaks for itself. This represents an expanding chapter for the PB Fenech Saleyard.

As always, your inspection prior to sale day is encouraged and we invite you to contact us with your inquiry. There are plenty of powerful Sires on offer, with impact pedigrees to match. Well worth a look.

Come and enjoy the PB Fenech Sale Experience – it’ll be good to catch up.

Welcome back.

Paul & Brigid, Bridie James Tom & Matt

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To be held atThe Chase, Sarina, Queensland, Australia

Pre sale inspections from 2pm Friday 23 October

Invitation Spring Bull Sale


Paul and Brigid FenechPhone: 07 4956 5727 or International: +61 7 4956 5727

Fax: 07 4956 5779 or International: +61 7 4956 5779Mobile: + 61 7 427 565 727

email: [email protected] www.pbfenech.com.au

CHasmaC Park Charlie & Carmel McKinlay Phone: 07 4984 5168 Mobile: 0428 993 332 email: [email protected]

stEwart Park Carl & Gail Morawitz Phone: 07 4984 5168 Mobile: 0431 434 314 email: [email protected]

mooNgool Ivan & Ian Price Phone: 07 4623 5215 Mobile: 0428 265 031 email: [email protected]

128 lotsSaturday 24th October 2015, 11am

99 elite Brahman sires16 charolais sires12 charBray sires

1 Brangus sire

Ken McCaffrey: 07 4922 6311 a/h 07 4922 4613

robert Murray: 0419 644 813Brian Wedemeyer: 0409 694 696

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INsPECtIoN:Cattle may be inspected any time prior to the sale by arrangement with the vendor or selling agents. All sale lots will be on display from 3pm on Friday 23rd October 2015, and 8am on Sale Day.

BrEEdINg guaraNtEE:1. All lots are guaranteed to be breeders but the Vendor

accepts no responsibility in the following circumstances: * Injury or disease that occurs to animal after the sale; * Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser;

2.Semensuitabilityforartificialbreedinguseshallbeaseparate agreement between Vendor and Purchaser.

3. In the event of an animal failing to breed, the Vendor agrees that: (a) the animal may be replaced with an animal of comparable value; or (b) the Vendor shall give the money paid for the animal back to the Purchaser; or (c) credit shall be given in the sum of the full purchase price.

Any of the above options shall be at the Vendors’ election and the Vendor shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss (including consequential loss) whatsoever.

outsIdE agENts:Vendors will allow 4% rebate to outside agents introducing approved purchasers to the sale. Purchasers must be introduced to vendors in wiriting 48 hours prior to the sale. Settlement by the outside agent on Purchaser’s behalf must occur within fourteen days of the sale.

HEaltH:All sale cattle have been vaccinated with 7 in 1 vaccine, 3 day and botulism. It is highly recommended that boosters be given at the purchaser’s earliest convenience. All sale cattle are pretreated for ticks and are ready for tick free country.Scan report results of all sale cattle will be available through vendorsoragentsaweekpriortosale,thesefigureswillalsobe available on the Vendor’s website - www.pbfenech.com.au

tElEPHoNE lINk-uP:Mobile telephones will be available at the Sale, so that anyone unable to attend will be able to participate in the sale. Please make arrangements with the vendor or agents if you wish to use this facility.

dElIvEry:Delivery will be given and taken on the day of the sale. Cattle awaiting trucking will be held free of charge for a period not exceeding seven days. Every care will be taken; absolutely no responsibility will be accepted. The Vendor will consider other arrangements to suit particular circumstances only if requested by the Purchaser.

INsuraNCE:Insurance representatives will be in attendance at the sale and if requested will arrange insurance on the fall of the hammer.

rIsk aNd rEsPoNsIBIlIty rElEasE:1. Any person attending the sale does so at his/her own risk.2. All persons attending the sale release the Vendor from all

actions or demands due to any loss, death, damage or injury occurring on the premises.

3. The Vendor is not responsible and has no liability for any death or injury to person or any loss of or damage to any person attending the Sale, their property or otherwise.

INdEmNIty:All persons attending the Sale agree to indemnify the Vendor from and against any liability, loss, damage, expense or claim, which the Vendor may incur, including to a third party, during or after the Sale in all respects.

your attENtIoN Is drawN to tHEsE CoNdItIoNs:AllbidsshallbetreatedasoffersmadeuponthefollowingTerms and Conditions of Sale and all persons present are admitted to attend the Sale on the basis that they have notice of these Terms and Conditions. For the purposes of these termsandconditions,the“Vendor”isdefinedasPaulandBrigid Fenech, trading as P.B. Fenech.Clause 1. The highest bidder above the reserve price

shall be the Purchaser provided that the Vendor reserves the right to bid either by himself or through his Agent or Auctioneer.

Clause 2. The Vendor reserves the right to withdraw any lot at any time before actual sale.

Clause 3. No bid shall be accepted from any person who has not registered as a bidder and obtained a Bidder’s Registration Card prior to the auction.

Clause 4. The auctioneer may refuse to accept any bid which in his opinion is not in the best interests of the Vendor. No bid once accepted shall be retracted without the consent of the auctioneer.

Clause 5. All bids shall be GST exclusive.Clause6. Intheeventofanydisputeordifferenceinrelation

to the bidding the auctioneer shall be the sole arbitratorandhisdecisionshallbefinalandhemayresolvethedisputeordifferenceinsuchmanner in his absolute discretion as he shall deemfit.

Clause 7. All Lots shall be at the risk of the Purchaser upon the fall of the hammer.

Clause 8. If the Purchaser shall neglect or fail to comply with any of these conditions, any Lots purchased by him may be immediately re-sold by public auction or private contract, with or without notice at the risk of the former Purchaser, who will be held responsible for all loss and expenses arising out of such re-sale and shall not participate in any profitaccruingtherefrom.

Clause 9. The Purchaser if more than one shall be jointly and severally bound by these terms and conditions and shall jointly and severally carry out and perform same.

Clause 10. At the completion of the auction of all lots, each Purchaser shall complete and sign an Instruction Sheet.

Important Sale Information

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Sale Order

loCatIoN & dIrECtIoNs:Sarina is situated 32km south of Mackay and about 300km north of Rockhampton. The Chase is located on Upper Alligator Creek Road. Please refer to the map.

CatErINg:Tea and coffee and lightsnacks will be provided all day on sale day and lunch will be provided by SuperHero Boys Inc.

BraHmaNsPB FENECH 1-28, 46-76, 95-102, 120-128CHasmaC Park 29, 31, 33, 36, 38, 103-104, 106-107stEwart Park 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 105, 108mooNgool 89-94

CHarolaIsmooNgool 39-45, 77-88

CHarBraymooNgool 109-115stEwart Park 116CHasmaC Park 117, 118

BraNgusstEwart Park 119

Raising awareness and helping to provide quality of life for 2 little boys,

Archie and Jensen who have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


Phone: 0432 639 211

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.oursuperheroboys.org

FB: www.facebook.com/OurSuperheroBoys

About Our Superhero Boys Inc.

Our Superhero Boys Inc. is an organisation set up by family and friends for two children in the Kynaston family, Archie and Jensen, who have been diagnosed this year with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

The organisation “Our Superhero Boys Inc.” has been set up to raise money for funds to aid Archie and Jensen for their future medical costs and equipment/aids that will be needed to provide them with access in their home and community.


Join Us!

If you’d like to volunteer at one of our fundraisers, please join our Super Supporters List by emailing us at [email protected]

or calling Jacqui 0432 639 211

You can follow us on Facebook!

Check out our awesome website too!

We are currently fundraising to renovate and install a lift into the boys’ home, which is a high set house.

Fundraising activities planned for 2015: Car Park Sale at Vella’s Foodstore on 9 Aug Car Park attendants at Sugar City Con on

29 and 30 Aug. BBQ for Charity Cricket Match at Harrup

Park on 9 Oct. Cent Sale and Sausage Sizzle on 11 Oct. Catering at PB Fenech on 23 and 24 Oct.

We are open to any fundraising ideas!

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lOtS 13, 50, 62, 63, 99, 124



lOtS 27, 77, 96




lOt 66 lOtS 54, 57, 102, 121, 125




lOtS 49, 65 lOtS 8, 10, 14, 16, 17, 19, 58, 61, 71, 72, 95, 101, 103

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JDH MADISON DE MANSO 737/4v8r730/5m

MR V8 tOM CAt 730/5

lOtS 21, 55 lOt 25




lOtS 3, 5, 9, 20, 23, 28, 48, 98, 100 lOt 22




lOtS 70, 74, 76 lOt 26

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lOtS 2, 59, 68, 69, 75, 122 lOtS 1, 6, 18, 46, 60, 64




lOt 56 lOtS 51, 123



lOt 97



lOtS 11, 12, 24, 47, 52, 53

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lOtS 4, 7, 67, 126, 127 lOt 128


NCC JANCOURt 1509JdH962/6m


lOt 15, 73



lOt 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 106

lOtS 89, 90, 114, 115

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PBF anzac manso 910/12

1 PBF ANzAC MANSO 910/12FgB910/12m 10/02/2012

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso JdH woodsoN dE maNso 206/7 JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 JDH Lady Cora Manso 339/5

JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Mr Mosley Manso 368/1 JDH Miss Dulcie Manso 174/1 PBF ParmI maNso 179/10 FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) FBC-F Chantilly Lace Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso

There’s exceptional muscling, length and weight performance in our Sale leader. Anzac is a quality Woodson prospect with great pedigree

strength through his damline as well. Look at his lovely spring of rib, big testicles and big butt profile.


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PBF galliiPoli manso 916/12

2 PBF GAllIIPOlI MANSO 916/12FgB916/12m 15/02/2012

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH CalIxto maNso 158/7 JDH Baxter Manso 188/5 JDH Queen Didor Manso 838/5 JDH Miss Juanita Manso 633/4

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Marri R Manso JDH Anna Rocket Manso 70/6 PBF marIE maNso JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Dorrie Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso

Gallipoli is an outstanding beef bull! Correct and square in structure, extra length, big body volume and very attractive softness of finish. He’s a

natural high weight gainer and carries a good sheath.


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PBF regiment manso 922/12

3 PBF REGIMENt MANSO 922/12FgB922/12m 12/02/2012

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp) FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) JDH Lady Jo Liberty Manso FBC-F CHaNtIly drakE maNso JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Chantilly Manso FBC Lady Chantillie Manso

regiment is the first of our impressive Westin sons for 2015 & he’s bred out of a super Mandrake cow. He shows really eye catching breed

quality & sire style with an attractive head & character. Big broad backline & beautiful bone on this fellow. This correct stud type will attract the serious attention of Studmasters.


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4 PBF ARMIStICE MANSO 909/12FgB909/12m 2/02/2012

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590 JDH V8 789/4 PBF JDH Ms Claydest JdH sIr gatEs maNso 480/7 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Espino Manso 578/6 JDH Bonnie Manso 986/5

JDH Palestimo R Manso PBF Paddy Boy Manso 390 FBC-F Lady Olga Manso 168F PBF PEarl maNso 333/10 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 PBF Lady Sydney Manso 30/7 PBF Marie Manso

A change of sirelines endorses the high quality of the Gates’ progeny & this sire prospect is underwritten by the proven Paddy Boy & Westin sire

strength on the bottom side of the pedigree. He’s a great temperament bull & you’ll admire his easy doing ability, early weight performance & excellent softness of skin.


PBF armistice manso 909/12

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5 PBF lIEUtENANt MANSO 923/12FgB923/12m 24/02/2012

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Marri R Manso JDH Anna Rocket Manso 70/6 PBF marIE maNso JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Dorrie Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso

There’s an abundance of length in this bull. He covers a lot of ground, is broad headed and big muzzled.


PBF lieutenant manso 923/12

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PBF Brigadier manso 863/12

6 PBF BRIGADIER MANSO 863/12FgB863/12m 17/08/2011

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso JdH woodsoN dE maNso 206/7 JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 JDH Lady Cora Manso 339/5

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF CasEy maNso 56/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) PBF Kerry Maru Manso JDH Lady Maru H Manso (Imp)

Length, strong natural muscling, smoothness of finish and correctness of conformation are features of Brigadier.


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8 PBF MESSINES MANSO 911/12FgB911/12m 10/02/2012

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp) FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) JDH Lady Jo Liberty Manso FBC-F lady drakE maNso JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Manso 116 JDH Jewel Manso 954/8 (Imp)

$ 8


7 PBF FROMEllES MANSO 914/12FgB914/12m 15/02/2012

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590 JDH V8 789/4 PBF JDH Ms Claydest JdH sIr gatEs maNso 480/7 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Espino Manso 578/6 JDH Bonnie Manso 986/5

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF NoNI maNso 747/6 JDH Mr Woodman Manso PBF Alanis Sugar Manso FBC-F Lady Sugar Manso 141


9 PBF COlONEl MANSO 589/11FgB589/11m 2/09/2010

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF saBatINI maNso 40/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) PBF Miss Marie Manso JDH Lady Maru H Manso (Imp)

Colonel will impress you with his ample length of body, growth, excellent muscle expression and huge hindquarter. These great beef attributes

complement his overall breed quality and reflect what you’d expect to see from a pedigree of such substance.


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10 PBF DOREIMUS MANSO 669/11FgB669/11m 17/10/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso FBC-F lady dorIs maNso JDH Sir Grande Manso 187 FBC Lady Dory Manso JDH Miss Jes Manso 108/9

Beef on beef in this white grey, well bred bull. We like his broad backline, strong hindquarter, muscle expression and big, full body volume.


PBF doreimus manso 669/11

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12 PBF RUMBlE MANSO 627/11FgB627/11m 11/09/2010

JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Sir Bhutan Manso JDH Lady Phares Manso JdH FlorENCIo maNso 45/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Teban Manso JDH Molino Manso

JDH Mr Manso 450/1 JDH Sir Rigby Manso 603/3 JDH Lady Manso 82/1 PBF raCHaEl maNso 837/7 JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC-F Majella Manso FBC Lady Manso 116


11 PBF CHAtAWAY MANSO 756/11FgB756/11m 24/10/2010

JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Sir Bhutan Manso JDH Lady Phares Manso JdH FlorENCIo maNso 45/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Teban Manso JDH Molino Manso

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF adElaIdE maNso 843/7 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Suzie Anna Manso FBC-F Lady Dory Manso

Chataway is a well made, well muscled bull that stands out from the mob. Have a look at his strong, straight topline, lovely loin, big deep flank and

great hindquarter. A natural born beef bull.

$ 11


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13 PBF BREtONNEUX MANSO 804/11FgB804/11m 11/09/2010

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF BEaumaN maNso 332 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF lady EllEN maNso 554/5 JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC-F Bronty Manso 150F FBC Lady Chantilly Manso

This is a white grey sire with attractive smoothness of cover. A bull that stands square and full bodied.


14 PBF BRECK MANSO 661/11FgB661/11m 14/10/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso FBC-F lady dorIs maNso JDH Sir Grande Manso 187 FBC Lady Dory Manso JDH Miss Jes Manso 108/9

$ 14


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PBF Waler manso 590/11

15 PBF WAlER MANSO 590/11FgB590/11m 1/09/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH drovEr dE maNso 962/6 JDH Mr Manso 210/9 JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 JJ Ms Didor Manso 690

JK Mr. Sugar Crata 193 JK Mr Sugar Crata 206 CWF Miss Sugarette 482 PBF FrEda maNso 63/7 JDH Mr Woodman Manso PBF Daddy’s Girl Manso FBC-F Jesse’s Girl Manso

Waler is a big blue neck bull with great length and a good sheath. He’s a drover son with a lot of breed character and style.


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PBF raPPer manso 696/11

16 PBF RAPPER MANSO 696/11FgB696/11m 24/10/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso FBC-F lady dorIs maNso JDH Sir Grande Manso 187 FBC Lady Dory Manso JDH Miss Jes Manso 108/9

Pedigree power through and through backs this eye catching, white grey sire prospect. His great length and muscularity are positives, as is his

good sheath. A top level, breed quality stud sire prospect that Studmasters will want to inspect.


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24 P B F e n e c h

17 PBF CRONIN MANSO 723/11FgB723/11m 30/10/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Mr Melanson Manso 973/6 JDH Miss Demetria Manso 370/6 PBF madalyN maNso 86/8 JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC-F Maddie’s Girl Manso FBC Lady Manso 116

$ 17

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PBF dardanelle manso 542/11

18 PBF DARDANEllE MANSO 542/11FgB542/11m 5/08/2010

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso JdH woodsoN dE maNso 206/7 JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 JDH Lady Cora Manso 339/5

JDH Mr Manso 450/1 JDH Sir Rigby Manso 603/3 JDH Lady Manso 82/1 PBF raCHaEl maNso 837/7 JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC-F Majella Manso FBC Lady Manso 116

dardanelle is another impressive sire prospect by the highly successful Woodson. He’s well balanced, strong bodied, straight and strong along

the topline right into the hump and has a good set of testicles. Mark him down to inspect.


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26 P B F e n e c h

19 PBF BANtRY MANSO 553/11FgB553/11m 9/08/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Im JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp Us) FBC-D Mandrake Manso (Et) JDH Lady Jo Liberty Manso FBC-F lady drakE maNso JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Manso 116 JDH Jewel Manso 954/8 (Imp)

$ 19

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Page 27: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale


PBF commander manso 601/11

20 PBF COMMANDER MANSO 601/11FgB601/11m 3/09/2010

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF waNda maNso 73/9 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso

Commander is a high quality, dark grey bull, really powerful & attractive in sire type & beef credentials. Typical of the Westin/Shannon/datapack genetics,

he exhibits tremendous length, bone, heavy muscling & big hindquarter. Beef breeders & Studmasters will appreciate the natural weight performance of this fellow, he also carries the desirable skin & coat type. don’t overlook him.


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28 P B F e n e c h

21 PBF MUllY MANSO 224/10FgB224/10m 16/09/2009

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp) Mr V8 287/5 (Imp) +Miss V8 611/4 v8 mr v8 730/5 (ImP) JDH Mr Charley Manso 590 +Miss V8 73/5 +Miss V8 165/4

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF mIss Joll maNso 468/5 JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC-F Julia Manso 163F FBC Lady Jewal Manso/F


22 PBF COllINS MANSO 563/11FgB563/11m 14/08/2010

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF HENNEssy maNso 682/6 FBC-D Mandrake Manso (Et) FBC-F Chantilly Lace Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF mIss ENCHaNtEd maNso 628 JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Chantilly Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso


23 PBF lANCE MANSO 827/11FgB827/11m 12/11/2010

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF HIllary maNso 71/7 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Dorrie’s Data Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso


24 PBF CONRICK MANSO 570/11FgB570/11m 25/08/2010

JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Sir Bhutan Manso JDH Lady Phares Manso JdH FlorENCIo maNso 45/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Teban Manso JDH Molino Manso

JDH Mr Manso 450/1 JDH Sir Rigby Manso 603/3 JDH Lady Manso 82/1 PBF raCHaEl maNso 837/7 JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC-F Majella Manso FBC Lady Manso 116


25 PBF FISHER MANSO 655/11FgB655/11m 14/10/2010

JDH Atari Manso + Mr V8 202/3 (Imp) Empress Of Sugarland 101 145/9 JdH madIsoN dE maNso (ImP) JDH Remington Manso 784/2 JDH Lady Rem J Manso 2 + JDH Miss Juanita Manso

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso FBC-F lady dorIs maNso JDH Sir Grande Manso 187 FBC Lady Dory Manso JDH Miss Jes Manso 108/9



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28 PBF HAMEl MANSO 714/11FgB714/11m 25/10/2010

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF dIorElla maNso 467/5 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Lady Doris Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso


27 PBF ABEl MANSO 673/11FgB673/11m 18/10/2010

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF Paddy Boy maNso 390 JDH Sarasota Manso (Imp) FBC-F Lady Olga Manso 168F FBC Lady Manso 116

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp) FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) JDH Lady Jo Liberty Manso FBC-F lady katE maNso JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Manso 116 JDH Jewel Manso 954/8 (Imp)


26 PBF MAXUM MANSO 583/11FgB583/11m 22/08/2010

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso JdH mr mElaNsoN maNso 973/6 JDH Fresno Manso 19/6JDH JDH Miss Demetria Manso 370/6 JDH Lady Andi 4 Manso 434/4

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF mIss ENCHaNtEd maNso 628 JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Chantilly Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso


29 CHASMAC PARK KODY MANSO 244CmC244m grEy 23/10/2012 (36 mtHs)

Mr International 50/1 (Imp) LancefieldSignature9153 LancefieldMerylManso494 ElrosE kody maN LancefieldAmbition7736 Elrose Corina 2647 Elrose Corina 2nd

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590/6 JDH Mr Manso 757/2 (Imp) JDH Lady Manso 251/9 El Ja CalamIty maNso FBC Mr Manso 120 El Ja Kasey-D Manso El Ja Dot Manso

This Kody Man son leads our draft with a lot of sire and beef power. He stands square, across a lot of ground. A very strong bodied bull

with ample length, bone, depth, tremendous topline and great weight performance. Lovely head and hooded eye on him and a sire that will attract Studmasters’ attention.



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30 P B F e n e c h

30 StEWARt PARK KODY 125CNg125m 16/10/2012

Mr International 50/1 (Imp) LancefieldSignature9153 LancefieldMerylManso494 ElrosE kody maN LancefieldAmbition7736 Elrose Corina 2647 Elrose Corina 2nd

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF lINdlEy maNso 149/9 FBC D Mandrake Manso FBC F Lady Drake Manso FBC Lady Manso 116

Powerhouse pedigree reinforces his sire potential. An attractive combination of character & beef credentials in this white grey, strong sire type. Heavy

muscling, thickness, big deep hindquarter & full flank complement his great head & breed style. Signature, Ambition, Palestimo, Mandrake - some of the very best & fully proven Beef Brahman sires of the grey business will ensure this fellow breeds on with success. $

31 CHASMAC PARK KODY MANSO 266CmC266m 09/03/2013

Mr International 50/1 (Imp) LancefieldSignature9153 LancefieldMerylManso494 ElrosE kody maN LancefieldAmbition7736 Elrose Corina 2647 Elrose Corina 2nd

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590/6 JDH Mr Manso 757/2 (Imp) JDH Lady Manso 251/9 El Ja CalamIty maNso FBC Mr Manso 120 El Ja Kasey-D Manso El Ja Dot Manso

Good growth, good length, softness and strong overall beef qualities are features of this bull.


32 StEWARt PARK 135HErd Bull 43 mtHs

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN sIrE

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN Cow




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33 CHASMAC PARK HUDSON MANSO 253CmC253m 12/12/2012

LancefieldKarratha2514 LancefieldAHercules1723 LancefieldALadyMarionManso1006 laNCEFIEld a HudsoN 2968 JDH Rick Manso (Imp) LancefieldAMeryl1696 LancefieldMeryl9359

JDH Palestimo R Manso (Imp) PBF Paddy Boy Manso FBC F Lady Olga Manso 168F PBF ClaudIa maNso 35/9 JDH Marri R Manso (Imp) PBF Sugarbelt Marie Manso FBC F Miss Sugarwise Manso 229FF

Hudson is a high quality, correct, natural top performer of outstanding carcass qualities. excellent length of body and wonderful muscle

pattern to him; just look at his topline, ribeye, big hindquarter, fullness of flank and natural smoothness of finish. Carries a good set of testicles. He’s a bull that will put a performance and a quality lift in your herd.


34 StEWARt PARK 143HErd Bull 34 mtHs

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN sIrE

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN Cow

Here’s a commercial bull that bullock breeders will want to have a look at. He’s a very long, full bodied, natural strong muscled bull with attractive

softness and smoothness. Big deep butt profile on him and an excellent broad backline. There’ll be more kilos in his progeny to profit from as they hit the top of the grid premiums.


35 36StEWARt PARK KODY MANSO 157 CHASMAC PARK KODY MANSO 265CNg157m 20/03/2013 CmC265m 20/03/2013

Mr International 50/1 (Imp) LancefieldSignature9153 LancefieldMerylManso494 ElrosE kody maN LancefieldAmbition7736 Elrose Corina 2647 Elrose Corina 2nd

Mr International 50/1 (Imp) LancefieldSignature9153 LancefieldMerylManso494 ElrosE kody maN LancefieldAmbition7736 Elrose Corina 2647 Elrose Corina 2nd

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590/6 JDH Mr Manso 757/2 (Imp) JDH Lady Manso 251/9 El Ja CalamIty maNso FBC Mr Manso 120 El Ja Kasey-D Manso El Ja Dot Manso

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590/6 JDH Mr Manso 757/2 (Imp) JDH Lady Manso 251/9 El Ja CalamIty maNso FBC Mr Manso 120 El Ja Kasey-D Manso El Ja Dot Manso

$ $



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32 P B F e n e c h

37 StEWARt PARK HUDSON 120CNg120m 01/07/2012

LancefieldKarratha2514 LancefieldAHercules1723 LancefieldALadyMarionManso1006 laNCEFIEld a HudsoN 2968 JDH Rick Manso (Imp) LancefieldAMeryl1696 LancefieldMeryl9359

JDH Sir Marri Manso JDH Sir Dixon Manso (Imp) JDH Miss Clova Manso El Ja dImIty maNso LancefieldSignature9153 El Ja Deena Manso El Ja Vanity Fair Manso


38 CHASMAC PARK HUDSON MANSO 230CmC230m 01/07/2012

LancefieldKarratha2514 LancefieldAHercules1723 LancefieldALadyMarionManso1006 laNCEFIEld a HudsoN 2968 JDH Rick Manso (Imp) LancefieldAMeryl1696 LancefieldMeryl9359

LancefieldSignature9153 Elrose Kody Man Elrose Corina 2647 CHasmaC Park CarmEN maNso 98 Mr International 50/1 (Imp) Tartrus Carmen 5267 Tartrus Regina Manso 4582


39 40MOONGOOl H165 MOONGOOl H789dP2H165d 13/11/2012 dP2H789E 25/11/2012

DSK Red Emperor mooNgool CurraJoNg Moongool Sabra 4

Kiara Zippa guNNadoo dam It Gunnadoo Nolene

DSK GQ Bronze Cross mooNgool sINE 12 E501d Moongool Sine 4

Moongool Simon mooNgool NarCIssus 4 Z275E Moongool Narcissus 2

$ $








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41 44MOONGOOl H635 (P) MOONGOOl H961dP2H635 22/12/2012 dP2H961 11/11/2012

Gunnadoo Quarter Master dsk gQ BroNZE Cross Gunnadoo Carissa

LT Unlimited Ease lt Easy BlENd LT Brenda

Minnie Vale Sundance mooNgool B38 Moongool T128

Moongool V199E mooNgool E321 Mixhill W131

$ $

42 45MOONGOOl H636 (R/F) MOONGOOl H131dP2H636E 12/12/2012 dP2H131C 01/10/2012

Gunnadoo Quarter Master dsk gQ BroNZE Cross Gunnadoo Carissa

Nevers Rj tuNas ZaC Colinta Tiara

Airlie Recreation vEEJay dowNs CoNFIdENCE w15E MandalongConfidenceQ1E

Moongool Winchester mooNgool d720B Moongool W130A

$ $

43 MOONGOOl J541dP2J541E 11/09/2013

Cobrabald Excalibur mooNgool dErrINgEr MixHillYinAffix

Minnie Vale Sundance mooNgool mud lark 3 B162E Moongool Mud Lark














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34 P B F e n e c h

PBF corPoral manso 917/12

46 PBF CORPORAl MANSO 917/12FgB917/12m 11/02/2012

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso JdH woodsoN dE maNso 206/7 JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 JDH Lady Cora Manso 339/5

JDH Westin Manso 80/1 PBF Harper Manso 853/7 PBF Remy Manso PBF lINdEmaN maNso 294/10 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) PBF Airlie Manso 947/7 FBC-F Dorrie’s Data Manso

Corporal is just such another of these attractive featured Woodson bulls. A dark grey with an abundance of growth, lots of length and big bone.

He’s bred out of a quality daughter of Harper with genetic strength in every generation of his pedigree.


47 PBF VIllERS MANSO 814/11FgB814/11m 24/10/2010

JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Sir Bhutan Manso JDH Lady Phares Manso JdH FlorENCIo maNso 45/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Teban Manso JDH Molino Manso

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF waNda maNso 73/9 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso


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48 51PBF tRENCH MANSO 926/12 PBF ARtIllERY MANSO 829/11FgB926/12m 13/02/2012 FgB829/11m 19/11/2010

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Lady Bara Manso 162/5 JdH mr Hooks maNso JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Miss Pensacola Manso JDH Lady Ton Manso 921/4

JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Mr Melanson Manso 973/6 JDH Miss Demetria Manso 370/6 PBF ElEaNor maNso 101/9 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Juanita H Manso JDH Lady Rem Manso 02

JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Mr Hooks Manso JDH Miss Pensacola Manso PBF lEtICIa maNso 85/9 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) PBF Noni Manso 747/6 PBF Alanis Sugar Manso

Trench is a bull that stands up square and correct, is long bodied and has that great smoothness and evenness of cover. He’s a strong headed

young bull with a light sheath.

$ $

49 52PBF INFANtRY MANSO 249/13 PBF ADEllE MANSO 634/11FgB249/13m 29/12/2012 FgB634/11m(Cr) 16/09/2010

JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Woodson De Manso 206/7 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 PBF mortloCk maNso 426/10 FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) FBC-F Chantily Drake Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso

JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Sir Bhutan Manso JDH Lady Phares Manso JdH FlorENCIo maNso 45/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Teban Manso JDH Molino Manso

JDH Westin Manso 80/1 PBF Harper Manso 853/7 PBF Remy Manso PBF lINdEmaN maNso 294/10 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) PBF Airlie Manso 947/7 FBC-F Dorrie’s Data Manso

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF adElaIdE maNso 843/7 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Suzie Anna Manso FBC-F Lady Dory Manso

$ $

50 PBF SlOUCH MANSO 899/12FgB899/12m 16/11/2011

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF BEaumaN maNso 332 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp) FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) JDH Lady Jo Liberty Manso FBC-F CHaNtIly drakE maNso JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Chantilly Manso FBC Lady Chantillie Manso


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36 P B F e n e c h

53 PBF MIllER MANSO 631/11FgB631/11m 15/09/2010

JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Sir Bhutan Manso JDH Lady Phares Manso JdH FlorENCIo maNso 45/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Teban Manso JDH Molino Manso

JDH Mr Manso 450/1 JDH Sir Rigby Manso 603/3 JDH Lady Manso 82/1 PBF raCHaEl maNso 837/7 JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC-F Majella Manso FBC Lady Manso 116


54 56PBF PEACE MANSO 621/11 PBF DREADNOUGHt MANS 266/10FgB621/11m 8/09/2010 FgB266/10m 10/09/2009

JDH Domino Manso 42 JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Queen Lila Manso 000530303F JdH mr sHaNNoN maNso (ImP) JDH Top Gun Manso 69/4 JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 JDH Lady Bozo Manso 000590128F

JDH Baxter Manso JDH Sir Rem Ton Manso JDH Lady Eon Manso JdH sIr FurNarI maNso 217/1 JDH Remington Manso 784/2 JDH Lady Grand Manso 8 JDH Lady Grande Manso

JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Mr Hooks Manso JDH Miss Pensacola Manso PBF lEtICIa maNso 85/9 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) PBF Noni Manso 747/6 PBF Alanis Sugar Manso

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF dImIty maNso 614 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse’s Girl Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso

$ $

55 57PBF ROME MANSO 626/11 PBF llOYD MANSO 550/11FgB626/11m 10/09/2010 FgB550/11m 8/08/2010

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp) Mr V8 287/5 (Imp) +Miss V8 611/4 v8 mr v8 730/5 (ImP) JDH Mr Charley Manso 590 +Miss V8 73/5 +Miss V8 165/4

JDH Domino Manso 42 JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Queen Lila Manso 000530303F JdH mr sHaNNoN maNso (ImP) JDH Top Gun Manso 69/4 JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 JDH Lady Bozo Manso 000590128F

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF HallIday maNso 211/8 FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) FBC-F Lady Drake Manso FBC Lady Manso 116

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF PrEslEy maNso 925/7 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Delores Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso

$ $


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58 PBF FORCES MANSO 870/12FgB870/12m 15/08/2011

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF mIss ENCHaNtEd maNso 628 JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Chantilly Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso


59 61PBF QUENtIN MANSO 868/12 PBF MOUQUEt MANSO 866/12FgB868/12m 17/08/2011 FgB866/12m 16/08/2011

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH CalIxto maNso 158/7 JDH Baxter Manso 188/5 JDH Queen Didor Manso 838/5 JDH Miss Juanita Manso 633/4

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF BrIsBaNE maNso 856/7 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Marie Manso FBC-F Dorrie Manso

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso FBC-F JEssE katE maNso JDH Sir Grande Manso 187 FBC Lady Jesica Manso FBC Lady Jess Manso

$ $

60 PBF BAttAlION MANSO 908/12FgB908/12m 12/02/2012

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso JdH woodsoN dE maNso 206/7 JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 JDH Lady Cora Manso 339/5

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF BrItta maNso 685/6 FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) FBC-F Lady Drake Manso FBC Lady Manso 116

$ 60


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38 P B F e n e c h

62 PBF CAPOREttO MANSO 145/13FgB145/13m 1/05/2013

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF BEaumaN maNso 332 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso

JDH Sir Alexo Manso JDH Frisco De Manso 977/6 JDH Miss Amy Manso FBC w JarNCo maNso 255w JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC W Jarnila Manso 091W JDH Miss Christoda 954/1 F


63 PBF MENIN MANSO 150/13FgB150/13m 4/05/2013

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF BEaumaN maNso 332 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso

JDH Mr Elliott Manso 761/2 JDH Josiah Manso 125/7 JDH Annissa Manso 892/5 PBF NaNCy maNso 122/8 JDH Josiah Manso 125/7 PBF Nancy Manso 122/8 PBF Nancy Manso 122/8


64 PBF tROOPER MANSO 860/12FgB860/12m 17/08/2011

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso JdH woodsoN dE maNso 206/7 JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 JDH Lady Cora Manso 339/5

JDH Palestimo R Manso PBF Paddy Boy Manso 390 FBC-F Lady Olga Manso 168F PBF rosalyNN maNso 5/8 FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) FBC-F Chantily Drake Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso

$ 64

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65 PBF MARtIAl MANSO 246/13FgB246/13 26/12/2012

JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Woodson De Manso 206/7 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 PBF mortloCk maNso 426/10 FBC-D Mandrake Manso (Et) FBC-F Chantily Drake Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso

JDH Palestimo R Manso PBF Paddy Boy Manso 390 FBC-F Lady Olga Manso 168F PBF PEarl maNso 333/10 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 PBF Lady Sydney Manso 30/7 PBF Marie Manso

Martial looks a very smart, high quality, young sire in the making. Long, square and correct, he’s one of the first progeny of our impressive

Mortlock sire. exciting potential in this bull as he always shows a fair bit of presence whichever way you look at him.


66 PBF MONASH MANSO 245/13FgB245/13m 15/12/2012

JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Mr Hooks Manso JDH Miss Pensacola Manso PBF mCmaNus maNso 113/10 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Lady Doris Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso

JDH Palestimo R Manso PBF Hennessy Manso 682/6 FBC-F Chantilly Lace Manso PBF krIsty-lEE maNso 355/10 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 PBF Kristen Manso 778/6 FBC-F Lady Doris Manso


PBF martial manso 246/13

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40 P B F e n e c h

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PBF murPhy manso 720/11

67 PBF MURPHY MANSO 720/11FgB720/11m 28/10/2010

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590 JDH V8 789/4 PBF JDH Ms Claydest JdH sIr gatEs maNso 480/7 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Espino Manso 578/6 JDH Bonnie Manso 986/5

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF graCE maNso 6/8 JDH Mr Woodman Manso PBF Ms Sugarbelt Manso FBC-F Lady Sugar Manso 141

Muscularity and masculinity combine with great appeal in this dark grey bull. Murphy has plenty of length, a big hindquarter and is super strong

in carcass credentials and beef yield. Leading bullock breeders should target in on this fellow.


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42 P B F e n e c h

68 PBF CORP MANSO 913/12FgB913/12m 11/02/2012

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH CalIxto maNso 158/7 JDH Baxter Manso 188/5 JDH Queen Didor Manso 838/5 JDH Miss Juanita Manso 633/4

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF madam maNso 844/7 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Marie Manso FBC-F Dorrie Manso


69 PBF OFFICER MANSO 8/12FgB8/12m 11/02/2012

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Lady Bara Manso 162/5 JdH mr Hooks maNso JDH Datapack Manso (Imp JDH Miss Pensacola Manso JDH Lady Ton Manso 921/4

JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Woodson De Manso 206/7 JDH Lady Irma Manso 484/6 PBF JEmImaH maNso 24/9 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp PBF Jezebel Manso 650/6 FBC Lady Jesica Manso


70 71PBF MURRAY MANSO 138/13 PBF MARKIS MANSO 679/11FgB138/13m 5/03/2013 FgB679/11m 20/10/2010

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF HarPEr maNso 853/7 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Remy Manso FBC-F Doris Day Manso 212Ff

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF HaggIE maNso 106/8 FBC-D Mandrake Manso (Et) FBC-F Lady Drake Manso FBC Lady Manso 116

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso FBC-F lady dorIs maNso JDH Sir Grande Manso 187 FBC Lady Dory Manso JDH Miss Jes Manso 108/9

$ $



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72 75PBF VERSAIllES MANSO 869/12 PBF DUFFY MANSO 9/12FgB869/12m 18/08/2011 FgB9/12m 10/02/2012

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Im JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH CalIxto maNso 158/7 JDH Baxter Manso 188/5 JDH Queen Didor Manso 838/5 JDH Miss Juanita Manso 633/4

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF mIss ENCHaNtEd maNso 628 JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Chantilly Manso FBC Lady Chantilly Manso

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF madam maNso 844/7 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Marie Manso FBC-F Dorrie Manso

$ $

73 76PBF KEllS MANSO 666/11 PBF PEtAIN MANSO 143/13FgB666/11m 15/10/2010 FgB143/13m 24/04/2013

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH drovEr dE maNso 962/6 JDH Mr Manso 210/9 JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 JJ Ms Didor Manso 690

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF HarPEr maNso 853/7 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Remy Manso FBC-F Doris Day Manso 212Ff

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp Us) FBC-D Mandrake Manso (Et) JDH Lady Jo Liberty Manso FBC-F CHaNtIlly laCE maNso JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Chantilly Manso FBC Lady Chantillie Manso

JDH Charleys Jazz 946/1 JDH JDH Nieto De Manso 646/3 JDH JDH Lady Manso 145/1 FBC w Jo madIsoN maN Cw248w JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 FBC W Joy Madison De Fbc121 JDH Miss Christoda 954/1 F

$ $

74 PBF BRIGADE MANSO 127/13FgB127/13m 5/11/2012

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Westin Manso 80/1 JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 PBF HarPEr maNso 853/7 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Remy Manso FBC-F Doris Day Manso 212Ff

JDH Sir Bhutan Manso JDH Lincoln De Manso 818 JDH Lady Cra Manso FBC w lady JardENE 199w JDH Mr Boswick Manso JDH590 FBC W Ldy Jardena M 083 JDH Miss Christoda 954/1 F


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44 P B F e n e c h

77 80MOONGOOl J42 MOONGOOl J455dP2J42E 22/04/2013 dP2J455C 01/11/2013

AncDefiance mINNIE valE BaZaar Minnie Vale Regatta

Gunnadoo X269E advaNCE garsoN Advance Gina

Kindara Amigo mooNgool tottIE 6 E32E Moongool Tottie

Cobrabald Vanguard mooNgool C442B Moongool U170A

$ $

78 81MOONGOOl J17 MOONGOOl J493dP2J17E 20/04/2013 dP2J493C 15/11/2013

Gunnadoo Quarter Master dsk gQ BroNZE Cross Gunnadoo Carissa

Gunnadoo X269E advaNCE garsoN Advance Gina

Moongool Winchester mooNgool E443E Bunya Vale X6E

Gunnadoo Zipper mooNgool C706B Moongool T91A

$ $

79 82MOONGOOl J450 MOONGOOl J554dP2J450E 01/04/2013 dP2J554E 20/09/2013

Airlie Xylem aIrlIE EastEr Airlie Kelly

Cobrabald Excalibur mooNgool dErrINgEr MixhillYinAffix

Cobrabald Excalibur mooNgool sNow FlakE 3 d33E AirlieSnowflake

Moongool Winchester mooNgool klutE 2 B58E Moongool Klute

$ $

















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83 86MOONGOOl J136 MOONGOOl J351dP2J136C 02/09/2013 dP2J351E 06/10/2013

Airlie Xylem aIrlIE EastEr Airlie Kelly

Moongool Addison CalooNa Park ElvIN Caloona Park Versatile

Minnie Vale Quota mooNgool vEENa v159B Moongool P42A

Gunnadoo Zipper mooNgool susIE 5 C736E Moongool Warocal Susie

$ $

84 87MOONGOOl J508 MOONGOOl J77dP2J508E 11/12/2013 dP2J77E 01/08/2013

Gunnadoo X269E advaNCE garsoN Advance Gina

Clifton Park Zion ClIFtoN Park dEl toro Riverglen Y3275E

Gunnadoo Zipper mooNgool PrImE tImE 12 C246E Moongool Prime Time 5

Cobrabald Excalibur mooNgool waroCal PrImE tImE 3 d37E Moongool Warocal Prime Time

$ $

85 88MOONGOOl J359 MOONGOOl K7dP2J359d 10/10/2013 dP2k7 01/02/2014

Moongool Addison CalooNa Park ElvIN Caloona Park Versatile

Gunnadoo Quarter Master dsk gQ BroNZE Cross Gunnadoo Carissa

Cobrabald Excalibur mooNgool QuICk CHaNgE 6 C512C Moongool Quick Change 5

Allanfauld Superscot mooNgol PIPPar 9 F175E Moongool Pippar 4

$ $

















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46 P B F e n e c h

89 92MOONGOOl 095 MOONGOOl 10823/01/2014 01/10/2014

JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Mr Elmo Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Ellis Manso NCC JaNCourt 1509 (IvF) (d) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) + Delorae Jess De Manso 230 (ET) FBC Ms Jess De Manso (ET)

JDH Manso Grande 488 JDH A Dakota Manso (Imp) + JDH Lady Shano Manso JdH karu maNso 800 (ImP) + JJ Didor Crata 389 + JDH Lady Rem S Manso JDH Ms Rem Manso 7

JDH Westin Manso (Imp Us) PBF Harper Manso 853/7 (AI) (ET) PBF Remy Manso mooNgool 048 JDH Mr Echo Manso (Imp) LancefieldDErica3430/D(AI)(ET) LancefieldDMsDallas879/D(AI)(ET)

Ttt Mr Suva Crata 450 + JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) + JDH Lady Mil Manso PIoNEEr Park dIamoNd maNso (Et) JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) LancefieldMarybelleManso8884(AI)(ET) LancefieldMaryLouManso7308

This rising 2yo of excellent quality & eye catching breed style is the product of an impeccable pedigree with the genetic strength to deliver at top Stud level. He’s

extra long, correct & square bodied, strong along the topline, has a good clean sheath, attractive softness, & a great head. The sire profile through his pedigree: Lawford, Elmo, Datapack, Westin, Harper, Echo, etc. is Brahman breed ‘star studded”. Lovely natured bull.

This pedigree combination is right off the top shelf and replicates the best of JDH proven successful crosses which did so much for the Grey Brahman

industry. This young prospect is high quality with obvious sire character. Look at his impressive bone, length, tremendous muscle pattern, beautiful ribeye and good sheath. A rare opportunity in these times to secure such breeding and beef performance in a quality package. $ $

90 93MOONGOOl 117 MOONGOOl 12004/03/2014 07/03/2014

JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Mr Elmo Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Ellis Manso NCC JaNCourt 1509 (IvF) (d) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) + Delorae Jess De Manso 230 (ET) FBC Ms Jess De Manso (ET)

JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) (ET) + JDH Mr Manso 360/1 + JDH Lady Manso 30/9 mr H maddox maNso 684 (ImP) JDH Domino Manso 42 Lady Heritage Manso 173 JDH Lady Meg Manso

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PIoNEEr Park 323

Mr V8 202/3 (Imp Us) + JDH Madison De Manso (Imp Us) (ET) + JDH Lady Rem J Manso 2 + PIoNEEr Park allINgHI maNso (Et) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp Us) + Pioneer Park Miss Belle Manso (ET) LancefieldMarybelleManso8884(AI)(ET)

Strong breed quality and head character are features of this bull. He’s square, with excellent natural muscling and very quiet.

$ $

91 94MOONGOOl 118 MOONGOOl 10520/02/2014 20/02/2014

JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) (ET) + JDH Mr Manso 360/1 + JDH Lady Manso 30/9 mr H maddox maNso 684 (ImP) JDH Domino Manso 42 Lady Heritage Manso 173 JDH Lady Meg Manso

JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) (ET) + JDH Mr Manso 360/1 + JDH Lady Manso 30/9 mr H maddox maNso 684 (ImP) JDH Domino Manso 42 Lady Heritage Manso 173 JDH Lady Meg Manso

Mr V8 202/3 (Imp Us) + JDH Madison De Manso (Imp Us) (ET) + JDH Lady Rem J Manso 2 + PIoNEEr Park allINgHI maNso (Et) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp Us) + Pioneer Park Miss Belle Manso (ET) LancefieldMarybelleManso8884(AI)(ET)

Mr V8 202/3 (Imp) + JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) (ET) + JDH Lady Rem J Manso 2 + PIoNEEr Park JEwEl maNso (Et) JDH Sir Garrett Manso 500/3 JDH Jewel Manso 954/8 (Imp) JDH Lady Olga De Manso 537/7

A double Madison cross young sire that shows appealing carcass qualities. Growth, length, natural muscling, strong topped – he has it all.

Potential plus here – won’t he be a beauty in another 6 months.All meat and muscle on this young, dark grey bull. Shows tremendous

commercial beef performance qualities of length, big broad backline, square deep hindquarter, etc., and he’s a February calf. A valuable bull for the steer breeders looking for market ready progeny at any age and stage.

$ $

Page 47: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale


95 PBF FINN MANSO 702/11FgB702/11m 24/10/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF lINdEmaN maNso 934/7 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Dorrie’s Data Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso


96 PBF DIVISION MANSO 609/11FgB609/11m 4/09/2010

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF Paddy Boy maNso 390 JDH Sarasota Manso (Imp) FBC-F Lady Olga Manso 168F FBC Lady Manso 116

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF dIorElla maNso 467/5 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Lady Doris Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso


97 PBF JOFFRE MANSO 721/11FgB721/11m 29/10/2010

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 JdH mr moslEy maNso 368/1 JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Miss Dulcie Manso 174/1 JDH Ms Shanoah Manso 95

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF JulIE maNso 460/5 JDH Madison Man Manso (Imp) FBC-F Julia Manso 163F FBC Lady Jewal Manso/F




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48 P B F e n e c h

98 PBF JUtlAND MANSO 612/11FgB612/11m 6/09/2010

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF waNda maNso 73/9 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso


99 PBF SOlDIER MANSO 894/12FgB894/12m 13/10/2011

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF BEaumaN maNso 332 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF mIss louIsE maNso 9/8 JDH Mr Woodman Manso PBF Lady Lou Manso FBC-F Lady Doris Manso


100 PBF CHAD MANSO 715/11FgB715/11m 25/10/2010

Mr V8 202/3 JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Lady Rem Manso 2 JdH wEstIN maNso 80/1 JDH Karu Manso 800 (Imp) JDH Lady Charla Manso 683/5 JDH Lady Char Manso

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF dIorElla maNso 467/5 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Lady Doris Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso

$ 100



Page 49: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale


101 PBF KAISER MANSO 685/11FgB685/11m 22/10/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

JDH Prescot Manso 82/6 JDH Palestimo R Manso JDH Lady Crata Manso 103/5 PBF tImo mIst maNso 739/6 JDH Mr Woodman Manso PBF Lady Sydney Manso FBC-F Bronty Manso 150F


104 CHASMAC PARK 273HErd Bull 25 mtHs

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN sIrE

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN Cow

This 2yo, white grey, good doing bull shows appealing breed type, good sheath and softness and smoothness. A quality youngster to breed

plenty of stylish steers.


102 PBF GARRItY MANSO 730/11FgB730/11m 3/11/2010

JDH Domino Manso 42 JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Queen Lila Manso 000530303F JdH mr sHaNNoN maNso (ImP) JDH Top Gun Manso 69/4 JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 JDH Lady Bozo Manso 000590128F

JDH Charleys Jazz 946/1 JDH Atlas Manso 328/3 JDH Lady Manso 251/9 Brk mIss atlas EsCamIl 3884 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) Brk Dp Escamila 3304 JDH JDH Lady Escamila Manso 540/6

105 StEWARt PARK 162HErd Bull 23 mtHs

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN sIrE

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN Cow

Another 2yo of excellent natural muscling, good hindquarter and desirable softness. He’ll provide a lift in quality and performance in his progeny.


103 CHASMAC PARK 271HErd Bull 25 mtHs

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN sIrE

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN Cow

Clean sheathed, nicely muscled and carries a good skin and coat type.

$ $


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50 P B F e n e c h


106 CHASMAC PARK KODY MANSO 270CmC270m 6/09/2013

Mr International 50/1 (Imp) LancefieldSignature9153 LancefieldMerylManso494 ElrosE kody maN LancefieldAmbition7736 Elrose Corina 2647 Elrose Corina 2nd

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590/6 JDH Mr Manso 757/2 (Imp) JDH Lady Manso 251/9 El Ja CalamIty maNso FBC Mr Manso 120 El Ja Kasey-D Manso El Ja Dot Manso

This is a young son of the great Kody Man that shows a good degree of sire character and breed quality. A correct young bull, square and full

bodied and with lovely softness to him. Strong headed and broad muzzled.

109 MOONGOOl H1049 (R/F)dP2H1049 14/12/2012

AncDefiance mINNIE valE BaZaar Minnie Vale Regatta

Kandoona 4522 mooNgool C 1016 Moogool Z491

Content: Charolais: 75% Brahman: 25%


107 CHASMAC PARK 269HErd Bull 25 mtHs

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN sIrE

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN Cow


110 MOONGOOl J738 (R/F)dP2J738 04/08/2013

AncDefiance mINNIE valE BaZaar Minnie Vale Regatta

Kandoona 4099 mooNgool F638 Moongool C442


108 StEWARt PARK 160HErd Bull 23 mtHs

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN sIrE

PurEBrEd grEy BraHmaN Cow

deep, long and well muscled, this young bull will catch the eye of quality steer producers with his breed style and attractive beef performance



111 MOONGOOl J507dP2J507 CrEam 11/08/2013

Moongool Benchmark advaNCE EmBassay Gunnadoo Deloraine

Elrose Document mooNgool Z566 Moongool Quarter Moon 11








Page 51: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale


112 115MOONGOOl J1021 MOONGOOl J532dP2J1021 10/07/2013 dP2J532 21/11/2013

Kandoona Bachelor kaNdooNa BarBa Kandoona 2697

JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Mr Elmo Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Ellis Manso NCC JaNCourt 1509 (IvF) (d) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) + Delorae Jess De Manso 230 (ET) FBC Ms Jess De Manso (ET)

Cobrabald Excalibur mooNgool B515 Moongool X324

Palgrove Generator mooNgool u53 Moongool L1031E

$ $

113 116MOONGOOl H1207 StEWARt PARKdP2H1207 18/12/2012 CHarBray HErd Bull 32 mtHs

Minnie Vale Sundance mooNgool B547 Moongool T114

Palmvale Voyager mooNgool 116 Moongool Z126

$ $

114 117MOONGOOl J522 CHASMAC PARKdP2J522 20/09/2013 CHarBray HErd Bull 25 mtHs

JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Mr Elmo Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Ellis Manso NCC JaNCourt 1509 (IvF) (d) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) + Delorae Jess De Manso 230 (ET) FBC Ms Jess De Manso (ET)

PalgrovE glaItIor

Tunas Zac mooNgool d70 Moongool S39E

myEdEN CaItlIN 318

$ $













Page 52: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale

52 P B F e n e c h

118 119CHASMAC PARK 25 StEWARt PARKCHarBray HErd Bull 25 mtHs BraNgus HErd Bull 24 mtHs

PalgrovE glaItIor

Hyline Right Time 338 The Grange Wheel Wright D6 Imran Miss Vegas U20 kaNsas wHEElwrIgHt F236 Ardrossan Admiral A2 Kansas Glaze C92 Kansas Glaze Z78

myEdEN CaItlIN 318

LancefieldSignature9153 Elrose Kody Man Elrose Corina 2647 grEy stud BraHmaN Cow

$ $Bran




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Page 53: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale


120 PBF DARlEY MANSO 747/11FgB747/11m 24/10/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH mr woodmaN maNso JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Nelda Manso JDH Lady Nel Manso 925/4

+Mr V8 777/4 (Imp) FBC-D Mandrake Manso (ET) JDH Lady Jo Liberty Manso FBC-F lady drakE maNso JDH Elefante R Manso 272 FBC Lady Manso 116 JDH Jewel Manso 954/8 (Imp)


121 123PBF BEAttY MANSO 549/11 PBF lE HAMEl MANSO 888/12FgB549/11m 8/08/2010 FgB888/12m 21/09/2011

JDH Domino Manso 42 JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Queen Lila Manso 000530303F JdH mr sHaNNoN maNso (ImP) JDH Top Gun Manso 69/4 JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 JDH Lady Bozo Manso 000590128F

JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 JDH Sir Lawford Manso JDH Lady Bara Manso 162/5 JdH mr Hooks maNso JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Miss Pensacola Manso JDH Lady Ton Manso 921/4

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF FraNCEs maNso 906/7 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Delores Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso FBC-F JEssE katE maNso JDH Sir Grande Manso 187 FBC Lady Jesica Manso FBC Lady Jess Manso

$ $

122 PBF OStEND MANSO 732/11FgB732/11m 3/11/2010

JDH Mr Brahman Manso 175/5 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Remington Manso 194/4 JdH CalIxto maNso 158/7 JDH Baxter Manso 188/5 JDH Queen Didor Manso 838/5 JDH Miss Juanita Manso 633/4

TTT Mr. Suva Crata 450 (Imp) JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Mil Manso FBC-F lady dorIs maNso JDH Sir Grande Manso 187 FBC Lady Dory Manso JDH Miss Jes Manso 108/9

$ 122


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54 P B F e n e c h

124 PBF POzIERES MANSO 877/12FgB877/12m 18/08/2011

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF BEaumaN maNso 332 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp FBC-F Jesse Kate Manso FBC Lady Jesica Manso

JDH Mr Elliott Manso 761/2 JDH Josiah Manso 125/7 JDH Annissa Manso 892/5 PBF FraN maNso 286/10 JDH Mr Woodman Manso PBF Frances Manso 906/7 FBC-F Delores Manso


125 PBF PRIVAtE MANSO 668/11FgB668/11m 17/10/2010

JDH Domino Manso 42 JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Queen Lila Manso 000530303F JdH mr sHaNNoN maNso (ImP) JDH Top Gun Manso 69/4 JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 JDH Lady Bozo Manso 000590128F

JDH Charleys Jazz 946/1 JDH Atlas Manso 328/3 JDH Lady Manso 251/9 Brk mIss atlas EsCamIl 3884 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) Brk Dp Escamila 3304 JDH JDH Lady Escamila Manso 540/6

Private is a direct Shannon son of attractive carcass values. Long and square through the body, big, deep hindquarter, smooth and soft finish.

He presents strong to the eye and has a good sheath and testicles.


126 PBF BUllECOURt MANSO 872/12FgB872/12m 16/08/2011

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590 JDH V8 789/4 PBF JDH Ms Claydest JdH sIr gatEs maNso 480/7 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Espino Manso 578/6 JDH Bonnie Manso 986/5

JDH Sir Marri Manso 557/4 JDH Mr Shannon Manso (Imp) JDH Lady Cleo Manso 953 PBF daNa maNso 36/7 JDH Madison De Manso (Imp) PBF Miss Marie Manso JDH Lady Maru H Manso (Imp)





Page 55: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale


127 128PBF VIMY MANSO 635/11 PBF MONS MANSO 586/11FgB635/11m 17/09/2010 FgB586/11m 27/08/2010

JDH Mr Charley Manso 590 JDH V8 789/4 PBF JDH Ms Claydest JdH sIr gatEs maNso 480/7 JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Lady Espino Manso 578/6 JDH Bonnie Manso 986/5

JDH Charleys Jazz 946/1 JDH JDH Nieto De Manso 646/3 JDH JDH Lady Manso 145/1 JdH galvEstoN maNso 917/4 JDH JDH Sage Manso 92/1 JDH JDH Lady Manso 786/3 JDH JDH Lady Manso 67/1

JDH Palestimo R Manso PBF Paddy Boy Manso 390 FBC-F Lady Olga Manso 168F PBF PINk maNso 23/9 JDH Marri R Manso PBF Marie Manso FBC-F Dorrie Manso

JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5 JDH Mr Woodman Manso JDH Lady Nelda Manso PBF PrIlla maNso 785/6 JDH Datapack Manso (Imp) FBC-F Data Ann Manso FBC Lady Dory Manso

$ $

No. Description Gross Average Top

Brahman Sires

Charolais Sires

Charbray Sires

Brangus Sires

salE total $ $ $

2015 SAlE RESUltS

Page 56: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale

56 P B F e n e c h

STUD STOCK — AUCTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALEIMPORTANT NOTICE: All bids shall be treated as offers made upon the following Terms and Conditions of Sale and all persons present are admitted to attend the sale on the basis that they have notice of these Terms and Conditions.1. The highest bidder shall, subject to Condition 2, be the Purchaser provided that the Vendor reserves the right to bid

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2. The sale will be conducted on a “Sale” or “No Sale” basis whereby the lot for sale shall be knocked down to the highest bidder, but the sale will be subject to the acceptance of the highest bid by the Vendor who will immediately after the fall of the hammer declare “Sale” or “No Sale”. Should the Vendor reject the bid of the highest bidder such bidder will have the right of first refusal of the lot at the Vendor’s nominated price for one hour after the lot has been passed out of the ring on the Terms and Conditions herein set forth in so far as they shall apply.

3. The details of the Purchaser, the purchase price and the lot sold as recorded by the sale clerk for and on behalf of the Auctioneer shall be equally binding on both Purchaser and Vendor.

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to the sale and further particulars will in all cases be furnished to a Purchaser if required. In the case of any disputes the remedy of the Purchaser shall be against the Vendor only and in no case or under any circumstances against the Auctioneer who is to be regarded for all intents and purposes as agent for a disclosed principal.

9. (a) PAYMENT – Unless prior credit arrangements have been made in writing with the Auctioneer the full purchase price for each lot shall be due and payable to the Auctioneer in cash upon acceptance of the highest bid or the highest bidder’s offer by the Vendor and prior to delivery. Notwithstanding that delivery is given to or possession obtained by the purchaser or his representative prior to the payment of the purchase money in full the property in any lot which is sold shall not pass to the Purchaser until the full purchase price and all cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, acceptance orders or drafts given in connection with such payment have been paid and liquidated, and until property shall pass, the Purchaser shall hold such lot as bailee, provided that in all cases should such payment not have been made and liquidated within 14 days of the date of the sale the Auctioneer reserves the right to:–

(i) Rescind the contract on behalf of the Vendor and repossess and resell any lot;(ii) Recover from the Purchaser interest upon the purchase price at a rate per annum which aggregates the

AMBA Bill Rate plus two percentum. For the purposes of this condition, the expression “the AMBA Bill Rate” is the rate published by the Australian Merchant Bankers Association in good faith as at the date of the sale as its bill rate for 180 day bills of exchange expressed as a percentage per annum. If at any time the AMBA Bill Rate becomes unavailable for any reason, the Auctioneer shall determine and advise the Purchaser of the interest rate to apply for the purposes of this condition.

(b) The Auctioneer is selling as the del credere agent of the Vendor and the full purchase price of any lot sold shall be payable by the Purchaser to the Auctioneer and be fully recoverable by the Auctioneer in its own name.

10. If the Purchaser shall neglect or fail to comply with any of the within conditions, any lot purchased by him may be immediately resold by public auction or private contract, with or without notice, at the risk of the former Purchaser, who will be held responsible for all loss and expenses arising out of such resale, and shall not participate in any profit accruing therefrom.

11. Any Vendor or Purchaser removing the sale number from any lot after it has been sold will fully indemnify all affected parties for any loss, costs or damage should the lot be wrongly delivered.

12. The Purchasers, if any more than one, shall be jointly and severally bound by these Terms and Conditions, and shall jointly and severally carry out and perform same.

13. Any person who advances a bid on a lot shall do so on the expressed condition and understanding that should that person’s bid be the highest bid and such bid is accepted by the Vendor, then that person will be held personally liable for the price so agreed upon, regardless of the fact that that person may be acting on behalf of another party, either disclosed or undisclosed to the Vendor or Auctioneer, provided however, that this Condition shall not in any way negate the Vendor’s right to claim against any principal and in such case the bidder’s liability shall be construed to be by way of guarantee.

14. The Auctioneer may, should it think fit, make arrangements on a Purchaser’s behalf for the feeding, watering, trucking, shipping of and general attendance to any lot after sale but no responsibility will be accepted by the Auctioneer and all such service will be at the Purchaser’s risk and expense.

15. No lot will be delivered until the sales invoice has been checked and signed by the Purchaser or his duly authorised representative.

16. (a) Each lot in all cases shall be sold with all faults, if any, and excepting those conditions and warranties implied by the Trade Practices Act or any applicable State legislation which cannot be contractually excluded and excepting conditions and warranties expressly contained in these Terms and Conditions of Sale, any express or implied condition, statement of warranty, statutory or otherwise, is hereby excluded. The Auctioneer is not liable in respect of any error, misdescription or omission in any particulars appearing or stated regarding the description of pedigrees of any lot offered for sale and no such error, misdescription of omission shall entitle the Purchaser to annul the sale or reject the lot or claim any compensation, damage or abatement in price.

(b) Each lot will be sold subject to passing all veterinary tests required by the law of the state or country to which the Purchaser intends to transport that particular lot, such tests to be undertaken at the Purchaser’s expense and concluded immediately following the sale. In the event of a lot failing to pass these tests, the sale shall be null and void, any purchase moneys paid by the Purchaser shall be refunded and property in the lot shall revert to or remain with the Vendor.

17. Guarantees of Fertility:—(1) BULLS - Save & except for calves at foot, all bulls are guaranteed breeders and to so prove by the later of:

(a) six months after the date of sale or(b) the animal reaching the age of 2

(2) FEMALES - Save & except for female calves at foot, all females are guaranteed to be in calf or go into calf by the later of:(a) 6 months of the date of sale(b) the animal reaching the age of 30 months A positive pregnancy test certified by a qualified veterinary surgeon shall be sufficient evidence that the animal

is in calf.(3) Claims under Clauses 17(1) and 17(2). A claim that an animal has failed to satisfy a guarantee of fertility under

Clause 17(1) or 17(2) must be made to the Vendor within the relevant guarantee period but prior to the animal entering a quarantine area other than on the Vendor’s property.(a) All claims must be accompanied by a certificate from a registered veterinarian surgeon in accordance with the

guidelines established by the Australian Association of Cattle Veterinarians which must clearly identify the basis of the claim.

(b) Subject to Clause 17(9), infertility resulting from injury or disease occurring after the sale of the animal is not covered by this guarantee.

(c) The Vendor retains the right to have the animal placed on a property nominated by him or returned to his own property for further assessment of fertility for a period not exceeding six months. If the animal proves fertile within the period such status must be confirmed by a certificate issued by a registered veterinary surgeon in accordance with the guideline established by the Australian Association of Cattle Veterinarians and costs incurred must be borne by the Purchaser. If the animal is not proven fertile within the period, the costs incurred must be borne by the Vendor.

(4) LIABILITY OF A VENDOR - Except for costs defined elsewhere in the conditions of sale, the liability of a Vendor in respect of claims relating to fertility shall not exceed the purchase price of the animal(s) or provide mutually agreed upon replacement animal(s).

(5) In the event of a claim being substantiated:(a) The purchase price shall be refunded within 14 days unless a mutually agreed upon replacement animal has

been provided.(b) The animal/s which are the subject of the claim and any stocks of stored semen shall automatically become the

property of the Vendor and be returned to him or disposed of according to his instruction at his expense.(6) Subject to Clause 17(9), this guarantee is of no effect if:

(a) The animal is returned to the Vendor.(i) In poor physical condition or with any injury;(ii) Tests carried out on behalf of the Vendor within fourteen days of such return proved positive to any

diseases which may affect the animal’s fertility or ability to breed naturally; or(b) The Purchaser has collected and stored embryos from a female.

(7) In the event of a dispute as to whether a lot is a breeder, such dispute shall be resolved by the Vendor and the Purchaser. The Auctioneer, while he will use his best endeavours to assist, shall have no liability or responsibility in that regard. If an animal is alleged or proved not to be a breeder, the Purchaser must nevertheless pay the Auctioneer the full purchase price and any other monies or interest payable by the Purchaser in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

(8) EVIDENCE OF FERTILITY – A Certificate issued by a registered veterinary surgeon at or before the time of sale than an animal is fertile (unless it is a certificate stating in respect of a female that she is in calf at the time of sale) does not, of itself, satisfy or discharge the Vendor’s obligations under the guarantee of fertility given under this Clause 17. All animals, except calves at foot, must prove their fertility within the relevant guarantee period.

(9) RELIEF FROM GUARANTEE – If the Vendor seeks to be relieved from the obligations which would otherwise be imposed upon him by this clause by virtue of Clauses 17(3)(b) or 17(6)(a), the onus of proof is upon the Vendor to establish that:(a) The animal suffered the injury or disease or is in poor physical condition due to circumstances and events

occurring after the sale, and(b) The injury, disease of physical condition is the sole cause of the animal’s infertility or failure to prove fertility

within the guarantee period.(10) DEFINITION – For the purpose of this Clause 17, the expression “guarantee period” means:

(a) in relation to bulls – the period specified in Clause 17(1) as being the period in which the bull must prove his fertility; and

(b) in relation to females – the period specified in Clause 17(2) as being the period in which the female must go into calf.

18. (a) Each lot shall be at the risk of the Vendor in respect of any damage or injury, whether by disease, accident or otherwise, or whether caused by the negligence of the Auctioneer for the period that the lot be in the custody of the Auctioneer, unless such lots shall have been sold in which latter case such lot shall be at the risk of the Purchaser in all such respects.(b) If any Vendor brings to the sale premises any lot which is dangerous, or infected with any disease, that Vendor

shall be liable for all injury, damages, costs, losses or expenses which the Auctioneer may sustain, incur or be put to either directly or indirectly as a result of the Vendor so doing. The Auctioneer reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to exclude from the sale, or put out of the sale venue or dispose of, any lot which in its opinion shows signs of any disease, whether infectious, contagious or not, or of any serious fault or of being dangerous.

19. DELIVERY — Except at the discretion of the Auctioneer no lot shall be delivered to the Purchaser unless payment of the purchase money together with any additional charges incurred including those expenses incurred by the Auctioneer pursuant to Condition 14 hereof, is first made by the Purchaser to the Auctioneer. Release of lots may be withheld by the Auctioneer until personal cheques are cleared.

20. In these Conditions:—(a) References to “Auctioneer” shall be taken to mean as the context so admits, the Selling Agent or any member,

subsidiary or related corporation or body, officer, agent or employee thereof, authorised by the Vendor to conduct the sale of the lot;

(b) “Purchaser” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 1;(c) “Vendor” shall mean the person or corporation upon whose account lots are offered for sale and where a stud or

farm is named shall mean the proprietor of that stud or farm;(d) “Lot” shall be taken to mean the animal offered for sale and/or sold by the Auctioneer on behalf of a Vendor.


IMPORTANT NOTICEThe Selling Agent, its members, subsidiary or related corporations, officers, agents, and employees for themselves and for those for whom they act while exercising due care provide all information without responsibility and give no guarantee whatsoever as to its accuracy.All persons who attend the Sale do so entirely at their risk and the Selling Agent, its members, subsidiary or related corporations, officers, agents, employees and its principals, for themselves and for those for whom they act, do not assume or accept any responsibility or liability of whatever nature for any injury or damage whatsoever which may occur.

Page 57: PB Fenech 2015 Spring Invitation Sale


Our Superhero Boys Inc. is an organisation set up by family and friends of two children in the Kynaston family, Archie and Jensen, who have been diagnosed this year with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

The organisation “Our Superhero Boys Inc.” has been set up to raise money for funds to aid Archie and Jensen for their future medical costs and equipment/aids that will be needed to provide them with access in their home and community.

For further information contact us at [email protected] or call Jacqui on 0432 639 211.



Raising awareness and helping to provide quality of life for 2 little boys,

Archie and Jensen who have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


Phone: 0432 639 211

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.oursuperheroboys.org

FB: www.facebook.com/OurSuperheroBoys

About Our Superhero Boys Inc.

Our Superhero Boys Inc. is an organisation set up by family and friends for two children in the Kynaston family, Archie and Jensen, who have been diagnosed this year with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

The organisation “Our Superhero Boys Inc.” has been set up to raise money for funds to aid Archie and Jensen for their future medical costs and equipment/aids that will be needed to provide them with access in their home and community.


Join Us!

If you’d like to volunteer at one of our fundraisers, please join our Super Supporters List by emailing us at [email protected]

or calling Jacqui 0432 639 211

You can follow us on Facebook!

Check out our awesome website too!

We are currently fundraising to renovate and install a lift into the boys’ home, which is a high set house.

Fundraising activities planned for 2015: Car Park Sale at Vella’s Foodstore on 9 Aug Car Park attendants at Sugar City Con on

29 and 30 Aug. BBQ for Charity Cricket Match at Harrup

Park on 9 Oct. Cent Sale and Sausage Sizzle on 11 Oct. Catering at PB Fenech on 23 and 24 Oct.

We are open to any fundraising ideas!


catalogue by

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58 P B F e n e c h


Pleasefindbelowalistingofconvenientlylocatedmotels.Withpriorarrangements,airportpickupscanbeorganizedthrough the vendor or agents.

Establishment Address Phone Freecall Star Rating

Tramway Motel 110 Broad St, Sarina (07) 49562244

Sarina Motor Inn 22 Broad St, Sarina (07) 49431431

Sarina Beach Motel 44 Owen Jenkins drive, Sarina Beach (07) 49566266

Tandara Motel 17 Broad St, Sarina (07) 49561323

Mansfield Park Farmstay 1759 Marlborough Road, Sarina (07) 49504247

Sea eagles Beach resort Peninsula drive, Salonika Beach (07) 49435000 HHHH1/2

Sandpiper Motel Owen Jenkins drv, Sarina Beach (07) 49566130

Sarina Beach B&B 26 Captain Blackwood drive, Sarina Beach (07) 49566269

Grasstree Beach B&B L3, Wrights rd, Grasstree Beach (07) 49566248

Alara Plaza Hotel 52 Nebo Road, Mackay (07) 49512699 1800 647 147 HHHH

Best Western reef resort 170 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49511555 HHHH

Blue ribbon Motor Inn 34-38 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49577995 HHH1/2

Boomerang Motor Hotel Nebo Road, City Gates, Mackay (07) 49521755

City Gates Motel Bruce H’way, City Gates, Mackay (07) 49525233

Clarion Marina Intern’al Mulherin drive Mackay, Marina (07) 49559400 1800 386 386 HHHH1/2

Coral Cay resort Motor Inn 16-18 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49577677 HHHH1/2

Coral Sands Motel 44 Macalister St, City Heart (07) 49511244

Country Plaza Motor Inn 40 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49576526 HHHH

Country Comfort Marco Polo 46-50 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49512700

Country Comfort The rose 164 nebo road, Mackay 1800 676 572

Country Comfort resort 154 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49447944 1800 003 335 HHHH1/2

Dolphin Heads Resort Beach Road, Dolphin Heads (07) 49549666 HHHH

el Toro Motel 14 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49512722 1800 687 186 HHHH

Gorries Motel 186 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49522033 HHH1/2

Hi-Way Units Motel 215 Nebo Road, Mackay (07) 49521800

Mackay Motor Inn 208 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49522822 HHH1/2

Ocean resort Village 5 Bridge road, Mackay (07) 49513200 1800 075 144 HHHH

Rover Holiday Units 174 Nebo Road, Mackay (07) 49513711 HHH1/2

Shamrock Gardens Motel 48 donaldson Street, Mackay (07) 49632333 HHHH

Sugar City Motel 66 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49684150

Sunplaza 35 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49512688 HHH1/2

The Lantern Motor Inn 149 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49512188 HHH1/2

Tropic Coast Motel 158 nebo road, Mackay (07) 49511888

White Lace Motor Inn 73-75 nebo road Mackay (07) 49514466 HHHH1/2


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