pay bills and grow rich

Pay Bills and Grow RICH! When Paying Bills Becomes a Pleasure Abdul M. Hariri

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Page 1: Pay Bills and Grow Rich

Pay Bills and Grow RICH! When Paying Bills Becomes a Pleasure

Abdul M. Hariri

Page 2: Pay Bills and Grow Rich

Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri


Copyright © 2012 by Author Abdul M Hariri

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system.

Presented and Published by: Abdul M. Hariri

The information herein is for general educational purposes only and should not be construed as a substitute for professional advice. Nothing in this action guide should be considered personalized investment advice even though it may answer your general questions; the author is not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice.

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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri



About the Author ………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………… page 4

A brief introduction of Abdul Hariri, his experience and passion for this topic

Introduction …………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… page 5-7

The conundrum we all face regarding paying service bills each month and living from pay check

to pay check. Is there a solution to all this craziness?

Household Monthly Expenses Exercise ………………………………………………………………………………… page 8-13

How do we each fit into the average statistics regarding monthly service expenses? How do these stack up over a year? Or a working lifetime?

Trends Today …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… page 14-19

What are the major trends in telecommunications, utilities and other service industries that

have a direct impact on our bill-paying, dollar-wasting habits?

Today’s Modern Gold Rush………………………………………………………………………………………………… page 20-22

How these amazing modern trends open up a ‘gold rush’ that is accessible to each of us

ways that we haven’t seen at any other time in history.

How does this really work? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… page 23-28

The heart of the matter. How this unique bills-to-income method works and it’s global reach.

The Power of Leveraged Effort…………………………………………………………………………..……………… page 28-30

The exponential strength available to Fortune 500 CEO’s and the richest people in the world is

now accessible by each individual entrepreneur or side-business owner today.

What is your dream? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… page 31-33

The most successful business owners and wealth builders focus on a goal—an end point of greatness

to carry them through consistent and expansive efforts while they build their dream. What is yours?

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… page 34

What’s next? How can you and I jump on this chance to transform our bill paying into an

income generating enterprise?

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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri


About the Author

Abdul M. Hariri is an engineer and holds four Master’s degrees in various fields from Russia, Macedonia, Japan, and Canada. After finishing his latest degree and spending more than 20 years working for others, Abdul is building his own successful business. The benefits of leveraging one’s own time, money, and effort along with other people’s time, money, and effort led him to relationship marketing.

Here in this special report, Abdul will share a common sense, no brainer model to help you save money while literally making money from your home bills. This model has changed and saved the lives of people from many all backgrounds ranging from professors, physicians, lawyers, engineers, IT professionals, businessmen, former NHL and NBA players, and students.

Other books by the author:

Pay Bills and Be Mortgage-Free: A Sure-fire Way to Pay Your Mortgage Faster and Saving Thereby Thousands of Dollars

Disclaimer: the income in this model cannot be guaranteed and if it worked for others there is no guarantee that it will work for you. It totally depends on the effort of the individual.

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Maybe you’ve noticed at some point over the past couple years that we are in truly tough times. We’re all familiar in some way with the down economy and the latest statistics about restructuring and layoffs aren’t we? No longer can any of us take for granted that money will keep flowing our way the same way it always has.

So many families have been hit by unexpected layoffs and huge career or job changes. Over and over we hear about people who’ve counted on a certain career path only to find themselves out of work or making much less than they’d hoped for. Maybe you are facing a large amount of student loans or consumer debt.

An article published recently in the New York Times noted that Student Loan debt is increasingly difficult for borrowers to manage. In fact, in the last 30 days 27 percent of borrowers hadn’t paid their monthly bill! And of the 241 million people with Equifax portfolios (a debt and credit tracking company) 15% of them have student loan debt.

Even if you’ve had a solid and successful career history, it’s even more likely that you are struggling with consumer debt. The average American household has more than $15,000 in credit card debt. In 2008 statistics were compiled that state that the average household has 5.6 credit cards or open retail credit card accounts.

In fact, listen to this statistic…

In 2006, the United States Census Bureau determined that there were nearly 1.5 billion credit cards in use in the U.S. A stack of all those credit cards would reach more than 70

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miles into space -- and be almost as tall as 13 Mount Everests. (Source: NY Times, Feb. 23, 2009) Read more:

At some point in the last decade many of us have bought into the idea of getting a great job, home and lifestyle. This required, in many cases, student loans, bank loans and credit cards to boost our lifestyle just a bit while we worked harder and harder to pay our bills each month. We’ve been trying to stay ahead of the mountain of debt piling up around us. Yet most of us have been living from pay check to paycheck, just one step or a half-step ahead of the bill collectors and debt collectors ready to call us every hour of the day or night.

Do you ever feel as if we are caught in what seems to be a brilliantly designed conundrum? To get ahead we feel we must borrow. To borrow we must have the ability to pay. Once we’ve borrowed we’re stuck with a mountain of the usual bills plus the ever-growing (via interest and fees) burden of our debts.

Isn’t there a solution to this craziness?

Consider this; Leveraging is a powerful concept utilized by the rich and super rich all over the world. Have you ever heard of a CEO doing all the work in their own company? It makes sense that combining the talents and skills of many is what is required for the

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super-rich to continue growing their revenue. Unfortunately only the top 5% of the world understands this leveraging concept. The other 95% of us have overlooked or simply misused this truth.

Or maybe you’re thinking to yourself; ‘This is only for ‘those’ people. The folks who don’t already have a mountain of debt and who are halfway to their dreams already.’

What if there was a way to harness the power of these monthly bills we’re all paying to increase our income in a leveraged way. What if there was a better answer?

Before we get to this answer to our gruelling barely-paying-the-minimums habits why don’t we examine our monthly bills a bit more closely.

It might ease the pain of this examination to know that the average household in both the US and Canada spends $500 or more per month for their home services. This includes phone and long distance, cellphones (usually 2-4 in each household), Internet services, satellite TV, hydro, gas, and other utilities. That amounts to $6,000 per year and $240,000 or more during our life span.

These amounts do not take account for the monthly student loan payments (averaging somewhere between $115 and $600 for many students) and credit card payments, which are often not even covering the fees and interest charged on our debt.

So to get a clearer picture of where we are moving through this exploration of household bills and debt, let’s quickly jot down our basic bills and debt payments. Fill in the following worksheet with approximate amounts. We’re going for a general idea of the household services you are purchasing as well as the payments you’re making each month to other places.

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Household Monthly Expenses Exercise

Electricity _____________________________

Internet Access _____________________________

Wireless/Cell Phones _____________________________

Local/Long Distance Phone Service _____________________________

Satellite or Cable TV _____________________________

Home/Personal Security _____________________________

Hydro/Gas _____________________________

SUBTOTAL ______________________________


Credit Card Payments ______________________________

2nd Credit Card ______________________________

3rd Credit Card ______________________________

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Student Loan Payments ______________________________

Vehicle Loan Payment ______________________________

Vehicle Insurance _______________________________

Upkeep/Repairs _______________________________

SubTotal _______________________________

Grand Total ______________________________

Are you above or below the ‘typical home’ household services amount listed above? Remember it was $500 and above just for household services, not including loan or credit card payments. Now to get a very clear picture of just what you spend on these household services, take the first SubTotal of those services and multiply it by 12 months.

Multiply 1st SubTotal by 12 ______________________________ Spent on Services in 1 year

Multiply by this by 40 ______________________________ Spent in a working LIFETIME

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Thank you notes?

Have you ever gotten a personal ‘thank you’ from a debt collector or a home services provider? OK. Maybe one of those mass-generated Christmas Cards or an unsigned email ‘thanking’ you for your loyalty. But even as we are compelled to purchase services to get through each day we are treated as one of the thousands of customers these gigantic companies have. It’s no wonder that customer service is sadly lacking when their 800 numbers are answered by dozens and dozens of folks sitting in cubicles somewhere.

What if paying our bills could become a pleasant and rewarding experience that not only brought us a better deal for our dollar but actually increases our income day after day and month after month? How much money would you like to see flowing through your hands each month to stack up in your bank accounts or investments? What would turn the tide for you from just getting by to truly building wealth?

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A true picture of the world today

Not only do we find ourselves slaves to monthly bills and overwhelming debt but these services and lifestyle boosting expenses seem to increase in price all the time. Even if we are single and have no kids we notice that prices are rising. Then if we do have family to take care of there is always another gadget with another subscription coming around the corner that we just can’t seem to live without.

So often we pay our monthly bills nearly mindlessly. What other option do we have? We can’t do our jobs or stay connected with our families without the internet and phone service. The attempts we’ve made to find a better deal always seem to end up costing us more in the long run, once all the features and fees are added in. So how will taking a close look at our habits and spending really make a difference? Since we’re not about to give up our services we might as well just bit the bullet, pay the price and get on with it! Right?

The problem is that many of us are facing truly extreme economic circumstances. Maybe medical bills have piled on top of our debt and expenses. Or possible a job loss or demotion has cut our income. There are stories across North America of families combining households just to make in from one month to the next without becoming homeless. Even in this situation there are expenses. How will even the most desperate person find a new job without internet or phone service? It seems like a hopeless situation.

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Here are some shocking statistics from a recent article in the United States about how many young adults are still living at home during these tough times. The amazing point to notice is that these statistics are for young people with great degrees, yet they haven’t found that perfect job to even start them on their way to economic success.

“(This) trend is cyclical. Especially during tough economic times, adult children head for home. According to Monster's 2009 Annual Entry-Level Job Outlook, about 40 percent of 2008 grads still live with their parents. Moreover, 42 percent of the 2006 graduates surveyed said they're still living at home.2

The reasons are many, the first being economics. While the recession has touched Americans of all ages, it has been particularly hard on young adults. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in October 2009, 15.6% of 20-to-24-year-olds were unemployed vs. 8.7% for people over 25.” (reference in ‘resources’ section)

For so many of us it seems that we are stuck in dead end or slowly growing careers, seeming to run in place instead of making progress toward our dreams and goals. Ever heard of the rat race or running in a hamster wheel—going no where yet working, working, working endlessly? For those in desperate situations these options look like paradise—to just have a job is their dream. On top of that so many of us have huge debt burdens—school loans, medical debt or just credit cards that have gotten out of hand while our income has remained stagnant. Sometimes the idea of ‘just getting by’ sounds incredibly depressing. We don’t want to give up on our dreams yet our monthly expenses seem to drain our dollars faster than we can re-earn them!

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With all these headaches we still keep paying our bills…

What many of us have forgotten is that we, as consumers and customers, are the main player in the utility and service industry chain. We keep making these companies rich! They impose the prices they want and then keep increasing these prices while also increasing their profits. We feel like helpless victims yet we know better. We need these services…who can live without some sort of phone and technology these days…but we make the choice to pay the price anyway. To work we must have Internet access, yet the money we earn from working goes right down the drain as we pay for that same Internet access that helped us get a job in the first place. It is an endless cycle. Right?

The following pictures depicts where our hard earned money gets wiped down the drain:

Phone service, cell service, Internet service, TV service, Electricity to power it all…and there goes all our hard earned dollars. Even in a growing economy this is true. Today in our current world, the drain on our dwindling incomes is even greater!

Later, I will show you how this picture can be turned around so that dollars flow back to you from these often dollar-draining bills. First, let’s outline the situation we’re facing in the world today. These trends and business realities apply to all of us.

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Major Trends Today

Dr. Denis Waitly, who spent much of his thirty-year career studying champions in many fields such as Apollo Astronauts to Olympic athletes as well as Fortune 500 business owners all the way to small business owners, says that at any given time there are emerging trends in society that can drive the next product or services that will be successful.

Today the following major trends are clearly bringing together several factors in the arena of bills and our current economy. And yes. All of these apply to our daily lives!

1. Deregulation: Across the globe there has been a consistent trend of deregulation in the telecommunications and energy utilities. For many years it was common for only one or two companies to completely monopolize these industries. Without competition or broader access to innovation, certain companies controlled the public’s access to telephone or electric services, for example. ‘Ma Bell’ could set any price she felt like setting, taking as large of a profit margin as could be arranged without fear of competition or regulation. Beginning in the mid-60’s and continuing through the present day these monopolies have been broken up and broken down. Today there are unprecedented opportunities for innovators and creative entrepreneurs to enter these previously ‘locked out’ industries. The result has been lower costs to consumers and better products across the board. Competition has arisen to challenge the strangle hold those few major monopolies held. Not only has this challenged the prices and fee structures of these companies, deregulation has also created an atmosphere where individual & relationship marketing has become much more important. No longer are the ‘big three’ companies vying for their third of the market…now dozens of telecommunications, utility and energy companies are working to maintain customer loyalty in new and creative ways.

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The telecommunications market alone, comprising phone service, wireless phone/data service and even cable or satellite TV is, worldwide, a $1.75 trillion market. Wouldn’t you like to participate in enjoying some of this market’s profits instead of just paying into them?

2. Everything is Digital: Another tectonic shift in the communications systems market is the move from wired systems to digital systems. Instead of relying exclusively on the backbone of hardwired phone lines, today the reach and effectiveness of computer & telecommunications hardware has been expanded by wireless networks of all kinds. From cell phones to wireless internet connections and VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone calls or video calls the digitizing of our personal & business communications has further expanded the market. Not only has capacity for growth become nearly exponential –whatever Silicon Valley think up next they bring to market more quickly than every before—but the demand for reliable, frugal methods of digitally connecting increases just as quickly as the ‘new thing’ is invented. This isn’t just a personally live changing shift, but has effected businesses as a whole on a gigantic scale. For instance, the Eastman Kodak company will no longer manufacture cameras of any kind as a result of being unable to keep up in the new ‘digital age’. In fact, as a result of being a bit slow to adjust to the requirements of digital and wireless frameworks, they’ve actually filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in a last ditch effort to save their company from complete collapse. The flexibility and insight of small businesses and entrepreneurs allows us to take advantage of this obvious shift in global telecommunications focus from wired to digital in ways larger ‘set in their ways’ business has difficulty. Between the opening world of telecommunications via deregulation and the greater accessibility and profitability of wireless & VOIP technology, we’re in a unique position in history to benefit from these previously inaccessible markets.

3. An Empowered Consumer:

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More and more these days, we are purchasing goods and services based upon a direct relationship with the service provider. The middlemen- from wholesale to retailers- is quickly being bypassed. (Denis Waitly). No matter where you live on the globe, it’s become not only fashionable but essential to have a personal relationship with our service & product providers. We care about supporting our local businesses not only because we receive superior attention and customer service, but we also value supporting our local economy rather than some global monolithic brand. Personal research and recommendation carries much more weight than a marketing campaign that criss-crosses the continent. Even the smallest businesses recognize that word-of-mouth and personal recommendations drive the best new business. A referral from a friend is trust much more than a random ad in a newspaper or on a billboard. This encompasses Internet and online shopping as well. Instead of going from store to store in the mall, many shoppers prefer the online research method. Even the biggest companies have recognized this trend. Instead of investing their time, money and energy in middlemen or broad marketing techniques they’ve moved the bulk of their investment directly to customer relationships. From engaging marketing, social media interactions and special incentives, today every telecommunications and service company is dedicated to retaining loyal customers.

4. Networking:

Networking used to refer to business get-togethers or a rolodex of contacts. These days traditional networking is becoming thought of as ‘old school’ and modern networking is taking place globally via the Internet. Social networking is quckly taking the place of broad advertising campaigns. Big business has seen greater Return on Investment (or ROI) for their efforts on Twitter or Facebook, and most recently Pinterest, than for any other major advertising medium. Not only do they appreciate the ROI on each dollar invested but they’ve come to appreciate the opportunity to connect with their customers much more directly.

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Stories of companies increasing their customer loyalty and satisfaction by increasing their presence on line are frequent. From a happier customer who gets a quick answer to a Tweet to the loyal client who adjust their cell service online, the days of a big and bulky company whose out-of-touch with their client base is becoming a thing of the past. Recently Facebook creators & engineers along with some big names in customer relations (Macy’s and American Express, for example) were discussing about the switch from big, impersonal branding to personal ‘story telling marketing’ using social networking. Over and over again these executives expressed how powerful a friend’s or family members recommendations are in the social world of Facebook. When someone we know shares their story of interacting, even with a company as ‘huge’ as these, we all pay close attention.

As a direct result of the social world of online business there are new opportunities opening for the enterprising individual. Instead of riding the waves from one bill to the next, there is a new doorway opening to benefit from these trends. By partnering with this big businesses who desire to create a more personal relationship with their customers, we can also share in the revenue generated by ‘big business’.

In a recent exploration of this topic by the popular marketing/research website Machable they stated the following statistics regarding the effectiveness of online network marketing. (

Across the board, 83% of companies interviewed stated that Facebook interactions are VERY important to their business. In addition the costs to these companies person-to-person social media marketing via recommendations, shares, tweets etc. are 62% less than with any other type of marketing. The ‘new marketing’ businesses value most is interactive, ‘initiated by personal and authentic connections’ instead of random TV or magazine ads, for example. In contrast, 44% of direct mailings aren’t opened and young people don’t stay on websites with intrusive ads. The new age of interactive marketing means that these formerly monolithic, top-down companies need you!

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5. Ongoing Recession:

The following chart by ( is called the scariest job chart ever. But don’t panic yet! This is actually good news for out-of-the-box thinkers like us!

The red line is the current recession and shows the growth or lack thereof, of jobs

throughout the months of various recessions over the years. As you can easily see,

during the majority of recessions in our nations history, we’ve bounced back rather

quickly (look for the sharp V-shapes). However, in our current recession we are

mimicking the very slow job regrowth of more recent recessions (such as in 1990 or


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6. Price Increases:

We’ve all heard the repeated news stories on increasing energy prices across the globe. Last year in Canada the CBC published a story called ‘Electric Shocker: Power prices set to rise sharply’ which detailed a study that declared that the average cost for electricity per kilowatt-hour across Canada will rise by more than 50% by the year 2020! Already prices have increased dramatically since 2003 but Tom Adams, an energy analyst, stated that this is barely the beginning of this long term trend in energy cost increases. We don’t have to look far to discover these trends already happening. In a recent article in where the details of Canada’s Consumer Price index were discussed, the following statistics were highlighted: the over all cost of energy in Canada increased by 7.2% in the 12 months leading up to February of this year (2012). And just in the month of February energy costs jumped an incredible 6.5%. The highest cost increases were in electricity and gas. In an article released March 22, 2012 in The Globe and Mail it stated that the energy prices in Alberta doubled over this past winter. Yes. Doubled. This is just a rough outline but we’ve all seen this personally when our monthly bills seem to go up and up no matter where we are in the world. As global population increases we collectively need more energy. There seems to be no good answers.

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Today’s Modern Gold Rush

What would you say if I told you that we are all sitting on a hidden modern gold rush…hidden right in plain sight in our monthly bills? Sure, we agree it’s a continuous headache to pay for services we need each month, over and over again. What if this is the same place we can look to for an income increase?

What if, instead of only paying into these service companies revenues we could partner with these brand name service providers to offer better service to their customers and then share in the enormous revenues brought in by these energy & telecommunications industries?

It’s easy to see the price increases and how the fees we’re charged go up and up year after year. But have we thought of sharing in the profits these companies bring in…not only outpacing our expenses but also building wealth faster than in any other opportunity available today?

In Household Gold, Dr. Steve Price points to the average consumers understanding of Equity. We all recognize that there is equity in property right? The difference between the worth of the property and the amount still owed on a property is the equity—or very literally equity is the dollar amount of value the property currently holds.

Have you considered that each utility bill or service payment has a similar value? Take the cost to the company to provide this service, add on the overhead each company provides to manage the service or utility and then on top of this is a profit margin or equity. Have you considered the possibility of sharing in the profit margins these companies generate? This would be profit-equity! You could own equity in each service or utility payment you send to the company and a share in the equity-payments of other customers.

Not only does this model incorporate value & revenue sharing in a huge industry but it also allows for the power of leveraging. No longer are you limited to your own schedule and energy. By combining your effort with the connections of like-minded business builders across the globe your entrepreneurial efforts are multiplied many times over! Not only will you be receiving a profit share of these services, but a share of the revenues your customers and fellow-online-store-owners bring in. Talk about the ‘power of leveraging’!

This sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

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But what do all these trends mean to you?

Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world, says this; “energy deregulation will be the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.”

What does he mean in plain language?

Today there is a very unique opportunity for us consumers to save money and earn money by educating others about their true options for capitalizing on these changing trends. This is a direct result of deregulation of these formerly monolithic companies combined with the technological boom and digitalization of the communications. The communications and utilities world has dramatically shifted to become consumer-centric instead of monolithically unresponsive.

This ‘transfer of wealth’ he’s talking about is the literal transfer of wealth from the biggest companies, where just a few have access to 99% of the wealth in the world, to personal wealth…where true wealth is available to many more of us. This is, of course, IF we take advantage of the opportunities available to us in these markets today.

Wealth moves from Big Industry to Technology, now to personal Knowledge

Starting back in the Industrial Revolution the only way to produce wealth was to produce more physical products. Manufacturing was the primary developer of wealth for the owners & creators of unique and better products. The only way to increase an individual’s wealth was to start with money to invest in even bigger manufacturing & sales.

This pattern continued into the period of technological growth just prior to our time. The hardware and systems required to produce computers or other technological hardware

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still required hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars of investment. Wealth was locked into the hands of those who had the money to invest, to build infrastructure and bigger businesses.

Today, however, the secret to wealth is limited only to those with the knowledge of how to best leverage their own efforts in the new personal-relationship marketing world we’re living in today. Instead of top-down, monolithically controlled business the business of creating wealth has miniaturized and localized. The greatest power is in the hands of those who recognize the opportunity to increase their influence one relationship at a time.

Today the same tools and strategies used by Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are available to you and me. In fact, some would say, we have greater potential for wealth building than these giants of technology and investment as a result of the changing climate we’re living in today!

(See Eric Worre founder of

Finally the playing field has been levelled. With social and personal networking invaluable to even the largest service providers & brands out there today the formerly exclusive arenas of telecommunications, utility services and other monthly must-have services are now open for us all! No longer must we only pay in to these never-ending services, we can also earn income while we educate others on how they too can save and earn while they spend!

Today there is a proven method available to you to turn the table around on your monthly expenses, to share some of the profits the biggest home service companies are pulling in day after day and month after month. Not only will you start paying yourself and your family by partnering with these companies, you can share ‘Today’s Hidden Gold Rush’ with others—increasing the blessing and wealth for others nearly instantly

Now the gold is on YOUR table!

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How does this really WORK?

You have the right to market utility, telecommunications, data and other telecommunications & energy services worldwide.

“How is this possible?!” you ask?

Imagine that you own an online store Like This Online Store where you have access to best deals on all the telecommunications and home services you use every day. Would you personally use this resource? The chance to customize your services and relate to someone you know and trust would be incredibly attractive, right?

Now, imagine with me for a moment that you partner with brand name companies in North America, Europe, Australia and even Asia to share this opportunity with others, so they can open their own online telecommunications/energy store. Simply put, you are now in business for yourself. Becoming the personal referrer of these great deals you are getting puts you in-line to share the revenues these big companies are receiving.

Now every time someone signs up for a service through your partnership with brand name companies, you are paid a share of their monthly bills. Not only will you share in the revenue generated by your friends, family and other contacts but imagine that you are now ‘franchising’ this online store to others as well. Not only are you now creating wealth with your monthly bills, you are also helping others on all four continents open stores like yours so they can earn money and build wealth as well.

Today you have the opportunity to provide the ‘oxygen’ services –the services everyone is already paying month after month and year after year-- to folks who are already paying for these services. No added expense or stress—in fact, purchasing all their services from you and getting the best deals eases their stress!

These ‘oxygen’ services are the same telecommunications & utility services no one can live without! These expenses are already in the monthly budget of every household. As we said above—we all pay these bills every month, every year, decade after decade. This

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small business model simply takes advantage of all the trends we’ve been talking about—deregulation, digitalization and globalization of social & personal networking—bringing these innovations to a personal store front you run yourself online. Your online store will look like this hyperlink .

This dream of putting you right in the center of this $2.75 Trillion PLUS market place is LIVE and rolling right now. This is no dream! There are professionals, homemakers, entrepreneurs and celebrities joining this marketplace one by one, sharing this opportunity to jump into a world that was once only open to monopolies.

Who wouldn’t want to earn money from their own monthly bills? And wouldn’t you rather support the wealth of your friends than some big, faceless enterprise?

What are these services specifically?

Let’s get very specific. What types of services are we really talking about here? I can guarantee that you’ll be surprised by this list. Yes, the biggest and best global providers of the following services are ready to partner with you!

Local and long distance telephone service

High speed Internet

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Wireless & cell service

Satellite TV

Digital phone service

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Home Security

And Energy services including



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All of these service providers (yes, the big brand name service providers—we aren’t allowed to use their logos at this introductory stage) are excited to share with you the revenue you bring to their companies. They are acknowledging their limitations…they can’t personally email your friends or check in with your family members to see how their service is going. What they can’t do, you do every day—recommend your favourite services to those you know and those you meet. They’ll share with you the revenue you bring in—both by purchasing services yourself and the services those you refer purchase through your online store—as the biggest THANK YOU you’ve ever gotten from a service company.

Global Reach

The global reach of this model and the possibilities of the Internet age make this opportunity even more dynamic today. Think of an online store for all these monthly bills that is open in all the following countries…

North America: US-Canada Europe: Austria- Belgium -Czech Republic - Denmark- Finland- France-Hungary- Germany- Ireland- Italy- Netherlands- Norway- Poland- Portugal- Spain- Sweden- Switzerland- UK Asia And Pacific: Australia- New Zealand- S. Korea

Can you see the global power of this concept now?

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Remember the earlier picture showing the drain of all these services—literally washing away our dollars month after month? With this powerful method these drains instead become sources of income for us, month after month, year after year. In fact, this is such a powerful concept that what was once a drain now becomes a constant source of income, raining down the dollars that once were draining away from us.

With this model, people from all backgrounds and professions are turning their monthly expenses into real and powerful income.

The power of leveraged effort

Are you excited about the possibility of generating a powerful income from educating others about hanging on to a portion of the revenues our bills create for these companies? You may be wondering how you could possibly do this alone.

The astonishing truth that will boost your success is found in the principle of leveraged effort. The wealthiest in the world are not limited by the 24 hour day or even the number of contacts in their friends list. The power of leveraging our efforts expands what might be limited or insignificant to truly an infinite potential.

A powerful story related to this principle is shared in the book The Millionaire Fast Lane by MJ Demarco. Without boring you with a zillion details let me set the scene really quickly for you.

This truly story is about two young men named Ajur and Chuma, nephews of a great Egyptian Pharaoh. Their Egyptian King uncle challenges them to build Egypt two memorial Pyramids fit for royalty. Once their mission is complete they’ll be honoured with instant kingship, riches, glory…in short they will have earned their way into history.

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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri


These young boys are determined to succeed at any cost even in the face of such an enormous task. They leave their uncle’s presence with equal determination and vigor.

Ajur’s project location soon shows signs of activity. Within mere months stones marking the base of his Pyramid have been laid out and he is hard at work building his strength to raise the second level. All his time is spent on growing his strength to be ready to raise the huge stones to create the next level.

Chuma however is nowhere to be seen. His designated section of the desert is still a barren wasteland. Months and months go by and it appears that Chuma has disappeared.

One day Ajur stops by Chuma’s dwelling to find him fiddling with a contraption. ‘What are you doing?’ Ajur asks Chuma. After grunting something under his breath Chuma just keeps fiddling away with the pulleys and wires of his contraption. Ajur tries to give Chuma some advice. ‘Look Chuma, you need to get out there and start building. I’d love to beat you at our little competition but you’ve got to give me something to compete with. This hiding away is just plain embarrassing.’

Ajur has no choice but to go back to his building site. Soon onlookers can see him straining to drag each stone up to the second level in excruciating slow progress.

Months and months and more months go by. Ajur is hard at work on his third level and finding the going very, very slow. Dragging each stone up by hand is incredibly difficult.

Finally Ajur must take a break one day. Glancing toward his brother’s building area he is astonished to notice that the first layer and half the second layer have already been set up. As he watches another stone seems to magically float into place on Chuma’s second level…in amazing quickness.

About this same time Ajur also notices the crowds of people crowding around a strange contraption of levers and pulleys seemingly effortlessly raising Chuma’s stones in rapid succession.

As the following days go by it’s clear that Chuma is accomplishing in mere moments, relatively speaking, what Ajur won’t be able to finish in a dozen or 2 dozen years or more in his own strength—no matter how super-humanly strong he becomes.

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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri


This same power of leveraging is available to you! As you open your own online store, showing others a pathway to their own earning potential you are exponentially building your own network of leveraged power. Built in to this opportunity are methods of leveraging your time and energy to exponentially build your success.

Do you know two people who could benefit from the best deals on their monthly bills? Can you imagine that these two people will also know two more people for whom this opportunity is also ‘Today’s Hidden Gold’? Well, now. You are already off and running using Chuma’s leveraging power.

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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri


What is your dream?

The more powerful and clear our dream the more powerfully we can direct this principle of leveraged strength. Even a million dollars won’t have much effect if we don’t have a clear purpose for the wealth we build! Without an aim and a goal our efforts will likely loose steam and purpose.

When you sign up for your own services at the best rates and direct family, friends, neighbours, coworkers, acquaintances in your online store your enthusiasm and clarity of your dream will cause you to be consistent and focused. Then as you lead others to create their own online stores or sign up to become your customers your grasp of your own gold mine will be clear, direct and attractive to those you meet. Not only will your vision be clear, but your motivation to achieve in 3-5 years what you cannot achieve using traditional career paths in 40 years, will remain strong!

So as a wrap up exercise I invite you to dream with me for just awhile. I’ve heard from successful business owners, professional athletes and even stay at home moms who’ve run with this concept to greater heights than they could have ever imagined simply because their dream as real and tangible to them. They could see and taste exactly where they wanted to run to, the goal posts were unmistakable.

What are you biggest, clearest dreams today??

A desire to live a debt-free lifestyle

Buying your dream home with cash

A mission or cause that is deeply important to you

The car you’d love to drive, or buy for your kids

Would you like to finance your children’s education out of pocket?

Is your dream to travel, go on adventures or fund missions?

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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri


Would you love to provide for your kids, parents or other loved ones so well that no

one would need to worry about food or shelter again?

Maybe you dream of taking your kids on the road or heading out on a yacht one day?

Is QUANTITY time, not just quality time, with your children important to you?

Do you dream of staying home with your kids or making enough so your wife won’t have to work?

Are you tired of ‘just’ being another employee?

Are you ready to make your mark in the world…to finally change things for the better?

Would you love to fund art projects or other philanthropic endeavors in your local community?

Is there a burning in your soul to change things?

What would another $500 or $1000 or $1500 or more each month in your pocket do to your lifestyle?

Instead of accepting the current status quo we hear about on the TV or radio news every day…the unemployment or underemployment numbers just seem to swim around from awful to a bit better and back to awful again…what if we grasped for the BIG dream and truly went for it? How different would your life be in 5 or 6 months of leveraged effort in such a dynamic, revenue rich industry? If you could accomplish in 2 or 4 years of concentrated effort what a lifetime in a corporate career might accomplish for you, would you reach for the opportunity?

There are so many of us who’ve found ourselves disappointed and stuck in today’s economy. We’ve followed the conventional wisdom—got the degree, paid on our endless student loans, got the 2.5 credit cards per person and stuck with the jobs, stayed true to our families only to find ourselves in the same place (or worse) than when we began this whole pursuit of a better life.

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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri


Instead of moving forward in life it seems that we’re just spinning our wheels. Or maybe you’re one of the many who’ve lost nearly everything. A career that died out on you. Or even homes, cars and businesses that disappeared in these tough times.

You owe it to your future, your BIG dreams and those of the family you love put your best efforts in a place where leveraging power is maximized. It is impossible to boost ourselves from one economic standing to another without a better method that ‘just’ our best hour-after-hour grunt-work effort. Why not put ourselves in the best position to move forward faster than we ever could the ‘old-fashioned’ way?

This is not a ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme. This is not about NOT working. Or some pie-in-the-sky make money without doing anything idea. This is a method of putting your efforts to their maximized use…for the greatest leveraged returns instead of the limited progress you can make on your own. What do you have to lose? You might lose some depression and aimless worry maybe. What you have to gain is true momentum; a wealth building business you’ll own and expand with the support of an industry build on the ‘oxygen services’ we all must use day after day. This is true untapped potential wealth waiting for you to grab a hold of it and make the most of it right in your own corner of the globe.

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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri



All right, let’s bring this all home. What have we gone over in this Pay Bills while you GROW Rich book??

The trends emerging today in technology and deregulation open up a powerfully unique position for everyone from the solo-preneur to the stay at home mom to the professional to personally enter this multi-trillion dollar industry

There is a better way to not only cover our monthly expenses but to share in the profits these bills generate for the biggest utility, phone and energy companies.

The truth is that we are ALL paying for these services already—this is not an industry where we must ‘create a need’ or convince someone to purchase a product. These are monthly expenses we are already purchasing!

This is a truly global company offering partnerships across the globe. The two people you know could be in Asia and Canada and they could bring in two folks from America…the combinations are truly limitless.

Through the power of leveraging our network of personal contacts we can accomplish in just a few years what would take the traditional career decades to accomplish!

Your next step

So now what? You’re intrigued and ready to know more. And I’m ready to share the next step with you. Please get in touch with me by filling out the form by clicking Contact Me and Email Me on my website so that I can share with you the next step to get you off and

running on your super-powerful success story!


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Copyright ©2012 by Author Abdul M. Hariri



- New York Times Student Loan article --

- Credit Card & Consumer Debt Statistics --

- ATM Machine Photo --

- Paying Bills photo -- - Dr. Denis Waitly: The Biggest Business Trend in Business History. An Article in: It is Time for

Netrwork Marketing: The most remarkable form of free enterprise ever created. Edited by: John Milton Fogg. Published by: Leonard Clements, MarketWave, Inc. and Monique Gallagher, Highest Potential.

- Energy article reference --

- Alberta Energy article --

- Warren Buffet photo --

- Introduction pic --

- Boomerang Kids article/statistics

- Phone Service photo --

- High Speed photo --

- Satellite TV photo --

- Electricty photo --

- Gas photo -- - Bill paying photo -- - Cover Photo --

