partnership's rape crisis center

RAPE CRISIS CENTER empowering victims to become survivors.

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RAPE CRISIS CENTERempowering victims to become survivors.

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helping families cope with crisis and �nd lasting stability

giving hope to victims of domestic violence and rapesecuring personal �nancial freedom

restoring and rebuilding family

relationships to empower youth





reclaiming independence anddignity for our elders


Partnership for Families, Children and Adults is a non pro�t organization that provides the tools and resources for families in our community to build better lives.

Partnership reaches a diverse range of families and individuals through �ve Centers of Service. Each of these Centers focuses on the unique needs and is

sta�ed by experienced social workers, counselors and other trained professionals. Together, these separate but complimentary Centers of Service provide support to

famillies and individuals who may have many related needs.

pa rt n e rs h i p p r o g r a m s

the entire circle of life

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1 in 6 women will experience sexual assault in her lifetime.

In 2012, Partnership’s Rape Crisis Center served 303 individuals in our community. A victim is

someone’s mother, sister, daughter and friend. Without Partnership, a busy, cold ER would

be a rape victim’s �rst destination after assault. A victim would endure the hospital

waiting room, possibly for hours, waiting for her chance to see a doctor.

The trauma remains fresh, but the evidence can be lost quickly

in that waiting period.

At Partnership, victims are greeted in a safe, calm setting. A sexual assault advocate and Sexual

Assault Nurse Examiner comfort the victim and accommodate to individual needs. The forensic

exam is completed in a secure room where evidence is protected. Counseling is provided. Legal

advocacy is available. Power is restored. These services are provided at no-cost to the victim,

because no one should have mounting medical bills in addition to horrible trauma.

Thanks to Partnership supporters, victims are empowered to become survivors.

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is operated by Partnership Volunteers and Sta� to provide

emergency resources and referrals to individuals in crisis.

forensic exams, medical treatment and counseling

to victims in a safe, private setting.

A 24/7 Crisis Hotlinevictims are under the age

of thirty, according to

Rape, Abuse, and Incest

National Network.

received crucial information and assistance for rape and domestic violence services in the past year through the Crisis Hotline.

80% of sexual assault

10,867 individuals Partnership provides

Partnership’s Rape Crisis Center served 303 victims of sexual assault; providing hotline support, crisis counseling, emotional support,court advocacy and safety planning.LAST YEAR,


did you know?

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Seventeen years old and senior year is just beginning. The world was full of opportunity and excitement butone horri�c act swept it all away. Hope gone in an instant. Lost. Isolated. Wounded. Jessica Cookston describes the overwhelming trauma she felt after being raped ten years ago, “It was such a shock to my system to have something I was supposed to have the freedom to give away, taken in such a violent manner," said Jessica. "I reported it to the police but nothing was done and I was denied medical care at four clinics.” Devastated and heartbroken, Jessica, a victim in so many ways, struggled for years to rebuild life on her own.

Last year, at 26 years-old, the unthinkable happened: Jessica was attacked and raped again. She fought the attacker but without success. How could this horrible crime happen to her again? Jessica, scarred by her past experience did not report the assault to the police. She instead searched online for a clinic specializing in care for sexual assault victims. Jessica found Partnership for Families, Children and Adults Rape Crisis Center.

“The Partnership Rape Crisis Center gave me the medical care that I needed," said Jessica. "The sexual assault advocate and nurses were supportive and compassionate. Partnership also provided me with counseling and introduced me to Kelly.”

Kelly, a counselor at RCC, listened to Jessica for as long as she needed. Jessica found strength, hope and eventually her own voice. Kelly encouraged Jessica to write out her thoughts and feelings in a journal to begin a therapeutic healing process. These thoughts became much more and Jessica began writing a novel to express herself. Jessica’s work of �ction, Hope Never Holds, has allowed her to move forward and also help other victims cope with sexual assault. Jessica’s novel is now producing sales on Amazon. With Hope Never Holds, Jessica strives to raise awareness about sexual assault and teach victims how to rebuild.

Jessica now gives back to Partnership and advocates for ending violence in our community, “Partnership has been such a monumental driving force in my life. Without their help I can honestly say I would not be the woman I am now. I greatly appreciate Partnership and those who support what they are doing. Together we have strength for today and hope for tomorrow. Together we can come together and speak out.”

jessica's storyof survival

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Andrea poses for an empowering Survivor Photoshoot in October 2013 at the Partnership. Photo by Sania Khan.

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partnership partnership

“My name is Andrea Eidson and in July of 2007, I became another statistic. Another number to be counted. I was titled as a victim of rape and domestic violence.

My relationship with my boyfriend had been bad for a while. When I tried to end it, he nearly ended me. He choked me. He threw me down and across the room. Slung me by my hair. Smacked me unconscious. He whipped me and hit me with several bottles. I was dragged across the �oor. He threw glass and I even had tobeg for my life. He raved and then he raped me.

Suddenly I was a statistic, but today I am a survivor, thanks to the Partnership’s Family Violence Center and Rape Crisis Center. “

Empowers victimsEmpowers victimsto becometo becomesurvivorssurvivors