pays last 1t - library of congressmauled life mrs stratton said today happiness is the greatest...

A PAPER OF QUALITY LARGEST MORNING 0 CIRCULATION WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY JANUARY 23 PAGES TWO CENTS t HERALD THE I S- NO 473 1908TWELVE WASHINGTON FLEETS DEPARTURE President Penult Pays Last Call to Admiral Evans WATER FRONT CROWDED ty 300000 Persons Watch Battle Ships Sail Away Sixteen Brazilian War Ships HJseort American Vessels front Hlo do Ja- neiro Pacific Fleet ISxpected to Arrive nt Fiintii Arenas February 1 Demonstration of P lendllncs Ile tween XntioiiK is Seen Hie de Janeiro Jaa 21 T e tits days stay hem of UW American blast ship expired today and at 9 oclock this afternoon anchors were weighed and the ships started on their ten days voyage to Arenas at which puce they are due to arrive on February 1 The departure of the warships was made the occasion of a great demonstra- tion by the Brasttians and the American residents Fully 9600N persons thronged the water front and every harbor craft that would keep afloat was availed of to carry thousands more close to the an- chorage grounds where a better view was afforded of the fleet The boatmen reaped the best harvest they nav ever knows as they charged enormous prices for the use of their craft of which the sUPtly did not equal the demand Some of the small boats werpr loaded to their gunwales and It is a great wonder that in the crush and excitement some of them did not President Penna came down from Pe tropolis this morning and at noon he crossed the bay in the Presidential yacht proceeding to the Minnesota the flagship of Rear Admiral Thomas who commands the second squadron of the third division of the fleet and who owing to Rear Ad- miral Evans illness has acted in the lat ters stead at the official functions Salute President Penna All the vessels of the fleet saluted the Brazilian president and they were all dressed in honor of his visit The presi dential yacht saluted the Minnesota only Rear Admiral Thomas personally re reived President Penna as he boarded the flagship The visit lasted twenty minutes president expressed his regret that Admiral Evans had not been able to the entertainments given In honor of the visitmjr Americans he on the part of hfamvK the mimhira of his rabhtst aad W BnotfUan pastfs the fleet boa voyage and rstterated his fxpressions of cordiality of the United states After bidding farewell to the orators Kenor Penna boarded his yacht and pro needed to Fort where he end his ZMrty reviewed the fleet as it passed out to sea The fleet sailed hi Inverse order of divisions from which it entered the harbor As each ship passed Fort Viltegagnoii it fired a salute in of President Penna and the rails were massed The flag of Brazil was displayed at the mainmastbead of every ship TSsoort Out Rattle Ship Sixteen Brazilian warships folloWed the American vessels and escorted them for about twentyfive miles Then farewell salutes were exchanged after which the Brazilian vessels shaped then courses for various destinations Some of them are hound for Buenos Ayres while the miser Benjamin Constant started on a far longer voyage she being bound the world- A large number of the more speedy and seaworthy harbor craft followed the pro cssion of warships well past the mouth f the harbor and then lay to and watched them until they were almost hull down on the southern horison Altogether the departure of the fleet was a most imposing spectacle and one which the people of Rio de Janeiro will not soon forget There are many who be- lieve it was a greater spectacle than that seen in Hampton Roads when the fleet started on its long voyage for here The combined American sad Brazilian warships numbered thirtytwo just twice the number that sailed from the Amer- ican port Admiral trans has cabled the Navy De- partment that the battleship fleet sailed yesterday from RIo de Janeiro for Punta Arenas The torpedo flotilla sailed from Rio Tuesday for Buenos Ayres The Oilier Sterling has sailed front Rio for Hampton Roads by way of San Juan Porto Rica WIT TlffGFANG IN BOND DEAL XogotiatioiiH for Concessions in China FIgure In 000000 Suit New York Jan a The suit of Thur low Weed Barnes to recover 900000 from the AmericanChina Development Com pany and the Chinese Railway Syndicate its successor obtaining valuable con- cessions from the Chinese government for coal lands a bond issue railroads and banks was OB trial today in the Su preme Court Among the defendants are Frederick P OIeott Hugh J grant Thomas F Ryan Mrs Calvht S Brice Grant B Schley George R Sheldon Edward J Berwind Anthony N Brady P Morton Senator Thomas C Platt Jacob H SchifiC Clement A Griacom August Belmont and Tom Johnson Mr Barnes put in a vast amount of doc- umentary evidence to show the conces- sions got by him Many letters from Wu Ting Pang former ambassador at Wash- ington to Mr Barnes read In March im said Mr Barnes he spent five hours one day with the Chinese am- bassador going over the features of the 000000 bond Issue Ccctie Flying Southward New York Jan 22 Three flockQof wild geese flew over New York today and this is regarded as portending real win- ter severe cold and snowstorms Wild seldom seen here in southward flight after December 15 Another Drop In Prices of Lumber Frank Llbbey Co flth N Y ave nw f MT IMPOSING SCENE I F Punta caP- size nor L were Rest probably The attend Vflk non around Levi t geese are d Mea ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WOMAN TO RUN FOR MAYOR GetH Divorce and AVill Seek to Attain Her Ambition Cincinnati Jan 22 About fifteen years ago Miss Nellie Robinson for several years a clerk toe a legal firm here admitted to the bar in this State the first woman to reserve that consideration hi Ohio She practiced law here and in N w York and other cilia for several years Yesterday she obtained a divorce In city from her husband Frank Stratton after several years of unhappiness in mauled life Mrs Stratton said today Happiness is the greatest thing hi the world Success is second I Palled so I am going to begin alt over again A woman will give up anything for happiness In love and it is worth price if it can be obtained My ehanet for happiness is gone but I still have am- bition I shall resume my law and enter politics Next election I skill run for mayor of Mttford Milford te a suburb about a tunes out It has a small population FAVOR MODEL SALOONS Liquor Licenne IcnKuc Condemns Aiitimlooii Activity in Politics Louisville Ky Jan 21At Its final session today the Yodel Liquor Li- cense League adopted a resolution con- demning the antisaloon league for in politics The resolution declares that an lig nttreatmeat of the would be to eliminate small dram shops and to centralise the business in model well equipped sanitary saloons with the per- manent property license feature Model license bills will be offered te the legislatures of all States MISSOURIS VOTE DIVIDED six Delegates ut Cliieapro St Louis Mo Jan 22 Missouris thir- tysix votes in the Chicago convention will not be cast solidly for William H Taft for President This muck to cer- tain although the antlTaft men are say- ing little for publication Under the State committees ran tha various Congressional districts will elect two delegates each to Chicago response Me only to the conventions electing them Some will be instructed those against Taft willbe uninstructed No matter If twothirds of them are for Tate they cannot bind the other onethird except by the adoption of the unit rule at Chi cagL The State convention in St Louis Feb ruary will elect four delegateaatlarge and four alternates A tight will be made on instructions for any candidate ONE DISTRICT FOR TAFT Oklahoma leleK tioii Is Instructed for Secretary of War Secretary Taft last night received a telegram from Bird McGuire Oklahomas solitary Republican Representative in Congress saying that the First district Republican convention held i Colgate ukhu yesterday lad chosen its dele sau to the Republican national con- vention slid instructed them for Taft The two delegates are A B Perry and E O Butler Friends of the Secretary of War were taR night JubUant over this outcome of the brat Congressional dis- trict convention affecting the national convention held since the call for the con- vention was issued The call was Issued under date of De- cember 7 and provided that no district conventions should be held before the expiration of thirty days from that date SHAW TOO BUSY IN POLITICS Explanation of Former Governors Resignation from Trust Company Charles C Diukliixoa Mar Aprnln Assume Headship of the Seer York Concern New York Jan was ambition that mocked Leslie M Shaws unusual toll as president of the Carnegie Trust Company if Clarks C Dickinson is to be believed Mr Dickinson who was the organizer of the company its Uri president and now vice president and a likely candidate for Mr Shaws place talked today as one speaking by the card He and a ma- jority of the other directors of the in- stitution be said split with the former Secretary of the Treasury because efforts to become a Presidential nominee and pasta to finish an autobiography did not comport with their ideas of the banking traduces Mr Shaw said Mr Dickinson was convinced that he was available Presi- dential timber before h resigned from the Cabinet Conviction has steadily per- sisted and has bo4n his chief Interest eer since assumed the presidency of the company Recent political developments have ac- centuated it if anything He and his friends have taken the position that Taft could not be nominated because he was administration candidate and that Hughes could not win because lie would not work for the nomination That left a good chance for Shaw to get on the ticket Mr Shaws ambition to become a Presidential candidate was the sole cause of difference Mr Dickinson added The matter is no new development but has been under discussion for sometime HUGHES LEAGUE MEETS First Formal Session Held to lloom Governor for the PrcHldency New York Jan 2The Hughes State League which was incorporated at Al- bany for the purpose or bringing about the nomination of Gov Hughes for had its first formal session in the state room of the Hotel Manhattan tonight It was a formidable gathering More than HI Republicans from different parts of the State were present There were Republicans present who had not hitherto attended a political func tion In all their lives There were others who had been in the thick of Republican frays In the State for many years Pcvr X of St JolmM Church Will be sold at auction today at 18 m Jn the Sloan Galleries I4t7 G st Look Out Lumber Prlc y Much Lower Frank Llbbey Co 8th N Y ave nw was rich t u desert mated problem tuft Get the lull he 8 otc pracU int- erference 1V11I Not Thirty fIt Presides ti5 fi t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ± ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > f r L r- k 1 a f v- ccI U e 1t r- Ft 4 r it- v i C1tr- C TATA t- CN i LIE WOiVDE iCH- r 4 t t- QVS I r 2- f i 1 r 7 i t t- PR 4 f lll r = > REBEL YELLS GIVEN ApplanscEollowsat Mention of Daniel for Presidency CONFEDERATE VETERANS MEET 4- j Nearly H ll sHd Present nt Ilamtmt iu Xmv York Vir- grlaiH Senator Gen Wood ford anti 11 K Iee the Speaker Dixie Cheered to the Haho Yew York Jan 2tSenator John W Daniel of Virginia Qua Stewart L Woodford and R E Lee a grandson- of the Confederate commander were the guests of honor tonight at the annual banquet of the Confederate Veteran Camp of New York in the grand ballroom of the WaldorfAstoria Ma Edward Owen the commander of the was the toastmaster the three guests were the only speakers The wall in the rear of the guests table was covered with United States and Confederate logs and the orchestra played Southern Mrs and the Merry Widow Every time Dixie was played the men guests hoarse and the ladies waved hand- kerchiefs There were nearly a thousand present though most of the men were sons of veterans After the dinner the tables were removed and dancing was had Cheer Senator Daniel Introducing Daniel MaJ Owen said that if the Democratic party knew what it was about it would nominate the Senator for the Presidency and that brought forth a round of rebel yells Senator Daniel said that We may know what we are not what we might he The last thing he expected was to hear Maj Owen here in the heart of Yankee djBm nominate for President K comrade Of the Stonewall Brigade He was to the tout Lee Virginia and the Union The three had been much mixed up but now thank God they were all untangled It was a glorious that those who had fought one another might meet in the mightiest city of the mightiest coun try and say with equal pride that they were Americans Of Gen Lee he said that one of the greatest compliments ever paid him was by Gen Meade at Appomat tox The two had been friends in the war with Mexico and when met at the surrender Gen Lee to Gen Meade You are getting gray Due to Lees Activity but not from years replied Gen Meade You arc the man who has made me gray It was too late to argue about the cause of the war No great revolution was ever called on to explain itself But sale Senator Daniel 1C I did not tight for the Union I had K son In the United States army Itt Matansas The good thing about the civil war was that it Is The younger generation could thank the vet- erans that they had them a clear arena Mr Lee was the next speaker and though he told his hearers that as an afterdinner speaker he was the rankest of the rank he was applauded He Had not even been in the Confederate army because he wasnt born until after peace had been declared Gen Woodford said that here in New York men who wore the idea and the gray worked for the common good The McComnw Sale The McComas sale of flue furnishings oil paintings embroideries rugs continues at 1417 G to day tomorrow and next week at U a m and 3 p m Rooms comfortable and seats provided Another Reduction net Onr Price List Frank Llbbey Co pith N Y ave nw > heal camp they Yes Ire J 4 1 and Waltz howled them- selves Senator but speak- ing thing remarked over left s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DETSGH PLACED OM TRIAL PhllKtlelphlKH DlHt Tll AlMiMt Kill- ing of Wifes Admirer Philadelphia Jan 22 As soon as An- drew Jackson Detach jr was placed oa trial today for the murder of Harry Ferree it became apparent that the att- orneys for the young husband are to fence without putting Mrs Detach on tile witness stand Later in the day after a strong pre- sentation of the Commonwealths case ode allow pretty Wee Detach to tell her sad story to the jurors When Detach shot Harry Feme through the door of his Detachs room he claimed that he thought ft was a burglar The Comonwealth will how ever attempt to trove that Ferree had been intimate with Mrs Detsch and that they quarreled whereupon the woman confessed their relations to her husband and that Detach and his wife lay in wait in their room until Ferree appeared std tried to gain an entrance when the hus- band shot him A jury was found within few hours after court opened JOE TFLLMAN IS DEAD VelIkMMWH B okimik r Passel Away in Sanatorium New York Jan Ullman well known as a bookmaker and erstwhile proprietor of a book which he ran at Saratoga with Kid Weller known as the Big Store died tonight In a sanitarium at AmityviOe L L where he was taken last November He had been ill for a year or more OLD STATION IS SOLD Property at Sixth nail B Streets Transfer red to the Government Secretary of War Taft has received a deed from the Philadelphia Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company conveying to the government the former passenger station at Sixth and B streets in tnjs city for a consideration of 0 500000 The Secretary of War has requested the Attorney General for an opinion as to the sufficiency of the GETTING BUSINESS- A newspaper that to the people in iheir homes that is in touch with the en tire community in which it is printed is the best business getter within the reach of the progressive business man If business is slot adver- tising in such a newspaper will quicken it if business is good advertising in such a newspaper will make it better The advertiser who gets the fullest returns for the money he spends is the advertiser who knows tOfU to advertise If he knows how to advertise he will choose the medium National Capital that medium is The Washington Herald It has the circulation a local circulation larger by thou- sands than that of any other available morning medium It is a growing circtdaiion circulation that day by day is increasing the already large leadThe Washington Herald is a businessgetter o proved It produces the results w nothing experimental about it make a strenuous effort to grove a at tile to a Ia the plans may be to a Joe ed f goes loo- n f i I tiigdegtee Naiad waves ate trade r people businessgetter There ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SEA CLAIMS TWELVE Unheard Of Since Collision v Off Rotterdam SEVEN PERSONS ARE RESCUED Adrift In Open Since Am- t HM AxmiH tr Came To gather IK DCMHC 1wjc Search iagr Parties Wall to Find Other heat in Which Took Itefmce Rotterdam Holland Jan least twelve probably more twice that amber are Msstaf as the result Of a coTlhtten last night in the fog between the British steamer Ax mtaster sad the steamer Amsterdam of the Great Eastern Railway The Amsterdam was coming from Har wick and had fiftysix passengers A dense fog prevailed land the tw steamers came together before either had time to sheer off The Amsterdam had a great hole stove in her bows and the wa ter began conning in so fast that the cap- tain decided to lower his boats and trans ferbis passengers to the ADd which was then beached Sewn ire Heseiioil London Jan 22A dispatch from the Hook of Holland sent late tonight states that one of the boats containing seven persons was picked up this evening boat is variously stated to have from 12 to 27 persons aboard It has not yet been found The fog is very heavy A tug and a lifeboat have searched for the boat in all directions but found no trace of The tug was In collision with an unknown vessel and was so badly damaged that her captain was compelled to beach her to prevent her from staking The sea is calm but ir those misting ajge still drifting they must be suffering from hunger thirst and the cold weather The boat had no supplies of provisions or water Some of its occupants were attired only In their night clothes MALONEY HEARING IN CAMERA Referee Appointed to Take Testi- mony IH Annulment Case New York Jan 22 With the consent of counsel for both parties Justice New burger of the Supreme Court today signed an order naming Daniel F Coha Ian as referee to take testimony and re port In a suit just instituted by Helen Maloney against Arthur S Osborne The order appointing the referee does not disclose the nature of the suit but it is understood to be for annulment ef the marriage between Osborne and Miss Ma- loney who is a daughter of Mr Mali ney of Philadelphia Augustine L Humes of 24 Broad street appears as the counsel for Miss In the order while Charles T haven is named as counsel for Osborne The hearings before the referee it is un- derstood will be strictly private Two Japanese Arrested Fort Stevens Oreg Jan Jap- anese found loitering in the west battery- of Fort Stevens have been arrested This place is rarely visited except by special permission from the district artillery com- mander Roosevelt as Gotltam 3Iayor- St Louis Mo Jan aJacoh RHs who Is here says President Roosevelt will be the next mayor of New York and thus put an end to thirdterm talk New Day Train tn With Pullman drawingroom parlor ear via Pennsylvania Railroad Leaves New Union Station at 10 a m and arrives Washington at 8 m No change of ears Dining car from Harris burg A In Carte Lunch Served Dally At Ecksteins from 12 to 3 1412 N Y tf At persona and thaw on- board T- heo It 22Two ave J Were heat last halo Cow ncy a < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SAVES ESCORTS STICKPIN Girl Pretends to Weep When High- waymen AcuoatM Them New York Jan 21Robert P Cairns f 5 Old Road Bayonne today reported that he had been waylaid and robbed while escorting a young woman MAle early the evening before a few blocks turn police headquarters As the couple were walking along this near Thirtyfirst street the men spraag from a clump of bashes and told Cairns to hold op his hands TIle highwaymen took even his pipe to- bacco and stoves but they missed a n Cairns wore ia his tie That by the young woman who threw her head on Cairns shoulder and while pretending to cry deftly removed the pin and stuck it in the inside of her coat WITH COED Columbia Protest Will He Ignored by Cannel Authorities Ithaca N Y Jan 21 Cornell will stand by her coed The protest made by the Columbia debate teem against Wits KlUabeth E Cook one of those se lamed by tile council to represent Cornell in the intercoBegJate contest against Co- lumbia nest month was received today by Prudent LeRoy It Goodrich of the Debate Union but there Is no likelihood tint any of the Cornell authorities win give It much attention Goodrich who Is at the head of de- bating Interests at Cornell declared that Miss Cook was eligible according to both the rules of Cornell and of the League and he could not see good reason why Columbia should PUPILS FIGHT TEACHERS Melee Follows Bffort to Eject High School Student from Room Utica N Y Jan was a sea son of a rough house in the high school at Falls today One of the young wac expelled from achooi for some Infraction of the rules He did not leave the room fast enough to wit one of the teachers and the sought to accelerate his speed hi a manner which the pupil already in dis- grace considered to be humiliating He turned upon the teacher and an alterca- tion ensued between the two Then the engagement became general between the teachers on the one side and the pupils on the other and the school was thrown into confusion and one of the teachers was thrown over a balus- trade LYNX ATTACKS GUIDE 31 out real Hunter Arrives In Time to Save XaPclM e Life Montreal Jan 22The wolf hunt In the northern wilds of Quebec is proving something of a success says Mr Byron Brooks of New York who for bnsmiss reasons was p tilt an t drflmafion tip to the lima that Mr Brooks left the party had bagged two wolves sad one big Canadian lynx It appears the latter nearly bagged a guide wheat front name was Jfarcisse The animal attacked the guide who could do nothing at snort range but stab awy with his sheath knife But for the timely arrival of Mr Hope of Montreal upon the scene Narcisse might have had far the worst of the encounter THREE ISLANDS DISAPPEAR Subterranean Disturbance in Sea Off Yucatan the Cause Several IHIIIIO Camps Destroyed and 1rolmlilc Iofc of lifo Xo Hc port of It Yet iMade Mexico may Jan SLThe meteorological bureau of the federal government has beet advised that the subterranean dis- turbances which recently took puce off the cold of have caused three Scads to disappear These islands were called Obispo Nome Obispo Sur and Cayo Nevo They were of considerable aide and known to navigators of that part of the Mexican coast So far as known here there were no permanent habitations upon any of the islands but st last accounts there were severs guano camps upon two of them The waters of the Gulf adjacent to Yu- catan and Campecbo have been disturbs by a series of uplifts and phenomenal demonstrations In places the snore line has been c0mpletely changed The harbor at 6so has bad its depth greatly The masters and crews of vessels arriving at Vera Crus report hav- ing passed through showers of ashes This phenomenon leads to the conclusion that- a volcano is In eruption somewhere in that region THOMAS TO SETTLE CLAIM pJVers to Throw Open Ills nook to Pep re etttntlves of Danker New York Jan 22 E R Thomas son of the late Gen Sam Thomas once the partner of Thomas F Ryan is about to make a settlement Twentyflve banks and trust companies are interested in learning just how the attains stand of E R Thomas Ortand F Thornac former president of the Consoli- dated National Bank and the failed New York Stock Exchange Inn of Robert Maclay A Co The suspension of the last roamed firm took place on Monday of last week The Thomases with F Augustus Heinze and Charles W Morse were central fig- ures around which the financial crisis of last October bore The committee forced them out of the banks in which they were Interested The following statement is from one of the hankers concerned A committee of banks and trust com- panies met yesterday and Mr Thomas made a fair statroent saying that he was willing to cooperate with the committee in every way and to open his books to them for an investigation as to his airs A subcommittee of the general was appointed to thoroughly examine his books and report back to the general committee Are You I nuvt tr Interest On your bank deposits Remember Union Trust Co 15th and H sts pays interest on all accounts subject to Every banking facility Government Kveryliody Comes to TJi for Lumber Frank Libbey Co 6th N Y ave nw Boulevard object There Little teach- er t8 ar- ena Yucatan 1 de- creased re- cently house Commit gold atkk pas ved MUST J BATE Triangu- lar i men 1Mi 4 cittar el d S tee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = + GIVER AN OVATION Makes an Address Before Trade Men FUTOEE OF THE NATION Guests at Dinner Rise and Cheer tilt Veteran Speaker Drink to the Health and Ttcign of King Victor Uuinmnuvl of Italy and AiiilitiNMadnr Announce He Will Cable the XtnvM fo Idled Sovereign AddreH cH Are Also 3Iadc 3Ir Fairbanks Mr Straus until Others Uncle Toe Cannon looking back over the thirtyfour years he has passed in tHe tee C the nation and turning alj which looked sot at the setting on taro the last night lift a the banquet f the National Board of Trade tad on to the plane where h himself it Bring and showed them all the great of America and Ameri- ca commerce There were other speakers besid the Speaker of the House Vice President Fairbanks Baron Mayor des the Italian Ambassador Secretary Strai Senator Kewlanda and others were w received but when the grayhaired er forgetting for the while his rigor ntbed his long but brilliant speech crowd rose and gave him three of th heartiest cheers that ever echoed in t Red Room of the Jfew Willard If it had been in the province of tie elect the Hon Joseph G Cannon Prr i dent of the United States at flue minut of night be would have bad a vast majority Policy of the Congress Speaker Cannon felt called upon to fend the policy of Congress against t imputation that it has not been mindi of the nations need so tar im- provement of waterways is Referring to Senator Xewlands Nevi da who preceded him and who spoke the pork barrel and who said that t people must get behind any movement t those waterway the Speak r said he could not agree with the Sfnit from Nebraska When the Speaker us corrected and told it was the Sen from Nevada be said I apologise to both States He continued At the foundation T the civilisation lies the hustle of the un the units art interested them art many specialists as there are units i any one specialist to have the i rectton of all the work under the govern- ment the other MMMM specialists wouM all go unfed I thank God for the kicker I i going a long way when I say that the providence of God I think men constitute themselves the guardians people and seek Unregulate the in- verse are the greatest force in pr v it log the nation going into dry rot I have seen the nation Increap i population from 15000809 to Sv the time when the first riv i ni harbor bill was passed the veto of President Arthur the country has 1 propriated Wmti for this work W have now 90060180 people and ini l century std a lair we wh Would Deplore It Continuing in this strain the Ssp ik r said he would much deplore it if country attempted to legislate for days to come if It should attempt to im- prove the rivers and harbors for tie when the country stall contain in than three times the population He said he would like to t rivets and harbors gradually impnvi improved as the country expands tu w i such Improvement Then turning back to the criticisms r Senator Mr Cannon said IS one man in all the country whom he would trust in all matters pertaining to such legislation There is a greater man than ti Senator Nevada when It comes f such questions as this he said The L- is a greater and be comes from tea State of Ohio Theodore Burton is a man who is the best legislator the b t administrator in such matters in th whole nation I would follow wherevr Theodore Burton wishes to lead My eyes are not turned toward tM setting sun and I see our people strong virile intelligent with turned t ward the East and I believe the nation will advance and become the great ra- tion of the earth We need not fear what Congress will do we need not fear what the House will do or that little body on the other side we need not fear what the Senate will do we need not fear what the will do The government vis made for just the purpose of having these parts agree and disagree with eni other But it all goes back to the ijo 009 people in the end There is no m n- IB public life who is not dependent n his constituents If he does not do what they desire at the end of Ms two years or his six years or his four years it rests with the ttOMtOI to turn him out again 3Ir Fair banks Address Vice President Fairbanks said lie hp flared the National Board of Trade was one of the great commercial organizations of the country that its Influence for KMJ and for the strengthening of the trade re tattoos of this nation with others is for the best Mr Fairbanks spoke of tits great trade or the United States wit a foreign countries and marveled at that greatness Sometimes he said it is fashionai to criticise the buisnese men of the com try sometimes they are regarded subservience I express it as my convic- tion and deliberate Judgment that th r- are no state just men or more honorable men on the face of the earth The prosperity that hap en- Joyed for so many years has been file fruit of won laws and the wise adminis- tration of wise men If we would con- tinue it fa the future as we have en- Joyed it In the past it will be because w adhere In this sound policy that has us sound industrially and commercially Previous tq the time of the grit President William McKinley the trod f Continued on Page Column Our Weekly Price Mat of Lumber Frank Libtey Cu 6tb ave nw UNCLE JOE CANNON by eYe future the hearts of Ute Aeraosss present at future Plane II dekigatea and at that banquet Jut J i ash o and m where J were a L II Since over JU- lIe time it New n man to America made i Get 8 N Y R I Na- tional r 1 Speak ties Esetta ts 3 conc rn f mprove k goveroaseRt hire oghi ai ae ties tine a- new s r tint es from eyes Ex- ecutive alf- a wit f d ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > >

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Page 1: Pays Last 1t - Library of Congressmauled life Mrs Stratton said today Happiness is the greatest thing hi the world Success is second I Palled so I am going to begin alt over again








NO 473 1908TWELVE


President Penult Pays LastCall to Admiral Evans


ty 300000 Persons WatchBattle Ships Sail Away

Sixteen Brazilian War Ships HJseort

American Vessels front Hlo do Ja-

neiro Pacific Fleet ISxpected toArrive nt Fiintii Arenas February 1

Demonstration of P lendllncs Iletween XntioiiK is Seen

Hie de Janeiro Jaa 21 T e tits daysstay hem of UW American blast ship

expired today and at 9 oclock thisafternoon anchors were weighed and theships started on their ten days voyage to

Arenas at which puce they aredue to arrive on February 1

The departure of the warships wasmade the occasion of a great demonstra-tion by the Brasttians and the Americanresidents Fully 9600N persons throngedthe water front and every harbor craftthat would keep afloat was availed of tocarry thousands more close to the an-

chorage grounds where a better viewwas afforded of the fleet

The boatmen reaped the bestharvest they nav ever knows as theycharged enormous prices for the use oftheir craft of which the sUPtly did notequal the demand Some of the smallboats werpr loaded to their gunwalesand It is a great wonder that in the crushand excitement some of them did not

President Penna came down from Petropolis this morning and at noon hecrossed the bay in the Presidential yachtproceeding to the Minnesota the flagshipof Rear Admiral Thomas who commandsthe second squadron of the third divisionof the fleet and who owing to Rear Ad-

miral Evans illness has acted in the latters stead at the official functions

Salute President PennaAll the vessels of the fleet saluted the

Brazilian president and they were alldressed in honor of his visit The presidential yacht saluted the Minnesota onlyRear Admiral Thomas personally rereived President Penna as he boardedthe flagship The visit lasted twentyminutes

president expressed his regret thatAdmiral Evans had not been able to

the entertainments given In honorof the visitmjr Americans he on thepart of hfamvK the mimhira of hisrabhtst aad W BnotfUan pastfsthe fleet boa voyage and rstterated hisfxpressions of cordiality of the Unitedstates

After bidding farewell to the oratorsKenor Penna boarded his yacht and proneeded to Fort where heend his ZMrty reviewed the fleet as itpassed out to sea The fleet sailed hiInverse order of divisions from which itentered the harbor As each ship passedFort Viltegagnoii it fired a salute in

of President Penna and the railswere massed The flag of Brazil wasdisplayed at the mainmastbead of everyship

TSsoort Out Rattle ShipSixteen Brazilian warships folloWed the

American vessels and escorted them forabout twentyfive miles Then farewellsalutes were exchanged after which theBrazilian vessels shaped then courses forvarious destinations Some of them arehound for Buenos Ayres while themiser Benjamin Constant started on afar longer voyage she being bound

the world-A large number of the more speedy and

seaworthy harbor craft followed the procssion of warships well past the mouthf the harbor and then lay to and

watched them until they were almosthull down on the southern horison

Altogether the departure of the fleetwas a most imposing spectacle and onewhich the people of Rio de Janeiro willnot soon forget There are many who be-

lieve it was a greater spectacle thanthat seen in Hampton Roads when thefleet started on its long voyage for hereThe combined American sad Brazilianwarships numbered thirtytwo just twicethe number that sailed from the Amer-ican port

Admiral trans has cabled the Navy De-partment that the battleship fleet sailedyesterday from RIo de Janeiro for PuntaArenas The torpedo flotilla sailed fromRio Tuesday for Buenos Ayres TheOilier Sterling has sailed front Rio forHampton Roads by way of San JuanPorto Rica

WIT TlffGFANG IN BOND DEALXogotiatioiiH for Concessions in

China FIgure In 000000 SuitNew York Jan a The suit of Thur

low Weed Barnes to recover 900000 fromthe AmericanChina Development Company and the Chinese Railway Syndicateits successor obtaining valuable con-cessions from the Chinese government forcoal lands a bond issue railroads andbanks was OB trial today in the Supreme Court

Among the defendants are FrederickP OIeott Hugh J grant Thomas FRyan Mrs Calvht S Brice Grant BSchley George R Sheldon Edward JBerwind Anthony N Brady PMorton Senator Thomas C Platt JacobH SchifiC Clement A Griacom AugustBelmont and Tom Johnson

Mr Barnes put in a vast amount of doc-umentary evidence to show the conces-sions got by him Many letters from WuTing Pang former ambassador at Wash-ington to Mr Barnes read InMarch im said Mr Barnes he spentfive hours one day with the Chinese am-

bassador going over the features of the000000 bond Issue

Ccctie Flying SouthwardNew York Jan 22 Three flockQof wild

geese flew over New York today andthis is regarded as portending real win-

ter severe cold and snowstorms Wildseldom seen here in southward

flight after December 15

Another Drop In Prices of LumberFrank Llbbey Co flth N Y ave nw













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GetH Divorce and AVill Seek toAttain Her Ambition

Cincinnati Jan 22 About fifteen yearsago Miss Nellie Robinson for severalyears a clerk toe a legal firm hereadmitted to the bar in this State the firstwoman to reserve that consideration hiOhio She practiced law here and in N wYork and other cilia for several yearsYesterday she obtained a divorce Incity from her husband Frank Strattonafter several years of unhappiness inmauled life Mrs Stratton said today

Happiness is the greatest thing hi theworld Success is second I Palled so Iam going to begin alt over again

A woman will give up anything forhappiness In love and it is worthprice if it can be obtained My ehanetfor happiness is gone but I still have am-

bition I shall resume my lawand enter politics Next election I skillrun for mayor of Mttford

Milford te a suburb about a tunesout It has a small population


Liquor Licenne IcnKuc CondemnsAiitimlooii Activity in Politics

Louisville Ky Jan 21At Its finalsession today the Yodel Liquor Li-

cense League adopted a resolution con-

demning the antisaloon league forin politics

The resolution declares that anlig nttreatmeat of the wouldbe to eliminate small dram shops andto centralise the business in model wellequipped sanitary saloons with the per-manent property license feature

Model license bills will be offered tethe legislatures of all States


six Delegates ut CliieaproSt Louis Mo Jan 22 Missouris thir-

tysix votes in the Chicago conventionwill not be cast solidly for William HTaft for President This muck to cer-tain although the antlTaft men are say-ing little for publication

Under the State committees ran thavarious Congressional districts will electtwo delegates each to Chicago responseMe only to the conventions electing themSome will be instructed those againstTaft willbe uninstructed No matter Iftwothirds of them are for Tate theycannot bind the other onethird exceptby the adoption of the unit rule at ChicagL

The State convention in St Louis February will elect four delegateaatlargeand four alternates A tight will be madeon instructions for any candidate


Oklahoma leleK tioii Is Instructedfor Secretary of War

Secretary Taft last night received atelegram from Bird McGuire Oklahomassolitary Republican Representative inCongress saying that the First districtRepublican convention held i Colgateukhu yesterday lad chosen its delesau to the Republican national con-vention slid instructed them for Taft

The two delegates are A B Perry andE O Butler Friends of the Secretaryof War were taR night JubUant over thisoutcome of the brat Congressional dis-trict convention affecting the nationalconvention held since the call for the con-vention was issued

The call was Issued under date of De-cember 7 and provided that no districtconventions should be held before theexpiration of thirty days from that date


Explanation of Former GovernorsResignation from Trust Company

Charles C Diukliixoa Mar AprnlnAssume Headship of the Seer

York Concern

New York Jan was ambitionthat mocked Leslie M Shaws unusualtoll as president of the Carnegie TrustCompany if Clarks C Dickinson is to bebelieved

Mr Dickinson who was the organizerof the company its Uri president andnow vice president and a likely candidatefor Mr Shaws place talked today asone speaking by the card He and a ma-jority of the other directors of the in-

stitution be said split with the formerSecretary of the Treasury because effortsto become a Presidential nominee andpasta to finish an autobiography did notcomport with their ideas of the bankingtraduces

Mr Shaw said Mr Dickinson wasconvinced that he was available Presi-dential timber before h resigned fromthe Cabinet Conviction has steadily per-sisted and has bo4n his chief Interesteer since assumed the presidency ofthe company

Recent political developments have ac-

centuated it if anything He and hisfriends have taken the position that Taftcould not be nominated because he wasadministration candidate and thatHughes could not win because lie wouldnot work for the nomination That left agood chance for Shaw to get on theticket

Mr Shaws ambition to become aPresidential candidate was the sole causeof difference Mr Dickinson added Thematter is no new development but hasbeen under discussion for sometime


First Formal Session Held to lloomGovernor for the PrcHldency

New York Jan 2The Hughes StateLeague which was incorporated at Al-

bany for the purpose or bringing about thenomination of Gov Hughes forhad its first formal session in the stateroom of the Hotel Manhattan tonight

It was a formidable gathering Morethan HI Republicans from different partsof the State were present

There were Republicans present whohad not hitherto attended a political function In all their lives There were otherswho had been in the thick of Republicanfrays In the State for many years

Pcvr X of St JolmM ChurchWill be sold at auction today at 18 m Jnthe Sloan Galleries I4t7 G stLook Out Lumber Prlc y Much LowerFrank Llbbey Co 8th N Y ave nw







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ApplanscEollowsat Mentionof Daniel for Presidency


jNearly H ll sHd Present nt

Ilamtmt iu Xmv York Vir-

grlaiH Senator Gen Wood ford anti11 K Iee the Speaker DixieCheered to the Haho

Yew York Jan 2tSenator John WDaniel of Virginia Qua Stewart LWoodford and R E Lee a grandson-of the Confederate commander were theguests of honor tonight at the annualbanquet of the Confederate Veteran Campof New York in the grand ballroom ofthe WaldorfAstoria Ma EdwardOwen the commander of the wasthe toastmaster the three guestswere the only speakers

The wall in the rear of the gueststable was covered with United Statesand Confederate logs and the orchestraplayed Southern Mrs and the MerryWidow Every time Dixie wasplayed the men guests

hoarse and the ladies waved hand-kerchiefs There were nearly a thousandpresent though most of the men weresons of veterans After the dinner thetables were removed and dancing washad

Cheer Senator DanielIntroducing Daniel MaJ Owen

said that if the Democratic party knewwhat it was about it would nominate theSenator for the Presidency and thatbrought forth a round of rebel yells

Senator Daniel said that We may knowwhat we are not what we might heThe last thing he expected was to hearMaj Owen here in the heart of YankeedjBm nominate for President K comradeOf the Stonewall Brigade He was

to the tout Lee Virginia and theUnion The three had been much mixedup but now thank God they were alluntangled

It was a glorious that those whohad fought one another might meet inthe mightiest city of the mightiest country and say with equal pride that theywere Americans Of Gen Lee he saidthat one of the greatest compliments everpaid him was by Gen Meade at Appomattox The two had been friends in the warwith Mexico and when met at thesurrender Gen Lee to GenMeade You are getting gray

Due to Lees Activitybut not from years replied Gen

Meade You arc the man who has mademe gray

It was too late to argue about the causeof the war No great revolution was evercalled on to explain itself But saleSenator Daniel 1C I did not tight for theUnion I had K son In the United Statesarmy Itt Matansas The good thing aboutthe civil war was that it Is Theyounger generation could thank the vet-erans that they had them a cleararena

Mr Lee was the next speaker andthough he told his hearers that as anafterdinner speaker he was the rankestof the rank he was applauded He Hadnot even been in the Confederate armybecause he wasnt born until after peacehad been declared

Gen Woodford said that here in NewYork men who wore the idea and the grayworked for the common good

The McComnw SaleThe McComas sale of flue furnishings

oil paintings embroideries rugscontinues at 1417 G to

day tomorrow and next week at U a mand 3 p m Rooms comfortable and seatsprovided

Another Reduction net Onr Price ListFrank Llbbey Co pith N Y ave nw










Waltzhowled them-

















PhllKtlelphlKH DlHt Tll AlMiMt Kill-ing of Wifes Admirer

Philadelphia Jan 22 As soon as An-

drew Jackson Detach jr was placedoa trial today for the murder of HarryFerree it became apparent that the att-

orneys for the young husband are to

fence without putting Mrs Detach ontile witness stand

Later in the day after a strong pre-

sentation of the Commonwealths case

odeallow pretty Wee Detach to tell her sadstory to the jurors

When Detach shot Harry Femethrough the door of his Detachs roomhe claimed that he thought ft was aburglar The Comonwealth will however attempt to trove that Ferree hadbeen intimate with Mrs Detsch and thatthey quarreled whereupon the womanconfessed their relations to her husbandand that Detach and his wife lay in waitin their room until Ferree appeared stdtried to gain an entrance when the hus-band shot him

A jury was found within few hoursafter court opened


VelIkMMWH B okimik r PasselAway in Sanatorium

New York Jan Ullman wellknown as a bookmaker and erstwhileproprietor of a book which he ran atSaratoga with Kid Weller known as theBig Store died tonight In a sanitarium

at AmityviOe L L where he was takenlast November

He had been ill for a year or more


Property at Sixth nail B StreetsTransfer red to the Government

Secretary of War Taft has received adeed from the Philadelphia Baltimore andWashington Railroad Company conveyingto the government the former passengerstation at Sixth and B streets in tnjs cityfor a consideration of 0 500000

The Secretary of War has requested theAttorney General for an opinion as to thesufficiency of the


A newspaper that tothe people in iheir homesthat is in touch with the entire community in which it isprinted is the best businessgetter within the reach of theprogressive business man

If business is slot adver-tising in such a newspaperwill quicken it if business isgood advertising in such anewspaper will make it better

The advertiser who gets thefullest returns for the moneyhe spends is the advertiserwho knows tOfU to advertiseIf he knows how to advertisehe will choose the medium

National Capital that mediumis The Washington HeraldIt has the circulation a localcirculation larger by thou-sands than that of any otheravailable morning medium Itis a growing circtdaiion

circulation that day by dayis increasing the already large

leadTheWashington Herald is

a businessgetter o provedIt produces

the results w nothingexperimental about it

make a strenuous effort to grove a at

tile to aIa the plans may be to











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Unheard Of Since Collisionv Off Rotterdam


Adrift In Open Since Am-

t HM AxmiH tr Came Togather IK DCMHC 1wjc Search iagr

Parties Wall to Find Other heat inWhich Took Itefmce

Rotterdam Holland Jan leasttwelve probably moretwice that amber are Msstaf as theresult Of a coTlhtten last night in thefog between the British steamer Axmtaster sad the steamer Amsterdam ofthe Great Eastern Railway

The Amsterdam was coming from Harwick and had fiftysix passengers

A dense fog prevailed land the twsteamers came together before either hadtime to sheer off The Amsterdam had agreat hole stove in her bows and the water began conning in so fast that the cap-tain decided to lower his boats and transferbis passengers to the ADdwhich was then beached

Sewn ire HeseiioilLondon Jan 22A dispatch from the

Hook of Holland sent late tonight statesthat one of the boats containing sevenpersons was picked up this evening

boat is variously stated to havefrom 12 to 27 persons aboard It has notyet been found The fog is very heavy

A tug and a lifeboat have searched forthe boat in all directions but found notrace of The tug was In collisionwith an unknown vessel and was sobadly damaged that her captain wascompelled to beach her to prevent herfrom staking The sea is calm but irthose misting ajge still drifting they mustbe suffering from hunger thirst and thecold weather

The boat had no supplies of provisionsor water Some of its occupants wereattired only In their night clothes


Referee Appointed to Take Testi-mony IH Annulment Case

New York Jan 22 With the consent ofcounsel for both parties Justice Newburger of the Supreme Court todaysigned an order naming Daniel F CohaIan as referee to take testimony and report In a suit just instituted by HelenMaloney against Arthur S Osborne

The order appointing the referee doesnot disclose the nature of the suit but itis understood to be for annulment ef themarriage between Osborne and Miss Ma-

loney who is a daughter of Mr Maliney of Philadelphia

Augustine L Humes of 24 Broad streetappears as the counsel for MissIn the order while Charles Thaven is named as counsel for OsborneThe hearings before the referee it is un-derstood will be strictly private

Two Japanese ArrestedFort Stevens Oreg Jan Jap-

anese found loitering in the west battery-of Fort Stevens have been arrested Thisplace is rarely visited except by specialpermission from the district artillery com-


Roosevelt as Gotltam 3Iayor-St Louis Mo Jan aJacoh RHs who

Is here says President Roosevelt will bethe next mayor of New York and thusput an end to thirdterm talk

New Day Train tnWith Pullman drawingroom parlor earvia Pennsylvania Railroad Leaves NewUnion Station at 10 a mand arrives Washington at 8 m Nochange of ears Dining car from Harrisburg

A In Carte Lunch Served DallyAt Ecksteins from 12 to 3 1412 N Y


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Girl Pretends to Weep When High-waymen AcuoatM Them

New York Jan 21Robert P Cairns

f 5 Old Road Bayonne today reported

that he had been waylaid and robbedwhile escorting a young woman MAleearly the evening before a few blocksturn police headquarters

As the couple were walking along this

near Thirtyfirst street themen spraag from a clump of bashes andtold Cairns to hold op his hands

TIle highwaymen took even his pipe to-

bacco and stoves but they missed an Cairns wore ia his tie That

by the young woman whothrew her head on Cairns shoulder andwhile pretending to cry deftly removedthe pin and stuck it in the inside of hercoat


Columbia Protest Will He Ignoredby Cannel Authorities

Ithaca N Y Jan 21 Cornell will

stand by her coed The protest madeby the Columbia debate teem againstWits KlUabeth E Cook one of those selamed by tile council to represent Cornellin the intercoBegJate contest against Co-

lumbia nest month was received todayby Prudent LeRoy It Goodrich of theDebate Union but there Is no likelihoodtint any of the Cornell authorities wingive It much attention

Goodrich who Is at the head of de-

bating Interests at Cornell declared thatMiss Cook was eligible according to boththe rules of Cornell and of the

League and he could not seegood reason why Columbia should


Melee Follows Bffort to Eject HighSchool Student from Room

Utica N Y Jan was a season of a rough house in the high school

at Falls today One of the young

wac expelled from achooi for some

Infraction of the rulesHe did not leave the room fast enough

to wit one of the teachers and thesought to accelerate his speed hi a

manner which the pupil already in dis-

grace considered to be humiliating Heturned upon the teacher and an alterca-tion ensued between the two

Then the engagement became generalbetween the teachers on the one side andthe pupils on the other and the schoolwas thrown into confusion and one ofthe teachers was thrown over a balus-



31 out real Hunter Arrives In Time toSave XaPclM e Life

Montreal Jan 22The wolf hunt In

the northern wilds of Quebec is proving

something of a success says Mr Byron

Brooks of New York who for bnsmissreasons was p tilt an

t drflmafion tip to the limathat Mr Brooks left the party hadbagged two wolves sad one big Canadianlynx

It appears the latter nearly bagged aguide wheat front name was JfarcisseThe animal attacked the guide who coulddo nothing at snort range but stab awywith his sheath knife But for the timelyarrival of Mr Hope of Montreal uponthe scene Narcisse might have had farthe worst of the encounter


Subterranean Disturbance in Sea

Off Yucatan the Cause

Several IHIIIIO Camps Destroyed and1rolmlilc Iofc of lifo Xo Hc

port of It Yet iMade

Mexico may Jan SLThe meteorologicalbureau of the federal government hasbeet advised that the subterranean dis-

turbances which recently took puce offthe cold of have caused threeScads to disappear These islandswere called Obispo Nome Obispo Sur andCayo Nevo They were of considerableaide and known to navigators of that partof the Mexican coast

So far as known here there were nopermanent habitations upon any of theislands but st last accounts there weresevers guano camps upon two of them

The waters of the Gulf adjacent to Yu-

catan and Campecbo have been disturbsby a series of uplifts and phenomenaldemonstrations In places the snore linehas been c0mpletely changed The harborat 6so has bad its depth greatly

The masters and crews of vesselsarriving at Vera Crus report hav-

ing passed through showers of ashes Thisphenomenon leads to the conclusion that-a volcano is In eruption somewhere inthat region


pJVers to Throw Open Ills nook toPep re etttntlves of Danker

New York Jan 22 E R Thomas sonof the late Gen Sam Thomas once thepartner of Thomas F Ryan is about tomake a settlement

Twentyflve banks and trust companiesare interested in learning just how theattains stand of E R Thomas Ortand FThornac former president of the Consoli-dated National Bank and the failed NewYork Stock Exchange Inn of RobertMaclay A Co

The suspension of the last roamed firmtook place on Monday of last week

The Thomases with F Augustus Heinzeand Charles W Morse were central fig-ures around which the financial crisis oflast October bore Thecommittee forced them out of the banksin which they were Interested

The following statement is from one ofthe hankers concerned

A committee of banks and trust com-panies met yesterday and Mr Thomasmade a fair statroent saying that he waswilling to cooperate with the committeein every way and to open his books tothem for an investigation as to his airsA subcommittee of the generalwas appointed to thoroughly examine hisbooks and report back to the generalcommittee

Are You I nuvt tr InterestOn your bank deposits Remember UnionTrust Co 15th and H sts pays intereston all accounts subject to Everybanking facility Government

Kveryliody Comes to TJi for LumberFrank Libbey Co 6th N Y ave nw







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Makes an Address BeforeTrade Men


Guests at Dinner Rise and Cheertilt Veteran Speaker

Drink to the Health and Ttcign ofKing Victor Uuinmnuvl of Italy andAiiilitiNMadnr Announce He WillCable the XtnvM fo Idled SovereignAddreH cH Are Also 3Iadc 3IrFairbanks Mr Straus until Others

Uncle Toe Cannon looking back overthe thirtyfour years he has passed intHe tee C the nation and turning alj

which looked sot at the settingon taro the last night lift a

the banquet f the National Board ofTrade tad on to the plane where hhimself it Bring and showed them allthe great of America and Ameri-ca commerce

There were other speakers besid theSpeaker of the House Vice PresidentFairbanks Baron Mayor desthe Italian Ambassador Secretary StraiSenator Kewlanda and others were wreceived but when the grayhaireder forgetting for the while his rigorntbed his long but brilliant speechcrowd rose and gave him three of thheartiest cheers that ever echoed in tRed Room of the Jfew Willard

If it had been in the province of tieelect the Hon Joseph G Cannon Prr i

dent of the United States at flue minutof night be would have bad a vastmajority

Policy of the CongressSpeaker Cannon felt called upon to

fend the policy of Congress against timputation that it has not been mindiof the nations need so tar im-provement of waterways isReferring to Senator Xewlands Nevida who preceded him and who spokethe pork barrel and who said that tpeople must get behind any movement t

those waterway the Speak rsaid he could not agree with the Sfnitfrom Nebraska When the Speaker uscorrected and told it was the Senfrom Nevada be said

I apologise to both StatesHe continued At the foundation T

the civilisation lies the hustle of the un

the units art interested them artmany specialists as there are units i

any one specialist to have the i

rectton of all the work under the govern-ment the other MMMM specialists wouMall go unfed

I thank God for the kicker I igoing a long way when I say thatthe providence of God I think menconstitute themselves the guardians

people and seek Unregulate the in-verse are the greatest force in pr v itlog the nation going into dry rot

I have seen the nation Increap ipopulation from 15000809 to Sv

the time when the first riv i niharbor bill was passed the veto ofPresident Arthur the country has 1

propriated Wmti for this work Whave now 90060180 people and ini lcentury std a lair we wh

Would Deplore ItContinuing in this strain the Ssp ik r

said he would much deplore it ifcountry attempted to legislate fordays to come if It should attempt to im-

prove the rivers and harbors for tiewhen the country stall contain in

than three times the populationHe said he would like to t

rivets and harbors gradually impnviimproved as the country expands tu w isuch Improvement

Then turning back to the criticisms rSenator Mr Cannon saidIS one man in all the country whom hewould trust in all matters pertaining tosuch legislation

There is a greater man than tiSenator Nevada when It comes f

such questions as this he said The L-is a greater and be comes from teaState of Ohio Theodore Burton is aman who is the best legislator the b tadministrator in such matters in thwhole nation I would follow wherevrTheodore Burton wishes to lead

My eyes are not turned toward tMsetting sun and I see our people strongvirile intelligent with turned tward the East and I believe the nationwill advance and become the great ra-tion of the earth

We need not fear what Congress willdo we need not fear what the Housewill do or that little body on the otherside we need not fear what the Senatewill do we need not fear what the

will do The government vismade for just the purpose of havingthese parts agree and disagree with eniother But it all goes back to the ijo

009 people in the end There is no m n-

IB public life who is not dependent nhis constituents If he does not do whatthey desire at the end of Ms two yearsor his six years or his four years itrests with the ttOMtOI to turn him outagain

3Ir Fair banks AddressVice President Fairbanks said lie hp

flared the National Board of Trade wasone of the great commercial organizationsof the country that its Influence for KMJand for the strengthening of the trade retattoos of this nation with others is forthe best Mr Fairbanks spoke of titsgreat trade or the United States wit aforeign countries and marveled at thatgreatness

Sometimes he said it is fashionaito criticise the buisnese men of the comtry sometimes they are regardedsubservience I express it as my convic-tion and deliberate Judgment that th r-

are no state just men or more honorablemen on the face of the earth

The prosperity that hap en-

Joyed for so many years has been filefruit of won laws and the wise adminis-tration of wise men If we would con-tinue it fa the future as we have en-Joyed it In the past it will be because wadhere In this sound policy that hasus sound industrially and commercially

Previous tq the time of the gritPresident William McKinley the trod f

Continued on Page Column

Our Weekly Price Mat of LumberFrank Libtey Cu 6tb ave nw




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