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Patriotic Symbols of America Lapbook Sample file

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Page 1: Patriotic Symbols of America Lapbook - Symbols of America Lapbook ... Signifies valor and bravery • Blue:

Patriotic Symbols of AmericaLapbook




Page 2: Patriotic Symbols of America Lapbook - Symbols of America Lapbook ... Signifies valor and bravery • Blue:

Created and designed by Debbie Martin                      

Patriotic Symbols of America LapbookThe Whole Word Publishing

         “The Word, the whole Word and nothing but the Word."Copyright © June 2011

by Debbie Martin 3627 D St.

Bremerton, Wa 98312All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted to the individual purchaser to reproduce        his book in whole or in part for non commercial individual or 

  classroom use only. Permission is not granted for school wide system wide reproduction of materials. 

Images are public domain.




Page 3: Patriotic Symbols of America Lapbook - Symbols of America Lapbook ... Signifies valor and bravery • Blue:

Directions for this lapbook.You will need two file folders or one file folder and one piece of card stock.

First take the first file folder and open it up and lay it flat like this:

Next fold the two sides into the middle so it looks like this when opened. The dotted likes are the creases where you folded:

Now take your other file folder and cut it in half. Keep the part with the tab and cut off the tab. Discard other half of file folder. Now you will tape the piece of the file folder

you just cut and tape it to the file folder that you just folded so it looks like this:

Tape Tape Tape

Tape on both sides of the crease for


If you are using a piece of cardstock you can tape it here in place

of the piece of file folder.




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Now fold down the piece of file folder you just taped down into your lapbook and close flaps. It should now look like this:

Now you are ready to put the pictures on the outside of your lapbook.Cut out the Patriotic Symbols cover in two strips and glue one onto each flap of the

outside of the file folder you have just created like this:

Now open the flaps of the file folder. You will see the piece of file folder or card stock that you taped in. This is where the Seal of the United States will be cut out and glued.

So go ahead and cut out the seal and color it and glue it into your lapbook like this:Tape tape tape tape




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Now you are ready to start placing booklets into your file folder base that you have made. So go ahead and open the flap that you glued the colored United States Seal

onto so it looks like this again:

Above booklet placement can be followed but you are always free to glue the bookletsinto the file folder as you wish. Once all booklets have been completed and glued into

your file folder your lapbook is now complete!

Cut out and colored United States Seal will be glued on the

back of this.




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Directions for above: Color the seal and cut out. Glue into lapbook where indicatedin directions.




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The Flag The U.S. flag has undergone many changes since the first official flag of 1777. On June 14, 1777,

the Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act, which said that the flag would be made up of

thirteen alternating red and white stripes and thirteen white stars on a blue field. Stars have been added to the flag as new states join the union.

Currently, the flag contains 50 stars.

Ever wonder why the flag is red, white, and blue? While the flag's colors did not have a specific meaning at the time, the colors were significant for

the Great Seal of 1782.

• White: Signifies purity and innocence • Red: Signifies valor and bravery

• Blue: Signifies Vigilance, perseverance, and justice

Why stars and stripes? Stars are considered a symbol of the heavens and the divine goal to which man has aspired from time immemorial; the stripe is

symbolic of the rays of light emanating from the sun.

When was the first flag actWhen was the first flag act passed and what did it say?passed and what did it say?

What do the colors red, What do the colors red, white and blue symbolize? white and blue symbolize? What are the stars and What are the stars and

stripes symbols of?stripes symbols of?

Directions: Cut out booklet, cut on dotted line. Fold in half. Write under each flap and glue into lapbook.




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The Bald EagleThe bald eagle is a large, powerful, brown bird with

a white head and tail. The term "bald" does not mean that this bird lacks feathers. Instead, it

comes from the word piebald, an old word, meaning "marked with white."

The bald eagle was made the national bird of the United States in 1782. The image of the bald eagle can be found in many places in the U.S., such as on the Great Seal, Federal agency

seals, the President's flag, and on the one-dollar bill.

Why was the bald eagle chosen as our national symbol?

The Founding Fathers wanted to choose an animal that was unique to the United States. For six years, the members of Congress engaged in a dispute over what the national emblem should be. As a result of the debate, the bald eagle was chosen as our national symbol. because it

symbolized strength, courage, freedom, and immortality.

When Europeans first arrived on the North American continent in the 1600's, there were an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 bald eagles, but populations have since dropped for many reasons. Many eagles were captured for getting too close to poultry or fishing nets; some were captured for falconry; and many eagles were poisoned by pesticides. In 1967, the bald eagle was included on the Endangered Species List. Federal laws, such as the Bald Eagle Protection Act, protect the bald eagle and have led to the recovery of bald eagle populations. In 2007, populations have improved and the the bald eagle was removed from

the list.




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What is the termWhat is the term “ “bald” refer to?bald” refer to?

Why was the bald Why was the bald eagle chosen as our eagle chosen as our

national symbol?national symbol?

In the 1600's howIn the 1600's how many eagles were many eagles were

there?there?What are some What are some

reasonsreasons eagle population eagle population


Directions: Cut out booklet, cut on dotted lines. Fold in half. Write under each flap and glue into lapbook.




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Figures of JusticeOne of the most recognized legal symbols is that of Justice. Justice is most commonly portrayed

in the U.S. as a blindfolded woman carrying a sword and a set of scales. She symbolizes the

fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, greed, prejudice, or favor.

The idea of a woman portraying Justice dates back to the ancient Greek and Roman images of Themis and Justicia. Themis, the Greek goddess

of justice and law, was known for her clear-sightedness. In Roman mythology, Justicia

(Justice) was one of the four Virtues. The others were Prudence, Fortitude, and Temperance. Justice can be seen in three places on the

Supreme Court building in Washington, DC.

1. The Contemplation of Justice statue (a seated female figure in a shawl) studies the smaller statue of Justice. This Justice

is blindfolded and cradles a set of scales in her arms. This marble statue of Justice is about 4.5 feet high. Over time,




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Justice became associated with scales to represent impartiality and a sword to symbolize power. During the 16th century, Justice was often portrayed with a blindfold. The origin of the blindfold is unclear, but it seems to have been

added to indicate the tolerance of, or ignorance to, abuse of the law by the judicial system. Today, the blindfold is

generally accepted as a symbol of impartiality, but may be used to signify these other traits in political cartoons.

2. At the base of the lampposts is a bas-relief (a three-dimensional sculpture in which the figures project slightly from

the background. Also called low relief.) of Justice. This Justice is also blindfolded and holds scales in her left hand and a sword in

her right.




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3. Justice appears without a blindfold on the west wall in the Courtroom. This Justice is based on the story of the battle between Good Versus Evil. Her unencumbered gaze is set

determinedly in the direction of the forces of Evil, to the viewer’s right. Her posture is defiant, as if ready to do battle to protect

the forces of Good with her great sword. The sword remains sheathed, but her hand rests atop the hilt, ready to act should the

need arise.

What doesWhat does justice justice


Directions: Cut out booklet, fold in half, write inside and glue into lapbook.




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The ContemplationThe Contemplation of Justiceof Justice

What is a bas-relief?What is a bas-relief?Describe what isDescribe what is on this lamppost.on this lamppost.

Describe theDescribe the justice without justice without

a blindfold.a blindfold.

Directions: Cut out booklet, cut on dotted lines. Fold in half. Write under each flap and glue into lapbook.




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The Great Seal of the United States

On July 4, 1776, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson

were given the task of creating a seal for the United States of America. The delegates of the Constitutional Convention believed an emblem and

national coat of arms would be evidence of an independent nation and

a free people with high aspirations and grand hopes for the future. The Great Seal was finalized and approved six years later on June 20, 1782. The seal reflects the

beliefs and values that the Founding Fathers wanted to pass on to their descendent's.

In the center of the seal is an bald eagle, our national bird. It holds in its beak a scroll inscribed E pluribus unum, which is Latin meaning "out

of many, one" and stands for one nation that was created from 13 colonies. In one claw is an olive branch, while the other holds a bundle of thirteen arrows. The olive branch and arrows "denote the power of

peace and war."

A shield with thirteen red and white stripes covers the eagle's breast. The shield is supported solely by the American eagle to denote that Americans should rely on their own virtue. The red and white stripes of the shield represent the states united under and supporting the

blue, representing the President and Congress. The color white signifies purity and innocence; red, hardiness and valor; and blue

signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice. Above the eagle's head is a cloud surrounding a blue field containing thirteen stars, which forms a constellation. The constellation denotes that a new State is taking

its place among other nations.




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Do you see a pattern of thirteen in the Great Seal?

• 13 stars in the crest above the eagle • 13 stripes in the shield upon the eagle's breast

• 13 arrows in the eagle's left claw • 13 olives and leaves in the eagles' right claw

• 13 letters in the motto carried by the eagle, E Pluribus Unum

Why thirteen? Thirteen represents the first thirteen states - Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York,

New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

The seal's reverse side is sometimes referred to as the spiritual side. It contains a 13-

step pyramid with the year 1776 in Roman numerals at the base.

At the top of the pyramid is the Eye of Providence and above is

the motto Annuit Coeptis, meaning "It the Eye of

Providence is favorable to our undertakings" or "He favors our

undertakings." Below the pyramid, a scroll reads, Novus

Ordo Seclorum, meaning "New Order of the Ages." It refers to 1776 as the beginning of the American new era.

The Great Seal can be seen on the back of a one-dollar bill. The Secretary of State is the official custodian of the seal. It is only

attached (affixed) to certain documents, such as foreign treaties and presidential proclamations. The Great Seal is displayed in the Exhibit

Hall of the Department of State, in Washington, DC.




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Th e Grea t Th e Grea t Sea l o f th e Sea l o f th e

Uni t e d Sta t e sUni t e d Sta t e sIn th e c en t e r In th e c en t e r o f t h e s e a l . . .o f t h e s e a l . . .

T h e Th e Sh i e l d . . .S h i e l d . . .

Directions:Write a brief description

about the Seal of the United states. Using the prompts

on each circle. When complete, cut out circles and stack with

cover on top punch a hole through the top, secure with a

Brad and blue into lapbook.




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Why th i r t e en?Why th i r t e en?

Th e Rev e r s e Th e Rev e r s e S id e o f t h e Gre a tS id e o f t h e Gre a t

Se a l o f t h eSe a l o f t h e Uni t e d Sta t e sUn i t e d Sta t e s

Directions:Write a brief description

about the reverse side of the Seal of the United

states. Using the promptson each circle. When complete, cut out circles and stack with

cover on top punch a hole through the top, secure with a

Brad and blue into lapbook.




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Th e s ea l ' s Th e s ea l ' s r ev er s e s i d e . . . .r ev er s e s i d e . . . .

T h e Gre a t S e a l T h e Gre a t S e a l c an b e s e e n . . . . c an b e s e e n . . . .




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The Liberty BellCast in London, England in 1752, the Liberty

Bell rang when the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence and

has become the symbol of freedom in the United States. The bell weighs about 2000 pounds and is made mostly of copper (70%)

and tin (25%).Made for the Pennsylvania State House (now

Independence Hall), the Liberty Bell was ordered by the Pennsylvania Assembly in

1751 to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of William Penn's 1701 Charter of Privileges. Shortly after its arrival in Philadelphia the Bell cracked. Local craftsmen recast the bell using the metal from the old bell, but this one also proved defective. A third was cast by John Pass and John Stowe. Their names appear on the bell, along with the city

and date, along with this inscription:

"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof - Lev. XXV, v. x. By order of the Assembly of the Province of Pensylvania for the State House in Philada.

Pass and Stow Philada


NOTE: The spelling of "Pennsylvania" was not at that time universally adopted. Pensylvania was an accepted alternative spelling throughout

the 1700's.

On June 7, 1753, the bell was hung in the tower of Independence Hall; however, during the American Revolution, in 1777, British troops

captured Philadelphia. For safekeeping, the bell was moved to Zion's Reformed Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania. It was returned to




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Philadelphia in 1778.

As tradition, the bell was rung on every July 4th and on every state occasion until 1846. Not everyone agrees on when the first crack

appeared on the Liberty Bell, but by 1846 a thin crack began to affect the sound of the bell. It was repaired so the bell could be tolled for Washington's birthday on February 23, 1846. In order to repair the bell, a slot was carved along the length of the crack that prevented

the two sides of the bell from vibrating against each other. Two rivets were inserted in this slot to control the vibration of the two sides and

restored the bell's tonal quality.

Today, the Liberty Bell hangs in Philadelphia at the Liberty Bell Pavilion on Market Street for all to see and is still gently rung each July 4th.

Th eTh e Libe r ty Libe r ty

Be l lBe l l

How muchHow much do e s i t we igh?do e s i t we igh?

What is i t What is i t mad e ou t o f?mad e ou t o f?

Directions: Write one item on each blank rectangle. Cut out booklet and fold like an accordion. Glue into lapbook.

Directions for the below booklet. Cut out booklet and fold in half on dotted line.Write what is inscribed on the Liberty Bell inside and glue into lapbook.




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What is What is insc r ib ed insc r ib ed on the on the

Liber ty Bel l?Liber ty Bel l?

Directions for below: Answer each question on each card. Cut out cards and set aside.Cut out pocket and fold tabs back and glue into lapbook. When dry add cards to pocket.




Page 23: Patriotic Symbols of America Lapbook - Symbols of America Lapbook ... Signifies valor and bravery • Blue:

What was the spelling of What was the spelling of Pennsylvania throughout Pennsylvania throughout

the 1700's?the 1700's?

What happened What happened on June 7, 1753?on June 7, 1753?

What happened duringWhat happened during the American the American

Revolution, in 1777?Revolution, in 1777?

What happened in What happened in Philadelphia in 1778?Philadelphia in 1778?

What happened on What happened on every July 4th andevery July 4th and on every state on every state

occasion until 1846?occasion until 1846?

What happened on What happened on February 23, 1846?February 23, 1846?

When d idWhen d id i t happ en?i t happ en?




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National Floral Emblem - The RoseThe rose, has been used as a symbol of love,

beauty, war, and politics throughout the world. The flowers are generally red, pink, white, or yellow and grow naturally throughout North

America. The rose became the official flower of the United States in 1986.

In October 1985, the Senate passed a resolution that declared the rose as the National Floral Emblem of the United States. Senate Joint

Resolution 159 was passed by the House of Representatives on September 23, 1986.

The resolution asked the president to issue a proclamation declaring the rose as the national flower. A proclamation announces an act by

the government and does not have the effect of law.

President Reagan signed the resolution on October 7, 1986 in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. On November 20, 1986,

President Reagan issued Proclamation 5574: The National Floral Emblem of the United States of America: The Rose.

When did the When did the rose become the rose become the official flower of official flower of the United States?the United States?

Directions: cut out above booklet and fold in half. Write inside and glue into lapbook.Next cut out the rose proclamation on the next page and fold into thirds and

store in pocket following the proclamation.




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The Rose Proclaimed the National Floral Emblem of the United States of America

Proc. No. 5574, Nov. 20, 1986, 51 F.R. 42197, provided: Americans have always loved the flowers with which God decorates our

land. More often than any other flower, we hold the rose dear as the symbol of life and love and devotion, of beauty and eternity. For the

love of man and woman, for the love of mankind and God, for the love of country, Americans who would speak the language of the heart do so with

a rose. We see proofs of this everywhere. The study of fossils reveals that

the rose has existed in America for age upon age. We have always cultivated roses in our gardens. Our first President, George Washington,

bred roses, and a variety he named after his mother is still grown today. The White House itself boasts a beautiful Rose Garden. We grow roses in all our fifty States. We find roses throughout our art, music, and literature. We decorate our celebrations and parades with roses. Most of all, we present roses to those we love, and we lavish them on

our altars, our civil shrines, and the final resting places of our honored dead.

The American people have long held a special place in their hearts for roses. Let us continue to cherish them, to honor the love and

devotion they represent, and to bestow them on all we love just as God has bestowed them on us.

The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 159 now, has designated the rose as the National Floral Emblem of

the United States and authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation declaring this fact.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, RONALD REAGAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the rose as the National Floral Emblem of

the United States of America. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day

of November, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred

and eleventh. Ronald Reagan.




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Directions: Cut out pocket and fold tabs back and glue into lapbook.

When dry add rose proclamation from previous page folded into thirds into pocket.

The Rose Proc l a imed The Rose Proc l a imed the Nat ional the Nat ional

Floral Embl em of theFloral Embl em of the Unit ed Stat es of Amer i caUnit ed Stat es of Amer i ca




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Uncle SamUncle Sam, a figure symbolizing the United

States, is portrayed as a tall, white-haired man with a goatee. He is often dressed in red,

white, and blue, and wears a top hat. The exact origins of Uncle Sam as a symbol for the United States are unknown. But the most

widely accepted theory is that Uncle Sam was named after Samuel Wilson.

During the War of 1812, Samuel Wilson was a businessman from Troy, NY that

supplied the U.S. Army with beef in barrels. The barrels were labeled "U.S." When asked what the initials stood for, one of Wilson's workers said it

stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. The suggestion that the meat shipments came from "Uncle Sam" led to the

idea that Uncle Sam symbolized the Federal Government and association stuck. In 1961, Congress passed a resolution that

recognized Samuel Wilson as the inspiration for the symbol Uncle Sam.

But Sam Wilson looked nothing like the Uncle Sam pictured above. Uncle Sam's traditional appearance, with a white goatee and star-spangled suit, is an invention of artists and political cartoonists.

One of these political cartoonists was named Thomas Nast. Nast produced many of the earliest cartoons of Uncle

Sam. The most famous picture of Uncle Sam appeared on an Army recruiting poster. The poster was designed in World War I, and was used again in World War II. The caption reads "I Want You for

U.S. Army." James Montgomery Flagg drew this picture, and served as the model too!

Samuel WilsonSamuel Wilson

Thomas NastThomas Nast




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Who wasWho was Thomas Nast?Thomas Nast?

Uncle Sam was named Uncle Sam was named after Samuel Wilson. after Samuel Wilson.



