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CUPAR OLD PARISH CHURCH ‘where everyone matters’ PARISH NEWS Winter 2012

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‘where everyone matters’


Winter 2012

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Cupar Old and St Michael of Tarvit Parish Church Kirkgate, Cupar, Fife KY15 5AN

Minister Revd Dr Ken Jeffrey 76 Hogarth Drive, Cupar, KY15 5YU Tel: 01334 653196 email: [email protected] Associate Minister Revd Harry Brown 6 Hall Street, Kettlebridge, KY15 7QF Tel: 01337 830088 Email: [email protected] Secretary Mrs Liz Nelson

Quarry Road, Cuparmuir, Cupar, KY15 5QP Tel: 01334 652077

email: [email protected] Children & Families Worker Miss Trudi Newton 51 Crawley Crescent, Springfield, KY15 5SF Tel: 01334 656124: Mobile: 0795 192 6160 email: [email protected] OPC Host Mrs Margaret Aitken 38 Castlebank Gardens, Cupar KY15 4DA Tel: 01334 652278 email: [email protected] Session Clerk Mrs Jean Martin

1 Garliebank Crescent, Cupar, KY15 5JL Tel: 01334 652100 email: [email protected]

Treasurer Mr Euan Barbour 53 Edenbank Road, Cupar KY15 4UA

Tel: 01334 654543 email: [email protected]

Property Convener Mr Hamish Ferguson 33 Maitland Drive, Cupar, KY15 5EU Tel: 01334 208518 email: [email protected]

Church Officer Mr George Brown 26 Upper Dalgairn, Cupar, KY15 4JJ Tel: 01334 657712 email: [email protected]


Articles for the Spring 2013 edition of Parish News must be in the hands of the Editorial Team by Friday, 1 February 2013

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Editorial Welcome to the latest issue of Parish News, which has the usual mix of news about what has been happening within the congregation, and what we can look forward to in the forthcoming celebrations of Christmas here in Cupar. There are also some glimpses of what is being planned for the New Year of 2013. I’m particularly delighted to see that more members of Sunday Club are taking the time to let us know what they have been doing, and I think we can all take encouragement from their enthusiasm. Thanks go to everyone who has taken the time to contribute, your efforts are very much appreciated. Please contact me with your comments, or ideas for future articles. Colin Maclean Editor, Parish News Tel: 078 311 60034 Email: [email protected]

Congregational Register Members Joining 23 Sept Lynn Armstrong, 78 Cupar Mills 25 Sept Margaret and Brian Boardman, 38 Meadowside Road 25 Sept Elizabeth and James Henderson, Rosemount, Riggs Place 25 Sept Julie Liddle, 61 Cupar Mills 25 Sept Gillian Reid, 14 Front Lebanon Deaths 11 Aug Colina McGregor, Strathview Care Home, Auchtermuchty 26 Aug May Mitchell, Rosturk House 31 Oct Evelyn Ewen, 31 Watts Gardens Baptism 28 Oct Eleanor Iona Henderson, Rosemount, Riggs Place Hilary Webb Rollkeeper

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Letter from the Minister Dear Friends

Jack, our youngest child who turned four in September, is quite a character. Recently I overheard an evangelistic conversation he was having with a friend that began with the question, ‘Why don’t you come to church?’ Not satisfied with his pal’s response, Jack went on to explain who Jesus was and what fun it was going to Sunday Club before inviting his friend to join him some week.

Jack also attends Westfield Nursery each morning and on a Thursday afternoon he goes from there to the playgroup at Ferryfield until 2.30pm when I pick him up. The Playgroup keep a record of what Jack gets up to each week, which is always a most entertaining read.

Let me share with you what happened a few weeks ago as he and another friend, accompanied by their Playgroup leader, made their way down Westfield Road. In the leader’s own words, ‘Jack’s friend thought the church we passed [Old Parish Church] was a castle. Jack explained that it was a church where you go to see God. But actually God is invisible and he comes down from the clouds into here [pointing at his heart!]’

Using rather more theological language the apostle John, in the first chapter of his Gospel, sought to explain what Jack understands very simply when he wrote, ‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us’, or as Peterson paraphrases in The Message, ‘The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood’.

Meanwhile, in his popular modern hymn, Graham Kendrick also seeks to explain the great mystery of the Incarnation in the words of ‘The Servant King’.

From heaven you came, helpless babe, entered our world, your glory veiled; not to be served but to serve and give your life that we might live.

This is the good news of the Gospel that we celebrate at Christmas, that in Jesus, His Son, God has come down from heaven to live among us and to give His life for us so that we might indeed discover a new life of meaning and purpose that is greater and much more wonderful than our wildest dreams.

Despite being only four years old Jack understands all of this very well. He believes that God has ‘come down from the clouds into his heart’. May we, with a similar child like faith, grasp the real significance of what we celebrate at Christmas, and may we experience too the wonder of knowing that Jesus lives in our hearts.

Your brother in Christ

Ken Jeffrey

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Treasurer’s Report for Parish News

“Times are Hard”

I have been agonizing over this report for some several days. As you are aware I am usually quite positive in the Treasurer’s reports. However, on this occasion I regret I cannot put a positive spin on the message I must convey. I have said on many occasions before the giving within Cupar Old is, in comparison with many similar congregations, quite amazing and indeed you have responded to previous stewardship campaigns magnificently. However, the sad fact remains that the recession has caught us up. While ordinary giving has increased, the same cannot be said for standing order giving, the plain truth is that promised giving has just not materialised and to compound matters our outgoings have increased substantially. Unfortunately we have no control over some of our outgoings. I have just commenced the budgeting exercise for 2013, and already I have had to bin my first attempt as we have just be advised of an upcoming increase in our heat and light amounting to 9%, so a major element of the budget already requires to be adjusted the wrong way! We have been able to meet our expenditure up until now however this has been as a result of some juggling on my part and indeed we shall have to meet a bill of some £25,000 for our Ministries and Mission contributions before the end of December. I have already warned Kirk Session of the deficit we shall face at the year-end if we do nothing now. I will be advising Kirk Session that we will require to embark upon a Gift day in order to address the end of year shortfall which at the moment amounts to £19,683. The main areas of concern are: on the income side, the amounts pledged by some members during the 2010 “Cupar Old Matters” have not been fulfilled, for one reason or another. This has resulted in payments by Standing Orders being some £16,000 less than we anticipated. On the expenditure side the main areas of concern are Fabric Repairs over budget £4000, Printing and Stationery over £4000 and Salaries over £1232. Your Church needs you, now more than ever, and I ask you to consider the level and method of your giving and consider how you might help us at this difficult time. Euan Barbour Treasurer

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Communication Working Group Report Facebook - The Cupar Old Church Facebook page is now running, to access please use the link on the Church Website, Existing Facebook users can find it using the search facility in Facebook. Minister's Blog - Follow Ken as he reflects upon his life and work as minister of Cupar Old Parish Church also at Book for the Season “The Secret Life of a Fool - One man's journey from shame to grace”. A copy can be borrowed from the OPC or bought from the Lighthouse, priced at £9.99. Frances McBride Co-convener

Children and Youth Working Group We continue to give God thanks for the faithfulness of the children and young people who attend each Sunday and the joy that fills our hearts when we see them come out to the front of the church each week. Over the past months we have been focusing on the activities provided on Sunday mornings including Sunday Club, crèche and holiday activities. We still need volunteers for crèche and if you would like to spend time with the youngest members of our church family and commit to one or two Sundays a year please contact Morag Scott. The Cupar Old’s Got Talent night in September has been postponed to Spring 2013 and will now incorporate a ‘Big Sing’ part of the programme. Thanks to all those who weren’t hiding their talent under a bushel. Keep practicing and we look forward to hearing from you in the Spring! Details regarding the Christmas ceilidh on Saturday 15th December are found on page 27. If you have been before we hope to see you back and if you have yet to come along for family festive fun please come along as we would love to see you there! Jacqui Caldwell and Eleanor Barbour Co-convenors

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Pastoral Care Working Group

Thursday coffee time in the OPC What a special time we have together getting to know each other better on a Thursday morning from 10am in the OPC. This is a time when anyone can pop in for a coffee and chat. On Thursday 11th October we had a memorable morning when we were able to have an early birthday celebration for Andy. Cake all round and time to catch up with each other.

Carols in the OPC The Pastoral Care Group would like to invite you to the OPC on Thursday 13th December from 10am to enjoy a time of carol singing, chat and of course coffee and mince pies. This invitation is to all and if you can bring along friends or neighbours that would be great. If you would like to come but find it hard to get out please do contact me and we can arrange someone to come and collect you. Let’s see how many we can have in the Lounge and raise the rafters. Jill Logan (01334 828997) All Saints’ Day Service A special service was held in the church on Sunday 4 November at 2.30pm to celebrate All Saints’ Day. This is the ninth year this service has been held in the church. Special invitations were sent to everyone in the congregation and parish who had been bereaved during the last year, while others were encouraged to come to remember a loved one who had died and to celebrate the hope of everlasting life. Afterwards everyone who attended the service enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea and one another’s company in the Kate Grewar lounge of the Old Parish Centre that was provided by members of the Pastoral Care team.

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Children and Families Worker’s Report Since the last Parish News, I have been continuing to build relationships with families and children through visiting many of you in your homes, through meeting you at our church groups and getting to know you better through our outreach groups. It has been great to meet a lot of the children and young people through the various schools work I have been involved with as well. I have been delighted that there have been so many opportunities for children to be involved in worship. At the start of the autumn term we had a New Beginnings Service which celebrated the start of a new term and which the children took part in. More recently, children from the Sunday Club led the first part of the Church Service themselves. In October, I was very privileged to have been part of the Peru 2012 team to visit Casa Girasoles – a very special and humbling experience. It was great to meet and get to know the boys whom Cupar Old support and pray for. Looking ahead to the next few months, there are various initiatives which I am hoping to develop. In November we are starting a group for our older teenagers to have the opportunity to share fellowship together. Also in November, there will be an evening held at the youth cafe for those in S1 and S2. Working in partnership with Aileen Morris, Youth Cafe Co-ordinator, a great evening is planned for young people to get to know each other, share food together and take part in different activities. I am looking at the possibility of starting an after school club for Primary school aged children. A lunch club for Bell Baxter students is another initiative where we may meet a need in our community. I am also exploring the logistics of establishing a Food Bank in Cupar. In addition to these projects, I am planning Messy Church for Lent. The next few months promise to be just as exciting as the last six have been. I am sure the challenges and opportunities which will arise to work with our young people and our families will be full of God filled moments, which will enable us as a Church to support, encourage and walk with our children, young people and families. Trudi Newton Children and Families Worker Tel: 01334 656124: Mobile: 0795 192 6160 email: [email protected]

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This is just a short update of what prayer events have been taking place throughout these autumn months.

Prayer Walking The end of September saw the last prayer walk of the season. With a walk around the town on a cool September evening, prayers were shared for different areas of Cupar.

The Prayer Team The Sunday Morning Prayer Team will be offering prayer after the Sunday service at the front of the church as usual; and as from November also in the OPC after the service, if anyone would like prayer there.

Inter–Church Prayer An inter–church prayer breakfast is taking place on Saturday November 24th which will see members of all the churches in Cupar coming together for prayer.

Presbytery Prayer Event At Cupar Old on Saturday 15th December, which includes prayer workshops – look out for more information in the intimations.

Get ready for more prayer walks through the season of advent.

It’s fantastic to see God’s hand at work in so many different ways in the lives of others through prayer. Jesus asked, “What can I do for you”? What an opportunity given so freely. Thank you for all your prayers Cupar Old and please keep on praying.

Janice Geddes Prayer Co-ordinator

ALPHA 2013

Alpha is a non-pressured fun and informative course, designed primarily for people who don't go to church or who haven’t been to church in a long time and are interested in the Christian faith. If you would like to explore your Christian faith come along on Monday 7th January we will meet in the Kate Grewer Lounge at 7.00pm. The course runs for 10 weeks. Please contact Jean Martin on 01334 652100 or [email protected] for further information.

Alpha Quote

Church is often like a football match: 22 people needing a rest, watched by thousands needing exercise. Make sure you get on the pitch today!

Nicky Gumbel

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Wednesday Cafe The cafe meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 1.30 - 3.30pm in the OPC. The cafe is for dementia sufferers and also their carers. We offer a varied programme as well as having a supply of useful information on dementia. Recently we shared some of our favourite photos with one another. At our October meeting we planted up the tubs for the OPC and are now looking forward to a grand display of daffodils, tulips and crocuses in the Spring. In October we also welcomed Shona Truesdale who shared her floral art skills with us. Everyone had the chance to create a lovely Autumn- coloured table display to take home. In November we are having an afternoon of relaxation and then in December we shall be enjoying some festive music. If you know of anyone who could benefit from the various activities and social contact offered by the cafe then please encourage them to pop along - better still perhaps you could bring them along? Any queries? Contact Margaret Aitken (652278) or Shena Porteous (653561) Kildene, Westfield Road, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5DS

NEW: Sermon Preparation Classes In the New Year, and beginning on Tuesday 22 January at 10.30am in the Quiet Room at the OPC, the minister plans to begin a new series of monthly ‘Sermon Preparation Classes’. This idea came to him during the DMin classes he attended in August at Aberdeen where he heard how several of his American colleagues have run similar classes with great success. The simple plan is that everyone would be welcome to meet the minister and read the passage for the following month’s services and discuss it together. Hearing more voices around the text, it is hoped, will help the minister in his sermon preparation. Also, next year, it is planned that we shall study the Gospel of John at a slower pace and take a chapter each month to reflect upon. Therefore the plan for the first three Sermon Preparation Classes is as follows. Tuesday 22 January: John 2 Tuesday 19 February: John 3 Tuesday 19 March: John 20 [Easter] Everyone is warmly invited and encouraged to attend.

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Minister’s DMin

In January the minister will attend the fourth and final school of his DMin programme in Pittsburgh. The fortnight of classes will begin on Monday 7 January. However, he will fly to the States the previous Friday so that he can spend the weekend with friends of our sister church, the First Presbyterian Church, Allentown where he will preach on Sunday 6 January. The first week he spends in Pittsburgh will be a ‘Proposal Colloqium’ in preparation for his 30,000 word final paper. Meanwhile the second week class, entitled ‘Reformed Missiology’ will be taught by Dr Darrell Guder who is the Henry Winters Luce Professor of Missional and Ecumenical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. The course textbook is Benjamin Conner’s Practicing Witness: A Missional Vision of Christian Practices, while according to the Course Objectives, ‘As an outcome of the readings and the class presentations and discussion, the student will be able to address the theological relevance of missional theology for the practice of congregational ministry, with special attention to the role, in Reformed communities, of the ‘teaching elder’ as the ‘equipper of the saints’ for the work of ministry.

Minister’s Blog

On the eve of his trip to Peru recently, the minister began writing a blog, a daily record of the team’s trip to Ica. It was well received and read by many who said how much they had appreciated feeling part of the team and the work they were doing. Now he has returned to ministry in Cupar Ken has decided to keep writing his blog, not religiously every day but at least several times each week he hopes to share his observations and thoughts about his life and work as a parish minister. For those of you who are interested you may follow his thoughts and his story at ‘Ken’s Blog’ at

Work Party

The end of October saw the last Work Party for the year. Bobby, Elsie, Arthur, Ray and Win hung up their overalls after working each Thursday afternoon on necessary jobs around the church and OPC. Not only will I miss the excellent tuition from Bobby, the acquisition of new skills, the friendly fellowship of the group, but also the welcome cup of tea and chat when we finished work. I look forward to April when the Work Party starts up again. If you want to join the Work Party next year, speak to Bobby Houston. Win Maclean

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Work Team Trip to Casa Girasoles Ica

In the early hours of Friday 5 October a Work Team from the church met at the OPC and began an adventure that was to take them to Ica in Peru. Just less than a fortnight later they returned home, exhausted after a twenty-six hour journey, but excited about what they had seen and done.

Ken tells their story, in brief. ‘After leaving Cupar at 2.00am on 5 October we boarded the early morning flight to Amsterdam and from there flew to Lima. Our first day was spent visiting the Presidential Palace in the capital city and other tourist attractions, and on Sunday, after church, we drove four hours south to Ica. We received a very warm welcome from Augusto and Nancy Cavero, the parents of the home and from the boys as well.

On Monday we began work mixing concrete for the roof of the new music room/ studio, while later jobs included preparing steel columns for the foundations, which we also built for the new staff accommodation block. Other members of the team painted the common room and some created a lovely mural on one of the walls. Each day, Pat Mitchell, a retired music teacher from Bell Baxter, led music workshops. We also visited the school that the boys attend which prompted one of their classmates asking ‘why are your uncles and aunts white?’ to which he replied, ‘they come from a country where the sun doesn’t shine much’! With funds raised by the church’s Sunday Club and Tots group we took the boys shopping and bought them new clothes and toys for the younger boys. Meanwhile a retiring offering taken at the memorial service of the late Mrs Leila Storrar allowed us to buy the boys a new TV, Blu-ray player, CD player as well. On the Friday of our visit we delivered water to a shanty town on the outskirts of Ica that has no infrastructure, no electricity or running water. The team found this a very humbling experience. Then, on Saturday, we took the boys out for lunch and then to the cinema where we all enjoyed coke and popcorn. Later that evening we held a praise concert at which the boys’ band, Pampachay, played and during which we danced the ‘Dashing White Sergeant’. Finally we left Ica on Sunday and retraced our steps back to Lima via Kawai, a Scripture Union centre that sits on the edge of the Pacific Ocean’.

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‘These are the bare facts of what we did and where we went, but they do not begin to describe the truly wonderful experience we shared with the boys. On previous visits I have often considered them as ex abandoned boys, whereas this time I saw them as sons and brothers. Augusto and Nancy have created a real home and it was a pleasure to spend this special time with them. Perhaps the highlight of the trip for me was when Abel, the lead guitarist in Pampachay and a young man of sixteen years and dressed like a rock star with gelled hair said, ‘You came and believed in us. Thanks to God and to you we are something new. We are different now’. Knowing that there are boys like Abel whose lives have been transformed makes everything that we do really worthwhile, and to everyone who has supported our work over the years, again, I would offer my sincere thanks. We have done something very beautiful and special together for some of the most vulnerable children in the world’.

The fuller story of the team’s trip was told at a special service that was held in the church on the evening of Sunday 11 November that was followed by a tea in the OPC. At the service copies of ‘Tales from Peru 5’, a journal written by the team, went on sale along with copies of a CD produced by the boys’ band, Pampachay. These can still be purchased at the church and OPC. Meanwhile, those who want to read the full story of the team’s adventures can find this in the ‘October Section’ of Ken’s Blog, which is found at

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The Guild Annual Meeting August 2012 – Caird Hall Dundee Dianna Stewart, Gloria Ferguson and Eileen Spurr attended the Guild Annual Meeting in the Caird Hall, Dundee on Saturday 25th August, 2012. The theme of the meeting was ‘Go Tell’ which reminded us of our theme for the new session ‘A faith to proclaim’. The Lord Provost of Dundee welcomed us before worship began. The speakers for the day were the Moderator, the Rt Rev Albert Bogle, who urged us to ‘proclaim the faith, to live it out in our communities, to keep our focus on the gospel and be open to the Lord’, and Jennifer Lees Larcombe who runs a Counselling Service/Retreat House in Kent called ‘Beauty from Ashes’. Its aims are to support people going through all kinds of loss, grief and trauma. Fiona Punton, Guild Information Officer, then spoke of the projects. Each of the new projects was given 90 seconds to present their subject, and we were given a wee flavour of each. In the morning and afternoon, Neil Watson, a worship leader and singer/songwriter from Midlothian shared his talent with everyone, singing songs he had written. The audience then enjoyed joining in with him in a chorus of ‘How great Thou Art’ and ‘Days of Elijah’. The singing was amazing. It felt as if the roof of the Caird Hall was being lifted off! Marjorie Paton, National Vice Convenor led the closing worship and everyone left feeling refreshed and inspired. Next years meeting is again to be held in the Caird Hall but a week later on Saturday 7th September, 2013. Eileen Spurr

Icthus House Group This session the group has chosen to look at the book/DVD “If you Want to Walk on Water You Have to Get Out of the Boat”. We have only just started so we are still paddling in the shallows, but some challenging discussions are arising. In December we are having a Christmas Social evening at the home of Joan and David Galloway, where we will jointly supply food, drink and good fellowship. For more information about this group contact Jane Duckfield on 01334-656177 or e-mail [email protected].

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Christmas Events 2012

Once again Christmas is upon us and this year we are holding a number of special services and events. Everyone is invited to come. Why not take this opportunity to invite a friend or neighbour to come with you. They can be assured of a warm welcome.

Saturday 15 December 6.30pm: Church Family Christmas Party in the Old Parish Centre


Sunday 16 December Third Sunday of Advent

10.30am and 2.30pm: The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

***** Sunday 23 December Fourth Sunday of Advent

10.30am: Family Nativity Service 6.30pm: Nine Lessons and Carols by Candlelight


Monday 24 December 7.00pm: Christmas Eve Family Service

Followed by Mulled Wine & Mince Pies in the Old Parish Centre 11.30pm: Watchnight Service


Tuesday 25 December 10.30am: Christmas Day Family Celebration


Sunday 30 December 11.15am: Joint service with St John’s and Dairsie United Parish Church

at St John’s

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Cupar Old Parish Church

Church and Community Weekly Activities


� 10.00 – 12 noon W Morning Coffee contact Margaret Aitken 652278

� 10.30-11.30am W Elderly Forum Exercise contact Iain Anderson 652537

� 11.45am – 1.30pm W Monday Lunches contact Jean Martin 652100

• 4.00-8.00pm W Judo contact J Buchanan 07718997442


� 9.30-11.30am W Minister’s Consultation contact Ken Jeffrey 653196

� 9.30-11.30am; 1-3pm W Tots on Tuesday contact Hannah Jung 654775

• 4.00-5.45pm TT Yvonne Gray School of Dance contact Yvonne Gray 653253

� 7.00-8.00pm W Badminton contact Liz Clark 01333 351785

� 7.30-9.30pm TT Cupar Youth Theatre contact Ruth Anderson 652469


• 9.30-11.30am TT Musical Steps contact Cathy McCallum 470843

� 10.00 – 12 noon W Morning Coffee contact Margaret Aitken 652278

� 1.30 – 3.30pm 3rd Wed of Month Altzheimers Cafè contact Margaret Aitken 652278 Shena Porteous 653561

• 3.45-5.30pm TT Yvonne Gray School of Dance contact Yvonne Gray 653253

� 6.15-7.15pm W Badminton (Sept – March) contact Frances McBride 655445

� 7.00-9.0pm M Cupar Quilters (Sep – Jun) contact Ishbel Winton 01592 757110

� 7.30-9.30pm F Guild (Sep – Mar) contact Eileen Spurr 655010


� 10.00 – 12noon W Morning Coffee contact Margaret Aitken 652278

� 1.00-3.00pm W Babies and Toddlers contact Marion Cruickshank 655271 Morag Scott 657290

� 2.00-4.00pm M Knitter’s Circle contact Robin Rutherford 652716

• 4.00-9.00pm TT Yvonne Gray School of Dance contact Yvonne Gray 653253

� 7.30-9.00pm W Eden Handbell Group contact Elspeth Smith 653269

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� 9.30-11.30am W Secretary’s Consultation contact Liz Nelson 652077

• 10.00-11.15am TT Signs and Rhyme contact Jenni Horn 07967010727

• 10.00-12noon TT Circle Dancing contact Rose Cross 657896

• 2.00-3.00pm W Busy Bees Nursery contact Sandra Davidson 656656

� 2.00-4.00pm M Elderly Forum contact Iain Anderson 652537


� 7.00-8.00am M Hill Walks (April-Nov) contact Lynne Smith 01337 831230

� 8.00-9.00am M Rambles (April-Sept) contact Peter Manson 655931


� 10.15-12noon W Crèche contact Morag Scott 657290

� 10.30-12noon W Sunday Club/Activities contacts Jacqui Caldwell 653756 Joan Galloway 01337 831257

� 2.00-5.00pm W Cando Dance Group contact Owen Harrison 01383 415142

� 6.30-7.30pm F Evening Worship contact Ken Jeffrey 653196

� 6.30-8.00 F PALS Youth Group contact Neil & Esther Howie 870075

Trudi Newton 07951926160

� 7.30pm F Time of Prayer contact Margaret Gourley 653617


� Church activities W weekly � Community groups F fortnightly

• Businesses M monthly TT term time

If you would like further information on any of the groups included in this leaflet, please contact the person named for the activity listed VOLUNTEERS There are many opportunities for individuals to volunteer at the various activities throughout the week. If you would like further information on volunteering opportunities please contact Jean Martin 01334 652100

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Sunday Club

From the mouths of babes I am sure you all enjoyed the contributions from the younger members of our family in the Autumn edition of the Parish News. We decided to ask the Sunday Club what they would like to share in the next Parish News and 3 of our boys shared an encouraging word for the Sunday Club team - The Sunday Club leaders are doing good - The leaders are very helpful and have good advice about God - The Sunday Club leaders are doing a great job

Thank you boys! As we approach the busyness of Christmas with a nativity play and ceilidh to organise I would like to reiterate my appreciation for the commitment, creativity and collaborative approach of the Sunday Club team. What would you like to share in the next Parish News…… From August to October to coincide with the work team visit to Peru we were looking at the work of the Vine Trust and doing all age activities. When asked what they would like to share with Parish News readers the children responded with answers which included the following…. I have enjoyed learning about Peru and how they live in Peru. I feel sorry for the boys in Peru because they have hardly any food or clean water and get ill very easily. I hope God keeps them safe. I have also enjoyed learning more about God and I can’t wait to learn more. Katie Jo aged 10 I liked listening to what the boys would like for Christmas. Rosie aged 9

I liked colouring the big boat that goes to Peru. Jack aged 4

Making the collage of the Amazon Hope. James aged 5

I enjoyed hearing about the stories about the street boys and making houses out of cardboard boxes like they do in Peru. George aged 9

I enjoyed learning about God because he makes me think about sending prayers. Emma aged 7

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I like learning about God. Kate aged 8

I enjoyed learning about the story when a boy got bitten by a snake. Jemima aged 10

I enjoyed making the collage of things to do with the Amazon Hope. Katie Beaumont age 9

How lucky we are for what we have. Rachel Scott aged 8 Connecting people to change lives During our activities the children drew pictures on postcards and wrote messages to the boys in Casa Girasoles Ica. Leah Henderson, one of our Sunday Club helpers who is studying Spanish at Bell Baxter, was able to translate all the messages into Spanish. We then took the postcards with us to Peru and gave these to the boys and they were so moved to hear from the Sunday Club children and wrote postcards back. Some of these moving messages of family, hope and appreciation are included in Peru Tales 5 so be sure to get a copy to read these. Each family in Sunday Club were also given a photo of a boy from the home and committed to pray for him on regular basis. This is what the children say about being connected to the boys in Casa Girasoles Ica….. We all got given a picture of a boy from the home in Peru. My family got Wilmer. We pray for him every day. Rebecca Scott aged 10 I liked reading my postcard from Alexander who lives in Peru. He is my brother and I am his sister. Joanna aged 3 Back to class In November we returned to our classes and are using the Scripture Union Light material again. We are taking the opportunity to study the people who were there at the very first Christmas and discover how God came to them as a baby, Jesus. Christmas celebrations At the time of writing our Christmas preparations have begun and our wonderful musical director Pat Mitchell is keeping us right. The Christmas family service and Nativity Play takes place on Sunday 23 December and the family ceilidh on Saturday 15 December. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED 2013 FROM THE SUNDAY CLUB TEAM Jacqui Caldwell

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Visit to the Vine Trust barge in Leith We took 11 of the older Sunday Club children to visit the Vine Trust barge in Leith on 9th September. This is what they thought of the day… Some of the older class went to Edinburgh so we could learn about what the Vine Trust do. We went round the gallery and found out about the children they help. We also made T-shirts. The day was really exciting and I learnt loads. Lewis Moyes age 11 One Sunday we went to the Vine Trust barge. I found out that so many children didn’t have stuff we needed. I enjoyed making the T-Shirts. James Howie age 10 We went to the Vine Trust barge and made a designer T-Shirt. We watched a video about Peru then we wore our T-shirts for a photo. Then we went back to the bus. Rachel Scott age 8 The older kids got to go to the Vine Trust barge. We got some play dough and made things that we needed or that we wanted. Rosie age 9

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It was a great day and we finished off with tea at Frankie & Benny’s. Our thanks go to the leaders who came on the trip – Eleanor, Naomi, Linda, Trudi and to Pat who drove the mini bus and got us there and back safely. The older children then planned a session for Sunday Club to share what they had learnt. It is wonderful to see our older children grow in their faith and to disciple the younger children.

Jacqui Caldwell

Tots on Tuesday

At Tots on Tuesday we have had another busy and fun term so far. We celebrated the Harvest Festival by decorating boxes with colourful pictures of food and plants, and then filling them with delicious treats, which we then donated to Families First.

In September we also supported Macmillan with a coffee morning and afternoon. We are very pleased to have been able to give donations to the Ica Home for Boys, as well as the Sinako Primary School in Grahamstown, South Africa, which was visited by one of our members during the summer holidays.

Finally, we have had a good clear out of our own toy cupboard, and treated ourselves to some lovely new toys such as another tricycle and a beautiful wooden train set and table. As ever, we are an incredibly well-attended group and feel very lucky to have such a great space to play in.

Hannah Jung

Fischy Music

On Friday 2nd November, Fischy Music visited Cupar. Stephen Fischbacher from Fischy Music spent the morning in Castlehill Primary School and the afternoon in St. Columba’s RC Primary School. The children at St. Columba’s were joined by pupils from Kilmaron School. The concerts went down very well in both schools and everyone had a great time.

In the evening, a Twilight Community Concert was held at the OPC. This was a very special evening where we shared in singing (and dancing!) together, while thinking about different emotions and situations we encounter in our lives. The message that God is with us through all our worries and experiences was clearly portrayed throughout the night. It was great to see so many of you at this special concert.

Thanks must go to all those who worked behind the scenes to make the evening such a success.

Trudi Newton Children and Families Worker

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Wild about the Word

During the October break a group of 8 folk from Cupar Old managed to find our way through the floods to Nethybridge to join others from across Scotland on a weekend that was ‘Wild about the Word’. Hosted by the Abernethy Trust and facilitated by the Scottish Bible Society, the

weekend was a superb combination of excellent and seamless hospitality (with very good food!), exploratory Bible study, worship, fellowship and activity. Both in the Bible study and the activity you could be as adventurous or relaxed as you felt able. We were encouraged and guided through 3 different methods of Bible study, which brought out surprising new depths to the story of Jonah. During our activity time some of us tested our metal on the zip wires and obstacle courses, some of us tested our endurance and strength on the climbing wall, while others of us tested our exploratory and navigation skills in finding the local coffee shop! As you will see below – the children thoroughly enjoyed their own activities, which they had at various times during the day, although we all met together to eat and to share times of worship. The Scottish Bible Society is planning to run this event again next year – we would love to see you there. To receive further information and to see the photos of what we got up to during the weekend, please visit Esther Howie

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Wild about the Word (2) We went to Abernethy Trust, an activity centre where they where doing a special weekend called Wild About The Word. The weekend was run between Abernethy Trust and The Scottish Bible Society. We had loads of fun. My favourite part was going on the amazing mini zip wire. Although it was called ‘the mini zip wire’ it was huge. It went over a pond which I would not have liked to land in. I had 4 shots on it. I also liked the swimming and the climbing wall. I had lots of fun in the swimming pool though we just messed about. I also enjoyed the climbing wall. I played loads of games with my group such as sharks where we ran around in circles whilst the sharks (tiggers) had their eyes shut. When someone shouted sharks we’d have to get onto the wall as before the sharks caught us. We also did Bible study. Our topic was Jonah. On the first meeting we watched a film and made whales but on the second we made puppets to do a puppet show on the last day. I was Jonah.

Other ways of saying ‘Wild About The Word’:

Batty About The Bible Soppy About The Scripture

James Hallam Howie

A weekend away at Abernethy Trust

• Abernethy Trust is a Christian Activity Centre

• At Abernethy Trust you have a choice of activity, if you want to go on the climbing wall, or you could go on the mini zip wire or do the Bible study.

• You do not do the same activity as your parents – you can have 4 goes on the zip wire.

Hannah, James, Peter, Gabrielle, Holly, David and I did a puppet show on Jonah. I was the narrator, James was Jonah. Gabrielle, Holly, David and Peter were the sailors. David and Peter also did the sound effects. I read so nicely that a man thought that I was my older brother, James. I read the whole story of Jonah and we got the timings right to change the scene. We had to shout “scene change”. We learnt about ‘wild about the word’. We watched Jonah on Veggie Tales. Thomas Howie

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Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Psalm 85 v 6

Date Activity Saturday 12 January OPC 9am – 1030am


Saturday 9 February OPC 9am9am – 1030am


Friday 22 February Location tbc Timings tbc

FILM NIGHT Put your feet up and escape with a Hollywood blockbuster and something chocolaty by your side

Saturday 9 March OPC 9am – 1030am


Friday 26 April Location tbc Timings tbc

SOCIAL EVENING Ideas on a postcard to Linda and Jacqui by 1st March

Saturday 8 June OPC 9am – 1030am


Contact Linda Jeffrey 653196 or Jacqui Caldwell 653756 for more information

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Headroom: Scottish Mind and Soul Conference

Gavin & I went to Edinburgh on Saturday 3rd November to hear what others are doing in addressing how, as Christians, we can reach out to others. Below are a few nuggets that spoke to us.

• How do people, who are like Jesus, act?

• People who are in churches need to get out, and people outside churches need to get in.

• Genuine hospitality, friendship and welcome, can only occur when the church begins its journey from the right place.

• People generally don’t care what you believe, unless they believe that you care.

• Pastoral Care is not about “fixing” things. It is about “being there” and being a “big, listening ear”.

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 Useful links: Jill & Gavin Logan

Casa Girasoles Ica – August 2012 News Update We began the month of August by going out and flying kites. We called it “My Prayer to God”, and each one of the boys symbolically wrote his prayer and tied it to the kite. On each of the high-flying kites, the boys had written their dreams, desires, and prayer requests that they wanted to tell God. The idea of this activity was to develop a motivation to be able to pray without fear and having the confidence to pray and direct their prayers toward Heaven.

We are also happy because one of the boys participated in a contest that was held by an engineering university for a scholarship in the area of gas and oil. He has passed into the second phase of the contest. The first phase was made up of 300 young people, and only 70 made it through to the second phase. Only 20 will make it through to the next phase, so we are praying, and Alexander is preparing so that he can continue on in the competition. God has been good to all of us, but as Alexander says, “If I have come as far as I have, then it is because of God and because I have a family that was with me.” We ask that you would pray for him and for the goals that he has set for himself. Augusto Cavero

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Hillwalks: August – October 2012 As only Tricia and I were available for walking on Saturday 25th August, the decision was made to leave the walk to South Ballachulish until another time, when hopefully there would be more people interested.

We therefore set off for Dalrigh and followed a path until we came to a locked gate at Gleann Auchreoch. Not knowing if we could cross the stream and get through the trees to reach the path for Beinn Dubhcraig, we set off up a very steep wet grassy slope ending up at Lochan Fiarach at 600m, where we had a lunch stop. On retreating back to the gate, we decided to have a go at the stream; - only 1 very wet foot when I slipped off the last stepping-stone. The path through the trees was very manageable, and we were very soon on the path through Allt Coire Dubcraig. It was a lovely walk following the stream, with lots of little waterfalls, which had Tia in her element, as she loves the water. I thought I was going to have to give up about two-thirds of the way up, as there was still a very steep section to go, but a stop for food and drink soon had me revived. Once up the steepest part, it was only a short walk along a broad rocky ridge to the summit. A short stop was taken here, but when we saw the rain-clouds threatening, we decided it was time to turn back, stopping once more for refuelling by the stream. Not wanting to go through the trees again, not to mention crossing the stream, we followed this path down through the pine forest, sloshing through water and carefully negotiating mud baths by hopping and jumping our way past (or through) them. Once clear of the forest, we were confronted with a horrible wooden bridge, which had slats missing, and we stood wavering until a gentleman approached and confirmed that this was the way we had to go. We let him go first, to see if it was safe, and once he was across, we gingerly made our way across, with Tia being urged to go across the river, in case she couldn’t negotiate the gaps. The final part of the path was like a paddy field, so more sloshing was done the chap shouted, “Don’t come this way”, as he disappeared up to his knees! A short detour was taken, and it only took a minute or two after that until we reached the path we had been on in the morning. We were certainly glad that we hadn’t ascended that path, although it is the one recommended in the book, as it took us 3 hours to come down! A much harder day than we anticipated, taking seven and a half hours, but it was enjoyable and memorable for an assortment of reasons. The aforementioned chap had done all four hills in the area, and had had rain for over an hour, but our waterproofs had stayed in our rucksacks – weren’t we lucky – even more so when we saw the amount of water at the side of the road as we made our way home! Saturday 22 September dawned cold and clear, so Jim, Tricia, Aaron and I set off for the Bidean Nam Bian massif in Glencoe. We had just got started when we came to a notice saying that the bridge over the River Coe was under repair, and to use another on half a mile away. Once over the bridge, it was a nightmare, as there was

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no proper path, only lots of sodden muddy trails along and up until we eventually reached the proper path. It was then onward until we had to ford the river, then up and down into the Lost Valley, where a refuelling stop was made. The final part of the ascent was horrendous through a much-eroded corrie, but once at the col, the walk to the summit of Stob Coire Sgreamhach was easily achieved. We had a 3600 panoramic view, and noticed that there was snow on the Ben. There was a chilly wind here, so we dropped down a bit for lunch, then on past the col to the summit of the Bidean, which had a few false tops. It had been a fairly tough climb, so it was decided not to do the remaining tops, as time was pushing on, but returned the way we came, down the corrie, across the valley, over the river till we came to a locked gate which barred the way to the bridge. However, we heard that people had crossed the bridge in the morning so we crawled under the gate and went through the trees till we came to a steep section, which fortunately had a hand-cable for safety. Once over the bridge, we had to scale a ladder, which Tia did not enjoy, but I grabbed hold of her collar and got her safely up. It was nearly 7.30 when we got back to the car, and was getting dark, a full nine hours since we left it. It had been a very long day, as we arrived in Cupar 15 hours after we left it. A wonderful day out despite me having two very nasty falls – I think I’m getting too old for this! (Time to join the Ramblers?) Tricia, Aaron and I decided not to go to Glen Etive on Saturday 20 October, but to Ben Lomond instead, as I hadn’t done it since 1994, and was keen to do it again. We drove through quite a bit of rain, but the weather had improved by the time we arrived at Rowardennan the east side of Loch Lomond. It was a simple case of following the well-defined and maintained stony, slabby path through the forest. Once we were on open ground, the sun came out, and it was as HOT a day as we have had in the hills this year! After a quick snack stop, the cloud descended, the wind rose, and by the time we were on the zigzag path to the summit, the mist came down. It was bitterly cold on the very busy summit, so we didn’t linger long, as views were few and far between, but we did spot some snow on the slope below us. Descending to try and find a spot out of the wind for lunch, we came across a very large group who were celebrating one member’s completing all the Munros – we had summited too early to share their Champagne! When we were about three-quarters of the way down, yes, you’ve guessed it, the sun came out again, and by the time we walked through the forest back to the car, it was very warm once again. A thoroughly enjoyable day, and if I hadn’t known that I had been here before, I would have thought it was my first time, as nothing seemed familiar; it must be an age thing! At lease I didn’t fall this time, except when I asked Tricia to give me a push up a very high step, and she pushed so hard that I went sprawling – I DIDN’T FALL, I WAS PUSHED!! Lynne Smith

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Cupar Justice and Peace Group On Saturday 27 October we held our 16th One World Lunch at St John’s Church. Professor Ian Taylor of the School of International Relations at St Andrews University spoke to us about Corporate Social Responsibility. This is the process by which businesses negotiate their role in society based on ethics. He pointed out that CSR is basically Christian, involving as it does stewardship, solidarity and people before profit. The key issues in CSR are labour rights, environmental conditions, human rights and poverty alleviation and we can all play our role in supporting CSR by informing ourselves about poor working conditions, the use of child labour, environmental abuse and similar concerns, and then using this knowledge not only to campaign, but also to inform our shopping and, where relevant, investment. We found this a very stimulating talk, which reassured us about the campaigning we have been doing and stimulated us to develop and broaden our approach.

Fair trade products for sale at the One World Lunch

As well as our speaker, we were also pleased to welcome Rami, a Palestinian postgraduate student to our lunch. He has come to St Andrews as a beneficiary of the STEPS foundation whose purpose is to support Palestinian students in following a taught post-graduate programme at St Andrews University. The STEPS foundation sees this support as contributing to Palestinian society through the delivery of quality education to individuals who are committed to returning to and working in their communities. Rami is an inhabitant of Jenin refugee camp and has taken up a place on the Peace and Conflict Studies course. He has been a youth worker for a number of years and has a long record of community activity.

As usual this year we plan to join in Amnesty International’s Greetings Card Campaign, where we send cards to prisoners of conscience, their families or associated groups or communities. We hope that you will join us again this year: we will have the relevant information shortly.

Celia A Armitage

01334 656611 [email protected]

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Sam’s Birds Article

I love birds of prey because of the majesty of the Eagle, the swiftness of the Falcon and the silence of the Owl in flight. I was listening to their cruel persecution and I decided to do a sponsored cycle for them. The route I chose was 16 miles long, from the RSPB Loch Leven reserve to Kinross and back. On the cycle Mother Nature gave me a few wonderful sights. Four Kestrels hovering over the corn fields; a wonderful charm of Goldfinches fleeting about over the teasel; some very noisy geese flying overhead; a mewing buzzard; a flock of lapwing and a great view of a grey heron flying downstream. Thank you all very much for sponsoring me because I have raised more than £250 to help save some of Britain's finest birds. Sam Jeffrey

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18:30 18:30 18:30 18:30 –––– 21:30 @ THE OLD PARISH CENTRE 21:30 @ THE OLD PARISH CENTRE 21:30 @ THE OLD PARISH CENTRE 21:30 @ THE OLD PARISH CENTRE

Tickets £5 per adult, £1 per child (under 3 years go free). Tickets available from the Sunday Club team

Includes buffet & soft drinks, jelly & ice cream ,

fun and entertainment!

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Church Calendar After our Advent, Christmas and New Year services we shall begin, on Sunday 6 January, a new programme of morning services that will run throughout the entire year. The plan is that we shall spend 2013 reading and studying the first eleven chapters of the Gospel of John in depth. We shall take, approximately, a chapter each month. It is hoped that in this way we shall be able to extract a deeper and a more profound meaning from the Gospel. Meanwhile, our evening service calendar will continue to follow its regular themes. Unless otherwise stated, the services will be led by the minister. December Sunday 2 10.30am Advent 1: Jeremiah 33 v14-16; Luke 21 v25-36 6.30pm Lighthouse Service in St John’s Church Sunday 9 10.30am Advent 2: Malachi 3 v1-4; Luke 3 v1-6, incl Communion 2.30pm Afternoon Communion Service Sunday 16 10.30am Advent 3: Zephaniah 3 v14-20; Luke 3 v7-18 6.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols by Candlelight Sunday 23 10.30am Advent 4: Christmas Family Nativity Service Monday 24 7.00pm Christmas Eve Family Service 11.30pm Watchnight Service Tuesday 25 10.30am Christmas Day Family Service Sunday 30 11.15am Morning Worship at Cupar St John’s and Dairsie United Parish Church January Sunday 6 10.30am John 1 v19-28, Rev Harry Brown 6.30pm Communion, Rev Harry Brown Sunday 13 10.30am John 1 v29-34, Mr Brian Porteous Sunday 20 10.30am John 1 v35-51, Mrs Elspeth Smith 6.30pm ‘The Story of my Faith Journey’, Mrs Helen Gauld Sunday 27 10.30am John 2, part 1 February Sunday 3 10.30am John 2, part 2 6.30pm Prayers for Healing Service, Dr Charles Warren Sunday 10 10.30am John 2, part 3 Sunday 17 10.30am John 2, part 4, Mrs Elspeth Smith 6.30pm Tear Fund Service, Fiona Morrison Sunday 24 10.30am John 3, part 1 March Sunday 3 10.30am John 3, part 2 6.30pm Communion Sunday 10 10.30am John 3, part 3, incl Communion 2.30pm Afternoon Communion Service