papua new guinea outreach information pack 2015 · ywam medical ships - australia papua new guinea...

Papua New Guinea Outreach Information Pack 2015 YWAM MEDICAL SHIPS - AUSTRALIA OutrEach infO rmaTion 2015

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ContentsYWAM Medical Ships ..................................................................4Overall Aims .................................................................................5How Can I Get Involved? .............................................................6Health Care Volunteers ................................................................72015 Outreaches ..........................................................................8Outreach Details ..........................................................................9Living on Board ............................................................................10Outreach Costs ............................................................................12Fundraising ..................................................................................13Registration Process ....................................................................15

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YWAM Medical Ships Australia (YWAM MSA), headquartered in Townsville, is part of the worldwide Christian movement, YWAM (Youth With A Mission). YWAM MSA is a Christian charity that offers global opportunities for volunteers to care, connect, serve, and build with individuals and communities. YWAM MSA values individuals’ rights to quality of life. The shared motivation is to provide people with:

• Access to quality health care• Food, clean drinking water, and shelter• Opportunity for education• Expression of culture, arts, and entertainment• Healthy relationships• Exposure to Christian faith and values• Fair and productive government• Opportunity to work and develop

YWAM MSA is actively developing communities by addressing the health care and training needs in Papua New Guinea (PNG) alongside the priorities of the PNG National Health Plan and AusAID’s commitment to the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. YWAM MSA is implementing programs with its medical ship and land-based teams in rural communities in association with key stakeholders and partners.

YWAM Medical Ships


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To see improved quality of life for the people of Papua New Guinea (PNG) through development-focused programs, with an emphasis on the health sector, while also building Australians’ capacity to serve through volunteering.


YWAM MSA’s vision is based on the need for a respectful and collaborative patnership with the people of PNG and Australia. The aim is to see major sustainable health impovement in PNG while simultaneously seeing relationships strengthened between Australia and PNG.

Proven Track Record

YWAM has operated ships in the Pacific nations since 1991. These ships have visited 160 ports in 16 nations including hundreds of island visits to establish long-standing reputations of excellence, integrity, and results.

In 2010, a strategic plan to provide health care services for PNG was established and from there focus was concentrated. Since that time over 249,000 health, training, and community development services have been provided in 594 villages across the nation of PNG.

Overall Aims



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There are many ways to get involved with the medical ship outreaches to PNG. The following opportunities may give you an idea of where you would like to assist:

Marine VolunteerMany of the locations we access are extremely isolated with diverse river systems and many uncharted areas. When you enquire, let us know your experience and qualifications. We require a number of qualified mariners to operate the ship. This includes marine engineers, deck officers, and crew.

Health Care VolunteerWe regularly run primary health care, dentistry, optometry, and ophthalmology clinics and require a wide variety of professionals in these areas. If you have health expertise outside these areas, please let us know as our outreaches are not limited to the areas listed above, and we can look at expanding our program depending on the professionals we have on board at any given time.

General VolunteerWondering what you can offer on a medical ship? Even if you do not have medical or marine qualifications, there is still so much you can do to help in Papua New Guinea. Picture yourself registering patients, organising children’s programs, helping distribute spectacles, or even assisting with cooking or housekeeping onboard! People of all ages and experience are welcome to join us as a general volunteer.

TeamChurch or business teams are welcome to volunteer onboard the ship together. Please register your interest early as team spots tend to fill very quickly!

How Can I Get Involved?


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If you’re looking for an opportunity to use your skills in a developing nation, then come and join us in Papua New Guinea!

Primary Health Care Clinic (PHC)Calling all general practitioners, nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists, midwives, and primary health care workers. The PHC clinic has an emphasis on health education, malaria treatment and prevention, and maternal health. Basic wound care, general health care, immunisations, and physiotherapy are some of the services provided by YWAM MSA.

Dental ClinicDentists, hygienists, dental assistants, and specialists are welcome to join the dentistry clinic. With approximately 1 dentist for every 100,000 people, oral care is a huge need in Papua New Guinea.

Optometry ClinicThere is so much joy in handing a pair of spectacles to someone who otherwise would have very poor vision. Optometrists and assistants are needed to help prescribe and distribute spectacles.

Ophthalmology ClinicOphthalmology is a critical component in restoring sight in PNG. YWAM MSA requires ophthalmologists, orthoptists, and ophthalmic scrub nurses who can assist with cataract and pterygium surgeries.

*Please note: YWAM MSA willl be expanding their surgical services in 2016

“Thank you so much for helping me to fulfill a dream that I have had since I was a teenager forty years ago to use my optometry overseas. Thank you for welcoming me so warmly and all you did to help me relax into this new role.”

-Carol Bartlett, Optometrist, Australia

Health Care Volunteers


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2015 OutreachesBelow are the first set of outreach opportunities for 2015, aboard our new Training and Medical Ship, MV YWAM PNG. It promises to be an incredible year as we introduce the Ship to Papua New Guinea. Across these maiden voyages, each outreach will be unique: covering both rural and urban areas, over 1-2 neighbouring provinces. In a metamorphosis of sorts, 2015 and 2016 will bear witness to a progressive refit of MV YWAM PNG. For more information on the refit of the vessel, please head to our website.

These outreach teams will be the pioneers along the MV YWAM PNG journey – if you would to be considered to jump aboard, complete the online registration or download the Volunteer Registration Pack on our website. We’d love to see what options there are to work together!*

*Please note that placements are made on the basis of best fit and skill-mix for forming field teams, rather than on a first-in-first-serve basis. We’d love to receive your registration and see how we can work together.

Outreach Calendar Outreach Programs

Outreach # Location Dates PHC DEN OPT OPH

1Western & Gulf Provinces

Arrive: Port Moresby, NCDDepart: Port Moresby, NCD

23rd April - 13th May ◆ ◆

2Central Province

Arrive: Port Moresby, NCDDepart: Alotau, Milne Bay

17th May - 25th May ◆ ◆ ◆

3Milne Bay ProvinceArrive: Alotau, Milne BayDepart: Alotau, Milne Bay

25th May - 5th June ◆ ◆ ◆

4Oro & Morobe Provinces

Arrive: Alotau, Milne BayDepart: Lae, Morobe

9th June - 28th June ◆ ◆ ◆

LEGENDPHC Primary Health Care ClinicDEN Dental ClinicOPT Optometry ClinicOPH Ophthalmology Clinic

*Dates subject to change

*Note: further outreaches are planned for later in 2015. These dates are to be confirmed at a later time.


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We are so glad that you have taken an interest in joining us for an outreach in Papua New Guinea! The following information will give you an understanding of an outreach in PNG on the YWAM Medical Ship.

ArrivalVolunteers will arrive in either Port Moreseby or Alotau (depending on the location of the outreach). Once on board, volunteers receive a comprehensive orientation about the ship and PNG. The ship will then sail to the outreach destination. Please check with your Registrar before booking your flights.

TrainingAll volunteers will be trained in their respective roles prior to clinics beginning. On board safety training will be conducted and the national standards of health care in PNG reviewed.

AccommodationVolunteers will sleep on board the ship in a cabin with at least one other volunteer with your own storage space for personal belongings. We will try our best to accomodate married couples and families. As part of the ‘mother ship’ concept, there may be the opportunity to be on a small team that travels to remote villages by patrol tenders (small boat). Members of this team may stay on land for a few nights.

StructureThe ship will spend eight to ten days on location. While onboard, you will also participate with regular work duties (e.g. washing dishes after meals). Clinic days are usually five days per week. Sundays are typically a day off with opportunities to attend and to be involved in a local church service. Church is an important part of PNG culture, and we often work very closely with the local churches who are the main healthcare providers. Most evenings will have an optional social activity on board for volunteers. There may also be opportunities in the evening to spend more time with the local people.

The TeamPeople of all different ages, nationalities, and backgrounds volunteer on board the Medical Ship. It is important to understand that some people may have different ways of communicating and interacting. Bearing this in mind, all volunteers are asked to be culturally sensitive.

Building relationships while creating fun memories and developing personal character is a key aspect of outreach. Volunteers may experience situations that stretch or challenge them; it is important to support and encourage one another in these times.

Your RoleIf you are a medical or marine professional, you will be placed in the team relevant to your skills. If you are a general volunteer, you will receive training and be placed in a clinic area or in an onboard housekeeping or cooking team.

DebriefEach outreach will finish with a time to discuss the outreach and a celebration to reflect on the adventures had.

DepartureThe ship will sail back to Port Moresby, Alotau, or Lae where volunteers depart on the final outreach date.

Outreach Details


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Living on board a ship is fun and exciting. Extra care is required due to the difficulties anddangers of sailing. Living in close community will be a new experience for some and may be a big adjustment.

Here is some information to help prospective volunteers get an idea of whether the adventure is suitable.

Physical ConditionsOn board the YWAM Medical Ship, living conditions may be tighter than what you are used to. The vessel has several levels with many sets of stairs, which may cause difficulty if you have any physical limitations.

FoodDue to availability of stock in PNG and refrigeration restrictions on board, some food items, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, are limited. Please extend grace to the galley team as they do their best to prepare nutritious and balanced meals with the items available to them.

Temperature ExtremesMost areas we work in are located in tropical climate that can be very hot and often humid. The ship is air-conditioned and can be quite cool overnight.

AtmosphereIt is important to know that you will be working in a culture different to your own and maybe challenged by what you see and experience. YWAM MSA recommends that volunteers rally some close friends who are aware of the outreach to support them during and after the adventure.

YWAM is a Christian organisation and PNG is a predominently Christian nation. Therefore, there will be opportunity to pray for patients in each of the clinics. There will also be opportunities for people to be involved in group worship and prayer on board the ship during the outreach. These activities are optional.

FlexibilityThe schedule can change at any time due to a variety of reasons. The catch phrase of PNG is that it is the “land of the unexpected.” Keep this in mind; flexibility is key!

Authority and AccountabilityDue to the unique nature of these outreaches, we want to help you understand the accountability structure of our organisation. YWAM MSA’s ship manager from Townsville headquarters will lead and facilitate the outreach, the medical coordinator will assist clinic leaders of each medical team to make sure the clinics run smoothly, and the captain will oversee areas concerning navigation of the ship and safety on board.

Medical Working ConditionsThe dental and ophathalmology clinics are usually located in our onboard clinic and the primary health care and optometry clinics are held in villages. The location may be a nearby school, church, or in someone’s home. Conditions will vary depending on the outreach destination, and onboard leaders will endeavour to equip volunteers with as much orientation beforehand as possible.

Living on board the YWAM Training and Medical Ship


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Outreach Costs

Cost: Outreach # Total Outreach Cost

1 790 AUD

2 490 AUD

3 590 AUD

4 790 AUD

These costs cover:• Food and accommodation• Transport costs (pick-up and drop-off at airport in closest capital city to outreach location)• Outreach uniform (two collared YWAM shirts)• Travel insurance - limited cover under a group travel policy• Administration and resource materials• General ship upkeep and maintenance

What these costs do not cover:• Travel between your home country and Papua New Guinea• Visa for PNG• Personal spending money• Immunisations and malaria prophylaxis• Personal travel insurance policy• Professional indemnity insurance• Any extra team items that you would like to purchase (see items to donate)

* YWAM MSA reserves the right to update/change this Outreach Information pack at any time

“I have heard stories and seen pictures of PNG, but there is nothing like actually experiencing life here in person. I have learned so much in two short

weeks... an unforgettable and amazing experience!”

- Ruth Lewis, General Volunteer, UK


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Perhaps you or people you know would like to give more ...

Extra Items for Donation

Keeping in mind your airline’s baggage allowance, please feel free to bring extra items to donate to the YWAM Medical Ship or the community you will visit.

These can include:

• Small toys - bracelets, stickers, balloons, etc.• Bibles (English/Pidgin/Motu)• Sunglasses & reading glasses (+1.00 to +2.00 needed most)• Medical equipment and supplies (please request a list from YWAM Medical Ships)• School supplies• Kids program supplies

Tips for Fundraising

If you do not already have the finances for an outreach, you may have to spend some time fundraising.If this is a challenge for you, please don’t let that stop you from coming along.

Every individual who volunteers for YWAM Medical Ships, from the Managing Director to the deckhand, relies on fundraising for 100% of their income. So if you require support, or if you would like to accept the challenge and do some extra fundraising for your outreach, we can offer fundraisingadvice.


“It was an amazing outreach. I feel that being on the primary health care team has changed me, both in myself and in my nursing career.”

-Debbie Hammond-Watson, Registered Nurse, Australia


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How to Register

First-time Volunteers 1. Visit and register online or download the Volunteer Registration pack.

Alternately, contact our office for a copy of the Volunteer Registration pack to be posted to you.

2. Have either your employer or pastor complete the confidential online reference form.

3. Medical and marine professionals - please supply all requested documents in addition to your registration.

Returning Volunteers

Register online at or download the Volunteer Registration pack and complete the Returning Volunteer Registration form.

Complete these steps as soon as possible to ensure you can join your preferred outreach. Please note, you are more than welcome to register for more than one outreach or give a range of options if you are flexible. We will try to give you your first preference for outreach, yet due to the high interest, we cannot always guarantee additional outreaches.

Payment of Fees

YWAM Medical Ships requires a 20 AUD fee to be paid with registration for new volunteers. This fee is waived for returning volunteers. This payment can be made in the following ways:

1. Online at, click “PAY OUTREACH FEES” at the top of the webpage. Mastercard and Visa accepted.

2. Australian cheque or an international bank draft made payable in Australian dollars. These should be made out to “YWAM Medical Ships.”

3. Direct deposit or wire transfer. Details to arrange payments of this type are available on our website.

Outreach fees and payment schedule are included in your Preparing to Come Pack. A deposit is due within a week after your position has been confirmed on outreach. Full payment is due four weeks prior to the start of outreach.


If, for whatever reason, you decide not to go on outreach, please notify us as soon as possible as there may be other individuals on the waiting list. Further details regarding cancellation and fees are included in the Preparing to Come Pack.

Registration Process


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PO Box 1959 Townsville QLD 4810Australia

Phone : +61 7 4771 2123Fax : +61 7 4772 4414Email : [email protected] :

Version Date: 11/2/2015