pauwwow fall09 issue iii

SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 V OL. LXXXII, NO. 3 THE PAUW WOW SAINT PETERS COLLEGE STUDENT NEWSPAPER SINCE 1933 INSIDE THIS ISSUE OPINION PAGE 4 NEWS PAGE 6 VARIETY PAGE 11 SPORTS PAGE 15 : ARTS PAGE 13 By Justin RoBeRts News Editor ’10 Michaelmas guest speaker Judith Valente, class of 1976, stood up before the students and faculty seated in the Yanitelli Recreational Life Center and asked the question on every student’s mind: Will this degree get me a job that pays? She told the students that she had few answers and that all she could offer was, “the poverty of my own struggle in pursuit of a meaningful life.” Before a room of rapt honor students, she described her time working for two of the nation’s largest papers, of the awards she received in her time as a daily print journalist, and of the savage dismay that even the most illustrious positions can cause. The gracious Valente, who peppered her speech with comments about how thrilled she was to be back at Saint Peter’s, spent little time talking about her award winning journalism. Working at a paper like the Washington Post right after graduation is every aspiring writer’s dream, but it left Valente feeling unfulfilled. Valente herself did not understand the source of her malaise. Thinking like any decent careerist intellectual, she chocked her restless melancholy up unrealized ambition. She moved to the Wall Street Journal in search of a fix. Writing for WSJ earned her more awards, recognition and probably a higher credit rating. Valente began to realize, though, that each promotion only made her life harder. “I would win awards for my writing and be happy. The happiness would last for a few days, a week, but See MichaelMas on Page 6 Michaelmas Speaker Urges Students to "Nourish Your Souls" By Justin RoBeRts News Editor ’10 Saturday, September 26 3:00 pm Friday night’s student senate meeting was a sordid affair, a screaming collision of disinterested parties cushioned by the plurality of patient boredom. The senators stumbled on procedural blunders, failures of planning and good intentions ran amok. Truly, a weird night. Friday, September 25 7:06 pm “Once More into the Breach, Dear Friends.” The Senators sit in the Social Justice House awaiting an informal meeting. No one knows what to expect. In walks the President, apologizing for not having a real retreat, with instructions to bond and eat up. The meeting See senate on Page 10 Madness in the Halls of Power PHOTO COURTESY OF BINOD ARYAL Winners of the Most Noble Award Of the Peacock with guest speaker Judith Valente and President Eugene J. Cornacchia. PHOTO BY MARTIN SIRAKOV Michaelmas Speaker, Judith Valente. Peter’s Saint College

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Saint Peter's College Student Newspaper


Page 1: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

September 30, 2009Vol. lXXXII, No. 3

THE PAUW WOWSaINt peter’S College StudeNt NewSpaper SINCe 1933







By Justin RoBeRtsNews Editor ’10

Michaelmas guest speaker Judith Valente, class of 1976, stood up before the students and faculty seated in the Yanitelli Recreational Life Center and asked the question on every student’s mind: Will this degree get me a job that pays?

She told the students that she had few answers and that all she could offer was, “the poverty of my own struggle in pursuit of a meaningful life.” Before a room of rapt honor students, she described her time working for two of the nation’s largest papers, of the awards she received in her time as a daily print journalist, and of the savage dismay that even the most illustrious positions can cause.

The gracious Valente, who peppered her

speech with comments about how thrilled she was to be back at Saint Peter’s, spent little time talking about her award winning journalism. Working at a paper like the Washington Post right after graduation is every aspiring writer’s dream, but it left Valente feeling unfulfilled.

Valente herself did not understand the source of her malaise. Thinking like any decent careerist intellectual, she chocked her restless melancholy

up unrealized ambition. She moved to the Wall Street Journal in search of a fix.

Writing for WSJ earned her more awards, recognition and probably a higher credit rating. Valente began to realize, though, that each promotion only made her life harder. “I would win awards for my writing and be happy. The happiness would last for a few days, a week, but

See MichaelMas on Page 6

Michaelmas Speaker Urges Students to "Nourish Your Souls"

By Justin RoBeRtsNews Editor ’10

Saturday, September 263:00 pm

Friday night’s student senate meeting was a sordid affair, a screaming collision of disinterested parties cushioned by the plurality of patient boredom. The senators stumbled on procedural blunders, failures of planning and good intentions ran amok. Truly, a weird night.

Friday, September 257:06 pm “Once More into the Breach, Dear

Friends.”The Senators sit in the Social Justice

House awaiting an informal meeting. No one knows what to expect. In walks the President, apologizing for not having a real retreat, with instructions to bond and eat up. The meeting

See senate on Page 10

Madness in the Halls of


Photo courtesy of Binod AryAlWinners of the Most Noble Award Of the Peacock with guest speaker Judith Valente and President Eugene J. Cornacchia.

Photo By MArtin sirAkovMichaelmas Speaker, Judith Valente.

Peter’sSaint College

Page 2: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

2September 30, 2009edItorIaledItorIal board

Frank DeMicheleedItor - IN - ChIef

Rozen PradhanmaNagINg edItor

Justin RobertsNewS edItor

Paul LazaroopINIoNS edItor

Tom ClearyVarIety edItor

Stephanie DanisartS edItor

bIll pettIgrewSportS edItor

Shishir Khadkalayout edItor

Martin SirakovedItor at large

photography edItor

Maria MarinovaKapil Bastola

Ritam NeupaneCopy edItor

Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. adVISor

the pauw wowSINCe 1933

2641 Kennedy Blvd.231 Dinneen Hall

Jersey City, NJ 07306(201) 761 - 7378

The Pauw Wow is published twice every month except during the winter and summer breaks

by students of St. Peter’s College. Letters and submissions can be

emailed or dropped off at the Pauw Wow office.

Some information has been provided by the Office of Public

Affairs on 51 Glenwood Ave. Letters to the Editor must have the author’s name and e-mail to

be considered for publication. All submissions become property of the Pauw Wow and will not be

returned. The Pauw Wow reserves the right to make changes to any

article.Opinions expressed in writers’

columns, letters to the Editor and advertisements are not necessarily

the opinions of the Editorial Staff of the Pauw Wow.

The purpose of this letter is to address the claims made in the opinion piece “Pump up the SPC Pump House” by Raphael Zaki published in the September 16, 2009 edition of The Pauw Wow.

The article paints a skewered and exaggerated picture of the condition of the RLC weight room. Despite the fact that it was an opinion piece, the author should have done a more thorough job of investigating the issues he addressed before maligning this area of the RLC. The author wrote this article without interviewing any members of the RLC administrative staff. If he would have done so, we would have been able to shed light on all of the complaints he makes in his column.

To set the record straight, several of the problems mentioned in the article were caused by student vandalism and theft of weight room property. Over the past few years, several thousand dollars have been pumped into the weight room, but unfortunately most of this money was spent replacing dumbbells that had been stolen or upholstery that had been ripped because weight room users did not follow room regulations, thus leading to the damage. This

includes the theft of three framed Arnold Schwarzenegger posters!

The author laments that radio reception is poor in the weight room and students should be able to play their own music over the stereo via an Ipod dock. However, if I had been consulted, I would have been able to explain that one, because the weight room is in the RLC basement reception on certain stations is very poor and two, we had to remove the CD player that was there in the past because students often played music that featured inappropriate or offensive language. Some students even got into altercations over sharing the CD player so we ultimately removed it.

Finally, and most egregiously, the author made claims that the weight room is unsafe. The fact is we have not had a very serious injury in the weight room since the mid-1990s. Like any other athletic facility there have been some lesser injuries over the years, but these injuries were inherent to working out and not a result of a dangerous facility.

And with regards to the medical and scientific claims that the writer makes, they are simply not based in fact.

The RLC staff will certainly examine the weight room and see what we can do to make it the best possible facility for the students of SPC. My door is always open to all students that want to discuss any facet of campus recreation or the RLC with me.

Sincerely,Dave Bryngil ’91Director of Recreation and RLC

In response to the opinion article “Pump up the SPC Pump House” published on Sept 16, 2009.

This issue of the Pauw Wow inaugurates the new size and format of the newspaper. After reviewing a growing trend in student newspapers and print media in general, our staff chose to adopt the page size from which you are now reading. This was done mostly in an effort to make the paper easier to read, (it is also more cost effective per issue.)

This new Pauw Wow aims to delver the most relevant and important news to the community in the most efficient method. We want this to encourage more readership and active curiosity in the paper.

As opposed to the larger and sometimes difficult to fold paper, this size allows better organization of the articles and allows better flow of the sections.

The last issue of the paper raised some objections to articles by students and faculty who had differing opinions. Great! This editorial boards welcomes every letter and comment. The voices of the school deserve to be heard in their student

newspaper. The letters submitted after the last issue have been published because we believe that they do represent the opinion of at least some segment within the school’s population.

If your opinion differs from those in this paper, please send a letter to the editor with your opinion. If the community desires a better paper, they deserve it.

In addition to format changes, the frequency has also increased over past years. We have been an will continue to publish and issue every two weeks. Students chould expect the paper on a regular basis and look for it on a regular basis.

Content is also growing to include stories for all interests. We continue to expand our operations to best suit the interests of the school.

These changes in format, content and frequency all aim to create a better paper that becomes more interesting to more people. Keep reading the Pauw Wow; we have the news most relevant and important to the St. Peter’s College community.

Unfortunately most of this

money was spent replacing

dumbbells that had been

stolen or upholstery that had

been ripped because weight

room users did not follow

room regulations,

Page 3: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

September 30, 20093 letterS

You did yourself an incredible disservice last issue. You printed an article so offensively shortsighted, that at a safe and undisclosed location I lit a cigarette and then your paper and watched, ecstatic with nicotine and righteous dissent, as both smoked to ash. Mr. Lazaro’s assessment of the Student Activities budget crisis was humiliating to read. And make no mistakes, dear reader, it is a crisis. The problem, in a nutshell, is who gets the funding?

His “solution” was to offer each student a voucher for their share of the Student activities cost. The student would then be free to assign their one-hundred dollars to the club of their choosing. The question I immediately asked myself was, what happens then to the clubs whose participants belong to one or more other clubs? Mr. Lazaro’ answer, was that the students should pay from their own pocket into the clubs they wish to join. So, if we follow Paul, we, the students, will have gone from paying nothing for our clubs, to paying 100 dollars for all the clubs, to paying 100 dollars for each campus group we’d like to be involved with. I wonder what the students would think about that? Mr. Lazaro just doubled or tripled the cost of fun for us.

More atrocious than this excuse for a thought was how he responded to my next question. (one that he must have realized in his own mind would arise) What happens when a student does not join a club? It would seem that their mandatory 100 would be wasted, and the clubs would suffer. Mr. Lazaro’s response: “why is it any concern of yours if a students wants to squander what is theirs?” You must be joking! But it got better. His next line was

completely contradictory. “Furthermore, that unused money could be equally distributed among clubs or given to clubs who need start up money.” How? Is the school going to snatch it back from the students who don’t participate? In Paul’s gospel of idiocy, the clubs, who, under the current situation, must fight one another for funding, would become cut-throat competitors. All the funding they enjoyed before the Student Activities Bill, small as it may have been, would be a fortune compared to what would be brought in if anyone with power were drunk enough to enact Paul’s ideas. At least with the Bill, the clubs know that there is money for which they can beg.

Where is your conscious Mr. Lazaro? How could you suggest these things in a school-wide printed media? I challenge

you to respond to my letter, and I charge everyone who may read this to look into what is happening to our student organizations. Ignore allegiances you may have, trust no one. Demand the documents that outline this horrible plan. If we don’t know what is happening around us right now, if we let this go unchecked, IF YOU THINK CAMPUS LIFE IS BORING ALREADY, just wait and see what inaction will bring.

:Jackson Stokes ‘11

In response to the opinion article “How to best Allocate our Money”

published on Sept 16, 2009. I do not wish to appear caustic

to Justin Roberts. I simply wish to rebut certain material in the article published in the previous Pauw

Wow (September 16), as a fellow student.

If he truly wished to attempt to make a difference, which appears to be the root of his article, he should have used his privilege to speak during the Open Mic session. But what truly is the utmost priority for a journalist? To tell the story as merely a witness or to step in as the voice of reason? Especially a student journalist who holds authority as a representative of the college community? I cannot truly judge his actions having never written as a true journalist myself. Should a journalist make it his job to prevent discord or to present the cause and effect of it for an audience?

Hunter S. Thompson realized that no journalist could write in a completely objective manner unless he/she is a computer printing out facts. Justin, who admits to writing

this article in a form emulating Thompson, does his job of being orderly and determined in “Fear and Loathing in the Student Senate,” even if his article does read esoterically. However, he fails to fulfill the requirements of writing

in gonzo style, which according to the Oxford dictionary, is defined as an “exaggerated, subjective, and fictionalized style.”

He also writes “the relationship between a voter and his representatives can only ever stand on rocky ground.” We vote for representatives because we need mediators for the masses. They are elected because they are best “suitable for the position.” Our nation is populated to the point that every individual voting on every issue would take far too long. So we elect whom we elect. Obviously, mistakes are made. We hold elections in our college for the same reasons. Students voted for representatives of

their classes last semester. I am referencing his position regarding a state representative.

The truth of the matter is I love this school, maybe because it is the only college I have attended or maybe just because I simply enjoy the environment here. Our school is a collective group of students leading students, plain and simple. Justin goes on the

compare representative democracy of our school with that of the entire nation (i.e. “American children leave grammar school knowing that George Washington is the real God.”). I love this country and I know that George Washington is no god, but the voters are the ones with power. Our government is definitely far from perfect, but what perfect government is there? Our country was founded by hypocrites who desired to be unfettered, but kept slaves and excluded women. But we are a work in progress. How are we to build ourselves into a better nation if we do not speak up for ourselves before an inescapable decline? It is easier to avoid obstacles on the progression up a hill than to move them from the path of a tumbling, crashing boulder. I do not wish for the student body to be complaisant sheep but I disapprove of a cacophonous mob. We need to be both orderly and determined. As students of our college it is our obligation to be so. When a student takes interest in his/her school it becomes a better place because of that individual student. That student is willing to live up to the principles I have mentioned above. Justin Roberts lives up to the obligations by writing for the Pauw Wow, but I truly wish he had stood up during Open Mic and voiced his opinion.

I write this rebuttal to pose rhetorical questions as not just a senator, but as a loving student of this college. “If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.” – John Stuart Mill.

James Pilger '12 Senator

In response to the News article “Fear and Loathing in the student Senate” published on Sept 16, 2009.

Our school is a collective

group of students leading

students, plain and simple.

The question I immediately

asked myself was, what

happens then to the clubs whose

participants belong to one or

more other clubs?

But we are a work in progress.

How are we to build ourselves

into a better nation if we do not

speak up for ourselves before an

inescapable decline?

Page 4: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

4September 30, 2009opINIoN

By seMiRay KasooluContributing Writer ’13

While biologists lament the migration of rare butterflies to the north as a result of climate change, a new species emerges to soothe their whines – the social butterfly. The social butterflies are widely seen as they tweet, text, chirp, and flutter everywhere. They cringe at the thought of disconnection and solitude. They are the people who consider reading poetry alone to be a scourge. Fact is, no one wanders alone any more, and the bliss of solitude is lost to paranoid texting.

Where is our personal mystery, our charm of introspection? Are we indeed so scared to be alone? Sadly, yes. Throughout history, humankind’s greatest fears have been solitude and alienation. I look to history, when a search of shared loneliness didn’t instigate alienation; rather, it was a cure. Today, like then, we deal with socially difficult conditions. But rather than before when isolation provided an escape, we find solace in the form of Facebook status messages such as: “Going to sleep, please text me,” or “I

feel sad, you can text me.” On the surface, these messages seem harmless, when in reality they are a desperate cry for company.

We divulge too much, cautious of not leaving a secret thought in the depths of our souls. The technology intended to bring us together actually splitting us apart. The easy accessibility of people shatters the excitement of meeting first hand. It disperses the charm, and the aura of our first meetings. We no longer write upon our blank slates with our empirical experience, because cyberspace and our Facebook walls are our blank slates.

Most may view me as a technology resistant anti-social person. On the contrary, I love texting and Facebook. But I do cherish true smiles and meaningful conversations. As long as chatting and texting do not jeopardize our rationality, as long as they don’t bring trivial questions to the forefront of our priorities, I welcome them.

One thing I do know is that I will always be more happy to hear a knock on my door than a jarring pop-up chat sound. And I will surely refrain from posting on my Facebook wall with entries like, “I finished my article, text me.”

I Know Why the Social Butterfly Sings

By seMiRay KasooluContributing Writer ’13

When I first arrived on campus, it felt like a brand new beginning, a new culture, a new educational system, a new belief system.

Among all the diversity and tolerance on campus an unknown sense of national identity and pride gushed through my previously skeptical and nihilistic mind. I have never held a pronounced sense of patriotism, for my native Bulgaria. I had always focused on the negative sides of my homeland. Today, I appreciate more of what Bulgaria has given me. At SPC Everyone is so used to this melting pot that I no longer blush when I say that I’m a Bulgarian from Turkish ethnic background. It’s so beautiful to have a first-hand experience with representatives of various nationalities. More importantly, it’s beautiful to have the opportunity to contribute to this cultural mish-mash, without compromising your national identity. I feel liberated from all biases which have been lurking in the corners of my conscience. I want to question, to explore, to share… and not gain weight.

The openness of SPC community is so comfortable that there is a close relationship of cooperation and understanding between faculty and students. I was amazed that everyone has memorized my name so quickly. Wherever I go, I seem to meet someone ready to greet me with an exuberant “hello.” There is no wrong stance in class and discussions are always riveting. I find that my voice is never lost, but now a part of the whole viewpoint. Moreover, there is almost always something going on and this dynamic flow of things feels good.

Of course, the culture shock is not always so smoothly digested. It would be an egregious lie to say that I’m not enamored by the dress style black socks and slippers, nor do I show an affinity for loose pants. …

In short, my first impression is in its incipient stage of formation. However, these three weeks at SPC have helped me become more audacious, daring, and inquisitive. I believe that I am beginning a four-year long romance with Saint Peter’s College.

SPC from the Perspective of an International Freshman

Part 2 of 2

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Page 5: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

September 30, 20095 opINIoN

By Douglas DeMeoContributing Writer, SPC Faculty

Why stop the car on a seaside hillside overlook at dusk—to take in the glorious orange radiance safely? Why hold your tiny nephew or neighbor’s newborn girl and gape in amazement at her angelic calm? Why sing along to your favorite song on the radio? There’s an adjective we like to throw around that may be the most mysterious and yet overplayed word in the English language. For all that it is, let me offer what it is not: it ain’t piles of litter on streets, or vast amounts of recyclable materials carted off to landfills.

Yes, recycling saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and relieves incentives to further the existence of purely destructive extraction industries on the prowl in poor countries or poor regions of the United States, such as mining for gold, iron ore, or coal. But this is not the principle reason I choose to recycle. As often as I may like to echo a “fun fact” that recycling one aluminum pepsi can (as opposed to cans made through virgin processes) saves roughly the same amount of fossil energy as watching three hours of television, statistics are not all that.

Recycling is indeed beautiful. It is what nature

does. There is no “waste” in nature. Such is a human contrivance. Everything in “the wild” is cycled through in endless loops of energy. It is earth’s circular

food system of input-output-input.Recycling at first may seem a revolutionary

act, saying we are not creatures of immediate convenience—bucking the stance of “I’ll do what I want, when I want.” When recycling becomes “second nature,” however, we are learning that we belong to the earth, as much as the earth belongs to us. This takes time, to rid ourselves the yoke of a lifetime of “disposable” conditioning; but not only is it the more essentially human activity, it is an increasingly critical skill set for job preparedness. If we value work, we need to think in terms of circularity (i.e., input-output-input) in order to understand what is happening with steadily emerging job markets and language transition requirements across professions. This is just another way of saying everything is going green and that there is a vocabulary to it that has much to do with recycling.

These business trends are not merely fanciful fads (although in some cases they are), but there is something much more real and threatening afoot. With dramatically less space available for landfills (New Jersey garbage is now shipped to Virginia or West Virginia); with diminishing storage capacity in our atmosphere for pollutants (inducing harmful respiratory functioning for billions); with less

arable soil to feed the world, less water, and so on, humanity is currently being “forced” to understand its place. Nature does not follow our industrial mythology of linear economic growth. We change by becoming who we are. Or we go the way of the dinosaurs.

The ecological and economic collapses are closely related. We have not invested economic value to ecological-human value but rather to foolishly speculative “paper value.” In consequence living standards in terms of breathable air and drinkable water the world over have gotten horribly worse. There should be no surprise that violent inter tribal and inter-religious conflicts have proliferated across continents.

Truly, my generation and my parents’ generation need to get on our knees and beg forgiveness of our students’ generation for selling the deceit of linearity and techno-human dominance so brazenly.

The good news is this. Undercurrents of back-to earth loving are influencing every sector of society. Government and commerce and households are greening, here slowly, there more quickly, and this is lovely. Whether we recycle to enhance our bottom line— every free-of-charge scrap of paper, glass, plastic and metal that Saint Peter’s College recycles is money not spent on our trash hauling costs— or do it to awaken our essence as cyclical creatures, we are

sharing in the beautiful. Let’s hope our students’ children will thank all of us for helping turn it all around. One plastic bottle and aluminum can at a time.

Why Recycle?


Dear Mr. Stokes,I find your letter intriguing but also a little

misguided. And here’s why:First, you somehow hold the perception that

a student’s one voucher could only be redeemed for one club. Truth is that under my idea you could redeem your voucher for many clubs (so long as you don’t go over the $100 limit). For example, say a club prices its membership at $20 a semester. You could feasibly join five clubs priced at twenty dollars each and have used your $100 voucher. Making choices based on capital should not be foreign to students, because we do it every day when we go shopping, go to a movie, or eat out for dinner. Moreover, I have not as you stated, “Doubled or tripled the cost of fun,” I have

simply put value on clubs, so that those of us who have more fun than others, will not be doing so at the expense of others!

Next, I contended in my article that if students don’t redeem their voucher to join clubs, it’s not of any concern to anyone else. Your response was “Is the school going to snatch it back from students who don’t participate.” Well, you’re onto a good point here, Mr. Stokes. In my perfect world, people who don’t want to join a club would not have to pay an activities fee. But alas the activities fee has already been mandated, which means it is not possible for students to get their fee back in cash form. My alternative method may force students to join clubs, but it also allows them to individually decide which

club gets their money. Mr. Stokes, you stated, “In Paul’s gospel of idiocy, the clubs, who, under the current situation, must fight one another for funding, would become cut-throat competitors.” Most of this statement is surprisingly accurate to what I stipulated, because as you know my plan is all about competition. The overarching product of competition is that it forces people and businesses out of complacency and makes them put out a great product or face failure. Competition is the reason why open market countries are very rich (Hong Kong), and why closed market countries are very poor (North Korea). The same applies to competition on campus. Clubs will need to work harder for their members, or face limited budget options.

Mr. Stokes, you implied that under my system if clubs did not receive funding from members,

my plan would allow them to fail. It’s true, because if a club could not get funding, wouldn’t it mean that the club is not something students are interested in, and that the club should not exist in the first place? Isn’t the whole idea of the Student Activities fee is to give students the opportunity to explore areas of interest? Moreover, if students are really devoted to a club, shouldn’t they be willing to allocate more of their own money forward, rather than take money from someone else?

Overall, my idea gives individual students the option to dictate where their funding goes, not a small group of officials. I contend that individual students know how to use their money better than student senators, who hold the same human faculties we do.

By Paul Lazaro

On the Letter to The Editor

Page 6: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

6September 30, 2009NewS

By Justin RoBeRtsNews Editor ’10

Judith Valente graduated in 1976 from Saint Peter’s College in a politically heated environment where, like today, the job market was in shambles and people desired political change. She graduated from Saint Peter’s College with a major in English and a double minor in the Classics and Theology.

In 1975, Valente took over as the first woman editor of the Pauw Wow student newspaper. She says, “Don’t know if we got the paper out on time once. There was a lot of dedication from the staff though. All the students on the paper went on to good writing and communication jobs.” She also submitted writings for the Pavan literary magazine and as she says, “had a bit part in an Argus Eyes production once.”

While still a student at Saint Peter’s, Valente worked summers as an intern for the Jersey Journal. After graduating, despite the poor job market, Valente started working as an intern at

The Washington Post, the third largest news publication at that time. After two years of

interning, she was hired permanently as a writer for the Metro Section of the paper, where she covered local Washington DC news, courts, governmental stories, and human-interest stories. She worked at the Washington Post under Bob Woodward for seven and a half years. At the age of 29 Valente decided that she should work for a bigger newspaper. So, she got a job with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the number one paper at the time. “I thought the most important thing was to have the biggest job, biggest success I could in journalism,” she says.

In 1993, Valente was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in the feature-writing category for an article about a religious conservative businessman who was caring for his son dying of AIDS. The article appeared in the Wall Street Journal in March of 1992

under the title, “Love Story.” In 1994, while working as a foreign correspondent in London, Valente became one of the reporters who were laid off by the publication. Valente realized that nothing in life is certain and began thinking about what lasts in life.

Valente realized that, “The most important thing I needed to do was nourish my soul, become a person of compassion, and try to find my true self. That was the writing of poetry.” Poetry was Valente’s first love and after eight years at the WSJ she left daily newspaper journalism, and went to the School of Art Institute of Chicago to get her MFA in creative writing. Valente quoted American poet William Carlos Williams saying, “’I take my poems where I find them’ in the everydayness of life.”

Valente credits the Saint Peter’s story writing program for bringing in professional writers, editors, and correspondents to the classroom,

where students learned from actual journalists. That she says was a huge influence and benefit from Saint Peter’s. She says, “I was happy to be in a school that stressed that we’re a part of something larger than ourselves- that our lives are meant for service.” Valente stressed that it was not just the words, but the lives that the Jesuits themselves modeled that made such a big impact. Now, says Valente, “I see that in the lay faculty, they understand that it’s important to look for these values in life that last. Not a big pay check or fancy car, but how can we make the world better.” The school is also a great benefit in that it is “small enough to have personal relationships and really good mentoring relationships” with the faculty and staff at the college.

Valente further commented on Saint Peter’s, describing it as a vibrant school. She says, “in some ways it felt as if the school had lost its moorings in the mid-70’s, but somehow current administrators have been able to reclaim the greater Jesuit tradition of the school, stressing academic excellence.” The school works to educate the whole person; the Jesuits have always been about helping educate a well-rounded person. There is an emphasis on educating us to be good and compassionate human beings, and then the rest will follow”

Valente advises students to follow their passion in life and the job and the money will fall into place. She further says, “Look upon your life as a journey when sometimes there will be loss and disappointment and other times there will be joy and success and sometimes mystery, when won’t always know reasons for things. We have as poet Mary Oliver called it, ‘one wild and precious life,’ make the most of it.”

Ms. Valente has been a regular contributor to the national PBS-TV news program “Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly,” and she is a commentator for National Public Radio and Chicago Public Radio. Ms. Valente has recently released a full-length book of poems called “Discovering Moons.” She is currently writing a non-fiction book on contemporary monastic life and its applications for people in the work world, based on her experiences over a period of years with the Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery in Atchison KS, tentatively titled, “Atchison Blue.”

Interview with JudithValente Michaelmas Speaker

Urges Students to "Nourish Your

Souls"MichaelMas from Page 1then it would start to fade.” Slowly, Valente realized that she was not

“living a life that included a job. I had a job that included a life. In my pursuit of excellence, I neglected to nourish my soul.”

Valente then talked about a movie called Awakenings, in which a doctor discovers a drug that brings patients out of long term comas only to discover that the drug soon wears off, throwing the patients back into darkness. After observing how much joy and meaning the patients derived from each small moment of life, whether it was shaving, reading a newspaper or spending time with loved ones, the doctor realized that, in Valente’s words, “the human spirit is more powerful than any drug.”

Remembering her concept of happiness upon graduating, the Greek definition of “the use of talents in pursuit of excellence,” she concluded that her spirit was greater than any worldly ambition as well. She also recalled the words of Trappist monk Thomas Merton, “What a terrible thing to go through life not knowing who we are or what we should do.”

Valente left journalism to return to her first love, poetry, 10 years ago with no regrets. She urged students to follow their dreams, reassuring them that the material can be negotiated but one’s soul must never be compromised. She ended her speech with a sincere plea to all those assembled, that they should not fall blindly into the rhythm of modern life but take complete stock of the world and themselves and simply be the person that they are. Quoting poet Mary Olliver, Valente soulfully encouraged all of us to be, “a bride married to astonishment and a bridegroom married to life.”

Photo By MArtin sirAkovJudith Valente’76, Michaelmas 2009 guest speaker.

Page 7: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

September 30, 20097 NewS

By saMana BhattaStaff writer ‘12

Glenwood resident Maurice Alvarado has an alarming hobby. The 19 year old has harassed female students on and near campus multiple times, earning him a place on the college’s restricted list. The administration has issued three email notifications about him this semester and Director Art Youmans has assured the SPC community that, “Campus safety works diligently to monitor his every action.”

Alvarado has been taken into Police custody on the basis of student reports several times, but has never been arrested. In the words of Mr. Youmans, “this man hasn’t really done something that is severely illegal. He has never been violent. And, at times, students do not even bother to report.”

Saint Peter’s sophomore Aviana Mahabir was one of the women who went to Campus Safety about Alvarado. While walking back to Whelan Hall last year, she felt like someone was following her. Then she noticed Alvardo behind her. Feeling exposed, she continued inside before anything else happened. Mahabir said that it was during the day and therefore not too terrifying, “But, it was definitely not a good feeling.”

Aviana was one of the few women who followed Campus Safety’s advice and filed a complaint. Many girls did not want to get involved and, according the Campus Safety, many of their families put pressure on them to stay silent. According to Aviana, filing the report caused some tension in her family as well, but she

decided at the time and still believes that it was the right thing to do.

Alvarado’s residency at 110 Glenwood also complicates matters. Each incident has been a case of his word against a student’s with no physical evidence to corroborate either’s story. Alvarado cannot be barred from Glenwood on the strength of allegation alone and can answer each allegation by saying he was just walking on his home street.

“Our Campus is an open campus,” said Mr. Youmans. “It is not easy to apprehend Mr. Alvarado because, technically, he has all rights to walk around Glenwood Avenue.”

Alvardo’s motive for accosting female students remains unknown. Mr. Youmans suggested that “he might be going through some problem himself. He does not work and is constantly in the street.”

While Mr. Youmans urges caution to all Saint Peter’s students, he does not consider Alvarado to be a serious threat.

“Maurice Alvarado is more of an

annoyance than a criminal. He has never tried to physically abuse anybody and is never violent, except for one time when he is reported to have grabbed a student’s arm,” he said. Youmans also remarked that Campus has been receiving fewer reports about Mr. Alvarado, leading him to hope that the situation is dying down.

Ms. Jamie Bredehoft, Public Relations Officer, fully supports Mr. Youmans and Campus Safety. “We work with Campus Safety closely and they are always very great.” She added that, to her knowledge, few students had expressed concern about Alvarado.

Ms. Bredehoft also mentioned that the Public Relations Office is working with Campus Safety and the Information Technology Department to create a separate Campus Safety e-mail address. “It is to send out important information.

‘Campus Safety’ will pop up in the subject of these e-mails and it will be designed so that students understand that it is something important.”

Both Mr. Youmans and Ms Bredehoft expressed concern that their emails will be misunderstood. “This is to inform the students and staff, so that they become more aware about what is going on around them. It is not meant to alert them in anyway.”

Mr. Youmans also requested that anyone who encounters Alvarado should report it to Campus Safety at once. “People must understand that if anybody is within a distance of the length of your arm without your permission, he or she is in your space”

“We don’t have the advantage like most other colleges,” said Youmans. “We live within the community, and it is hard to point somebody as a trespasser. It also makes the job of security twice as hard.”

For the moment, the specter of Alvarado will serve as a reminder that life in Jersey City requires vigilance and street smarts.

Campus Safety Keeps Close Watch on "Campus Stalker"


The Most Noble Order of the Peacock, establised in 1930, is the oldest scholarship society at Saint Peter’s College. Membership is limited to ten senior students who have attained the highest scholastic average in all courses for their first three years.

This year’s members are:

Michael MasseyRezma Shrestha

Anelia StanimirovaBinod Aryal

Mariya MarinovaVeronica Graveline

Kiril LazarovJustin Roberts

Jackie Denise GarciaAashish Shrestha

Photo courtesy of Binod AryAlSenior Veronica Graveline accepts her award.

Maurice Alvarado

Page 8: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

8September 30, 2009NewS

By Justin RoBeRtsNews Editor ’10

Sunday, September 20

Man with History of Mental

Problems Carries "Bomb" into

Jersey City Medical Center

Bradford Phieffer, 29, from Fort Lee carried a homemade "bomb" into the Jersey City Medical Center on 21 September. Pheiffer, who has a history of mental illness, was subdued by hospital security guards in the lobby after he began talking about a bomb. He later told police that while working for the CIA, he had found and defused the bomb. He explained that he was looking for

a place to dispose it in the hospital. Jersey City Police destroyed the device Phieffer

had in his bookbag with a water cannon. They discovered that it consisted of two car speakers, a plastic bottle cap and a plastic bag.

A police report said, "It appeared the actor had tried to make an incendiary device, however, the (technician) could not determine the method that would be used to detonate the device."

After subduing him, officers also found a substance that they believe to be

methamphetamine. Phieffer has been charged with making terroristic threats, possession of a destructive device and possession of drug.

Mr. Phieffer began making a scene at the hospital at approximately 3:45 pm, at which time many patients were moved and turned away. By 6:30 that evening, the hospital resumed normal operations.

Photo courtesy of Jersey JournAlJersey City Medical Center Bomb Threat.

Photo courtesy of Jclist.coMFormer Jersey City council candidate James “Jimmy” King pleaded guilty to corruption charges in federal court in Newark.

Jersey City News BriefsMonday, September 21

3 Shot in Pershing Field3 men were shot in Pershing Field, a local park

in the Heights section of Jersey City, on Monday. At 11:45 pm, a 26 year old man walked into the North Precinct Police Station, his right pants leg soaked with blood. He claimed that while smoking a cigarette, a stranger pulled out a silver six shooter and opened fire, hitting him in the buttock.

While the victim was treated at Jersey City Medical Center, police received calls claiming that two other victims were shot in the park. Officers visited the homes of two people who had been treated for gunshot wounds at and released from the Medical Center. One said he was shot in his calf; the other is still unaccounted for. There are currently no suspects.

Thursday, September 24

Jersey City Man

Indicted in Summer FBI

Sting Pleads Guilty

Failed Jersey City Council candidate James King confessed to taking $5,000 to $10,000 in bribes before U.S. District Judge Jose Linares in Newark on Thursday. He received the bribes for a promise of future assistance for development projects proposed by a federal informant. He is charged with extortion under color of official right.

King’s guilty plea commuted his sentence from the 20 year maximum to 10 to 16 months of prison time. The 67 year old is now a felon and no longer eligible to vote, hold office, sit on a jury or own a firearm.

His attorney, Arthur Abrams, said that, “He is very sorry for what occurred.” King was arrested by the FBI in connection with their July

23rd Sting. He formerly served as a Hudson County undersheriff, head of the Jersey City Parking Authority and chairmen of the Jersey City Incinerator Authority. He is the fifth person indicted on September 23rd to confess his guilt.

Edward Cheatham, the former Commissioner of Jersey City’s Housing Authority employees Maher Khalil and Guy Catrillo and former Hudson County Board of Elections investigator Denis Jaslow have previously confessed in court.

Page 9: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

September 30, 20099 NewS

Final date to apply for December Graduation2pm - 6pm : EOF/AESNJ Social (McIntyre Lounge (entire) - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor) 7pm : The Argus Eyes Fall Variety Show (Roy Irving Theatre - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor)

Thursday, OcTOber 1

CalendarSept 30 - Oct 13, 2009

Wednesday, sepTember 30

4pm - 7pm : Anime Movie Night (Pope Lecture Hall - Pope Hall - 1st floor)

Friday, OcTOber 27pm : The Argus Eyes Fall Variety Show (Roy Irving Theatre - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor)

7pm : The Argus Eyes Fall Variety Show (Roy Irving Theatre - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor)saTurday, OcTOber 3

mOnday, OcTOber 512pm - 1pm : Freshmen Candidate Speech Day (Roy Irving Theatre - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor)

Wednesday, OcTOber 7 10am - 4:30pm : Blood Drive (McIntyre Lounge (entire) - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor)12pm - 1pm : Bake Sale (Quadrangle - N/A - N/A)6pm : Play: Damien. . . The Leper (Saint Peter Chapel)

Thursday, OcTOber 812pm : Play: Damien. . . The Leper (Roy Irving Theatre - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor)12pm - 1pm : ITS Open Forum (Pope Lecture Hall - Pope Hall - 1st floor)9pm : Battle of the Decades (Roy Irving Theatre - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor)

mOnday, OcTOber 12 Columbus Day - College Holiday

Friday, OcTOber 9

6pm : 92.3 Now Presents the metroPCS College Campus Concert!Performance by FabolousYanitelli Center at Saint Peter’s College

By Justin RoBeRtsNews Editor ’10

The executive officers of Saint Peter’s student organizations crowded around the entrance to the McIntyre room around 5:00pm on Friday, September 18, waiting for Student Leadership Day to begin. By 8, two hours before the event concluded, more than half of them were gone.

Eboard club members talk about Leadership Day with few reservations. Some find the event fulfilling; others consider it the low point of their extracurricular involvement. This year the Student Senate wanted to change that.

The Senate’s Exec. Board cut the event to 5 hours from its customary 8 and moved it from Saturday morning to Friday night. Some who attended the event appreciated their efforts.

“It is certainly better than a Saturday morning,” said Mike Massey, President of the Ganon Debating Society.

Still, many more students took offense to the event itself.

“What’s the point?” asked Ganon Debate’s Telma Gomez. “There is nothing here about leadership. Nothing applies.”

Others felt the event’s purpose would best be served in a handout.

“There are no reasons for these presentations. Everything can be sent out in an email,” said one student, on condition of anonymity.

The event consisted of four lectures. First Erich Sekel, Associate Director of Community Service, spoke out club service requirements. Then, Ms. Tortora of Sodexho made a presentation about Sodexho’s catering wing. The event broke for dinner and more than half of the students left before the next two talks by Senate Vice Presidents Pompilus and Hightower.

Each talk was intended to educate the club officers about a facet of running their organization. Some student leaders were quick to

note that each discussed subject was simple and instructions for every procedure was available on the SPC website. Only a few of them stayed to hear Ms. Pompilus’ presentation about club budgets, held as the most informative part of the night by some and dismissed as only slightly relevant by others.

Disagreement over the event’s relevance is unlikely to be resolved any time soon. Its annual scheduling makes it only a minor annoyance for most club officers. Still, many students point to what they see as the customary incompetence of events like Student Leadership Day as a consequence of Saint Peter’s larger problems.

“Even the people who run these events don’t take them seriously,” said one student. “We just do the same things over and over again and get nothing done. Does it make sense? No, but that’s the rule.”

One person told us that after the bulk of

students departed, Senate President Noel Borges stood up and began a role call, wanting to keep track of which students stuck around. He quickly stopped. “Just kidding,” he said, smiling, “I wouldn’t do that.”

Student Leadership Day

Photo By MArtin sirAkovStudent Leadership Day, September 18, 2009

Page 10: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

10September 30, 2009NewS

senate from Page 1will start at 7:30.The chicken tastes delicious. Senators mingle

awkwardly and a few settle themselves on the front stoop. They express concern about the meeting’s informality.

“ I don’t think this is a meeting where we can get anything accomplished. The congress does not meet in backyard barbeques and if they do, its not to talk about official business,” remarks Senator Josh Cipolla. He also talks about the lack of information about committees. He has a point.

Restrained power is the cornerstone of the American Republic. The founders erected barriers between the agents of government and casual power, intentionally making each action as difficult as possible. Restrictions on political actors protect the people from the whims of their rulers. The framers also convoluted the lines of command, further tempering each actor’s power with mandatory cooperation.

Saint Peter’s Student Senate runs on the same principle. The Eboard presides over class representatives, empowered to speak for all

undergrads. Order requires adherence to strict rules. Good ideas must survive rigorous standards before becoming policy. The process’ difficulty discourages the unprepared, saving everyone time and effort. Informality is not compatible with good government. It certainly made the meeting harder to conduct.

7:40 The Call to OrderThe Social Justice House’s top floor is tight.

Secretary Weir barks at the senators, “Raise ‘em high. Keep ‘em up,” as he struggles to get an accurate vote count. The club Eboard waiting to get their Constitution’s approved pack into the hallway, some perched at the top of the stairs. The minutes for last week’s meetings have mysteriously inaccurate vote counts, stalling the senate’s vote to approve them. No one has the handout for last April’s unresolved old business, forcing Borges to table it once again.

Factions too personal to address dominate a large chunk of the night. Every politician’s personal life bleeds into his profession. Passion drives ideals and ambition into public life. The tension on display in the senate tonight is too personal to repeat, despite the belief in

accountability I share with Senator Cipolla and President Borges. Too much gossip.

8:01President Borges comments on the last

meeting’ ad hoc committee controversy. The senators questioned the ad hoc’s constitutionality and the practicality of having 11. “Remember that being an Executive board member is a full time job while a senator is a part time job,” he tells them, “We are not saying do less work, just do it more efficiently.”

8:11Passing the four club constitutions is the

evening’s high point. Reprentatives from SAVE, Project Peace, the Haitian Student Association and Circle K present and defend their club’s charters, the senators examine the language for appropriateness, discuss the clubs’ merits and pass the motions to approve.

8:46The debate over community service becomes

a pseudo-productive factional debate. A few ideas are introduced, the senators debate over the meaning of community service and Saint Peter’s rules about service and factional tension asserts

itself. No comment. Proposals will be submitted in email, tabled until the next meeting. Senator Cipolla takes exception to the meager $50 allotted for this semester’s service event. “Shouldn’t service be more important at a Jesuit school?”

9:05Senator Pilger wants more communication

between the students and the senate. He proposes an electronic Senate Newsletter. A good idea everyone can get behind. The rest of the night is dominated by semi relevant issues polluted with ad homonym vitriol. I have little stomach for it.

America’s founders designed law to be restrictive in an effort to preserve society from the raw animal nature men adopt in groups. The mob-impulse pervades every state, no matter how formal. Individuals of focus and integrity take office to serve purposes and not just play their parts. To live up to the virtue of accountability, the senate would do well to focus its integrity. Friday’s meeting was mix of competence and wandering personal venom. I pray, the Eboard’s leadership and the senators’ integrity manifest more fully next time.

Madness in the Halls of Power

Photo By MArtin sirAkov

The Senators sit in the Social Justice House awaiting an informal meeting.

Photo By MArtin sirAkovPresident Borges comments on the last meeting’ ad hoc committee controversy.

Page 11: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

September 30, 200911 VarIetyC


ng w



By toM cleaRyFood Columnist, ’11

Soon the weather is going to get colder and you are going to want to eat

something that will warm up your insides and keep them warm, and clam chowder is just that thing. Its creamy texture with little pieces of potatoes, corn, and clams also act as a great easy to eat comfort food.


* 1 can of canned clams (10oz), drain calms but keep the liquid off to the side

* 2 cups of diced potatoes * 2 cobs of fresh corn, corn cut off * 1 cup of diced onions * 1 cup of diced carrots * 1 cup of heavy cream * 1 ½ cup of whole milk * 3 strips of bacon cut up really small * Some salt and pepper for flavoring

First place the bacon in the pot and cook it until almost all the fat is out of the meat, then remove the bacon and leave it off to the side. In the bacon fat toss the onions and cook them on low heat until they are translucent. Once the

onions are cooked, put in the potatoes, carrots, and corn and let them cook for about 5 minutes. After that, pour in the heavy cream, milk, and clam juice and bring it up to a simmer. Keep simmering the soup until the potatoes are soft. This is also a good time to add back some of the bacon and some salt and pepper. Once the potatoes are cooked and the soup is thoroughly heated, you can add the calms. Cook these for about 3 minutes and serve.

Now some of you may be wondering where I get the food I cook with. Well almost all of my meat comes from local supermarkets but most of my vegetables come from Journal Square's Farmers Market that is held every Wednesday. The market consists of 5 vendors, 3 of which provide a huge array of different fruits and vegetables, all organic and for pretty much the same price as the supermarkets. The availability of the foods changes week to week reflecting what foods are in season at the time. Currently there are the 3 fruit and vegetable stands, a baker’s stand with a huge array of bread and other baked goods and a mixed nut stand where you can mix and match a variety of nuts. There also used to be a pickle stand, but I have not seen it recently. With most of these stands, especially the baker’s one, make sure to get there early in the day before all the best produce is taken. To my knowledge the market opens at 8 and probably closes around 7.

New England Clam Chowder Hope PrevailsBy Michael saccaContributing Writer ’11

At the moment of your highest low,Your mentality has no where to go,

Down the drain it sinks,With no plug to hold you above this jinx,

Then it turns around to become an utmost greatness,Some words of encouragement and hope,Inspiration that was desperately needed,At a time when mentality had depleted,

A new light had risen,And now it was time to show,

That you are even stronger than you know,When your darkest fears come don't let go,

Because in the end hope prevails,And your demons darkness fails.

By Renee Brzyski Contributing Writer ’13

The clear warm water gives off the reflectionUnmistakably vague and dubious regression

Bouquet of pathetic excuses awakenNo attempt of any action ever taken

Perfect modest lies, words of inapt slanderClashing personalities in the worst ever manner

The experience has failed all expectationFalling short of all wanted anticipation

All feelings numb and threateningly unconsciousEnvisioning the thought of irreversible psychosis

Forgetting to believe that many adoreThat pleasant gentle wind coming from the shoreForeshadowing some little hope of opportunity

Living in a time of authentic mutinySearching for the beauty to mysteriously find

Breathing every clumsy contemplation of your mindSing for tonight, soft calm lullabies

Fail to remember those heartbreaking goodbyesPray for tonight, the cure for cancer

The prayers well worth the wait for an answerSleep for tonight, the day is late

This questionable regression is your fate

Eccentric Words

Page 12: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

12September 30, 2009VarIety

By MaRtine elese stanfoRDContibuting Writer ’13

On Saturday September 12th, 23 freshmen embarked on a service project that would touch each of them in different ways. When signing up for Freshman Day of Service, I figured we would do the usual outdoor cleaning at a local park, or maybe read to young underprivileged children. I had no idea that we would be at New Jersey’s largest food bank, the size of eight football fields, packaging food for those in need. The day started around nine o’clock in the morning with a light breakfast and conversation as we anxiously awaited the guest speaker. We then played a short icebreaker game to get familiarized with each other and have fun at the same time. Shortly after, we sat down to listen to guest speaker, Mr. Johnson. He told us powerful recaps of his life, living seventeen years homeless on the streets. He spoke of how at times he felt like giving up; he felt so depressed, lonely, angry, and of course hungry. When first glancing at him he looked “normal”, not someone with such a drastic past. As this tall six foot man spoke of sleeping in the woods and not showering for weeks, I could hear tremble of pain in his voice. This made me think back to all homeless people I’ve seen in my lifetime. I wondered if they were all innocent like Mr. Johnson and if they all longed to be loved, and accepted. His speech brought me to a realization of who homeless people are. They are ordinary people who got laid-off from work and could no longer support themselves, or fell prey to an addiction, or simply were abandoned from a young age. I vowed to myself, from that point onwards, I would be more considerate and thoughtful towards the homeless. After hearing Mr. Johnson’s motivating speech, we made our way to the New Jersey Food Bank. The trip to the food bank gave everyone a chance to bond and get to know each other better. It was as if we were a small Saint Peter’s College family on a road

trip. Inside the food bank there were hundreds of boxes of food which we sorted into sections of beverages, snacks, cereals, health and beauty care and so forth. Everyone was working together meticulously and putting forth a tremendous effort to complete the job. The experience was overwhelming. As I packaged food, I wondered to who this food was actually going to. Of course it was for disadvantaged or homeless, but I wondered what type of people they truly were. I wondered how they spiraled into the situation they are now in, and what type of issues they faced on a daily basis. After completing the service project, we proudly left the New Jersey Food Bank and headed back to SPC. After a quick pizza lunch, we had individual group recaps. Nearly everyone had some emotion going through them, and many felt that there should not be a need for food banks, as we should be taking care of one another to the point where there should not be starvation. Freshman Day of Service was an eye-opener as to how many people are really homeless and going through poverty. I know that from this day forward, when I see a homeless person, I will no longer hesitate to reach in my pocket for change or to start a conversation.

Freshman Day of Service

By JaMes DRiscollContributing Writer ’12

Fr. John Ruane, a quiet individual at Saint Peter’s College, was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey. However, this is barely where his story begins.

Fr. Ruane was first introduced to the Jesuit tradition when he attended Saint Peter’s Preparatory High School. In 1937, he graduated from the Prep. He then attended the Jesuit novitiate in Poughkeepsie, New York. Four years later, Father was one of eleven individuals sent to the Philippines to help teach at colleges and high schools. When World War II broke out, the Philippines came under the control of the Japanese. As a result of this, many Americans were put under house arrest, including Father Ruane. As American troops drew closer and closer in 1944, 87 Jesuits were moved to an internment camp in Los Banos. They remained

there for ten month. On February 23, 1945, U.S. paratroopers, of the 11th Airborne Division, landed in Los Banos at 7 in the morning. The attack startled the Japanese soldiers during their morning calisthenics. With the aid of Filipino guerilla forces, who had surrounded the camp the previous night, the soldiers worked quickly and methodically to remove threat and free 2000 internees held captive without a single casualty.

Following his ordination in 1949, Fr. Ruane moved to Belgium to obtain his doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Leuven. He then returned to the Philippines in 1955 to teach at the Ateneo De Manila, a Jesuit university. He continued to teach at the university until 1969. In 1971, Father began teaching Philosophy at Saint Peter’s College until last May, when he finally retired.

Fr. Ruane has always been happy with his vocation as a Jesuit, and recommends the lifestyle to any who may think they have heard the calling.

Jesuit SpotlightFr. John Ruane, S.J.




Photo courtesy clAre ettensohnSPC Freshmen organize food at the New Jersey Food Bank.

Page 13: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

September 30, 200913 artS

chRis KenneRContributing Writer ’11

The MTV Video Music Awards (VMA’s) are a staple of today’s pop culture. Originally conceived as an alternative to the Grammy’s, the VMA’s have since become a heavily anticipated show in their own right. The 2009 VMA’s were the best since 2003, the year of the infamous Britney and Madonna on stage m a k e out session. One word can be used to describe the show, “Eventful.” I use that w o r d b r o a d l y , and apply it to both the

unexpected visitors, Kanye West and Lil’ Mama, and the show stopping performances by Janet Jackson, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z w/ Alicia Keys, Beyoncé, P!nk, and Green Day.

Madonna opened the awards show with a heartfelt personal tribute speech to Michael Jackson. Big right? Only one thing could have followed that, and it was a tribute to the “Fallen King” put on by top dancers and

choreographers from all over the nation; they performed to a medley of the “King of Pop’s” biggest hits including “Thriller”, “Bad”, and “Smooth Criminal”. “Smooth Criminal” faded into “Scream,” and the crowd was set ablaze as the incomparable Janet Jackson joined the dancers on stage. It was a very tasteful, emotional, inspiring,

and overall powerful performance. The gorgeous Katy Perry and guitar god

Joe Perry of rock band Aerosmith introduced host, Russell Brand. Brand then went on one of his “I’m weird because I’m British” rants and attempted to make everyone in the room uncomfortable. He then

professed his lust for Lady Gaga in a weird semi-chivalrous defense of her, challenging all naysayers’ by calling them sexists.

The knife driving moment of the evening was delivered to us in the form of what many call “a tasteless show stealer” by the one and only Kanye West, who interrupted “Best Female Video” winner Taylor Swift’s first VMA speech to voice his preference for Beyoncé’s video “Single Ladies;” proclaiming it one of the best videos of all time. I know what you’re thinking, “Who does he think he is?” The truth is I don’t even think he knows. The rest of the night was pretty

amazing producing winners like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, T.I., Eminem, Green day, and MTV’s own “Princess of Pop” Britney Spears. The “Hustler Diva” Beyoncé, and the “Enigmatic Diva of Glam” Lady Gaga, who both won three of their nine nominations, arguably owned the night. When Beyoncé won the award for “Video of the Year,” she attempted to bury Kanye West’s actions from earlier in the night with class, and called Taylor Swift onstage to “have her moment.”

Pink put on an unbelievable performance of her hit song “Sober” upside down while swinging from a trapeze and flying through the air. The show closed with a phenomenal performance by

Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, and their own uninvited guest, Lil’ Mama. Towards the end of their performance of the song “New York State of Mind,” Lil’ Mama crashed the stage to pose with Jay and Alicia. I’m guessing she thought it would be cool because she is from New York; it’s obvious that cool wasn’t the word as she was the butt of all post VMA jokes along with her partner in crime Kanye West. These events from the night raised a good question, “Who gave security the night off?” Overall the show was spectacular, on par with the amazing 2000-03 shows, which looks to me like a move in the right direction for our beloved Music Video Television.

The “Very Eventful” 2009 Video Music Awards

An infamous moment. Kayne and Taylor Swift. Mtv.coM

• Video of the Year: Beyonce Knowles – “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)”• Best New Artist : Lady GaGa – “Poker Face”• Best Male Video: T.I. – “Live Your Live” featuring Rihanna• Best Female Video: Taylor Swift – “You Belong with Me”• Best Hip-Hop Video: Eminem – “We Made You”• Best Pop Video: Britney Spears – “Womanizer”• Best Rock Video: Green Day – “21 Guns”• Breakthrough Video: Matt and Kim – “Lessons Learned”• Best Video (That Should Have Won a Moonman): Beastie Boys – “Sabotage”

• Best Direction: Marc Webb – Green Day’s “21 Guns”• Best Editing: Jarrett Fijal – Beyonce Knowles’ “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)”• Best Special Effects: Chimney Pot – Lady GaGa’s “Paparazzi”• Best Choreography: Frank Gatson and JaQuel Knight – Beyonce Knowles’ “ Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)”• Best Cinematography: Jonathan Sela – Green Day’s “21 Guns”• Best Art Direction: Jason Hamilton – Lady GaGa’s “Paparazzi

2009 VMA Winners

Page 14: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

14September 30, 2009artS

Kenneth littRellContributing Writer ’10

What do you get when Jimmy Page, The Edge (U2), and Jack White

sit in a warehouse, playing guitars and discussing their secrets? You get a rock-umentary about three icons playing the electric guitar, plus a lot of noise. “It might get Loud” is a film directed by Davis Guggenheim in which he explores the history of the electric guitar while looking into the exceptional careers of three amazing guitarists. For those of you who do not know each of these guitarists, allow me to introduce them properly. Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, one of the most profound classic rock bands of all time, is considered to be one of the best of his craft. With licks like “Black Dog” and “Heartbreaker” you can tell this man did his bluegrass homework. I mean, who else could play solos using a bow from a violin?

Next we have The Edge, originally born David Evans, who has so many effect pedals he doesn’t even use the same one twice in a single show. He’s from the band U2, who has been respected as the best of the 80’s. It is because of Evans that U2 has such a

distinct sound that no other band can match. Who could when the man uses 4 floorboards, 12 pedals, and 10 racks? The man is a mastermind in fooling you with mystique and dazzling you with ability.

Last but definitely not the least, we have Jack White. He’s widely recognized from the two-piece band, The White Stripes. He also has side projects, The Dead Weather being his most recent. He has worked with many other profound artists like Beck, Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones. The way the man plays is to the caliber of Page where in his one White Stripe single, “Icky Thump,” you can hear the main lick sounding very Page like. He is making himself a new advocate for classic rock and roll.

The film itself has been released over a month ago, but you can still see it in Manhattan at the Landmark Sunshine Cinema, located at 143 East Houston Street. If you love movies about pure rock and roll, I suggest you to make the trip. In the middle of the

trailer, Jack White says, “What’s gonna happen if the three of us get in there? Probably a fist fight.” Watch to find out.

Any questions or comments can be sent to [email protected]

Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution

Mos.MusicrAdAr.coMEdge, Page and White get ‘Loud’


By Michael stoReyContributing Writer ’10

From the beginning of the film 9, directed by Shane Acker, members of the audience will be blown away by the dazzling 3D animation. Not only the details in this post-apocalyptic world are of IMAX proportions, but the imaginative and dark characters that inhabit it are also very well created. One can clearly see the touch of producer Tim Burton. However, the premise is all too familiar. In the film, the human race has been wiped out due to the rise of machines with artificial intelligence; Terminator anyone? At this point we are introduced to our title character, 9 voiced by Elijah Wood. He is a rag doll-like creature no more than six inches tall. We meet him as he

opens his eyes for the first time to find his creator dead.

After some exploration, he finds he is not alone. Eight other creatures, like him, each with their own number and unique characteristics exist as well. However, there is one creature that isn’t a rag doll at all. A mechanical, cat-like creature made from steel and what seems to be an animal skull, is also roaming around the area. Because this thing isn’t very friendly, a few take refuge in a bombed-out church, including 1,2,5,6, and 8 (I know, the numbers got on my nerves at first too). 1 is the self-proclaimed leader. He wears a pointed hat and doesn’t like it when people question him. So let me get this straight, they’re in a church, he has a big pointed hat, and people can’t question him? It seems to me that number 1 is supposed to resemble a certain religious pontiff or maybe a wizard.

Other than 1,5, and 9, the characters really don’t develop at all, which is regrettable. However, it is due to the fact that five of the only nine characters in the film die so they really don’t have time to develop character in a 79 minute film.

Overall, 9’s breathtaking animation outshines the other parts of the equation, not to say they aren’t well done. The film is definitely worth seeing, but if you have a PS3 or a Blu-ray player, I would wait for the DVD/Blu-ray release. It’s bound to be loaded with special features and, hey, it might have bonus footage to make it top off at an hour and a half.

“9” is more like an 8

cAche.gAwker.coM9 is a rag doll-like creature no more than six inches tall.

Page 15: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

September 30, 200915 SportS

Bill PettigRewSports Editor ’11

As the 2009 regular season closes out into October, many are quick to pick the league’s best players to be in contention for the league’s Most Valuable Player award. We have been hearing it for over a month now, and everyone has their own opinion. Here’s my take on who is most deserving of the award in each league, not judged on statistic alone, but on actually how valuable they were for their team. In my opinion, the MVP should be someone who is crucial to their team’s success, and there would be a huge impact if you take them away from the team.

In the American League, there have been talks of a three-way race built up by the media between Joe Mauer of the Twins, and Derek Jeter and Mark Teixeira of the Yankees. While Jeter is having perhaps his best year statistically, it comes at a time where Mauer was just a little bit better. Jeter has been criticized for having a lack of range at shortstop, and his numbers were on the decline. The Yankees’ Captain responds with a stellar ’09 campaign that could award him another Gold Glove award, the result of backing up towards the outfield grass so he has more time to react to ground balls. Even with all of the accolades reached this year, Jeter is not the most deserving this year. His intangibles cannot be quantified.

He may not even be the MVP of his own team, which brings us to the man he throws the ball to across the infield, Mark Teixeira.

Teixeira is a notoriously slow starter, and he did exactly that out of spring training. Not until the return of Alex Rodriguez hitting behind him in the order did he start to get the clutch hits that have put him into this subject of 2009 AL MVP. As a Yankees fan, who has watched both

Jeter and Teixeira play day in and day out, I’ve noticed the kind of plays made both on and off the field that have earned them a nomination in my top choices for MVP. Jeter’s improved defense and presence at the top of the order has set up many runs for the Yankees this year. Teixeira has saved runs with his glove and created as many with his bat. However, it seems that every month, there is a different MVP for the New York Yankees, up and down the lineup, and in the rotation and even in the bullpen. The Yankees have the best record in baseball this year because everyone has contributed when required. AJ Burnett has delivered more pies for walk off hits

this year than I could have ever imagined.

Joe Mauer is the heart and soul of the Minnesota Twins. They are making a late push towards the playoffs this year; thanks to their leader, who returned from an injury early in the season and has been the among league leaders in batting average, slugging percentage, and on-base percentage ever since. He had to do it without his teammate, Justin Morneau, who is out for the year after hurting his lower back. Mauer plays a more demanding and premium position as a catcher. The play where he dove into home plate to tag out the speedy Brett Gardner is one of the first things that come to my mind. Mauer gets the award in the American League because the numbers don’t lie. As much as I would like to see Derek Jeter win it after losing out to Morneau in 2006, I know that Jeter isn’t going after that plaque; he wants another ring to wear after this season.

The National League is a completely different story. There is one man who has the award all but in the bag, by a large margin. Nearly every baseball writer with a vote should be giving the St. Louis’s first baseman their first place ballot. Albert Pujols is a freak, a hitting machine, and the reason the Cardinals are a dangerous team. Pujols was pitched around often early in the year, but with the arrival of Matt Holliday from Oakland, pitchers need to be extra careful and are often punished if they leave something for Albert to hit. Apart from mashing, he is also great with his glove as well. It should be noted that Hanley Ramirez and Prince Fielder have had excellent year as well. But it’s no contest; Pujols gets his second Most Valuable Player plaque in a row, and the third of his career.

Baseball's 2009 MVPs

otto greule Jr/getty iMAgesMark Teixeira hits a sacrifice fly against the Seattle Mariners

www.sPorts.yAhoo.coMJoe Mauer follows through with a two-RBI single off Cleveland Indians pitcher

kevork dJAnseziAn/getty iMAgesDerek Jeter gets a lead off base hit against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

Page 16: PauwWow Fall09 Issue III

16September 30, 2009SportS

Bill PettigRewSports Editor ’11

Sean Fitzpatrick is the captain for the Peacock’s Golf team. He is a junior at Saint Peter’s College, and is the only upperclassman on the team. After holding most of the golf records in his high school at St. Joseph’s of Metuchen, Sean came to Saint Peter’s College to hoping to become a successful student-athlete. He certainly hasn’t been a disappointment, with many personal achievements and accolades under his belt in his three year Division-I collegiate career thus far. As a sophomore, he competed in every event for the Peacocks as their new captain. This summer, Sean qualified for the NYC Amateur, the MGA Ike, the NJ State Open, and has enjoyed success with teammate Billy Sues, partnering to shoot a 65 at the NJ Four Ball.

What are both your personal and team goals for this year?

My team goals are to compete for the MAAC championship and win other events during the year. My personal goals aren't any different. I want to win as a team and play well every tournament.

What responsibilities have come along with being the captain since your sophomore year, especially now being the lone upperclassman on the Peacocks’ golf team?

My new responsibilities as captain are to help the underclassmen with whatever they need. If

they have any questions about professors, classes, or anything else they usually ask me first. I also help out the coaches with choosing what our team will wear at each tournament, and anything else they need.

With golf being a sport that focuses mainly on individual achievements, how important is team chemistry for Division-I Athletics?

Team chemistry is very important because in golf a player still counts towards the team even though it is an individual sport. Our team has great team chemistry which makes a bad round easier to forget about and allow us to play better the next round.

Since Saint Peter’s College has one of the highest graduation rates among student-athletes in the nation, how important is it to balance studying and practicing?

Studying and practicing are tough to balance because our practices are usually right after class and go until late. If you ever have any free time or a day off try to use it to catch up or get ahead of your classes. Also, a lot of times we miss class and don't get back until the end of the weekend so knowing some people in your class and talking to your professors makes a huge difference.

Caddyshack or Happy Gilmore?Both Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore are

great movies! It’s tough to pick one but if I had to, Happy Gilmore.

Student-Athlete Spotlight: Sean Fitzpatrick

Photo By sr sMith sPorts PhotogrAPhySean Fitzpatrick, captain of Peacock Golf team.


Women’s Soccer (Home)

- Friday 2nd, 2009 4:00pm Opponent : Canisius- Sunday 4th, 2009 11:00am Opponent : Niagara- Friday 9th, 2009 3:00pm Opponent : Fairfield- Sunday 11th, 2009 1:00pm Opponent : IonaLocation : Jaroschak Field

Men’s Tennis (Home)

- Thursday 8th, 2009 3:30pm Opponent : RiderLocation : Yanitelli Center

Sept 30 - Oct 13, 2009

Volleyball (Home)

- Saturday 3rd, 2009 2:00pm Opponent : Loyola- Sunday 4th, 2009 2:00pm Opponent : RiderLocation : Yanitelli Center

Golf (Home)

- Tuesday 6th, 2009 Opponent : ManhattanLocation : West Orange, NJ

Men’s Soccer (Home)

- Wednesday, September 30th, 2009 3:00pm Opponent : AdelphiLocation : Jaroschak Field

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