part 1

Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product? How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Question's 4&5 AudienceWho Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product? How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

2. In planning our final piece, we created a Audience Profile so we knew who we were aiming to appeal to. This was it. Audience Profile Male or female Aged 12-34 Western Likes to stay up late Likes to be scared, loves the thrill Not scared to go out on their own at night 3. After doing research we felt that these were the sort of demographics of people who would be interested in Horror Films. ( male or female12-34etc)Using the socio-economic model we felt we could further identify our target audience. We felt they would fall in the groups c1 downwards. These people tend to have a little more time on their hands, and in some cases eg students, they have more disposable income to spend on things like films. By looking back at out graph ( shown previously) this matches that profile as the average earnings were 0-30K a year. As for psychographics, we felt that in Cross Cultural Consumer Characteristics, the audience would possibly be mainstream if the film could be made big and commercialised, as horror films are already quite popular and accepted in our culture- or else, it would appeal to individuals or radicals (little bit rebellious)The latest in lifestyle analysis, has created some tools to help define market research. It defines values, attitudes and beliefs. The LifeMatrix is one of these tools. Using this, I feel our target audience would fall in the first segment Tribe Wired : digital, free-spirited, creative young singles.