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Page 1: Patient Engagement: introduction booklet Involved/Patient Engagement Group/PEG… · obtaining your feedback on whether the services you use are meeting your needs. ... a culture






Page 2: Patient Engagement: introduction booklet Involved/Patient Engagement Group/PEG… · obtaining your feedback on whether the services you use are meeting your needs. ... a culture


Introduction This booklet is for patient and carer representatives who are involved or would

like to get involved in the work of Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

It explains who we are, how we engage with local patients and information on

our Patient Engagement Group (PEG). The booklet aims to: ~ explain the

process we use to involve and engage patients throughout commissioning

processes; ~ show how you can become involved in NHS commissioning; ~ and

help you understand the role of a PEG patient or carer representative.

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About Merton CCG

Who we are

NHS Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is responsible for planning,

buying (commissioning) and monitoring local healthcare services for everyone in

the borough.

Our group of 24 GP practices work together with our partners in the local NHS

(pharmacists, dentists, optometrists, hospitals and mental health providers), local

community groups and the London Borough of Merton, to improve health and

wellbeing, reduce health inequalities and ensure that everyone has equal access to

healthcare services.

Our guiding principle is that everyone in Merton should be able to receive the care

they need, at the right time, in the right place and from the right healthcare

professionals, bringing the right results for each individual patient.

We aim to offer the people of Merton a wide range of accessible, high-quality and

easy-to-use services to help them stay healthy, and to care for them when they fall

ill and need extra support. We realise that we can do these things only if we hear

and understand what people think of health services, and we are committed to

obtaining your feedback on whether the services you use are meeting your needs.

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Patient & Public Involvement

What is it? Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) is our process for making it as easy as we can

for you to be involved and to include you in influencing decision-making on health


The Government’s Health and Social Care Bill was passed in 2012 and set out a

radical new vision for the health service in England.

Key elements included:

Establishing a Health and Wellbeing board in every local authority

Establishing clinical commissioning groups

Making changes to public health delivery

Increasing patient and public engagement through the organisation


Statutory Duties

We have two key statutory duties in relation to patient engagement:

Individual Participation - NHS Commissioners must promote the

involvement of patients and carers in decisions that relate to their care or

treatment, including diagnosis, care planning, treatment and care

management. This duty requires CCGs and commissioners (such as

GPs) to ensure that the services commissioned promote involvement of

patients in their own care, including: personalised care-planning, shared

decision-making, self-care and self-management with targeted support.

Collective Participation - NHS commissioners must ensure public

involvement and consultation in commissioning processes and making

decisions. This includes involvement of the public, patients and carers in:

commissioning activities, planning of proposed changes to services

monitoring and evaluation.

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Services better designed around

the needs of patients

Decisions are better

supported when people are involved

Services become more responsive

to need

Fosters a culture of

transparency and trust

Improve outcomes and

patient experience

Shared responsibilities

for health care

Improves quality

of care

Reduce costs and influence National


Patient Representatives

What are they?

A Patient Representative is a patient or carer or member of the public who is

actively involved in local health services.

They may be representing a group of individuals, or they may be there in their own

right, offering views, experiences and perspectives on local health issues

The role of Patient Representatives on Boards and Groups is to ensure that the

views of patients, carers and families are heard and taken into consideration during

relevant discussions and when decisions that affect patient care and services are

being planned and made.

Why involve Representatives

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Patient Representative Role

What do they do?

The role of the Patient Representative is to ensure that the CCG takes into account

the views of local people in its planning and decision-making processes. As a

Patient Representative of the Patient Engagement Group, you will bring a patient’s

perspective into the decisions made by the CCG because they are informed by the

needs and wishes of local people.

The Patient Representative will:

Champion Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

Provide a commitment to the group, attending as many meetings as they

are able, and acting as a representative of the group when required.

Advice and support members of the group and other members of Merton

CCG staff on issues of PPI as they arise

Main elements of the role

Contribute to relevant meetings in a constructive manner, offering ideas

and opinions that reflect the voice of patients, carers and their families.

Keep abreast of local and national news and developments with regard to

healthcare policy and patient experience, and consider their impact on

the activities of their Group.

Support the development of the PEG annual work plan and contribute to

project work that has been identified as an area of need by the Group.

To actively promote the work of the PEG and, where possible, to help

encourage the involvement of patients and carers in the PEG with the

support of group members and the CCG.

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Being a Patient Representative

What does it mean?

By becoming a Patient Representative, you can play a vital role in improving local

NHS health services, patient care and experience.

There are volunteering opportunities within Merton’s CCG for patients and carers to

become involved in local health services. As a Patient Representative you will have

the opportunity to represent the interests of patients and carers.

You can contribute by:

Bringing your enthusiasm!

Sharing your knowledge and experience of your illness (or what it is like

to care for someone with an illness) with like-minded people.

Supporting other patients and carers to share their experiences.

Offering your time for a couple of hours a month.

What will it involve?

All roles will be different. Topics and timescales will be different depending upon the

service you are supporting. You can be involved as little or as much as you want.

You could share your experience by:

Attending regular service group meetings or boards.

Attending focus and discussion groups.

Completing questionnaires and online surveys.

Improving patient and carer information by reviewing leaflets and


Becoming a member of Healthwatch.

Joining your GP practice’s Patient Participation Group.

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Patient Engagement Group

Who are they?

The Patient Engagement Group (PEG) is an active group, contributing to the

continuous improvement of services, ensuring that the Clinical Commissioning The

Patient Engagement Group (PEG) is an active group, contributing to the continuous

improvement of services, ensuring that the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is

responsive to the needs and wishes of Merton residents.

The group is a forum for patients, carers and local people to inform and influence

the planning, designing and delivery of local health services.


The aim of the PEG is to allow patients, carers and local people to have effective

input to Merton CCG on the commissioning, provision and monitoring of local



The PEG provides a forum for dialogue between patient, carer and local

representatives and the CCG. This includes:

1. Enabling patients, carers and local people to raise issues about local

services with the CCG.

2. Enabling patients, carers and local people to be kept abreast by the CCG

of its priorities, business planning and commissioning timetables.

3. Enabling the CCG to consult patients, carers and local people about

current and future developments and policies, including the

commissioning and quality of local services.

4. Providing patients, carers and local people with timely requests to assist

the CCG, to allow for wider consultation through other patient and

service-user groups and consider their input for the CCG in taking work


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Lay Member, Patient and

Public Engagement


Director of Quality and


Patient & Public Engagement



Engagement -Chair


Engagement -vice Chair

Patient Engagement -


Voluntary & Community

Groups Representatives


Merton Representatives

Relationships & Members

Key working relationships

Work closely with members and the Chair of the Patient Engagement

Group and Merton CCG to develop a clear strategic approach to Patient

and Public Involvement in all engagement activities.

Work closely (where appropriate) with the PEG Chair, the Manager of

Merton’s CCG PPE and the Lay Board Member who leads on PPI and


Proactively demonstrate continuing efforts to establish and nurture

relationships between the CCG, local service users and carers.

Contribute to outcomes that matter to patients and improve the patients’

experience of healthcare.

Members & Representatives

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From the CCG to Patient Representatives

Seek to engage service users in clinical pathway design, decision-

making, and the diffusion of best practice.

Patients or care givers are partners in the governance and working

parties of the CCG, and advice on the quality and adjustment of services

from their personal experience.

Recognise the importance of learning from experience, and seek to use

patients as sources of expert knowledge for consultation.

Embed user engagement into its organisational culture, governance

structure and everyday work, as a means to improve value by improving

outcomes that matter to patients and carers, and enhancing their


From the Patient Representatives to the CCG

To invite and welcome open and honest feedback from our Patient


To give patients and carers the opportunity and the time to contribute to


To consider Patient Representatives as full members of any meetings for

which they are on the membership list.

To ensure that meetings are held at accessible locations, with adequate


To reimburse any travel expenses to and from meetings, in line with


To provide training as and when Patient Representatives identify the


To respond to queries and requests from Patient Representatives swiftly

and efficiently.

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Additional Information

Equality & Diversity

The CCG and Patient Representatives are committed to ensuring that patients,

carers, the public and employees are treated fairly, equitably and reasonably, and

that there is no discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their

ethnic origin, physical or mental abilities, gender, age, beliefs or sexual orientation.


Information concerning patients, staff or independent contractors is confidential and

must not be disclosed to any unauthorised persons. The Data Protection Act 1984

(as amended) renders an individual liable for prosecution in the event of

unauthorised disclosure of information. A breach of confidence could also result in a

civil action for damages. Patient Representatives must observe CCG policies and

procedures relating to data protection.

Training & Development

Training and development will be made available to ensure that Patient

Representatives have the required knowledge, skills and support to undertake their


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How do I find out more or get involved?

For more information about Patient and Public Involvement in Merton and what

opportunities are available, please contact the Patient and Public Involvement

Team on: [email protected]

Write to us:

Fifth Floor 120 Broadway Wimbledon London SW19 1RH

Find us on




020 3668 1221

Visit our website