patchouli livelihoods info for bop mobiles

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A pilot example of livelihoods learning on mobile phones. Contact [email protected] for more information


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1. Choose Location 2. Make a nursery 3. Prepare land 4. Planting 5. Maintenance 6. Pests and

Diseases 7. Harvest 8. Post-Harvest

9. Distillation 10. Why Patchouli? 11. Supply Chain 12. Contacts 13. Finance 14. Business Plan 15. Tips


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Choose Location • 50 to 400m above sea level • High temperature and humidity

• Fertile soil

• Good drainage

• Enough sunlight

• Near distillery

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Choose Location [checklist] • Patchouli growing area starts from 500 sq metres

• 50 to 400-metre-high above sea level

• High temperature and humidity

• Enough sunlight - not shielded by tall trees

• Fertile and crumbly soil with plenty of natural nutrient

• Good drainage no stagnant water

• Near distillery

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Make a Nursery • Learn nursery

cuttings skills • Find good, local

parent plants • Use correct

cutting sizes • Stimulate roots

• Wait for root growth

• Use poly bags

• Make shade house

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Make a Nursery [checklist 1] Patchouli nursery from cuttings from a good and chosen parent plant. Learn how to do it from Department of Agriculture's instructors. Grow the cutting first using a polybag. Parent plants - Select from a patchouli parent plant from local variety with good growth and no disease. Cutting sizes - branch/stem diameter for cutting is 0.8 - 1 cm. The length of a cutting 15 - 25 cm and has at least six buds.

Root stimulant - Remove all the leaves except 4 small leaves on the top, then soak the tip of the cuttings stem in a root stimulating organic liquid fertilizer for 5 minutes.

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Make a Nursery [checklist 2]

Polybag - When the root and the leaves start to grow, move the cuttings into a polybag filled with the following evenly-mixed materials: 10 kgs of soil, 12.5 kgs of husk, 2.5 kgs of sand, and 10 kgs of animal compost. Grow the cuttings in the polybag for 2 months at most. Make a shade house - The shade house is 180-cm-high on the east side and 120-cm-high on the west side so the sunlight can shine in. Cover the top of the shade house with leaves or plastic net so the sunlight does not shine directly onto the cuttings. Place the polybags in shade house.

Root growth - tie the cuttings together with 50 - 100 other patchouli cuttings stems and leave for 15 days.

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Prepare Land

• Clear land • Prune trees • Add drainage if necessary

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Prepare Land [checklist ]

• Prepare land by clearing grass and shrubs • Prune the branches and leaves of tall trees around the growing area • If flat land, make a trench to avoid stagnant water. For sloping land, drainage is not necessary

Preparing the land for patchouli cultivation requires the following steps:

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Planting • Plant spaces • Make holes • Use nursery cuttings

• Lie cutting flat

• Cover with soil

• Wet planting time

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Planting [checklist 1]

Measure the space between plants since it is a very important issue for fully-grown patchoulis. An ideal planting space for a fertile land is 100 cm x 100 cm or 1 metre square, whereas a less-fertile land (such as terracota) requires 60 cm x 60 cm spacing. Make plant holes (5-cm-deep). After the cuttings are taken from the parent plant's stem, it can be planted in the land right away, but this method has high risk of dead cuttings. It is recommended to use a cuttings that has been planted in a polybag before. (See 3 Make a nursery)

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The steps in planting patchouli are:

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Planting [checklist 2]

Put the cuttings in the plant hole. The stem's position should be flat on the ground and sideways. Cover with soil and use your foot to press it gently so the cuttings could blend with the soil. Plant at the beginning of the rain/wet season Young patchouli cuttings need shade from leaves or by planting temporary shading crops such as maize in between the patchouli plants. Maize will be ready to be harvested in 3-4 months after which patchouli cuttings are well established

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• Weeding • Disease spotting • Trimming • Recovery

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Maintenance [checklist 1]

There are several steps that has to be done in maintaining patchouli plant: Clear the area from weeds and other un supporting plants regularly, using hoes and machetes. Be careful not to disturb the roots and cause disease to the patchouli plants. Stitching is done after the plants aged 2 - 4 weeks, by removing dead plants or plants infected by pests and diseases. Burn or dispose those dead plants away from the planting area to avoid spreading disease.

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Maintenance [checklist 2]

Trimming after the plants are 3-month-old and clumps are formed that touch other patchouli plants. Trimming is to the third branch and above. Recovery is done after harvesting. The branches, stems and twigs that are left behind after harvest and are close to the ground are covered with 10-to-15-cm-thick of soil. Break the tips of the branches that are far from the ground (but make sure that they are still connected) and cover the broken cuttings with soil so that patchouli tillers will grow and may produce more crop.

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Simple Crop and High Selling Price

Patchouli, a member of the mint family, is easy to cultivate and produces essential oil with quite a high selling price. To obtain good quality essential oil, farmers need to focus on obtaining good root stock , perform maintenance on a regular basis, and have access to a distillery where dried leaves are purchased per kilo.

Why Patchouli?

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Market : Distillery Finance : < $100 Skill : Agriculture

Resources : >500m land

Simple Crop and High Selling Price


Patchouli can be harvested every 2 - 3 months, that is why it makes a very good

alternative source of family income.


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Decision Making Steps 1. Why Patchouli? 2. Do you have a buyer? 3. Do you have the skills? 4. Do you have the land / resources? 5. Is Cash available? 6. What contacts do you have? 7. Discuss with family and friends 8. Do you have time? 9. Decide!

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Supply Chain

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Contacts Web:

• •

vecenter PIM Online:


Alex Halvachs, Payan Bertrand Mobile : 081362437177 Email : [email protected]

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Finance - Revenue


Total Production:

12 kgs of Essential Oil

Selling Price:

Rp 300,000

Revenue: Total Production (Kg) x Selling Price (Rp)

Rp. 6,600,000

12 Kg x

Rp. 550,000

• See Capital • See Profit

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Finance - Capital CAPITAL

No Steps Capital Type of Capital

1 Location Selection

2 Nursery 100,000 Seasonal

3 Land Preparation

Farming Tools (hoes, machetes, etc.) 170,000


4 Planting 100,000 Seasonal

5 Maintenance

6 Pests and Diseases Control

7 Harvesting 100,000 Seasonal

8 Post-Harvest

Cost of Distillation 1,200,000 Seasonal

Total Fixed Capital (Only disbursed in the beginning of

the process) 170,000

Only at start up

Total Seasonal Capital (Needed in every cultivation

season) 1,500,000

Disbursed every


Total Initial Capital 1,670,000


- Capital estimation is made in accordance to the condition of a 25 m x 25 m area.

- The cost of essential oil distillation is assumed to be about Rp. 100.000,- per kilogram of essential oil extracted.

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Finance - Profit


Revenue: 6,600,000

Seasonal Capital: 1,500,000

Profit: 5,100,000

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Business Plan

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• Funding proposal • Process People profile

• Model - raw materials and people • Clustering

• Eco strategies