patsy clairmont sermon


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Post on 28-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Patsy Clairmont Sermon

John 5Jesus goes to the pools of Bethesda. There were 5 porticos and inside those porticos were the sick and the lame and the blind. There was a pool outside and it was believed that when the water was stirred occasionally by an angel that the first person into the water would be healed. When Jesus walked in that day He walked up to a man that was paralyzed and laying there on his mat for 37 years. He said to the man DO YOU WANT TO BE WELL? Can I tell you how many times God has asked me that question from the time that I realized I was stuck to this day? Again and again and again when I would be stuck and He would say “do you WANT fullness of life, do you WANT joy, do you WANT to break that sin pattern, do you WANT to be more than you are now?” As He asked that man DO YOU WANT TO BE WELL, He said to him MOVE. Arise, take up you bed and walk – MOVE.

I don’t know where you’re at, I don’t know what makes you feel stuck. I don’t know if it is a sin pattern or addiction, I don’t know if it is your fear that keeps you paralyzed. I don’t know what holds you back but I know the liberator who longs to meet you in that place. Maybe you are stuck in an unhealthy relationship and you need to MOVE from there. Maybe you have feared relationships and God would ask you to MOVE toward people and open up your heart. Maybe you have been reluctant to move toward God and Christ would say to you – Come and receive all that I have, for in ME you can know the Father, He would tell you. Always it requires us to move.

I would have qualified to be one of those people in the porticos because I was lame in my faith, I was paralyzed in my fear, I was blinded by my insecurity. And then the invitation, one time after another, in all my stuck places, I would hear Him whisper and sometimes shout, and sometimes bring people to stand beside me to give me the courage to take the next step, but always it was MOVE.

So my prayer for you tonight, my dear girlfriends, is that wherever you’re at, whatever stuck place has you restricted and limited, I would pray for you as I have prayed for myself, because for a lot of us, our joy is on the other side of that four letter word. I would ask God to give us all the courage to M – O – V – E, in Jesus name.