patient classification system bjb

Models of Patient assignment Bivin JB Dept of Psychiatric Nursing

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Page 1: Patient classification system bjb

Models of Patient


Bivin JB

Dept of Psychiatric Nursing

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• Grouping of patients according to the

amount & complexity of their nursing


• Patient acuity- Nursing work load that is

generated for each patients

• Patient acuity ≈ Amount of nursing service

• Patient classification system is the scheme

that group patients according to the

amount & complexity of their nursing care


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Class Presentation

Ms Anila Mathew

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Presentation overview

1. Case method nursing or total patient


2. Functional nursing

3. Team nursing or modular nursing

4. Primary nursing

5. Case management or managed care

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Case method

• Nurses assume total responsibility for

meeting all the needs of assigned patients

during their time on duty.

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• Complete care.

• Nurses with high autonomy and responsibility.

• It is developed and communicated through

written sources, its usage remains in

contemporary practice.

• The lines of authority and accountability are


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• The nurses attend to total needs of clients

• Continuity of care.

• Client/ nurse interaction/rapport can be developed.

• Client may feel more comfortable

• Educational needs of the client can be closely monitored.

• Family and friends became better known by the nurse

• Workload of the patient can be equally divided.

• Nurse’s accountability for their function is built-in.

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• Many clients do not require the inherent care

of intensity in this type of service.

• This method need to be modified if

professional workers are to be involved


• It is difficult for the nurses to use this method

to become involved in long term planning and

evaluation of care.

• It is not possible if the nurses are not

adequately trained for the total care of the


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Functional method

• In this, persons were assigned to

complete certain tasks rather than care

of specific patients.

• Eg. Checking BP,

administering medications

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• A functional method is a technical approach

of nursing care.

• The available staff in the unit, for a particular

period of time, are assigned selected

functions of nursing practice such as vital

signs, treatments, medications.

• All the responsibilities are assigned in

accordance with the expertise.

• The only person who has responsibility of the

client is the head nurse or nurse acting the


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• Person become specifically skilled in

performing certain assigned task.

• Best utilization of a person’s aptitudes,

experiences and desires.

• Less equipment is needed.

• Saves time.

• Development of technical skill

• Sense of productivity for the task oriented


• Easy to organize the work of the unit and


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• Client care become impersonal,

compartmentalized and fragmented.

• Diminishing continuity of care.

• Staff may become bored and have little


• Only the nurse in-charge has

accountability for the client.

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• Little avenue for the staff development.

• Client may tend to feel insecure.

• Only parts of the nursing care plan are


• Difficult to establish the client priorities.

• Only safe when the head nurse co-

ordinate all the activities of the members.

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Team nursing

• A group of professional and non-

professional personnel work together who

identify, plan, implement and evaluate

comprehensive centered care.

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• Ancillary personnel collaborate in

providing care.

• Team nursing involves decentralization of

nursing unit and professional head nurse


• Each team composed of a team leader,

team members and patients.

• Comprehensive care is the responsibility

of the entire team.

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• The head nurse has the

responsibility to know the

conditions of all patients assigned

to the team and planning individual


• Democratic leadership.

• Group members are given as

much as autonomy

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• includes all health care personnel in the

group functioning and goals.

• Feelings of participation and belonging

• Workload can be balanced and shared.

• Division of labor allows members the

opportunity to develop leadership skills

• Every team members has the opportunity

to learn from and teach colleagues.

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• Establishing the team concept takes time, effort

and constancy of personnel.

• Unstable staffing patterns make team nursing

skills patterns make team nursing difficult.

• All personnel must be client centered.

• This leads to blurred lines of responsibility,

errors, and fragmented care.

• For the team nursing to be effective the leader

must be excellent practitioner and have good

communication, organizational, management,

and leadership skills.

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Primary nursing

• It is also called

relationship based

nursing. It involves

total nursing care,

directed by a nurse on

24 hour basis as long

as the client is under

the care.

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• The Primary nurse assumes 24-hour

responsibility from admission or start of

treatment to discharge or the treatment’s


• During work hours, primary nurse provides

total direct care for that patient.

• When the primary nurse is not on duty,

care is provided by other junior nurses.

• An integral responsibility of the primary

nurse is to establish a good


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• Opportunity for the nurse to see the client and family as one system.

• Nursing accountability, responsibility and independence are increased.

• The nurse is able to use wide range of skills, knowledge and expertise.

• Potentiates creativity by the nurse and thereby work satisfaction increases

• Increased trust and satisfaction for both

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• The nurse may be isolated from the


• Little avenue for group planning of care.

• Nurse must be mature and independently


• It must be cost effective.

• Staffing patterns may necessitate a heavy

client load.

• It may be difficult to recruit and retain

enough staff, especially in times of nursing


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Case management

A collaborative process that assesses,

plans, implements, coordinates, monitors

and evaluates opinions and services to

meet an individual health needs through

communication and available resources to

promote quality, cost-effective outcomes.Case management society of America

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• Case mangers handle each case


• In general, case manger can

handle a load of 25 patients.

• Case mangers use critical

pathways and multidisciplinary

action plans to plan patient care.

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Responsibilities of case managers:

• Assessing clients and their homes and


• Coordinating and planning client care.

• Collaborating with other health team

• Monitoring client progress and client


• Advocating for clients

• Serving as a liaison with third party

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• Additional work efficiency due to

geographical proximity.

• Establishes solid relationships with nursing

and ancillary staff working on the unit.

• Case management provides a well

coordinated care.

• Provides comprehensive care

• It seeks the active involvement of the

patient, family and diverse health care


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• Some experts are argued that this role should

be reserved for the advance practitioner

nurse or an RN with advanced training or

need 3 to 5 year experience.

• The case manger should also be extremely

bright, have well developed interpersonal

skills, be able to multitask, have a strong

foundation in utilization review, and

understand payer-patient specifics and

hospital reimbursement mechanisms.

• Expensive

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Modular Nursing

Modular nursing is a modification of team

nursing and focuses on the patient‘s

geographic location for staff assignments.

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• The patient unit is divided into modules or

districts, and the same team of caregivers

is assigned consistently to the same

geographic location.

• Each location, or module, has an RN

assigned as the team leader, and the other

team members may include LPN.

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• The team leader is accountable for all

patient care and is responsible for

providing leadership for team members

and creating a cooperative work


• The success of the modular nursing

depends greatly on the leadership abilities

of the team leader.

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♣ Nursing care hours are usually cost-


♣ The client is able to identify personnel who

are responsible for his care.

♣ All care is directed by a registered nurse.

♣ Continuity of care is improved

♣ The RN as team leader is able to be more

involved in planning & coordinating care.

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♣ Save staff time.

♣ Feelings of participation and belonging

♣ Work load can be balanced and shared.

♣ Develop leadership skills

♣ Continuity care is facilitated

♣ Everyone has the opportunity to contribute

to the care plan.

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♠ Costs may be increased to stock each

♠ Takes time, effort, and constancy of personnel.

♠ Unstable staffing pattern make team difficult.

♠ There is less individual responsibility and autonomy regarding nursing function.

♠ All personnel must be client centered.

♠ The team leader must have complex skills and knowledge.

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Progressive patient care

It is a method in which client care areas

provide various levels of care.

The central theme is better utilization of

facilities, services and personnel for the

better patient care.

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Principal elements of PPC

• Intensive care or critical care

• Intermediate care

• Convalescent and Self Care

• Long-term care

• Home care

• Ambulatory care

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♣ Efficient use is made of personnel and


♣ Clients are in the best place to receive the

care .

♣ Use of nursing skills and expertise are


♣ Clients are moved towards self care,

independence is fostered where indicated.

♣ Efficient use and placement of equipment is


♣ Persons have greater probability to function

towards their fullest capacity.

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♣ Discomfort to clients who are moved often.

♣ Continuity care is difficult.

♣ Nurse/Client relationships are difficult to


♣ Great emphasis is placed on

comprehensive, written care plan.

♣ There is often difficulty in meeting

administrative need of the organization,

staffing evaluation and accreditation.

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Differentiated Nursing Practice

• An attempt to separate nursing practice roles based on education or experience or some combination of both.

• Education model:

Role differentiation based upon type of educational preparation [BSN, MSN etc]

• Competency model:

Role differentiation based on individual nursing skills, expertise, experience etc.

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• Match patients needs with nursing


• Efficient use of nursing resources.

• Provide equitable compensation

• It increase nurse satisfaction, built loyalty and

increase the prestige of the nursing profession.

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