passion to potential · 2019. 7. 19. · courageously use their gifts and a willingness to use...


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Welcome to our first ‘Class of ’ publication, where we have the opportunity to celebrate the strengths and broad achievements of our departing Year 12 group. At Arden, we celebrate each student, taking care to discover and nurture an individual’s unique interests and talents. The Class of 2017 are a rich, diverse group and in these pages we hope you will get a sense of the highlights of their time at the School, what was important to them, and the lasting impact of an Arden education.

Each Year Group will have its own flavour. For the Class of 2017, we recognise the leadership they have exhibited, as well as their heart for compassionate service, and their enormous creativity. Many of our students challenged themselves by undertaking one or more Major Works for their HSC and we’re particularly proud that ten were nominated for HSC Showcases—a testament to the excellence they achieved, and the support they received from staff and family.

At Arden we see students as unique individuals and seek to nurture them academically but also holistically. Of course we were thrilled with the School’s 2017 HSC ranking as 62nd in the State (you can see more of these details in our recent HSC Results brochure). However, ultimately our aim is to prepare our students for life beyond school, as citizens who courageously use their gifts and a willingness to use their God-given strengths in the service of others.

In these pages you will also see where our graduates are heading, by following their passions in the arts, seeking to give a voice to minority groups, protecting our environment, or harnessing technology for the good of others. A number are taking a gap year, undertaking internships with church groups or beginning apprenticeships. I’m proud of the diverse fields they are entering into: a result of Arden’s wish to know and support each individual and to encourage them to follow their strengths and passions.

To the Class of 2017, I wish you all the best.

Mr Graham Anderson Principal


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‘We can be heroes’ was the motto the 2017 Prefect Team created for our term of leadership. Being a hero can be applied to all areas of life and so, in all our activities throughout the year, we encouraged the Arden community to join us in being everyday heroes.

Being a hero can be an elusive concept but we modelled our hero on the example set by Jesus Christ, giving students a goal to strive for. We believe heroism is not accomplished through accolades, but rather it is achieved through the creation of character.

We wanted to encourage students to be heroes or ‘heroic’ in their consideration of others.We reinforced the hero message in all of our activities. Our main fundraiser was called ‘Hire a Hero’ where we auctioned off Prefects for a day of service. The aim of the day was not to suggest that Prefects were heroes but to encourage everyone to respect and serve each other, two important Arden values. We raised $4,020 which was an amazing result and we were so happy that the whole school got involved in the day.

As a Prefect team we also celebrated Valentine’s Day by selling roses and serenades, with all funds going to our chosen charity. The day was filled with love and happiness and everyone got involved, demonstrating that every individual can be an everyday hero.

The 2017 leadership team agreed that our chosen charity would be The Extra Mile Project. Arden has had a long partnership with The Extra Mile Project, an organisation serving rural and disadvantaged communities in Vietnam and Cambodia. All the funds we raised during the year went to the Year 11 Cambodia and Vietnam Mission Trip to support the work of The Extra Mile Project. It has been a privilege to see the limitless extent of this community’s passion and generosity.

We would like to encourage you all to continue to be heroes, wherever life takes you. Charles Barnett and Grace de Rijk 2017 School Captains


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During her HSC, Katie Turner’s favourite subjects were her English Extension subjects, “ultimately bringing to fruition my passion for literature and analytical thinking.” She is now studying a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences) at The University of Sydney, majoring in English and English as a Second Language. She is “excited at the possibility of potentially teaching kids from a broad spectrum of life, and being able to be a positive influence on their future.”

“People nurtured and supported me, and took the time to understand me … not just as a student to teach, but as a person.” She also sought to be a positive influence on others as a Prefect. “I think the best thing about being a Prefect was having the ability to make a difference,” she says. “I think the biggest difference was making people excited and interested in school and social justice and their individual passions.”

Asked about something she won’t miss about school, Katie says won’t miss walking up and down the stairs in the Essex buildings, and across the road: “it was a PDHPE lesson in itself!”

Katie found a positive influence in the teachers she had at Arden. “I’ve felt known at Arden every day since Kindergarten … teachers at Arden have a great way of being able to understand students’ needs and treat them with kindness and respect,” she says.


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Andrew is planning to undertake a Bachelor of Digital Business at Macquarie University. Not surprisingly his favourite subjects at Arden were Industrial Technology: Multimedia Technologies (ITM) and Software Design and Development.

In Year 11 Andrew created a 2D platformer game, representing Arden when he was nominated for an award by the University of Wollongong. He was also nominated for an award in the computer Student Game category of the ATOM Awards in Melbourne.

As well as going on a Music Tour to China in his HSC year, a highlight of his time at Arden, Andrew decided to take on the challenge of a Major Work. Designing an application for his tablet “pushed me to my programming limits” he says, particularly because he illustrated and composed the music for the app as well. Making the HSC Distinguished Achievers List in Industrial Technology, combined with his Major Work/other experiences, helped Andrew to realise that he was good at programming and game design and this has in turn influenced his career aspirations.


experience faith personally. Crusaders was particularly encouraging and a good place to make strong friendships.









What are your plans for the future?Taking a Gap Year.

Favourite subject at school?English because it is a subject that reveals the way people see the world.

Most inspiring Arden moment? Fundraising for Cambodia and Vietnam, seeing the way students worked together to achieve a common goal.

Did you feel ‘known’ at Arden? I definitely felt valued as an individual at Arden. My Tutor, was the most influential teacher. She would regularly check up on the students under her care and take time to listen to them and value them.

How did Arden influence you to be more service-minded?

Arden helped me realise how many problems there are and it pushed me to make an effort to create change.

How did Arden encourage you in your faith? Arden was a safe and nurturing environment to have faith. The teachers cared for and encouraged students to explore the Christian faith and

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What are your plans for the future?Bachelor of Information Technology at Macquarie University. I want to use my interest in multimedia to make a difference.

What was your most triumphant moment at Arden? Receiving two showcase nominations for my Industrial Technology: Multimedia Technologies (ITM) and Design and Technology major works.

What is your favourite saying?Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?Throughout my time my ITM teacher encouraged and pushed me and the entire class to perform to a high standard. The skills that I learnt from being in that class have been so valuable, as they are particularly relevant to my future studies and career endeavours.

What strengths did you discover you had?I can persevere through sometimes overwhelming challenges, especially going through creating two major

works which was time consuming and sometimes seemed to be never ending.

Favourite team?I was in the Touch Football Team in Year 11 and Year 12 which was fun as I had never played Touch Football before.

Georgia’s time at Arden helped her to discover a passion for the performing arts. She appeared in a number of external productions, including Nick Enright’s, Blackrock, as well as Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible. She also loved the “spontaneity of what happens on stage” at Theatresports. Georgia wants to become an actor and is beginning an Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media at the Academy of Film, Theatre and Television (AFTT).

Choosing to go into a highly competitive field, Georgia’s favourite quote comes from AA Milne’s Christopher Robin: “You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, smarter than you think.” Georgia says it reminds her not only of a person’s internal resilience but that “sometimes you need to trust in what the people around you are saying … that you can do things.”

Georgia feels that Arden’s size meant she felt known and appreciated. “All the staff are fantastic at making sure they check in on students—even ones they don’t teach,” she says.

Georgia enjoyed being a Peer Support Leader because “it taught me a lot about myself ” and it helped her to give advice to Year 7’s that “I wish I knew or understood when I was in Year 7.” Georgia is also thankful that, through what she heard at Chapel and at Crusaders, “I was able to come to know and come to love God and to know the love He has for me.”









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Harpreet Dhillon’s last day of Year 12 at Arden was a “triumphal moment” for her. Not only did it signify that she would be the first girl in her family to finish high school, it allowed her to take stock of how far she had come. Harpreet’s migrant background and experiences with trauma have presented her with a number of challenges, but Harpreet says that ultimately “they have only deepened my passion to help and protect others.”

Unsurprisingly, Harpreet’s favourite subjects were Geography and also Community and Family Studies—not only because of the pizza parties enjoyed over double lessons. “Everyone got on with each other like family and we were comfortable to share personal stories,” she said. The subjects touched on issues she’s passionate about, such as cultural identity, mental health, gender equality, refugee and migrant issues, and the empowerment of young people.

As well as youth advocacy, one of the highlights of Harpreet’s high school years was travelling to the UN as the youngest Australian civil society delegate, attending the United Nations Commission on the Statues of Women in New York.

Harpreet plans to study a Bachelor of International Studies at Macquarie University. She is interested in becoming a journalist or a human rights/international aid worker. Whatever she chooses, Harpreet says: “I hope to make a difference.”


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The development of leadership skills, and in particular, an emphasis on the importance of character and service at Arden have made a lasting impression on Caitlin Gerrard. Caitlin believes she was inspired by older role models: “watching students when I was in the younger years speaking at Assembly about fundraisers ... helped me to get involved with fundraisers (when I was older),” she says. Her most memorable moment was the Cambodia and Vietnam Mission Trip: “The Tour challenged us physically and mentally by providing insight into another culture, and made us question materialistic values.” Caitlin also loved the sporting opportunities at Arden. She was involved in Netball,

Basketball, Touch Football, Volleyball and Oztag. Her favourite extracurricular activity was Netball, not just because of the game but because “it provided opportunities in leadership and character development.” She also loved the way sport allowed her to make lasting friendships. “Whether it was by coaching or talking to younger teams, there were always beautiful memories being created every week on the sporting bus”, she says. Caitlin’s favourite subject was Community and Family Studies. She is undertaking a Bachelor of Psychology/Bachelor of Laws at Macquarie University in 2018.

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What are your plans for the future? I received a Global Leadership Entry Program offer for a Bachelor of Business Leadership and Commerce at Macquarie University. I hope one day to become some sort of prominent global leader in the world of commerce.

What was your most triumphant moment at Arden? Featuring on Meme competition 2016.

What will you miss about school?Great banter.

Something you won’t miss about school?Period 0.

Favourite subject at school?Modern History and History Extension, simply because I had the best teachers.

What strengths did you discover you had?The ability to engage in intellectual discourse which becomes ultimately constructive and thoughtful.



What are your plans for the future?I plan to study Bachelor of Information Technology at University of Technology, Sydney while working part time.

Favourite subject at school?Software Design and Development because we had a small class of eight students, meaning we were all very close mates with each other and with my teacher, who was a mentor for me. He helped me to discover my skills in programming and software design and this has helped me find direction in my life, for which I am very grateful.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?“You’ve got to do the work sooner or later, so why not do it now?.”

What are you most proud of?My rank and results for my Industrial Technology major work, but also my nomination for InTech.

How would you like to be remembered? For the most luscious hair but also as a good and funny friend, to all who needed one.










What are your plans for the future?Studying a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at Torrens University.

Favourite place in the world? Fraser Island.

What I want to beHigh fashion model.

Favourite subject at school?English and Drama because they were fun.

What did you learn while completing your three major works? Make sure you don’t leave it to the last minute. I finished one Major Work before the actual HSC year started.

What are you most proud of? My Drama costume design.

Who supported you? My friends really supported me and the office staff were always so nice to me.

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Oliver Moss has a passion for “protecting and advocating for the environment” and hopes in the future to become an environmental lawyer. He is currently studying a Bachelor of Environment with a Bachelor of Laws at Macquarie University.

Oliver is grateful that, as a naturally reserved person, his time at Arden gave him both the skills and confidence to become an assertive and comfortable public speaker. He also appreciated Arden’s emphasis on servant-minded leadership: “Arden made me see that leadership was not a way to promote yourself, but rather a platform to serve and create positive change.” His favourite subject was Geography, with its emphasis on both the human and natural world, because “it expands your worldview” and his time on the Cambodia and Vietnam Mission Trip made a lasting impression on him, allowing him to see poverty and inequality first hand.

His leadership of the Environment Group was a highlight of his time at the School and he hopes he will be remembered as “someone who was not apathetic (but) rather was guided by their strong moral belief system and passions to lead and instigate change within the school community.” His favourite saying is by Abraham Lincoln: “The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.”




What are your plans for the future?I will be pursuing an apprenticeship in Landscaping.

Best thing about Arden?The kind and passionate teachers who make subjects and school fun and worthwhile.

Favourite subject?My all-time most favourite subject was Drama. We had an immense amount of fun as a class learning and acting throughout the years. I will carry my skills learnt and memories made in Drama with me forever.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?Only pursue a career that makes you happy and that you enjoy.

How would you like to be remembered?For being motivated, for my kind nature, as well as for making people happy.

What strengths did you discover you had?Communication and self- discipline.

Most memorable school trip?The Cambodia and Vietnam Mission Trip will be a memory that will last forever, visiting the orphanages and schools, and seeing kids’ faces light up and smile with excitement to see us.






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Maja Pavic will always remember the 23rd August, 2017. On that day she received her Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award from His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of New South Wales before rushing back to school to dance at the annual Secondary Sports Assembly. “After dancing, I was awarded the perpetual trophy for the Commitment to Dance Award. I will always remember this memorable day,” she says.

Maja joined the Arden Dance Group as a nervous Year 7 student and danced with the group at Arden for six years. She feels her time with the group “boosted my confidence levels and unleashed my passion and talent.” She was eventually made Dance Captain for all three dance groups: Contemporary, Jazz and Troupe. Towards the end of Year 12 she was approached to teach dance at the School, which she is currently doing. She is now studying a Bachelor of Health Science (Dance) at the Australian College of Physical

Education, a stepping stone to a Master of Physiotherapy at The University of Sydney later down the track. In the future, she hopes to work as a physiotherapist specialising in dance injuries, working with major ballet companies. Eventually, she would also like to open her own dance studio.

Maja feels grateful that at Arden, “I felt that every teacher knew who I was, and knew my passion for dancing.” She was also heavily involved in other co-curricular activities: playing her clarinet and mentoring younger players in the Concert Band, sport, Crusaders, Social Justice Group, SRC and as a Peer Support Leader.

“Arden provides students with unending support and opportunities to grow and learn,” she says. “I would not have been able to do or achieve the many things I have today if it wasn’t for Arden’s encouragement which is what I will miss the most.”


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“Service can be done in many ways and at times the obvious way (whether it be giving money or trying to help hands on) isn’t the best.”


Asked to answer the question: How would you like to be remembered? Adrian Nesci’s answer is “carefree.” So it’s no surprise that some of his most enjoyable moments as a Peer Support Leader was “seeing the Year 7’s make the same mistakes I did and getting a nostalgic feeling!” It’s some relief to hear that the best piece of advice he received from a teacher was, “At the end of the day it’s your decision what you do, nobody else’s. Just be careful.”

Some of Adrian’s happiest moments at Arden were on the sports field. His favourite team was the undefeated T-ball/Softball team he was in from Year 3 to Year 6. “We played 64 games all up and didn’t lose a single one. Of course it wasn’t the winning that made it fun, but the culture that fun came first and winning came second—that’s what made our teamwork so great.” His most inspiring Arden moment was in Year 9, where, on the way to the Basketball finals, the bus driver gave the team an unexpected and impromptu motivational speech!

Adrian is planning to study a Bachelor of Science at The University of Sydney. He believes that his time at Arden taught him how to become more service minded, he also learnt: “service can be done in many ways and at times the obvious way (whether it be giving money or trying to help hands on) isn’t the best.”




What course do you plan to study in 2018?Aerospace Engineering at the State University of New York. I want to get my Masters and work towards getting a job at NASA or SpaceX.

Favourite subject at school? Physics. For the constant amazement of being taught the science and reasoning for simplistic, everyday things.

Best thing about Arden?The best thing about Arden is 100% the teachers. Some of my teachers will be remembered solely as friends, giving us leeway and the ability to work at our own speed. This made the last years of school definitely the most enjoyable. The teachers deserve much credit. Their efforts to help everyone understand is unrepayable.

How would you like to be remembered? As a genuine and honest person.

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Favourite subject at school?Biology.

What was your most triumphant moment at Arden? When Harry Belcher asked me to the Year 10 Formal.

What will you miss about school?Chocolate croissants from the canteen.

Something you won’t miss about school?Tab tie.

How would you like to be remembered? As a sentient life form.

What is the best thing about Arden? Green looks really good on me.

Most memorable moment on a school tour? The most memorable moment on the Cambodia/Vietnam Mission trip involved Hannah Lee, Rachel Egan and Sprite.



Something you’ll miss about school? I will miss the chill time with friends during lunchtime.

Something you won’t miss about school? I won’t miss English essay writing.

Best thing about Arden? The strong bond with others in the school.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you“Don’t drop Chemistry.”

Favourite subjects at school?

Engineering Studies in Year 11, our teacher was kind and great, and the class had a good study environment. I also liked Extension 1 and 2 Mathematics as Mathematics was my best subject in the HSC.

What strengths did you discover you had? During the HSC, I found out that perseverance is the most important attribute.



What course are you planning to study?Medical Science at Macquarie University

Something you’ll miss about school?Getting to leave class early for sport and then having some good banter on the bus to and from the event.

Something you won’t miss about school?The long pants on summer days.

What was your most triumphant moment at Arden? Getting a full court shot in with an NFL ball.

Most inspiring moment?Matt Sapsford’s trick shots.

Was there a particular teacher who really understood you?I felt like every teacher I had at Arden understood me.

Favourite team?The Senior Boys Soccer team because I’d played in it since Year 9. My favourite sporting moment was CIS Football in 2016.

Who I want to beSomeone who helps people.






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Matthew Forbes – Photo taken at Senior Performance Night

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At Arden, part of being ‘known’ means we want to support our students in discovering their strengths in the creative fields, whether they participate in extracurricular groups, or immerse themselves in creative subjects, from Art to Music to Design and Technology. For many of our students, choosing to do a Major Work in Year 12 allowed them to challenge themselves in a supportive environment. Our ‘Class of 2017’ was certainly a creative bunch and we are proud that ten of our students were nominated for HSC Showcases - Art Express, InTech, SHAPE and ENCORE. We’re also excited that a number of our students will be pursuing careers in the creative fields, from acting or dance, to catering, architecture and animation.

“The best piece of advice I received at Arden was to find what you are passionate about and immerse yourself in it,” said Caitlin Gerrard. Matthew Forbes agreed: “My time at Arden was definitely helpful in unleashing my creativity … I was particularly inspired by the arts-loving students in the years above me and supported by teachers at the School.” Matthew wrote a play script for English Extension 2, performed a dramatic monologue for Drama and was nominated for ENCORE for both his Music and Musicology Viva Voce projects.

Three students were nominated for InTech for their Industrial Technology: Multimedia Technologies project. Thomas Congerton, Timothy Dodd and Alicia Howard cleverly applied their creative and critical thinking skills to a design challenge.

Emily Hestelow, who was nominated for Art Express alongside Justin McLean, said, “The Visual Arts Major Work allowed me to explore various technologies I had not previously used, providing many challenges. However this experimentation was also the most rewarding aspect of the work.”

Ella Cliff was one of four students nominated for SHAPE for their Design and Technology project. She is planning to pursue a career in Design. “My Major Work allowed me to break out of my comfort zone and do something new,” she said. “I am proud of how I overcame challenges and kept going.” Like many students, Ella also credited the support from home: “My family also gave me so much support and I would not have been able to do it without them,” she said.

Isabella Sellick nicely summed up the challenges involved in her English Extension 2 Major Work. “It was a pretty tough journey for me and I was willing to give up at many points,” she said. “Despite all that, I still produced a piece of literature that I know I put my whole self into, whether or not it was the best, and that is something to be proud of.”


Ella Cliff with her Design and Technology Major Work.

English Extension 2 presenters Isabella Sellick (left) and Madison Hill (right) at the Showcase.

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Adam has been accepted into Macquarie University and will be studying a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Statistics. Not surprisingly, his favourite subjects at school were Mathematics and Science.

Adam was also involved in Music at Arden, playing percussion. His favourite musical performance was the China Music Tour in 2014, playing at a truly iconic location: on The Great Wall of China. As well as leadership strengths, Adam discovered: “the ability to pack the music truck in record time!”

The best advice a teacher gave Adam was “don’t be afraid to ask questions and interact with others.” In keeping with Arden’s values, Adam would like to be remembered “as a kind, compassionate student.”




What course are you studying in 2018?Medical Science at Macquarie University.

Favourite subject at school?Biology. I really enjoyed Science and learning about how we as humans work.

What will you most miss about Arden?

My mates and seeing them everyday. Also having everything set out for you.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you? Do what you enjoy. And, it’s okay to be behind, you just need to push on.

Favourite team? The Athletics squad. I just love Athletics and it was fun to get to talk to others about it.

What was your most triumphant moment at Arden? Breaking discus record at HZSA.



What will you be studying in 2018?Bachelor of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Marketing at Macquarie University.

Favourite subject at school?History because of the fascinating curriculum and phenomenal teaching.

What will you miss about school?I’ll miss the teachers and my fellow students.

Most memorable school trip?Being part of both the Cambodia and China Tours from their inception to their unforgettable execution. Both tours delivered the greatest experiences of my life which will remain with me forever.

How would you like to be remembered ?Committed and compassionate.

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What will you most miss about Arden? I’ll miss the community most, seeing my school friends.

Favourite subject at school?Drama because I love performing.

Did you feel ‘known’ at Arden ?Yes I did and I felt I could talk to the majority of the teachers.

What strengths did you discover you had?Includer, outgoing, positivity, empathy and communication.

Most enjoyable leadership position?The leadership position where I had the most influence was as the Birnam House Vice Captain. We helped win the Gibson shield which was pretty good. How would you like to be remembered ?As a fun-loving guy who brightened people’s days.



What are you studying now? Education at Macquarie University.

Favourite subjects at school?Biology and Food Technology because we got to eat chocolate in class.

Something you won’t miss about school? The structure, early mornings, always being told what to do, not being able to wear jewellery or nail polish.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you? Survive.

Most embarrassing Arden moment?Stacking it on the way to the Year 12 Formal.

Proudest achievement? Getting Athletics Champion of Champions, two years in a row.

What do you want to be?Happy and healthy.



Future plans? This year I am studying a Diploma of Christian Studies at SMBC and next year I will start Occupational Therapy at the Australian Catholic University.

Favourite verse?Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

What I want to be? My ultimate dream would be to be a missionary Occupational Therapist.

What was the best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?Mrs Moss told me to use my whole God-given potential through my study. She reminded me that I am a precious child of God, and I should use my schooling opportunity for His glory.

Favourite subject?Legal Studies because it allowed me to form my own judgement and for this to be heard and validated. I also enjoyed listening to people’s different opinions on contemporary issues.

Did you feel known at Arden?I felt very known at Arden, and not only known but valued.





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Ben Baker credits his time at Arden with encouraging him in his Christian faith. “During the early years in high school where I wasn’t serious in my faith, the Christian environment allowed me to ask questions and continue to explore my faith until committing myself to God,” he says. “Without it, I may not have the faith I have today.” Ben will be completing a one year Certificate IV course in Christian Ministry and Theology then he intends to study Secondary Education at Macquarie University.

Ben enjoyed performing at the Enmore Theatre for Theatresports, and he was also involved in a number of sporting teams, including Soccer and Zone Cross Country. He believes the best thing about Arden is “the staff’s dedication to ensure that students do the best that they can.”




What course do you plan to study in 2018?Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Mechanical) and a Bachelor of Commerce Honours at the University of Sydney.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?Hard work subverts natural talent and ability.

Favourite subject at school?A three way tie between Extension 2 Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Studies. The excursion to University of Sydney to participate in the Mathematics Association of New South Wales seminars further solidified my love for Mathematics and its real life application and uses. It also tightened the bond between our already close Extension 2 Mathematics class.

What strengths did you discover you had?Long term determination and perseverance in achieving set goals.





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Charles Barnett’s favourite subjects at school were Drama and Music, and in 2018 he is taking a Gap Year but still following these passions by acting and playing in a band whilst also working. He wants to become an actor and feels his time in Drama and Theatresports “gave me an outlet for creativity and helped bolster confidence and speaking skills.”

As a School Captain he loved “working closely with a great group of people.” He was most proud of his work putting together the Boys’ Bash and raising money and awareness for the organisation beyondblue. He learnt “the importance of detail, the importance of delegation, the importance of backup plans, and the importance of compassion.”

Arden also gave Charles “an outlet for my faith”, and he discovered a strength of his was “conviction in my beliefs.”


“Drama and Theatresports gave me an outlet for creativity and helped bolster confidence and speaking skills.”




What will you be studying in 2018?Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Animal and Veterinary Bioscience) at University of Sydney.

Favourite subject at school?Mathematics because of the fun class atmosphere.

Did you feel known at Arden?

The small cohort of students meant that the teachers could get to know us on a more personal level and understand us.

Favourite co-curricular activity? I represented Arden in Football, Cricket and the NSW Hillary Challenge.

What will you most miss about Arden?The opportunity to see my friends every day.

How would you like to be remembered ?As someone who is kind and diligent.

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Dana Gacutan is studying a Bachelor of Commerce and Design at University of New South Wales. The all-rounder also loved studying Visual Arts, and undertook a Body of Work that celebrated her Filipino heritage, submitting a work that used a variety of mediums. From that she learnt that, “art is a process and a journey. Even though some pieces of my art earlier on might not work out, it may be used in a different way. I also learnt to make my own decisions and trying to persevere and not give up on what I was doing.”

Dana also stepped out of her comfort zone during her time at Arden by undertaking a three months exchange to Spain while she was in Year 10. As well as learning how to be more independent, Dana thoroughly enjoyed immersing herself in a new community. “I could experience their culture, see beautiful places and make long lasting friendships. I also loved Spanish food,” she says.

Dana also enjoyed her role as a Peer Support Leader, and enjoyed encouraging and helping out students in their first year of school. She strove not just to give advice but to be someone “they could just talk to.”


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Favourite verse?Romans 8:38-39: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Favourite subject at school?Year 12 Design and Technology. Even though I had a stressful major work it was really fun.

Did you feel ‘known’ at Arden?I really felt known and valued at school. I felt really close with all my teachers, especially in my senior years, as they helped our Grade through the HSC.

Most enjoyable leadership role?I loved being Dance Captain. I hope I helped encourage the younger girls to love coming to dance rehearsals and learn more at dance.

I have learnt so much from my dance teacher, and her love for dance encouraged me to push harder with my love for dance too.








What are your plans for 2018? I’ll be doing the second year of my electrical apprenticeship.

What will you most miss about Arden? My friends and Mrs Bradshaw, who understood me.

What was the best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you? Bear with school, it pays off in the end.

Most triumphant moment?Passing all my TAFE work with flying colours.

Favourite place in the world?London.

Favourite sayings?“The mere thought hadn’t even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind.” Douglas Adams.

“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” Douglas Adams.

How would you like to be remembered? The guy who succeeded without being academically brilliant.



What will you miss about school?Being in an environment where everyone is tight-knit and cares for each other. And balling with the boys every lunch down on the courts.

Most embarrassing Arden moment? Hitting the crossbar in a penalty shootout which would’ve sent Arden into its first ever Round 2 appearance in the CIS Cup.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?Work hard now so you can play hard later.

Favourite subject at school?4U Maths because it was a place where everyone could put their minds together and have fun doing so.

Did you feel ‘known’ at Arden? You’re always known at Arden, no matter where you came from or where you’re going to—that’s what makes Arden, ‘Arden’.

Favourite sporting moment? Being a part of the 2016 Arden CIS Football squad and making it into CIS Cup Round 2. This made up for my failure of the year before when I missed the penalty.

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“Looking at the year group above us, I really admired their close-knit and family-like relationship, and that influenced me as a leader by teaching me a lot about how to effectively communicate to others as well as listening to others.”


Rachael Egan is planning on an exciting Gap Year, starting with work in Barcelona for six months before travelling around Europe. While she doesn’t have a concrete plan of what she wants to do in the future, she plans to attend university and would love to work in the NGO sector, or something to do with International Relations, Politics or the Environment.

“I think the best thing about Arden was the tight-knit community of teachers and students,” she says. Her favourite subject was English and she feels she discovered resilience throughout high school. Additionally, she feels her leadership positions and involvement with CRU, Student Representative Council (SRC), the Environment Group and the Social Justice Group, really taught her to work alongside other people. She also learnt from older students: “Looking at the year group above us, I really admired their close-knit and family-like relationship, and that influenced me as a leader by teaching me a lot about how to effectively communicate to others as well as listening to others,” she says.

Rachael represented Arden in Netball, Touch Football, Volleyball, Rowing, Soccer, Athletics and Cross Country.




Favourite subject at school?Food Technology. The light-hearted atmosphere created by Ms Alley and the class made it such an enjoyable subject.

What did the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award teach you about yourself? Achieving my Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was truly rewarding. Each of the components challenged me and taught me that my only limitation is myself, and with the right attitude and perseverance I could achieve anything I set my mind to.

Best leadership experience? Being Catering Captain and being mentored in this role was an amazing opportunity. The most rewarding part was being able to meet students from all year groups, connecting with them through our passion for food, and serving the school community.

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Rohan Mahimkar developed a love of the hospitality industry while he was at Arden. In the long term, he hopes to get a job in the hospitality sector and received an early entry offer to study a Bachelor of Hospitality Management at the Hotel School, associated with Southern Cross University.“Overall I find the hospitality industry a very exciting and interesting place to work in,” he says. “My passion for hospitality began in Year 9, when I discovered my love for Food Technology and my parents encouraged me to join the Catering Club, which I did and enjoyed. Through Arden, I was able to go to TAFE, to learn more about the sector and outside of Arden I completed a Barista and RSA course, which I enjoyed a lot,” he says.

Rohan found the Cambodia and Vietnam Mission Trip memorable. “Along with touring these countries we also built houses, renovated schools, planted mango trees and visited orphanages and schools. The most memorable moments were helping the communities of both these countries, making me realise that I shouldn’t take things for granted and that I’m thankful for my family and the country that I grew up in,” he says.

At school Rohan found it easy to get on with everyone. As an SRC member he enjoyed the responsibilities of leadership, “as well as being a role model for the young students at Arden.”


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Throughout their years at Arden, the Class of 2017 embraced Arden’s culture of service, allowing compassion and selflessness to shape their worldview.

“I feel as though Arden has really moulded me into a knowledgeable and world-conscious person, starting from the five-year-old that first arrived and ending up with the 18-year-old I am today,” said Katie Turner. Dora Benn says her time at Arden “helped me to realise how many problems there are out there. Knowing about these many issues and discussing them in detail with the passionate students pushed me to consider these issues more deeply and to make an effort to create change.” Arden’s students also came to some real insights about service, particularly that there’s not just one way of serving: “I learnt that service can be done in many ways and at times the obvious way isn’t the best”, said Adrian Nesci.

Service came in all sorts of forms, from fundraising, to looking out for younger students as they found their feet, to mentoring sporting teams. Benjamin Ryce felt encouraged to volunteer more at church, while Maja Pavic experienced the joys of volunteering at Dance Chance, a dance school for people with disabilities, as part of her Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Many graduates agreed that being part of the Cambodia and Vietnam Mission Trip team was a highlight of their time at Arden. Working with local communities and “seeing the importance of making a positive impact on the lives of

others,” was Tim Dodd’s most inspiring Arden moment. Rohan Mahimkar said he loved every minute of the trip. Building houses, renovating schools, planting mango trees and visiting orphanages and schools made him realise that “I shouldn’t take things for granted and that I’m thankful for my family and country that I grew up in.” Benjamin Ryce says his most memorable moment of the trip was seeing the joy on children’s faces during the Arden visit.

Seeing the motivation and enthusiasm shown by members of the Environment Group helped Oliver Moss feel optimism about the future. In stark contrast to the media’s view of young people as “highly apathetic and self-absorbed”, Oliver believes Arden students are passionate, educated and selfless. “We have engaged in advocacy to political leaders on the issue of climate change, as well as conducting a fundraiser to support orangutans orphaned by palm oil plantation deforestation in Indonesia.”

The Class of 2017 will continue to transform the communities in which they live and work. Tim Dodd, whose Design and Technology major work was an awareness campaign for domestic violence, says he wants to use his interest in multimedia to make a difference, while Harpreet Dhillon hopes to work “either as a journalist or human rights officer/international aid worker” to bring positive change to communities. Maja Pavic continues to volunteer at Dance Chance and we know Tessa Marsden (Social Justice Group Prefect) will continue to fight for equality wherever life takes her.


Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award recipients Emily Hestelow (left) and Maja Pavic (right) pictured with Miss Julia Hepworth (centre).

Cambodia and Vietnam Mission members enjoying their time with Cambodian school students.

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Susannah Byrne and Harpreet Dhillon: Mastering the art of bricklaying on Arden’s 2017 Vietnam Cambodia Mission Trip

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“I discovered through Arden that one of my strengths is the ability to persevere towards a goal that may have initially been daunting,” says Justin McLean. Justin was determined to get into Art Express for his Major Work, and he succeeded. “I learnt that I can set a goal and just grind away at it until I get there. I’m not the smartest nor am I the most talented, but I can get somewhere if I can see it,” he says.

Unsurprisingly, his favourite subject was Visual Arts: “I enjoyed Visual Arts because I have always valued having the ability to create,” he says. “There is nothing more satisfactory than the feeling of completion. To be able to reflect on a piece of art that is created by your own hands is wonderful.”

Justin also enjoyed a number of sporting opportunities at Arden, including representing New South Wales at the

Pacific School Games in the 100m Breaststroke and making it to the top 10 at NSW All Schools even though he had quit swimming two years earlier and, in the middle of Year 12, found himself swimming against older and more experienced competitors.

Justin also felt his faith strengthened at Arden. “The bottom line is that at Arden I saw teachers and students that had hearts of compassion and love unlike those anywhere else. The only conclusion I could make is that Christ is the only thing that can transform like this, and so I turned my heart to Him,” he says.


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What course do you plan to study? Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Sydney.

Favourite subject at school? Engineering because I was most interested in the content and also enjoyed the teacher.

What strengths did you discover you had? I was good at memorizing stuff for Software Design and Development and also the logic related to coding.

What will you most miss about Arden? The conversations at that one table down on the tennis courts.

How did Arden encourage you in your faith? The boys in my class started up our own Bible study group which was a great way to learn more about the Bible and to pray for and encourage each other. I enjoyed Crusaders because the same guys got to hang out under the leadership of Leigh Zadro.



What do you plan to study in 2018?Bachelor of Speech, Hearing and Language Science at Macquarie University.

Favourite subject at school?Without a doubt, English. I loved every moment of every class.

What will you most miss about Arden? The intimacy. Arden always made me feel at home.

Was there a particular teacher who really understood you? The English staff became like second parents to me.

Proudest achievement?My English Extension 2 Major Work. Not the mark or the final product but the process of its creation. It was a pretty tough journey for me and I was willing to give up at many points, but despite all that, I still produced a piece of literature that I know I put my whole self into, whether or not it was the best, and that is something to be proud of.

How would you like to be remembered?As the person who would support everyone, no matter whether I knew them well, to the best of my ability.



What are your plans for the future? I plan to study a Bachelor of Science at the University of Sydney with a view to a career in medicine, especially obstetrics. I also plan to continue to pursue success in elite sports officiating.

Favourite subject at school?Extension Mathematics classes were the most enjoyable periods of each week. Apart from efficiency in course progression and completion, our lessons also manifested in debates surrounding more challenging mathematical notions.

What is the best thing about Arden? Arden’s greatest attribute was its warm, intimate community. As a consequence, all of my HSC teachers, in addition to being adept in their teaching roles, promoted themselves as friends, who were capable of more than just instructing and leading, but caring, laughing and learning alongside us.





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Tessa Marsden would like to be remembered as “the passionate, slightly radical social justice warrior that I was throughout high school. I hope that I remain just as bold and brave in fighting for equality in the future.” Tessa is undertaking a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Social Justice) with a Bachelor of Laws at Macquarie University with a view to encouraging diversity and achieving equality for minority groups. “I am very nervous, but incredibly excited for this fulfilling and meaningful journey to begin,” she says.

Her favourite subjects were Community and Family Studies, Music and Drama. She credits her time at Arden with helping her discover a love for drama, public speaking, and activism. “Without Arden, I wouldn’t have extended myself as much as I did to pursue these things, which are all significant parts of who I am,” she says. She thrived in her role as Social Justice Prefect but also found it tough work. “I’m so proud that I got through it. It was so rewarding and exciting, knowing that I was instilling passion and a need for equality in others.”

Her most inspiring moment was counting all the items from the Share The Dignity collection. “It was so inspiring to see how the school banded together to assist Australian homeless women,” she says.




What are you studying in 2018? Bachelor of Design in Animation at University of Technology, Sydney.

Favourite subject at school?

Visual Arts and Industrial Technology: Multimedia Technologies were my equal favourites because these subjects allowed me to explore ideas and technologies without being confined to a set of stringent guidelines, creating a learning experience driven by personal preference.

What will you most miss about Arden?The supportive learning environment. Teachers at Arden were continually encouraging and supportive which allowed us to achieve our goals.

What was special about your Visual Arts Major Work?The Major Work allowed me to explore various technologies that I had not previously used, thus providing many challenges. This experimentation was also the most rewarding aspect of the work.

Was Arden helpful in unleashing your creativity?Yes, due to the freedom I was given to experiment in various artistic mediums, and explore a diverse range of technologies.





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Annalise Ombler will be studying a Bachelor of Arts with a Bachelor of Secondary Education at Macquarie University, majoring in English. She discovered a love for English and History through her extension studies in Year 12, as well as an extreme passion for music and vocals.

Annalise felt leadership positions in Peer Support and Choir helped her to develop relationships and allowed her to mentor students across the School. She felt particularly supported by her English and Music teachers. “They really helped me to come out of my shell and build confidence. My History teacher and many of the English teachers also demonstrated extreme love and dedication for their students,” she says. Her favourite musical performance was at the Year 12 Final Chapel where the choir sang For Good from the musical Wicked: “It was incredibly emotional and fostered so much love between all of us Year 12s and Year 11s.” Annalise will miss Arden’s “supportive people and environment.”


“It was incredibly emotional and fostered so much love between all of us Year 12s and Year 11s.”




Study plans for 2018?Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science at Macquarie University, majoring in Politics and Statistics.

What will you most miss about Arden? The wonderful teachers that I’ve had. All the teachers were amazing but our year coordinatinor, was especially nice and caring.

Favourite subjectI really enjoyed Mathematics, both 2 Unit and Extension 1.

Favourite co-curricular activity?Choir was always enjoyable and it helped progress my love of music. My favourite song we performed was the final song we did - For Good from Wicked. It was a very emotional experience, rehearsing and performing our farewell song.

How would you like to be remembered? As someone who is funny and smart, and helped my friends have fun during high school.

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38 students raised $1,900 towards their Extra Mile Vietnam Cambodia Mission Trip, washing cars at MRT Performance in Rhodes.

Sports Presentation Assembly - Arden Dancers with their awards pictured with Mrs Suzanne Atkins (Director of Carlingford School of Dance - on left) and Mrs Melissa Collins (Arden’s Dance Coordinator - on right). Students from Left to Right: Lara Hutcheson, Courtney Chung and Maja Pavic

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Leadership takes many forms at Arden, both formal and informal, offering every student an opportunity to serve others. The Class of 2017 have led the school with passion, dedication and enthusiasm. Matthew Forbes said the best thing about being a Co-curricular Prefect and Peer Support Leader was “being able to reciprocate the service the school had shown me by serving the school and its students.” He hopes he was able to encourage students interested in the arts to participate and perform in groups and in concerts like older students had once inspired him.

For Grace de Rijk the best thing about being a School Captain was the opportunity to get involved. “Creating events and serving the school was an incredibly humbling experience which really taught me how to put others before myself and the importance of humility.” Being a CRU leader in Year 11 and 12 was Grace’s favourite extracurricular activity. “I lead an amazing group of girls and teaching them about the Gospel really helped me in the strengthening of my faith,” she says.

While Social Justice Group Prefect Tessa Marsden felt “it was so rewarding and exciting, knowing that I was instilling passion and a need for equality in others.”

Working closely with a great group of people was the best thing about being a School Captain according to Charles Barnett. Oliver Moss loved the challenge of “igniting a sense of passion for a worthy cause” among the members of the Environment Group, leading them in discussion, advocacy and fundraising around important environmental issues. He says leadership had great rewards: “To lead such a passionate and selfless group in these activities was wonderful.”

Many students said that the best thing about leadership was the opportunity to build relationships with younger students, connecting with them around common interests and passions. As Dance Captain in Year 12, Lauren King really enjoyed getting to know the younger grades and spending time with them. “I hope I helped encouraged the younger girls to love to come to dance rehearsals and to learn more at dance,” she said. Georgia Lavercombe agreed, saying the best thing about being a Peer Support leader was “the ability to impart wisdom and words on the Year 7s that I wish I knew or understood when I was in Year 7!”


Sports Presentation Assembly - Arden Individual Sports Champions.

Hills Zone Age Champions with the Champion Boys School Shield.

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What are your plans for 2018? I will be studying a Bachelor of Design in Architecture at the University of Sydney. I aim to work on sustainable city planning/design/development.

Favourite subject at school Geography because I always enjoyed learning about topical issues.

What will you miss most about Arden? The teachers and all the fundraising activities. And fundraising created such an encouraging and generous environment. I was heavily involved in the organisation of Girls’ Night In. It was inspiring to be able to actively contribute to supporting the Cancer Council.

What was the best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?Aim for an outcome that seems impossible to achieve, and even though that goal may not be reached, you will have pushed yourself beyond your own limits, and the subsequent learning process is invaluable.

Favourite team The Netball team was my favourite, as I was able to develop such great friendships and memories over six years.








What are your plans for the future? Studying a Bachelor of Education at Macquarie University. I want to become a primary school teacher or own my own childcare service.

What were your most triumphant moments at Arden?Receiving an early entry offer from Macquarie University, becoming a Prefect, and organising Girls’ Night In.

What will you most miss about Arden? I will definitely miss the Arden community. Being there for six years, it felt like a second home.

What was the best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?To pursue what you love and that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.



What will you miss about school? Seeing all my friends every day.

Something you won’t miss about school?All of the homework.

What strengths did you discover you had?My ability to be independent and support myself. I learnt that if I just keep pushing through I can get anything done.

Favourite subject at school?Food Technology because I learnt so much that can actually be used outside of school. Our teacher always made it so much fun and she taught things very well.

Favourite extra curricular activity?Catering Club because I loved being able to do something with my friends. It taught me the importance of communication and working together, which are important skills in the catering industry.

Favourite book or film?The Fundamentals of Caring.

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Matthew Forbes has a “passion and love of music”, admitting to even enjoying the theoretical side of it. He would love to have a career as a music journalist or critic. Matthew is planning to complete a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communication) course at The University of Sydney.

As Co-curricular Prefect and Peer Support Leader, Matthew felt his leadership skills were developed at Arden, particularly in the later years. Inspired by the arts-loving students in the years above, he in turn tried to encourage younger students interested in the arts to participate in groups at the school. Arden’s emphasis on servant-hearted leadership also influenced him: “I enjoyed being able to reciprocate the service the school had shown me by serving the school and its students.”

Completing a play script for English Extension 2 was enormously challenging, and submitting it was one of his proudest moments. Matthew was also kept busy performing a dramatic monologue for Drama and a number of performance pieces for Music. Matthew feels, “My time at Arden was definitely helpful in unleashing my creativity.”


“I enjoyed being able to reciprocate the service the school had shown me by serving the school and its students.”




Future plansI will be doing a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Animal Disease, Health and Welfare).

Favourite subjects at schoolIndustrial Technology: Multimedia Technologies and Biology because the content was interesting and the classroom environment was fun.

What was your most triumphant moment at Arden? Graduating!

Best thing about Arden? All the friends I made. By the end of school I had a really close group of friends who I will stay in touch with.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave youDo your best, that’s all anyone is asking and, always do your Mathematics homework.

What strengths did you discover you had?Perseverance and patience. Also, an understanding that you are not going to understand everything straight away, but to just stick at it.

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Something you’ll miss about school? The close community of teachers and friends that make the final years of school a team effort, where long lasting friendships are formed.

Something you won’t miss about school? Period 0 classes.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you? “You can always do better.”

Favourite subject at school? History Extension. The Major Work was uniquely rewarding in its difficulty and independent nature.

What strengths did you discover you had? Ability to handle pressure.

Proudest achievement?My History Extension Major Work. Given the long time we had to prepare for this work, it was one of the few pieces of work I completed where I felt like it was the highest quality I was capable of.

How would you like to be remembered? A good student and a good friend.

Ella Cliff’s favourite subject at school was Design and Technology. “I enjoyed Design and Technology the most as it allowed me to be creative, and complete problem solving as well as develop a new passion for design.” Ella eventually wants to become a designer.

Ella also loved the opportunities she had to compete through sport at Arden, particularly playing and coaching Basketball. Coaching younger teams at different levels allowed her to develop her leadership potential. “I enjoyed seeing the people in my Basketball team work hard and grow together as a team, showing greater and better sportsmanship.” She also tried to ensure that her players “valued each other … and knew the importance of hard work.”

Undertaking a Major Work in Design and Technology was an enormous challenge. Ella learnt how to manage a big project, be self-driven and also to “break out of my comfort zone and do something new. I am most proud of how I overcame the challenges and kept going,” she says. Ella also credits her family: “My family gave me so much support and I would not have been able to do it without them.”


“I enjoyed Design and Technology the most as it allowed me to be creative, and complete problem solving as well as develop a new passion for design.”


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What are you up to in 2018? I’m doing Civil Engineering at University of Technology, Sydney as well as a church internship at C3 Ryde.

Favourite subject at school?Engineering Studies - my teacher made it very enjoyable. He has opened my eyes to a career in this subject.

Did you feel ‘known’ at Arden? Yes, I felt as though teachers really cared about me and would help me learn things in different ways if I needed help.

Most memorable moment on a school tour?My most memorable moment of the Cambodia and Vietnam Mission trip was the joy on children’s faces after giving them school supplies and renovating their school.

How did Arden influence you to become more service-minded? Arden always encouraged service and this is partly the reason I decided to do the church internship.



What course do you plan to study in 2018?Advanced Science at University of New South Wales, majoring in Pharmacology.

Best thing about Arden? The small grade size—that’s what fostered such a close teacher-student relationship.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?To be content in everything (within reason of course). I keep on having to remind myself, but it keeps me grounded.

Favourite subject at school?Year 11 Visual Arts. Discovering different cultures and their values through art was so eye opening and inspiring. I also enjoyed Extension 2 Mathematics because everyone was so positive and supportive. We were a bit like a family.

Favourite place in the world? I went on the 2014 Europe tour and my favourite place since then has got to be Florence. Everything about the tour was amazing. Seeing remnants of the past dotted across modern day European countries was such an incredible sight.



What course are you doing in 2018?Bachelor of Business Administration with a Bachelor of Arts at Macquarie University.

Favourite saying?“I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” - Mewtwo, Pokemon.

Favourite subject at school?History was always a favourite, understanding people and how we have evolved over time.

What will you most miss about Arden?The small community of people and the loving environment.

Best piece of advice a teacher at Arden gave you?Don’t worry about school; you’ll go far outside in the real world.

Did you feel ‘known’ at Arden? I felt known at Arden and I think I had a special relationship with each teacher in their respective ways.

Best thing about being a peer support leader and House Captain?Inspiring other students to achieve greatness and break the stigma of Jenolan House continually losing.

Favourite team and why? Senior Boys’ Football Team as we achieved the HZSA finals and Round of 16 of the prestigious CIS Cup, a milestone in Arden’s sporting history.

Proudest sporting moment?Our HZSA Senior Football Team scoring in the final, although we went down 2-1.




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