parenting of busy family

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Dr Rupa Talukdar

A discussion on Parents and family

Temperament of your childWhat is TEMPERAMENT?General emotional state of a child. It permanently affects their behaviour.Child of different temperaments:The Easy ChildThe Difficult ChildThe Slow to Warm up child

The Easy ChildJust recognize the easy child:CheerfulAdaptableCan fit easily in routine structureQuickly establish relation with other childrenHas sharing approachEasily accommodate in new environment

The Difficult ChildIrregular daily routine-not willing to follow instructionsSlow to accept new experienceAlways reacts negativelyIntense emotion-forcefulNot friendly with othersIrritation without any serious causeIntolerance towards any change-of person around him/situation/environment

Slow to Warm up ChildInitially shy-slowly becomes friendlyLow key reactions to environmentNegative in moodCan adjust slowly to new experiencesBit fearful, but can overcome at time

An IDEA of your pattern of PARENTING How is your Parenting Style?

4-Types of parenting are there.

Know the type of yours-its important

Dominating/Authoritarian Parenting

Permissive Parenting

Positive/Authoritative Parenting

Neglected/Uninvolved Parenting

Part-IChild behaviour denotes your Parentimng styleMy child and My family

Under Dominating Parenting: Children may become obedient and proficient, but they rank lower in happiness, social competence and self-esteemUnder Permissive Parenting: Children rank low in happiness and self-regulation. These children are more likely to experience problems with authority and tend to perform poorly in school.Under Authoritative Parenting: Children are happy, capable and successful Under Neglected /uninvolved Parenting: Children tend to lack self-control, have low self-esteem and are less competent than their peers.

Today's children are the first day-care generation -they are more world wise

Motherhood and Fatherhood: a time to change the age old concept

Mind That : A baby and parent interact at different times as

A nursing couple A talking couple A learning couple &A playing couple

Interacting with the young can refreshingly help to keep adults young in spirit.

Part-IIHow to come out:My child and My Parenting from the SLANT of Handwriting

Part-IIHow to come out:My child and My Parenting from the SLANT of Handwriting

Samples of Original Writings of Children

Part-IIMy child and My Parenting from the HandwritingChild is in Anxiety-The source of all difficultiesNo Curves-rigid and retraced writing

How is the pattern of the strokes of A to Z in HW

Part-IIIHow to understand child is in Emotional Crisis from HW

Part-IIIHow to write- and what will be the direction of flow of HW

Part-IIIHow to write- and what will be the direction of flow of HW

Part-IIIHow to write- and what will be the direction of flow of HW

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