paranormal press. issue 16

Haunted Southampton Issue 16 June 2013 The Guardians Of The Stones At The Workhouse Robert Brown Talks to the Paranormal Press On the search for ghosts in Germany Special Report

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Page 1: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Haunted Southampton Issue 16

June 2013

The Guardians


The Stones

At The Workhouse

Robert Brown

Talks to the

Paranormal Press

On the search for ghosts in Germany

Special Report

Page 2: Paranormal Press. Issue 16


Haunted Southampton arranges and hosts paranormal investigations across the South of England.

Join us for the night , all tickets for our event investigations are available at the website

Based in Southampton, England. Haunted Southampton is a team of paranormal investigators undertaking

investigations of a variety of locations that have reports of unexplainable occurrences.

Since 2009 we have investigated over 60 locations and still find the experience fascinating , enjoyable and

great fun . The majority of our investigations are available for members of the public to join us , using the

extensive range of equipment we use and experiments we undertake to try and establish if indeed these venues

are as haunted as they claim to be.

You can find out more about our investigations through our website and Facebook group page - with over one

thousand pictures posted of investigations by people who have joined us investigating the paranormal we hope

you too may want to become part of our work.

Haunted Southampton is (left to right)

Juliet Collins, Patrick Collins, Pete Collins, James Lysandrides & Rebecca Lysandrides

Page 3: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Inside This Issue

Paranormal Press

June 2013

Issue 16



Peter Collins

_ _ _ _ _

Contributing Articles

Andy Ford

James Lysandrides

Juliet Collins

Dennis Woods

Tom Pedall

Theo Grigore

Robert Brown

Loyal Arthurian Warband

Regular Features


A look at our investigation of The Work House.


Stuart Bazga takes us upon a journey of Haunted Castles

Part 2.


The use of Full Spectrum Cameras.


Thoughts about the world of the paranormal.



Andy Ford talks to Robert Brown for

The Paranormal Press.

Special feature: The Guardians of the stones

Connections With ….Tom Pedall from Germany

A Scotish curse by Theo Grigore

To creepy to occupy - Dennis Woods

Famous Ghost Hunters. Dr. Nandor Fodor


Paranormal Press

Facebook Page

Contact The Paranormal Press

Page 4: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

An interview with: Medium Robert Brown by

Andy Ford.

What was it like being taught by Ivy Northgate one of our finest mediums?

Ivy Northage was indeed one of our finest mediums, she was a tough task master and many thought her over

zealous in her corrections and harsh criticisms, but Ivy knew that if mediums are to be taken seriously they need to

be disciplined, earnest, honest and to aspire to do the very best they can, never accepting limitations. My three

main tutors were Gaye Muir, Peter Close and Ivy Northage, I cannot conceive of a finer representation of teaching

mediums for anyone to be guided by, I would like to share a few of Ivy's sayings, some I retold when asked to

speak at Ivy's remembrance service held at Pembridge Place:

1) Mediumship is rather like a surgeons scalpel, in the hands of the trained and dedicated it can create near

miracles, in the untrained and unscrupulous it can make a bloody mess:

2) In later life, when I asked why she had never praised me when, as a teenager I had done exceptionally well, Ivy

responded "If I had told you how good you were, would you have tried to be even better"?

3) I would not wish being a medium on my worst enemy, to be a medium one has to have the sensitivity of a Deer,

you are dealing with people’s feelings, and you had better grow the hide of a Rhino, for when others come after


Does anyone else in your family have psychic/mediumistic abilities? My older brother certainly had some experiences, my three sisters all are very intuitive, my mother was extremely

superstitious and my father very sensitive. I do believe "birds of a feather flock together", I think though the these

abilities are just a matter of degrees, I believe Mediums are born, but that we have the freewill to develop .In my

case I wanted to know and I dared to ask!

You demonstrate your mediumistic ability all over the World. Do expectations differ between Countries?

I think a lot has changed since my early days at the SAGB, there is no doubt that the U.K led the way for many

years both in standards of mediumship and places for mediums to work. These days though there has been a re-

markable upsurge in interest all things parapsychological all over the World. I think in the U.K we still expect and

demand more facts and evidence than some places. In Germany I have found people are genuinely interested in the

workings and "how to" of mediumship, the same goes for Switzerland, I work in Zurich and Basle at least 5 five

times a year and our workshops are always well attended. In India, I found people wanted more of insight and

guidance and are keen to understand what are the spiritual implications of life continuing. When I visited New

Zealand some years ago, it was a great joy to see and witness new, young mediums working alongside veterans

who worked very much in the style of the Britain of yesteryear. However the biggest growth I have seen is in

America, where there are a number of places that welcome mediums from all over, America had bad press in the

past with regards mediums, but these days some of the very best Mediums are from America, the genuine desire to

Andy Ford caught up with medium Robert Brown.

Robert what led you to develop your mediumistic ability and where did

you do this?

I had some experiences as a young child, which, at the time, did not disturb

or harm me, it was when I was a teenager that I started questioning, relig-

ion, life and ultimately, death.

I first attended The Spiritualist association of Great Britain, 33 Belgrave

Square, London in the early 1970s, by 1974 I was mentioned in Psychic

News for a demonstration of mediumship I had done as a student of Gaye

Muir, it was also at Belgrave square, that I had a fantastic experience,

which validate some of the things I had experienced as a child, I have re-

counted many of these in my book "We Are Eternal, what the Spirit's tell

me about life after death". Published by Warner Books in the U.S and by

Hodder & Stoughton in the UK. I went on to become the youngest ever tutor at the SAGB at the invitation

of Tom Johannson, the General Secretary, he asked me to run development

classes for the under '30s, I was just 20 myself.

Robert Brown

Page 5: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

know and learn and to understand along with an honest desire to serve has seen mediumship levels sore in the U.S.

I know that 14 years ago when I started the "Original Medium's Boot Camp" in Freeport Bahamas, we had quite a

mixed response from all over, in the past 5 years we have had 80 -90% attendance from America and we are full

each time, 2 or 3 times a year. I think the need to understand is strongest in America.

Do you still demonstrate and teach in England and if so where can people see you?

I have been travelling so much that my time working in the UK has been limited, until fairly recent years I did try to

honour the invitation I always got from Seaford Church and always looked forward to going there, I think they

recently relocated and I have not heard from them for awhile, however, recently speaking with Pembridge,

The London Spiritual Mission, of which I am a life member, I agreed to a Special evening Demonstration with all

proceeds to the much needed Church funds, I also asked that the evening be in honour and memory of my dear

friend, Rev. Larry Taylor who passed to the higher life in October. We are looking at a date in February 2013

I am still very busy with commitments around the World, booking now for 2015, but if any Church or centre in the

UK would like me to work with them, I am always happy to hear from them, when I am home there are usually

some days were we can fit an evening in, and though I believe years ago I served the Churches well in the U.K

(2pounds, a cup of tea and a sandwich) Spiritualism and Mediumship has been good to me, and it is always nice to

be able to give back.

Why did you decide to write your book 'We are eternal'?

People kept asking me to write, I must admit there was a dearth of contemporary books on the subject, most that I

grew up with came from the fantastic library of the SAGB and not many of them were published after 1920s. Also

my good friends James Van Praagh and John Edward were forever telling me that the stories they heard from me

needed to be shared, I think the book was quite something and to the best of my knowledge one of the few that has

James, John and Colin Fry writing endorsing it. I think also I wanted to share with people what I had found to be


Could you please tell us about your involvement with the television series 'Dead History'? As I have recently heard, Aegis films are currently talking with the History Channel, I was approached about 2 years

ago to do a programme with Aegis ( they are the force behind the soon to be seen Crossmaglen, starring Sir Ben

Kingsley) the CEO Arianna Eisenberg is adamant that she wants to use this Medium, the concept . as I read it, is

very interesting, for any update people should visit

You are running a mediums week in the Bahamas and a retreat in France next year. So what can the attendees

expect to experience on these weeks?

The Weeks in Bahamas are great fun buy they are also work. A typical week runs Saturday to Saturday, we usually

start with a demonstration on Saturday evening, then each day we have 2/3 class/workshop/lecture events, they run

from 10am -12noon 2.30-4.30 and some evenings 7.30 -9pm. We do hold meditation on the beach from 8am for

those who wish to attend, and also this year have our World class Zumba teacher for the very energetic at 5 pm! The

venue is outstanding, right on one of the Caribbean’s best beaches and all inclusive hotel (rooms, food, drinks) and

since we have been going there for many years we get an incredibly competitive rate. We have other guest mediums

giving classes and workshops before retiring Peter Close was a regular, Ann Burbedge another. Other friends drop

in for a few days to give a class, John Edward has kindly done this 3 times, it is a great week of learning, sharing

and understanding, with opportunities to enhance your own innate abilities.

France, my second home, is going to be a new venue for us, this will be held in August, we have held one other

before and it went extremely well, now after a 3 year gap, so many have asked to return, I am currently working on

the programme details and accommodation, we will have 20 or so stay at our hotel where the event will be held and

I am currently dealing with the details of other accommodation, this week will be for the classes and lunch only we

are going to give people the option of the type of accommodation they wish to book and where to eat in the

evenings, but again details will be posted on the website very soon. Being held in Brittany it will be easier for most

in Europe to reach and the ferry goes from Plymouth to Roscoff and we are just 40 minutes from the ferry so this

should be good for those who wish to attend from UK!

Thanks to Andy Ford for taking the time to catch up with Robert , you can find out more about the work of Robert

at his website, sign up for his newsletter and follow upon Twitter.

Page 6: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

To Creepy for Occupancy ?

The Most Haunted House In Savannah. Dennis Woods

The most haunted house in Savannah, Georgia is the Hampton Lillibridge

residence. It is the scene of several tragic deaths and the source of true scary

stories about real ghosts….Dennis Woods explains more

The most haunted house in Savannah, according to old-timers,

is the Hampton Lillibridge House at 507 East Saint Julian

Street on Washington Square. The home was originally built

by Rhode Islander, Hampton Lillibridge in 1796.

When Hampton Lillibridge died, his widow remarried and

disposed of the property. The home passed from owner to

owner, and eventually became a boarding house. A sailor

hung himself in one of the third story guest rooms during that


No one would live in the house for a number of years after

that until it was finally purchased by intrepid antique

dealer Jim Williams in 1963. The house was rapidly deterio-

rating. Williams also purchased the house next door, with the

intent to restore both. However, a labourer was crushed to

death during the move of the second house, another victim of

the curse attached to the structure. Workers involved in the

1963 relocation, conceivably stumbled on the source of

the paranormal activity associated with Savannah's most

haunted house. To their horror, workmen uncovered an an-

cient crypt as they were preparing the foundation to move.

Judging from the crypt's tabby construction, it dated back to

early colonial times. Workers reported that the crypt was

empty and so they had simply sealed it up and reburied it.

Williams now suspects this to be the source of the haunting

and regrets not having investigated more thoroughly at the

time. There is an abundance of macabre events associated

with the Hampton Lillibridge house. Tools and equipment of

men working on the restoration mysteriously disappeared or

were relocated. Mocking laughter and footsteps were

reported on several occasions.

Jim Williams himself reported numerous abnor-

malities during his tenure in the house.

For example, he once followed a shadowy figure to

the end of an upper story hall where it mysteriously

disappeared through a door. Williams tried to open

the door himself, but it was locked tight.

On December 7, 1963 the distraught Williams at

last conducted an exorcism of the haunted house

under the auspices of an Episcopal bishop. Unfortu-

nately, the cleansing was ineffective as the paranor-

mal activity resumed within a week.

There are no willing buyers because of the many

true scary stories associated with the most haunted

house in Savannah. Neighbours report shadowy

figures in the windows and eerie music and laugh-

ter as if some paranormal party is underway at one

of Savannah's most haunted places.

Jim Williams

Once again the house is up for sale - who will be

the next owners of this most historic of houses ?

Previous attempts to understand the paranormal

occurrences have been undertaken, The American

Psychical Research Foundation in North Carolina

investigated, and they, too, affirmed the phenom-

ena, as did a team from Duke University, hired by

subsequent owners. It is noted that part of the

house is painted "haint blue," a colour used to

ward off spirits. Apparently, it doesn't

work. Current owners make no comment,

although the house is for sale ($2.8 million).

Page 7: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

“The Glamis Horror”.

Theo Grigore explains more about a Scottish curse

There are serious witnesses that speak of

ghoulish apparitions and these are different

from ghost stories. In Europe, people

believed that ghouls are the rest-

less spirits of people that dies under violent

circumstances and that has not been buried

properly or, because of their mistakes and

way of life, were not accepted in heaven.

Stories of haunted houses are

a main element in ghoul stories. It is said

that Great Britain is the place with the most

houses haunted by ghouls - maybe because

it is popular for modifying and expanding

old buildings in favour of new ones.

Impressive houses but also modest family homes will often be in competition for the title "the most haunted house".

In Scotland, one will find the Glamis castle as being one of the main attractions of the place. This is where Queen

Elizabeth was born and not only is this castle fascinating architectural construction but it holds a story much more

exciting that any history book can ever tell. Almost 600 years ago, on a Saturday night, Patrick, the 3rd Count of

Strathmore was gambling together with Count Crawford. One of the servants came to tell them that Sabbath was close

but Patrick said he would keep on gambling regardless of whether it was Sabbath or not and that even the devil could

join them for a game. At midnight, the devil did show up... he told the two that their souls were lost and they have

been sentenced to gamble in that very room until Judgment Day. In 1957, a servant at Glamis Castle told a local

newspaper that around midnight she hears the two Counts throwing dices and cursing, making the woman afraid.

There is something even more terrible about Glamis Castle.

It seems that somewhere inside this castle there is a small

room built inside the walls. This room old a secret which is

often refer to as "the Glamis horror". This horror is a great

mystery which was passed down from relatives to servants

and then back to relatives.

The 13th Count that died in 1904 told a friend that "if you

could guess the nature of this secret, you would kneel before

God and thank Him it's not yours." His successor, the 14th

Count told the story to the land administrator who

then told the daughter-in-law of the Count:

"You are lucky not to know about it and never being able to

know about it because if you did, you could never be a

happy woman again."

Dining Room at Glamis Castle

A Tale from Glamis Castle

One Sunday, Earl Beardie was guesting at the

castle. After a heavy drinking session with the Earl

of Glamis, he was returning to his room in a

drunken rage shouting for a partner to play him at

cards. Nobody wanted to play on the Sabbath, and

finally he raged that he would play with the Devil

himself. Inevitably there was a knock at the door,

and a tall man in dark clothes came into the castle

and asked if Earl Beardie still required a partner.

The Earl agreed, and they went away to a room in

the castle, slammed the door shut, and started to

play cards.

The castle was rocked with the swearing and shout-

ing from the room, and one of the servants, giving

in to curiosity peeped through the keyhole. A

bright beam of light blasted (in some versions)

through, and blinded the servant in one eye. The

Earl burst from the room and rounded on the ser-

vant for spying on him. When he returned to the

room the stranger, who was the Devil, had disap-

peared along with the Earls Soul, lost in the card

game. The Earl is said to play cards with the

stranger in a walled up room, another slant on the

secret room legend.

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Page 9: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Andy Ford

Psychic Medium

1 - 1 Mediumistic Sittings

Tarot Readings

Past Life Regression

Group Sessions / Workshops

Skype readings available

Contact me through my website or directly for

further details about bookings.

Andy Ford Website

07983 356894

James Marsh was born

during the first year of the

Second World War and

many of his infant years

were spent in air-raid

shelters outside his home.

Bombs rained down from

the German Luftwaffe as

they tried to destroy the city

of Southampton,.

Purchase on Amazon Here

Haunted Southampton,

A spine tingling glimpse of

things that go bump in the night

in the port town.

This in-depth look at the city

features interviews with

mediums and investigators,

first hand stories

and photographs.

Purchase copies

Order your copies at

Robert Brown



Page 10: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Connections with …..

ghosthunter-nrwup from Germany

In August 2012 was our German Ghost hunter-Team

of Ghosthunter-NRWup founded by Claudia and me

(Tom). But we are working since 2010 as Ghost

Hunter in an other Team and we left them and founded

than GH-NRWup. We have now six members

(Markus, Daniela, Irene, Peter, Claudia and Tom).

In the last years we made with our old Team and our

new Team some investigations in private flats, ruins,

different castles (Castle Frankenstein, Chateau

Burg, Castle Vondern, Castle Satzvey, Castle Altena).

Old castles has a special kind of flair and it is very

interesting to check old myths or stories about the

famous “white Ladies”. On Castle Satzvey we could

hear footsteps on a stair, but nobody was there. And on

the Investigation on Chateau Burg we did record a few

good EVPs, also one with the sound of the moving

from furniture.

Düring an investigation within a bar at a local a

Sporthall, we could during the investigation suddenly

smell fresh popcorn. A female Medium told us, that

she could see in the bar, a bar keeper and he told her,

that his daughter liked fresh Popcorn.

During another investigation all male persons in the

room could smell peanuts puffs. But only the male

persons; a medium, who was also there, told us, that

the spirit of a young girl like peanuts puffs. During this

investigation I could feel a touch from these young

spirits on my left arm. A few hours later at home, I

woke up and I saw these spirit, she walked around our

bed and observed us (me and Claudia) and than she

left us.

For me, to be a Ghost hunter is a new form of life,

because a ghost hunter can help persons to find the

reasons of activity, to take their dread, you can meet

interesting people also from different countries and with

different philosophies of ghost hunting and paranormal.

activities. It is very interesting to talk with other people

with the same hobby.

Sometimes we are working also together with Radio,

TV, Newspaper. Over this way we can show the people

that there are humans, they want to help and they have a

“free ear” for your “paranormal problems”. And one im-

portant thing is: We take no money from clients for to

make investigations.

This year (2nd half) we want to do some investigations

in foreign European countries together with two Teams

from the Netherland (P.I.N. – Paranormal Investigators

Netherland and NPRT – Nederlands Paranormaal Re-

search Team). So we are founded a Co-Operation.

And we think, that all ghost hunters are searching for

the same thing, anyone has his own working method and

if we work together with another teams, so each one can

see (maybe) new things or get ideas for his own working


Peter Collins

More information about Tom and his team can be found at

Page 11: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Famous Ghost Hunters By Pete Collins

Ghost stories have been around for many years ...but who where the early investigators?

Dr. Nandor Fodor was one of the leading authorities on poltergeists, hauntings

and other associated kinds of paranormal phenomena. Fodor, who was at one

time Sigmund Freud's associate, wrote on subjects like prenatal development

and dream interpretation, but is credited mostly for his , Encyclopaedia of

Psychic Science, first published in 1934.

Two of Fodor's important investigations were to have far-reaching results.

These were the Ash Manor Ghost and the Thornton Heath Poltergeist, fully

reported in Fodor's The Haunted Mind (Helix Press, 1959)

Dr Nandor Fodor

May 1895 – May 1964

The year 1934 was an important one for psychical

research in Britain. On June 6, the University of London

Council for Psychical Investigation was founded, to take

over the work of the National Laboratory of Psychical

Research which had been founded by Harry Price in 1925.

Price presented the Council with his library, laboratory

and equipment. He had carried out interesting investiga-

tions, but on the whole Spiritualists objected to laboratory

tests by sceptical investigators and scientists. In a vigorous

newspaper article, veteran Spiritualist Hannen Swaffer


"... high-sounding degrees do not impress anybody except

newspapers, and they have used it all before, as their files

will show, about other institutes, all of which ended in the

same way as I prophesy this one will - in nothing. Spiritu-

alism would rather have one medium than the enquiries of

a thousand scientists."

Early in 1934 another organisation came into being - the

International Institute for Psychical Research, with a

Council of both Spiritualists and non-Spiritualists,

dedicated to a sympathetic and unprejudiced investigation

of psychical phenomena. Professor D. F. Fraser-Harris

was announced as Research Officer, but resigned through

a misunderstanding with the Council. In his place, Dr.

Nandor Fodor was appointed, and thus began his years of

practical investigation into psychical phenomena. It was

not until 1938 that Fodor too was involved in an unhappy

misunderstanding with his Council.

Meanwhile he undertook a number of careful investiga-

tions into mediumistic transfiguration, production of

apports, direct voice, levitation, hauntings, poltergeist and

materialisations. He also edited a series of valuable

bulletins issued by the Institute. It must have been a great

satisfaction to Fodor that the first of these, dealing with

poltergeist phenomena, was a collaboration with his friend

Dr. Hereward Carrington, who was Research Officer of

the American Psychical Institute of New York. Later on,

their modest 44-page booklet became the basis for a

more substantial book Haunted People (New York

1951), British edition titled The Story of the Poltergeist

Down the Centuries (London 1953).

Two Investigations by Fodor

During the 1930s and 1970s several ghosts besieged

residents of Thornton Heath, Croydon.

The case was investigated in 1938 by Nandor Fodor,

who claimed that the victim of the poltergeist was in a

sense possessed by the spirit of a murderer, stating that

the visions and nightmares she’d been having were in

fact memories of something akin to a past life. The

case was never solved, as various spiritualists

condemned Fodor’s methods of investigation.

It was in 1936 that he investigated the strange dramatic

story of the Ash Manor Ghost, in which it seemed that

hauntings took place because of abnormal sexual

relationships in the family concerned. Suppressed

sexual energies appeared to provide an atmosphere in

which a phantom could continue to manifest.

Amazingly enough, the basic diagnosis of the case

was through the spirit-guide of a medium whom Fodor

brought into the case. This medium was Mrs. Eileen J.

Garrett, who was later to head the Parapsychology

Foundation in America.

Page 12: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Southampton has one of the darkest and most dreadful histories on record. The city has been assaulted by the Ro-

mans, Vikings, Normans and the King's men, razed to the ground by the French and bombed almost to extinction

by the Nazis. Inside the walls, violence, terror and destruction raged, from the horrors of God's House Tower gaol

to the dolorous deaths of the Southampton Plot ringleaders, who were tried on the spot occupied by the Red Lion

today and executed outside Bargate. A city with a most martial of histories, Southampton has seen millions of sol-

diers flood out from the port towards the battlefields of Europe and beyond - many never to return. With bombs,

blood and battles, famous disasters such as the Titanic and the awful destruction of the Blitz, read it if you dare!

The latest book from author Penny Legg

Page 13: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Penny Legg. Books Haunted Southampton Explore the darkest secrets of Southampton's past

with this collection of stories telling of the inexplicable occurrences and

ghostly apparitions that have haunted residents of the city for centuries.

From the Roman soldiers who pervade Bitterne Manor to the Grey Lady

at the Royal Victoria Country Park, the site of a former military hospital,

the city is host to spirits not yet departed who send a shiver down the

spines of the living. No matter where you are in the city, incidents of un-

explained phenomena have taken place nearby. The Tudor House Mu-

seum is frequently visited by poltergeists, while numerous mysterious

figures have spooked the staff at the City College. Southampton is 'alive'

with ghosts and, for those who dare, their stories can be discovered in

this chilling book.

Under the Queen’s Colours, which is

a book of the reminiscences of service

men and women who have served un-

der the Queen’s colours in the sixty

years of Her Majesty’s reign.

You can find out more about the work of Penny Legg by visiting her

website, where also signed copies of her books can be purchased ..

The book raises money for three service charities. Promoting the book has led to

my making appearances at the War and Peace Show, several veterans events

around the country and at Australia House in London. I have been privileged to

meet some super people and it is great to know that the book will, in a small

way, go towards helping those who have served their country in both Britain’s

and the Commonwealth’s armed forces.

Page 14: Paranormal Press. Issue 16


The Southampton


Several months prior to the investiga-

tion we undertook our usual in-depth

research. Over the many years the

workhouse was operational, numerous

people had come and gone, it was quite

easy to find out who had entered , what

was a challenge was establishing what

happened to those who didn’t leave

walking out of the door, maybe their

departure was of another nature.

The historical records show that the

inmates ranged from 96 years of age to

several weeks old, including numerous

births taking place upon the premises.

The strict routine of workhouse life was

overseen by the master and his wife. In

1881 this duty was bestowed to a young

36 year old Edward Kingman and his

wife Harriet. With their staff of nine

they oversaw the whole operation from

beginning to the end of workhouse life.

Located within the St Marys area of Southampton, the old workhouse was

opened to its “inmates” in 1868. At it’s time it was to house the destitute,

poor and infirm people of the city. At it’s peak of operation it housed over

400 people, conditions were slightly better than living on the streets, but the

consequences of living at the workhouse were to be separated from your

family, work a 16 hour day and adhere to it’s strict rules , for many years

reports of unusual paranormal activity had been reported , so upon their

request we were asked along to find out what is going on for the whole


The Work House

Investigation Date. May 2013

Time 7pm - 06am

Haunted Southampton Team


15 City College Students

Psychic Team

Darren Chambers

The Southampton Workhouse , Hampshire. England

When the workhouse ended it’s purpose, the building was used for

several different projects until the 1960’s when it became an

education institute and today is a small part of the Southampton

City College - and it was through working with the college that an

opportunity came about to undertake the very first paranormal

investigation of this building, parts of the building were especially

opened up, underground areas that for many years had been left in

the condition from the workhouse days.

Some of the students

staying the night at the

alleged haunted workhouse.

Raising money for local


The Piam Brown Ward

“Rattle the stones

Over his bones

He’s only a pauper

Who nobody owns”

Page 15: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

So the investigation started , upon arrival the

team were invited to meet the vice principle

of the college. He presented us with several

items to use , including the original masters

hat, a set of keys used during the workhouse

days and an extremely heavy slate board that

was used each day to record the daily

movements of ins , outs, deaths and births.

Not bad for some trigger objects to use

during the night , so all set with two

members of staff, 15 students of the college

who were raising money for Piam Brown

Ward at Southampton General Hospital the

investigation commenced.

We started a walk around the venue with

everyone in tow, the size of what remains of

the workhouse is impressive , corridors,

rooms and then finally to the recently opened

up underground areas - we knew we had

twelve hours at the location so the walk

around took some time, so much to see and

areas to undertake various vigils it seemed

we were spoilt for choice where to start first.

Our first vigil commenced at the main

entrance, with its imposing spiral staircase.

It was explained to us by one of the venue

staff that this area had experienced what

could be described as playful activity as if

during the night when the place is empty,

someone wanted some attention.

What was experienced by everyone was the

sound of what could be described as a

squeaky wheel, quite distant but also quite

audible. Darren our clairvoyant who had

earlier on during the initial walk around had

picked up upon a little girl who appeared to

be searching this area, pushing a toy pram

on her journey.

Daren explained that this young girl was

searching for her mother, the name of the

little girl was also sensed. Upon historical

research of the attendees of the workhouse, it

was discovered that indeed a young girl aged

four, was admitted to The Workhouse and

the details of parents, unknown !!! They

were never registered, so was this young girl

here in spirit searching the corridors.

Other vigils during the night included small groups entering the

underground areas, the original plans show this area as the

morgue. Again, some very interesting results came back from the

experiments undertaken . As a side note, all pauper funerals were

very basic, no flowers or religious service, this was left to the

inmates. To send off fellow inmates a poem was usually said as a

measure of respect , a small refrain of the poem “rattle the stones

over his bones, he’s only a pauper who nobody owns”.

Now, we thought that by reciting this poem we may encourage any

responses in parts of the workhouse, at times we did indeed

experience some unusual activity upon the instruments we took

along as this poem was being recited.

So, this little insight to our night at The Workhouse is just a taster,

as the Haunted Southampton team aim to return in September

2013, upon Friday 13th for a public investigation -

Maybe we will see you on the night and you yourself can

experience the ghostly occurrences of this wonderful Victorian

building .

The intrepid investigators, all Level 3 Hairdressing and

Beauty students, stayed put all night and raised a total of

£825 in aid of the Southampton-based Piam Brown

Children's Ward, the students' chosen charity.

"It has been a tremendous year for success in both

academic achievement and fundraising. It was a brilliant

night to end the successful year on. We would like to thank

Haunted Southampton for dedicating their time to support

us with the fundraising!"

Julie Burrows

The atmospheric setting of the workhouse

Page 16: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Special Report from

Loyal Arthurian Warband : Guardians of the stones


King Arthur Pendragon, Titular Head and Chosen Chief of The Loyal Arthurian Warband and

Battlechieftain of The Council of British Druid Orders, speaks here about his continuing campaign

to have ‘The Guardians’ re-interred at Stonehenge.

Many of your readers will be aware of Stonehenge whose origins are lost in the mists of time, and many, if not all

will be aware that it is circular in shape. Some will be aware of the 360 or more ancient burial mounds that

encircle the Stones in the surrounding landscape. Stonehenge is a Temple to some and a Monument to oth-

ers ,dependent on your belief as to how you see the Great Circle of Trilithons. Whatever your belief it is at the

epicentre of the Ancestral burial Ground. Some will be aware that the word ‘Henge’ means a circling bank and

ditch which may also be observed to this day.

What many of your readers will not be aware of is an unseen circle of ‘post holes’ between the Bank and Ditch

and the great stone circle. This circle, invisible to the naked eye, is referred to as The Aubrey Holes named after

the one who ‘discovered’ them. First thought to be wooden ‘post holes’ now believed to be the original placement

of the ‘Blue Stones’ brought from the Preseli’s in Wales over five thousand years ago, and likely to predate the

Great Henge we see to this day. Before (on the erection of what we now think of as Stonehenge) the blue stones

were repositioned inside in the horse shoe formation that we now see.

The Guardians

When a number of the Auberry holes were excavated between 1919 and 1926, they were found to contain

Cremated Human Remains, either interred before the original placement of the blue stones or after their removal.

The jury is still out on that one, but I personally ere on the side of the former rather than the latter.

Ether way, these earthly remains were originally positioned with care and deliberation like a Talisman; they had

encircled the Temple since time immemorial. It is these great Ancestors of ours, possibly the very founding fathers

of this Once Green and Pleasant land that we refer to as the Guardians.

After their original dis- interment they were ‘stored’ in various places including a potting shed and under the Ar-

chaeologists bed. After several years of being ‘touted’ to various museums, unsuccessfully with no interest from

the curators, who viewed them as shards of ‘burnt bone’ with no exhibiting value.

They were eventually re-interred into one of the original cremation pits, Auberry Hole 7 in the nineteen thirties.

Unceremoniously jumbled up together, the charred and burnt fragments of nearly sixty individuals were deposited

into one pit and returned once again to the Sacred landscape.

Not satisfactory by any means but for now they were at least back at Stonehenge, if not quite encircling as was the

original intention then at least part of the circle they had once been.

The Protest

Thus was, the story so far, but all that was to change in late August of 2008;

Pictured here, Calliope Muse Priestess and Steve Mugglestone, accredited

Psychic Medium on the ‘Picket’ at Stonehenge.

Page 17: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

'Who's Guarding the Guardians' King Arthur Pendragon, (first appeared

in The Western Daily Press) On the twenty ninth of August two thousand and eight, cremated Human remains were

removed from Stonehenge, in a sad little Tupperware box. They had originally been

excavated from the 'Aubrey holes' encircling the Henge, between 1919 and 1926.

The chard fragments of bone where re-interred into one of the excavated pits, (Aubrey

hole seven) in the 1930s and it was this cache that the archaeologists re-exhumed as

part of the 'Riverside project' in 2008.

Pagans and Druids were asked to 'bless' the dig, but on learning that the archaeologists

had no intention of returning the remains (referred to by the Pagans as the Guardians)

to their resting place at Stonehenge, they refused. For, after all, as the archaeologists

themselves asserted, they had laid there for thousands of years before their disturbance

in the early twenties.

Enter King Arthur Pendragon, Frank Summers, and Kazz Smith, three Druids so

appalled at the prospect of these ancient remains being permanently removed from the

Sacred Site they had guarded since before time immemorial, that they set about

challenging the decisions that allowed this unacceptable development.

Frank, as is his forte set about finding what right for redress, was provided to

challenge under British Law, looking also into the funding of such projects and where

pressure, if any, could be brought to bear.

Arthur and Kazz for their part took the message to the people as part of their

'Stonehenge Picket' for better access at Stonehenge. They also fired the first shot in

their battle with the authorities, by invading the temple at night for a 'naked' Ritual.

Vowing to fight for the Guardians return, a vow they would later renew at a full Druid

ceremony Vernal equinox 2009, and again a year and a day later at Aubrey hole seven.

attending with attendees from English Heritage who manage the site.

The archaeologists for their part put the case for retaining the remains for future

research and informed the druids that they would apply for 'variance' to the existing

order that allowed them two years for analysis.

The Druids for their part suggested retaining a sample for future analysis or looking

into the possibility of reburial in air tight biodegradable plastic containers so, should

forensics move on in the next century as the scientists would have us believe then they

could be re exhumed, before returning to the earth. The archaeologists disagreed.

They did agree however (later to be put in writing) to inform the Druid, in good time

to appeal, to the Department of Justice, who would be granting such an order. By all

accounts a 'rubber stamp' formality. The Stonehenge Picket came to a close after the

government intervened with the promise of a new visitors centre and better access for

all. Still the Archaeologists insisted on retaining the remains for future testing, still the

archaeologists refused to listen to the pleas' of Arthur, Frank and Kazz to return the

guardians to what should have been their final resting place.

So, on the sixth of June 2009 the three Druids reinstated the Stonehenge Picket. Robed

Druids, Banners flying, enlisting the support of, unsuspecting, and in the main, ill-

informed, tourists. Many archaeologists visited the 'Picket' and many came to agree

with the Druids position, from Inspectors of scheduled monuments to Heads of De-

partment, it is even rumoured that the co-director of the 'dig' in question is supporting

a Druid 'Bring back the ancient Dead' badge. As are a number of English Heritage

employees at Stonehenge and wider a field.

There is no great animosity between the two camps and the Druids are regularly

updated on the progress made at the lab of Sheffield University where it has been as-

certained that all were male and in relatively good health. All that remains now is to

carbon date them and return them to the temple they once guarded according to the

Druids petition.

Page 18: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

To show this was and is not a purely

Druid or Pagan issue religion was

included on the petition aimed at the

Department of Justice, who will de-

cide as to whether or not the archae-

ologists may retain the remains per-

manently. Nationality was also in-

cluded to show how widespread it

was and is, this belief in what the

Druids called 'common decency':

"Let those we lay at rest - stay at

rest" reads their banner.

They're still there, at Stonehenge,

the Druids gathering signatures,

Agnostic, Anglican, Baptist, Bud-

dhist, Catholic, Evangelist, Spiritu-

alist, Druid, Hindu, Jew, signing

along side Presbyterian, Unitarian,

Taoist, Islam, Muslim, Sikh, to

name but a few. People from every

Nation and every faith agreeing

without rank on this one issue. If

only their leaders could see it the

same (or should that be sane?) way.

It looks like the Druids have hap-

pened upon the Alchemical mix that

could eventually lead to World

Peace. Common Decency-

respecting the Dead, the one thing

WE can all agree on. It's a start...

Nb, In the event it was I and not

Frank who sought redress under

law and it is I that shall continue to

do so until this situation is resolved.

And what do the ‘Guardians’ think of all this attention they

are getting? We may not be able to ask them, in the accepted

sense, although many messages have ‘come through’ from

various International psychics, both visiting Stonehenge and

through contacting Arthur.

However when Kazz and I as Priest and Priestess renewed

our ‘Guardians vow’ in Stonehenge;

Who by Fire, who by Water, who by Earth and who by Air,

Who by Sun, who by Moon and Standing Stone will

solemnly swear,

To hold this place, the Giant’s Dance.

I by Sword and Holy Lance,

And, I by Guile and I by While,

And, both will smile upon this trial,

For; We will stand, and we will stay,

until the Guardians are returned on another day…..

They put in an appearance;

This photograph, taken at Stonehenge at the Winter Solstice

shows shadowy figures in the ‘mist’ in the Centre of the

Druid Circle. No one witnessed any ‘mist’ at the time, and it

wasn’t until the American tourist who took the photo had

the film developed back in the good old US of A, that the

image came to light.

Are these Bearded Hooded figures in the mist?

And if so; Are They The Stonehenge Guardians?

We’d like to think so,

Blessings from Stonehenge

Arthur /|\

For more about Arthur see;


And, For more about the work they do;

UK citizens can sign the petition on line at;


Page 19: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Guest Contributor:

Freelance writer Stuart Bazga

The Ghosts of The Tower of London: Part 2

In this final installment of The Ghosts of the Tower of London, you will

learn about fate of Catherine Howard and discover the treachery behind the

death of Lady Jane Grey who was Queen of England for only nine days.

The most grisly execution and thus haunting is that of the 70 year old

Countess of Salisbury, the last of the Plantagenets. King Henry VIII had

her executed for political reasons. The feisty Countess refused to put her

head on the block like a common traitor. When her executioner came after

her she ran, but was pursued by him, with his axe in hand hacking at her

until he had hewn the Countess to death. Her ghost has been seen reliving

this truly gruesome act. Also the shadow of a great axe has been seen

falling across the scene of her murder.

At one time the Tower of London was home to the Royal Menagerie.

Lions, leopards, bears, birds, monkeys and an elephant, that was a gift

from the King of France, were kept on exhibit. On the stroke of midnight

in January of 1815 a sentry saw a bear from this menagerie emerge from a

doorway. He lunged at it with his bayonet, it passed right through the

apparition. The Sentry was later found unconscious, it is said he died of

fright within two months of this encounter.

Something unseen and very frightening is in the Salt Tower. This is one of

the most haunted areas of the Tower of London complex. This is a very old

section, dogs will not enter this ancient building, and ever since one of the

Yeoman Warders was nearly throttled by a force unseen, they will not go

in the area after nightfall.

In 1864, a soldier whose post was to guard the Queen’s House at the

Tower of London, saw a apparition so real, that after ignoring the soldiers

three challenges, he charged with all his might at the intruder with his

bayonet, only to go straight through the figure. He was found unconscious

at his post and was court-martialled for neglecting his duty. Luckily there

were two witnesses who corroborated his story. The soldier was eventually


Lady Jane Grey is another tragic story of a young life cut short at the

Tower, due to the actions of others the most despicable of who was her

own father. She was the granddaughter of Mary (Henry VIII younger

sister) and Louis XII of France. The Duke of Northumberland would lose

everything if Henry VIII’s son was to die and Mary, who was Catholic,

would become queen. Her father was involved in a rebellion against Mary

I, Lady Jane and her husband were placed in the tower. Lady Jane watched

as her husband was taken to Tower Hill where he was beheaded. She saw

his body being carried back to the chapel, after which she was taken to

Tower Green where she was beheaded. She was only 17 years old.

“Lady Jane Grey, also known as Lady Jane Dudley or The Nine Days'

Queen, was an English noblewoman and de facto monarch of England

from 10 July until 19 July 1553. She relinquished the crown and was

subsequently executed”.

Lady Jane Grey’s ghost was last seen

by two Guardsmen on February 12,

1957, the 403rd anniversary of her

execution. She was described as a

"white shape forming itself on the

battlements". Her husband, Guildford

Dudley, has been seen in Beauchamp

Tower weeping.

Catherine Howard escaped from her

room in the Tower of London. "She

ran down the hallway screaming for

help and mercy. She was caught and

returned to her room." The next day

she was beheaded. Her ghost has been

seen sill running down the hallway

screaming for help.

Other strange sightings at the Tower of

London have been "Phantom funeral

carriages" and “A lovely veiled lady

that, upon closer look proves to have a

black void where her face should be."

This concludes the brief insight to the

Ghosts of The Tower of London. I

hope this has fired your imagination

enough so that you want to learn more

about the Towers most GRUESOME


If you want to read about more

haunting tales about haunted castles

please read my next article within the

next issue.

Best Wishes and Have a Great Day

Stuart Bazga

Lady Jane Grey

Page 20: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Tools of The Trade

The appliance of science within paranormal investigations By Peter Collins

During any paranormal investigation it would make good practice

to look at the various pieces of equipment used to try and establish

or even discount if any paranormal activity is occurring. So often I

see or am made aware of some thing new coming onto the market

that is supposed to enhance the toolbox of any paranormal

investigator, and often I am quite surprised when I see items for sale

with a large difference in the price because something is labelled for

‘ghost’ detection. In my experience often the eyes and ears are the

best pieces of equipment - however I do enjoy using equipment as

neither I, nor any of the Haunted Southampton team, claim any

psychic ability. Here are some thoughts about some of the specific

equipment we use during investigations.

Full Spectrum Cameras

So, your on an investigation armed with your digital camera

in the hope of finding some evidence of paranormal

activity. But, a digital camera takes a picture of what you

see after all the camera never lies.

So what do humans see? Well it is called the Visible

Electromagnetic Spectrum . However, this visible part that

us humans can see is actually a very small part of the full

spectrum of light—so what if we had a device that enables

us to see information and data beyond our limited view as

humans, what will we find.?

Full spectrum camera use for paranormal investigators has

done exactly this, enabled us to see and record data from

the low ultra violet through to infra red. Ordinary digital

cameras are designed to replicate the human eye view -

with some modification (its not easy) but you can rearrange

the way a digital camera allows the full spectrum light

through the lens thus taking pictures beyond our human

capability and seeing into a different world of light which is

invisible to the human eye.

The above device is one we use during all of our

investigations. The benefits of this particular model

is that the ranges available enable you to use a wide

range of settings for all environments.

Looking at the graph below gives you an idea on

how full spectrum cameras work. The full spectrum

of light from ultra violet through to far infrared is a

pattern of different wavelengths and the small

section labelled visible light is the small part of

light that the human eye can only see .

Using a full spectrum camera opens up our eyes to

all aspects of light , having the ability to view data ,

pictures and video offers a different aspect to the

investigation of paranormal activity.

As with all cameras using a mono or tripod keeps

that image still and best practice is to not take one

but several pictures of the exact area at the same

time. We can set our full spectrum camera to take

multiple images in several seconds , so far results

have been encouraging .

A Full Spectrum Camera

Page 21: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Full Spectrum ; The Theory

You have your full spectrum camera for an investigation and clicking away snapping every part of a location using

your tripod . Looking at the pictures post investigation , all look very nice of high quality , but what exactly are we

looking for and why does full spectrum photography take on a role within paranormal investigations?.

Firstly, a common perception is that many people have encountered the “corner of the eye phenomena” dark

shadows moving quickly , but we just get the faintest of glimpse of that movement. There is a theory that ghosts

and spirits can only be “viewed” in the upper and lower regions of the spectrum of light, the areas humans can’t see

which is handy for the ghosts but not us investigators. In the same scenario many accounts of full apparitions have

been witnessed by the human eye, so a quandary to see or not to see !!!

All sounds confusing , theories abound but what is the point of a full spectrum camera, well you may have to have

a degree in Physics to understand, however, a little knowledge can go a long way to understanding the strange

world of the science of ghosts.

Lets say for example, that ghosts have an energy

sometimes known as the electrical energy we all

have as humans. Thinking about one the laws of

physics ; “The Law of Conservation of Energy"

Energy cannot be destroyed only transferred so

where does the electrical energy we have as hu-

mans go when we die?

Some theorists explain that it is this energy that

enables ghosts / spirits to move around , which is

one hypnotises, the movement people often see is

just that the soul of a human having energy

transferred from the human alive body to the soul

upon death, again hard to prove as it is just a

theory. So can this movement be captured with

the naked eye? In order to see some thing it has

to have a mass - a form of solidness , but if you

are able to see beyond the human level , “full

spectrum” maybe you don't have to be a mass or

slightly solid to capture on film?

It is all theory based and subject to different

interpretations but the fundamentals of things we

cant see as humans do in fact travel through solid

mass such as walls has been discussed.

A recent experiment at The South Poke detected

and photographed high-energy neutrino particles.

These particles it was found , as neutrinos pass,

they very rarely bump into the nuclei of atoms in

the ice, producing a brief flash that the detectors

can catch. With more than 5,000 detectors catch-

ing flashes at different times, the direction of the

neutrinos' arrival can be determined.

This exploration within the South Pole has nothing to do with

any forms of paranormal activity, but, it can suggest that we

have not yet discovered all on this planet of ours.

The set up to actually capture photographs of these particles

was immense, if spirits and ghosts are on the same level of

particle movement we need to look at the alternatives of

photography to try and capture such movements, hence using

the possibility of full spectrum photography to capture some

thing we as humans can’t see.

So, to sum up, if we accept that ghosts have an energy, leaving

the human upon death, energy cannot be destroyed only

transferred ( “The Law of Conservation of Energy" ) that

energy enables the movement of particles at a speed or wave-

length we as humans cannot view maybe a full spectrum

camera can enable us to view that movement.

It is just a theory with scientific theories of ghosts but it is one

that cant be eliminated , unless you know different ?

A picture using our Full Spectrum cameras , to analyse a

corridor that has had reports of movement of shadows and

people experiencing corner of the eye phenomena.

Page 22: Paranormal Press. Issue 16

Juliet Writes It Down

Hope to see you soon on an investigation...

Juliet Collins

Paranormal Community – great place to be!

I have recently been slightly taken aback but pleased to see that our Face book page and our Paranormal Press has been read in so many different countries. Who'd have thought that just over four years ago something that the Hubby, myself and the Brother in Law started as a hobby would take over so much of our lives and help us make so many friends – many who have become very

On our Face book page we have postings from Germany, America, Malaysia, and I have even had chats with Australians! So what, I have though to myself, makes us so appealing? On consideration however, I believe that it is not particularly us that is the appeal but the fact that paranormal experi-ences are something that we all like to talk about – whether we are British, German, American – no matter what country we originate from we all have our stories and experiences. And it is much more enjoyable to talk about then to people who are like minded, rather than the guys at work who though are very tolerant of my escapades, tend to regard me more like the local village idiot than a fearless explorer of the night! But even they are intrigued – I often walk in to a chorus of 'Here she is – the Spooky Lady!' and they all ask me what I have been up to recently as if they are waiting for the next episode in a soap opera.

The human experience is one that has certain commonalities the world over – we all have certain in-evitable events that we share no matter where or who we are – school life, siblings and marriage, births, death and is a part of who we are and what being a human being involves. Barely a day passes without us recounting to somebody an aspect of our past that we share – whether it is the rotten weather, the boss at work's attitude or the kids illnesses and antics as they make their journey to adulthood. The common threads throughout our lives gives us a basis for com-munication – a means to be able to talk to perfect strangers comfortably and to be able to share our moods and experiences.

However for us paranormal peeps it is a little more than that. Our 'hobby' can seem to most people a little oddball – even downright weird, and it makes some people uncomfortable talking about such things – often a person's religion can have implications as to their acceptance of our pastime, or their own experiences can colour their beliefs. I have often been told that I shouldn't be 'dabbling' with things I don’t understand, or that I need to make sure that I am protected.

The Paranormal Community however provides somewhere we can go to talk openly, without criticism or admon-ishment about something we love doing. The sharing of stories and experiences helps us reach out to others with the same frame of mind – something we sometimes are made to feel self conscious about. Are we Nerds? Undoubtedly! But we are nerds with hearts – and to be able to shout about something we all enjoy is also a common human experience – and sharing the love surely is worth shouting about!

Paranormal Unity!! Long may it Reign!