paper4-age based health care

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  • 8/12/2019 Paper4-Age Based Health Care


    Age based health care rationing in USA

    Health care rationing is a concept which is getting popular day by day in the

    circles of medical science. Health care rationing means the provision of medicines

    and other articles of health care to the population.

    Currently, the concept which is prevalent in the most of the societies is economy

    based health care rationing. As the name depicts, the concept implies the surety of

    provision to healthcare articles and services to only those who can afford to pay

    money against the provision of these things or services.

    This type of health care rationing affects almost 15-20% population of USA.

    These 15-20% people are either unwilling to buy these provisions against money

    or they are too poor to buy. The main thing which is subjugated under health care

    rationing is the insurance policy. In USA, government doesnt provide any health

    insurance policy currently, on a macro level.

    People have to buy their health insurance policies themselves or sometimes their

    employers offer this facility as well as other facilities of the healthcare. In such

    scenario of health care, the majority population of USA has to rely on their own

    funds or on their employers for the healthcare and health insurance.

    This is quite an alarming situation and isnt restricted only to USA. There are

    many countries which are facing the adverse conditions of healthcare provisions.

    Sometimes insurance companies despite having agreements with some big

    organizations and corporations, hinder the employees way to insurance by

  • 8/12/2019 Paper4-Age Based Health Care


    holding some pre-screening tests and judging the conditions of the employee and

    then they refuse to have an insurance agreement with the employee.

    Recently, a new concept of healthcare has been introduced and it is called age

    based health care. This concept ensures that some fraction of the total population

    gets the health care facilities, either total or partial. How that fraction will be

    figured out is determined by age.

    The originally proposed plan is to offer more services of healthcare to younger

    individuals than to the old ones. This plan may sound weird but is good actually

    by many aspects. For example, this based healthcare plan is likely to be opted by

    governments of different countries, thereby shedding the load of healthcare from

    the shoulders of the citizens.

    Another benefit of this plan is that the government will be better able to control

    the prices of drugs since once adopted, this plan will demand that government

    takes the expenses of age based health care to itself either partially or completely.

    This project has critical importance for some nations. USA and Japan are two

    major examples. In Japan, quite a big portion of the population is older than 60

    years. The number of young people is decreasing there for many reasons. Since

    we are not meant to discuss and analyze that case in detail here, lets take the case

    of USA.

    At present, 13% or more population of USA belongs to age group which has the

    lower limit of 65 years and the percentage is increasing day by day. It is expected

    that by the year 2030, this percentage will rise to nearly 21%. This means that

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    people belonging to younger ages, will keep decreasing as a fraction of USs


    Moreover, the age group which is expanding rapidly has a lower age limit of 80

    years. These trends relating to USA are quite alarming because youth is the

    backbone of any country. From, man power to other walks of life you mostly need

    young people in order to have excellent performance. Their depletion will mean a

    reduction in countrys assets.

    Moreover, the fact is that average age of human beings is nearly 60 to 65 years at

    maximum these days (considering medical options only and ignoring the social

    factors i.e. wars, famines etc.). So, it means that those who are more than 60 years

    old, have already lived a time period which is the total life span of a human being

    on average. In such a scenario, they should not have any problem with such kind

    of proposals.

    This plan may seem unfair apparently, but the thing is that it ensures the safer

    future of young generation in general. Some may argue that differentiating on the

    basis of the age, in the provision of healthcare facilities is not in accord with the

    fundamentals of justice and equality. For such people, Id like to mention that

    equality and justice, although used in an interchangeable manner in daily routine,

    arent exactly the same things.

    How arent equality and justice the same things? Ill show you in the following

    lines. Equality means to distribute resources among all equally, without any

    discrimination on any basis, whereas justice demands that each one gets fairly

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    enough to meet his needs and requirements easily. Thats the difference.People

    from older age groups are those who have spent their lives doing jobs, either

    public/ private or government. Therefore these people have enough resources

    usually, to afford the health care rationing. This is the perfect reason why I

    suggest that government should not be a patron for healthcare provisions to old


    Government should instead focus on providing the younger age groups since the

    people belonging to them are struggling and do not have enough funds available

    as savings to fight their sickness and diseases. Their recovery from the disease

    with governments funds may provide the country with at least 25-30 years of

    their service which is not a bad deal.

    If government cant sponsor age based health care plans fully, then it should at

    least give some subsidy on health care on the basis of age of the individuals.

    Some other measures can be taken as well. For example, government may

    implement age based health care plans only for major diseases i.e. heart diseases,

    cancer of very early and curable stage etc. Government may ask the individuals,

    whether young or older, to bear the expenses of their minor diseases and routine

    checkups themselves.

    Government may give health based loans on the basis of age groups. This is also a

    part of age based health care and it makes more sense the chances of having the

    original amount of debt as well as interest are more than those of older age groups

    which may depart the world any time.

  • 8/12/2019 Paper4-Age Based Health Care



    Shelp, E. E. (Ed.). (1981). Justice and health care. Reidel.

    World Health Organization, & Unicef. (1978). Health: a time for justice, primary health care.

    Williams, A., & Evans, J. G. (1997). The rationing debate. Rationing health care by age. BMJ: British Medical

    Journal, 314(7083), 820.