partisan priorities and the health care debate


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A statistical analysis based on the issue ownership model.


  • Partisan Priorities and the Health Care Debate:

    Is There a Shift in Issue Ownership?

    Noah Cramer

    April 15, 2014

    Gov 83.19

  • Cramer, 1

    I. Introduction

    In Partisan Priorities: How Issue Ownership Drives and Distorts American Politics,

    Patrick Egan argues that each of the two major American political parties owns particular issues.

    That is to say, on a given issue, voters tend to trust one party over the other. For example

    Democrats own education, the environment, and Social Security. Republicans, Egan argues,

    own tax policy, national security, and crime. Egan concludes that issue ownership results from

    a partys prioritization of an issue over timefor example, Republicans took ownership of tax

    policy with a series of tax overhauls in the 1970s. That ownership is sustained by continued

    Republican support for tax cuts (Egan 2013:12). Finally, Egan argues that issue ownership remains

    remarkably resistant to changeonce a party owns an issue, it is not quick to relinquish it (Egan


    Egan constructs his book around two historical accounts of issue ownershipa history of

    Republican tax overhauls dating back to the 1970s and a history of Democratic pushes for health

    care reform, culminating in the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

    (colloquially Obamacare) in 2010.

    But is Egans central assumption that the Democrats own health care still accurate? The

    data set used by Egan to determine who owns which issue ends in 2010 (the year of Obamacares

    passage). There is a good deal of evidence that suggests Republicans have since taken ownership

    of the health care debate. First, though Egan argues that issue-owning parties tend to be able to

    criticize opponents on owned-issues, Republicans have played the offensive on health care since

    2010, criticizing the Affordable Care Act at nearly every turn. In 2009 and 2010 as the

    congressional debates over Obamacare intensified, Democrats poll numbers plummeted despite

  • Cramer, 2

    signs of economic recovery (Saldin 2010:8). This is surprising given Egans analysis that, absent

    economic struggles, presidential elections favor parties whose owned-issues are most salientif

    Democrats own the health care issue and health care is the hottest topic of the day, Democrats,

    in theory, would benefit (Egan 2013:85). Though other factors help explain the Democrats

    midterm defeat, the negative effects of the health care debate are undeniable (Saldin 2010:8).

    Perhaps even more strikingly, some recent polling data suggests that Republicans are now more

    trusted on health care than Democrats (Rasmussen 2013), suggesting a full-fledged shift in issue


    If Republicans have taken ownership health care, Egans thesis would imply that they have

    made health care a priority, since Egan claims that parties take ownership of issues by prioritizing

    those issues. Solid evidence supports this claim. The Republicans strategy for the 2014 midterms

    has been described as going all in campaigning against Obamacare (Caldwell 2014) and Obama

    himself has called derailing the Affordable Care Act the Republicans number one priority

    (Kapur 2013).

    A shift in either the ownership or the prioritization of health care policy would have

    significant implications for Egans book. A shift in ownership might call into question Egans

    claim that issue ownership remains stable over time. A shift would add a layer of complexity to

    Egans argument that issue ownership fuels the creation of unpopular policy (Egan 2013:19),

    implying that those unpopular policies have the power to destroy the issue ownership that begat

    them in the first place. At the very least, a shift in issue ownership suggests that in a hurry to get

    his book published, Egan neglected the significant political changes that were occurring around

    him. A shift in partisan priorities not followed by a shift in issue ownership would be even more

  • Cramer, 3

    interesting, either providing a potential counter to Egans claim that issue ownership is determined

    by issue prioritization or the Democratic Party will be handing over the keys to the health care

    issue is in the near future.

    This paper seeks to build on Egans analysis of issue ownership by aggregating the most

    recent polling data on public faith in the two parties to successfully execute health care policy and

    comparing it with earlier data. This paper ultimately finds evidence for a loss of trust in Democrats

    ability to provide health care, but does not find evidence of a complete shift in issue ownership.

    Following this analysis, I attempt to project the future of the health care issue by investigating

    issue prioritization strategies. I find ample evidence of increased GOP focus on health care, but

    not enough to project a future issue ownership shift or to distinguish it from what Egan terms

    issue trespassingtransitory attempts to encroach on an issue-owning partys turf.

    II. Is There a Shift?

    To determine if a shift in issue ownership has taken place in the health care debate, I

    attempted to create a data set parallel to Egans. I compiled opinion poll data using the same

    database-- The Roper Center Public Opinion Archives-- and search terms as Egan (Egan 2013:73).

    Like Egan, I included questions regarding partisan trust on Medicare and Medicaid in the data set.

    While Egans data ranged from January, 1970 to July, 2011 (Egan 2013:73), I collected data from

    three recent periods-- the entirety of 2003, the entirety of 2011, and the period from January 1,

    2013 to April 14, 2014. Using these three time periods allowed me to avoid potentially

    confounding variables including elections, spikes in Democratic popularity at the end of Bushs

    presidency, and the 2009 financial crisis.

  • Cramer, 4

    I regressed the year the survey was conducted and the margin of support the Democrats

    enjoyed over health care policy. I found that one year was associated with a 0.50 reduction in the

    Democrats margin of support. This correlation was statistically significant.

    Table 1-- Linear Regression

    Variable Coefficient Standard Error

    Year -0.50* .16

    *Significant at P

  • Cramer, 5

    III. The Future of the Health Care Issue

    The loss of trust in the Democratic Partys health care policy could be temporary or could

    imply that Democrats may soon lose ownership of health care. The trend against Democratic

    ownership of health seems consistent with Egans model of Issue Trespassing, suggesting that

    the Democrats health issues may be temporary. In issue trespassing, a party attempts to

    neutralize the ownership advantage of the opposing party by increasing focus on a particular

    issue (Egan 2013: 160). Egan finds that trespassing can lead to changes in issue-ownership but that

    those changes tend to be short-lived. (Egan 2013:160). Egan cites multiple reasons for the

    unsustainability of ownership shifts. These include inadequate prioritization of the trespassed issue

    by the trespassing party and the issue-owning partys unwillingness to stop prioritizing the

    contested issue (Egan 2013:160-165).

    To determine if Republican gains in health care ownership will be lasting, it is worth

    examining how those gains will be affected by the factors that have historically impeded shifts in

    issue ownership. It seems likely that Republican focus on health care will be strong enough to flip

    issue ownership. Health care policy has remained central to Republican electoral strategy

    (Caldwell 2014). Furthermore, a 2014 Gallup Poll found that 79% of Democrats and 75% of

    Republicans believe that action on health care is either extremely important or very important.

    This near universal support for action makes health care the only issue in the top five priorities of

    both parties (Wilke & Newport 2014). Though some may point out that bipartisan prioritization

    of health care is an instance of what Egan calls Issue Convergence-- the prioritization of a

    particularly salient issue by both parties-- it is important to remember that it is the Republican

    backlash that has kept health care salient.

  • Cramer, 6

    However, it seems even less likely that Democrats will cease prioritizing health care. In

    the Gallup Poll cited above, more Democrats than Republicans considered health care a top issue

    (Wilke & Newport 2014). In lead up to the 2014 midterms, Democrats have taken to criticizing

    Republican intransigence on health care, rather than running from the health care issue.

    Democratic congressional candidates have warned that Republicans desire to repeal Medicare and

    return to the days where insurance companies took advantage of customers (Hohmann 2014).

    This strategy is best evidenced in a leaked Democratic Party memo which states, The best way to

    push back on the attacks we know Republicans will launch over health care is to be on offense

    about what your opponent would do to health care while highlighting your commitment to fixing

    and improving the law (Hohmann 2014).

    With neither party likely to cease prioritizing health care, we may be faced with a situation

    not discussed by Egan-- a consensus issue (that is to say, an issue that nearly everyone desires

    to see addressed, even if there is no consensus on how to address it. Egan argues that only

    consensus issues can be owned.) without an owner. In this scenario, Republicans would continue

    to garner trust over the health care issue while Democrats continue to lose it until neither party is

    able to claim dominance on the issue.

    IV. Recommendations for Future Research

    Further research could better project the future of the health care debate and better explain

    the processes of issue ownership by incorporating polling data from 2007 and 2009 into my data

    set. This would show whether trust for Democrats on health care declined steeply after the election

    of Obama in 2008, declined steeply after the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, or has

  • Cramer, 7

    declined steadily at least since 2003. A steep decline after the passage of Obamacare might suggest

    that Republican backlash and prioritization of policies to counteract Obamacare has caused a shift

    in issue ownership. A steep decline after Obamas election, on the other hand, might suggest that

    Obamacare is so unpopular that its presence in public discourse harms public trust for Democratic

    politicians health care agendas. This result would run counter to Egans claim that the popularity

    of specific policies does not affect issue ownership. Finally, if data shows that trust in Democrats

    to perform on health issues has declined steadily since 2003, older data would be necessary to

    determine at what point Democratic ownership of health care began to decline.

  • Cramer, 8

    Works Cited

    Caldwell, Leigh Ann. "Republicans Hit a Nerve When It Comes to Obamacare." CNN. CNN, 7

    Apr. 2014. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

    Egan, Patrick J. Partisan Priorities: How Issue Ownership Drives and Distorts American

    Politics. New York: Cambridge UP, 2013. Print.

    Hohmann, James. "Democrats' New 2014 Plan: Neutralize Obamacare." Politico. Politico, 17

    Feb. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

    Kapur, Sahil. "Obama Torches GOP For 'Ideological Fixation' With Repealing Obamacare."

    Talking Points Memo. Talking Points Memo, 9 Aug. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

    Rasmussen Reports. 43% Trust GOP More on Health Care, 39% Democrats. Rep. Rasmussen

    Reports, 20 Nov. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

    Saldin, Robert P. "Healthcare Reform: A Prescription for the 2010 Republican Landslide?" The

    Forum 8.4 (2010): 1-15. Web.

    Wilke, Joy, and Frank Newport. "Democrats and Republicans Differ on Top Priorities for Gov't."

    Gallup Politics. Gallup, 28 Jan. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.