part 150 noise compatibility program update shreveport regional airport

Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program Update Shreveport Regional Airport

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Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program

UpdateShreveport Regional Airport

Page 2: Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program Update Shreveport Regional Airport

Agenda - April 13, 2015

• Part 150 Study Background and Process• Noise Analysis Methodology • Updated Noise Exposure• Noise Measurement Program• Noise Land Inventory and Reuse Plan• Next Steps

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BACKGROUND AND PROCESSPart 150 Noise Compatibility Program Update

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What is a Part 150 Study?

• Voluntary federal program for airports seeking to understand and reduce effects of noise exposure

• Study requirements are set forth in 14 CFR Part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning

• A complete Part 150 Study includes:– Noise Exposure Maps (NEM)

• Current and forecast aircraft noise

– Noise Compatibility Program (NCP)• Noise abatement measures• Noise mitigation measures• Land use management measures• Implementation and monitoring measures

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Noise Compatibility Studies at Shreveport

• 1984 Airport Noise and Land Use Compatibility (ANCLUC) Study – FAA approval not required

• 1991 Part 150 NEM/NCP – Approved by FAA in 1992

• 2004 Part 150 NEM/NCP – Approved by FAA in 2007

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Purpose of 2014 Part 150 Update

• To determine how recent changes in air service have affected noise exposure

• To revise NCP based on changes in noise exposure

• Why?– In 2012, FAA directed Airport Authority to suspend

noise mitigation projects of the 2004 NCP• FAA wanted Airport Authority to update NEMs given

changes in air service since 2004

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Study Process – Where We Are

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Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program Update

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Integrated Noise Model

• Computer model developed by the FAA• Federal regulations (14 CFR Part 150) require

the use of the INM in preparing Noise Exposure Maps

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INM Input Data

• The number of takeoffs and landings by time of day, aircraft type, and stage length (distance to destination)

• Runway use• Location and use of flight tracks • Average annual temperature and humidity• Airport elevation• Runway end coordinates• Terrain

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Existing and Forecast Operations (Takeoffs and Landings)

User Category 2014 2020

Air Carrier 3,407 3,690/1

Air Taxi 16,959 18,365/1

General Aviation 18,092 20,233

Military 3,132 3,217

Totals 41,590 45,506

NOTE: 1/ 2020 Air Carrier and air taxi operations calculated by applying the proportions of each operational category in the count of existing operations (November 2013 through October 2014) because the forecast did not differentiate between air carrier and air taxi operations in the 2020 figures.

SOURCE: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., January 2015, based on Aviation Demand Forecasts, Airport Master Plan Update, Shreveport Regional Airport, December 2013; 2013-2014 FAA's Radar data; FAA's Air Traffic Activity Data System (ATADS)PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015.

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Generalized Runway Use


Total06 14 24 32

Arrivals 6% 65% 6% 23% 100.0%

Departures 1% 65% 15% 19% 100.0%

Touch and Go 4% 65% 7% 24% 100.0%

SOURCES: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., January 2015, based on November 2013 to October 2014 FAA’s Radar data; FAA’s Air Traffic Activity Data System (ATADS) ; FAA’s Enhanced Traffic Management System Counts (ETMSC); Airport’s operations records; and air carrier scheduled flight time-tables from Innovata Schedules, Diio LLC.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015.

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Operations by Time of Day

Aircraft Category Day/2 Night/3 Total

2014Large Jet 1,992 880 2,872

Medium/Small Jet 22,861 2,849 25,710

Prop/Turbo Prop 10,896 1,596 12,492

Military Aircraft/1 169 52 221

Helicopter 233 63 296

2014 Total 36,151 5,440 41,5902020

Large Jet 2,308 1,019 3,327

Medium/Small Jet 24,956 3,104 28,060

Prop/Turbo Prop 11,899 1,681 13,580

Military Aircraft/1 174 53 227

Helicopter 245 68 313

2020 Total 39,582 5,925 45,507NOTES: 1/ Military aircraft include KC135, T38A, and C130E. Civilian-type aircraft operated by military and government agencies are included in large jet, small jet, prop/turboprop, and helicopter categories.2/ Day = 7:00 A.M. through 9:59 P.M.3/ Night = 10:00 P.M. through 6:59 A.M.

SOURCES: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., January 2015, based on November 2013 to October 2014 FAA's Radar data; FAA's Air Traffic Activity Data System (ATADS); and FAA's Enhanced Traffic Management System Counts (ETMSC); and Airport's operations data record.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015.

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Runway 14 Arrival Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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Runway 14 Departure Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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Runway 32 Arrival Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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Runway 32 Departure Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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Runway 24 Arrival Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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Runway 24 Departure Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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Runway 6 Arrival Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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Runway 6 Departure Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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Touch-and-Go Tracks

SOURCES: FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) Data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (radar flight tracks); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., Integrated Noise Model, version 7.0d, March 2015 (INM backbone tracks ).PREPARED BY : Ricondo & Associates , Inc., March 2015.

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UPDATED NOISE EXPOSUREPart 150 Noise Compatibility Program Update

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The DNL Noise Metric - Example

NOTES:DNL is the metric (or descriptor) that the FAA and the U.S. Department of Defense use to describe the noise environment around civilian and military airports. DNL is the total, time-weighted noise occurring during a 24-hour period. Events after 10:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. are assigned an extra 10 decibels (dB) in the DNL calculation to reflect the increased sensitivity of people to nighttime noise. For Part 150 studies, the DNL levels are calculated for an “average day” during the study year. In this example, 34 aircraft noise events occur during the 24-hour period – 25 in daytime and 9 in nighttime hours. The noise levels range from 78 dB to 103 dB. The extra 10 dB assigned to the nighttime events gives them noise levels as high as 112 dB. The cumulative aircraft noise level for the 24-hour period is DNL 67.

SOURCE: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015.

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Land Use Compatibility Standards




Below         Over

55 55‑60 60‑65 65‑70 70‑75 75


Residential, other than mobile homes and transient lodgings


Mobile home parks            

Transient lodgings            

PUBLIC USE            

Schools, hospitals, nursing homes            

Churches, auditoriums, and concert halls


Governmental services            

Transportation & Parking            


Offices, Retail and Wholesale Trade



Agriculture (except livestock) and forestry


Livestock farming and breeding            

Mining and fishing, resource production and extraction



Outdoor sports arenas and spectator sports


Outdoor music shells, amphitheaters


Nature exhibits and zoos            

Amusements, parks, resorts and camps


Golf courses, riding stables, and water recreation


SOURCES:   Title 14 CFR Part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning, Appendix A, Table 1 (table and notes applying to noise levels from DNL 65 to DNL 75 and higher); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015 (shading and table and notes applying to noise levels from DNL 55 to DNL 65).PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015.

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2014 Noise Exposure - DNL 65-75

NOTE: Noise exposure above DNL 65 causes a significant impact for housing and noise-sensitive institutions.

SOURCE: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., February 2014.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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2014 Noise Exposure - DNL 55-75

SOURCE: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., February 2014.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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Forecast 2020 Noise – DNL 65-75

NOTE: Noise exposure above DNL 65 causes a significant impact for housing and noise-sensitive institutions.

SOURCE: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., February 2014.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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Forecast 2020 Noise – DNL 55-75

SOURCE: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., February 2014.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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Comparison of 2004 and 2014 Noise

DNL Contour Range

Area in Acres

2004 2014Change (2014-2004)

DNL 65-70 3,349 406 -2,942

DNL 70-75 1,617 178 -1,439

DNL 75+ 1,152 152 -1,001

Total DNL 65+ 6,118 736 -5,382

SOURCES: Shreveport Airport Authority, March 2004 (2004 Noise Exposure); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., February 2014.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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Reduction in Operations Since 2004

User Category 20031/ 20142/

Difference 2014 – 2004

Air Carrier 3,403 3,407 4

Air Taxi 31,050 16,959 -14,091

General Aviation 25,774 18,092 -7,682

Military 9,123 3,132 -5,991

Totals 69,350 41,590 -27,760

NOTES:1/ Annual operations for calendar year 2003 were the basis for the 2004 noise exposure analysis.2/ Operations for the 12-month period ending October 31, 2014 were used as the basis for the 2014 noise exposure analysis.

SOURCES: Shreveport Airport Authority, Shreveport Regional Airport 2004 FAR Part 150 Noise Exposure Maps Update, March 2004; Ricondo & Associates, Inc., February 2014.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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Transition to Quieter Aircraft


NOTES: Noise footprints for the six most common aircraft in each year are shown. Each footprint represents one arrival and one departure by each aircraft type.

SOURCE: Ricondo & Associates, Inc. analysis using the INM version 7.0d, March 2015. PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015.

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Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program Update

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Noise Measurement Sites and Flight Tracks

NOTE: Radar tracks for flights during the measurement period, October 28-30, 2015.

SOURCE: Barry Technologies, Inc. (measurement sites); FAA Aircraft Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) data from November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, December 2014 (flight tracks ).PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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B-52 Approach at Site 3A14:01













































NOTE: Chart depicts instantaneous sound levels for a one-minute single event.

SOURCE: Barry Technologies, Inc., October 30, 2014.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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Canadair Regional Jet Departure

NOTE: Chart depicts instantaneous sound levels for a one-minute single event.

SOURCE: Barry Technologies, Inc., October 30, 2014.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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Noise Measurement Results

Measurement Site

INM Modeled


Measured DNL

Difference (Measured –


1 56.1 67.5 11.4

2 44.1 57.5 13.4

3 57.8 59.7 1.9

4 60.7 62.0 1.3

1A 55.9 62.9 7.0

2A 48.3 56.9 8.6

3A 61.3 63.3 2.0

4A 48.0 62.4 14.4

NOTES: Site 1 – Measured DNL is higher than modeled DNL because of traffic noise from nearby Highway 3132. Site 2 – Measured DNL is higher than modeled DNL because of loud neighborhood noise events in the morning (0900 -1200) and traffic noise from Hollywood Avenue. Site 1A – Measured DNL is higher than modeled DNL because of traffic on nearby Buncombe RoadSite 2A – Measured DNL is higher than modeled DNL because of ambient neighborhood noise and traffic on Hollywood Avenue. Site 4A – Measured DNL is higher than modeled DNL because of traffic noise on Interstates 20 and 220. SOURCE: Barry Technologies, Inc., October 28-30, 2014 (measurement data); Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014 (INM modeled data).PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program Update

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FAA Requirements

• Airport operators must maintain an inventory of land purchased with Airport Improvement Program noise funding

• Airport operators much prepare plans for the reuse of noise lands that are not necessary to retain in airport ownership

• Noise lands released for reuse must be developed for noise-compatible uses

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Airport Property Acquired with FAA Noise Funding

SOURCE: Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments, 2014; KSA Alliance, March 2015 (property east of Kennedy Drive).PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2015.

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Noise Lands in Mooretown

SOURCE: Shreveport Airport Authority and KSA Alliance, February 2015.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2014.

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NEXT STEPSPart 150 Noise Compatibility Program Update

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Noise Exposure Maps Document

• Final Versions of:– Working Papers 1, 2, and 3– Appendices, A, B, C, and D– Documentation of public outreach

• Airport Authority Acceptance• Submission to FAA for Acceptance

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Noise and Land Use Analyses

• Noise Land Reuse Alternatives• Noise Analysis– Effects of potential runway extensions

• Land Use Management Alternatives– Land use planning measures to promote noise-

compatible development– Fair disclosure measures for prospective future

property buyers

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Vacant Land Available for Noise-Sensitive Development

SOURCE: Ricondo & Associate, Inc., April 2015.PREPARED BY: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., April 2015.