parent information booklet 2019 2019 - of receiving information...

44 Sydney Square, Sydney 2019 Senior College Parent information booklet 2019

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Page 1: Parent information booklet 2019 2019 - of receiving information regarding the start of year in 2019, this information and the information booklets for Square, Sydney

2019Senior CollegeParent information booklet 2019

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Page 3: Parent information booklet 2019 2019 - of receiving information regarding the start of year in 2019, this information and the information booklets for

Welcome 02-04

Head of SchoolDeputy Head of School Head of Senior College

School information 05-07Term and holiday dates in 2019General information on Commencement of the school yearJanuary and February key dates

Communication 8-12Reporting and Parent/TeacherinterviewsGetting in touch Key staff contacts Student absentee telephone line School office hours Leave requestsHierarchy of contacts

Getting started 13LaptopsTextbooks and stationery

Public transport information 14New school Opal card

Senior College daily timetable 15Daily periods and pastoral timetable

Student wellbeing 16Tutor groups and the house system

A guide to wearing the uniform 17-18

SACS Character Strengths 19-20

Parent Portal 21-27Updating your contact detailsUpdating your child’s medical details

Curriculum 28-30Years 7 – 10 courses offeredYears 11 – 12 courses offered• HSC • IB Diploma ProgrammeEnrichment and Learning Department (EALD) K – 12Further Education and Career Development

Co-curricular activities 31-32SportMusic

Chapel and Christian development 33

Outdoor Education program 34

Association of Parents and Friends 36

P&F and Foundation Events 37

The St Andrew’s Cathedral 38-39 School FoundationThe Gawura Scholarship Fund SACS School Foundation SACS Building FundHeath Bursary FundAustralian Sports Foundation

ContentsSenior College information booklet 2019

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Head of School welcomeWelcome to the journey which is St Andrew’s Cathedral School 2019!

School Certificate or International Baccalaureate in Years 11 and 12. It provides rich co-curricular, cultural and sporting opportunities: a vast range of genres and styles of music, drama, international tours, outdoor education hikes, camps and expeditions, a tremendous diversity of team and individual sports, and structured opportunities to grow in service. As a Christian school, St Andrew’s Cathedral School invites students to actively reflect on Christian faith, as their education equips them to critique various philosophies and world views.

Entering Senior College is a step up from Year 9. The work increases in volume and complexity. Teachers’ expectations of students rise. Maturity is expected and prized. Initially students can feel daunted by all this. However, they need to remember that the HSC and IB Diploma exams are not tomorrow; they have three years, through Years 10, 11 and 12, to grow in readiness and capacity.

Students will need to position themselves in terms of how to accommodate the challenges and potential distractions which arise within these three years. In summary they may be said to be:

• Increasing levels of comfort with the opposite gender, leading to possible exposure to the ‘party scene’.

• Part-time work; the possible opportunity for growing independence and maturity, but which can impede time to study if too much paid employment is embarked upon.

• Sport; very healthy as an outlet and as a way of learning life skills, as a stress release and a way of remaining physically fit, which enhances capacity to study – the question arises as to how much sport is too much?

• Learning to drive, with the attendant hazards of being a young driver once the desired P plates are achieved.

• Turning 18, with access to the pubs and clubs scene.

Students’ academic progress will be, in part, a function of how well the students engage with this part of life’s opportunities/distractions/hazards, and to what extent they can delay gratification, which itself is an aspect of self-discipline.

The journey from 14 – 15 years of age to 17 – 18 years of age is often a turbulent one. The school offers plentiful assistance and advice to students and parents for negotiating this stage. After all, young people are our core business, in which we have considerable experience! Students and parents are encouraged to utilise our specialist staff, who strive to meet the needs of every student.

Students in our Senior College are in very good hands. Mr David Lindsay, Head of Senior College, has close to 20 years’ experience in this role in two schools. As a former Engineer and as an experienced teacher of Mathematics, and as someone who has parented three children into adulthood, he brings a great deal to the table in this role. Also available to students and parents will be our eight excellent Heads of House, our school counsellors and our very fine Careers Advisor.

We look forward to ministering to our students and to partnership with our parents.

May you enjoy the journey!

Dr John Collier Head of St Andrew’s Cathedral School

Entry to the senior years of education, defined as Years 10, 11 and 12 at St Andrew’s Cathedral School, is embarking on a new journey, building on the foundation of Junior School and Middle School education. The manner in which students perform over these years will determine much: University or TAFE course entry, career path, eventual salary projection and lifestyle. In this respect the years are formative and vital. They are sometimes described as the ‘business end’ of the curriculum, which is essentially a comment upon the fact that a student’s academic progress, for good or ill, can be often judged by its final outcome, the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank), at the point of matriculation.

St Andrew’s Cathedral School offers great opportunities. As a very large Senior College, it enables students to study an enormous array of subjects and courses, which include the Higher

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If there are any questions related to the commencement of the year, please do not hesitate to contact me on 02 9286 9505 after 21 January 2019.

For the convenience and the efficiency of receiving information regarding the start of year in 2019, this information and the information booklets for Junior School, Middle School and Senior College, will be available to download on the school’s website ( from 17 December 2018.

Finally, our wonderful P&F will provide a welcome cup of coffee or tea for parents dropping their children off on 29 and 30 January in the School Foyer.

Yours sincerely

Mr Brad Swibel

Deputy Head of School (Secondary)

Dear one and all,

I know that we have only just finished our school year but I thought I would give you some details on the start of the 2019 school year. We would like all students to have easy access to the information regarding the start of the school year that applies specifically to them.

Therefore, I have organised the details in Year groups and given a brief summary of the calendar for the last week of the holidays and the first week of Term 1.

Deputy Head of School welcomeImportant dates for 2019

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Welcome to SACS Senior College, 2019. In many ways it is more of the same vibrant school life experienced by the community in 2018.

For all of you, however, it is a new, fresh year with students having moved up a year and, for some, also moved schools to join us in the city.

Each year group faces new challenges:

• Year 10: final year of MYP, Personal Projects, course and subject selection for Years 11 and 12 and life-changing outdoor education programs.

• Year 11: first year of final courses of study, leadership opportunities, and all in only three terms.

• Year 12: Well, you know what’s coming! However as the senior year group of the school, students have many great opportunities to make their impact on the school.

I would like to welcome Mrs Sonia Witheridge, our new Deputy Head of Senior College; Mrs Bec Burgess – our new Head of House for York; and Mrs Ashleigh Chakarovski – our new Head of House for Westminster, to our team. They and the rest of the team look forward to a productive, fun and meaningful year working with your sons and daughters.

We also look forward to meeting you at the welcome evenings and other functions throughout the year.

Mr David Lindsay Head of Senior College

Head of Senior College welcomeWe are centred in developing the Heart, Mind and Life of each student

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Getting off to a great start2019 term dates and holiday dates


Wednesday 23 - Friday 25 January

Monday 28 January

Tuesday 29 January

Wednesday 30 January

Friday 12 April

Term 2 Date

Monday 29 April

Tuesday 30 April

Monday 10 June

Friday 28 June

Term 3 Date

Monday 22 - Tuesday 23 July

Wedesday 24 July

Thursday 26 September

Friday 27 September

Term 4 Date

Monday 14 October

Thursday 5 December

Friday 6 December

Term 1

Staff Development Days

Australia Day Holiday (school closed)

Term 1 commences for Kindergarten (8.40am - 12.30pm), Year 7 Induction Day. Year 8-11 – Growth Learning Plan Interviews only.

Term 1 commences for Years 1-6 and Years 7-12

Term 1 concludes for all students

Term 2 Term 2

Staff Development Day

Term 2 commences for all students

Queen’s Birthday Holiday (school closed)

Term 2 concludes for all students

Term 3 Term 3

Staff Development Days

Term 3 commences for all students

Term 3 concludes for Years K - 6 and Years 8, 9 and 10 students

Term 3 concludes for Years 7, 11 and 12 students

Term 4 Term 4

Term 4 commences for all students

Term 4 concludes for all students

Staff Development Day

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Commencing the school yearSenior College commencement details

Tuesday 29 January 2019New Year 10 and 11 students (9am-10.30am)

Students in these years who are new to St Andrew’s meet in the School Foyer in St Andrew’s House at 9am. Students will meet key staff. They will also set up technology to ensure a smooth start. Students will need a working iTunes account and their laptop/device. Returning Year 10-11 students

Students will briefly come into school for an individual interview with their Tutor to develop a Growth Learning Plan for the year ahead. An email will be sent to parents in early January inviting them to book an interview time.

For specific technology requirements see:

All Parents

The Association of Parents and Friends (P&F) will be welcoming all new and returning families from 8am-11am for coffee in Sydney Square.

Wednesday 30 January 2019New Year 10 and 11 students (9.15am)

All new Year 10 and Year 11 students and their buddies are to meet at the entrance to the Cathedral at 9.15am. They will be welcomed by the Head of Senior College.

Returning Year 10 and 11 students are to go to the Cathedral at 9.30am to join the new students

All students will receive a diary, timetable and locker allocation. Years 10 and 11 students will start lessons in Period 3.

Year 12 students (8.30am start)

Year 12 students are expected to be at school by 8.30am. They are asked to meet in the MC Newth Auditorium with the Head of Senior College for for an official welcome, information and distribution of timetables, diaries and lockers. Year 12 lessons will commence in Period 2. Any questions related to the commencement of 2019 should be directed to: Mr Brad Swibel, Deputy Head of School on (02) 9286 9505. All staff will be present at school from Wednesday 23 January, 2019. The Senior College Office will be open from 8am Monday 21 January 2019.

Important dates for the start of the school year are set out on these pages. Please check the school calendar on the website for a complete calendar for the year:

Calendar events for the Senior College are provided regularly via fortnightly newsletters emailed to parents.

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January Key Dates

Monday 21 January 2019

Foundation Uniform Store open (9am-4pm) APPOINTMENTS ONLY

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Foundation Uniform Store open (9am-4pm) APPOINTMENTS ONLY

Staff Development Day

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Foundation Uniform Store open (9am-4pm) APPOINTMENTS ONLY

Staff Development Day

Thursday 24 January 2019

Foundation Uniform Store open (9am-4pm) APPOINTMENTS ONLY

Staff Development Day

Friday 25 January 2019

Foundation Uniform Store open (9am-4pm) APPOINTMENTS ONLY

Monday 28 January 2019

Australia Day Public Holiday SCHOOL CLOSED

Key Dates

Tuesday 29 January 2019

NEW Year 10 and 11 students commence at 9am (until 10.30am) in the St Andrew’s House Foyer

P&F welcome in the Square - 8am - 11am barista (new and returning parents)

Foundation Uniform Store Open (8am-3.30pm)

Year 10–11 Growth Learning Plan Interview appointments only

Wedesday 30 January 2019

NEW Year 10 and 11 students plus their buddies meet at the entrance to the Cathedral at 9.15am Returning Year 10 and 11 students go to the Cathedral at 9.30am Year 12 students commence at 8.30am in the MC Newth Auditorium

P&F welcome in the Square - 8am - 11am barista (new and returning parents)

Foundation Uniform Store open (8am-3.30pm)

Year 12 Parent Welcome Evening – 6pm

Thursday 31 January 2019

Foundation Uniform Store open (8am-3.30pm)

Friday 1 February 2019

Foundation Uniform Store open (8am-3.30pm)

Key Dates

Monday 4 February 2019

Foundation Uniform Store open (Mon, Wed, Thurs in term time)

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Year 10 Parent Welcome and Information Evening from 6pm

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Year 11 Parent Welcome and Information Evening from 6pm

The first few weeks in Senior CollegeJanuary and February key dates

Foundation Uniform Store open (9am-4pm)

For uniform fittings, please make an appointment with the Foundation Uniform Store


Contact Katharine Reed Email: [email protected] SACS - Senior College Parent Information Booklet 2019 | 7

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Communication in the Senior CollegeSharing information and reporting

Educating young people is shared between the home, the school and the individual student. For this reason, clear channels of communication are vital.At St Andrew’s, there are a number of ways in which parents are able to be kept informed about their child’s progress.

These include the school diary, the Interim and End of Semester Reports and parent teacher nights.

We also encourage parents and teachers to make direct contact with one another through phone calls, emails and meetings as required.

ReportingSt Andrew’s Cathedral School has three formal methods of reporting on student progress. They are:

• The Interim Report – issued towards the end of Terms 1 and 3 for students in Years 7 to 10. This provides a general overview of how students are performing. It covers both work habits and academic progress. For academic progress, students are awarded grades of Excellent, Satisfactory or Needs Improvement.

• Academic Reports – provide a comprehensive summary of student progress. These are issued towards the end of Terms 2 and 4 for Years 7 to 11. Year 12 students receive these reports towards the end of Terms 1 and 3.

• Parent/Teacher interviews – held at various times throughout the year for each year level – provide an opportunity for parents to meet with individual teachers to discuss their child’s progress.

As well as this, there are informal opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress through conversations with individual class teachers.

Parent/Teacher interviews in 2019 run from 4pm until 7.30pm on the following dates:

• Year 10 Tuesday 7 May

• Year 11 Tuesday 2 April

• Year 12 Thursday 3 May

• Year 12 (2019) Tuesday 15 October

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Getting in TouchWho and when to make contact


All communication between members of the St Andrew’s Cathedral School community, including staff, parents, carers and students, should reflect the school’s values of grace, integrity and justice. The school encourages parents to be actively involved in their children’s education and in the school generally, believing that involvement enhances student learning. For this reason, the school places great emphasis on the establishment and maintenance of effective channels of communication with parents. Our procedures will be characterised by fairness, mutual respect and a spirit of cooperation in resolving issues and concerns. What can parents expect of the school?We are committed to preserving a safe learning environment where individual rights are respected and our school community works together for a common purpose. We are committed to dealing sensitively with parents and carers and will respond as quickly as is practical to all matters. We will maintain confidentiality where appropriate, releasing information on a “need to

know” basis to staff. If parents have a specific request regarding the extent of access to information given, that request should be made known at the time of contact.

Members of staff will endeavour to return phone calls and/or emails within two working days. Please be aware that it is school policy that teachers will not leave classes to receive or return calls or conduct interviews.

The school is committed to attempting to resolve issues of concern speedily for parents. Often the incompleteness of information, or the multiple demands on people’s time prevents an immediate resolution. Parents are asked for their patience in following through matters.

What does the school expect of parents?Communication – parents should:

• Direct their concerns to the appropriate staff member as outlined in the hierarchy (see graphic, right);

• Make an appointment in advance when seeking personal communication with staff;

• Approach matters in a calm and rational manner, ensuring interactions result in a clear path to resolution;

• Provide contact details so we can call or email you within two working days;

• Communicate any extremely important matter in writing to ensure all the details of the matter can be fully understood;

• Only contact staff members during office hours (Monday – Friday, 8am-5pm). Please refrain from contacting staff on their mobile phone outside these hours.

General hierarchy of contact for most issuesThe following guide for parents and carers indicates the best manner in which to direct specific issues related to the welfare of your child:

Academic Issues

Years 10-12

Class teacher

Leader of Learning (Head of department)

Director of Learning

Head of Senior College

Deputy Head of School (Secondary)

Head of School

Pastoral or wellbeing issues

Years 10-12


Head of House

Deputy Head of Senior College

Head of Senior College

Deputy Head of School (Secondary)

Head of School

While it may seem quicker to go to the higher authority in a sequence it is usually more appropriate to start with the person who knows the student or the details of the incident best. Only if the matter cannot be resolved at the initial level should it progress through the hierarchy of responses.

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Getting in TouchWho and when to make contact

Communication from the general publicIf a member of the general public wishes to express hir/her concerns over a matter specifically related to St Andrew’s Cathedral School, they are advised to contact the Deputy Head of School by calling 9286 9500 or through the website via the Feedback link:

St Andrew’s undertakes to reply to written complaints in a timely manner and would ask the person listing their concerns to give the school appropriate contact details to enable a response either in writing or by phone.

Breaches of this code

The school values its relationships with parents but cannot accommodate aggressive or rude behaviour by either parents or visitors. Where behaviour becomes aggressive or rude, the person in question may be asked to leave the school grounds and/or may be referred to the Head of School.

Media release consentParents can request that their child’s image does not appear in any marketing or media materials by contacting the Registrar Mr Bruce Perry. Please email [email protected]

Visiting procedures

Before 9am and after 5pm

Parents should wear a Parent Lanyard when visiting St Andrew’s House and accompanying their child onto the campus. These are given to registered parents and carers at the start of the school year. Parents visiting the BBC are required to sign in at reception for a visitor’s pass.

Between 9am and 5pm

Parents should make an appointment in advance with the relevant staff member or department, sign in/out at Reception and wear a Visitor Lanyard while on the school premises. A staff representative should meet the parent at Reception. The only exception is when the parent is heading directly to the Uniform Shop, After School Care or the Health Centre on Level 6 of SAH.

School events

For school events which involve multiple visitors (such as parent teacher meetings or social functions), parents do not need to report to Reception or wear a lanyard. Clear signage will be displayed at the entrances to the school and staff and/or student representatives will be on hand to assist in directing visitors to and from the event venue.

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Key Staff

Dr John CollierHead of School 9286 9588 [email protected]

Mr Brad SwibelDeputy Head of School 9286 9506 [email protected]

Mr David LindsayHead of Senior College 9286 [email protected]

Mrs Sonia WitheridgeDeputy Head of Senior College 9286 [email protected]

Mrs Sara HuxhamPersonal Assistant to the Head of Senior College 9286 [email protected]

Mrs Eleni TatsisDirector of Learning: (Senior College) 9286 [email protected]

Mrs Sharon MunroDirector of Learning: IB Diploma 9286 9528 [email protected]

Mr Des SinovichHead of Careers Pathways and Partnerships, TVET (TAFE), Distance Education Coordinator 9286 9578 [email protected]

Mrs Deb BlackwellSenior College Counsellor 9286 [email protected]

Ms Beth WilcockSenior College Counsellor 9286 [email protected]

Ms Judy ChuInternational Students Coordinator 9286 [email protected]

Rev Craig TubmanSchool Chaplain 9286 9656 [email protected]

Mrs Natalie FosterAboriginal Education Mentor 9286 9679 [email protected]

Ms Lyn JarvisDirector of Community Engagement 9009 5431 [email protected]

Heads of House

Mr Christopher KimHead of Cantebury [email protected]

Mr Michael ThillHead of Durham [email protected]

Mr Derek ChampionHead of Hereford [email protected]

Mr Michael SahlstromHead of St Paul’s [email protected]

Ms Pam PanczykHead of Salisbury [email protected]

Mrs Ashleigh ChakarovskiHead of Westminster [email protected]

Mr Krystian BacewiczHead of Winchester [email protected]

Mrs Bec BurgessHead of York [email protected]

Key staff contactsSenior College

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School website


School office hoursThe school’s reception (ground floor in St Andrew’s House) is open between 8am and 5pm

School Reception

Phone: 9286 9500Facsimile: 9286 9550

Senior College Reception

The school’s Senior College Reception (first floor in the BBC) is open between 8am and 4pm

Phone: 9286 9600

Senior College Absence Line

9009 5461

Foundation Uniform Store

Mrs Katharine ReedPhone: 9286 [email protected] (Level 6)

Student absentee telephone line for Senior CollegeShould your child be absent from school, it is imperative that you phone the dedicated absentee telephone number – 9009 5461 (for Senior College students only), stating their year, name and reason for the absence.

Leave requestsWhile we actively discourage leave during term time, we appreciate there are occasions when special leave may need to be requested. Please download an Application for Exemption from Attendance at school from the Parent Portal. Please submit the completed form to the Head of Senior College for authorisation. Please note that any absence from school (excepting sickness-related absence) that is not applied for will be recorded as an unauthorised/unexplained absence.

Moving between campus – personal safety and riskIf your child is in the city and is concerned by the behaviour of a stranger, please tell them to seek refuge in a shop and ask them to call Town Hall Centre Management Security straight away or the NSW Police.

Students are not to use public toilets.

Students must stay within the designated school zone as specified in the school diary during school hours.

Key contactsSenior College

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Getting startedLaptops, textbooks and stationery

LaptopsStudents entering Years 10-12 are to bring a lightweight laptop for classroom use. New desktop computers can be accessed in the Senior Research Centre.

Laptops for Years 10-12 should:

• Be a lightweight Macintosh or Windows computer in good working order.

• Be less than three years old.

• Have an up-to-date operating system.

• Have sufficient processing power an d at least 4GB RAM (8GB is better).

• Be stored in a hard ‘clamshell’ case and/or a padded sleeve (for carrying within a schoolbag).

• Be purchased with accidental damage / theft insurance.

• Have a long warranty. Please be careful – by default most consumer equipment only comes with a one year ‘return to base’ warranty.

Students connect to wifi with their school username and password.

NOTE: some electives may have specific requirements and students should liaise with the Leader of Learning for the elective if there are any concerns.

Further details on technology at St Andrew’s can be accessed on


Search for: ‘Technology at SACS’

Technology User AgreementA Digital Citizenship program runs throughout the school, helping to fulfil the important responsibility of assisting in the development of mature and positive practices in the use of technology.

Students are required to read and abide by the Technology User Agreement upon enrolment. The device management system installed on student iPads allows for access to the network, appropriate monitoring and restrictions and the provisioning of apps bought by the school for students.

Textbooks and stationery items Senior College student stationery may be sourced individually for purchase or through our Foundation Uniform Store.

Stationery can also be purchased online through the following trybooking link:

Online purchases can be collected by students from the Uniform Store when school resumes.

Year 11 and 12 students may purchase stationery as desired. Given the vast range of subjects covered in these years, there is no prescribed list of items to be purchased. Teachers may advise students of the stationery required for individual subjects.

Year 11 and 12 Textbooks are ordered from Box of Books. The booklists are available on the companies’ websites and online ordering is available. It is advisable to order as soon as possible to ensure prompt delivery.

Year 10 textbooks are supplied by the school. Parents have the option of purchasing physical copies of each textbook at an extra expense through the Box of Books website.

Year 11 and 12 students purchase their textbooks through the Box of Books website.

Year 11 and 12 Textbook supplier:Box of BooksSuite 404, 46A Macleay StreetSydney NSW 2000

Telephone: (02) 8999 8882

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Public transport informationNew school Opal card

What is required to ensure public transport to and from school?Public transport information

Eligible students within the Opal network are able to travel to and from school with the School Opal card.

Some students may need to apply for a School Opal card or travel pass.

Who needs to apply?• Students applying for the School

Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) for the first time

• Students changing name, school and/or address

• Students requesting a new additional pass as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation

How to applySchool Opal Card/Transport Pass Application: To apply complete the online application form at:

You will need an email address to complete the form:

Step 1. Parents (or students aged 16 or over) first fill in the online application form;

Step 2. The school endorses the application. You will be advised if you need to do anything further when you have completed your online application

Step 3. Transport for NSW then processes the application. If the application is approved for travel in the Opal network, a School Opal card will be sent to the address given in the application form.

Alternative bus passIf the student does not qualify for free travel, the student may be eligible for a Term Bus Pass which offers travel on buses between home and school at a discounted rate for the whole school term. Apply at or call 131500.

Students must note that a condition of the travel passes requires them to offer their seat to paying patrons.

Overseas students are not eligible for transport passes.

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Senior College daily timetableDaily periods and pastoral timetable

























Year 12

Week A

Week B

Year 11

Week A

Week B

Year 10

Week A

Week B

Monday - Friday

Period 1


Period 2


Period 3




Period 4


Period 5


Senior College Assembly

Academic Tutorial


Senior College Assembly

Academic Tutorial


Senior College Assembly

Year 10 Meeting











Academic Tutorial

Academic Tutorial


Academic Tutorial

Year 11 Meeting


Academic Tutorial

Academic Tutorial


House Meeting

Senior School Assembly


House Meeting

Senior School Assembly


House Meeting

Senior School Assembly


Academic Tutorial

Year 12 Meeting


Academic Tutorial

Academic Tutorial


Academic Tutorial

Academic Tutorial

Pastoral periodThe Pastoral period is allocated in the following pattern for Senior College students

Daily periodsDaily periods are allocated in the following pattern for Senior College students

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Student wellbeingTutor groups and the House system

The vision statement “Nurturing the individual in community under Christ” underpins the student wellbeing structures, programs and relationships at St Andrew’s Cathedral School.

There is a tradition at the school of staff caring for the individual students and an acknowledgement of the need to develop in students a strong sense of identity, resilience and connectedness through all areas of school life, from the classroom to the playing fields. The school recognises that each student is entitled to individual care and attention and that continuity of that care throughout the student’s time at the school will help to achieve this sense of identity, resilience and connectedness.

Every Senior College student is a member of a House and Year-level based tutor group. Students meet as a tutor group in tutorial periods twice a week for one pastoral tutorial and one academic. The Houses meet on a regular basis and sit together during Chapel and Cathedral gatherings each week. These regular gatherings allow tutors and the Head of House to develop a sound relationship with the students in their care. In addition, student lockers are located in House areas in close proximity to the office of their Head of House.

The tutorial program incorporates study skills, social and community education, leadership and life skills.

As such, sessions are structured and planned, based on the experience and knowledge of students at their various levels of development.

The tutor is an important part of every student’s life at St Andrew’s. The tutor will know the student well and should be the first port of call for any welfare inquiries regarding a student. In most cases, tutors remain with the students through to Year 12 and they will follow their progress through the senior years.

Peer Support takes place during tutorial periods throughout Terms 1 and 2. Year 11 Peer Support leaders take the Year 7 students in their House through an inclusive program, addressing issues such as friendships, bullying, decision-making and self-awareness.

The House system enables students at St Andrew’s to participate in and contribute to a comprehensive range of activities. Students are awarded House points for both participation and success in the swimming and athletics carnivals, Inter-House debating, SACSFactor, Big City Bake Off and Gala Day. Points go towards The Dean Pitt Shield, which is awarded to the winning House at the end-of-year Evening of Celebration and Prize-giving.

Classroom teachers, tutors, Heads of House, Heads of Divisions and Directors of Learning monitor the academic progress and wellbeing of each student. This ensures that the students are known and cared for throughout the school.

In the Senior College there are two counsellors who are experienced in providing advice and support on pastoral and academic issues affecting students at the school. The counsellors are able to provide further advice regarding specialist help in cases where it is required.

Student wellbeing at St Andrew’s provides a comprehensive approach built on the premise that young people learn best when they are healthy, safe and happy. Resilience and connectedness will increase the individual’s wellbeing and decrease their chances of becoming ‘at risk’. The structure aims to be a holistic, cohesive and systematic approach to health and student wellbeing, which will be reflected in curriculum, teaching and learning strategies, school organisation, policy, culture and service provision.

It will also seek to build community links and partnerships.

Resilience and connectedness will increase the individual’s wellbeing and decrease their chances of becoming ‘at risk’.

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Blazers must be worn every day, to and from school and between buildings. When conditions are overly hot in the summer months, the Deputy Head may permit the removal of blazers.

All articles of clothing are to be clearly labelled and kept in good order. Blazers are to be dry cleaned/washed and repaired at the end of each term. The wearing of rings or other items of jewellery is not permitted.

School and House badges, plus special badges denoting school position eg. School Captain, Vice-Captain, Captain of Music and House Captain are permitted. All badges are to be worn on the left side of the blazer.

All information regarding school uniforms is available from the Foundation Uniform Store, which is located on Level 6, St Andrew’s House. It operates during term time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during school hours. Parents will need to book an appointment for uniform fittings.

Uniform Store Manager

Mrs Katharine Reed [email protected]

Phone: (02) 9286 9547

Please noteInformation regarding the school uniform, PE uniforms, sporting team uniforms and dress code can be found in the Student Diary or on SACSConnect:


St Andrew’s has an impressive reputation, developed over many years. The school seeks community support in maintaining and enhancing this through a high standard of uniform presentation as students travel to and from school and move around the city precinct.

Pride in the school uniform is a key part of visibly demonstrating participation as a member of the SACS community.

A guide to wearing the uniformMaintaining a high standard of uniform presentation

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A guide to wearing the uniformMaintaining a high standard of uniform presentation

Senior Summer Uniform with Blazer Senior Summer Uniform Senior Winter Uniform with Blazer

Senior Winter Sport UniformSenior Summer Sport Uniform

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SACS Character StrengthsSt Andrew’s Cathedral School student attributes
















In the light of Christ, we strive for students to have:

• Hearts that love,• Minds that grow and• Lives that give.

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SACS Character StrengthsSt Andrew’s Cathedral School student attributes

HeartWe love because he first loved us. – 1 John 4:19

CaringWe are kind, friendly and forgiving. We show love for all people just as Jesus showed his love for us.

Have you been a good friend?

GratefulWe are thankful for everything we have. We show gratitude to God and others for what we have received.

How have you shown your appreciation?

PrincipledWe are trustworthy and act with honesty, fairness and justice. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Do you take responsibility for your actions?

CourageousWe explore new things with confidence and determination. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenge and change. We speak up for what’s right.

How have you faced your challenges?

Servant HeartedWe put others first. We are humble, selfless and responsible. We use our gifts and abilities to help others.

How have you helped?

MindDo not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. – Romans 12:2

KnowledgeableWe enjoy learning new things in many areas. We engage with significant issues and seek to understand them deeply.

What have you learnt?

ThinkingWe make good decisions by thinking carefully. We solve problems critically and creatively. We set our minds to think on noble things.

Can you think of a better, smarter or more creative way?

InquiringWe are curious and ask good questions. We wonder about things and enthusiastically search for truth with others and on our own.

What questions do you need to ask?

Open MindedWe are open to new ideas and ways of doing things. We listen with respect and critically appreciate the values, views and traditions of others. We consider how Christian perspectives interact with other perspectives.

How have you considered other views?

ReflectiveWe understand our strengths and weaknesses to improve. We strive to be wise and discerning, learn from our mistakes and consider the feedback of others.

How have you learned from mistakes?

LifeI have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. – John 10:10

HopefulWe have a positive outlook on life as we have meaning and purpose. We expect the best for the future and have plans to accomplish our goals.

What plans do you have?

Self ControlledWe are disciplined, respectful and organised. We work towards our goals and can eliminate distractions.

How have you shown self control?

PersistentWe don’t give up. We have a growth mindset and enthusiastically strive for excellence in all that we do.

How are you working hard towards your goals?

BalancedWe keep a well-balanced life to be at our best and for the good of others. We use our time well for learning, play and rest and look after our wellbeing.

How are you looking after yourself?

CommunicativeWe express ourselves confidently and creatively. We listen to other points of view and respond effectively and respectfully. We build each other up with encouraging words.

What encouraging things have you said?

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Parent Portal Your one-stop platform to access information about St Andrew’s Cathedral School

Please sign up before your child starts school! Parent Portal login details will be available from 23 January. Look out for your reminder email in January 2019!

Portal features Help with these features can be found in the YouTube Help videos.

These are screen recordings of how to use the different features within the Parent Portal. Access the Parent Portal Help videos at

4 Single sign-on

The single sign-on allows you to log in once.

4 School directory

This feature will help you find a staff member by name, department or role.

4 Quick link tiles

These tiles will link you to the most commonly accessed areas of SACS Communications including;

• Newsletters

• Canteen

• Uniform Store

• Junior School

• School Interviews

• Paying fees

• Friendship Groups, Map and Chat

4 School calendar events

Shows all events (K-12) from the current day until the end of the school’s calendar year.

4 Assessment task calendar

This calendar displays all Year 7-12 assessments.

4 Update contact details

A quick and easy way to update your email or phone details in Edumate.

4 Update medical information and immunisations

Accessible by laptop or desktop devices only. Having these details completed for each student is a legislative requirement.

4 Events and bookings

Connect to the Events page of the SACS website, where you can get more information about upcoming events and make bookings.

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Log-in stepsAccess the Parent Portal via the SACS website

The Portal links (Staff, Parent and Student) can be found in the top-right corner of the SACS website

Select ‘Parent Portal’

Portal Landing Page

Parent Portal Home Page

Access the Parent Portal via the emailed link

You will receive an email from the school which will contain the link to the Parent Portal and your personal log-in details. Click on the link in the email and utilise the provided log-in information to access the Portal.


Go to on your device and search “SACS Portal”. It will be the first item that comes up in results.









Portal Features Help with these features can be found in the YouTube Help videos

4 Social media

Connect directly to SACS pages, on: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.

4 Newsfeeds and community announcements

Announcement Bar, Junior School, Middle School and Senior College newsfeeds.

4 Associated websites

These tabs (found at the top of the homepage) will quickly link you to other SACS websites: Kirrikee, Gawura and the

Old Andreans Association.

4 Academic and pastoral information

This will take you to Edumate, our main student management database. It is only available when the Parent Portal is accessed via Desktop or Laptop devices.

4 Friendship tile

Welcome to the new opt-in Friendship List. By default, you are opted-out. Click on the tile for more information.

4 Friendship map

You will be given access to the Friendship Map once you have opted into the Friendship List.

4 Chat facility

Enables you to talk with other parents who are also members of the same group.

4 Forms and search facility

Search for important documents and forms.

4 Policy document library

This is a library for school policy documents, including student conduct, uniforms and other policies.

Please note: There are key differences between navigating the Parent Portal on Mobile and Desktop devices.

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Trouble-shooting access to the Parent Portal

Why haven’t I got access to log in?

1. I don’t have my username.

From the portal landing page, after clicking ‘Parents’, a dialogue box appears where you should enter your log-in details.

You received your username in your original welcome email from the school. If you don’t have/didn’t receive your username there is also a ‘forgot username’ link. You can also email:

[email protected]

2. I have my username, but didn’t receive

an email or SMS (my current phone/

email isn’t in the school database).

You will need to contact the Enrolments Department to have your details in Edumate updated. Please email:

[email protected]

3. I forgot my password.

When you have opened the portal landing page, select ‘Parent Portal’. After clicking ‘Parents’ and where you type in your log-in details, you are presented with a ‘Forgot Password’ link. You will need your username to request a new password.

If you don’t have your username, see point 1 – ‘I don’t have my username’. Enter your username and select either email or phone. The password will be sent.

Once you receive it, enter the activation code sent to you in the space required. If you never received an email or text, see point 2 – ‘I have my username but didn’t receive an email or SMS’.

After typing in the activation code, you can choose a new password. You are now ready to log in.

4. How do I change my password

(while logged in)?

• Via the portal log-in page; or

• From within the Parent Portal home page (top left corner)

5. How do I change my password if I

don’t have a current email or mobile

number in Edumate?

This is the same process as point 2 – ‘I have my username, but didn’t receive an email or SMS’.

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1. and 2. – Accessing the “My Details” screen From the Edumate Home screen you are able to get to the My Details screen via any of the below methods:

A. Home > My Details or

B. Clicking on the user photo in the top right of the screen

C. If you have not updated your contact details within the past 12 months, there will be a reminder message you can also click.






How to update your contact details and your child’s medical details.

The Edumate My Details screen allows parents and guardians to update their own details and the details of any of their children who attend the school.

From here you are able to update personal details, work information and your child’s medical details. Once updated the details will be sent to appropriate school staff for approval.

Parent Portal login details will be available from 23 January. Look out for your reminder email in January 2019!

PLEASE NOTE: This is the first iteration of an electronic update to the My Details form and as such, it isn’t yet supported on tablets or phones. In order to ensure a smooth experience in entering your details, it is best to use your PC or Macintosh desktop or laptop and the following supported web browsers:Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari web browsers.

Medical form How to update student detailsPlease complete before your child starts school!

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3. My details

The “My details” screen will have a number of different tabs:

A. PersonalB. WorkC. RelationshipsD. My Child Details (including medical)

* Don’t forget to click each tab! especially the ‘My Child Details’ to update medical information.

4. Submitting details


Please note a ‘submit’ is final and should only be done when all changes on all four of the above tabs (Personal, Work, Relationships and My Child Details) are complete for all children. You can submit via either of these buttons.

A. Orange square located at top right hand corner of page.

B. White bar located at the base of page.

Update the information for all of your children and click submit only after you have satisfactorily completed the details for all children, otherwise it will lock you out of doing any more changes (as it goes into an approval status for internal SACS administration).









5. Relationships

Relationships is a read only screen – there is a text box where any request you have for updated relationship details can be sent to the school for approval. For any incorrect information, eg. an emergency contact change, please type in the description box.


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If your child suffers from a medical condition such as anaphylaxis, diabetes, epilepsy or asthma, please fill out and upload the action plans listed BELOW.

For diabetes or epilepsy, please attach your plan within the asthma or anaphylaxis upload area.


6. My child details

A. You can update information on the children you have attending the school.

B. Select which child’s information you wish to update by clicking on their name.

7. Medical Information

Enter the fields below to update your information, then scroll for further sections.




Anaphylaxis – Download form

Diabetes – Download form

Asthma – Download form

Epilepsy – please attach your own personalised management plan

For any other known condition, please ensure you complete and attach your own management plan.

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9. Immunisations


A. Click ‘add’, then click on the arrow to select the immunisation.

B. Click in the date alongside the immunisation and enter a correct date.

C. To add another, click ‘add another’

D. Please attach your immunisation certificate(s) under ‘Upload’

E. In order to save your selections please remember to click ‘Save’ first, then ‘Close’ in that order.

10. Medical conditions

Tick all known medical conditions.

A. You can add more information into the Notes box if required - in particular, additional medication and/or treatment

Complete the sections for Known Allergies, Dietary Needs, Prescription Medications, Authorised Medications.

11. and 12. Submit request

Update the information for all of your children and CLICK SUBMIT ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED THE DETAILS FOR ALL YOUR CHILDREN, OTHERWISE IT WILL LOCK YOU OUT OF DOING ANY MORE CHANGES (as it goes into an approval status for internal SACS administration)

Then SUBMIT request and confirm click ‘Yes’ if you have completely finished.

Your information will be reviewed and updates will be made.









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Curriculum Senior CollegeCourses and subjects offered

Years 7 - 10The curriculum at St Andrew’s is organised according to the guidelines laid down by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). The MYP framework for Years 7-10 sits over these guidelines and is also shaped by our SACS Learning Model. Our aim is that learning will be significant, challenging, networked and future focussed, with students engaged and growing every day.

The courses at SACS fall within the Key Learning Areas:

• Christian Development

• English

• Mathematics

• Science

• Human Society and Its Environment

• Technology and Applied Studies

• Languages Other Than English

• Creative Arts

• Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

The formulation and implementation of teaching programs at St Andrew’s aim to foster a passion for learning that will stay with our students throughout their lifetime. They aim to develop in individuals an understanding of themselves as valued children of God, with personal gifts to be nurtured, developed and engaged with in such a way that the students are well prepared for life, able to enjoy it and able to contribute effectively to our own school and the wider community. Our city location is a significant asset in our

planning and development of learning opportunities.

All Senior College classrooms are coeducational.

To further the development of the whole person, St Andrew’s Cathedral School also runs an Outdoor Education program that includes a specific program for students in Year 10.

Student progress is regularly monitored using a variety of strategies appropriate to the activity and the stage of development of the student within the subject.

There are a number of additional services for students with a particular need. They include:

• The Enrichment and Learning Department for support and extension activities

• Gifted and Talented Education programs

• School counsellors

• English as a Second Language tuition as required

Years 11 - 12Students in Years 11 and 12 can choose to study either the Higher School Certificate curriculum or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

The Higher School Certificate (HSC)

The HSC is awarded by the NSW Educational Standards Authority to eligible students at the end of Year 12. In Year 11, students must study a minimum of 12 units, including 2 units of English. In Year 12 students must study a minimum of 10 units, including 2 units of English.

HSC subjects offered at the school include:

• English (Advanced, Standard, EAL/D, Extension 1 and Extension 2 [Year 12])

• Ancient History

• Biology

• Business Studies

• Chemistry

• Design and Technology

• Drama

• Earth and Environmental Studies

• Economics

• French (Continuers)

• Geography

• German (Continuers)

• History Extension [Year 12]

• Japanese (Continuers and Extension [Year 12])

• Legal Studies

• Mathematics (Standard, Advanced, Extension 1 and Extension 2 [Year 12])

• Modern History

• Music (1, 2 and Extension [Year 12])

• Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

• Physics

• Society and Culture

• Software Design and Development

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Curriculum Senior CollegeCourses and subjects offered, Specialised Learning

• Spanish Beginners

• Studies of Religion I and II

• Textiles and Design

• Visual Arts

All Year 11 and 12 students take part in

Christian Development classes.

Students are also able to study courses

at TAFE, Sydney Distance Education,

Saturday School of Community

Languages and the NSW School of


The International Baccalaureate

Diploma Programme

The IB Diploma Programme is a

two-year curriculum for Year 11 and 12

students. It is an internationally

recognised exit credential, which

provides a broad, challenging

curriculum for students.

All students complete six subjects,

plus the Extended Essay (EE), Theory

of Knowledge (TOK) and Creativity,

Activity and Service (CAS).

Students must choose three subjects

at Higher Level (HL) and three subjects

at Standard Level (SL). Students must

also choose one subject from Groups

1 to 5.

The sixth subject required may be

chosen from Group 6 or, alternatively,

students may elect to choose a second

subject from Groups 2 to 4.

If students choose Environmental

Systems and Societies, which covers

Groups 3 and 4, they can then choose

two more subjects from Groups 2, 3, 4,

and 6.

Subjects offered to Year 11 IB Diploma students in 2019 include:

Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature: English Literature, English Language & Literature

Group 2: Language Acquisition: French B SL, Spanish B SL, Chinese B SL, Spanish ab initio (Beginners), Japanese ab initio (Beginners)

Group 3: Individuals and Societies: Business Management, Environmental Systems and Societies (Groups 3 and 4), History, Global Politics, Philosophy and Psychology

Group 4: Experimental Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Design Technology, Environmental Systems and Societies (Groups 3 and 4), Sports Exercise Health Science and Physics

Group 5: Mathematics: Mathematics HL and SL and Mathematical Studies SL

Group 6: The Arts: Music, Theatre and Visual Arts

All Year 11 and 12 students take part in Christian Development classes, which are run in small groups.

Specialised LearningThis team is led by the Director of Specialised Learning, and in the Senior College comprises of Ms Annie Diallo (Learning Support Teacher), Dr Yvonne Hammer (Gifted Education), Mrs Margaret Burke (English as an additional language/dialect), Ms Natalie Foster (Aboriginal Education Mentor), Mrs Nicola Burge, Ms Pauline Oh (Teacher’s Aides), and Mrs Annie Grennell (Administration Aide). It is the

role of the Specialised Learning team

to work closely with teachers, students,

parents and outside professionals to

cater for the individual needs of

students. We also work closely with the

Careers Counsellor and our school


This collaborative approach ensures

communication and sharing where

parents and professionals work

together, supporting each other to

provide a learning environment that is

differentiated and accessible. At St

Andrew’s, teachers are mindful of

students’ social, emotional, spiritual and

academic development. We aim to

create a learning environment where

students are able to access the

curriculum, have opportunities to

contribute to class discussions and

participate in class activities.

Services provided by the Specialised

Learning Team in Senior College


• In-class support

• sacsAchieve – after school

homework and study support

• Diagnostic assessment

• The development of Individual

Learning Plans and the creation of

Student Learning Profiles

• 1:1 or small group academic

organisational support where


• Parent information sessions

• Professional development sessions

to enhance teacher skills and


• Assistance with the modification of

curriculum, assessment and exams

• Transition programs

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Curriculum Senior CollegeSpecialised Learning, career planning, offered

• Collaborative planning with teachers, students, parents and outside professionals.

• Disability Provisions Applications for the Higher School Certificate

• Determining appropriate adjustments for students with a disability

• Collection of data to access Commonwealth funding (NCCDSWD)

Please contact Eleni Tatsis with any questions, concerns or to provide additional information that will assist the school in meeting your child’s individual learning needs.

Further education and career developmentA comprehensive program consisting of over 25 distinct areas relating to further education and career development is delivered to students according to their year level. This commences in Year 10 with the all-important career assessment program early in the year, followed by the individual assessment report consultations a few weeks later.

This is a valuable way of commencing the further education and career development exploration process for the student, as well as providing guidance in relation to the selection of HSC or IB subjects later in the year.

Seminars and presentations are delivered to students in Years 10, 11 and 12 throughout the year during tutorials, year level meetings, other designated periods and lunch-times. Individual student and parent consultations with the Head of Careers, Pathways and Partnerships Mr Des Sinovich form

the largest part of the program. These are arranged with Mr Sinovich (please see key contacts for contact information).

The annual Sydney CBD Schools Careers Convention (largely organised by Mr Sinovich) takes place in Term 2. All Year 12 students are expected to attend. Students in other year levels and their parents are encouraged to attend this comprehensive event.

Mr Sinovich also takes charge of the TVET and Distance Education programs as well.

Information is sent to parents by means of email newsletters.

Senior Research CentreThe Senior Research Centre houses a collection of physical resources that are tailored to the needs of students in Years 10 to 12. Students are also able to meet throughout the day with members of the Library Team to access support with research tasks.

The Senior Research Centre is open Monday to Thursday from 8am until 5.15pm.

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Co-curricular activities – sportDeveloping skills, building confidence and fostering friendships

All students at St Andrew’s are encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities to help develop a variety of skills, build personal confidence and foster friendships within the school community. Co-curricular activities include sport; music ensembles and choirs; creative arts and drama activities; debating and public speaking; and overseas trips and camps.

Sport St Andrew’s believes that young people who are physically fit and enthusiastically challenged in a fun and safe sporting environment perform better academically. St Andrew’s provides sport and co-curricular activities for individuals across a vast range of ability levels. The program is designed to be inclusive, with activities available for any student at any level. All students are encouraged to participate in the school’s sporting activities. The enjoyment and support gained through team participation, improved physical fitness, skills for dealing with success and failure, as well as the ability to interact within various social environments, are all positive attributes gained through participation in the sport and co-curricular programs St Andrew’s offers.

Summer (Terms 1 and 4)

Basketball (boys and girls)

Cricket (boys)

Debating (boys and girls)

Fencing (boys and girls)

Summer Football (boys and girls) Term 4 only

Mountain Biking (boys and girls)

Summer Hockey (boys and girls) Term 4 only

Softball (girls)

Swimming (boys and girls)

Touch Football (boys and girls)

Theatresports (boys and girls)

Water Polo (boys and girls)

Dance (boys and girls)

Tennis (boys and girls)

Mindful Movement (boys and girls)

Maker Space (boys and girls)

Media Crew (boys and girls)

Ultimate Frisbee (boys and girls)

Winter (Terms 2 and 3)

Athletics (boys and girls)

Dance (boys and girls)

Cross country running (boys and girls)

Fit for Life (boys and girls)

Fencing (boys and girls)

Football (girls and boys)

Hockey (girls)

Netball (girls)

Rugby (boys)

Tennis (boys and girls)

Mock trial (boys and girls)

Debating (boys and girls)

Theatresports (boys and girls)

Water Polo (boys and girls)

Maker Space (boys and girls)

Mindful Movement (boys and girls)

Astronomy club (boys and girls)

Cross country skiing (boys and girls)

Winter Basketball (boys and girls)

Squash (boys and girls)

Club Hockey (boys and girls)

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Co-curricular activities – musicDeveloping skills, building confidence and fostering friendships

Music Music contributes immensely to the general tone and fabric of the Senior College – as it does throughout the school. Our senior musicians are the musical leaders of the school as we continue the great tradition upon which St Andrew’s Cathedral School is built – the education of our musicians.

There are many performance opportunities provided by the school:

• Public lunch-time concerts in the Cathedral on Mondays at 12.30pm

• Performances at every assembly

• Maestros concerts in Fairfax (S801) on Thursdays at 3.30pm

• Soirées presented by instrumental and singing teachers once a year

• Showcase concert held annually

• Performances (gigs) around the city for various charities and business functions

• End of year Evening of Celebration and Prize-giving and special award assemblies

• School events

The Music Department engages a large number of visiting instrumental teaching staff, covering a wide range of vocal, string, wind, brass, keyboard, guitar, music craft and percussion instruments. Private and group lessons are delivered weekly during term time. Lessons are timetabled on a rotating schedule to minimise impact on any one subject throughout the term.

Tutors are asked, where possible, to accommodate Year 12 study hall times to assist students in their final year.

Many parents and guardians enquire how they can help encourage their child with their musical studies. The most important help you can give is to organise your child into a regular practice routine. Ideally, this should be done at a set time each day – before school, after school or in the early evening. Practice should be done at least five times per week. The amount of practice time required will vary from teacher to teacher and student to student.

Beginners should start with approximately 10 to 15 minutes for each practice session. The rate of progress and the amount of pleasure derived from playing an instrument depends largely upon the amount of practice, the regularity of practice and the concentration and effort that are applied during the practice routine.

Additionally, each student who is learning privately is encouraged to participate in an ensemble. These ensembles are graded so that each student can be placed into a group appropriate to their level of proficiency.

These activities are designed to supplement and extend the work that is covered in private lessons and also to provide performance opportunities at various concerts that are arranged during the year.

Senior College ensembles • Secondary School Choir

• Chamber Choir

• Boys Vocal Ensemble

• Girls Vocal Ensemble

• Symphony Orchestra

• Chamber Orchestra

• Wind Symphony

• Jazz Orchestra

• Chamber Music

• Chapel and Rock Bands

A music tuition application form is provided with this pack.

If you have any questions regarding our ensembles, please give Mrs Martel Green a call on 9286 9537 or email [email protected].

Opportunities are also available to attend international music and drama tours, and a musical or major drama production takes place in professional venues in alternate years.

All music information can be found on the Parent Portal site, in the performing arts forms area under Music.

Senior College Music Ensemble Enrolment Form Years 10-12

Senior College Vocal Ensemble Enrolment Form Years 7-12

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Chapel and Christian DevelopmentA expression of the school’s Christian basis

Chapel is a weekly event at the school and all students are expected to attend. Chapel services provide a communal expression of the school’s Christian basis and commitment, and go hand-in-hand with the Christian Development course.

The Christian Development course, taught in the classroom, aims to introduce students to the Christian faith as it is revealed in the Bible and provides them with the opportunity to engage in healthy discussion on both its theory and practice.

Chapel sees students participating as they provide the music, lead the singing, read The Bible, offer prayer, and occasionally speak of their own experience of the Christian life.

‘Cru’ groups and Christian camps

In addition to weekly Chapel services, the Chaplaincy team coordinates a wide range of voluntary Christian ministries. There are a number of lunchtime groups for Bible study, prayer, fun and encouragement. These groups are affiliated with the Crusaders and are generally structured around year and gender.

The Senior College groups meet at lunch-time. These groups are led by the Chaplaincy team, Christian staff and Senior students. The Chaplaincy team also runs an annual camp called the Zedge for students across Years 7 - 12. It provides four days of fun and growing in the knowledge of the Christian faith. In addition, the Chaplaincy team is available to meet with students at any time for prayer, support, pastoral counselling and encouragement.

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Outdoor Education programProviding amazing experiences to develop leadership and resilience

St Andrew’s Year 10 Outdoor Education program is the culmination of an extensive program. It is sequenced so that students build on previously taught skills, as well as providing new experiences for students.

Outdoor Education is compulsory at SACS and the minimum length of expedition is seven days in Year 10. There is a range of amazing expeditions offered. Each expedition focuses on the students being self-sufficient, carrying all the equipment and food necessary for their time away. Those students who have not previously had experience in Outdoor Education need not be concerned as the Year 10 options are designed to assist them in achieving the set goals and are within student ability levels. All programs have a director and independent safety and logistics coordinator. Each group consists of between 12 and 15 students, with a minimum of two staff.

Expeditions (for seven to eight days duration) cover a range of disciplines and locations. Hiking options include the Snowy Mountains, Fraser Island Great Walk and Larapinta Trail in the Northern Territory. The other fantastic programs are horse riding in the Victorian high country, sea kayaking at Myall Lakes, a backcountry snow tour in the Kosciuszko National Park and an Australian wilderness cycle tour. Our longer option is our pinnacle program – the 20-day ‘Kosi to Coast’ trip involving hiking and whitewater canoeing. Students who attend the 20-day program also have the option to complete a Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation as part of the trip.

The aim of SACS Outdoor Education is to foster a love of the outdoors, the opportunity to live simply in community with others and to challenge students’ personal boundaries. We provide amazing experiences in amazing places, developing leadership, initiative, self-esteem and resilience, all within a Christian context.

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St Andrew’s believes that young people who are physically fit and enthusiastically challenged in a fun and safe sporting environment perform better academically.

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Parents, carers and friends are integral to the St Andrew’s Cathedral School Community. The Association of Parents and Friends has the dual role of building and supporting the parent community, as well as fundraising to support our school and students.

The P&F looks forward to your involvement in the many events we host during the year. Perhaps we will see you at our Welcome in the Square, Grandparents’ Day celebrations or our Food and Wine (with Christmas market). Whether you are a guest or a volunteer, you will be warmly welcomed.

The P&F supports year group social functions organised by Parent Convenors. These events provide opportunities for parents (and sometimes their children) to meet informally to develop friendships and share the highs and lows of parenting and school life. This is much like a ‘class parent’ and we ask for volunteers from each year group in Years 7-12, and each class in Years K-6, to foster and encourage social networks, welcome families to the school, support families in need, and liaise with the P&F and the school’s Director of Community Engagement. This is a vital role in a school that draws students from over 220 Sydney suburbs. Convenors also encourage parents and carers to help out with the P&F activities.

While we have fun at our P&F events, many have a dual purpose as fundraisers. In recent years, the P&F has raised funds for audio visual equipment, educational items, staff scholarships

and the refurbishment of Chapter House. In addition, we have several sub-committees that focus on supporting specific areas of interest to parents, including rugby and football sub-committees, who work to foster friendships and fundraise within their sports.

All families are encouraged to pay a membership fee with their school fees in Term 1 to offset administrative costs and support our community events.

The P&F meets twice a term with the aim of building and strengthening relationships across the school community. The Head of School presentation is a standing item on the agenda. Educational, welfare and school developments, everything from changing technology to changing uniforms, are presented by SACS staff at P&F meetings. The meetings help parents stay informed in the complicated modern world of education which has changed so much since their own schooling. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The P&F has its own community newsletter that updates parents on items of interest, upcoming events and P&F meeting dates and minutes.

The P&F relies completely on parent and carer volunteers drawn from the school community. If you would like to find out more about these activities, please come to our meetings or contact us at: p&[email protected].

Mrs Alison Massey P&F President

Association of

Parents & FriendsSt Andrew’s Cathedral School

The meetings help parents stay informed in the complicated modern world of education which has changed so much since their own schooling.

Association of parents & friendsWe look forward to your involvement in 2019

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Term 1 Dates Term 1 Events

Tuesday 29 January P&F Welcome in the Square  Kindergarten and Year 7

Wednesday 30 January P&F Welcome in the Square Years 1-6, 8-12

Tuesday 19 February P&F General Meeting, Wine and Cheese Night

Wednesday 27 February OAA Annual General Meeting

Friday 8 March 1 Year Reunion (OA2017)

Saturday 16 March Kirrikee Picnic Day

Friday 22 March Gawura Cocktail Evening

Saturday 30 March Football Launch and BBQ

Thursday 4-6 April Fiddler on the Roof

Tuesday 9 April P&F General Meeting

Term 2 Dates Term 2 Events

Friday 10 May OAA Generations Lunch

Tuesday 14 May P&F General Meeting

Saturday 18 May Trivia Night

Saturday 25 May 5 Year Reunion (OA2014)

Tuesday 4 June P&F General Meeting

Friday 7 June JS Grandparents Day

Tuesday 11 June SS Grandparents Day

Saturday 22 June Kundayi Memorial Sports Round

Monday 24 June NAIDOC Celebration

Wednesday 26 June Showcase

Friday 28 June Gala Day

Term 3 Dates Term 3 Events

Tuesday 13 August P&F General Meeting

Friday 16 August 10 Year Reunion (OA2009)

Wednesday 21 August OAA Learning the Ropes (Careers evening)

Friday 30 August Winter Sports Dinner

Tuesday 10 September P&F General Meeting

Friday 13 September 20 Year Reunion (OA1999) - 30 Year Reunion (OA1989)

Term 4 Dates Term 4 Events

Sunday 20 October Choir Sunday / Cathedral’s 200th Celebration

Tuesday 29 October P&F General Meeting

Thursday 31 October Friends of SACS and Gawura Thank You

Saturday 9 November SACS Food and Wine with Christmas Market Event

Tuesday 19 November P&F AGM and General Meeting

Tuesday 3 December Evening of Celebration and Prize-giving

P&F and foundation events Community and fundraising events for 2019

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SACS school foundationOverview, Gawura Scholarship Fund

Once a member of the SACS Community – always a member of the SACS Community. The warmth, care and excitement of the school calls in a very special way – so that our wider community is made up of students, parents, friends, alumni and staff, current and past.

The SACS Foundation plays an

important role in fostering this

community and in supporting the

school in achieving excellence in

education. The Foundation aims to assist

SACS and Gawura as it strives

for students to have hearts that love,

minds that grow and lives that give.

The SACS Foundation actively manages

a portfolio of investments and

undertakes fundraising for specific

purposes including:

• The Gawura Scholarship Fund

• The Foundation Building Fund

• The Foundation Library Fund

• Heath Bursary Fund

• Sports projects through the Australian

Sports Foundation

To achieve our goals, we actively involve

the school community through a variety

of events and programs such as gala

dinners, trivia nights and cocktail

evenings. The generosity we receive

from the parent community is greatly


St Andrew’s has a vibrant and active

school community and we encourage

you to join the activities of the

Foundation and the school.

The SACS Foundation has its own page

on the school website. It publishes a

quarterly e-newsletter called Elevate for

former students, staff and parents and

the wider community. Foundation staff

work closely with the Association of Parents and Friends, Old Andreans’ Association (alumni) and the Hessian Club (former parents) who provide community and financial support to SACS. The Foundation also manages the social media for Gawura including its Facebook page, Linked In, Twitter, a quarterly newsletter and its volunteer program.

The generosity of our wider community has benefitted the students of SACS and Gawura significantly. Every donation is tax deductible. Please visit our donations page on our website at:

For more information on Gawura or the variety of ways you can help please contact Catherine Gunning, [email protected]

For more information on the building fund, sports fund, library fund or Heath Bursary Fund, please contact Lyn Jarvis, Director of Community Engagement, at [email protected].

The Foundation Uniform shop operates on Level 6 of St Andrew’s House on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. All profits from the Foundation Uniform shop are redirected into the SACS Foundation and greatly assist in supporting its goals.

The Gawura Scholarship Fund

Gawura provides an engaging, culturally enriching education for Indigenous children who live in Sydney. Its aim is to equip students with the ‘know how’ and tools they need to create a fulfilling life beyond school. Gawura was established in 2007 and its presence at SACS has greatly enriched both communities.

Contributions to the Gawura Fund,

which is managed by the SACS

Foundation, cover the cost of tuition,

books, excursions, uniforms and co-

curricular activities for all students. With

the ongoing support of our Friends of

Gawura, we hope to continue to

provide a quality education enabling our

students to have a life filled with exciting

opportunities beyond school.

In 2019 we will have 39 students on full

scholarships from Kindergarten to Year

12. Funding comes primarily from the

generous donations of individuals,

corporates, families and Foundations.

Funding does not come from SACS

student school fees, however, our SACS

community is very welcome to

contribute money or time to Gawura.

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SACS Building Fund

St Andrew’s, like most independent

schools, uses school fees to pay for

teaching staff, support and operational

staff and operating costs. We therefore

rely on the generosity of the SACS

community to help deliver building

projects, provide bursaries and

upgrade resources.

The Foundation Building Fund

provides an important source of

funding for capital projects at our

school and plays a pivotal role in

maintaining and improving school

facilities. We appreciate the generosity

of our families who donate to the

Building Fund when paying their fees.

It provides financial security to

continue our program of revitalising

our campus. Thanks to the generosity

of past donors, for 2019 we have been

able to build a new sports centre on

the ground floor of St Andrew’s House.

In 2018 the SACS community

generously raised funds to support the

development of Chapter House into a

new Performing Arts space. We look

forward to its completion in 2019.

All donations to the Building Fund are

tax deductible.

Thanks to the generosity of past donors, for 2019 we have been able to build a new sports centre on the ground floor of St Andrew’s House.

Heath Bursary Fund

Life is not always predictable. The Heath

Bursary Fund aims to provide short-

term fees support to families of existing

students at St Andrew’s Cathedral

School, who experience unforeseen

financial difficulties such as the death

of a parent, long-term illness of a family

member, a change in employment

situation or a family break-up. By

supporting this bursary fund, you can

assist members of our community

when it matters most. The Heath

Bursary Fund assists vulnerable families

at a crucial time and is enormously

appreciated by those who can feel quite

desperate when misfortune strikes.

Sports Projects through ASFAt SACS we believe that young people

who are physically fit and enthusiastically

challenged in an enjoyable and safe

sporting environment can perform

better academically, socially and

emotionally. Donations to sport at

SACS can be made through the

Australian Sports Foundation, which

was set up by the Australian

Government in 1986 to support the

development of sport in Australia.

This allows our donations to be tax

deductible as we specifically work to

raise funds and promote the

development of sport, across all

grades, all sports and for all students.

The aim is to direct funds to create a

truly outstanding sports program for

all the students.

SACS school foundationThe Building Fund, Heath Bursary Fund and sports projects

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NotesKey information

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St Andrew’s Cathedral School Sydney Square, Sydney NSW 2000 ABN 34 429 367 893

phone +61 2 9286 9500 fax +61 2 9286 9550 email [email protected]

CRICOS Registration: The Council of St Andrew’s Cathedral School 02276M

St Andrew’s:St Andrew’s Cathedral School is a coeducational K-12 Anglican school, located in the heart of Sydney’s CBD.