part 1 disqualification of witness

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  • 5/25/2018 Part 1 Disqualification of Witness



    Disqualification by reason of mental incapacity or immaturity

    A credible witness is one who is not disqualified to testify by mental incapacity, crime,

    or other cause. Historical Soc. of Dauphin County vs. Kelker, 74 A. 619, 226 Pa. 16, 134 Am. St.Rep. 1010. (Words and Phrases, Vol. 10, p. 340).

    As construed by the common law, a credible witness to a will means a competent

    witness. Appeal of Clark, 95 A. 517, 114 Me. 105, Ann. Cas. 1917A, 837. (Ibid. p. 341).

    Expression credible witness in relation to attestation of wills means competent

    witness;chan roblesvirtualawlibrarythat is, one competent under the law to testify to fact of

    execution of will. Vernons Ann. Civ. St. art. 8283. Moos vs. First State Bank of Uvalde , Tex. Civ.

    App. 60 S. W. 2d 888, 889. (Ibid. p. 842)

    The term credible, used in the statute of wills requiring that a will shall be attested bytwo credible witnesses, means competent; who, at the time of attesting the will, are legally

    competent to testify, in a court of justice, to the facts attested by subscribing the will, the

    competency being determined as of the date of the execution of the will and not of the time it

    is offered for probate. Smith vs. Goodell, 101 N.E. 255, 256, 258 Ill. 145. (Ibid.)

    Credible witnesses, as used in the statute relating to wills, means competent

    witnesses that is, such persons as are not legally disqualified from testifying in courts of

    justice, by reason of mental incapacity, interest, or the commission of crimes, or other cause

    excluding them from testifying generally, or rendering them incompetent in respect of the

    particular subject matter or in the particular suit.

    Disqualification by reason of marriage

    Exception to the Marital Disqualifications Rule

    But like all other general rules, the marital disqualification rule has its own exceptions,

    both in civil actions between the spouses and in criminal cases for offenses committed by one

    against the other. Like the rule itself, the exceptions are backed by sound reasons which, in the

    excepted cases, outweigh those in support of the general rule. For instance, where the marital

    and domestic relations are so strained that there is no more harmony to be preserved nor

    peace and tranquility which may be disturbed, the reason based upon such harmony and

    tranquility fails. In such a case, identity of interests disappears and the consequent danger of

    perjury based on that identity is non-existent. Likewise, in such a situation, the security and

    confidences of private life, which the law aims at protecting, will be nothing but ideals, which

    through their absence, merely leave a void in the unhappy home.

    In Ordoo vs. Daquigan, [13] this Court held:
  • 5/25/2018 Part 1 Disqualification of Witness


    We think that the correct rule, which may be adopted in this jurisdiction, is that

    laid down in Cargil vs. State, 35 ALR 133, 220 Pac. 64, 25 Okl. 314, wherein the

    court said:

    The rule that the injury must amount to a physical wrong upon

    the person is too narrow; and the rule that any offense remotelyor indirectly affecting domestic harmony comes within the

    exception is too broad. The better rule is that, when an offense

    directly attacks, or directly and vitally impairs, the conjugal

    relation, it comes within the exceptionto the statute that one

    shall not be a witness against the other except in a criminal

    prosecution for a crime committee (by) one against the other.

    Where spouse is accused with others

    As correctly observed by the court a quo, the disqualification is between husband and

    wife, the law not precluding the wife from testifying when it involves other parties or accused.


    Disqualification by reason of privileged communication

    Marital Privileged Communications may be waived

    The marital privilege rule, being a rule of evidence, may be waived by failure of the

    claimant to object timely to its presentation or by any conduct that may be construed as


    Attorney-Client Privilege

    Certain it is that a judge may not be held administratively accountable for every

    erroneous order or decision he renders (Rodrigo v. Quijano, etc., 79 SCRA 10 [1977]). To hold

    otherwise would be to render judicial office untenable, for no one called upon to try the facts

    or interpret the law in the process of administering justice can be infallible in his judgment

    (SEELopez v. Corpus, 78 SCRA 374 [1977]; Pilipinas Bank v. Tirona-Liwag, 190 SCRA 834 [1990]).

    The error must be gross or patent deliberate and malicious, or incurred with evident bad faith

    (Quizon v. Balthazar, Jr., 65 SCRA 293 [1975]).

    The imputed error in this case not being in the premises gross, and the record being

    bereft of any persuasive showing of deliberate or malicious intent on the part of respondent

    Judge to cause prejudice to any party, the instant administrative proceeding against the latter

    must be given short shrift want of basis.(EMMANUEL D. SANTO vs. JUDGE JOSE L. ORLINO)

  • 5/25/2018 Part 1 Disqualification of Witness


    Physician-Patient Privilege

    The physician-patient privileged communication rule essentially means that a physician

    who gets information while professionally attending a patient cannot in a civil case be

    examined without the patients consent as to any facts which would blacken the latters

    reputation. This rule is intended to encourage the patient to open up to the physician, relate tohim the history of his ailment, and give him access to his body, enabling the physician to make a

    correct diagnosis of that ailment and provide the appropriate cure. Any fear that a physician

    could be compelled in the future to come to court and narrate all that had transpired between

    him and the patient might prompt the latter to clam up, thus putting his own health at great


    The rule on confidential communications between physician and patient requires that:

    a) the action in which the advice or treatment given or any information is to be used is a civil

    case; b) the relation of physician and patient existed between the person claiming the privilege

    or his legal representative and the physician; c) the advice or treatment given by him or any

    information was acquired by the physician while professionally attending the patient; d) the

    information was necessary for the performance of his professional duty; and e) the disclosure

    of the information would tend to blacken the reputation of the patient.

    Executive Privilege

    At common law a governmental privilege against disclosure is recognized with respect

    to state secrets bearing on military, diplomatic and similar matters. This privilege is based upon

    public interest of such paramount importance as in and of itself transcending the individual

    interests of a private citizen, even though, as a consequence thereof, the plaintiff cannot

    enforce his legal rights.


    On the other hand, where the claim of confidentiality does not rest on the need to

    protect military, diplomatic or other national security secrets but on a general public interest in

    the confidentiality of his conversations, courts have declined to find in the Constitution an

    absolute privilege of the President against a subpoena considered essential to the enforcement

    of criminal laws.