paradise high school 2009 – 2010 “leadership” by just popping in ……

Paradise High School 2009 – 2010 “Leadership” by just popping in ……

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Paradise High School 2009 – 2010

“Leadership” by just popping in ……

Page 2: Paradise High School 2009 – 2010 “Leadership” by just popping in ……

Definition: Walk-Throughs are 2-4 minute regular visits to classrooms by instructional leaders that provide a school-wide snapshot, over time, of classroom environments, learning experiences,and student perspectives.

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Purpose:To view the entire school, not to

evaluate individual teachersTo gather data unassumingly To serve as a catalyst for reflective

school-wide dialogueTo help educators articulate and

practice customary, attentive teaching that enhances student learning

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Rationale: Assist administrators to act as instructional

leaders Promote a team ambiance throughout the

campus with school-wide expression Students receive the message that teaching

and learning are the focus to our school belief system

Administrators gauge the overall school environment rather than individual aspects

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Overview of Importance:

A technique to strengthen curriculum alignment and instruction on a daily basis in all classrooms

An instrument to increase classroom visit effectiveness

A productive technique to promote dialogue between teachers and administrators concerning the classroom teaching environment

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CWT will promote: Increased student achievement in classroom and on the TAKS test Improved instructional practices within the classroom setting Fewer office referrals due to classroom disruptions Relationships built between instructors, students, and administrators Systematic approach to increasing student achievement

Improved instructional practices within the classroom Identify “Best Practices” and effectiveness of curriculum implementation

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An attentive classroom visit will only consist of a brief period of time followed by a time of reflection between the teacher and the administrator.

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A Classroom Walk-Through:

Should be no more than 2-4 minutes within a classroom

setting for each visit

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A Reflective Dialogue:

Should take no more than 2-4 minutes for

the administrator and teacher discussion

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is designed to assist in… Reflecting on beneficial teaching

practices Aligning instruction across the

campus/district Curriculum analysis skills in subject area Improving student attainment of subject

area “Coaching” for improved practice in the


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4 Types of Classroom Visits:

1. Visible presence of Administrator

2. Informal teacher observation

3. Formal teacher observation

4. Brief Classroom Walk-Through

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is NOT intended


evaluation purposes

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What is being looked for in a CWT:

Teaching Objective/Learning Expectation Grade-level target Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy Appropriate Text and Materials for lesson Instructional Strategies Student engagement Survey of Learning Environment

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Instructional Strategies:o Providing information in a variety of methodso Differentiating instructiono Modeling desired skills, actions, and outcomeso Examples provided to transfer knowledgeo Investigate and observe from a variety of sourceso Check for understanding/varied questioningo Re-teachingo Cooperative learning o Creative thinkingo Compare and contrasto Reflective activitieso Providing extension opportunities

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Assessment: Formal


Informal (Checking for Understanding)ObservationQuestioningPeer Assessment/EvaluationSkill Demonstration Teacher actively monitoring

(walking around)

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Learner Engagement: This step focuses on the level of attention

that students are devoting to the task. Engagement- work has clear importance to the students Strategic compliance – Student associates work with extrinsic

consequences that are of value Ritual compliance – Student uses whatever effort available to

avoid negative consequences Disengagement – Student is off task and disconnected while

spending little or no effort to comply with the instructor Rebellious – Student refuses to do the assigned tasks

* To determine engagement level, students may be asked questions during the brief walk-through.

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Learning Environment:Data is collected while “walking the walk” around the

classroom. TEKS of the assignment are posted and in sight Lesson Objective is posted and in sight Classroom is organized for learning to take place Current/relevant displays Samples of student work are in view for display Writing samples are posted Resources available for student use Classroom Behavior Expectations posted and in sight

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When will CWT’s be conducted?

GOAL:Every Classroom Three visits each grading

periodDifferent times of dayDifferent times of week

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After the Walk-Through:

Document observation:Teaching Objective and Student

ExpectationGrade-level TargetLevel of Bloom’s Taxonomy Text and/or materials

Review notes:Instructional StrategiesLearner EngagementLearning Environment

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The ability to express what is taking place in the class and make sense of what is happening on a daily occurrence. However, it is more important to look forward, to foresee what is to come and what are the steps to get to the desired objective.

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Reflective Dialogue Must Contain:

A decisive time for a close look A eagerness to be open-minded to other

points of view Knowingly processing your thoughts Obtaining new insights and appreciation Dedicated action with the learning that

has taken place

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Quality Reflection :

Requires Practice Given only about 50% of time No answer is expected Take about 5 minutes

Purpose: To discuss how a Classroom Walk-Through can impact teaching and learning in our school

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Special Thanks to: o DeAnna Jenkins – ESC Region XI, Ft.

Worth, Txo Prairie Grove ISDo Peter Pappas – “Teacher Lead Professional

Development”o Todd Weidemann – Berrien Springs HSo www.schoolforeducators.como www.learning24/7.como