parish news - june-july 2010

June July 2010 St Alban’s Taueru Masterton Anglican Masterton Anglican Parish News Parish News St Andrew’s Upper Plain St Matthew’s Masterton St Francis’ Bideford

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Masterton Anglican Parish magazine, June-July 2010


Page 1: Parish News - June-July 2010

June July 2010

St Alban’s Taueru

Masterton Anglican Masterton Anglican Parish NewsParish News

St Andrew’s Upper Plain

St Mat thew’s Master ton

St Francis’ Bide fo rd

Page 2: Parish News - June-July 2010

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Page 3: Parish News - June-July 2010

Editors Note

Lorraine writes……………..

I have compiled this article in response to a plea I made to our church community.

There is a constancy of outreach occurring in our church community, regularly. You just might not know about it.

I think of the community garden, the Christmas hampers, the pastoral/hospital visits, contributions towards teen camps, study groups, fellowship groups, crèche, healing ministry men’s and women’s breakfasts and the list goes on!!!

We are truly blessed to be a blessing to others.

The picture below is the end result of such a response and an absolute blessing to all involved. It says “Thank you St Matthews” and is from three young children who have had no connection to any church community, few family re-sources, but were able to at-tend the May holiday camp at Riversdale, held by the Learn ‘N ‘Live Trust. It was the first time any of them had been to such a camp and they were able to do so as a direct result of our church commu-nity responding to my plea.

I thank you for enriching their lives with your generos-ity.

The blessing received is in-deed ten-fold!!!

Rev. Merv Jones, Editor

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The Vicar’s Soapbox Greetings everyone We are fast approaching our “Parish Focus Month” of August. Homes and leaders are being readied as part of a four week stewardship study for everyone, finishing with a Combined Parish Celebration Service with the Bishop at St Mat-thew’s 10am on Sunday August 29th and with a shared lunch immediately after. (Not dissimilar to the Conciliation/Celebration Service last year.), I hope you can make it . Stewardship. It’s not really an enticing subject. Yet it is, when we open up the subject beyond money. Let me explain. A women I’ll call Sarah (not her real name) start coming to church and be-came a member of our Parish.. With little faith background, she felt com-pelled to come to on of the healing services, that launched her on a jour-ney that lead her to making a commitment to follow Jesus. When ever she attended services she marvelled at how much she learnt from the prayers, worship and teaching and from the fellowship of others when she joined a home group. A man I’ll call George (not his real name) told me recently, how he stopped going to church some time ago. He still believes in God and from time to time meets with like minded friends to talk and pray. He left because he got burnt out from “local Church.” He told me that in his little house group are long time friend, with similar stories. Sarah and George exemplify a dynamic beneath the surface in many churches. People new to the church often grow quickly and appreciate it the most. But people who have been around for a while, those who know the church best and served the longest, often begin to feel the least helped and the most used. There is a certain point of spiritual development when church activities (and even Stewardship programs) cease to correlate to perceived spiritual growth. It’s about attitude. Often people begin to believe spiritual growth con-sists of trying hard to follow the rules in the Bible (or the Vicar’s ser-mons)

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When it doesn’t happen, they begin to die a little bit inside. I am thinking a lot these days about why Churches aren’t Spiritual growth –nurturing communities. Do we give the right message, have the right measure for spiritual development or give the right means to approach spiritual growth. And how often do we think the same method will produce the same growth in different people. They just don’t. If we are serious about helping someone flourish, to continue to grow spiri-tually, we have to help them in a way that fits their uniqueness. Our great model is God Himself. He knew just what each people needs. He had Abraham take a walk. Elijah take a nap. Adam take the rap. He gave Moses a 40 year tramp. He gave David a harp and a dance and to Paul a pen and paper. He wrestled with Jacob, argued with Job, whispered to Elijah and com-forted Hagar. He gave Mary a song, Gideon a fleece, Peter a name and Elisha a mantle. God never grows us the same. I believe the Parish Focus Month is about less of ourselves and more about God. That’s why we have given the Focus Month the heading: “GOD, You and Blessings.” It is our hope, that as we look together at Who God Is In Our Lives, we might find a new motivation to love and serve him more with every part of our being. Not just with our money, but with our gift-ing/talents and time.: - be it in the church, our homes, work places or in our community. God promised humanity “I will bless you and you will be a blessing.” Gen 12:2 Why not join us in August through one of the home groups for four weeks to rediscover what church could really be, and celebrate together with Bishop Tom on the last Sunday of August Stephen ☺

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Farewell From Fern What a privilege it has been, what a privilege! To journey alongside young people through what can be the most transfor-mative years of life. 5 years ago as a fresh-faced Bible Col-lege graduate I returned to my place of birth with a call on my life to serve the youth of Masterton. I arrived full of hopes and dreams, and found myself waitressing – again. For six months I faithfully volunteered my time at the Baptist church until through the grapevine I heard there was a youth pastor position at St Matthews Church. I applied and was employed alongside Rob Davis. Though I didn’t make the promise out-loud to many, in my heart my aim was to stay for 5 years, and then see what God had in store for me next. Five years is the time it takes to journey fully through the years of college life. My aim was to do this with at least one group of young people, knowing that it is this kind of commitment to young people that makes lasting change. For the first year Rob Davis and I shared the job. It seemed having a male leader meant a strong group of young guys. When Rob left so did a lot of those guys (we’ve never fully recovered from the loss). At one point we turned up on a Friday night to five young people! But thanks to the evangeli-cal talents of a young Sian Palmer our numbers grew, but it was mostly girls. Mike Arcus has been a faithful companion and support in this journey. It cannot go un-said the sacrifice this has meant his wife Denise has made, to lose her husband to a bunch of teenagers every Friday night, not to mention camps, Parachute, leaders meetings, training dinners, and I’m sure many other youth related events. My depth of gratitude to you both for your support, faithfulness, sense of humour, encouragement, and commitment over the last five years can never be re-paid. I struggle to find words that express the depth of my thanks and love for you both.

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As many who read this will know as they reflect on their own teenage years, this time of life is fraught with struggle. Struggle with parents, struggle with school, friends, love and that eternal question – what shall I do with my life? But it is also a great time of growth, a time of learning, developing in-dependence, of success, of trying out new things, figuring out the spiritual, and what that means for me, of perhaps falling in love for the first time, and for some the joy of becoming a parent. It has been such a privilege to walk with many young people through these trials and tribulations, to be privy to the successes and to the moments of utter despair. Young people feel things so much more keenly than those of us who have been worn down by the world, they dream bigger, they see beyond the impossible. We can learn so much from them. I have learnt so much from those I have journeyed with through Sidedoor they have been my teachers and my educa-tors as much as I have been theirs. They have openly shared their lives with me and I have tried to do them justice by doing likewise. I hope that some will stay in touch and continue to let me know how their lives are unfolding. I will forever cherish the time I have spent here. Yours in Christ, Fern Hamilton. I leave you with a poem written by the poet Lao Tsu that has helped shape my time at St Matthews and especially my time with the youth. Go to the people, Live with them, Learn from them, Love them. Start with what they know, Build with what they have, But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task Accomplished, The people will say, We have done it ourselves.

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What’s happening in the Parish? Parish Focus Month August 2010 — on Stewardship

“God, You and Blessings” (I will bless you ...and you will be a blessing Genesis 12:2) Week 1. God’s Generosity Week 2. Our response: Using our time. Week 3. Our response: Using our talents. Week 4. Our response: (DVD) Handling our money. • Invites to one of the eight home groups around the parish will be given out from mid July, so everyone has an opportunity to take part in the small group teaching program over the first four weeks of August. These studies will be complimented through the pulpit. • We will have a combined Parish Service (10am) and lunch (12pm) at St Matthews church, Sunday 29th when Bishop Tom will preach/preside. We hope you will enter into this Parish Focus Month with love and an ex-pectation of having fun while engaging in some stimulating bible study to-gether. …………………………………...So please diary 29th August now. Also: The new “Belonging to the Masterton Parish” welcome pamphlet is available through the Parish magazine and at the services for everyone to fill in during July so the Parish Roll can be updated on a new data base. It will be very helpful if everyone signs, to save office time rechecking. The Vicar and Vestry. Christian Formation for the Child The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training Part 1, Level 1 is being offered between Septem-ber 26th and October 1st, 2010 in Masterton.

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd pro-gramme is foundational christian education using the development of the child as a guide to the work offered to them, and adaptable to all de-nominations.

Formation Leader for this course is Rev'd Liz Greville, a priest within the Anglican Parish of Masterton.

Registration forms and further information are available from Liz - email: [email protected].

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Music @ St Matthew’s

The "Music @ St Matthew's" event "Heritage Hymns" held recently was undoubtedly a success judging not only by the number of people who at-tended, but also by the warmth that Ralph Cullen received for his sympa-thetic and varied playing. Stirring hymns, interspersed with excellent historical commentary fleshing out some of the lives of composers and authors were the order of the day. The congregation obviously enjoyed joining in the singing and there were numerous compliments about the event. It attracted people from as far afield as Levin, Upper Hutt, Palmerston Nth and Woodville, as well as the faithful Wairarapa people, some of whom have not missed a concert. There is more excitement to come in “Music @ St Matthew’s”, so if you don't want to hear "you should have been there" (if for some reason you didn't come to a concert) then consider the next two concerts. Both will be highlights in their particular genres.

Saturday 31st July 7 pm “Organ at the Movies” with Barry Brinson Christchurch

Admission. Adults $15. Students $5. Door sales. General admission.

The programme includes silent films in the first half, accompanied by thea-tre organ style music –Gershwin, Rodgers, Porter and in the second half, an edited version of the original Phantom of the Opera film, with Lon Chaney and Mary Philbin. Stunning scenes in hand coloured technicolour with music from the score of Gounod's "Faust" Other incidental music is drawn from French classical composers, and Barry's own improvisations. All films are to be shown on a 3 metre square screen. There are also some "surprising" sound effects!!

Friday 10th September 7 pm “Organ Extravaganza” Carlo Curley International concert organist. UK Admission Adults $20. Stu-

dents $5. Door sales. General admission

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Dubbed the "Pavarotti of the Organ. Carlo is a self-styled champion of the classical organ. He is a charismatic figure who has dedicated his life to blow-ing the cobwebs out of the organ loft and bringing music to suit all tastes to the masses - and by all accounts, they're loving every moment of it. Carlo is world-famous for his elegant performances and quick wit and is known for his vibrant presentation as well as his scintillating playing. His de-lightful informality has attracted a whole new following. Excitement is build-ing at the prospect of Carlo coming -I’ve already had enquiries about this concert from Wellington! Do not miss this event!

Enquiries to Parish Office weekdays 9-1pm 06 370 8589 Convenor “Music @ St Matthew’s” April Bamford 06 377 5026 Email [email protected]

Humour From the Church bulletin

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.

Miss Mason gave much pleasure to the congregation when she sang ‘I will not pass this way again’

A baked bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.

The topic for the sermon this week—’What is Hell?’ Come early to listen to the choir practice.

Potluck meal, Sunday at 5pm. Prayer and medication to follow.

Low Self Esteem Group meet on Tuesday at 7pm. Please use the back door.

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.

Singing in the Park. Bring a blanket and be prepared to sin with gusto!!!

This mornings sermon ‘Jesus Walks on Water’. The sermon tonight ‘Searching For Jesus’

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Have a look at our new website www

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Bishop’s Letter - What Does God Smell Like? It is the sort of provocative question Barbara Brown Taylor encouraged 230 of us to consider at the workshop in the Cathedral, which was spon-sored by the Wallis Trust. The point she wished to make was that we too often think of our Faith in abstract terms. For instance love, mercy and forgiveness are abstracts terms. By way of contrast Barbara reminded us that Jesus tended to use language that contained images of substance: ‘I am the light for the world’, ‘You are the salt of the earth’ and ‘the King-dom of God is like a mustard seed’. I heard of a Priest who on the morning after the workshop asked the con-gregation what did they think God smelt like. I am told one person volun-teered, ‘the smell of freshly washed sheets’! When we start to think in that way God is no longer distant; but close to us. The same morning I was visiting a Parish for a Confirmation and when we came to the part called ‘Commitment to Christian Service’ – it struck me how abstract it sounded. I tried to rephrase the statement – so it was more of a story – about get-ting out there in the world, rolling our sleeves up and getting stuck in. You might like to consider what sort of an image you see when you think about your own commitment to Christian Service. What is it that we do when we forgive others, seek to love our neighbour as ourselves, strive for peace and justice, accept the cost of following Jesus Christ in our daily life and work, and share the Good News with others? Christian Service is about taking these ideals and with God’s help, give them life and form. Barbara Brown Taylor reminded me how easy it is not to do what we say, but just say it – not to walk the talk, but just talk it. With the world watching us and God waiting, there is a need to roll up our sleeves and get stuck in; and I know when we do that we are not alone but we are in the company of a very special friend. +Tom—Bishop

The Anglican Diocese of Wellington As a Christian Faith Community we worship, we witness, we teach, we serve, we care

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The Button Project. News from Moriah College. The tiny Jewish school in Wellington which aimed to collect 1.5 million buttons announced that they have reached their goal!! Needless to say, the children and their teachers are overwhelmed at reaching their target. With 22 pupils, it was quite a task, but the idea caught on and soon people throughout the country – and beyond- were involved in button collecting to assist the Moriah stu-dents to reach their goal. Parishioners from St Andrew’s in the Paddock quickly responded to help collect buttons and the collecting then spread to the wider Masterton Anglican Parish. Eleanor Newland, who brought the appeal to Masterton (and the wider

Wairarapa) wishes to thank you for all your generosity. Each button represents one of the 1.5 million children killed in the holocaust and they will be used in a memorial built to commemorate the lives of the children. Any further buttons will now be sent to Mel-bourne to assist a similar project there.

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From the Parish Register Baptisms: Scarlet Bethany Bruere Kate Lily Howard Hannah Mary Beetham Weddings: Olivia Annemarie Roughan and John James Sutherland

Funerals: Jeffrey Earl Workman

Other Regular Services

St Matthews: Chapel Every Sunday 8am Main church Every Sunday 10am Midweek Service Every Thursday 10am Hall (Youth SideDoor) Every Friday 6:30pm Hall (Children’s Ark) Every Sunday 10am Evensong Each 3rd Sunday 5pm Country Taueru (St Alban’s) Each 1st Sunday 9:30am Upper Plain (St Andrew’s) Each 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday 10am Bideford (St Francis’) Each 3rd Sunday 9am Rest homes Lansdowne Court Each 3rd Friday 10:30am Kandahar Each 3rd Saturday 10:30am MetLife Each 3rd Wednesday 10:45am

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What is Anglicanism?

The term Anglican is used to describe a broad array of religious traditions which all trace their roots back to the creation of a distinctive English Church under the leader-ship of King Henry VIII during the Protes-tant Reformation. The word Anglicanus is Latin for "English" and its use first ap-peared in John Jewel's Apology for the An-glican Church (1562).

Today the "Anglican Communion" is a worldwide fellowship of churches in many different countries which stem from the original Church of England. As a result, the regions where Anglican churches dominate corresponds largely with those regions that Britain has at one time dominated politically. All of these churches, organized and adminis-tered on a national level, are formally independent from one another. The Church of Ireland, the Church in Wales, and the Anglican Church in Australia and New Zealand are not in any way ruled by the Church of England. Technically, then, it would be incorrect to speak of "the" Anglican Church; instead, it would be more accurate to speak of "the Anglican Communion," all of the national churches around the world that consider themselves to be "in communion with" the Church of England.

The Archbishop of Canterbury may appear to fill a role similar to that of the pope in Roman Catholicism, but that is not accurate. Whereas Roman Catholic churches are required to follow directives which come from the pope and the Vatican, within the Anglican Communion individ-ual churches follow the same practices based upon consensus. The Archbishop of Canterbury is thus a spiritual leader for Anglicans who must use persuasion to get others to agree, not commands.

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Masterton Anglican Parish Office Hours: Mon—Fri, 9am-1pm

35 Church Street, PO Box 588, Masterton Phone 370 8589 Fax 370 8587 email: [email protected]

Website: Parish Priest: Rev. Steve Kimberley Ph. 377 3020

Church Wardens: Edwin O’Hara 377 4625, John Whitehead 377 1464 Vocational Deacon: Rev. Christine Ellis 377 5089

Priest Assistant: Rev. Merv Jones 377 4709 Priest Assistant: Rev. Liz Greville 370 8274

Office & Reception: Patti Robertson Children’s Congregation—The Ark: Lesley Martel 378 7707

Youth Congregation—SideDoor:: Telephone Prayer Line: April Bamford 377 5026

Prayer Ministry: Christine Ellis 377 5089

Priest Associates Rev. Ted Dashfield Rev Pam Mildenhall Rev. Michael Burt

Rev David Cole

Lay Ministers Dan Rodda, Dave Burton,

Lorraine Jones, Barbara Udy, Anne Kershaw, David Lacey, April Bamford, Yvonne Esau

Verger Dan Rodda

Vestry Members June Whitehead, Trevor Mills,

Edwin O‘Hara, Mike LeCren, Arlene du Cann, Robin Hercock

Home Communion Rev. Michael Burt, Mary Perkins

Rest Homes Rev Michael Burt, Mary Perkins

Alpha David Lacey

For baptisms, weddings, funerals and special services at: St Alban’s Taueru Contact: Rev Merv & Lorraine Jones, Anne Deans

St Andrew’s Upper Plain Contact: Rev Liz Greville, Mike LeCren St Francis’ Bideford Contact: Rev Liz Greville, Barney Woollard

Editor Rev Merv Jones: phone 377 4709 email: [email protected]