patagonian rain forest presentation

Patagonian Rain Forest Biosphere Life Reserves Los Ríos Region - Chile Alexandra Petermann Huilo Huilo Director August 2010

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Patagonian Rain Forest in Huilo Huilo - Chile


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Patagonian Rain Forest Biosphere Life Reserves

Los Ríos Region - Chile

Alexandra PetermannHuilo Huilo Director

August 2010

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What is a tourism destination?“A tourism destination is a physical space in which a visitor spends at least one overnight. It includes tourism products such as support services and attractions, and tourism resources within one day’s return travel time. It has physical and administrative boundaries defining its management, and images and perceptions defining its market competitiveness.Destinations incorporate various stakeholders often including a host community, and can nest and network to form larger destinations”. (OMT, 2002).

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“A tourism destination is a physical space in which a visitor spends at least one overnight. It includes tourism products such as support services and attractions, and tourism resources within one day’s return travel time. It has physical and administrative boundaries defining its management.And its images and perceptions defining its market competitiveness.Destinations incorporate various stakeholders often including a host community, and can nest and network to form larger destinations”. (OMT, 2002).

What is a tourism destination?

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WORLD Egypt - Archeology, ancient cultures. Tahiti - White sandy beaches, crystal water, a paradise of rest. Costa Rica- Nature and Adventure “Pure Life”, “Without artificial

ingredients”. New Zealand:- Virgin Nature, Adventure, “100% Pure New Zealand”.

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CHILE• San Pedro Atacama–San Pedro de Atacama, high plains, millenary

cultures. • Torres del Paine: –Chilean Patagonia Chile “Nature and

Aventure”. • Easter Island–Isla de Pascua, culture, archeology.

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Position a DestinationLifecycle of a Destination










Torres del Paine 1990– 2000San Pedro At. 1995 – 2005Rapa Nui 2000 – 2010Costa Rica 1995 - 2005New Zealand 1990 - 2000

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Los Ríos Region, Patagonian Rain Forest - Chile

Advantages:1. As we are in the Patagonia, let us use the concept which already

exists in the tourist industry, allowing us to shorten the introduction stage.

1. Differentiate ourselves for our values and Rainforest ecosystems, which do not exist in other places of the Patagonia, either in Chile or Argentina, and unique in the rest of the world.

1. Position Los Rios Region as a place that represents these unique values, which we conceptualize as the Patagonian Rainforest, using this as a starting point from which to bring it to the world.

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1.- Rainforest in the Patagonia“The Patagonia occupies the extreme south of the South American continent, a vast extension of more than 900 000 square kilometers. This triangular region extends from the south of the Colorado River in Argentina and the city of Valdivia in Chile to the Tierra del Fuego. The Patagonian landscape shows abrupt contrasts: plateaus and terraces to the east where the dominant vegetation are on herbaceous and bushy steppes, and the Andes to the west with lakes of glacial formation, rivers and thick forests.”Source: Diaz N. and Smith-Fleuck JA, “El huemul patagónico” 2000.





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Source: Montt, Rosario “Inmigración Suiza en Chile en el siglo XIX por su propia fuerza, El Pionero Ricardo Roth”, 2009.

1.- Rainforest in the Patagonia

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ValdiviaSan Martín de Los Andes

1.- Rainforest in the Patagonia

Source: gateway map of Argentina.

Ecoregions of Argentina

Estepa PatagónicaBosques Patagónicos

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Los Ríos Región, Patagonian Rain Forest - Chile

Advantages:1. As we are in the Patagonia, let us use the concept which

already exists in the tourist industry, allowing us to shorten the introduction stage.

2. Differentiate ourselves for our values and Rainforest ecosystems, which do not exist in other places of the Patagonia, either in Chile or Argentina, and unique in the rest of the world.

3. Position Los Rios Region as a place that represents these unique values, which we conceptualize as the Patagonian Rainforest, using this as a starting point from which to bring it to the world.

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2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

According to the definition proposed by Dinerstein et al. (2000), an eco region is a relatively large unit of land or water which contains differentiated formations of natural communities which share the majority of species, with common environmental dynamics and conditions.

It is a thin strip of forest that extends towards the south for approximately 1600km. from the 35° to 47° latitude south (Valdivia at its center, 40°). It is characterized by the Temperate Rain Forest.

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The Ecoregion of Valdivian Temperate Rain Forests is one of the 25 most valuable and threatened ecoregions on the planet. It is considered worldwide as a “hotspot” regarding biodiversity (Myers et al., 2000).

The importance of the Valdivian ecoregion is due to its high level of endemism, variety of habitats and unique vegetable formations.

2.-Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

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Both scientific institutions and those dedicated to conservation have been able to catalogue the southern Temperate Rain Forests as a virgin forest at a global level, due to it being one of the big ecologically intact natural forests still existent on the planet.

(Bryant et al., 1997). World Resources Institute (WRI) .


2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

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It is also a biogeographical island, which developed separately from the rest of the forest ecosystems as of the tertiary era and which shelters an extraordinary level of endemism, as old communities of vegetable and animal species, many of which go back to the time of the supercontinent known as Gondwana.

The Tertiary era is a geological era that began 65,5 ±0,3 million years ago, and which extends to the present day.

This region has provided an important habitat for the species of the rainforests during the last periods of glaciations.

2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

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Our forest sustains a valuable Biodiversity

The natural isolation of the Valdivian Ecoregion during various thousands of years produced unique animal and vegetable species, which present singular characteristics.

Chucao (Scelorchilus rubecula) only exist in Chile and they are completely adapted to living on the forest floor.

Monito de monte ("little mountain monkey" Dromiciops gliroides), the worlds’ most primitive marsupial, related to the Australian marsupials and considered a living fossil, representing the first marsupials which inhabited South America. It is in danger of extinction.

Carpintero negro (Magellanic Woodpecker) the biggest of the three woodpecker species present in Chile. Its life story is directly linked to the fate of the mature rainforest.

The Guiña (konkon) is one of the smallest wild cats in the world.

The Southern Pudu is the world’s smallest deer, weighing only 10 Kg and with a height of 40 cm, it is endemic to this forest.

2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

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This ecoregion shelters the most extraordinary and representative biodiversity of the planet.

Dinerstein et al. (1995, 2001)

2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

Our forest sustains a valuable Biodiversity.

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BirdLife International identifies this ecoregion as being of global importance regarding the number of endemic species of birds.

(Stattersfield et al., 1998). Churrín del sur

Chucao Comesebo grande Cometocino patagónico



Choroy Tenca

2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

Our forest sustains a valuable Biodiversity

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Largest diversity of ferns on continental Chile, various species of orchids, large variety of fungi, lichens and mosses. There are hundred year old trees within a millenary forest.

2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

Our forest sustains a valuable Biodiversity

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The southern Chilean Temperate Rain Forest is composed of 443 species of vascular plants.

2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

Our forest sustains a valuable Biodiversity

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The Rios Region forms part of the “Biosphere Reserves”, declared by the UNESCO in 2007, area of more than 2,000,000 hectares of southern Temperate Rain Forests of the southern Andes.

Priority area for conservation, as this Temperate Rain Forest is characterized for sheltering a great variety of species and for its high level of endemism, a scarce ecosystem worldwide and which it is necessary to protect.

Endemism: (animal or vegetable exclusively belonging to a determined area.)

Biosphere Reserves UNESCO 2007

2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

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The Rios Region forms part of the “Biosphere Reserves”, declared by the UNESCO in 2007, area of more than 2,000,000 hectares of southern Temperate Rain Forests of the southern Andes.

Priority area for conservation, as this Temperate Rain Forest is characterized for sheltering a great variety of species and for its high level of endemism, a scarce ecosystem worldwide and which it is necessary to protect.

Endemism: (animal or vegetable exclusively belonging to a determined area).

2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems





Biosphere Reserves UNESCO 2007

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2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

In Chile, more than 70% of the forest species are found between 36° and 40° latitude south. This is the area of most biodiversity in our country.(Arroyo et al, 1996).

Our forest sustains a valuable Biodiversity





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The evergreen forests are part of the Temperate Rain Forest in this area, representing a type of unique ecosystem characterized by a high rainfall.

Chile posses a quarter of all Temperate Rain Forest in the world.

The concentration of wealth of forest species in such a restricted area is due to more stable conditions persisted during the last Quaternary.

Quaternary: last of the great geological periods, from 2588 million years ago to the present day.


2.- Values and Differentiating Ecosystems

Our forest sustains a valuable Biodiversity

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Los Ríos Region, Patagonian Rain Forest - Chile

Advantages:1. As we are in the Patagonia, let us use the concept which

already exists in the tourist industry, allowing us to shorten the introduction stage.

2. Differentiate ourselves for our values and Rainforest ecosystems, which do not exist in other places of the Patagonia, either in Chile or Argentina, and unique in the rest of the world.

3. Position Los Rios Region as a place that represents these unique values, which we conceptualize as the Patagonian Rainforest, using this as a starting point from which to bring it to the world.

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3.- Los Rios Region in the WorldPatagonian Rain Forest

Biosphere Life Reserves

Valdivian ecoregion / valdivian forest(one of the 25 most valuable ecoregions on the planet).






Patagonian Rain Forest

Biosphere Life Reserves

Biosphere Reserves UNESCO 2007

Area of most biodiversity in Chile

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Year 2008 % Of Total Arrivals Growth Destination Stage

San Pedro A. 74% 9,7% Maturity / StagnationR. Los Rios 12% 4,1% IntroductionR. Los Lagos 33% 19,9% Introduction / Development

Torres Paine 70% 4,2% Maturity / StagnationTotal 31% 18,0% Development/ Maturity

3.- Los Rios Region in the WorldPatagonian Rain Forest

Biosphere Life ReservesArrival of foreignersSource: Sernatur

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United Patagonia Chile – Argentina

Accommodation of Foreign Tourist 2008

Arrivals of foreigners via border crossings 2008

Los Ríos Region

11.254 4.387

Los Lagos Region

143.958 166.429

Magallanes Region

125.713 385.198

Source: Sernatur

San Martín de Los AndesSan Carlos de Bariloche

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United Patagonia Chile – Argentina

Promote Patagonia Forest Touring:

It is an opportunity to use the concept of promoting the interconnectivity with Argentina via the Hua-Hum and Carirriñe border crossings in order to attract foreign tourists to the Los Rios Region.

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What is Huilo Huilo?

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What is Huilo Huilo?

It is a unique experience of living the magic of the Patagonian Forest.

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“There are still magical places on earth where life develops at a natural pace... We invite you to be part of this world”.