pause—the journey beckons - mhcucc music sandu clifford brown pastoral pastoral greeting and...

1 ORDER OF WORSHIP Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Worship in a new Key with the Oikos Ensemble February 12, 2017 10:30 a.m. It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. Ursula K. Le Guin The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind. Henri Frederic Amiel No matter who you are, or where you are on lifes journey, youre welcome in this United Church of Christ congregation*Those who are able, please stand. PAUSE—THE JOURNEY BECKONS... Gathering Music Sandu Clifford Brown Pastoral Pastoral Greeting and Announcements Jazz Invocation What a Wonderful World Weiss & Thiel *Call to Worship One: Wondrous God, we gather as your children in this wonderful world you have created. All: Gather us together—with all our talents and abilities; our exuberance, joy and laughter. One: Awesome God, we gather as your children in this wonderful world you have created. All: Gather us together—with all our frailties and needs; our fears, shortcomings and longings.

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Page 1: PAUSE—THE JOURNEY BECKONS - MHCUCC Music Sandu Clifford Brown Pastoral Pastoral Greeting and Announcements Jazz Invocation


ORDER OF WORSHIP Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Worship in a new Key with the Oikos Ensemble February 12, 2017 10:30 a.m.

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. – Ursula K. Le Guin

The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are

moving. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.

– Henri Frederic Amiel

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey,

you’re welcome in this United Church of Christ congregation…

*Those who are able, please stand.


Gathering Music Sandu Clifford Brown Pastoral Pastoral Greeting and Announcements Jazz Invocation What a Wonderful World Weiss & Thiel *Call to Worship One: Wondrous God, we gather as your children in this wonderful world you have created. All: Gather us together—with all our talents and abilities; our exuberance, joy and laughter. One: Awesome God, we gather as your children in this wonderful world you have created. All: Gather us together—with all our frailties and needs; our fears, shortcomings and longings.

Page 2: PAUSE—THE JOURNEY BECKONS - MHCUCC Music Sandu Clifford Brown Pastoral Pastoral Greeting and Announcements Jazz Invocation


One: Loving God, we gather as your children in this wonderful world you have created.

All: Gather us together—that we may be renewed and transformed; nurtured, inspired and emboldened to live as faithful witnesses.

One: Compassionate God, we gather as your children in this wonderful world you have created.

All: Gather us together—that we may be bearers of your love and mercy; and so blessed may we become a blessing to others.

*Song to Sing Joyful, Joyful #2

IMAGINE—HOLY POSSIBILITIES LIE BEFORE US... Grace Note The Gift of Grace Frederick Buechner Prayer for Becoming

Holy God, with every dawning you beckon us, calling us to welcome each new day as a gift—an opportunity to live as companions with one another on this journey called life. But each new day brings with it uncertainty and challenge. We are hesitant to open up and embrace others who often look and act differently from ourselves. Instead we prefer to cling to the safety and security of our own protective space. But in those moments when we move beyond our self-centered lives and offer our embrace to others as travelers on the journey, you grace us with the blessing of companionship.

Loving God, help us to surrender to your Spirit, take the leap of faith that propels us into the heart of life, and offer ourselves to each other in the risky business of living a faithful life, following in the footsteps of Jesus the Christ. Amen.

Passing the Peace Amazing Grace All God’s Children

Children through Grade 2 will go to Sunday school. Children Grade 3 and older will remain in worship.

Baptism of Benjamin Frederick Aholt see ivory insert Choral Anthem Yes, God is Real! Kenneth Morris Chancel Choir

Page 3: PAUSE—THE JOURNEY BECKONS - MHCUCC Music Sandu Clifford Brown Pastoral Pastoral Greeting and Announcements Jazz Invocation


Musical arrangement adapted and dedicated to God’s child – Benjamin Aholt


Holy Wisdom / Holy Word 1 Corinthians 3:1- 9 *Song to Sing Give Me a Clean Heart Margaret Douroux

Give me a clean heart, so I may serve you. God fix my heart so that I may be used by you. For I’m not worthy of all these blessings. Give me a clean heart and I’ll follow you.

Free Play on the Word Blessings on the Journey Rev. Cliff Aerie Jazz Punctuation Dreams and Visions Chris Bakriges/Cliff Aerie


Naming of those in need of Prayer Silent Prayer, Prayers of the People Prayer of Jesus for Our Journey This Day Our Creator in heaven and earth, holy is your name. May your Way be ours, your Mystery revealed throughout all the cosmos. Provide us bread for our journey this day. Forgive our missteps, miscalculations and mess-ups so that we might know how to forgive others who have mistreated us. Be with us in the struggle of our egos, and free us from the bondage of powerful temptations and pressures. Let our prayer of praise ring true in holy melody: the universe in glorious majesty belongs to You — infinitely! Amen.

Call to Offering

(Please also participate in the Ritual of Friendship using the pad in your pew.)

Offertory All Blues Miles Davis

Page 4: PAUSE—THE JOURNEY BECKONS - MHCUCC Music Sandu Clifford Brown Pastoral Pastoral Greeting and Announcements Jazz Invocation


*Doxology African-American Spiritual Praise God, praise God for our blessings . . . (3 times) Sisters, brothers, all. Give God, give God all our blessings . . . (3 times) Sisters, brothers, all. Share God’s blessings with each other . . . (3 times) Sisters, brothers, all.

*Prayer of Dedication

O Holy Spirit, as did the first disciples we share our resources so that together we may make a difference. Bless the gifts we make of our labors and ourselves, so that in our faithfulness our works may bless others in Jesus’ name. Amen. *Song to Sing Awake, Awake to Love and Work Kentucky Harmony

Awake, awake to love and work the lark is in the sky; the fields are wet with diamond dew; the worlds awake to cry their praises to the Font of life; Christ Jesus passes by.

Come, let your voice be one with theirs, shout with their shout of praise; see how the giant sun soars up, God’s gift for all your days! So let the love of Jesus come and set your soul ablaze.

To give and give and give again, as God’s own grace is free; to spend yourself nor count the cost; to serve most gloriously the God who gave all worlds that are, and all that are to be.

*Blessing for the Journey Sending Music Hassan’s Dream Benny Golson

Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast Before we put away the alleluias for our contemplative season of Lent, let’s have one more celebration! Join us on Sunday, February 26 for a Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast. From 9:15 to 10:25, Dixieland jazz will be playing, the pancakes will be flipping, the sausage sizzling, and your beads and masks will await you in Fellowship Hall. At 10:25, join our celebratory processional as we dance our way into Fellowship Hall to give glory to God in worship. A goodwill offering will be received for breakfast with proceeds benefitting the community meals at St. Paul’s and Denison Avenue UCCs.