pascal sba


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Page 1: Pascal Sba

PROGRAM SBA(input, output); {This accepts names and payments for an undefined amount of people. Each person is placed in a section based on the amount of money paid. The program also counts the number of persons in each section and the total collected for the section as well as the grand totals for all.}

USES crt;

CONST price : array [1..5] of real= (160,220,280,350,425); {The array 'price' holds the five costs for the sections} secN : array [1..6] of string = ('One','Two','Three','Four','Five','N/A'); {This holds the fives names for each section}

VAR countR : array [1..5] of integer; countC : array [1..5] of real;

cname, sec : string[15];{used to identify and keep the section of an entry} wloop, rtol : integer; cash, ctol : real; con : char; gt, go : byte;

BEGIN {First Screen - Welcomes the user to the program giving the options to proceed to the entry screen or to the exit screen} gotoxy(27,3); writeln('School Based Assessment for'); gotoxy(39,4); writeln('CXC'); gotoxy(35,5); writeln('Presented to'); gotoxy(23,6); writeln('Mannings School Business Department'); gotoxy(20,7); writeln('In Partial Fulfillment of the Certification'); gotoxy(30,8); writeln('In Information Technology'); gotoxy(34,9); writeln('(Programming)'); gotoxy(1,15); writeln('NAME: Shevon Williams'); gotoxy(1,16); writeln('SUBJECT: Information Technology'); gotoxy(1,17); writeln('TERRITORY: Jamaica'); gotoxy(1,18); writeln('CENTER #: 100068'); gotoxy(1,19); writeln('TEACHER: Mr. Hill');

gotoxy(21,12);writeln('Would you like to initiate program? Y/N'); gotoxy(60,12); con:= upcase(readkey);

IF (con = 'Y') or (con = 'y') THEN begin clrscr; writeln('Please enter Masqueraders names and the amount paid'); writeln('The following are prices and their related sections : '); writeln('Section1 - $',price[1]:6:2,' Section2 - $',price[2]:6:2,' Section3 - $',price[3]:6:2); writeln('Section4 - $',price[4]:6:2,' Section5 - $',price[5]:6:2); gotoxy(25,6); write('Would you like to continue? Y/N'); gotoxy(57,6); con := upcase(readkey);

gt := 12; {Loop which allows the user to add information for multiple entries} WHILE (con = 'Y') or (con = 'y') DO

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begin sec:= secN[6]; {This section reads the name and payment of each entry.} gotoxy(1,9); writeln('================================================================================'); gotoxy(1,10); writeln('Masqueraders'); gotoxy(35,10); writeln('Amount Paid'); gotoxy(60,10); writeln('Section'); gotoxy(1,11); writeln('================================================================================'); gotoxy(1,gt); readln(cname); gotoxy(35,gt); readln(cash);

{This section makes a list of entries made.} FOR wloop := 1 TO 5 DO

begin {identifies section of the masquerader by checking the payment made by the user against those stored for each section within the program. And adds count to person counter.} If cash = price[wloop] then begin countR[wloop]:= countR[wloop] + 1; {increases the number of persons in a section} countC[wloop]:= countC[wloop] + cash; {increases the total for each section} sec:= secN[wloop]; end; end; gotoxy(60,gt); writeln(sec);

{Gives the user option of adding another entry or exiting to the Summary} gotoxy(25,6); write('Would you like to continue? Y/N '); gotoxy(24,7); write('Press "Enter Key" to show summary'); gotoxy(57,6); con := upcase(readkey); gt:=gt+1; end;

{This screen shows the summary of total collected in the section and the number of persons in the section.} clrscr; gotoxy(1,2); writeln('================================================================================'); gotoxy(1,3); writeln('================================================================================'); gotoxy(1,4); writeln('Section'); gotoxy(30,4); writeln('Persons Registered'); gotoxy(65,4); writeln('Amount Paid'); gotoxy(1,5); writeln('================================================================================');

go := 8; FOR wloop:= 1 TO 5 DO begin gotoxy(1,go); writeln(secN[wloop]); gotoxy(38,go); writeln(countR[wloop]); gotoxy(70,go); writeln(countC[wloop]:6:2); go := go + 2;

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rtol := countR[1] + countR[2] + countR[3] + countR[4] + countR[5]; {Finds the total entries registered} ctol := countC[1] + countC[2] + countC[3] + countC[4] + countC[5]; {Finds the total amount paid}

{This section shows total people registered and the total funds collected.} go := go + 1; gotoxy(1,go);writeln('==============================================================================='); go := go + 1; gotoxy(1,go); writeln('Total'); gotoxy(38,go); writeln(rtol); gotoxy(67,go); writeln('$ ',ctol:6:2); writeln('===============================================================================');

gotoxy(24,23); writeln('You have just ended use of program'); gotoxy(25,24); writeln('Thank you for your participation'); gotoxy(29,25); writeln('Press any key to exit...'); end;

IF (con = 'N') or (con = 'n') THEN begin {This is the exit screen which appears if the user chooses to exit from the program} clrscr; gotoxy(24,13); writeln('You have just ended use of program'); gotoxy(25,14); writeln('Thank you for your participation'); gotoxy(29,16); writeln('Press any key to exit...'); end; readkey;