part 3: adventures-in-law

So, I’m back! You aren’t going to get rid of me that easily. I will say this right up front. I made a mistake and thankfully someone called me on it before I got too far. So here’s your tip for the day, peeps, there is no shame in making a mistake even when you should “know better” it happens it’s all in what you choose to do with it. And in the case of the challenge, I am doing this for fun. That is the most important thing. I screwed up, I will even tell you what I did when I get there and I did what I could to fix it. Also, since I am doing this for fun and not for storytelling purposes, I am going to shoot for one or more lifts per chapter. Let’s get started shall we?

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Post on 02-Dec-2014



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Part three of my Apoc Challenge, Nothing shall keep me down!


Page 1: Part 3: Adventures-in-Law

So, I’m back! You aren’t going to get rid of me that easily.

I will say this right up front. I made a mistake and thankfully someone called me on it before I got too far. So here’s your tip for the day, peeps, there is no shame in making a mistake even when you should “know better” it happens it’s all in what you choose to do with it. And in the case of the challenge, I am doing this for fun. That is the most important thing. I screwed up, I will even tell you what I did when I get there and I did what I could to fix it.

Also, since I am doing this for fun and not for storytelling purposes, I am going to shoot for one or more lifts per chapter.

Let’s get started shall we?

Page 2: Part 3: Adventures-in-Law

Last time Babs, our heir, aged up and immediately wanted to get married. Too bad for her, I have other plans. I’d been having Eye Candy check the paper everyday to see what the first job was. If it was a Uni Job, he composted it immediately. If it had Law, Criminal or Adventurer, I was going to have him save it.

Only one career came up in that time that was on that list. Adventurer. So guess what Babs took?


Meta Time!

You can hold newspapers with the jobs you want first in your inventory and they don’t go bad. However it doesn’t always work. I’ll get to that later. But they do count for the number of newspapers on the lot. So unless you don’t want to get a paper, use this sparingly.

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After finding a job, Babs immediately took her post adult sponge bath.

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“I think we should get married, Howard.”

“What? Are you nuts?”

Babs sighed.

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“Please, we can’t keep avoiding this. Plus, I promise to be a good wife to you. Even though we only have one bolt and you inexplicably have three bolts with my mother.”

“Well when you put it that way…”


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“I think I do love you.”

“Hey, Son-in-law, Call me later when you are done schtupping my daughter.”

“How about we go somewhere more private?”

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“Ow! That doesn’t go there!”

“Damn parking brake!”

“Oh Howard!”

“Oh Babs”

“Oh Shut it down there!”

“Sorry Mom!”

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“So now that we’ve woohooed and I heard a lullaby, I guess I should make this official. Eye Candy will you consent to be Mr. Doran?”

“Oh my gods, where did you pull that thing from and how did you get it in an apocalypse.”

“Ummm… I had some time while I was not going to school as a teen.”

“Oh. Well I don’t really want to know.”

“So is that a yes?”

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“It’s so shiny.”

“Answer me, Howard! I feel those pregnancy hormones coming on.”

“Yes. Of course I will. It’s what I was moved in for, after all.”

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“Don’t mind me, kids. Just stalking through to sponge bathe at the sink and ogle Eye Candy.”

“Do you mind, Mom? I am trying to get married here.”

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“You thought I was kidding? I’d stop with the newlywed dance unless you want to get an eyeful. Although you don’t have to leave, son-in-law. I wouldn’t mind if you looked.”

“Mo-om! Come on, Howard! Let’s go to bed.”

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“Your loss. I am one sexy elder if I do say so myself!”

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“Please tell me this was all a bad dream…”

Sorry Babs.


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So Babs began her way up the Adventurer career ladder. She knocked out Ambassador’s Intern.

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And went immediately back to work as a Spelunker.

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And came home a Multiregional Sim of Some Question with a day off.

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Which was a good thing, since Babs popped into her pregnancy while potty training her youngest sibling.

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Time passed. And babs went to work in her third Trimester but didn’t get promoted.

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Sunday night on her day off, Babs went into labor.

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And the headless heiress was born. She’s got red hair and dark blue eyes. Her name is Shayera after Hawkgirl Shayera Hol from Justice League.

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Welcome to the conception of the unauthorized spare. Family sim Babs doesn’t even want one, she does want to BFFs with Jean though, but actually want a kid… No.

So thank you ACR… I love you too. In the spirit of the challenge, I have it set to try for a baby every time a sim woohoos. And well you know my luck.

So now there are seven sims and one on the way. Guess what that means…

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If you guessed Christy gets teleported to the Death Spot, take a drink or give yourself a prize. I prefer the first one.

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“Somehow this doesn’t look very good.”

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“That’s okay someone will save me soon.”

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“Um hello, Creator…”

Sorry busy…

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“But I’m starving!!!”

Good. Hurry up about it. It’s Sunday and Tuesday is a-coming.

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Monday comes around and Babs sets off once again to try to get that elusive promotion. This time she is platinum.

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Meanwhile Christy settles down for a nice nap…

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Babs gets home and has finally gotten the promotion she needed.

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“Hi remember me? Your Founder’s Wife?”


“I’m kinda dying here.”

Oh good.

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“No really. Fading fast! Must not go into the light.”

Go to the light! Go to the light!!!

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“Dead sim surrounded by a moat… Renee? Ben? Doc? Gin? Is this you again killing off sims?”

Um. No. It’s me, Lark. Sorry about this. You’ll be seeing a lot of me…

“I’ll clear my calendar.”


Renee = Cowforbrains notorious sim killer and writer of a lot of legacies I haven’t read.

Ben = Blite87 writer of the 10 Caesar’s Legacy which I am told is very bloody. Almost like real Rome.

Doc = DocSupremeNerd writer of the Vetinari Dualegacy and killer of Oddly-hot spares and more.

Gin = GintasticNecat writer of The Science of a Legacy which isn’t that bloodthirsty however she’s here for her turn at BoolProp Round Robin Legacy where she killed a whole town.

Enough with the giving credit. On to more death.

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So we bid adieu to our first gen spouse, Christy. She took with her the cowplant that I never placed and three random TVs that she had earned through Apartment life networking.

We shall miss the sim you were before you started stalking your son-in-law.

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Naturally the family was devastated.

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And then in typical sim ADD, went on with their lives.

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That doesn’t mean she wasn’t missed. Jean missed her.

“You killed my mom!”

I’m gonna kill you too.


Necessity is a harsh mistress and so am I.

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Although I did feel a little bad for Xavier. He was a good husband to Christy and for a time she was a good wife. But I need him, and I don’t need her. So what’s a player to do?

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“Stupid creator! Stupid Flamingo! Just for this I am going to do something really embarrassing later on!”


“I don’t know. But I’ll think of something, just you watch.”

What about your 10 nice points?

“Uh… Oh Yeah? Well can I fall in love with Eye Candy?”


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“Do you think my getting pregnant had to do with why Mom died?”


Okay folks it’s time to move on!

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Which they did. Jean is cementing herself as a brat going around shocking poor pleasure sim Wally.

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And Babs pops into her first trimester.

See Xavier in the background. It’s Tuesday morning. He’s out of meditation to get his needs attended to. He’s got something important to do.

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Invite these doofuses over.

I am not taking any chances that Babs and Eye Candy won’t fill up another spot. So we are moving the spouse in now.

I had Xavier ask each of these boys what their skills were and then picked the one that had the best skills for Paranormal.

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“Ha Ha, Elton! You lose!”


Elton here is a popularity sim with the lifetime want of being a media magnate. However he did not have the right major for paranormal. Nope, Eye Candy 2.0 here has a degree in Mathematics.

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2.0 is introduced to his future spouse.

Awww isn’t that sweet?

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And then peruses the paper for a career. No paranormal, well not first (it was 3 rd). But Criminal was the second career offered so he took it.

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One point in 2.0’s favor is that he is already friends with Regina here. Yes I still love her.

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And I love her even more now. She is a Celebrity Chef.

Can we say insta-lift?

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And if you ever wanted to see what a Tuesday gathering looks like, here you go. Hanging out around the snapdragon while some people skill.

The family is up to 34 friends… Can we get more?

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However, Eye Candy 2.0 was busy elsewhere.

Probably not smart to do that in front of your future wife.

“She’s a baby. She won’t mind.”

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“So you’re gonna be my wife?”

“Om nom nom!”

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“Awww aren’t you cute?”


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If you had any doubts about Elton here being Eye Candy 2.0 please note the underwear he transitioned up into.

And there is reason this is never going on the exchange!

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That night, Shayera transitioned into a toddler. Is it just me, or is she eyeing Wally’s jugular a little too intently.

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Despite her bloodthirsty tendencies, the family loved her.

Shayera is a Sagittarius with 7/3/8/7/3

Where did the neat points come from?

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Early Thursday morning, right after Jean left for school Babs went into labor with the unauthorized spare.

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“Oh my god! Baby!”

“Yosh! Another girl!”

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“Oh gods another girl to worry about.”

“Another girl I might have to marry!”

“Would the mantie brigade just shut up!”

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“Here take Koriand’r so I can go to work. The damn car wouldn’t let me until I gave birth.”

“Yay Baby!”

“Stop talking about my husband, Daddy!”

“Awww Babs!”


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“I’m home! I never have to wear this horrible outfit ever again!”

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“Although this hat is craptastic.”

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And now Eye Candy will be forever happy. He’s earned $100,000.

Doesn’t he look happy?

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I would like to introduce you to my own slice of hell.

See this. This is Eye Candy and Babs trying for a baby in a full house. Watch me frantically scour my hacks and downloads folder for a larger household hack. I had one in for my turn at the BoolProp Round Robin Legacy, but I yanked it for my Bachelor challenge and for my OWBC.

I checked using the Clean installer, nothing. I put the hack in and then ran the Hack Conflict Detection Utility, Nothing. I pulled it again and then went through all of my folders by hand looking for it – this is over 13,000 files – and nothing,

So panicked, I messaged Rose going “HELP!!!!” With possibly more exclamation points. She soothed me and asked to make sure that the hack wasn’t in there. I can’t pull ACR without some serious repercussions to my OWBC hood which is honestly way more important to me. So I was stuck.

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Luckily for me, Babs rolled a 97% out of 80% for her actual pregnancy chance and the crisis was averted. For now.

Don’t look so smug guys, you won’t like it if you get pregnant.

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“I already don’t like it!”


Meta time!

Apparently high landscaping doesn’t stop ghosts just living sims. Good to know. I can level that area and have more space for graves later.

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Since I only have one baby blanket and Shayera is using it. Kori here spends a lot of her time on the floor. That’s okay, babies gain fun from the floor.

Oh and before you say the baby blanket is cheaty, it isn’t because of the space restrictions. You have to have the six surrounding squares open before the toddler will lie down on it. And you cannot place a toddler on the blanket manually, they have to do it themselves. So really the thing eats up 8 squares. Two for itself, the two in front, the two on either end, and the two on the diagonal. There are times I wish I had placed a crib. It would have been easier and more space efficient.

Oh well.

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I think Eye Candy and Eye Candy 2.0 don’t like each other much.

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And Babs continues to climb her way up the adventurer ladder.

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Nope. They really don’t like each other. I think it’s because Howard knows that Elton is going to marry one of his little girls.

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And 2.0 also stole the family pants.

I have decided that for no apparent reason that all of the male spouses have to wear Xavier’s buckle pants.

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“Oh gods, I am starting to feel old.”

“What do you mean starting? You are old, Pops.”

“Don’t call me ‘Pops!’”

“Why, you’re starting to look a little grey, Daddy-O.”

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“He was lying. I’m not going grey. Still red and delicious. Oh I’ll get that bastard. Make him suffer like I’ve suffered.”

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“Damn you sink! Stop breaking after Jean washes her hands!”

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I like to call this slide Eye Candy pile up. If only Xavier were in here would it be complete.

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Everyday, I have 2.0 check the paper for a job in Paranormal and so far no dice. However, this paper has The Law first.

It is too late for me to have Babs take it she is already on level 6 of Adventurer. That would be stupid. However I had Elton put it on the ground to put in Wally’s inventory.

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Make that level Seven.

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Poor Shay. Someone put Kori on the blanket so she fell asleep in the potty. No wonder her hygiene goes down so fast.

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Koriand’r grew up into a lovely little toddler.

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And Shayera became quite the darling child.

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So here is our spare, Koriand’r Doran. She is named after the real name of Starfire from Teen Titans and she does have the ears.

She is a Virgo and her stats are 10/5/7/4/9. Where did the neat points come from!!!!

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To add to the slew of birthdays, Wally also aged up.

He’s still quite the cutie.

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And he took the job in Law, like planned.

Ahhh Law, the lift that does nothing other than open the way for more lifts.

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Despite an unfortunate door accident, Wally set off for work the following morning.

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And Babs did the same.

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This is about where I was at when I was told I screwed up and that I shouldn’t have stocked the fridge.

Oops. Mea Culpa.

So here is my first attempt to fix the problem. Jean here, yeah she teened amidst all of the other birthdays I just didn’t care to show it, is giving this random Capp guy the old fridges. Then she bid goodbye to him and we bought a new fridge.

Problem, it still shows the fresh food. Which means it is attached to the lot.

Okay solution 2 – make food then wait for it to go bad before eating it. There is a chance of death from food poisoning if you don’t take care of the sim and the food loses any benefit it had from the fresh food if it is spoiled.

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“Mommy, Mommy! We got a new fridge! It’s Orange.”

“That’s nice. Mommy doesn’t eat anyway.”

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Since Paranormal hasn’t come up, Elton continues to advance up the criminal track.

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While Xavier works on Law. Ahhh Law and Lawlessness, what a great combo!

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And comes back after a fortuitous Chance card. Yay promotion!

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And it is back to work.

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“Yo! Creator! You think you could let me at a sink for a while!”

Sure knock yourself out. I’ll be watching…

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And while I was distracted, Kori aged up into a very pretty little girl.

She’s her daddy’s girl.

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While Shayera lives up to her namesake and thinks she can fly.

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And 2.0 is slowly and surely knocking out Criminal. Despite not having much in the way of appropriate skills. Which stinks.

“No, that’s just me.”


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Do you know how many long hairs there are that don’t hide the ears and that aren’t up-dos? You’re looking at it. And it is still an up-do. But Kori just screams girly girl at me.

“Nice girls don’t scream.”

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Wally continues to have unfortunate car pool injuries. But he is such a trooper that he just goes to work without complaint.

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And he even comes home with promotions while stinky and a smile on his face.

I really love this sim.

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Unlike this one. Who has spent most of her teen years skilling and eating rotten food.

No I am not trying to kill her, yet.

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You may be wondering why It seems like I am flying through things.

Never ending pictures of skilling and meditating aren’t very interesting.

I mostly play this on speed three.

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“Hey do you remember that lady you woohooed when I was a baby? The one you thought was hot?”


“If you ever see her again, I’ll break your kneecaps.”

“Maybe you should be the criminal.”

“Nah, I’ll go for something much worse.”

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Babs is home from Hostage negotiator.

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And is immediately sent back to work as an international sim of mystery.

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A little dance with Jean to raise the aspiration…

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And 2.0 is off to work too.

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And Babs is home and all smiles and I have to admit I am too…

Adventurer is lifted.

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“I left some elixir out for Daddy.”

That’s my good Barbara.

“Nooooo!!! Why couldn’t you have picked the social glasses. I want the social glasses!”

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I did have Xavier suck down an entire container of Elixir. See, I have plans.

Xavier here is the friends holder and while we have a ton of them and more get made daily. The number is nothing to be sniffed at. Also, he’s friends with tons of Dormies. And while I love 2.0, at the level he is at he isn’t going to lift Paranormal. It hasn’t come up on the first job yet.

So Xavier gets to become immortal until such a point as I no longer need that friend count. Aren’t I nice? He gets to watch everyone he loves die.

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A few hours later and Shayera transitioned to teendom. A very smelly teen.

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Although I dare you to tell her that to her face.

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Oh dammit! You Guys went and did it! Damn birthday mothing for pulling Eye Candy out of Meditation.

Well there’s no choice for it…

Howard out of bed and start meditating. In the yard, if you please!

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“I have a hunch that I am not going to want to be home today.”

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Welcome to Death Island, Howard.

“Why me? I didn’t do anything like Christy did!”

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“I’m still handsome. Yes a bit greyer, but I think that makes me look distinguished.”

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“I’m pregnant. How is this possible?!”


Meta time!

I found out later that this is apparently a glitch that happens with the Pets Expansion. It’s counting the two pets slots as open slots. Yes, another reason for me to hate the damn thing.

But I didn’t find this out until I was writing this…

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2.0 is home with one promotion to go. And three days off….

It’s good cause he needs them to skill.

“And ask me out on a date!”

Um, I think his intended will kill him.

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“Bad things over?”

No. Although thank you for the promotion.

“No problem!”

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To pass time, Eye Candy built himself a friend…

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And took a nap.

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Back inside I decided to use the elixir for its unintended side effect, taking away days.

Jean had finished maxing all of her skills so she was just taking up space at this point. And I’d rather have Wally around than her.

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And Jean grew up, badly. But since those years are tacked on at the end I don’t care that much. If she takes more than 28 days to lift a career and not having to skill or make friends I am doing something wrong.

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And Military is first. While a great career, it isn’t going to happen in Jean’s lifetime.

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Jean’s birthday roused Xavier from his meditations and he went to see what all of the blubbering was about. Jean wasn’t terribly happy with growing up in the red, but Babs got my attention by popping into her second trimester.

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And because we have more than enough cash on hand, I had her quit her job.

This is even after paying the Mob $20,000 a week when we only need to pay $14,734.

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Outside, Howard continues the job of dying. If I had only known this were a glitch and not some mistake of mine.

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I’m sorry, Howard.

“Call me Eye Candy….urk…”

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“Another one? It’s not even been 100 slides since I last showed up.”

Yeah. Sorry about this…

“I didn’t think there would be such a rush.”

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Babs, suffice it to say, didn’t take it very well.

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Not well at all.

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However Howard died on a Tuesday and as well all know, life must go on. Especially on Tuesdays.

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“Yo, Cutie, your daddy called me up saying you needed some cheering up.”

“My Best friend died!”

“How about you make a new best friend?”


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“That was fun!”

“Isn’t it though? I hate to woohoo and run. Oh but who am I kidding? I love it.”

“Wait, I want to give you something.”


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“My first kiss…”


There you go, Cait. Cute scene with Jean. Stupid sim. On her date with Heather here she didn’t roll up any wants for her date. They were all for things like bars, resurrecting Eye Candy, and meeting someone new.

And what few wants she had barely got her into the green.

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Unlike Wally here, who is so easy to take care of. He rarely rolls wants for dates. Mostly he wants to Juggle, smustle, jump on the couch, and play kicky bag. So all it takes is a few silly actions in the moment and he is golden or platinum.

Love this sim.

And doesn’t he look good in that suit?

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And just one day later, he’s The Law!

You’ve got it right Kori, that deserves a high five.

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So where does that leave us?

Well the end for one.

We have lifted Adventurer and can now use career rewards and have unlimited use of Elixir. I haven’t done the former, although Jumbok and the Legal Podium are likely going to come out now. I haven’t bothered with any of the others. The Facelift machine, the camera, and the Cowplant are all huge and would have not been allowed to move per athletic rules. And they are pretty useless to begin with. So in my case my only reason for lifting adventurer was to save Xavier and the friends. Even though we likely don’t need them at the moment we have 43.

And Wally lifted Law. Which means that Politics, Law Enforcement, and Slacker are now no longer suppressed and can be lifted for good.

I do have another poll for you all on my LJ. Please think and vote. And Spork!