part a the earth ’ s hidden power comes to the surface structure of the text structure passage...

Part A The Earth’s Hidden Power Comes to the Surface Structure of the text Passage learning

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Page 1: Part A The Earth ’ s Hidden Power Comes to the Surface Structure of the text Structure Passage learning

Part A The Earth’s Hidden Power Comes to the Surface

Structure of the text

Passage learning

Page 2: Part A The Earth ’ s Hidden Power Comes to the Surface Structure of the text Structure Passage learning



3 Continental Drift Theory

4 One of the effects -- earthquake

5 Two other effects -- formation of

mountains and volcanoes6


Eruption of Mount St. Helens

Possible chain reaction caused by the eruption

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Eruption of Mount St. Helens



Number of people who were killed: What happened to town, forest and river?

Find the answer on your textbook.

May 18, 1980

(at 8:32 on a peaceful Sunday morning) in the southwestern corner of



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“Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!” The excited cry of a young scientist, David Johnson, to his colleagues in Vancouver, Washington announced the long-awaited eruption of Mount St. Helens. These were David Johnson’s last words. An instant later, his observation post six miles from the peak was swallowed up by a wave of fiery hot gases and pieces of rock.

be destroyed and then buried

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The eruption of Mount St. Helens in the southwestern corner of Washington on May 18, 1981, was equal in force to the largest hydrogen bomb ever tested. People in the Northwest had been anticipating an eruption for some time, but the blast was much bigger than expected. At 8:32 on a peaceful Sunday morning the mountain “blew its top”.

what was

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Clouds of gas, ash and, and rock shot into the air. As much as three inches of ash covered towns in Washington, Idaho, and Montana hundreds of miles away. The thick clouds of ash stopped all car and air traffic and forced residents to stay inside or put on face masks. The blast leveled forests 17 miles away, and boiling mud flowed down the mountain’s sides into neighboring rivers.

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As a result, the water temperature rose sharply from 50 degree to 90 degree F., causing fish to jump out of the hot water onto the banks. The eruption took the lives of 64 people around the sides of the mountain. Among those killed or injured were scientists, miners, residents and curious tourists who had not listened to the warnings they had been given. The 200-square-mile area north of the mountain covered by a grey blanket of ash looked like a scene from a different planet.

The participial phrase functions as an adverbial of result

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The west coast of the United States is famous for volcanic activity and earthquakes. Scientists have been trying to understand what powerful underground forces can produce these dramatic acts of nature. One popular theory is known as continental drift. According to this theory, the surface of the earth is like the cracked shell of a soft-boiled egg. The outer crust of the earth is made up of pieces, called plates. Which are about 60 miles thick and “float” on a partly melted core.

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These plates move very slowly, perhaps only a few inches in a year; but these small movements can have large effects.

When the plates hit and grind against each other, earthquakes may occur. The San Andreas Fault, stretching 650 miles through southern and central California, forms the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. California regularly experiences earthquakes due to the shifting of these plates.


Participial phrase used as


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Some are so slight that they are noticeable only on a highly sensitive instrument, while others are so powerful that they cause major property damage along the fault line. Most researchers agree that a major earthquake somewhere along the San Andres Fault is long overdue; however, exactly when and where it will occur remains a mystery.

indicates contrast

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The drifting of the continental plates may also result in the creation of mountains and volcanoes. When two plates collide, one may slide under the other. As a result, the second plate is pushed up, forming mountain ranges such as the Cascades in Oregon and Washington. During this process the friction between the plates may produce enough heat to melt rock. Volcanic eruptions occur when the malted rock is then forced up through cracks to the earth’s surface.

participial phrase

indicates result

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Mount St. Helens is one of a chain of volcanoes in the Cascades. Scientists believe that the mountain’s eruption may signal the awakening of other volcanoes in the chain. A mountain in Oregon 60 miles southwest of Mount St. Helens has shown signs of increased activity and is under careful watch. The question everyone in the Northwest is asking is “What’s next?” No one can say for sure; however it seems clear that the Cascade Range is capable of another performance at any time.

people carefully observe the activity of the mountain

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Now life is returning to the slopes of Mount St. Helens. Little green shoots of brave plants are pushing their way through the grey ash. If there are no further major eruptions, in another century a new forest will have covered most of the land, leaving only a few reminders of the earth’s hidden power.

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observation n. noticing or watching; collected and recorded information; a remark

The girl avoided observation. 观察,注意 He made his observations of the animals f

rom the top of a tree. The doctor examined the patient and wrot

e his observation. 观察报告

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be under ~ 受严密监视 They came under observation as soon as the

y left prison.

keep sb. under observation 严密监视 或细心观察某人

The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous observation.

observation post 观察所,嘹望哨 an observation post in a border fortress 边界要塞上的观察所

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post n. a position, a job There are many college graduates who are se

eking posts in business circles. No one may leave his post without permission.

v. appoint sb. to a job or a responsibility After several years in London, he was posted t

o the embassy in Moscow.

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n. piece of metal or wood set upright a lamp-post , goal post , boundary post

v. display in a public place Advertisements have been posted up

everywhere announcing the new show.

n. letters, parcels; correspondence

He is dealing with his post at this moment.

v. put in a post box and send out They will post me the tickets as soon as they

receive my check.

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peak n. pointed top of a mountain or hill; highest point, value, etc.

Michael was the first to reach the mountain peak.

Traffic accidents reach their peak on weekends.

Tourism is at its peak in August. Johnson is at the peak of his career.

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a. approaching or achieving the maximum peak production, load 最高产量,负荷 peak hour 高峰时间(交通繁忙) peak time 黄金时间 peak rate 高峰价(旅馆,班机等最

繁忙时的收费)v. reach the highest point or value Toy sales peaked just before Christmas

and are now decreasing.

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swallow v. (up) to take in; to eat (food) without chewing

She swallowed her medicine with the help of some water.

swallow sb./sth. up a. take sb. or sth. Into itself so that he/it ca

n no longer be seen The fog swallowed up the whole city. The ship was swallowed up by the waves.

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b. (fig) Small firms are swallowed up by giant c

orporations.c. use sth. up completely The expense swallowed up most of the

profits. The cost of the trial swallowed up all th

eir savings.

swallow one’s words admit that one has said sth. wrong

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swallow n. 燕子Idm. One swallow does not make a s

ummer. ---- a single fortune or satisfactory incident, example, etc.does not mean that all the others will be as good

You can cage a swallow, but you can not swallow a cage.

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await v. be ready or waiting for

A warm welcome awaits all our customers.

A surprise awaited us on our arrival.

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cry n.

a. words shouted to give information

b. loud wordless sound expressing joy, grief, pain, etc.

a cry of terror the cry of an animal in pain

c. slogan “Low taxes” was their cry.

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cry, sob, weep, wail, whimper

They all indicate people expressing emotions, often with tears.

“cry” has the widest use and may be the result of unhappiness, joy, etc., esp. with babies of physical discomfort

The little boy was crying because he was lost.

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“weep” is more formal than cry and can suggest stronger emotions

The hostages wept for joy on their release.

“sob” indicates crying with irregular and noisy breathing 啜泣

He sobbed for hours when his cat died.

children “whimper” with fear or in complaint

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“wail” indicates long noisy crying in grief or complaint

The mourners were wailing loudly.

Note that all these verbs can be used instead of ‘say’ to indicate a way of speaking.

‘I can’t find my daddy!’ The little boy cried/ sobbed/ wept/ whimpered/ wailed. 小孩哭着 / 抽抽搭搭地 / 哭哭啼啼地 / 呜呜咽咽地 / 痛哭流涕地说

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corner n. angle; hidden or secret place; difficult or awkward situation

A square has four corners, a cube has eight. The address is in the top right-hand corner

of the envelop. She’ll need luck to get out of a tight corner li

ke that. 摆脱困境 The interviewer had driven her into a corner.


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v. to get (a person or an animal) into a position from which it is hard to escape

The escaped prisoner was cornered at last. 最后走投无路了

The runaway horse was cornered in a field. 在田地里被圈住了

The interviewer cornered the politician with a particularly tricky question. 用一个极其巧妙的问题难住了那个政客

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anticipate v. expect; see what is going to happen and act accordingly

We anticipate that demand is likely to increase.

Anticipating that it would soon be dark they all took torches.

A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do.

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blow one’s top ---- lose one’s temper

blow v. break with explosives 炸坏 send out current of air 吹,刮 A cold wind blew across the river. He drew on a cigarette and blew out a strea

m of smoke. The safe had been blown by the thieves.


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level v. make sth. level or equal (esp. passive) demolish

She need to win this point to level the score. 扳平比分

The small town was leveled by an earthquake. 被地震夷为平地

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n. relative position in rank, class or authority; line or surface parallel to horizon

The controls are at eye-level. 视平高度

1000 meters above sea-level 海拔 high-level negotiation 高级别谈判 This mark is below his usual level.

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a. flat; of the same height, standard; steady

Find flat ground for picnic table. The two pictures are not quite

level----that one is higher than the other.

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injure vt. to cause physical harm or distress to sb.

Dead and injured people lay everywhere after the bomb went off.

He was injured in a train crash. She was badly injured in both legs. The newspaper injured his reputation by gossi


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Injured adj. wounded, hurt; treated unfairly; offended

an injured man, leg… (law) the injured party 被害者 an injured look, voice, etc. 不痛快的样

子,声音 the injured n. people injured (in an accid

ent, battle, etc.) All 14 injured were later discharged fro

m hospital. 全部出院

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injurious a. harmful, causing injury; insulting, wrongful

Smoking is injurious to the health. injurious remarks, treatment…


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underground a. under the surface of the ground; secret

underground water, passage, cave, car-park 地下水,通道,洞穴,停车场

an underground worker 地下工作者 He went underground when he heard th

e police were after him. 藏了起来 Miners work underground. underground press 地下刊物

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n. a. a railway system run under the earth; subway

(Brit infml. the tube, US subway) Travel in London by underground is co

nvenient. underground stations

b. secret organization or activity work for, join, contact the undergroun

d 为地下组织工作,参与,取得联系

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act n. thing done, deed; law; piece of performance, entertainment

It’s an act of kindness to help a blind man across a street.

The dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman.

The hero died in Act 4. 男主角在第四幕中死去

a song and dance act 歌舞表演 Parliament has passed an act.

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Compare: act action deed

An act or action can be good or bad. The two words are close in meaning and sometimes identical.

a generous act / action the act / action of a monster

When speaking about general behavior, ‘actions’ is used. 一般行为

He is impulsive in his actions. 冲动行事

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An act is often specified. 有具体说明 Helping the homeless is an act of mer


Deed is more formal and often refers to major acts. 文雅,常指重大举动

He spends his whole life doing good deeds.

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core n. central or most important part of sth. The planet has a molten core. Lack of money lay at the core of the trouble.

to the core right to the center Mr. White is English to the core. 地道的 The system is rotten to the core. 烂透了 Her refusal shocked us to the core.


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grind vt. to rub together; to crush sth. into small pieces

This wheat cannot be finely ground. He dropped the photograph and ground

his foot into it. He’s trying to grind a lot of dates and fig

ures into his head. grind sb. (down) (fig) treat sb. extremely

harshly; oppress sb. 虐待,压迫 Slaves were mercilessly ground down b

y slave holders.

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stretch v. a. spread out over an area or a period of time; extend

The road stretched out across the desert into the distance. 穿过沙漠,伸向远方

The long summer holiday stretched ahead of them.

b. make sth. longer, wider or tighter by pulling; be able to become longer, wider;

stretch a hat to fit one’s head 撑一撑 The sweater stretched after I had worn it for

a few times. 撑大了(变形了)

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These socks stretch. 有弹性 He woke up, yawned and stretched.

一觉醒来,边打哈欠边伸懒腰 She stretched across the table for the

butter. 探身去取放在桌子对面的黄油stretch one’s legs

go for a walk as exercise She went out to stretch her legs after l


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stretch sth. out to make sth. be enough to cover one’s needs

stretch oneself out relax by lying at full length He couldn’t stretch out his money to the end of

this month. 钱花不到月底 He stretched himself out in front of the fire and f

ell asleep. 舒展开身体,躺在炉火边睡着了

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shift v. to move sth.; to change one’s opinion

He shifted the chair closer to the bed. You may detect a shift of emphasis. Don’t try to shift the responsibility onto o

thers: you must do the job yourself.

n. a group of workers who take turns with one or more other groups

He is on the night shift now.

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The men are working in shifts to repair the railway line.

shift one’s ground take a new position or change method during an argument

(辩论中)改变立场或方法shift for oneself manage one’s life without help fro

m others 自谋生计 When their parents died, the children had to shift for


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sensitive a. easily hurt, damaged, affected or offended

A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain.

She is very sensitive about being fat, so don’t mention it.

b. having or showing perceptive feeling or sympathetic understanding 感情细腻的

When I need advice, he is a helpful and sensitive friend. 体贴人的朋友

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c. (of instruments) able to measure small changes 灵敏的 a sensitive balance The stock exchange is sensitive to likely p

olitical changes. 对潜在的政治变化很敏感d. needing to be treated with great secrecy o

r tact 需秘密或慎重处理的 sensitive military information sensitive issue like race relations

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1. the way the body experiences its surroundings 身体感受周围事物的方式

the sense of touch, sight,etc.

2. reason, good judgment 道理,识别力 She talks a lot of good sense.

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sensitive & sensible

The adjective sensitive usu. relates to meaning 1.

She’s got very sensitive skin, hearing… Don’t laugh at him; he’s very sensitive.

Another adjective sensible relates to 2. She gave me some sensible advice. You must try to be more sensible.

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property n. land and buildings; things owned

The price of property on this street has risen greatly.

He arranged to rent the property. His property passes to his nephew. His job is to protect private property.

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These bills are overdue. (should have been paid before now)

The train is overdue. (late)

Paraphrase the sentence:

A major earthquake is long delayed along the fault line, but still we don’t know when and where it will come about.

overdue a. not paid, completed, arrived by the due or expected time

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range n. 1. connected line or row of mountains

2. groups or series of similar things sell a whole range of dresses, foods… have a wide range of interests, hobbies…

3. limits between which sth. varies; extent There is a wide range of ability in this class.

这个班水平差距很大 That subject is outside of my range.


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signal n. sign, warning v. make a signal; send and express

A red light is usually a signal for danger. He raised his arm as a signal for us to st

op. an event signaling a change in public opi

nion signal sb. which way to go 示意 signal the waiter to bring the menu

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a. remarkably good or bad; outstanding

a signal victory, success, failure…… 极大的胜利,成功,失败

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capable a. to have the ability of doing or the power to do

He seems capable of anything. I don’t believe you are capable of winning the

medal. There is only one boy in the class capable of

working out the problem. I did not feel capable of doing it till the last minute.

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It is quite probable that there might be another volcanic eruption at any time along the Cascade Range.

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Here reminders refers to something to make one remember.

A new forest will have covered most of the land; therefore, few traces of the eruption will be left to remind people of the earth’s hidden power.

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飞机在积雪的山峰上飞过。( peak ) 自己犯了错要勇于承担,不要把责任推给

别人。 ( shift )关于这个地区的发展问题,核心在于缺少吸引人才的条件。 ( core )

一些人认为实验结果比预料的好的多,另一些人则不这么认为。 ( anticipate )