patrick task.docx

Name : Gea Aulia Rachmawati NIM : 1300026022 Using Gadget For Youth Should Be Decrease Gadget ( /ɡadʒɪˈtɪə/) A small mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially an ingenious or novel one (oxford dictionaries).We are going older in digital era,of course we know how important gadgets are. It is impossible to deny, that we are now well and truly in the digital age. Resistance is futile. We must consider how they have come about. Consumerism and the modern way of living have demanded that our gadgets operate in a certain way.There are many reason why needs gadget for our daily life. A gadget must either make coarse tasks easier, or provide us with information.That make gadget addition for people especially for youth who they growth needs lesson about the real life.As we know gadget give they virtual life.Using Gadget for tennager cause many bad effect and we have to reduce using gadget. Gadget addiction become problem physical also emotional especially for tennager.Tennager get emotional effect where they get problem with their smartphone for example her smartphone broke or low battery.They become uncontrollable perhaps bad mood or think that their world is going to the end.Tennagers have come to point where they can not live without gadgets. That mindset makes problems for tennager itself. They become addicted to using gadgets for a long time.This addiction causes an unhealthy lifestyle.They too busy using social media e.g Instagram,Pinterest or another

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Name : Gea Aulia Rachmawati

NIM : 1300026022

Using Gadget For Youth Should Be Decrease

Gadget (/ɡadʒɪˈtɪə/) A small mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially

an ingenious or novel one (oxford dictionaries).We are going older in digital era,of course we

know how important gadgets are. It is impossible to deny, that we are now well and truly in

the digital age. Resistance is futile. We must consider how they have come about.

Consumerism and the modern way of living have demanded that our gadgets operate in a

certain way.There are many reason why needs gadget for our daily life. A gadget must either

make coarse tasks easier, or provide us with information.That make gadget addition for

people especially for youth who they growth needs lesson about the real life.As we know

gadget give they virtual life.Using Gadget for tennager cause many bad effect and we have to

reduce using gadget.

Gadget addiction become problem physical also emotional especially for

tennager.Tennager get emotional effect where they get problem with their smartphone for

example her smartphone broke or low battery.They become uncontrollable perhaps bad mood

or think that their world is going to the end.Tennagers have come to point where they can not

live without gadgets. That mindset makes problems for tennager itself. They become addicted

to using gadgets for a long time.This addiction causes an unhealthy lifestyle.They too busy

using social media e.g Instagram,Pinterest or another interest social media.Demand social

media also give influence for youth.They want to become famous by using social media.As

we know, a lot of actresses become famous because social media.The instant thinking

influence the youth to think in order famous like Justin Bieber.Youth use long hours to use

that social media also can give effect for their academic performance.The youth will become

nervous if they forget his gadget or it is far from them.They think everything that teacher will

ask can get the answer on their gadget.So they does not worry if they did not listen well what

the teacher teach.The hard question can answer easy by using Google.The damage not only

for the student but also the teacher because process teaching and learning not effective


Research proves in 2007 93 % of teens use the internet.The worrying researh found

that 97 per cent of 11 to 16 years old owns a cell phone,eight percent more than percentage of

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all people who own one (Dr.Emma Bond,2009).We have spent long hours using

gadget.Physical terapist warn that long term consequences may be severe.Indian research

found that the youth pain in their pinkie finger which is the weight of smartphone rests most

of the day.Sadia Vanjura,Physical terapist said number young children with cronic pain upper

exterminer is on the rise.

The impact of using gadget is dangerous not only physic but also

physcological.Content of gadget also give point.controlling using content gadget is theirself

because parent can not give more time just for control the using of sosial media on

gadget.Education about advantage and disadvantage gadget must be give for the children for

imagine that not all thing must you know and have.Gadget and content social media is

combine which is can not independent.And because social media content is why gadgets were

created. Content in gadgets also give point is video games influence the youth

slowly.Video games imagine the user have super power and can do anything.That damage is

provide a window to another world person who plays video games.The games holds all the

power and decided the fate of all the virtual lives.This contrast to the real world which is full

stress,failure,bullying and conflict.In other world gadget give freedom which is teens thinks

powerfull and confident in virtual

The Advancement in technology and comunication has resulted in gadget.Every

period new gadget is being introduced. Supporters of gadgets argue that Social Media also

give media chat that chance to easy when communicating.The purpose is to make people easy

to communicate and know what happend in another nation,but the purpose become not

important again instead broke rule communication.People who addiction enjoy particular

activity much time.Gadget has lot of content which is will decrease the direct

conversation.Using gadget make peolpe antisocial.They become too busy looking at their

screen,sometimes when their friend talk something they just answer oh ya without look their

friend.Gadget give world more fun with lot of virtual.Therefore,The teens think only needs

gadget to their daily life.

Some people argue that gadgets help people to concentrte, however, most teens use

gadget to plays games and for Social media.Teens having problem concentrate in school and

have motor skills worryingly below their apropriate because spending hours plays games

each day.Educational psychologist say that there were also lower concern about concentration

level in school.Their motor skill become worse. Sometimes we met case which there is

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accident that make by teens who using gadget when drive.They took picture then share in

social media and want to konw about reaction by another user.Most teens do not seem to

explore much beyond that appear when they conduct an online search, and they do not seem

drawn to sites specifically designed for teens. But at the same time, they often complain that

the information they find does not seem to be directly applicable to their own situation.The

user looks ignore benefit of technology.It is harming a lot specially in teens age groups.

Technology also give benefit for us.It make us to know fastly.Can make money easy

using social media by advertising.And this era gadget become important part of

people.Things that using uncontroll also give worse impact,direct or indirectly.Did you ever

ask for yourself, am I gadget addict ?.when your phone far from you,did you ever think your

world going to the end ?,if you ever like that.You have been addiction using gadget.Gadget

more harm than our think.Besides usefull gadget also gives worse impact.Gadget give some

consequences.Gadget give impact for physical also physcological.Physical can disease if we

using gadget long hour,neck pain become most lamentation.We have our heads down too

much.Physcological impact is the mindset if they can not live without gadget and thing their

world on gadget.The influence gadget also give point make behavior youth change.Perhaps

they become uncommunicative because using gadget too much.Ignore the society and depend

the internet to searching.They have more faith in the answer from a machine than People.As

youth generation we have to smart to choose what we need,what we did not need,what we

do,what we can not do. We can not refuse the technology but we can decrease the use of


Word : 1.084, Sources :

oxford dictionaries ‘Gadget’ available at: viewed on june 25th


Putic,George(March,12th, 2015). ‘indian doctors warn of gadget

addiction consequences.’ viewed at june 24 2015

Chaturvedi,Anumeha(decemcer,16th 2014). ‘five ways

to reduce gadget addiction.’ viewed june,24th 2015

Zickuhr,Kathryn (Pebruary 03rd 2011). ‘Generations and their

gadgets.’ viewed at june,22rd 2015

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