patient satisfaction dashboards: transitioning accountability

Patient Satisfaction Dashboards: Transitioning Accountability

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Patient Satisfaction Dashboards:

Transitioning Accountability

Speaker Info


Glen Halverson, MBA, MS, CHE

Chief Operating Officer

Sutter Gould Medical Foundation

600 Coffee Road

Modesto, CA 95355

(209) 521-6097 x4286

[email protected]

Richard Buchler, MHA

Senior Analyst

Sutter Gould Medical Foundation

600 Coffee Road

Modesto, CA 95355

(209) 329-5771

[email protected]

I, Glen Halverson, have no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this presentation.

I, Richard Buchler, have no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this presentation.

Our presentation will not include discussions of off-label, experimental or investigational use of drugs or devices.

Patient Satisfaction Dashboards:

Transitioning Accountability


Action Plans

Next Steps

Sutter Gould Medical

Foundation: Quick History

• Founded in 1948 by Maino Brothers

• Mayo Clinic Trained

• Became Sutter Affiliate in 1993

• Today 260 providers, 22 Clinics, 27 specialties in Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties, 1200 Employees

California Foundation Structure

• Foundation not for profit

• Medical Group for profit separate


• Exclusive PSA agreement

• Productivity driven system

• Late 90’s eighty five percent managed


SGMF in 2006

• Managed Care minority share of business

• SGMF most productive Sutter Affiliate

• Worst Patient Satisfaction Score: 26th


• COO position open for over one year

Early Observations

• Regional VP comments

• Doctors comments

• Management Culture

• Staff Culture

• Strategy First Six Months

• Pt. Sat. Survey twice a year

Management Retreat

• Justify the Struggle

• Address the WIFM

• Need you people

• Fill People’s longing for belonging

• Feed the need to achieve

• Assign Generous Responsibility for Results

• Out run the resisters

• Make membership hard to come by

• Be Intolerant of Weak Commitment

• Reciprocity principle

“Firing Up Commitment During Organizational Change”

Preparing to Launch

• Learn Studor Principles, Elements and Tools

• 5 work Groups (build commitment through involvement)– Measures and Accountability

– Employee Recognition and Activities

– Communication and Marketing

– Leadership Development and Org. Alignment

– Customer Service Training

Prep continued

• Build momentum towards kick off date

• Launch Monthly Newsletter

• SMF Site Visit

• Monthly Leadership Team updates

• Oversight Team

Key Philosophies

• “It’s Your Ship” mentality

• Kick off: Create a burning


• Contests

• Start Simple: ten foot rule

• Teaching in small chunks

with monthly deliverables

Key Quote

Louis Gerstner

Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance

First Year and a HalfA baseball analogy

• Homeruns

• Base Hits

• Foul Balls

• Errors

Key Initiatives

• Stars Program

• Employee Activities Work Group

• Rounding


• Thank You Cards

• High Middle Low performance reviews

Themes for „09

• Vision, Mission, Values

• Review, Reinforce SWEET Training Principles and Concepts (Hardwire)

• SWEET Leadership Accountability through Transparency

• Best Practice Proliferation

Sullivan Luallin

• Point in Time survey


• Two Weeks a Year

• Once a year Statistically

valid results

• Results available two

months after surveys


• Relatively small data

base for comparisons

• Continuous Surveying

• Results viewable on line

• Huge data base for


• Ability to survey special

clinical areas: UC, Lab,


• Quarterly Report with


• Switch made in 2008

Press Ganey

Patient Satisfaction Dashboards:

Transitioning Accountability

Action Plans

Next Steps

Patient Satisfaction Report ComponentsMedical Practice Report

Patient Satisfaction Report ComponentsMedical Practice Report

Which of these metrics are important?


Utility of Trend Lines

Site 1 Site 2

60% 60%

Rolling Averages

January February March April May June

Three Month Rolling Average

Challenges with Patient Satisfaction


• Snapshot in time

• Complicated interface

• Cannot control data integrity

– Variable providers/sites

– Variable benchmarking

– Mean score changes daily




Points Total

1 Courtesy of Staff in the Waiting Room 15 16 31

2 Speed of the Registration Process 8 20 28

3 Our Helpfulness on the Telephone 22 4 26

S.W.E.E.T. Prioritoties

SGMF‟s Patient Satisfaction


Patient Satisfaction Dashboard

Patient Satisfaction Dashboard

Trend Over

6 Months

Patient Satisfaction Dashboard

Color Indicator:

•Met Target

•Opportunity for





Interactive Dashboards

Executive Dashboard

Interactive Dashboards


Care Center Dashboard

Dashboards in Action


Transparency for Results




Patient Satisfaction Dashboards:

Transitioning Accountability

Next Steps


Action Plans


Observation Tool

Action Plan Tool


Action Plan

SGMF Action

Plan Playbook

Patient Satisfaction Action Plans

Patient Satisfaction Action Plans

Action Plan“Courtesy of Staff in the Registration Area”

Action Plan“Courtesy of Staff in the Registration Area”

Action Plan“Courtesy of Staff in the Registration Area”

Action Plan“Courtesy of Staff in the Registration Area”

Action Plan“Courtesy of Staff in the Registration Area”

Action Plan“Courtesy of Staff in the Registration Area”

Action Plan“Courtesy of Staff in the Registration Area”

Department Action Plan

Patient Satisfaction Dashboards:

Transitioning Accountability

Physician Involvement and


• ’08-’09 Pilot Section Chief – Manager partnership

• Development and rollout of Physician Compact

• Press Ganey results Transparent

• 2010 New physician leadership, management realignment

Physicians continued…

• Physician communication workshops

• Physician Dashboard


In Summary

• It starts with a burning platform

• “It’s Your Ship” Rollout Strategy

• What gets measured gets managed

• The power of recognition

• Providing the leadership team with


• Making Results Transparent