parishes of st mary’s catholic church, bridgend , our lady ... · sat 4th july people of the...

A parish in the Archdiocese of Cardiff - a Registered Charity No. 1177272 Parishes of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Bridgend , Our Lady Star of the Sea, Porthcawl & St Joseph’s of Arimathea, Kenfig Hill Priest: Fr. Tim McGrath 01656 652034 & Fr. Silvio Briffa (retired) Parish Deacons: Rev. Philip Manghan [email protected] Robert Coyne Tel: 01656 783540 & Anthony Martin Tel: 01656 746648 Parish Administrator: Sarah Kearns [email protected] Cameras have now been installed to enable us to live stream Mass daily from St Mary’s. The links for this are available on the home page of both websites. Please note that should you have buffering issues this is more likely to do with your own broadband connection and speed rather than the system here, however please do advise us if you continue to have difficulties. Below you will see there is a full Mass timetable, resuming the normal Mass schedule, for our three Parishes. Live streaming allows me, as Parish Priest, to be seen and speak to as many as possible who are able to tune in thus keeping you updated of any new developments. Thank you to all for your continued support. Stay safe. God Bless. Fr Tim Date Mass Time Intention Sat 27 th June 6.00pm People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Sun 28 th June 10.30am People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Mon 29 th June 9.15am 10.00am Monsignor Dilwyn Lewis RIP (CE) David O’Keefe & family Tues 30 th June 9.15am 10.00am Fr Mark Rowles – Silver Jubilee (William Callaghan) Kath Hammond RIP (Tuesday Club) Wed 1 st July 10.00am 7.00pm Cian RIP (JVC) Doreen Bowen (Wyn & Ida Brereton) Thurs 2 nd July 9.15am 10.00am Mary Youssef (Wyn & Ida Brereton) Gina Rossi Fri 3 rd July 10.00am Bernadette McGrath RIP Sat 4 th July 4.30pm & 6.00pm People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Sun 5 th July 10.00am, 11.00am & 6.00pm People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Mass Intentions will continue to be said each day. Once Masses can be said publicly these intentions will be prayed for again to give the donor the opportunity to come along. Weekend Mass intentions will remain for the People of the Parish and all those working in the NHS and frontline positions. If you wish to place a Mass intention please email the office on [email protected] or call the office on 01656 652034 option 2 and leave a message. ‘Then God, who had specially chosen me while I was still in my mother’s womb, called me through his grace and chose to reveal his Son in me, so that I might preach the Good News about him to the pagans.’ (St. Paul to the Galatian, Feast of Sts Peter and Paul) Please continue to remember all those who are sick and housebound in your prayers: Mary Bryan, Anne Colson, Eileen Coyne, Ryan Dixon, Angela Ellis, Barbara Fentham, Elsie Freeth, Catherine Grills, Margaret Jarvis, John Lewis, Mary Maguire, Robert Morrison, Maureen Pritchard, Marcus Rossini and David Watkins We pray for the sick and housebound of our parish, our friends, relatives and those who have asked for our prayers: Anna & Bronislaw, Carmina, Conall & Siobhan, Emma, Garry,Jamie,Keith, Margaret, Maria, Mike, Peter (please email [email protected] if you would like to add a name to the list) Eternal Rest Please do keep in your prayers Leilani Medel who will be laid to rest this week. Our prayers are also with her family at this sad and difficult time. May she Rest in Peace. Amen.

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Page 1: Parishes of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Bridgend , Our Lady ... · Sat 4th July People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers4.30pm & 6.00pm Sun 5th July 10.00am, 11.00am & 6.00pm

A parish in the Archdiocese of Cardiff - a Registered Charity No. 1177272

Parishes of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Bridgend , Our Lady Star of the Sea, Porthcawl & St Joseph’s of Arimathea, Kenfig Hill

Priest: Fr. Tim McGrath 01656 652034 & Fr. Silvio Briffa (retired) Parish Deacons: Rev. Philip Manghan [email protected] Robert Coyne Tel: 01656 783540 & Anthony Martin Tel: 01656 746648

Parish Administrator: Sarah Kearns [email protected]

Cameras have now been installed to enable us to live stream Mass daily from St Mary’s.

The links for this are available on the home page of both websites.

Please note that should you have buffering issues this is more likely to do with your own broadband connection

and speed rather than the system here, however please do advise us if you continue to have difficulties.

Below you will see there is a full Mass timetable, resuming the normal Mass schedule, for our three Parishes.

Live streaming allows me, as Parish Priest, to be seen and speak to as many as possible

who are able to tune in thus keeping you updated of any new developments.

Thank you to all for your continued support. Stay safe. God Bless. Fr Tim

Date Mass Time Intention

Sat 27th June 6.00pm People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Sun 28th June 10.30am People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Mon 29th June 9.15am

10.00am Monsignor Dilwyn Lewis RIP (CE) David O’Keefe & family

Tues 30th June 9.15am 10.00am

Fr Mark Rowles – Silver Jubilee (William Callaghan) Kath Hammond RIP (Tuesday Club)

Wed 1st July 10.00am 7.00pm

Cian RIP (JVC) Doreen Bowen (Wyn & Ida Brereton)

Thurs 2nd July 9.15am 10.00am

Mary Youssef (Wyn & Ida Brereton) Gina Rossi

Fri 3rd July 10.00am Bernadette McGrath RIP

Sat 4th July 4.30pm & 6.00pm People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Sun 5th July 10.00am, 11.00am

& 6.00pm People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers

Mass Intentions will continue to be said each day. Once Masses can be said publicly these intentions will be prayed for

again to give the donor the opportunity to come along. Weekend Mass intentions will remain for the People of the Parish and

all those working in the NHS and frontline positions. If you wish to place a Mass intention please email the office on

[email protected] or call the office on 01656 652034 option 2 and leave a message.

‘Then God, who had specially chosen me while I was still in my mother’s womb, called me through his grace and chose to reveal his Son in me, so that I might preach the Good News about him to the pagans.’ (St. Paul to the Galatian, Feast of Sts Peter and Paul)

Please continue to remember all those who are sick and housebound in your prayers: Mary Bryan, Anne Colson, Eileen Coyne, Ryan Dixon, Angela Ellis, Barbara Fentham, Elsie Freeth, Catherine Grills, Margaret Jarvis,

John Lewis, Mary Maguire, Robert Morrison, Maureen Pritchard, Marcus Rossini and David Watkins

We pray for the sick and housebound of our parish, our friends, relatives and those who have asked for our prayers: Anna & Bronislaw, Carmina, Conall & Siobhan, Emma, Garry,Jamie,Keith, Margaret, Maria, Mike, Peter

(please email [email protected] if you would like to add a name to the list)

Eternal Rest

Please do keep in your prayers Leilani Medel who will be laid to rest this week.

Our prayers are also with her family at this sad and difficult time.

May she Rest in Peace. Amen.

Page 2: Parishes of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Bridgend , Our Lady ... · Sat 4th July People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers4.30pm & 6.00pm Sun 5th July 10.00am, 11.00am & 6.00pm

Dear All, despite repeated attempts by a number of people on behalf of our Parishes, sadly we are as yet to

receive certificates to open our Churches. This means that Bridgend, Pyle and Porthcawl will remain locked

and closed for the time being. Many thanks to the heroic efforts of those working behind the scenes, and to

yourselves for your continued cooperation. We must remember that reopening will be very cautious with

strategies put in place for the long term.

Stay safe. God Bless. Fr Tim.

Sts. Peter and Paul, June 29th the feast of the two great Apostles of Rome.

Many customs and legends have grown around the figure of the first Pope. One of

the more colourful tales is that of St Peter and the onion. According to the story, St

Peter’s mother was a piece of work who died and went to Hell and not even her son

could get her out. Unable to bear her lamentations any longer, Peter remembered

that she had once given an onion to an old beggar and on the basis of this single

act of charity persuaded Jesus to allow her into Heaven. Reaching down to Hell,

Peter extended an onion and told his mother to hold onto the roots, but while she

was being lifted out others grabbed onto her hoping to hitch a ride out of

damnation. When the selfish old woman tried to shake them off the onion roots

broke and she plunged back into the eternal flames. Eventually, however the Devil

himself found her so unpleasant that she was admitted to Heaven where she was

placed in a corner and made to wash the barrels in preparation for the season of

new wine. Wine on St Peter’s Day therefore, is an appropriate choice given his

mother’s everlasting assignment in Heaven.

So raise a glass and pray that St Peter the Gatekeeper may be as kind to us as he

was his own mother and that he may lift us out of the fiery pit with a bottle

that we once gave to a friend.

Please keep Fr Mark in your prayers as he celebrates his Silver

Jubilee on 30th June. Please also pray for vocations to the priesthood and

diaconate life.

Stephen Hammond and family would like to thank everybody for the messages of condolence received and for all the cards

and Masses pledged for the late Kathleen Hammond.

Gift Aiders – if you currently fill in a self-assessment for HMRC and need a letter detailing your

contributions to St Mary’s for the last tax year these are now available from the gift aid

administrator for your parish. Many thanks for your continued support of the gift aid scheme.