parts four & five (draft)


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Part Four 

Born into Darkness

It was not long before I received my summons to the dining hall. The two robed

vampires (Vaughn and the other whose name I was yet to learn) escorted me to the

hall. I spoke not a word to either of them and they did not speak to me.

On the sixth floor, above that dreaded cellar I had first awoken in, was the hall behind

two large wooden doors, reinforced with black iron. The music had started to play

again and seemed to be beckoning me inside. My escorts opened the doors and

gestured for me to enter. It was dark inside but for a few candles at one end of the


I entered the hall. The sound of the music was melancholy and all encompassing to

the point of being almost overwhelming. It came from a large pipe organ at one end of 

the hall where a robed figure sat playing. The hall contained a long feasting table. The

whole room had a very romantic medieval feel to it although the many paintings that

hung on the walls were from an obviously later period. They were typically of a dark theme. I recognized one that depicted a giant–like creature devouring a human being.

Others depicted orgies of pain, angels being cast out of heaven, or similar disturbing


At the opposite end of the hall to the organ hang a red and gold tapestry similar to the

ones I had seen earlier only this was more exquisitely detailed. The dragon’s scales

were visible including highlighting around their edges and I could now see a detail I

had not noticed of the ones outside: There was blood dripping from the dragon’s

mouth. It seemed all together more furious than the ones I remembered from outside.

Below this was a tall backed chair at the head of the table. I turned to ask one of my

captors where their sire was but there were none except the doors closing silently

 behind me.The music stopped and from out of the shadows stepped the one they called Sire. I

had not been able to look at this creature properly during our earlier encounter. I now

realised that this was an ancient vampire beyond my reckoning. His flesh was a very

 pale bluish grey and seemed almost luminous. His hair was long, straight and

 perfectly white. He was powerfully masculine and beautiful in a very inhuman way.

He wore a crimson gown of a design not unlike that of the emperors of ancient China.

A thought passed through my head that this creature, which I now realised was quite

obviously that which was drawing those mortals I had seen earlier, was not a vampire

 but the Devil himself.

His voice sounded in my head “I am their saviour not their adversary.”

“So you are Jesus then?” I said amused.“In a sense perhaps I am. But I am so much more. Jesus was mortal and lived but one

life time.” He said sounding the words in his strange ethereal way.

“Who are you?” I asked

“I have gone by many names, but I am known here merely as sire.” He paused for a

second. “Lenore” He said as if picking my name up out of the air. “I do wonder if 

your love was so tragic.”

“My husband is dead”

“And how did he die?”

I hated thinking of my sweet husbands death but memory flooded my perception with

 perfect clarity.

“How wonderfully tragic” He said “Your first kill!”

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I said nothing but felt a mixture of repugnance towards this creature that described

such a thing as ‘wonderfully tragic’ and the familiar deep-seated regret and self-

loathing for having taken my lovers life.

“But you enjoyed it did you not?”

He was right, I experienced ecstasy unlike anything I could have experienced in

mortal life at the moment my husbands blood began to rush into me. This only addedto my feelings of self-loathing for what I had done.

“You blame yourself too much. You could not have helped yourself if you had tried.”

“If.” I thought to myself. As much as I loved him I also loathed him. I knew he had

slept with another woman during our marriage but I had never approached him about

it. What I knew but did not speak of tore me up inside. It was destroying our marriage.

I knew he was continuing to sleep this woman from his work, mostly I suspect in

response to the tension that was building at home. I despised him so bitterly for it, but

for reasons I cannot explain I spoke not a word of it.

As I walked home one night after having seen a play with friends I was attacked. My

attacker pulled me into an alley. I thought it was a mugger or a rapist and instinctivelydropped an elbow into his groin. His grip did not loosen. I felt a sharp pain in my

neck followed by a feeling of ecstasy. I saw the various defining moments of my life

 play out in my mind. Then there was the loud bang of a gun being fired. I was torn out

of the vision and all went black.

When I awoke a medic stood over me holding my neck.

“She’s coming around,” I heard her say. “Its okay you are going to be alright. There is

a lot of blood but it seems like the bleeding has stopped.”

The medic removed the dressing from the wound to apply another and gasped. “There

is no wound!”

“It must have been his blood,” said another.

“But I saw the wound,” replied the first. “I thought she had a punctured artery.”

“It’s been a long shift. Perhaps we should get some coffee and something to eat after 


I began to sit up. “What happened?” I asked. Looking around I saw a group of police

officers as well a more medics.

“You were mugged. An officer saw it happen and must have shot the guy.” She turned

around. “Hey” She yelled, “I thought you said it was a warning shot.”

An officer that was speaking with his colleagues turned around. “What the hell is she

doing sitting up?” He had blood on his uniform “She’s got a serious wound.”

“No she hasn’t,” replied the second medic.

The officer came over and inspected the suspected wound.“Holy shit!” He exclaimed “Not a mark. But she was bleeding all over the place

 before you guys arrived.”

“Must have been his blood,” the second medic replied.

“I didn’t… Well I might have hit him as he was running up the alley. It didn’t slow

him down none if I did.”

“I am fine can I go home now.”

“We just need a statement,” said another officer.

After giving what little information I could and deciding not to mention anything that

might make me sound like the crazy lady who claims to have been bitten by a

vampire, I was driven home by two woman police officers.

The house was empty. There was a message on the answering machine from myhusband that he had to work late. I was thirsty. I opened a bottle of expensive wine

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reserved for a special occasion and poured a glass. As took a sip I was overwhelmed

 by its taste. It was rancid and I could not help but spit it out over the breakfast bar. I

looked at the label as if to detect whether there was something wrong with the wine.

The taste lingered so I decided upon a glass of water. This too was unpalatable and so

I decided that I would just go to bed.

I awoke to the sound of the door closing as my husband returned home. I feltdifferent, more alive and every sense seemed amplified.

“Hey honey, sorry I am late,” he called from downstairs.

I felt a desire for him and saw in my mind our naked bodies locked together in our 

 bed but then the vision changed and it was not me he made love to but that woman

from his work. Feelings of burning hatred flowed through my body combined with

erotic feelings to take him forcefully in my arms and as I fucked him to cut out his

heart and raise it to my lips. The vision was so powerful I could practically taste his

 blood. My senses were then back in reality. He was coming up the stairs. Clumsily I

slipped out of bed.

“Honey,” he called again.

I stood behind the door as he walked into the bedroom.“My love,” I said in a haunting voice I barely recognized as my own.

He turned and I took him in my arms, my naked body against him in the black suit

that I had picked out for him. I could smell the woman’s perfume on him and a faint

hint of her sex. I pushed him forcefully to the bed. I came at him like a beast and

 began to remove his pants.

“Wow, slow down,” he said as he tried to sit up.

I pushed him back down as I threw aside his belt. I knew I was hurting him. He was

struggling but I held him firmly with one hand as I took hold of his hardening

member in the other. Her smell was there. I lock my lips around it and bit down upon

him as I heard him let out a scream. His blood came into me and I was filled with

intense feelings of ecstasy. He was not fighting any more. Images of him with that

woman came into my mind. He had fucked her on his desk only an few hours ago as

they had done so many times previously. His last business trip had been a lie and he

had gone on a southern holiday with her. I knew I was killing him but I kept going

until the blood ceased to flow. I raised my head and let out a loud and tormented

scream. He was dead. I could taste his blood in my mouth. I knew then that I was


Part Five

Bitter Vengeance

“Tragic” said the ancient vampire after a long pause having read the tale from mind

“Utterly tragic yet truly beautiful”

“How do you do it?” I asked.

“It is a simple trick. I will give it to you should you join me, but that is a matter I want

to get to a little later on. Would you care to join me?” He said gesturing towards a seat

near to the head of the table.

He then stood behind the seat moving it slightly so that I could sit down and then after 

I was seated took his place at the head of the table beneath that impressive dragon.

“And so you have been a vagrant ever since” said he.

My mind wandered back to that night almost two hundred years passed.

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I laid with my dead husband for what seemed like an eternity, blood tears running

endlessly. When finally I did rise I knew I had to escape that place. This was no

longer my home. I was murderer and thus I had to run, perhaps start a new life, I

didn’t know. I decided that my husband’s motorcycle would provide the most

appropriate form of transport. I had my own leathers from when I used to ride on the

 back with him. We would ride for hours until we found somewhere secluded, whether a forest, a beach or a field with tall grass to conceal us from prying eyes. There we

would have lunch and more often than not make love with the sun upon our naked


I roared out of the garage caring neither to shut the door nor lock the house. My

hunger was growing again though my mind was on my dead husband. I thought of the

woman with whom he had been sleeping with and how she had tried to make friends

with me at their work function. I felt anger and embarrassment that night. My husband

and I argued. I blamed it on not liking his work colleges. Something prevented me

from saying that it was she that made me want to leave so early. I said I wanted him to

leave that place and find a new job but he said that the pay was too good and that they

were good people I just had to give them a chance. I hated her intensely.And so I decided that before leaving I would pay her a call. I felt that she deserved to

die. It was her that had driven me to kill my beloved husband.

I arrived at her house only an hour before sunrise. I didn’t know if the sun could kill

me, the idea seemed ridiculous but I didn’t want to take any chances. Her apartment

was in the middle of the city. I didn’t have a plan to get inside. I considered ringing

the buzzer then decided to try the fire escape. I had trouble deciding which window

was hers. When I found it I could see she had left a window open. To get to it I would

have to navigate a narrow ledge five stories up. Normally I was not fond of heights

 but in my new state I was unperturbed. I reached the window with ease and peered


Inside she was sleeping. Given that I had only seen her dressed immaculately in her 

 business attire or in an evening dress, I was somewhat surprised to discover the

dishevelled nature of her bedroom. I always kept my home well ordered.

Her smell was almost over powering and deliciously seductive. I had always found

women attractive but this was so much more. I lusted for her. My husbands smell was

mixed with hers, he had been there perhaps two days previous.

I silently slipped through the window and sat myself gracefully beside her on the bed.

Her smell filled my every sense and my hunger was becoming ever more

overpowering. I savoured this moment however. This bitch had destroyed my

marriage, I thought knowing this was not the full truth. I could smell my husband’s

sex between her legs. I felt a strange mixture of excited arousal and an almost painfulhunger for her.

I spoke her name it was almost a whisper and in that haunting voice I was yet to

recognize as my own. “Evelyn.”

She awoke at this and looked at me hazily. She did not seem alarmed. Perhaps she

thought I was a dream? There was a subtle change. God was she becoming aroused.

“Where is Steve?” She asked groggily running her hand across her face and through

her silky blond hair.

I didn’t say a word. Her seductive crystalline blue eyes held me in a trance; they

showed neither fear nor bewilderment. She was turned on this was clear now. I could

not have anticipated this any more than my own yearning for her. She was touching

her body now and seemed to be beckoning me. She came into my arms and started tokiss me passionately on the mouth. I kissed her back our tongues meeting. Her hands

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caressed my breasts. Her smell was driving me crazy. I wanted her in ways I couldn’t

understand. My mouth went to her neck and I bit down upon her soft delicious skin.

She recoiled slightly at the pain, but I had her locked tight in my vampiric embrace.

Her blood began to flow and with it ecstasy washed through every part of my body.

The visions of her life came to my mind. She had been brought up in the city by

 parents that were young in the sixties. They were artists. Her father was a graphicdesigner and her mother was a dancer. Her father had died of cancer when Evelyn was

a teenager. Her mother had never recovered. Her dancing career fell apart and she had

taken to drug abuse even before Evelyn had left to go to College. When Evelyn was a

child she had wanted to become an actor and work for charities. Somehow, this dream

had never been realized and she had ended up working in accounting. She was very

near to a mathematical genius. She had a strange love of numbers, that the non-

mathematic can never appreciate, and saw patterns in everything. She had loved Steve

 but it had been a bitter love. She could never marry him as he said that he could not

leave me. He had loved us both. She cried a lot. She wanted to stop seeing him but

couldn’t. They had both tried many times. She had often fantasized about the three of 

us being together. She had been with a woman before. It was her roommate atCollege, a sweet girl but a real tease. It had broken Evelyn’s heart when the girl

started seeing a boy and she had left college because of it. As the blood ceased to flow

the vision faded. She was dead.

After clearing some space I slept through the day in her closet. I slept soundly despite

strange dreams about bodies both writhing and dead. When I awoke it was early

evening. Evelyn still lay upon the bed. I felt sad looking down on her beautiful corpse.

I understood her now. I may have even grown to love her. I left the city heading south.

I killed two police officers that tried to stop me for speeding before resting for the day

in an old derelict barn.

R Garrett. All Rights Reserved