paper topic a

  NAT IONAL HIGH SCHOOL MODEL UNITED NATI ONS 2015 Delegation: The Rep!li" o# Angola Co$$ittee: Unite% Nation& Ha!itat 'UN Ha!itat( Topi ": )il%ing Cit* Re&ilien"e to Nat+al Di&a&te+& in Soth A&ia Delegate&: ,e## Tong an% ,e##+e* Chen EAST )RUNS-IC. HIGH SCHOOL

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Model UN Position Paper


Page 1: Paper Topic A

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Delegation: The Rep!li" o# Angola

Co$$ittee: Unite% Nation& Ha!itat 'UN Ha!itat(

Topi": )il%ing Cit* Re&ilien"e to Nat+al Di&a&te+& in Soth A&ia

Delegate&: ,e## Tong an% ,e##+e* Chen


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C++entl* ho&ting 20 per cent  o# the /o+l%& poplation Soth A&ia i& ho$e to 13 !illion

inha!itant& /ith the $a4o+it* +e&i%ing in "itie& la"ing p+ope+ in#+a&t+"t+e '6Soth A&ia7 1(

Soth A&ia i& pe+petall* &&"epti!le to the e##e"t& o# nat+al %i&a&te+& &"h a& #loo%& %+oght&

ea+th8ae& an% "li$ate "hange that lea% to the lo&& o# li9e& an% o9e+ 5 !illion %olla+& in

%a$age& an% the&e "itie& /ithot a p+ope+ &t+ateg* in pla"e to /ith&tan% an% +e"o9e+ #+o$

nat+al %i&a&te+& a+e e9en $o+e p+one to lo&&e& '6Chapte+ ;7 <( The Rep!li" o# Angola loo&

#o+/a+% to /o+ing /ith othe+ nation& o# the Unite% Nation& 'UN( to i$p+o9e +e&ilien"e to

nat+al %i&a&te+& in Soth A&ian "itie& !* i$ple$enting the Angolan $o%el o# !il%ing !a"

&t+onge+ a#te+ a %i&a&te+ en"o+aging the &age o# &pa"e %i&a&te+ +e&pon&e an% p+e9ention

te"hnologie& an% the o+gani=ation o# &o"ial $e%ia to #a"ilitate "o$$ni"ation %+ing an% a#te+

nat+al %i&a&te+&

Soth A&ia l*ing in "lo&e p+o>i$it* to the In%ian O"ean an% the Hi$ala*an Montain

 !elt i& +a9age% *ea+l* !* #loo%& $on&oon& an% hea9* +ain '6Di&a&te+ Ri&?7 1@( The e##e"t&

o# the&e nat+al %i&a&te+& a+e e>a"e+!ate% !* the poo+ in#+a&t+"t+e o# Soth A&ian "itie&

othe+/i&e no/n a& &l$& In Dhaa the "apital o# )angla%e&h 0 o# the poplation %/ell in

&l$& /hile in In%ia @< $illion people hal# the poplation +e&i%e in &l$& '6BSl$ Citie& in?

1( oo+ li9ing "on%ition& &"h a& n&a#e ho&ing ina%e8ate nt+ition an% poo+ health "an

ea&il* t+n a nat+al ha=a+% o+ "li$ate "hange into a "ata&t+ophe +e&lting in the lo&& o# !a&i"

&e+9i"e& %a$age o+ %e&t+"tion to ho$e& lo&& o# li9elihoo%& $alnt+ition %i&ea&e %i&a!ilit*

an% lo&& o# li#e Thi& %e&t+"tion le% to the lo&& o# 0000 li9e& an% a##e"ting a total poplation o# 

app+o>i$atel* 350 $illion people '6Soth A&ia Di&a&te+7 1( A& $an%ate% !* the UN

HA)ITAT it i& ne"e&&a+* to in"+ea&e the +e&ilien"e o+ the a!ilit* to /ith&tan% the&e nat+al

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%i&a&te+& o# the "itie& St+onge+ in#+a&t+"t+al &*&te$& a+e +e8i+e% along /ith !ette+ #o+$& o#

 po&t%i&a&te+ $anage$ent an% o+gani=ation o# #n%& an% p+og+a$&

Althogh poo+ in te+$& o# a!ilit* to +ea"t an% +e&pon% to nat+al %i&a&te+& Angola i& not

+a9age% !* $an* %i&a&te+& pe+ *ea+ Stati&ti"& &ho/ that onl* t/o t*pe& o# nat+al %i&a&te+& ha9e

e9e+ &t+" Angola Floo%& /hi"h o""+ 033 ti$e& a *ea+ ha9e onl* ille% 105 people #+o$

1@;02010 an% +e&lte% in onl* 10000 USD o# %a$age +epai+& 'Angola Di&a&te+ 1(

D+oght& the onl* othe+ nat+al %i&a&te+ p+e&ent onl* a""ont #o+ 11 o# the people ille% in

%i&a&te+& an% epi%e$i"& "o$!ine% '2( )e"a&e it i& le&& a##e"te% !* nat+al %i&a&te+& Angola /ill

 !e le&& a##e"te% !* &oltion& to thi& p+o!le$ an% the+e#o+e "an a""ept a /i%e+ 9a+iet* o# &oltion&

In +e&pon&e to the &e9e+al nat+al %i&a&te+& that ha9e taen pla"e Angola ha& &""e&&#ll*

"o$plete% < initiati9e&: Di&a&te+ Relie# in Re&pon&e to Floo%ing in Sothe+n an% Ea&te+n Angola

Rapi% H$anita+ian Sppo+t to Di&pla"e% Co$$nitie& A##e"te% !* the Floo%& in Angola an%

E$e+gen"* Relie# A&&i&tan"e to Floo%A##e"te% Ho&ehol%& in Cnene .an%o .!ango an%

Mo>i"o Angola To "o$plete the&e initiati9e& Angola ha& &e"+e% #n%ing #+o$ the Unite%

 Nation& Cent+al E$e+gen"* Re&pon&e Fn% 'UNCERF( Togethe+ the&e initiati9e& ha9e

&e+9i"e% app+o>i$atel* 0000 pe+&on& '6Ri&ing A!o9e?7 5(

To i$p+o9e the +e&ilien"e o# a+ea& in Angola a##e"te% !* nat+al %i&a&te+& Angola in

"on4n"tion /ith the Inte+national O+gani=ation #o+ Mig+ation ha& p+og+a$$e% &&taina!le

+e&pon&e& to %i&a&te+ +elie# that "an !e $o%ele% !* othe+ nation& Fo+ e>a$ple Angola an% the

IOM along /ith NGO& &"h a& the Angolan Re% C+o&& O>#a$ an% the De9elop$ent Ai% #+o$

eople to eople Angola ha9e "ho&en to !il% !a" &t+onge+ ho&ing in"l%ing the &age o#

i+on &heet& to p+o9i%e !ette+ p+ote"tion again&t +ain than the g+a&& that"he% +oo#& "o$$on in

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$o&t ho&ehol%& De&t+o*e% ho&e& /e+e al&o "ho&en to !e !ilt !a" on ele9ate% g+on%

in"+ea&ing p+epa+ation #o+ the ne>t #loo%

To i$p+o9e "it* +e&ilien"e to nat+al %i&a&te+& the Unite% Nation& &hol% en"o+age the

i$ple$entation o# the Angolan $o%el #o+ %i&a&te+ +elie# /he+e the Angolan go9e+n$ent in

"on4n"tion /ith NGO& an% %ono+ nation& ha& "ho&en to +e!il% /ith &t+onge+ in#+a&t+"t+e

a#te+ %i&a&te+ )il%ing& "on&t+"te% /ith !ette+ $ate+ial& 'ie i+on &heet& in&tea% o# g+a&&

that"he% +oo#&( /ill in"+ea&e +e&ilien"e an% &&taina!ilit* The lo"ation to +e!il% i& al&o "+iti"al

a& ho$e& !ilt on $o+e ele9ate% g+on%& "an le&&en the #t+e +i& o# %i&a&te+ The Unite%

 Nation& &hol% al&o en"o+age a !il%ing "o%e to !e $a%e !* national go9e+n$ent& that /ill

in"l%e &pe"i#i" +e8i+e$ent& on the $ate+ial& "on&t+"tion an% lo"ation o# !il%ing& an%

in#+a&t+"t+e &*&te$& Fn%ing #+o$ %ono+ nation& "ol% !e +ea%il* tili=e% Doing &o /ol%

 p+o9i%e !ette+ li9ing #o+ +e&i%ent& en&+e $o+e e##e"ti9e &e %ono+ nation ta>pa*e+& $one* an%

help en&+e a $o+e &e"+e #t+e #o+ all NGO& &"h a& the Angolan Re% C+o&& an% O>#a$ ha9e

 p+e9io&l* taen pa+t in +e"on&t+"tion e##o+t& &i$ila+ to tho&e li&te% a!o9e

Althogh inte+net a""e&& in Soth A&ia %oe& not penet+ate 9e+* %eep a& $"h o# it

"on&i&t& o# %e9eloping nation& it ha& &pie% %+a$ati"all* /ith a 11123 penet+ation g+o/th

&in"e 2000 '6-o+l% Inte+net?7 1( Mo+e than o# the a+ea& poplation ha& &tea%* a""e&& to

inte+net '1( -ith thi& in#o+$ation in $in% the Unite% Nation& &hol% en"o+age the p+oli#e+ation

o# &o"ial $e%ia %+ing the e9ent o# a nat+al %i&a&te+ to #a"ilitate "o$$ni"ation !et/een the

go9e+n$ent an% a##e"te% "iti=en& In the G+eat Ea&t ,apan Ea+th8ae o# 2011 the ,apane&e

go9e+n$ent +elie% hea9il* on the &age o# T/itte+ #o+ "o$$ni"ation A& a +e&lt the

go9e+n$ent /a& a!le to p+o9i%e a+ea& /ith +ation& an% &pplie& that /e+e &pe"i#i"all* "ate+e% to

the &itation& +ep+e&ente% in the photog+aph& that 9i"ti$& t/eete% In a%%ition "o$$ni"ation

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9ia T/itte+ allo/e% ele"t+i"ian& /o+ing on +epai+ing !+oen ele"t+i"it* line& to "la+i#* /hi"h

t*pe& o# !atte+ie& /e+e +e8i+e%

The Unite% Nation& &hol% en"o+age the &age o# te"hnologie& n%e+ the Unite% Nation&

lat#o+$ #o+ Spa"e!a&e% In#o+$ation #o+ Di&a&te+ Manage$ent an% E$e+gen"* Re&pon&e 'UN

SIDER( Thi& ha& !een #o+$e% to p+o$ote an% ena!le the &e o# &pa"e!a&e% te"hnolog* &"h

a& Geo&patial In#o+$ation S*&te$& 'GIS( in %i&a&te+ +e&ilien"e an% +e"o9e+* /o+ to en&+e that

6&i$ple7 &*&te$& a+e i$ple$ente% /ith &t+ategie& !a&e% on the late&t te"hnologie& An e>a$ple

o# ho/ &pa"e!a&e% in#o+$ation "an a&&i&t on the g+on% in po&t%i&a&te+ +e"o9e+* o""++e% on

the !o+%e+ !et/een S%an an% Soth S%an /he+e an in#l> o# app+o>i$atel* 120000 people

into +e#gee "a$p& in "on4n"tion /ith a +e"ent %+oght +e&lte% in a &e+io& la" o# &a#e

%+ining /ate+ '6Nat+al Di&a&te+&: Sa9ing Li9e&?7 2( U&ing a +ange o# +e&o+"e& +anging

#+o$ &atellite i$age+* to e>pe+ien"e gaine% #+o$ ope+ation& in &i$ila+ a+i% +egion& a tea$ o#

/o+e+& "on%"te% an anal*&i& that p+o9i%e% the +elie# tea$& /ith %i+e"tion& to /he+e pota!le

/ate+ $ight !e lo"ate% /ithin the "a$p& Ulti$atel* the in#o+$ation "ont+i!te% to/a+%& the

UN !eing a!le to lo"ate othe+ pota!le /ate+ &o+"e& an% +e%"e% the "+i&i& to a $anagea!le le9el

)e*on% thi& UNSIDER "an !e +egea+e% to #o"& on %i&a&te+ p+e9ention &ing &atellite

i$age+* to $o+e e##e"ti9e t+a" the p+og+e&& o# nat+al %i&a&te+& Thi& /a* the poplation&

a##e"te% "an !e $o+e p+epa+e% to #a"e &"h "+i&e& Fn%ing "an !e &e"+e% #+o$ %ono+ nation&

&"h a& A&t+ia /hi"h ha& p+e9io&l* &igne% a #n%ing ag+ee$ent /ith UNOOSA 'Unite%

 Nation& O##i"e #o+ Ote+ Spa"e A##ai+&( in #n%ing UNSIDER

To o9e+&ee in#+a&t+"t+al i$p+o9e$ent& $a%e %+ing the +e!il%ing a#te+ a %i&a&te+ the

Unite% Nation& &hol% &et p a &!"o$$ittee /ithin UNHA)ITAT na$e% CHAINMAIL

'Co$$ittee #o+ Ha!itat An% In#+a&t+"t+e National Melio+i&$ At Inte+nal Le9el&( )* +e8e&ting

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+epo+t& in"l%ing 8alitati9e an% 8antitati9e $ea&+e$ent& o# a "it*& +e&ilien"e to/a+%& nat+al

%i&a&te+& in"l%ing in#o+$ation a!ot $ate+ial& &e% lo"ation o# !il%ing& in#+a&t+"t+e plan&

an% "on&t+"tion $o%el& CHAINMAIL "an %ete+$ine "hange& to i$p+o9e$ent& $etho%& an%

&gge&t #t+e plan& o# %e9elop$ent Nation& /ill !e /illing to &en% in#o+$ation !e"a&e %oing

&o /ill !ene#it the$ in thei+ ha!itat an% in#+a&t+"t+e i$p+o9e$ent&

In"+ea&e% +e&ilien"e in "itie& "an o#ten !e a"hie9e% !* in"+ea&ing the 8alit* o# li#e #o+

tho&e li9ing in the a+ea& &"h a& /ith the p+o9i&ion o# $o+e +o!&t ho&ing &anitation

in#+a&t+"t+e an% ene+g* &ppl* Ho/e9e+ the&e in"+ea&e& in li9ing &tan%a+%& $&t !e !a&e% on

+e&ilient &*&te$& Fo+ e>a$ple inha!itant& $a* &/it"h #+o$ in%i9i%al e+o&ene la$p& to

ele"t+i" lighting !t i# the ele"t+i"it* &ppl* &*&te$ ha& no !iltin alte+nati9e it /ill !e

&&"epti!le to the e##e"t& o# a nat+al %i&a&te+ -he+e ne/ in#+a&t+"t+e i& "+eate% it $&t ha9e

alte+nati9e& !ilt in an% thi& $ight in"l%e $aintaining p+e9io& &i$ple+ te"hnolog* '&"h a&

han%p$p& #o+ /ate+ a!&t+a"tion( e$!e%%e% /ithin the &*&te$ to i$p+o9e +e&ilien"e

 Nat+al %i&a&te+& ha9e o#ten +a9age% Soth A&ian "itie& %e&t+o*ing !il%ing& "+op an%

li#e an% the n%e+l*ing la" o# &oli% in#+a&t+"t+e ha& "o$pli"ate% $atte+& #+the+ The

in"+ea&ing +!an poplation& o# Soth A&ia #o+"e o##i"ial& to %+a$ati"all* i$p+o9e the +e&ilien"e

o# "itie& to %i&a&te+& &o that the +oa%& !il%ing& an% &*&te$& o# the "itie& %o not ha9e to !e

+e!ilt in the a#te+$ath o# ea"h an% e9e+* %i&a&te+ To a"hie9e thi& +e&ilien"e Soth A&ian "itie&

&hol% !il% !a" &t+onge+ /ith the ai% o# NGO& an% #ollo/ing the Angolan $o%el /hi"h /ol%

allo/ #o+ $o+e +e&ilient in#+a&t+"t+e The i$ple$entation &o"ial $e%ia to #a"ilitate

"o$$ni"ation %+ing an% a#te+ %i&a&te+& "ol% al&o in"+ea&e +e&ilien"e a& &ho/n in the ,apan

$o%el /ith T/itte+ Spa"e te"hnologie& &hol% !e tili=e% n%e+ the UNSIDER to %e9elop

e##e"ti9e %i&a&te+ +e&pon&e $etho%& an% t+a" the p+og+e&&ion o# nat+al %i&a&te+& /hi"h /ol%

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in"+ea&e p+epa+e%ne&& -ith the&e $ea&+e& the +e&ilien"e an% &tan%a+% o# li9ing in Soth A&ian

"itie& "an !e g+eatl* i$p+o9e%

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-o+& Con&lte%

A!ot FSDEA Fn%o So!e+ano De Angola Fn%o So!e+ano De Angola Fn%o So!e+ano DeAngola n% -e! 2 ,an 2015 http:JJ///#n%o&o!e+anoaoJa!ot#&%eaJ K

ANGOLA 'n%(: n pag -//ni"e#o+g -e! 25 ,an 2015http:JJ///ni"e#o+gJha+0@J#ile&Jha+0@Angola"ont+*"hapte+p%# K

Angola Di&a&te+ Stati&ti"& +e9ention-e! +e9ention-e! n% -e! 2< ,an 2015http:JJ///p+e9ention/e!netJengli&hJ"ont+ie&J&tati&ti"&J"i%5 K

A&ia an% the E"ono$i"& o# Nat+al Di&a&te+& Al ,a=ee+a Engli&h Np n% -e! 2 ,an 2015http:JJ///al4a=ee+a"o$Jp+og+a$$e&Jin&i%e&to+*J2012J12J20121212;1<;@<<13<ht$l K

A&ian ,o+nal o# En9i+on$ent an% Di&a&te+ Manage$ent 'A,EDM( Re&ea+"h !li&hingRe&ea+"h !li&hing Se+9i"e& n% -e! 2 ,an 2015 http:JJ+p&online"o$&gJ4o+nal&J101

a4e%$J2010J020JS13@<@2011000;2php K


 pag -///o+l%!ano+g -e! 25 ,an 2015 http:JJ///


0120201<551JRen%e+e%JDFJ;<5;0U)0EI003;@)0@3;0;21<;;53p%# K

Chapte+ ; Nat+al Di&a&te+& -///o+l%!ano+g Np n% -e! 25 ,an 2015

http:JJ&ite+e&o+"e&/o+l%!ano+gJSOUTHASIAETJRe&o+"e&J!li"ation&J;;1<12<1<@<13@J5321<125@@3@13JSAR"li$age"hange"hapte+;no9e$!e+200@p%#  K

Cho/%h+* U44/al Soth A&ia an% Re"++ing Nat+al Di&a&te+&Thein%iane"ono$i&t"o$ Np

n% -e! 25 ,an 2015 http:JJthein%iane"ono$i&t"o$J&otha&ia+e"++ingnat+al%i&a&te+&JK

Cit*+e&ilien"eo+g Ho/ Re&ilient I& Po+ Cit* CITP RESILIENCE ROFILING ROGRAMME

'CR( Np n% -e! 2 ,an 2015 http:JJ///"it*+e&ilien"eo+gJCR K

Cit* Re&ilien"e +o#iling +og+a$$e -//nha!itato+g UN n% -e! 25 ,an 2015


Cont+* Repo+t Angola Ra!o!an Ra!o!an n% -e! 2 ,an 2015

http&:JJe"ono$i"&+a!o!an"o$Jp!li"ation&J201<J4neJ"ont+*+epo+tangolaJ K

Di&a&te+ Ri& Manage$ent in Soth A&ia 'n%(: n pag -//+elie#/e!int -e! Fe! 2015

http:JJ+elie#/e!intJ&ite&J+elie#/e!intJ#ile&J+e&o+"e&JDi&a&te+20Ri&20Manage$ent20in20Soth20A&ia2020A20Regional20O9e+9ie/p%# K

DISASTER RIS. REDUCTION AND EDUCATIONLea+ning#o+pea"eni"e#o+g Np n% -e!25 ,an 2015 http:JJlea+ning#o+pea"eni"e#o+gJ/p

"ontentJploa%&J2012J0;JEECTDRRCa&eSt%*2012p%# K

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Fe++i& Eli=a!eth Nat+al Di&a&te+ Re&pon&e in ,apan an% Fi4i-//!+ooing&e% Np n% -e!25 ,an 2015 http:JJ///!+ooing&e%J+e&ea+"hJ+epo+t&J2011J0J04apan#i4i#e++i& K

Hi&to+* Man%ate an% Role in the Unite% Nation& -//nha!itato+g Np n% -e! Fe!2015 http:JJnha!itato+gJa!ot&Jhi&to+*$an%ate+oleinthen&*&te$JK

Ho/ to Mae Citie& M E Citie& Mo+e Re&ilient A Han%!oo #o+ Lo"al Go9e+n$ent Lea%e+& 'n%(:n pag -//ni&%+o+g -e! 25 ,an 2015

http:JJ///ni&%+o+gJ#ile&J22han%!oo#inalonline9e+&ionp%# K


-//&aa+"&e"o+g Np n% -e! 25 ,an 2015 http:JJ///&aa+"&e"o+gJ&e+#ile&JLa+ge20!li"ation&JCCNDEJ20CCNDEChapte+20QI2020St%*20an%

20Manage$ent20o#20Nat+al20Di&a&te+&p%# K

Inte+national St+ateg* #o+ Di&a&te+ Re%"tion De"i&ion Can Mae U& Eithe+ Mo+e Qlne+a!le o+

Mo+e Re&ilientHFA 'n%(: n pag-//p+e9ention/e!net -e! 25 ,an 2015

http:JJ///p+e9ention/e!netJ#ile&J1213HFA!+o"h+eEngli&hp%# K

Inte+net enet+ation in Sothea&t A&ia: Fi9ePea+ G+o/th T+en%& 200;2012 Tige+Mine

Tige+Mine Re&ea+"h 0 O"t 201< -e! 2 ,an 2015


Mit"hell ,a$e& . Mega"itie& an% Nat+al Di&a&te+&: A Co$pa+ati9e Anal*&i& Geo,o+nal @2U+!an Ha=a+%& an% Ri&&: Con&e8en"e& o# La+ge E+ption& an% Ea+th8ae& '1@@@(: 1<3

2 Uni9e+&it* o# Minne&ota Regent& o# the Uni9e+&it* o# Minne&ota -e! 2 ,an 2015http:JJ///t"$ne%J!l$e01<JMit"hellMega"itie&1@@@p%# K

 Nation& Unite% Http:JJ///p+e9ention/e!netJ#ile&J+e&oltion&JARES;211Ep%#Gene+alA&&e$!l* Di&t+: Gene+al 'n%(: n pag-//p+e9ention/e!net -e! 25 ,an 2015

http:JJ///p+e9ention/e!netJ#ile&J+e&oltion&JARES;211Ep%# K

Nat+al Di&a&te+& Hit -a+to+n Angola Relie#-e! Unite% Nation& O##i"e #o+ the Coo+%ination o#

Glo!al A##ai+& 12 Ap+ 2001 -e! 2 ,an 2015 http:JJ+elie#/e!intJ+epo+tJangolaJnat+al%i&a&te+&hit/a+to+nangolaK

Nat+al Di&a&te+&: Sa9ing Li9e& To%a* )il%ing Re&ilien"e #o+ To$o++o/-//i$e"heo+g Npn% -e! Fe! 2015 http:JJ///i$e"heo+gJ%o"&J%e#alt&o+"eJno/le%geJnat+al


e+e+a A$antha Sl$ Citie& in Soth A&ia Nee% )ette+ lanning The Ga+%ian Ga+%ian Ne/&

an% Me%ia 10 Ap+ 2012 -e! 2 ,an 2015 http<A2F2F///thega+%ian"o$

2Fglo!al%e9elop$ent2F20122Fap+2F102F&l$"itie&&otha&iaplanning K

o9e+t* an% En9i+on$ental Qlne+a!ilit* in Angola& G+o/ing Sl$& 200@ 2012 De9elop$ent

-o+&hop De9elop$ent -o+&hop Angola n% -e! 2 ,an 2015

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Ri&ing a!o9e the Dange+ one: Di&a&te+ Relie# in Re&pon&e to Floo%ing in Sothe+n an% Ea&te+nAngola Co$pen%i$ o# IOM& A"ti9itie& in Mig+ation Cli$ate Change an% the

En9i+on$ent '200@(: n pag Inte+national O+gani=ation #o+ Mig+ation Inte+nationalO+gani=ation #o+ Mig+ation 200@ -e! 2 ,an 2015


%i$o#io$&a"ti9itie&angolap%# K

Sl$ Citie& in Soth A&ia Nee% )ette+ lanning -//thega+%ian"o$ Np n% -e! Fe!

2015 http:JJ///thega+%ian"o$Jglo!al%e9elop$entJ2012Jap+J10J&l$"itie&&otha&ia


Soth A&ia Soth A&ia Np n% -e! 0 Fe! 2015 http:JJ%ata/o+l%!ano+gJ+egionJSAS K

Soth A&ia Di&a&te+ Repo+t 2010 +a"ti"al"al"lationo+g Np n% -e! Fe! 2015


Stati&ti"& UNICEF Np n% -e! 2 ,an 2015

http:JJ///ni"e#o+gJin#o!*"ont+*Jangola&tati&ti"&ht$l K

The A&iapa"i#i" Di&a&te+ Repo+t 2012 Re%"ing Qlne+a!ilit* an% E>po&+e to Di&a&te+& )ango:

Unite% Nation& 2012 -//ni&%+o+g -e! 25 ,an 2015

http:JJ///ni&%+o+gJ#ile&J2@2;;ap%+e>e"&$$a+*p%# K

T/itte+ SOS: Ho/ ,apan U&e% So"ial Me%ia #o+ It& G+eat Ea&t ,apan Ea+th8ae Re&pon&e

Ft+eGo9 RSS A&ia a"i#i" Ft+eGo9 3 Ag 201 -e! 2 ,an 2015


UNHA)ITAT: Me%ia Cent+e V Ne/& V UNHa!itat Lan"he& Ne/ Tool to St+engthen U+!an

Re&ilien"e UNHA)ITAT: Me%ia Cent+e V Ne/& V UNHa!itat Lan"he& Ne/ Tool toSt+engthen U+!an Re&ilien"e Np n% -e! 2 ,an 2015

http:JJ$i++o+nha!itato+gJ"ontenta&p"i%12;1<W"ati%3Wt*pei%WAllContent1 K

Unite% Nation& Millenni$ De9elop$ent Goal& UN Ne/& Cente+ UN n% -e! 2< ,an 2015

http:JJ///no+gJ$illenni$goal&Jen9i+on&ht$l K

U+!an De9elop$ent Citie& )il%ing Re&ilien"e #o+ a Changing -o+l% Np n% -e! 25 ,an

2015 http:JJ////o+l%!ano+gJenJtopi"J+!an%e9elop$entJp!li"ationJCitie&)il%ingRe&ilien"e#o+aChanging-o+l% K

-h* Soth A&ia I& So Qlne+a!le to Cli$ate Change Fo+eign oli"* -h* Soth A&ia I& SoQlne+a!le to Cli$ate Change Co$$ent& Np n% -e! 2 ,an 2015

http:JJ#o+eignpoli"*"o$J201J0J22J/h*&otha&iai&&o9lne+a!leto"li$ate"hangeJ K

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-o+l% Inte+net U&e+& Stati&ti"& an% 201 -o+l% oplation Stat& Inte+net -o+l% Stat& Mini/att&Ma+eting n% -e! 2 ,an 2015 http:JJ///inte+net/o+l%&tat&"o$J&tat&ht$ K