parashat terumah -

Parashat Terumah Message from Rabbi Yamin Levy, LIHA Rabbi This week’s Perasha opens with a fundraising capital campaign to build a house for G-d. The entire enterprise is fraught with questions. How can anyone build a house for G-d? G-d is infinite too big too great for a house! King Solomon alluded to the same issue when he wrote “But will G-d really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain You. How much less this house I have built!” (1 Kings 8:27). Isaiah the Prophet also wondered when he said: “Heaven is [G-d’s] throne and earth [His] footstool. What house can you build for me? Where will my resting place be? (Isaiah 66:1) It is not only absolutely impossible to build a home for G-d it is also unnecessary. Hashem is everywhere and can be accessed anywhere - in a city slum or in a palace lined with marble and gold. The answer to this paradox is actually found in the first chapter of this week’s Perasha. Hashem does not need or live in a building. Hashem lives in the BUILDERS. Hashem does not dwell in a structure of stone but rather Hashem is ever present in the human heart. As the Pasuk says so beautifully: “Let them build for me a sanctuary that I may dwell in THEM” (Exodus 25:8) In Them not in it. Sharyn Blaustein Volume 22 Principal Issue 15 February 12, 2016 Adar1 3, 5776 Rabbi Yamin Levy LIHA Rabbi Please visit our website for the FULL newsletter in color! Parashat Terumah Shabbat Candle Lighting time is at 5:11 p.m. Havdalah time is at 6:17 p.m. THE VOICE OF OUR CHILDREN A WEEKLY PUBLICATION

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Parashat Terumah Message from Rabbi Yamin Levy, LIHA Rabbi

This week’s Perasha opens with a fundraising

capital campaign to build a house for G-d. The

entire enterprise is fraught with questions. How

can anyone build a house for G-d? G-d is

infinite – too big too great for a house! King

Solomon alluded to the same issue when he

wrote “But will G-d really dwell on earth? The

heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot

contain You. How much less this house I have

built!” (1 Kings 8:27). Isaiah the Prophet also

wondered when he said: “Heaven is [G-d’s]

throne and earth [His] footstool. What house

can you build for me? Where will my resting

place be? (Isaiah 66:1)

It is not only absolutely impossible to build a

home for G-d it is also unnecessary. Hashem is

everywhere and can be accessed anywhere - in

a city slum or in a palace lined with marble and


The answer to this paradox is actually found in

the first chapter of this week’s Perasha.

Hashem does not need or live in a building.

Hashem lives in the BUILDERS. Hashem does

not dwell in a structure of stone but rather

Hashem is ever present in the human heart. As

the Pasuk says so beautifully: “Let them build

for me a sanctuary that I may dwell in THEM”

(Exodus 25:8) In Them not in it.

Sharyn Blaustein Volume 22

Principal Issue 15

February 12, 2016

Adar1 3, 5776

Rabbi Yamin Levy

LIHA Rabbi

Please visit our website for the FULL newsletter in color!

Parashat Terumah

Shabbat Candle Lighting time is at 5:11 p.m.

Havdalah time is at 6:17 p.m.



LIHA Registration forms for

2016-2017 School year have

been sent home & are also

on our website. The families

who apply for scholarships

need to apply on the SSS website before the deadline.

The Week Ahead

February 15th & 16th

School closed in observance Of President’s Day

To the following students for excelling on

their 2015 NYS ELA & Math exams. We are

proud of all of our student’s achievements.

We attained the same ranking as Great

Neck School District and look forward to

continued success for 2016.

English Language Arts

4thGrade 5th Grade

Coby Kalimian Ornella Amsellem

Shira Bootehsaz


4thGrade 5th Grade

Coby Kalimian Michael Ghodsi

Joshua Partovi Kyleen Kalimian

Eitan Mastour Ornella Amsellem

Daniella Azzizadeh

Shira Bootehsaz Daniel Soumikh

Take A Look At LIHA


The toddlers learned about colors. We read a new book, “Yellow Hat, Red Hat”


This week the children were very excited to decorate and design challah covers that will go into each child’s Shabbat Box. Each challah cover is a true work of art and was made with a great deal of love. Each week our class practices cutting with scissors, reviews the English and Hebrew alphabet and plays “Colors & Shapes Bingo”. Our Shabbat Ima & Abba were Eliana T & Jake

Pre K

Firefighters are the community helper we focused on this week. We painted our very own firefighter hats and collaged red, yellow and orange tissue paper to make fire. We also took various shapes to create our own fire engines. We reviewed fire safety, including “stop drop and roll”. The English letter this week was Nn. We used fun shaped scissors to cut up Newspaper and glued them

down. The Hebrew letter was - mem. We looked at

the inside of a real Mezuza and saw the words of Shema written on the special Claf. We will be learning about doctors and dentists for the next 2-3 weeks if anyone would like to come in to present to the class.

The following

parents have

donated a book

to the LIHA

Library in honor

of their



Mr. & Mrs.

Marc Dorwitt

for Noach’s


Mr. & Mrs.

Ashir Pirouzian

for Yael’s


Mr. David

Soleimani & Ms.

Shula Ograd for

Jordana’s birthday

Kindergarten English

We talked a lot about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and even saw some videos on the Smart board. We worked on the question, what can we learn from our adventures as we read, “Roosters Off to See the World”? The children even learned the word horizon. The children know that for example when you go on a trip you need to be prepared. We are working on subtraction and doing very nicely. Have a wonderful President's weekend and Shabbat Shalom!

Kindergarten Hebrew

In this week's Parasha "Teruma" we learned that Hashem said to Moshe, Bnei Yisrael must make me a "Mishkan" (holy tent). Bnei Yisrael should also make a Shulchan, Menorah and a Mizbaiach too! They had to use a lot of gold in building these things. In addition, we learned the letters of Mem( ) and Mem

sofid ( ) and the words were; Mayim (water ), Melech

(king ), Malkah (Queen ).

This week's Shabbat were Maya & Ethan

Instead of last week!!

1st Grade Hebrew – ‘

This week we started learning question words in

Hebrew like? (what)? (where) etc. We

are very excited and busy getting ready for our Siddur party. We end the week learning parashat

. Shabbat Shalom


Grade English

This week the students completed chapter 7 in math. They also started a research project on Polar Bears. They students learned many amazing facts about these beautiful

animals. Hope everyone has a relaxing long weekend!


Grade English

2nd grade had another great week. They earned a party because of all the compliments our class received! They are subtracting 3-digit numbers with regrouping and continue to improve their reading and writing skills. Please make sure your children are reading every night and are filling in their reading logs.

Shabbat Shalom!


Grade Hebrew

The class is still practicing our Tefilots every morning and every

afternoon. We are also working on our writing and continued to study Houmash through Parashat Bereshit. We finished the week learning

about Parashat Terumah.


Grade English

This week the third grade read a story called, “The Supermarket”. They learned

about how and where the food comes from that we get at the supermarket. We

also watched a great video of how chocolate was made. We learned that many of the foods we eat come from places in the United States as well as other countries far away. We are still

working on division in math! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Grade Hebrew

The class moved on in our limoudim of Houmash through Parashat Haye Sarah. I am very proud of the improvement of the yeladim. They are able to do the avodah by themselves, read Rashi and answer the questions. We also talked about Parashat Terumah.


Grade English

The 4th grade has just finished chapter 5 in math. They are now moving on towards fractions. They are also finishing up, “I

Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbour”. They are extremely excited to begin our

next class novel.


Grade Hebrew

In Hebrew we learned new vocabulary words and made stories and sentences about our family. In Humash we studied the emotional reunion between Jacob and Joseph as well as the beginning of the Israelites Journey in Egypt.



Grade English

5th grade had another good week and were rewarded for all of their compliments with a party. We began multiplying fractions and continue to learn new vocabulary words and improving their writing skills. Please make sure your children continue to read for 30 minutes daily. Have a good weekend.

Shabbat Shalom!


Grade Hebrew

“ ” Chodesh tov! The class prayed Halel for Rosh

Chodesh. This week we discussed many topics in Hebrew.