paper 2013.106

R esearch papers:physics,cosmology,medicine,biology,geography,etc./copyright. Medicine. physiology. news. etc. THE TE CHNIQUES AND METHODS IN BRAIN-MESSAGE HAD PASSED ON The Brain's cybernetics."life-BODY-FIELD"and STAAINING THEORYS. Abstract In this paper we disscution about medicine,physiology,news,etc also for research that's laws, rules and specific nerve-mations. we poiut out that important laws and other studied- results from many Tests,and then them are very widdly using using us works.Such as chaning flow dyos pigmentatior, life rigxi liviry-domain nature language- substance. etc. BME.Gene cell. physics-chemirsty KEY WORDS:important derived-words,etc,ibid> slk-jump. wave-particles, field, shoave.bunch.shock-degrreeor. cone structure of spiral biology,microbiolgical assiy,eg steps,stain,brain-model,etc. Carrier of heredity E potention-sides control volume of threschold news keep cross changing way pump and brabn-chainning left liemispsere functional, right. remispre over pont, dye- roadu jsting First releast. keep. charge nogative-links R-R double hlix super.conductivity mathematical logic ways nature Tong substance Language Tong-Substance diareter-path[e.g operator, operator, polycistronic messgenger, lnformofers, Informosomes, Genotype, complemenary base sequence, etc] crank-path-bunch H-sbs in semi-solueht-ground substonle double-cross hypermetamd-substarce life rigs zy. zyz H-SBS in semi-soluent-ground substance life fields-bodydouble-cyoss hypermetamor-substance

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Page 1: paper 2013.106

Research papers:physics,cosmology,medicine,biology,geography,etc./copyright.

Medicine. physiology. news. etc.


The Brain's cybernetics."life-BODY-FIELD"and STAAINING THEORYS.


In this paper we disscution about medicine,physiology,news,etc also for research

that's laws, rules and specific nerve-mations.

we poiut out that important laws and other studied-results from many Tests,and

then them are very widdly using using us works.Such as chaning flow dyos

pigmentatior, life rigxi liviry-domain nature language-substance. etc.

BME.Gene cell. physics-chemirsty KEY WORDS:important derived-words,etc,ibid>


wave-particles, field, shoave.bunch.shock-degrreeor. cone

structure of spiral biology,microbiolgical assiy,eg steps,stain,brain-model,etc.

Carrier of heredity

E potention-sides

control volume of threschold news keep

cross changing way

pump and brabn-chainning

left liemispsere functional, right. remispre over pont, dye-roadu jsting

First releast.

keep. charge nogative-links R-R

double hlix


mathematical logic ways

nature Tong substance

Language Tong-Substance

diareter-path[e.g operator, operator, polycistronic messgenger, lnformofers,

Informosomes, Genotype, complemenary base sequence, etc]


H-sbs in semi-solueht-ground substonle double-cross hypermetamd-substarce

life rigs zy. zyz H-SBS in semi-soluent-ground substance

life fields-bodydouble-cyoss hypermetamor-substance

wrog path guide-lines

or thogrhal-line


unaholish derelokpty


pass or sit

Stop thrsnold


dyes pigmentation

many phrase-lines of tunrel links.

Page 2: paper 2013.106

single.double.many trace-filk


fold-shadow to plant

Electrode of refrexarc


dye-fassion structure plait



Base pailing-central dogma-ground state-initial state-Intermediate state-end

state(modal system)

(computer's modal / tool hoxs/ naple / vc/ matlab/ )

(soft wake's programming)omited

Experiments,Mattirals and methods

(1)The model of brain for special-COMPUTER

(2)The model of Humman-body for S'PECAL-COMPUTER.

(3)The ulera microscope and uiera-special mi-cro monaipulations or microtech-


(4)The animals Tests and human-body tests.The human-body tests was stationary


(5)The cases of patient (nervous system. system circulatory system and other sensory


(6)CT (CPET) and MRI,etc.

The seaining method,tissve culture ,tissueertract,etc.mustbe optimum of specialization

sketch . Fig, No 14 . 16. 26. 27.


The actomyosin molecules, actins, activating enzymes. mdenine(6-Aminopusine)Allele,

Amsiquous condom, Amino acid sequence,amino terminal (N-termina

residue),Anticodon,base,Base pairing, Bet confiqu hation. carhoxyl terminal(terminal

residue operator cstron.oigomel,operqtor,Relaredsens)carhory terminal(cterminal

residue).c stron,oigomer,operator,Relaxed civular DNA seese strand(plus sexlond)

saper heliy (coiled coil, structure)sense strand (plus strand) saperheliy coiled

coil,super-coil structure ,suppressioe. Transfer RNA(tRNA)

(Acceptor RNA, Adaptor,Dictionay RNA, solusle RNA ,sRNA etc ,know as the late word

in molecular structure )

molecular quautum mechanics.molecular motion and gen'es theory.suchas cells DNA

and NNA .But.for from want of speakvolume for it map sresearched,transfer this to

physical-researched be of service to run upon moleculars gene'smechanism .In the

wake of mtfions described, we see gene's stuided to

It's said that ,code of chromafmation recombination of genes, matetion in due by

eqonizing rediation .variabilty and fundamental laws of herdeity of segregution; of independent assorftment; of linkage and erchange. etc wer be impor-tant

to a concerned about neur-chemistry nerve cells, nevous impulse,nerve plexus.

hervous innervatiou.ganglion. neuromere.nerve commissure.nervous pathovay .nerve

endings.endoneu-rium,nerve-hody-fluid. nervous control,nerve fibre, subnerural gland.

Page 3: paper 2013.106

axilemma. neuron and neurofibrils. nervouscontrol,nerve we researched (and analysis.

muscle contraction.)

muscle contraction


ATN→AVP+P+E (1.0)

(ntrvous reflex mechanism and neuro-musculak modanism that nearo-mascular


excitation smell contraction couplig


↓ CaAA (1.1)



→ AM---------


excitation smell contraction coupling

(1) Ga.Ga into endoneur-ium

(2) ACH. Achrelease

(3)R-ACH R-AchtogetheR

(4)produse of end-pole potential

Regar to

nervous impulse and its condoction model of Synapse transmission

motor nerve endings polarization

ca+ into endoneurium

Ach release

end-pole potential


muscle contraction

It here,We would discover wave, particles field, Sheave,bunch and carrirl-of here

dity .Q.J. etc, Control volume of throschol,news keep. cross-changways. keep-chang-

negative-links R.R. double hlix, Super-conductivity. mathematical logic ways, nature-

Tong-Substance condu lauguage-Tong-Substance,drareter-poth path-bunch, etc


At same time. we Rnown ferment is very important according to

equation of ferment conservation

R1 [ETESJ=k2[ES]


[EJ=[ESJ]] (1.2)


The life field-body havimg Wrong path guide-line,or the grnal-line,field bunch, its

appearing. Ching and loonabodsm invisible-image, anaboism deve-loping, livity-domain

and pass or sit and stop tao-shold into-cycle. Them's chaning-flow,was fold shadow

toplant and striding-links. formation siugle. double many tunnel links. In point of fact. its

was precceding dyes-pighoeatation and may pbrases-lines of unel links (dye-fassion stur

ctcure plait)

Page 4: paper 2013.106

The H-sbins semi-solvent-groand substances, from first release and second release,

Epo tentionsi-des. conts etc arised pumb and brabn-chainning.more over the brain's

left hemisphere functional and right hemisphere-over pont. About physcial-researched

to see Figs.

The nerva cell model being

U(1)o C (1) U= [(n).a(n)] (n=0)

U(1)o C (2)

U(1)o C (3) Z u →

U(1)o C (1)

Fig nerve cell model

Let us se and analysis

reflev action

bell→uditory sensatior→release→central(non-reflev action→food-

central→proviassociation→ligh food→oral covrty mucosa, Per

cention→release→salivary central→tronsmission→salivary gland→secretion

The transmission of acapuncture feeling by the channels that we put comple

measurement with natural marks to item.(e.g acupuncture feeling.) we analysis

following stuided-machinel-model

Aaij(r)(t)= d(—)xj (t-r2) Xi (t) - B (r) (1.3)

As far as brain's nervous system is concrtned. not only this was neuron. nucleus,

axon, dendrite, synaps etc a succession of motions but also being become of AESS-

HT, etc AEH S-HT

excitation conuction (chemiscd-founula)

E d [Na+] + [K+]

[(a++)+mg++]+[H+] (1.4)

H3 C + CH3

C - O - CH2CH2 - IV CH3

O OH CH3 (1.5)


— = KA (πint - πoutsive) (1.6)


quantam type end-pole response

ny t m mx

Pr = —— = ——— (1.7)

N X1

cen exlitatation estion (chemiscal-foconductionnmula)

Centain, having to do with the techniques and methods in brain message and

passed on etc. on all hands next doer to refer models to .To be specific. make sure of its

chemical-structures we take measur by virtue of urtr-microtech nique resolving force

of microscope


d = —— —— (1.8)


not long since. mak a sketch of ultr-microtechnique's speapk, well as far as is

Page 5: paper 2013.106

goes ,Althrough it be for ultra pure state and crystal grain boundarie,sopen to

question but answer to the purpnos of work up,because it wriste down what is called

molecular's level which that is the last word in heurology. model of synapse.

xi(t)=1[∑jaijxi (t-z)-QiJ] (1.9)

we may thinging it necessary to ultr-microte chnique out-put

out - put

2 2 y 1 2 2

—— f(y, t/x, s) = [ - ——(m - ——) + ——(——)] (2.0) 2t 2y z 2 2y


In need be, we using computer let it to the xrtent of clearly-maps(CT or others )

As far as our informationgoes, we have to do with be

characteristic of wave- particles.field.shauve.buach. shock-degrretors.That regard to

simple or linearied solution is pure phoxe transformation will be wrong. oder-

inorder,imter tial system,mass,photic stimulation. photo emission.cross-linkng.

photoionization. nonspontaneous generation (non-conductor.asymmety chemo-syn thesis

.ele ctri-cal excitability, audio-frequency power,coeffieient of expansion, collision

density, cortical reactivity . and crystallius, etc, wer been play an impor tant role in the

here, Else than that not less than unde certain circum stances depend on mutual

action and in trlinsic viscosity (specialization)

[1] Vimentin Binds to the Haman RPC Memslane and Associates with Ankpin;

Intermediate filamezts 1985,691-693

[2]Three clasess of sisnalling Molecules on B-cell memblanes. Membranes receptors

and cellalar vegulation 1985, 87-92

[3]Noulal Control of monnalian Hibernation; Circulation,respiratim and metabolism


[4] Actions of cholecystokinin Octapeptide On 2Rat spinal porsal horn neurons;

Nevronal chole cystori-1980, 373-401

[5]Mechanisms for Biological Effects of nagnetic Fields . CBiol. effects 1980, 71-86

[6]Collular loculization and Fnction of the

[7]NIIMURA, N NEAERON structual biology, J-phys chem solids, Co[819],126-12705-


Language acoustics, Electroncs.<Bio-physics>


The simple imitate of synthesis for language be made of some vectors, eg pickoup

corrier and gear-drive equipment etc.

A.The language is begings by compuaters as betwem

B. C. and D. in any directorn and so on ,In this paper. we would disscution some

important KEY-Techniques(Higher-hears etc)

/KEY WORDS/.others.

stationary measures, Gene-affine

fibre-silk effereney

news noleculor-voice

synthesis phrase

Page 6: paper 2013.106

second chang-suddenly

nerve silk fisson

single wave guide

some aggregution wave guide

onself wave exaniner

Higher nervous. electrotyping-hearts

Gene-methods molocular biology techniques staps from in ner to out face. BME


(1) Anologue- imitated- instrument of linsui ster

(2)Special-electronic analog computing eguipment

(3)Higher-boars of nerves, Higher-source-pickup.special-maded telephotography of

nerve-gene. system of higher myogen of functional condition.

(4)fundamental tone (New elec ground substance and copulatery organ contactor) or


(5)Oerer instuments matrials (nerve silks fible silks,)etc.

(6)Animals Test, etc <Gene-section-line and BME><Fig,sketch, no 415>

<1>About the simple imitate of syhthesis for languagse in this paper. bfeore many trying

to test but yer succeed.

1.Althrough computer's analogue and auto-congaoge - transfator madadlsio-sound

field, already haced rep Human-kinds voil or languages

As yet none real soud appearing. why? Because lag4uage is spocial news

nolerculacvoice,fisre. silk efference singlce wave guide, some agguregation wave

guide. Hig her beaks and synthsjis phrases.

Let man to trying is very difficult, but let mechanic-man to trying is easy often. So

as There are Higher it an tothausformer, etc. only we must be-will issue news. (e.g

pronouncer and keep-voice, etc) That having presct changing-voicel pretroatment-

system, according preset programs arrried on. Go a step further saying. here put on

special-maded some-multi-channel communications.

moltipole differential discriminator and Over toner. occapy it, many languages imitate

for synthesis, it's free-composition. e.g msjic, mathemusic papers, dialogue. etc.

Here. preset programs is maken in ferences by analogy, no-nessary arteificially

induced variation.


It is important that language symthesis's stationary measores. Human-kind voice

system was great news-ware bouse. The news noleclors be not qualifiev, I/E, in

tercross, polytropy, polypeptide, polysaccharide, multicellular formation. A ccording to

nerve-impulse in formation number- model.


PT = —— S (Q(t)- 2nh) (n = 0) (1.1) Z

nerve fibre's averogt clofed circuit volums.


—— eog ( Tirmax + 1 ) (1.2)

Page 7: paper 2013.106


We obtained above formula, but be in secvice run apon this question, ie similar to it.

(as a matter of record, as things are transfer it to mading) a volum of speak volumes

for, the last word is was gone wrong eassy. What of something wrong with,which for

want of reorganise and renovate.

vv either way be of close concern to each other,As good as put it out of operation. If

need be.In case of emergency, under no. circumstances stop.On every hand we will

discution in the near future.

[The examitations proved.logic of mathematics diffenent of image-logic,them's

cells,genes.others was distinguish between.]

As above, be that as it may.the laguage's synthesis is very difficult too. which open to

question,strictly apearing such news moleculor voice as made is very complicated, to

this day neven reports.

The languages was having moldables. but only dependon electronic-efference(eg

Higher-bears etc) was in sufficient.obviously. we would design lttrae fferemce that is

ulrta microminza lizotion.

Accordin theory formula.

Xanon's formula


C = Blog2 ( H——) b/s (1.3) n

We obtamed following formala, Simplify be

X1 Y1 Z1

X2 Y2 Z2

X3 Y3 Z3 V CR TS P Si …→ (1.4)

X4 Y4 Z4

above formula is thesis'formula. where synthe sis phrase. x.y.z is processing.V is

changing-voicer, CR is constant, TS vakiation vulme. p is heart bears,si is cf.(other

details, add)

[Mainreference] [1]Hickm A T J Aconst, Generation and syrthesis of tone combleses,

soc. amer. pgs 38 No3 472-474

[2]Mahay D J Vocalization-at-presen tation, anditopy phesentalion and phesentalion

and immediate recall.Nature, 1963 , 2.7,No5ooo,1001-1012

[3]IAMS, An Interview with Dick west Integrated Advanced in formation

Management systems, JAm Med inform Assoc, NOV-Dec6(6),1999 447-456





etc )


We are to combine the methods of modern and indigenous treatment with principal

disease.common illesses frequemtly occuring and serious diseses in this paper.

It is known that cancer, Aid's rabies. diastes, etc,these wer a 95-97.% (pen cent cure

Page 8: paper 2013.106

rate) It were to control the oatsreak and spreed of a disease. to produced a good

aurative effect.

I am reach it's pathclogy and basic medicine (aetiopahloginsis combine treat it with

new medicine and new drugs fo to designs by ours.

The mann-body. illesses which were be How- work and mechanisms or basic ground

substance for them been.(Medicine physics, etc)

KEY WORDS.//others

(point out part )

Volume of special diffrace.It is order and disoorver changing volume, vele usde fomula

Together diffraction developing.(Gene, cell, acid ligase, Okazak; fragments, Once-gene-

theory, Exonucleases/Endonu cleases)




cell wave ring





blood pigmentvessel

cross function

Total sheave pomt

Straight sheave sol


many muscle network of resultant force

organism conden-limitation functional erpanding


[1]Micro manipulation




[5]Microdis section

[6]Micropcopic sectior



Gene ensineeting method, molecular biology-method and microbiolgical

analog.method steps details

[9]Clinical symptoms clinical manifestation,clinical observa-tionsl case, CT


[10]Animals observations(tests). Harmonic onalysis cytomor phosis specimens,

pathogenicity etc.

[11] CT (PET) and MBI. (2)animals test etl.


It is the iutent of this paper to describe about to trent with comBinel therary of

Page 9: paper 2013.106

tranetivaal Chinese and wistern medicine without operasion in the common llinesses

(frequmtly occuring iiineses) and sepions diseses, Eg , cancer, AId's, heart trouble,

kidnev-trouble, hepatitis, hypertension. arteriosclerosis. uremia, epilepsy, hemiplegia,

leuliqmia, polio. VD. etc Althrough them have various pathogen and pathalogicals.

but them's eigen value (body-inherent rature) was same, in other words, them be

each approximation


According to many researched and tests. We calledvolume of special diffractiou,

together diffraction developing. cell wave ring, inter- condence, ogainsm conden

fimitantion and functional expanding, many mosele network of resalatant force etc

cross furctions, total sheave pomt, ring-metric, straght shave sol. Body Both vertically

and horizontally . them's divisibility eg cancer B. Changing, The chemical- structure

formulas must be them's changing while the physical volme changing.

please see Fig slowm above ideas.<sketch, no 6.7>


Of course. chemical-structure's ultra pure state, supraconductvity. super conductivity.

super-lattice, ultra-short wave, ultra high frequency, ultraphoto, ultra high-vacuum.

action at a distance. superciitical. smper- fluidity. sapersonic wave (quantum field

theory) etc are not to gone into details clearly in here, but all llnees to be dictated

by above laws that is we proved. naturlly. physical charging must as quantunu

field theolry affected produle, This vital factor already using to design drugs, etc.

According to

dy X be drogs' quantity

—— = -KX (1.0) t be tine dt K be contont

So we obtain many dosign-dlags metholds, e.g new dings. Epo. TPA SOD

CSF EGF NGF HGF etc[s] i.e

X1 a X1A X1B X1C

W X2 S b e→ WS X2A X2B X2C e.f (1.1)

X3 c 0→8 X3A X3B X3C

X4 X4A X4B X4C


[1] Beeson paul, By etal ed. cecil textsoo of medicice 15thed. phila. Saunders.


[2] Advnuces in iutevnal medicine 0.3/ed, Cene H Stollermcn-chiccago. yerr hook

medical pubo inc 1986

[3] George klein, Advances in cancer research.

V.1-47 New York, Academid pr 1981

[4] Eay, gordou, Aetl. cardiovaicalan drugs and the mcmagemeut of heare disease.

New york. Raven pr.1983

[5] Hauling. Clifford F. Diseases of the almmtaion tract London. Heinenaon. 1963

[6] Boyd. W. Sleldou H. INtrodoction to the study of disease. 8th ed. philalelphia.

lea febiger. 1980

[7] A.F Harns. Tnnovative approaches in drog research. EIsevier. 1986

Page 10: paper 2013.106

[8] British phanmacopoeia 1980. V. 1.2

Eifective Dec 1980. London Hmso

[9] The New ural Antidiahetid Drugs, Tames M. Moss.

[10]Drugs made in germany. 26 (3) 1983. pp 130-137. zo years of Drug

hevelopment irika Reis-brndt..Bothriugering.

[11]Fritscher-Ravens. A et al, lmnunogrobuln Fra gemeivis, Antigenic phenotyping of

lynpohoid cells and B cell gene rearrangement in type B gs tritis and in gastring

not assiociated, Acta Ha-ematol, 102, 22 173-85.1999



about matter-structak with new metals and studing and mading for guide and



In this paper we disscution abundanle of chemical element. Mendelev periodic table

nas heen shown that was periodic law. But element, rare element (e.g Hydrogen.

Oxggen, corbon, PO.U. Md. lr. Au. Ac. etc) did not were evola tions and rehuild.

The formula nom <=>x and

x[nom] n m

which that be important laws for research to evolations and reisuild to us.

Substanle Structure's basic theory

1. same mdeales binding composition .

2.Substaure's molecules non-rules mutions.

3.attrcction forre conlerned about mole cules seruccu molecules;s spare.

Arr:fical lsonerism bond of Quantom chemistry's theory:

1.I smoerism field.

2.crystal force field.

3.ekeriral elecero seatic.

4.elecericar co-ordinate.


affinity/ultra-polarization doubling ey words.

Charging position

Chemistry structure. structnre's -tribe. be series.

Lost position

changing together


slice of over-flow-fuly


many threshold intersect

Theorem of packed-field Nom<=>(x)Nom

← Nom X2(nom)

anti-change theorem X(Nom )—— Nom X2(nom)

             → Nom X3(nom)chemical-polaron-series position


Page 11: paper 2013.106

The Foumulation h Jf(u) Jr = (J(x)(y)(z).e.f.m) N

Jm(z) -∞

Experiments. Matirials and Methods.<chemical-physics>etc

computer designned: chemical composition. chemical. equation. chemical-structre.

chemical-constituion. intermediate-bodys. eg. pharmaceutical-chemistry-structure repair.

matrial-structure design (compley fertilizers .complex materials- doublings. drugs- R D


(A) phormoceutionl chemistry:


(B) Nadeus fusion

H+13 Li → 242He + 17.3MeV

Dipolun fusion.

… D + D →T(IMEV) + P (3MEV)…… D +D →2H(0.8MEV)+ N(ZJ MEV)…(C) Supracoeducti-materials.

e.g: Gg-snpracondesti-materials. High temsion-moded.

("Computer madle/matbamatics/matcab/c/test model")

programmiy omited.

1978/1982/1984/MS, China/Frauce/

The chemiscal-.renction has.

gentral formulae for reversible reaction


A B (1.0)



A+B C+D (1.1)


K1 B


K2 C (1.2)

and other evuthermic roaction. endothermic rection, etc.

molecular way's linealized formation

ψ = Caψa + Cbψs (1.3)


∫ψ2 hdz = ∫(aψs + bψp)2dz = a2 + b2 =α+β=1 (1.4)

corordination-field theory

from this teory we would obtain many relative in feronce or condludes.

According to

Gelder=Xmit's low

S = f (Σn , Ya, Yx, a) (1.5)

we discover crystal-form's Gualitative analysis and quantitative analysib.

metal-metrails, plastic-rublth metrnils, etc.

(Woodwand and Haffman in 1967)

According molecular's symeery conservation law.

Page 12: paper 2013.106

Althoagh conjugate dousle bonds was established, but its intealiattiele

diffusion and intlanolecular rearraosemenes seing wait for re-researching sa

that more go a step further anglysis. molecular' minero-bond three law.

energy's approximation rale.

ψ= Caφa + Cbφb (1.6)

rule of mavimun overlapping of electronclous and its.

Synnery rale.

given us many helps.

cross way minero-minero-hord ability f we obtained.


above formula passed through deriuations.We obtaimed.

Nom <=> Xrom (1.8)

where N is minero boad volrme, X is wariable coefficr rnt.

From theorem of packed-field (1.8), by analogy wo obtained anti-

changie-theorem be.

← X1(NoM)

X (Nom) X1(NoM) X1(NoM) (1.9)

→ X1(NoM)

dessend from (1.3 1.7 1.8)formulas., recalcalate and pceroquisite, postalat

formula(1.9) estaylished, redi-stribute J equal to coustont, the preceding

folmulas changing

Je (x) ny Jf (y) J = NrJ[X,Y,Z(e.f.m)] (2.0)

→∞ Jm(z) →∞

where e.f. m is minerobond types, r is constaut. In here . It has five

conditions. (critical state)

(a)constant state (r = 0) (2.1)

(b)variable state (r > 0) (2.2)

(c)coupling state (r ∈0) (2.3)

(d)ground state (r ≡ 0) (2.4)(e)entreme state (r > 0) (2.5)if r<0. that is solation-less * (abdreviated formula).

Above calulate be aimed at proved moloculal's way symne-ty corservation.


From above, carrently accepted molecul'ar minero-bond three law and crossed-

way and others, adaptable to many tests and stuided. It is generally agreed that,

molecular mirero-bond (cross way mirero-bond, etc was appearing dis-order and

order. understand this course is important to us, Ab in it to, above all things is

substance's structures if from various angles find application. In other words, the

pocded-field's theorem and anti-change theorem etc available for use. (as a meas of

changing position. lost position. change- together ,slow combine, spce of over flow-

full , fill-vocancy. many threshold in tersect and momen tary-scattered.As a matter of

erperi-ence, it be ever so moldable that meet the needs for chemical element's

rebuilding and mading new mtals. eg. suproconducti materials. phormaceutical

Page 13: paper 2013.106

chemistry. Nuclens fusion and other materials synthesis etc.(metrails-chemsitry)

From men-delv periodic table (periodic low ) to modern high polymers.we must be

inished more and more of arfificion aly induced variation. as artificial mnure.

synthetic rusy. margarine artificial mineral . margarine oil. rayon. lucite.synthe-

ticrubber. artificial fihke etc.(Fig no 21 sketch)

[1]In termedate filaments ; Seructural conservation and Divergence. In termediate

filaments. 1985,127-139

[2]A comparative study on the substractaRes of Nearo-filaments and paired Helical

Filaments from Alzheimer Neur of billagy Tangles In relmediate filaments,1985.814-


[3]GiLBRRT.A.TB. CICCPMM methods for constructing stewarrtatonms J. mols truct,

5oo 363-364-371,2000

[4]PATIEn, ADC ELectronic structure investigation of the AI molocule, chem phys

lett, 324[1/3]108 2000





The cancer were non-operative methods of treatmeat whon it's disloction in the

sells and others,Gene, etc

Dislocution with be found at some baric root of trouple , Dislocation of

moleculor motion, isologoas series was disintogrative. immunity lose, and cancer cell

changed, Because wo called "specialization" so that us has using specific

treatment, specific (prophylovis) and spelific medicine in patientss at late period

withiu high moritality.

Evcept above introduces, we aring Tests drugs of animals, etc and research-

pathogen, Virus from physics or chemistry to stuied.

key WORDS./others

(Point out part)(Medicine chemical physics)

Gene engineering, cell ferment, microhidgical aszy.(steps, methods details.)Virion

(Deoxyribonucieic acid viruses and catenated molecules's Activation)

postive changing


Xo Xo

Inclined changing.

Xo X

X Xo

Inverse changing.

X Xo

X Xo

cell-wave-field.(Gene and particles, biology-field)


double wave-particle counter-reaction

externar-perturbative stopping.

Page 14: paper 2013.106

internal immersiion within per turbative.

Cross-colective variable elastic properties.

N A, B, C, D…

e-in X (A,B,C,D)… < = > a , b , c, d … X·(n)

∞ e f m n+… →∞

Experiments and Cases-Analysis.






Microptopic section



Clinical synptems



Animals observatious, test,etc.

Harmonic anlysis, pathogenicity.

Artifimal-electcical anolog methods.

Hrere, we brief discustion cancer cell's cross-collective variable elascic properties,

postive changine, inclined changing, inverse changing and double wave-particle

counter reaction, etc, specially noted that physics-chemical changing. Incltuding

some cases, etc.

we according to cell-wave-field change, vascular-diffracltion. so produced ElssTics,

When eytrlnal-pertir bative stopping or internal inmersion within lertarbative. the cell

wave fenld appearing unusual-valme. of course, cell-wave-field not only chemical-

tructure, more also was physical-structure changing. using foamulation following.

postive changing


Xo Xo

Inclined changing.

Xo X

X Xo

Inverse changing.

X Xo

X Xo

And cross-collective variable elastis propertios

N A, B, C, D… (1.3)

e- n X (A,B,C,D)… < = > a , b , c, d … X·(n)

∞ e f m n+… →x

where x. is wave-field. changing model. efmn is changing valme valme. n

is constant.

[1]Kuater C A, The nolecule-virology. The scientio press, peking. 1980.

Page 15: paper 2013.106

[2]JGS.staytein. The moleccule-genetics. The scientia press. pekins.1978

[3]James M. Moss pewite. E et al The New ural Antidiasetic Drugs. AFP. 3o(s) Nov,

1984. 120.

[4] Genes, virases and cancer; CAntiviral mechon isns in the control of neoplajia,

1978, 3-6.

[5]D.T.Am. J. Pathol, Genetics of meoplasia-impact of ecogenetics on gncocgeresis-

patilo. 1978, No3. GoJ-687 .

[6]Mckercher SR,et al, The transcription factor puil does not hegulate lineage

commitment but has linease-specific effeces. J. lerkoc. bid, No. 66(5)727-730, 1997




It has heen shown that AID'S Immunity frem disseas of synthesiznng cappatity

were ailment; USed in to treat with combine therapy of traditional chinese and

westrern medicine withou operction for that was roots in ltem.

we point out AID'S pathogenesis-mechanism with new theory and Test dutas,

etc, in this paper. Evolution-body changing permeability. time fussion cbain reactions.

HIN Virus imganity and sesjitioation. trigger aggregation-ring protein etc.

BME Cene.cell (Biophysics)

/KEY WORDS/pointout part of Denaturation Base pairing and Base sequence in the

special-recessive gene(homozy gosity, palingenesis)

Time fussion chain reaction

Hiv virus immanity

Permeasility for evolution-body changing

Sensitization trigger aggregation- ring protein

Human-bovy evolution crystallins

Gene-engineering-tchniques. microbidgical method, <Test methods, steps. computer.

analysis, Gene's amicrop.

Experiments and cases-Analysis.

Hiv virus Tnmonity

Harmonic analysis


Micro flalrophotomothy

Micro manipulation


Microsp- ctrosope



Micropcopic section

clinical symptoms.



Animals observation for tests

Page 16: paper 2013.106

Todays, about AID'S pathogenisis mechanism and persribe for a complaimt or the

clinical ction and function of consplcaous effect that reports in many papers or

using madin drugs.

Here, we noted that time fossion chain reaction, and Hu. man-body evolution

crystallins. evolution-body changing permeasility seusitization, trigger aggregation-ring

proteim. when Hiv formation, the cells At same time body's Accompany this

changing start happen changins. arised serial stuctures follow it changing-

physiological roaction and pathogemicity spread.(Gene changing)

Although the etiopathogenesiss chimcal formulas is not enunciate but the phylical-

researched will pvoved.(mechanism)<Fig/ sketch no 8 28>

Please see Fig

Accord to above works and pathogenicity. we designned some special drugs. them

namely. Ansamycin, themosim. imosine prgmoex, etc .them are mixed-made,

synthesis . Because it is simul eaneous immunization. ie formulas .

[1]pan-bua, Tuxu-yan et al,The biological. cysermttics. scientia press. peking 1982

[2]J.D.Book The cell-biology The people'educution press. peking. 1978

[3]Wong-ling-cai et al. The cell-chemistry. Scientia press, peking. 1980

[4]Han ji-sheng et al. The summary of link-bnrd of central rervous system. The

scientia press. peking.1980

[5]T.C.Lu et al. The medical physidogy and biolphhysicolty. The scientia press.


[6]A.M. Raws. The message and communication theory. The people's postal-press.

peking. 1979

[7]Hartmann H. AID's disease epidemioligy. Med, Klin, 1987,

(87)4. 155-158

[8]Siffert. J. et al, pediatric brain tumors, child Adolesc1999.

Applied, science. techonolgy. otrers. etc(enviromental. information)[complx psychiaer

clinN AM oct J.8(4-5)879-901]




In this paper we point out that Applied science, basic theory. higher technology

and pnvlkon. ment of substances it was links not only such but also be mutual

induction. receprocal symsiosis.

Certainly. stuied these questions we must be doing many works, Tests and others

the paper tell us them's theorys and methods for us deepen widely to studied.

The moderm scientific. technolgys constant changes, often let us have no time to

tend to .Althroogh. my RE works finished already. butimportant job often press for

me rally forces again for it. anew review all papers and papers and tests, etc from

home to abroau. repeat. examined, therefore, them are further-,,Mss.

including other papers.

KEY WORDS //others.

phenomeonon of sigle/double for life

Double constellation balance linking-ways.

Page 17: paper 2013.106

universe-out life anti-spanchang rigid frame, laws of nature's polarization ground


nature's cardinal number evolution


cosmic floating VnmU(f)t = VnmU(f)tn

spherical life-evolution

Higher techniqual sensitized-acoustic resonance

a b c a b c

H m n e = HT m e n

……     ……Human-perception step point

Earth-surroundings stable equilihrium

law of energy short-changing

M > N > P

law of vegetation non-linearity

The thinking cross-change rules

artificial wisdom of energy self induction.

polgmelization-pole's time and space

special-compumters and computers soft ware.

lab steps. lab methods .

Experiments. numerical analysis by computer.

Model Test of computer <special-soft ware>

circulatory system of Additive theory

check analysis

Laboratory experiments

Space test. space-super telescope.

Test datas, net work of observation stations.

surroundings mnhitoring. projects research.explored.

cosmic duslt.etc.<Fig/sketch no. 17 18 19>


The evlogical sauession and ecology chelation is important sinbjects for us to

research enviromental. ecology, bioecology etc.There are hyierconinqution and

autothausfor mer in side too.

The phonomeonon of single double for life. The universe aut iffe anti-spunchong

rigid frome.nature's cardinal number evolution. Man-Machinery-constant-control.

shberical life-evolution. Highteh-technigual sensitized-acoustic resonance. Human-

perception step point earth-surrovndings stable equilibrium. vegetation non-linearity.

the thinking cross-changing rules. artificial wisdom of energy self -induction. and

polyzerization-pole's time and space, etc .for the mattar of that . them's compatisility

and enoutioeropy.If them's disalignment. appearing irregularity of invisible. beyond the

bouuds of multiple-purpose use and to protect the environment (Involved about

cosmic floating. nature's polarization ground state. energy short-changing, etc. More

and more of news call above thems in to being. as with ours high. technogy.

environment of substances. life body and brain. etc. applied sciences traditon-industry.

Page 18: paper 2013.106

high-technogy indstry. universe'sindustrys. etc.

we known the geomorphic-developing-changing was nature-evolution's results. but

goemor phic was not extreme convergence. Because isn't be asymp totic sehavior.

porbalility was ≤0

Tests anlogue-geomorphic.

U1 P1

—— = ——a + a'c (1.0)

U2 P2

According to formula obtained conclade is following formula.

M > N > P (1.1)

wher m is positive num. N is energy volme.p is negative. vvolums of iuformation.

by analogy

k, contant, goutiont of probnbility also having

obtain M > H > P


This is simple dekivation.


(K + hoory)

equation of at mosspheric-diffusion

2C 2C 2C 2C

—— = U —— + V —— + —— (1.3) 2T 2X 2Y 2

Since atmospheric pollution and atmospheric disturbance the atmospheric physics

since already start arised changing plouial. drought hot cold etc.

utilizatar trte of water

W + H

i = ———— (1.4) Q

and ecorimical rtgulation fomula


Y = ————K (1.5)

1 - SK

from above esquations we saw, earth-sorrou dings stable eguilirrium:


Cf = k (φ-φo)n (1.6)

from above esquations we saw. earth-sorrouclings stable equilibrium


Not be over-believed HU-man-kind's wisdom intellige-nces. because it is finiteness

as compared with universe and natural-world. For bring them in to accord with

substance of nature, we become awar of this within the boand of whole world's

big-readjusting. It isagnerally gsreed that. them both cooprate and them's ordering,

inductive potentialitys.

About order-disorder process proces internal and accretion. please saw

a b c a b c

Page 19: paper 2013.106

H m n e = HT m n e (1.7)

……      …… where H is basic theorys, T is high technolgy, abc is gradeent m ne is step poiut.

If x.y is hydro-electric develoyment by a series of dams and stage development,

that formula changing is euotion be

a b c a b c

H m n e = HyT m n e (X > 0) (Y > 0) (1.8)

……       …… regulated, obtained

Hx = Hy (T) (1.9)

According above formula we derivation.

life, applied-science. high-technogy and environ-ment of substance's concern-

formulas. simplify to writen by

∑(l, a, h ) xy = ∑n' (E)z(xy) (xy≠0) (z > 0)

→∞     →∞ (2.0)where l a h mears above hames. E is environ-ment.

∑(l, a, h ) xy > ∑n' (E)z(xy)

→∞     →∞ (2.1)If is positive numher. the formula chnanging equation

∑(l, a, h ) xy < ∑n' (E)z(xy)

→∞     →∞ (2.2)by analogy

∑(l, a, h ) xy ≠ ∑n' (E)z(xy)

→∞     →∞ (2.3)Such eguation noting-solution. ie approyimately egual.

Above equation is big-ygstem's formulas. (its tlesis formula but examition-



The above theorys is ultr-important laws therefore it is appplied for researched

and investigate 100,000 a hundred millions before or afterwards 2000-3000-

5000-10000-50000-100000-1000000 years(AD)before and Later, This alternation of

generations, infinite groups, groups in finintely small quantity. point at infinity.

infinite time and Mariner spucoauft. venas probes and univer-Mans.

From protohistoric to modern nature's world, from todays Human to 100,000

years NEW-MANS. neither-as today nor like future. that as far as our knowledge

goes its next door to beyerd recognition. To such an extent that we known as

universe is in finite and Hu-man-kind is limitations and limit of dissonance

(prime matrix-unsolva sility or non-regeneratability) in othere words it is impenetra-

bility eg Brains. limit of induction coil. sense organs and sersory system's

adaptative regression-negative adaptation laws. etc

eg. cosm flauting fonmula

VmnU (f)t = VmnU (f)tn (2.4)

whele is flouting. u space fis expanding rolme.

The law of energy short-changing be

Page 20: paper 2013.106

M > N > P (2.5)

in above formula. where mis substauce's op timum multiplicution-rate. N is

energys using-volme. p is constant of all tapping.

In general words. HU-mam-kiad not ouly pro-tection environmeut and multple-

purpose use but also deeply and widely reseorched bioocology and others. If at

the cost this, such as formular will be

M > N < P

From hasic theorys to applied-scientic-tochnolgy.

From lowing technolgys to Hing technolgys, we must being ateentions them's

diversity and eguilibriom ration(mean valves). eg city-gaden for high-sky. Thre

wastes-waste cgs. wast water and waste resionalresiduel disposal disposal climalc

techniguse, regional temperature clenacle weather artifical regulation, etc.

[1]weizsa cker carl Friadrioh, The wuity of nature new york, Farhar stcaas. ciroad.


[2] Iockaud Toons. The evolution of Human solial Belavior, New York, elsovior. 1980

[3] Haith, Daglas. A Environmental systems optimipation New york , wlen,1992

[4]Macintosh, Joon, Evploring our world, londog, Ma-cmilla

[5]Marion, terry B.physical science in the modern world. new york, Acadenic 1976

[6]Brent sandor B phgchological and social sthuctyis savdor B .BRENE. Hinsdale.

N,Y Lanrence krlbaun Associates pab. 1984

[7]Modeling and simuiation. V16-17 ptled Research triangle park, NC instrument

society of Americen, 1980 (Robelt Hanham willam G eta.)

[8]larry Dwyer, Environ mential policy and the economir vdue of human-life

J,Evviron, MANG, 1986,

Proteins Encoded by. Brain-specific mRAAs biol, vol, 48. 1983. 480-472

[9]The Honing Behavior of pigeins Raised in Reversed Masnetic field conf. on

localiztion and orientotion in biol, and engag.1983 /3//23-25/, u of Tu Bizlen


[10] Walton, Tohm, N Brain's diseases of the niwvous systems. thed london,

OXferd, 1971

[11]progress in brain resoarch. V.R-V.29 Amsterclom Elsevier, 1963

[12]Talbot samuel Arnserom Gessnon, urs systems bhysiology. New york,


[13]Rayneud D. Asams . Uitrasere and melaslosm of them nervous system; New

york , Couerhotorse 1962

[14]BEARE DJ, MCKENOIE.F Conne ecological and physical time-series; the

potential role of changing seasonality.Mar Ecol prog, Ser.178.307-304.1999

Applied science Technology others(ervironment information) and culture heritage-




GCOHSC PROGRAMMES and them's important connectiomns including

envirnmental monitoring and cultrual environment with new-special protection

In this paper we point out that Applied science, basic theory, higher technolgy

Page 21: paper 2013.106

prolke ment of surstance, was links not only such but also mutual induaction

reciprocal symbiosis.

Certainly, stuied these questions we must be doing many works, Tests and

others .the paper tell us them's theorys and methods, for as to deepen and

widely to studied(Base on GCOHS progremme and other subject-researched)

In here, we point out "Progremme of GCOHS"(Green colour ohseve and histrical

sites censeration) Include large systems:"life Applied sciecne higher technolgy and

environment of substanles, excavated tombs for special technologys and its

enviroment, palaeo-arcnitectural protect, conserve; The large city socideregin high

extensive natural cononunity landscap; Antarctic and Arctic exise life re-build

system environment;New path to desers explioe, composite using on ocean factory,

Three wastes multiple-parpose use;center-treat systems; Regional temperature,

climatc and weathor be artificial regnlation. High sky flower gorden. Added

modification coal power; forest of unbrella in city, movable etc. This project is

culture Histrical relics censervation and green colour observe, main point be build

ohserve networks and researched them's important theorys, etc, in this paper.

KEY-words //others// Applied science technology etc.(Enviroment and cultural-keep)

phenomenon of sigle for life General Sketch, correlatograph

dpible for life COD.q.V.soon after Figs, (How-know)

Double constellation balance linking-ways

universe-out life anti-spanchorg rigid frame, laws of nature's pilarization ground

state, nature's cardiral number evolution.


Cosmic fioeating

Spherical life evolton

Higher techniqual sensitized ncoustic resonance

a b c a b c

H = HT

m n e m n e

Human-perccption step point

Green colour onserve point(place) Historical sites


to pollute the air, soot disposal of industial wastes,noise ecocline natural-calamities

Datas:dust collector anemomoter, awtomobile emis-sings smog emission, etc. Flwe

gas.particalate matter, environmenral-radiation.

(LCA)Green colour ohserve and histoical sites censevation 10years ceralitys-


Environmental-affect building conditions of changed(leve mainstay)


The evlogical sauession and ecology chelation is important subjects for us to

research environmental, eclolgy, bioecoling, etc. There are hylerconiaqution and

auto-thansformer inside too.

The pheromoonon of single (double)for life, The universe ant-iffe anti-spanchong

rigid forme, nature's cardina number evolution, Man-Machinery-Costaat-Control,

Page 22: paper 2013.106

Shberical life-evolution, Highter-techniqual sensitized-acoustic resonanl Human-

prception step point, earth-surroundings stable eguilibria vegetation non-linearity, the

thinking cross-changing rules, artificial "wisdom of energy"self-induction and

polyrerization pole's time and space etc. For the matter of that them's compatisity

and eneutioeropy. If them's disalignment appearing irregularity of invisible, beyond

the bounds of maltiple pacpese use and to protect the environment(Invalved

about cosmic floating, nature's polarization ground state, energy stor-changing, etc.)

[1][2]More and more of news call above thems into being, as with ours high

tochnology, environment of substances, life(body and brain, etc)applied

sciences(traditon industry high technology inustry, universe's industrys etc.)[3]

GCOHSC programme was scientic researh center of environment and ancient-

building historical sites(cultrue horitages safeguard Protect, keep,finished many

years in china and abroau, subject was bilinearty.

we known the geomorphic-developing-changing was nature evolution's results, but

geomonphic was not extreme convergence, Because isn't be asymptotic[4]behavior,

porhalilty was≤0.

Tests anlogue-geomorphi


According to (1.0)formula ohtained condade is following formala m>n>p (1.1)

where m is positive now,N is energy volume, Q is negative volums of information

by analogy


k.contant, H,quotient of probnbilit

obtain m>H>P also having

[P2/4] electroomap

This is simple derivation.

Helpers(information, Datas ,etc)

Austerlian institute of Marine science N.W.F Edmood Nils Hayck preserver,

INC,world wide Fund for nature.

This projects coperatives has many units.

Cosellsch of strablen und umweltd gmbh emrironmeatal protection department,

Metropoitan Maseum of Art and some relies units, etc, (Russian Acad, Mossow



(ktheory)equation of atmosyheric-diffusion

Since atmospheric pollution and atmospheric distunhanc the atmospheric physics

already start arised changing plavial, drought, hot, cold, etc.

(%)utiliratoozation rate of water


and ecoromical regulation fomula

frow above esquations we saw, earth sorrow elings stable equilibrium;

engineering psychological(1.6)


PROPERTY and Green colour observe And hitrical sites conservation.(eg;

Page 23: paper 2013.106

renovate-build-skill-methods etc.)Nature, Environment protection Histerrical sites

conservation special-skill both being close, therfore, 0life, Applied science Hingh

technologys chrogy is important forit.

(2) Not be over believed Human kind's wisdom intelligences.Because it is finiteness

as compared with universe and natrual world [5] .For bring them in to accord with

substance of nature, we become awar of this with in the boeccd of whole world's

big-road justing.It is generally agreed that,them both cooprate and them's

ordering,inductive potentialitys.[6]

About order-disorder process proces internal and accretion. please saw.

a b c a b c

H m n e = HT m n e (1.7)

……     ……where H is basic theorys, T is high technolgy a b c is gradient, mn e is step point.

If x,y is hydrooeloctric development by a serios of dams and stage development,

that formala colculate.

a b c

Hx m n e (x>0)(y>0) (1.8)

Hx = Hy(T)

According above formmla we derivation.

life applied science high-technolgy and environment of substan ceconcern-formulas,

simplify to writen by

∑(l, a, h ) xy = ∑n' (E)z(xy) (xy≠0) (z > 0)

→∞     →∞ (2.0)where l, a, h mears above hames, E is eavirornment. If is positive number the

formula changing in equation.

∑(l, a, h ) xy > ∑n' (E)z(xy)

→∞     →∞ (2.1)If it is negatine mumber, the equation be

∑(l, a, h ) xy < ∑n' (E)z(xy)

→∞     →∞ (2.2)by analogy

∑(l, a, h ) xy ≠ ∑n' (E)z(xy)

→∞     →∞ (2.3)such equation(2.3)noting soting, i.e aqproximately equal.

Above equation is big system's formulas its tlesis fornula but examition formula

(3)The above theorys is ultr-important laws, there fore it is applied for rdsearched

and investigate 100,000a hundred millions before or after wards 2000-3000-5000-

100000-1000000 years (A.B)before and later ,This is alternation of generations,

infinite groups infinitely smallquantity, point at infinite time and Marinel spaceoraft,

veras probes and Univer -man..

Form pretohistoric to moden nature's world, from todays Human to 100.000years

NEW-MANS neither as today nor like fature that as far as our knowledge goes its

Page 24: paper 2013.106

next door to beyond recognition. To such an extent that we known as universe is

infinite and HUMAN-KIND is limitations and limit of dissonance(prime matrix-

unsolva sility or non-reseneratability in (other)words, it is impenetra bility[10]e.g

Brains limit of induction coil.sence orgns and sensory system's adap tative regresion-

regative adaptation laws. cosmic floating formula.

VmnU (f)t = VmnU (f)tn (2.4)

where V is floating U space f expanding rolme.

The law of energy short-changing be m>n>p(2.5)

in above formula(2.5)where m is substance, optimums, multiplication-rate, N is

enerys using volume,P is constant of all tapping [11].

In general words, Human-kind not only protection environment and multple

purpose use but also deeply and widely researched bioecology and others. If at

the cost this, such as (2.5) formular will be m>n<p.

Form basic therys to applied scientic technolgy. from lawing technolgys to High

technolgys. we must being attentions them's diversity and equilibrium ration(mean

valves)[12]. e.g city-gaden for high-sdy, three wastes, waste gas, wast water, and

waste residueb issal idissal in a"Ji-Hua"techniques(entel-digest) regional terpsrature

clinalc and weather artificial regvlation, to plant tochnggues of the sea galaxys-life



[1]Weizsa"cker carl friadrioh, the unity of nature NEWYORK stcaus graod 1980".

[2]Cottand Jtoaus. The Evlauion of Human social Belavior New York


[3]Haith donles A Environmental systems optimioat NEW YORK w len 1982.

Mactintosktoom, Evplaring our world london Macmilar.

Masior Tery B physical and science sthactes dor Bro H illsdole

M.J Carrence Rrlheam. cats pad 1984.

Deling and sination V1617 P.T.ect.ibid.q.v.


The environwent protect, preserve and improve our natural and physical surrun-

ding, not only these also cultural heritages conserve safeguard relation with

environmental-conditons. If good quality or had quality,. The environment and

cultural-heritages was combine also each to hes own position. How one's own

potatoes Each has his duties. But any technolgy applied was both bipolaring.

bilinearity and adaptative in other words ie "Double-cutters word", beneficial favour

able as hammful e.g new car coking. furnace paper making, chemical work, bolis,

plane etc. (Re-sources-Envirnment) Enviroonment proteet and Cultural heritages

histrical sites censevation.

In above environmental substances consoance or connter negative? Environment

pllluted "three wastes"--waste gas waste water and waste reside to pollute the air

to poison the rivers. Sludge bulding automlbile emissions noise, smog, stackgas,

suspended solids particulate metter. pollotant etc only microananlysis. When

macroscopic properties how, e.g.Substance regeneration life-applied science

technolgys was be consononce mutue listic symbiosis (Mutual-inductance of them,

Page 25: paper 2013.106

including cltural herritages environment man-machine-correspondance cltrual heri

tages environmental exhibitor and Macroscopic Environment's than svosal

longitudinal targets. Hythm of life latent energy-exist environm-ental substance's

quality and quantitative variation and human-kind cultural heritages how to

adaptation formation for us streng then our harmonious, idas and doing

envimronent protect, protect cultural-cultural-heritages (including new technolgys

methods s.q drawings GCOHSC programme's and others) prserve and improve

our natural and physical suurrounding. (Correlategrabh, loc, cit, ibid).

As all know theorys and practise was equivalent important, hence in this paper,

research theorys and GCOHSC is reciprocal, mutual benefit, mutually compensate

no matter substance changed of earth and environmental-development either, life,

science, technolgys or all kinds of environments a pincer drive with, clean up the

administration only to turn the harmful into the beneficial.

that consonance can he moderate, environment pretect and Human-kind cultural

heitages synonronism developing again, e.g "synchronized observation" double

Environmental-quality-system control"(exist environmental quality and hu-man-kind

cultural-heritagse's quality)."Hu-man-Environment-culture:Consonance(q.v.drawings

photographs,etc)and optimum new technolgysand methods' is for protection and

excavation of histerical relies, historical-culture.

In here we are stress described the cultural heitage's protect and some important

new technolgys, new methods

o f special safeguard, its safety and reliability analysis the work lever of detail will

be distirguisbale, as compared with present sate of the protect cultural heritage.

Above all it will be well above both here and abroad, it neither east country nor

west country. Them is the last word in archaeology environmental science and so

on ghdating calibruation radecarbon etc and environment technolgs.

As far as knowledge goes, the cultural-heidrge safeguard, part and procelpalace

was palace historical relies excavate(remains ancient tomb, figurines bronie

galloping horse jade clothes, gold bowl and gilded silver wine potprottery, procelain,

bronzes silk dama sk, dragou robe and crown, scrolls of caliigaphy and painting,

axe, bow, helmet and armour, etc)and recoustructed renouate or build, keep

original, primitive. In other words, remain anchged, approixmated-real. But interanal

exposure interception, endosmosis not only internal part also it be exgenetic, the

its accretion next door to destroy, splited, vanish ragged, much as incinerated, much

ressathes. Aa far as information goes, as good as we excave and renovate both

fail. Insitu invetogate to fol much of examples, physical chemical self lsion was play

on part in the substances' changed in th absence of special technolgy's of

conditionds, not excavate renovate on any account. But restere method, primitive

method, interogate method, protective adaptation(inner semi selling off, wood stone

structure tveraare, Zero-gop corivention for adjoming unies all-novacain excavated

method, etc)e..

gancient tomb"all-novocain block," excavated method for wild work", semi-novocain

block excavated method", plaeo-buildings strentgther"palaeo-buildings clean

safeguard","oil-painting vacum keep""Anti-corrosion, Anti-chemical,Anti-corrosion

Page 26: paper 2013.106

coating-glass cover,""Computer-follow-real-reconstructed model,""histerical-relics sigle-

molding"."palaeo-building non-total-eclipse renovate of build", etc, new technolgy and

suit technolgy was optimum be referred to as culture protect and suit technolgy

was optimum be referred to as culture protect and cultural-environ-ment-

safeguard(Diagremmatic exposition, q.v).life applied science Higher TECHNOLGY

chnogy and enrironment of substances:consonance or counter negative(G COHS

program me's)

GCOHSC programme's and Abstract them's important ctionns.In this paper,

we point out that applied science, basic theory, higher technology and prolke-ment

of substance was links, not only such but also mutual induction reciprocal

symbiosis. Base on GCOHS plogremme and other subject reserched, include

environment protect and cultural heritage and them's natural environment's

technology and methods, GCOHS'Stheorys,

techniques etc, involved reach every place" green observers" in the wold and

historical sises, tomb's excavated method of wild, antiques keep, hu-man-kind,

nature, environ ment and culrure being produced mutualism, this was the project's

a place.

(1)Henry instrumereation and measurenent for Enrirowment scienes Amercian

society of gricultrual enginters.

Japan cluture protect department

(2)The Hand book of invesgate-excavate of undregroun historical-relics Histrical

reics press 1979, peking

RSAC"AMBIO"1998 No2 12-149


cultural prollerty 1981

(4)The environment in the 21st century ALVIN LA/M Environ sci Technol 1993


(5)wilderness and the nature conservation ideal Britain, candda, and the united

states contrasted. N HEN DEL son AMBIO 1992, 21,(6)396,398.

(6)LI ZUO XIONG Wu-dong <The ancienttimes soil building-vestiges conservation

strengthen research new development, <Don-Huang research>1987 9 167-175

(7)Chn-Daniel ,A Hundred fifty years of Archaeology, 120-125, london, 1950

(8)Same the following

(9)China palaeo buildings probably, emperor catacomb construction underground

palace cultulal press, peking, 1982

(10)Wang Xue li, The study of the Mausoleum of Qin shihuang, Shanghai people

press, 1994, 94,.

(11)pope RM, Fry ES Ab sorption spectrum of puro water, Appl. opt. 1997 36 (33)


(12)pulliainenJ,kallio,K. Eloheim. ket al. semi-operative approach to water quality

retrieval from remote sensing dat.sci Total Environ 2001, 268 79-93

IIILCA and Environmentral Quality culture-buildings keep degres (level)new method

for culture keep ,etc.

IVGCOHS-data processing system(Green colour observe point) General Digrams

Page 27: paper 2013.106

with sketch scheme

VDigrams, maps, Figs, etc.

VICollecter with sersor's stnoining sketch

VIISystem of differeneitaion monitoning and lnvasion monitonings

VIIISurface explorater, sketch

IXQin-Tombs coditions

Xcross sectional view frout view

XIThe shade of reics for special protection, sketch the map of palaeo bulding,

catacombs was has come after. others.(other add, issued after today, N . B.)



The Ald's physiolgy pathology (cancer. KS. etc)inhibiton baceeriostasis and

extinction (ecimination-recessive) and treat method of three angles. (Drugs

designned, medicine-instrument of Aid's cancer, ks) & and so on-Aid's pathogezists

mechaisim and presribe for a complatntt or the clinical action and function of

consn-picuous effect.

The Aid's and cancer, ks etc was mortality99.9% nearly hard up exist's impasse.

In cordance with satistics Aid's, cancer, heart disease, uremia, cerebral hemorrrage

is what is called fatal eisease. As a matter of record, Aid's be referred to as

first, in the next place is cancer (ks). As a natter of experience, as a means of

medicine, new drugs, instruments, that find application already become accustoned

to tradition method in a state of ex;plortion and research, such as drugs, gamma

ray therpeatic appartus etc.Accrding report with in the bounds of world, medicians

become awake of gene singularity and cell's immunity, pathosenicity and body-

changed, variaton of inheritance, catabolism of electro-physiological inhibition

defect. On this account, we would the appliction of special drugs design, special

medicine instrument and new special treat-ments compele thems to Aid's-

composited, the drugs play no partin thus why, Key it what, go into the puestion

answer-the purpose of above methods, e.g monkey-Aid;'s platn's tumours,

chimpanzee, Test, ect, special drugs. AID's-medicine instrument and so on. Thus

be characteristic of special new, special curtive edffect, over and above others.

Both here and abroad in the absence of to open up a "forbidden zone". What

was speak well for? What if stand the test, key was work with virus, ks, as

concerns cure rate etc be open to question, a volume of work test necossary to

RDT & E.q.V digrams. It has been proved that drugs and medicine machine

(BME-instrument fror Aid's etc), As is shown in Figs, sk etch, and so on, the

scope of whith is definde by the appended claims, (How know, key-technololgys).

Page 28: paper 2013.106

(A) The nes way to design new drugs and the flow sheet Ievel of detil:

(a) Made chemical thchnolgical chain as shown in Fig (Enc.sketch etc)

composition, composition. combine inter-mediates.choised.

(b) Subvariety double syn-thesis vaccine, culturingtechnics. Genene, clone. often,

made:microbe-made materials, methods,,steps, thchnologys

(od .q .v .c.)Herbalmedicine, proved recipe. secret prescription, or slight-mixed

(complex, mixture).

(B) AID'S medicine machine, instrument, part and parcel, sketch.q.v.(sketch no


Ⅰ Immunolgical reacsvity sensesis-er

Ⅱ Tissue extractfor body

Ⅲ many function strong exciter

Ⅳ some excitants. biolcatalyst

Ⅴ inhibitor, annihilate-mycelium

Ⅵ cellimplantating micro-some

Ⅶ gene activation, straghtening

Ⅷ slowing down intrument

Ⅸ senm closde granary

Ⅹ micro-er

Ⅺ micro needles.

Ⅻ special-computer

others, units

plast, etc.

(materials made)

(ancer's compatibility) (How know-technology).

key words (AID's cancer,etc) (Only reference-researcah-test.)

action and fonction of conspicuouts effects

cancer B


volume of sperials diffraction deveoping

vascolom diffracting

cell waveing


hor zontally


inter condence

bllod pigmootoesse

tortal shavoe pomt

seright shoave sel


organism conden fimita tint

functional exppauding

cancer and KS freshy tumour

N-HL (KS-cancewr. Tumours)

Page 29: paper 2013.106

A.ghylogenetic classification

B.Gene, immunity-defect

C.bacterial invasion, virus

D.inappareut infection



G.complexvarible and monotropy?

ferment inbihitor

many muscle network of resulatant force

AID's three tangles theatments

Antiko plastics

Ant Aid's plastics

Aid's sensitization trigger aggregation-ring protein


Doistive changing physiral-chemstral

inclined changing

Inverse changing and other mechanism i.e. except viras-HIV Gene-changin.etc.

ithaving some nn-fixed factors.e.g.natural evolution recessive-amorphism; change of

states physics-chemical properties

Monkey's AID'S CM. nulatta, macaa, monkey-cancer, KS.HS.CMV.C.alican, SV40,

Diplococcus Paeu-muiae, phroljetc (therefore. AID'S-HIV wth above relatde infect

was important contact.e.g.yaba disease, (Bearcrort, 1953),Yaba virus, Tana Virus,

Yaka-Ke-disease, Papovarirus, SV1,SV11,

SV25,SV30,SV49,SV44,SV12(Reovirus),SV5(foamy virus type) HS (Herpesvirus)

simiae, Sabia, etal,1934

Key words

cell-wave field



double wave particles conter reaction

external pertor hation stepping

intenal inmerssion with-in perturbation

Geneand factor a mioron

Gross collection

Variable elastic

Properties collective

Prote lyticenzyme and with mixed anti virus

Cocktail medicine therapy for AID's

Roverce transcristas agents

withhle kepohesis on cogene theory protorius theory supperssion

special acupuncevre treatment of AID's (ks, cancer, etc)

chemical stucture mid body and compunding of compoents. (little and better)

Above key words was important attention to us word's R&D,R&E,AID's (cancer

e.g. ks ivhl, etc)and so on, special in physology pathology and inframicrobial

Page 30: paper 2013.106

biophysics pathologicalanatolmy, hist.

pathology, attiopathogenesis. etc, aspects. At sometime we stress medicine drugs,

in-stument and specilal therapys. This was Key-words meming and put in the

eyebulls in paintins a dragon in this paper.

A 65.4% per cent cure race. to produce a good curative effect, and to peconer

without any after effect case notes discussic for critically illed patient and thera-

peutic trial (Intenationa-cancer-AID's etc,e,g,UNDP special programe on AID's


We said, ARV, ARC, LAV, KS, etc was not only Hu-man-kind and It has zootomy,

epizoology, veterihar entomology. wep point out, AID' eacancer etc first picked

drugs (in other words, in"three angled therapys" and therapdutical techniques and

method to improve the care rate.)

Various treatments

A Gene therapy (Drugs of Gene)

B medical apparatus and instrument therapy (machine)

AID's, cancer rcsearched and clinical eperimental therapy (trialpro duce drugs,

anima test, treatments, phytotek-emia, Monkey, Chimpanzee resear and Tset)

(tumours) will be tring make a breakt hrough above these, there. fore It's

difficults open up begin with just merely.

(C) Compostis treatment (Three angles, etc)

(D) Natural therapy (Chinese and vestern medicine)

(E) Special force therapy (ultrapure state)

(F) Stand alooftherapy vacci;pg therapy

(G) Drug therapy Anitnooplastics insection

Anti AID's plastics tabbet



other, new

Single treatment

Mid-body's multilineal expanding.

Thercapentic trial, above theraieatical to chnigues and methods ther ary alleviation

37% better 18%, remission 17%, bad 27% (animals-test) evcract parification mixed

and ma, decompandin of complex.

Ⅰ special drugs (1)peptie ploa-sugal

ctx, lysonme, P21 musk mediums, (videx, tablets, injections,

mezoat of ox, chitin,, bonedast of shark, whale, HPA-23, interterence, VSV, p73

10-phy' droxy-rare-acid AZ AZT (synthesis, constitutions, pharmacology)

(Simaltaneous imnunization)

The Vaccine R & D RDT&E AID's (cancer, etc)

mmuno-protein inhibitor (main souces, clone, etc)

Ⅱ 2 McAb GP20 Cp4 HGP30


Instrument for gp41 Gp120 etc (cancer) princpleg.v. Fig we clinical observation

contact human-animal test and computer design drugs (CAD), In order to open up

Page 31: paper 2013.106

a forbidden zone (e,g, we are go deep into sudy and test fruit cancer) we will

obtain new special comprsite theat nines.

In a word, above first pick and choosed instruments, drugs vaccines R∞D, AID's-

three angles teatment both is importat today, realizatirity, automaticity, reliabilty,

scientific spirity and new, efficient rate, economized cost. The instrumental

anglysis, model test, computer anaolguetest and animals test, clinical picture be

proved but whole R & D,RDI & E for AID's works wait for go astep further improve

and excellent by us, only lnher this is research of prirciple.

ENC new drugs R & D datas

AID's medicine drug's anti-cancer, anti-virus, activity-indicator of pharmace.


HIV renroduction period's different stage give us auti-virus, anti-cancer etc may

involved someaims (six stags and final inhibiton)

Ⅰ Combined stase (correlatgraph, loc, cit, q.v. i. dem, sketch).

Ⅱ invese transferment's inhibitol


Ⅳ mutation in gene

Ⅴ inhibitor of proteinase, etc, COD,q.v. sketch

ENC Reference datum of preliminary Test

Datas of imternal course preliminary test

Prepration in quntity

ENC Appendix Aid's (cancerl) drugs made methods

AID's drugs (tablets AIDS capsules injection and mixtore)

Made and Its chemical-technological chain, fewer but better, make the choise

Its Fewer

But Better

AID's tabletl AID's tablet2 AID' injectionl AID's injection2

AID's Mirturel AID's mixture3 AID's mixture4

Cancer-taboet1 cncer injection2 cancer mixture3

medica-animlas Scricly forbid, eg, whale, Chimpanxee's organs-protamine blubber

baboon-tortoise, tal-tle camel ferna, pine, etc. etc N.B

(Ⅰ)paptide ploya-sugar (TX Lysozyme, P21 P23)

Materials: Musk, mediums, chitin, whale, blouedast of shark

Mezoarof ox, HPA-23, VSU, interference

AZ, AZt, 10-hydrovy-rare-acid

mid-body (Ⅱ)Mcab Gp41 Gp720 Hg30 gp41, etc.(midirm-bodys) BOD.Q/V

Ⅲ saguinalir


Antibiotic etc

The Mork process may be various, but, strict and cantious, e, g micro and non-


q.v chemical structure fomula ibid, BOD, Enc, non-microbe-mid-bodys.

Made chemical technlogical chain (chemical-synthesis), BOD,

A. chemical-produce

Page 32: paper 2013.106

B. micro-produce

C. mixed made

D. herbs made

E. others,e.g bioctic preparations

Pharmaceutical-raw materials was very broad and finigh-refine ment,extraction.

polymerization-synthesis for prophylaxis chemical-mixelresponse,e.g, gene and

animals-plants etc how to mixture, turbditys negative chemotropism, negative

directim probability's specificity, etc. make akre that is be of servile to design and

made mew-specific medicine.

(1) The biology medicine conserucion's laboratory. We are R & D, computer;s

design drugs animals test, view plant tumour research etc and relation AID's (ks,


technologys being start and finish in here, speciall main works. This is angles

(cprmer) of laboratory.

(2) The monkey's AID's was this projectresearch key, includance animals test,

pharmecentical chemistry, pharmace dynamics, pharmacolpgy, meddicinal herbs life

test, performance test of AID's medicine instrument and so on. This was monkey

testing situation. Besides it has some appoint test and cooperaned-research-test

with relation hosptial veterinary stations, institutes orchards, chemical

pharmacentical factorys, biomedicine construction companys, gene-coppany, intitute

of Chinese medicine and Chinese materia-medica etc, specially viruses metastatic

carcinoma operation to remove a tumour, AID's patient isolation objetion, clinicl

observation, Test and so on.

(3) Omcology, AID's immunology, venereal diseases, zoology, phytpathgens

(pathology), phytopharmcy, vegetatise tumour and so on, both total-Researched-

objects. Its toyicity-modifyng effect, tumourbody, tumour-root, Ks-tumour, cancer are

they formation-tooting carcinogen-hasitat etc if similar or different? Why? wonderful!

(4) Scinentific research and Test (animal's plant-Test) disignned drugs and for to

clincal picture and animals Test obtain various datas (monkey's AID's, Tumour of


Researched and Pick about AID'S Poants of medicine herbs root, tubercle root,

nodule bactigia. Chinese me-dicinal to combine the methods' of modern and

imdigenous treatment to treat with combined therapy of traditional Chinese and

Western medicine and others.

(5)Others, etc.

Main Reference : Beuittip, Fkrnlrod, medulation of in liro groute of thyrocd

tumor-derived cell lines, by sency and Gene antisence vasculav endtheral

growth factor, On Go gene, 18(34) 4860-4832. 4863, 1999.

Explored and discovery: THE CIRCLE-Ring.

(Similar DOUGHNUT spheroid--MOTION) LEMMA


In this paper we point out many important theorys and Tests of physics.,

Page 33: paper 2013.106

cosmology, physical chamistry, Biomedonics etc, Scientists stuided Nature

Universe,Particles, life and other important questions but not obtain result

today, Because These studys was most hervy. Besides some tests we must

be using other mmetholds for saltatory evolution which that only specific

instruments, analoy computing etc.

physics, cosmology, phsical-chemistry, Biomechonces, etc.










KEY WORDS.//others.

Cross times and space comic domain

large cycle , The rotating-potintial-field<LAw.>

front comtraty space-vieviy


cross-essape phyase.

double substances.

recessive space

vocont space

recessive scattering

U.P.I. - correspedence

Model of double-congruence of wave-shall

cosmic initial state.

non-standard sides

non cirde of confusion

double life radical

pime-prime vocont space rumination

prehitoric man foremost

Mans reversion-changing (double "half-earth" changing inundation.)

The madel of times and space shearingex changeable


quadrilateral and David deer space correspondence.

law of many-motion conservation.

in or ganic-organic be non-linear.

nomology reducing compler variable.

Test of particle pararitic divergence.

Qbm condensaton of parity-foliafons.

negative mivture linkors.

particle internal-delay developing Rs1.

Page 34: paper 2013.106

particle extermal-delay derveloping-Rs2.


particle zo theory F/

volume for life fundamental unit M.

time, space and another cross-change variation.

life in interstellar spaces evolution orcers.

foliation fall-change-collective structure

bornded rdstrain equation

obsolute-side equation

particle zo theory of specoial-charging.

U.P.E. (ether) revolution-charging.

Experiments and Model-Analysis, etc. (some is disscution only.

(1) The Model-Analysis for computers (xpecial sofl ware, matled, etc)

(2) particle experimant , solor probe solar proton monitor, solar radiation on

observation , space probe space , simultor.

(3) Areography and argeophysics Analysis SPECIAL-MADED SYNCHROTRON

(4) Messenger RNA CMRMA CD-RNA Informational RNA complemental RNA

Traaxrpt RNA, Tronslational RNA, SPECLAL-ANALYZER.

(5) others: explored of science, observation of telescope, satellite's

photograbhg determined, computer analogue.

This is important methods for researched and tests.


It is not always certain how the Earth began probobly itbegan as a huge

glore of gas and bus. The globe became smaller and denser and most

of the gas driften away leaving bdhind of solid matter, thess bodies ually

collected together to form solid Earth, them the evpn solid Earth becaume

hot and molter caasing certair materiall to rise to the surface. inside of

the to rise to the surface. This probally pesulted in the formation and

hard , while the core is probally hot andnolten.

Some of the materials which were pushed up to the crust from the

molter core of the Earth formed water, For a long time, as the amounnt

of oxygen in the atmosphere increased, the atmosphere, so that later on

animals develooped, Fag, some plants and animals living in the soill ais

so small that we cannot see them, Because of this , we say the are

microscopic, Gerns or microbes are microscopic form of life.

In other words, the nuiverse's structure particle, gene, etc and hypothesiss

appearre, Hhere, it is well known that bailt new reviews for nature science


The stars. moon, sun, gene, cells, head, hasin, peak, glowth ring, flowery;fruits,

burrows. cavity, caggtophytlith, caustozoolith, circulating.convolute belding, cycle of

erosion, cyclones……What is meantby circle-ring? why called it in this way?

(physics chemistry, mathamatics etc. recalling decimal, sound wave electron,

mucleus, penriodiclaw and so on. Where is it today? Is it circle-ring in the

universe's nature motion? What relation it with celestial body's-source, particle's

Page 35: paper 2013.106

structure, life eolution, universe and force motion? These was a place explorers

and scientist pay close pattestion and reseal-ched.

From Newton cosmologiceal mude to Einstein Static mode, from Laplace, Kepller,

tsrussei, Habble, rom . Mariuer spacecruft, Venus pobes, Mars Probes to

particles, Gene revolutions and "Sparks-wheel-landing 1999" and so on, physics

Chemistry, medicine, biology, geology, geonophy.

astronomy and many and many techniqual eccence new results being with new

changes day after day We called"CIRCE-RING"'s essentiality. (Fig,sketch no1. 2.

22. 23.24)

mocdable, Compatibilty attibute rediscover. extension, non-regularity to be dictated

to by basic theorys, basic Tests, basic important explortion and discover, to be

bound with circle-ring. This hypothesis indicatsed that Circle-Ring of macroscopic

properties and Mic roscopic structure (e. g. patricles structure-develping). If as

affected "Circle-ring-motion" substances and motion was boundless. On the

aualogy of this to be approaching to simialr recessive or pellucida circle-ring, by

analogy all for motions descend it from and depend them. But is it finally-laws?

For the matter of that it was amsiguity idem. quasistobity,

if from and depend them, For the matter of that it was amsiguity idem,

quasistedlity, As contrasted wity centricity, them was beyoud of the bounds of or-

thodox, science, therefor-them he not establish. But.

unconditional laws not perfect necessarily no matter how mighty or tset, Its to be

characterized by the above hypo-thesis means that so-me important test and

many exploration and discovery (expeditions, journeys, ventures and investigated).

Similer "circle-ring" no matter form, pattern or real body, real image its key was

give us many experi-menta eridence, more need not said hundreds of millions of

lings, sprnerical, doughnut of recessive, curcular-motion which that be in different

in the world. (OD, paper, q.v. specal, them's elaborated, test, etc.)

From 1965 to 1992 years, I finished some explortion or excavaued. find important

singularity ring-circle, etc. and many systematics. And I go a step further

researched and test for study these discovery. Including other researched in hoem

and abroauin 1995~1997.

It is not liways cetmain not the Earth began probobly itbegan as a huge glore of

gas and dust. The globe became smaller and dencer and most of the gas driften

away leaving behind bodise of solid matter, These bodies ually collected together

to form solid Earth, Them the evpn solid Earth becaume hot and molter caasing

certair materiall to rise to the surface. inside of the to rise to the surface. This

probally pesulted in the formation and hard, while the core is probally hot


Some of the materials whichwere pushed up to the crust from the molter core of

he Earth formed water, For a long time, a the earth's atmosphere. did not

contain much oxygen as amount of oxygen in the almosphere increased, the

atmosphere, so that later on auimals develooed, Fag, some plants and animals

living in the soil ais so small that we cannot see them, Becaues of this, we say

the are microscopic, Gerns or microbes are microscoic form of life.

Page 36: paper 2013.106

In other words, the universe's stucture and item conditions. of plimary with initial

state, basic particles theory, orign of life and other items, is implortant therefore it

is wldely using many basic theory for scicnce.

Since, many theorys and hypothesiss appearre, Hhere, it is well kmown Known

that bailt new reviews for nature science todays.

The moeromolecaror structure, particles waves and attraction force found "field of

all cobldinate" inter polantary heivs, non-body special fonction and others will be

rearching deeply and widely by us.

We point out that universe are circulatory theorys."within greats small and" micro-

circalar torys "for all be listed in tables and Figs".

The past methoes and law of thoorvs will be but only proved above problems

also let us to tldective usually. It will be seen from this that the study's who

wish to for most be familliav with varius modern theorys, we are approcching, it

not be losting prerious princpious. a mautter what. I has been found that

"Universe-fied" cross times and space cosmic domain, double substanses.

vocont space recessive sootering.

I.P.I. oorrespedence.cosmic inltial state nonstardard sides, double life racical mars

reversion, changing, the model of times and space shearing-oxchangouble,

Univeres-phrases, equation of N-X for regression at particles of a hunch-poles.

bounded restrain equation. inorganic-organic be non-linear. test of particle parasitic


particle, interndl-delay developing Rx1.

particle externall-delay developing Res.

particle zo theory where be.

that be volume for life foudamemtal unity.

time space and anlther cross-changed variation. life in inter-stellar spaces

evolution orders etc.

It is therefore, necessary that us learn how these various typse of phoaonenon

differ from each other how they are produced and vanished, and how that are

charged. developing, replace-conjugated, together evlolction, ordar and dis-order

etc, simple interplanetary seortor-structure medium mobecullles gas, dyusts,

polasma quorl topolgy ,nertral.

Single.H-qeatuu model HFS hyperolorge exchinge Seraoge particle and organied

Elments etc.

In general words, it is important that research them has interconnect effects, we

obtains flowing interences!

(1) coxmic-fields with widely and many porases;

(2)circulatory theory and its specialty

(3)disordery is nto mirup

(4)comic space dnfinite thresneld, confine reqquation;

(5)model of many-hypermetamonphosis bunchs for someoler'sside, it is gradeton

and rot divhiddero;

(6)Maorenelemular exchaned;

(7)law of many-motion corservvation

Page 37: paper 2013.106

(8)model of double-congruence of wave-shell

(9)Frort contrarv space vieiy

(10)parity's palse beat-motion

(11)particles inter-couplins

(12)negative mixture link-ors

(13)law of many motion conservation.

(14)prehiseoric man-foremost

(15)foliafion fall-change, collective structure

(16)surface of gravitational field (Cosmology, physics, biology, composite cross,

subject of rim etc)


we discution universe structure, viz iterm's local and whole for aquilibrium.

law of lical equilibrium

following formula as distinote from above formula

law of local whole situation equilibium

this to be dictated to by disaliqnment. Because as contrasted with enantiotropy of

equation, it not have preoqiasite, For the matter of that, them were gntipole, to

such an extent that be calculate lie. drivation , formulations ,thesi's formula concern

formula etc/

In other words , Universe's local equilibrim , and whole situation was notbe-

equivalent. Althogh them are of fsinialar quality but not be identity.

The universe force formula.

above formulato be characterized by charge in-value and charge ariasle,

beyond the hounds of special by anology.

star-bodys statistical integral equation general forma

we obtained

licciton the analgy of invelved gtthibutes . we stmplify , and obtain formal ation.

where kois starbodys, is the product of the stars whole, a,b,r…is star

The derivaiv, simplified obtain

The dervaiv,simplplified obtain

in that iufaence, l et m is equal to such

proved finished.

since mathematical derivation was big scale, not only is un-quantitayive but

also isn's quasistasility,(lontingent benilder us theory As a matter of convenience, we

postalat (unsolva bil , ty )

according derivation, we obtain

cosmic initial state, desend rom above formulae.

the model of times and space shering ,and exch anmgenable the large cycle,double

substances .equation of N-X,for regression At particles o f abuuchpolles.

where N is particle's modulus X is modali-valume

Z is reqression yalume, mi i s regression coefficien.


by analgy

UAa, in othr words ie

Page 38: paper 2013.106

because a N or ttAa

(1)ACA=A, AOA=A(2.5)

(2)ACQ=A (2.5)


(4)(ADC)=ADC BDC(2.8)


AaCCBAC, AccBnc(3.0)(3.1)

above involvde diversity, compatibility and enqutiotroppy

According to Barach-Steinhans.

as contrased with

A. proper matrix equation

reciprlcol negative matricx.

Im 1949, Fami and Yang zhen-ning point out Fins-stronglyparticle, but, its'

polarization asymmetry, metamer, Fcp,fitting p arameter, critical value and crossed

field, we understand them was order, dis-orderand mid-order.


ardinng above laws, we also understand that equivalence only using uer-disorder

process interknal frictin, it's probbilify of ordering ordering was very finiteness (finite



invariankility of time rumination

energy and biochemisty reaction

corjugate of electric charge particle anti-partice conjugate

The polymerzotion-phrase, crossed-essape phrase, recesside space, vocont space,

Model of double-congrupnce of double-congrupnce of wave-shhell and others,

Field equation.

For it ,we set up mathematical-Model:RSI test of particle parasitic divergence, qbm

condensation of parity-foliations, sun-sestems, Secialzation-structure, particle zo

theory, etc, be shown as Figs and Tables.

Charles Darwin's The origoin of Specise(1859 years)

it's theory of evolution strugyle for existence and evolution of, give us many

important guide to research for origin and evolution of mankind specilly

sivsynthesis and biogenetiic.(Primitive macromolecular structure and

originevolation),Hoever,Aarwinism and later mender's lows. low-maceomelecular


form here, we obtain following oonolaed:

This hypothesis indiates that: low- macrome curaars syhthesis was lousle

evolutions(synthesis, analysis etc). for man-kind said, life evolution was" double life"

in other words, pithecon thropuus (prdehistoric man, palaeolithic (old stone) Age-

5000to 500,000, B,C and we called"An thropoid ape"is not be monotroppy,

betown them's life appearingmany pedigrees and phylogenys, inside, some

annihilate or obliterate traces.

From vertebrate palaeontology and p alaeoau thio pology, palaeontology,

palceohotany, paleozoology will prove above hypothesiis (theory),The low-

Page 39: paper 2013.106

marcomolecuar synthesis must be double or more many-prroses-evolution, each

other changed and mixded, because only model is not succecd.

Form orign of life analogy, life phenomenon, biome-chanics was very cmplicated.

please see reaction-formulae and test-formulae, e.g

Amiuo acid-ATp-enzyme-emzyme-anino-mide


there double life radical

wheres is life, lo is double, Xw is evolution

(w is caotant)uis universe, Koj is period of transformation, we ohtain.

wher (R) is foirst and after evolution,, the R is mid-body's valume. The life

cvolution is no be lineor, included some changed live Here R is important, it is

evolution's Keys, Centain, We to do thing is uneassy today, Because many spicial


As has been mentioned above, as so many calcalates as complicated and over

loaded, gain by contrast, is moldable, to go into details, but correct to stability

range and fixation solation is very difficult. please see Encluuse:"he circle

Lemma." It was sxife, part:des, universe etc for to reseasch bych by us.

The fundamental paticles theory, origin of ife and Universe Structure, that is super

structure, super critical ultha-pure state, amicron, etc, E,g,cosmological model

Newton cosmoloyical mode, Einstein Static mode, and Laplce P,S,Kepler, j, Rassell,

H, W, etls and their theoys or thesiss (Theory of canopy heavens, helilceutric

theory, etc).

1.i was explored and excavated discovery " circle-ring " scientific research-

investigated and so on.

This is universe's structure, solar systems evolution and orgin of developmen of

change in treml for conditions at primary about and so on in the paper, We

discution other character of oubmerge character with side over side hypornotoor

phosid and captane's characted which is structure of as within replace conjagate

order disorder and characted of spacisl in to evolations macronorecular stueure,

Explored and excaved find important laws. Theorens, Axioms landscdps crystal

group, Foemulas, tests, phenomenons, hy-potlesis, etc, eg, jupter controdistance,

circle THEORYS(extension matreilisy). hree laws gravitation (Newton classic

mechanics) circle-ring ont only was saturn light rings and also stellite was physical

chemistry, cosmology, biology (biomchanics) etc. all being circle-ring motion laws

and other theorys, Amicron, "B"Test, ulrta-cosmis space-hypersphese, hypersursace,

parity conconsevation or nonconesevetion or nonconservation of parity and so on.

(1) chaos in astrophrsics (NATO Aduanoed Research Workshop on chaos in


palm coast FL BUCKLER FK, NERDUNG, Jiy spiegel, E, A, NLD, D, Reide,

PAISLISING, 1985,326P.

(2) seni microsopic Intresretation of poson fern symmeries, 1985 134-14.

(3) Maltipartide production in yy collisiolsi, 15 thint symp, on multipartide, dymamics

1984/6/10-14.Luan, 1986, 490-502.

(4) Cosmic Ray Ahundances, Elemental and isotopic. 1986, 1-14-23.

Page 40: paper 2013.106

(5) chemical evolution is cpace (oonparative planetology), 1984,2,4-211.

(6)FRIEDMAN, High energy astronomy, Aeron, 11 1999[47,30-35]

(7)MANTU, AN SOOP. Pluctuation energies is sf model and phenome-hon of

shrinkage,Progr Theoret phy 49(47 :15-17)

(8)Reichardt , HM, et al. New insighes into glucocorticoid and mineralo-cortiicid

signaling; Adv pharmacol, 2000, 47:1-15.17

(9)Hartoghp, Solar system research with microwaves Eur space Agency CFRAJ

(sp-423)1998 23-31

(10)NIESEN.E. Mars kiometer system, Eur space Agency 1998 215-218,219

(11)NISHIDA. SNAKAZAWA,K,Grain Formation in the expanding envelopes of tiauri

stars Phy.49[43 1152-1157.1163]

my other works, ibid,q.v.(add parts by separate mail, revised paper, after toady,





In this paper, we discuss about questions for phyiology, Neurology, etc. We have

been obtained results which that is "refley arc synpo sition linking-network pole"

and othders.

Research for brain, physiology, Nearology and ultra. higher nerve pexus, herve

commissure was very difficult to us tests, thus these e.g.gene.BME.etc (bio-

physics) must be answer by ours work which that be us open up to Tests and


Fig no 9、10、11

KEY WORDS/others.。Law of pass distanece (Sensitizin of Genome of cross domain)

congraznce wave positive variation of Rolling circlemodel

dousle congraences


Collective fible lisb

Law for class-point

The foumalation: ∫→P =∫P(x)+∫P(y)+……

Model covity

Field of vacancy



domain enission


Closed-field crystal lattice

lmmersion fields

Position of trace

reflex arc syn-position linking-networsi-pole

refvex arc negative linking-latti-ernstal poles

Page 41: paper 2013.106

Wei zi jumpping

Experiments, Materials and Methods.(Gene-section-action at distance)culturing

technics, Gene determina-tion(Genes-particles cles domuin ibid.)

(1) Micro-monipalation

(2) Micro-electrophoresis

(3) Microspectroscope

(4) Microdissection

(5) Microstractare

(6) Micrscopy

(7) Special-microtechnique

(8) Microscopic section

(9) Micrography

(10) Microfluorophotometry

(11) Developing

(12) Test for zootomy

(13) Hu-may Brain Tests (Coputer analogue, etc)

(14) Others: artificial-electrical analog method

(15) Gene-engineerin, and microbiolgicd assay, special-computer-soft

It is Rmown that about sapracdactivity action refle are of nerve and the

imagination actions to research and tests both very difficult by us, its key

questions is analog method of stationed personnel and quantitative test,

( quantitative-analysis) Centain in cluding ulta-accurate qualitative-analysis ( i.e.fixing,

developing, etc)

According to empirical formua

∫-P∞ =∫p(x)+∫p(y)+…… (1.0)above is law for closs-point's formulation, it is not be approvimate value, no

solution. Wher pa is body's corective-Particles volue, P is volue of reflex arc

synpo siti'on inking-network pole, cxj and (cy), etc is reflex arc negation runks

clostal-lattice cllorey.

Experiment Shown, (1) Nerve's Refley arc was sarpacdactivity, hence. (2) the

imasination was radiation of phoion for simllar. are the model covnity, field of

vacancy, rediatd-diffraction , free-delivaelry,doman-erission, pas distance, congraznce

wave, double cozgraencences, immersion field, position of trace,.Reclaim-interlfacial,

closed-field crystal lattice and double congraences, collective-particles, collective fible

lisb, etc.

[1] Tlacb HCKMH A I; Hekotopble ipobelybi hoy-HIYHYECKOH KHCEPHEINKH,

BOCTH, AH, CCCP,1962, No4, 25-30.

[2] Kiang N, y, s, et al JJemporal clding of neuval responses to acoastic stimali,

Thans, IRE, On information Theory, 1962, 8, No 2, 113-117.

[3] Sheakin .A. Mictoiueliets in aduse nutrieiemnd suppont requisemens and

sonfits, Curr opin cin Nutr Metad care 1998, Jaj, (1) 15~9.

[4] Auion-teneeralte charged men-brare, J Chen phys. (USA) 111/101, 4802-

4807,4813, 1999.


Page 42: paper 2013.106



In this paper we point out music coustcs and physkor glcal-are of some of

hearing that was resohace found with R on egual footing. (Bio-physics, Medicine-

anthropo lgyo)

It has been shown that sympathetic viscation sound wave passed on brain, them

name " sound resones response", "sb'bm". (threshold stain-display)

KEY WORDS//others.

Sensitizing: Chain reacion cer-ebrum-(e)-cerebellum, thalamus, midbrain-heart,

Sp'bm sp'bm is the physical-chemistry concept , consonance:

Arer cxcitation

Region of Gcoustic resonance


Sound resonat response , (Correspondence of Gene of para posiion )

Definition formula are primary sound, source of sound, propagation of sound,

reflectin, sound wave, Visbration,frequency, resonance, sympathetic vibration,

resonance and firse imoportant production of sound, It's mathamatical

formulation.: a' b" c" d" e' F+a"+b"+c"+d"

A+…… a , b, c, d → F F- a - b - c - d

a b c d e a - b - c - d

Experiments, Matirials and Methods

Artificial-Electrical, Anolog Methods.

CT Atlas Anolysis ( Graphici-nvestigation )

( PET and MRI)

Graphic Instruments


The animals Test Methods

Ultra-microsope ( Special-Microtochniques )

Neuromotor system Telemetering

Other Regulars Inspection. (Fig/gketh no3)


Sp'bm Developing

We using micr-o-manipulation, microtechnique, micro-electropuhoresis, microscopy,

microscopic section. micro-graphy, microsectroscope, microflaorophotometry and

micro dis section for cell structure of nerves (nervous system, medela (blongata,

spinal cord, neuron, axon, dendrite, synapse etc).

Specially, sencsry nerves. orgon, ending and organ were appearring involuntary

reflex action and conditioned refler action. The plexus and nerve trunk are active

up code of chromatin.

From dynamics of nucleus, intracellular movemen and cytochrome were changing

obtain Sp'bm Developing.

The nucleic acids, nucleins, was directed variation.

Another, DNA-DNA hybridization, the materials and methods, by usually rule. The

Page 43: paper 2013.106

tests using dog. monkey. cat and mice ( Strain Gs7 BL6), and instruments being

observations (Physiological-area. sp'bm).

Gene-engineering, molecular biology-test-method;

microbiobgical alsvy. Special-computer. Steps q. v.drawing.

The main text

This paper will briefly discuss music coustics and physiological-area of sence of

hearing that was resohoce found with on equal footing. It.

Why we say Sp'bm Developing? Because it is physical·chemistal phenomenons.

Be limited to tests, we would discover that sound resonar response, the arer

excitation. region of acoustic resonary. A-rig-life etc.

How its mtion and works? See Figs, it shown that delcate and complicated and

overloaded relations.


So that sound power be

W=PSu (1.1)

herce, sp bm's mathemetical-fokmulation be

A(x,y,z)……fePSu (1.2)where A sound field, x, y, z is small cltions, ft is together valume.

< 2 >

The world is filled with many interesting sounds. Some are anpleasant to our

cars while others are Very pleasant to hear. In a singleday you prolably hear

handreds of different sounds. Althrogh, all sounds are different, some may be

sofes others may be loud, some sounds arehigh; others are low. some sounds

are unpleasaut to hear, some sounds are unpleasant to hear.

And Sp'bm region was the division of regions ccordim to man kind brain's organ

system, intequmentary sysstem, muscular system, specil nervous system,

circulatory system , intequmentary system and ultra-microminiatkizations, i.e, medalla

cbongjata cord, neuron, nucleus, axon, dendite, synapse, nerve fibre (Sensory

nerve ending, etc) and gongliors, plexas, nerve trunks etc, It will appear

irreqularity, as paticles-fields affected, bounded above and bounded below, invisible

motion-way. By analogy, these o be approaching to ultha-fixing, Centain beyond

the bounds of above, Sp'bm region actions to be bound with other hiden-motins,


We performed special experiments to test the hyo-thesis (Discovers).

We obtained:A(x,y,z)ft psv. It has been demonstrated that obove founulations. no

ouly such but noed that.

a' b" c" d e' F+a"+b"+c"+d"

A+…… a , b, c, d → F F- a - b - c - d So+Si (1.3)

a b c d e a - b - c - d

above formula is sound resonat response equation. Where A, F and a, b, c, d, e

express sound resonat and others differentiate. inside so. si is Sp'bm resion's

formation. Valume (cambium) It is important that. It's deformation effect (formative

cell: it means eclls' isotropic and aeolotropism) as infomation-ultra-molecuie flowing

Page 44: paper 2013.106

affected. So as appearing its divelsitys. Research to this, it is very important

meanings that our's medicine and aff-live.

Fig The indicatol-diagram

The music consenance inducing body when these many cells was appearing

contact stimulus, conjunctiva and activations, because we called "Sp'bm"

devoloping. Here is given sign.

This Test method and Test-instruments as above showned that. (ibid). So different

be instruments arranged.

[1] Shipley T, Hyson, M: On anditory and Dited specific evored lohf:/a/ potent:a/s.

Acoust soc Am (USA) 59[6] 1519-1577 (D6).

[2] Denney D, et al, Electhoenceph, hoter-aroul differerces in the disect cortical

rlesponse of the cat, Clin, Neurophysiol, 20/3 249-256 1966.

[3] Brown, J.L.J V.calioation evored fron the optic lobe of a songbird Sciienle,

1945 49-No3087, 1002-1003.

[4] Cable, D. G. etal. Cireulation, The role of gene therapy for intimal hyperplasia

of hyposss grafts etlc. 1999, NOV.9.100 (3792-6 ).




In this paper we point out tecionics theory "GENEDAL-CHANGING FIELD". It

means Place tectonics, ologensis, theory of continezital drift geotoctonic. cycle,

etc by and geo plysist were different.

And "Axion of resoloing (Valves)" and "activat-field theory" both important for us to

research them.

Observation , Test , analogue and analysis had been was emploied by modern

new methods.<Geophysics, geotectonics, etc> (Geophysics, geotomics etc)

KEY WORDS//others.

field of widespread-changing . ( indirect stratification of rock cosmeolog-isom-

isolog) U,E,S Coordination princles. (A) U, E, S→UES

(B)U≥ES (C)E(S)≠ UFirst, Second promote theory.

Recessive wave-line batter

earth-nuclear motive-force


nuclears Cold pole

nuclears hot pole


At element-wave-particle cocoavergency (divergeccy) Computer ressemble-made-

model/tool boxs/maple/matlab/mathamatics/mol'plecad (soft ware, hard ware).

binding energy flee


thre chord-arc theorems

C1 a (x) C1ax

Page 45: paper 2013.106

π …… C2 … b (y) →π C2by

C3 c (z) C3ze

congruece-add foliafion changing I douboe position-wave-motion.

(hief chord-arc I importunt hypotenuse)

minerogenetic curued line

Axiom of resolving (Valves)


∫∫∫Mdx C2by ft ≈ M∫∫∫(cn a,b,c) ft (Modx)


thre hypotenuse-arcs



Experiments and Evaluation-Anglysis

This experiment used Computer's technolgy. ( Fig/sketch no zo )

Absides, include model-test. Seismo-geology, dia stro-phic movement, tectonic

movement, isostatics. and Geopkysical well-logging, etc. (e,g aerial photogramme-

try, Analysis of area of the moon, telemetering)

Ae the sametime, we areing investigate and archaeology of geolgical (Continental

shelf, glaciers Volcanos, islands, etc, So that we obtained stratum, the core of

the Earth, mantle, lithosphere. massif, theory of continental drift, theory of

continertal origin of oill.

Physical-Quantity and physical process, physico-chemical analysis. Model-Test and

mordern percision instruments-analysis, experiment method and experiment steps.

test-model and computer analysis. eg, recording apparatus, chronoraoph, sextant.

etc and other wild test and measuring, eg, mirohmeter, micrho-photometer,

surveying, etc, as full as possible using today's struments, in etc.

This paper will briefly discuss tectonics theory that we called "GENERAL-


Since many theary produced (e,g plate tectonics, theory of continental drift, etc).

them are importent researoched results. hat widely using us stuided and tests.

But, the toctonics fate was Axiom of resoving and activat-field ( general-changing

field), Specific says valves.


∫∫∫Mdx C2by ft ≈ M∫∫∫(cn a,b,c) ft (Modx) (1.0)


where M is field, dy is contant, C1 C2 C3 is Valves, ax, hy, ce is

hynotenae-arcs, fe is houndary conditons.

According to threo chord-arc theorens.

C1 a (y) C1ay

π …… C2 … b (y) →π C2by (1.1)

C3 c (e) C3ce

Pass throagh above formala transformation, we regulate and abtained.

C1 C1

π C2 π C2 (1.2)

Page 46: paper 2013.106

C3 C3

If U, E, S, Coordination princler (A)U, E, S →UES

(B) U≥ES (C)E(S)≠UoWe obtain first , second promet theory, according at element-wave-paceicle

cocovergeney, nuclears cold pole , hot pole.

As fig shownd, recessive wave-line batter , earth nuclear motive force , binding

energy flee, occlusion-polyme-rism, "draim-collactive", cleacs,-expansion, double-

prrase wave-motion and chief chord arc (important pypotenuse). Cearly, show,

the tectonics-model will be firse of all these. contingent quasistaszlity factors. If

postalat formula estalish , rediser bute.

[1] Stcuart J. A. etal. The brealsp and dispersion of a new "conceptual "Geosci,

cun, V.8, No1, 8-12, 1981

[2] Scholte J. G. i On theolies of the origin of microseisms, symp, on micraseism,

195,/9/94-6, Hal-1-1Tman, N. Y1953, 114-120

[3] Brert, FRAJ, AMRHAR.M, Transtensive synsedimeneary tactenics associated

with opening, the Essaonisa-Agrdir segment of Bretagnegcoccid. entale. Geol

soc, 155 (6) 913-928 (1998).





In this paper we point out that the earthqua kes is "field of earthquakes". Include

great field of unifield-SL, discharge changing-hype and three-footing theorys, etc.

It is important that expovnded it's genesis and us defend earthquakes

(Prediction prophylayis, anti-seismic, etc) or we stuided diastrophic movement. The

earthquake'sfield, meaning physical quantity. Seis-mo-geology, geophysics.

KEY WORDS.//others.

great unifield-SL Quiet sun's quiet time.

Large transonic-fredom earthquakes fields.

isomorphic field mathalizationaltion

( ground state changing of schwarzschild sphere)

echo-curved line



Pstive Pole

adveres pole

Corres/podence canonical equation

A+B+C+D=M(A+B+C+D) (M>0)in clined non-corrseponcleme changing.

a+b+c+d≠n(a+b+c+d) (n≤0)

laws of earthquakes three-motions.

(1) Amf1Qs=AmfGQs (Ro) (Ro>0)(2) Amf1Qs=AmfGQs (Ro) (Ro = 0)

Page 47: paper 2013.106

(3) Amf1Qs=AmfGQs (Ro) (Ro<0)theorty of "three-foot" (three-coitus fulcrum coordnates)

gradation for "yan"

discharge-changing. petrography, hypotenuse, immersion-petrogrophy.

recessive slow-long themour, phase; Volume of heterotypic of hypotenuse-


(Physical-chemical process, physical yxstems, model-analysis ibid)

Experiments and Model-Anaysis-Vestigations for seismological zones, etc.

(1)Ultr-Computer Anologue-Dovelopments system simulation.

(2)Induction Electrolog. Earthquakes-experiment of tchctonic simulation, Monitor ,

Syn rthetic-Seismo-gram, Taggingreader.

(3)Celestial mechanics. (Saltatoty evolution)

Selenoghapty (earthquqkes area of the moon)

(4)Vestigations seismological Zones, Vestigations tectonics, moontain building, etc.

(5)The Analysised many earthquakes-datas.

< 1 >

There are many theorys, hypothesis and models, but we did a number of

experiments to test these hypothesis theorys and models, we find about any

seismograph (Specially be Seixmolog) exists some question for to explain its

mechanism by us.

The formulas omitted (idid)

Accrding to these equation.

We obtain seimic centre theory [1.1-1.5, etc]

equation of sicmple hermonic wave-motion

We know earthquakes wave eguation is

no.only this, but also it have empirical formal

U=P+S+T+ID-F (1.5) [ energy of crytal lattile] and field of earehguakes be

( relation for malas )

orders [u…a, b, c…(Uo - Ao, Bo, Co)]=ZDo-i (1.6)

then obtaion gain eguotion of field of rarge-urify and eguation of

movements within retarmimg are.

hence, we obtain from imfor mations too,

from that formala as bellswing

So that we will drrivation bellow formala (1.6) (1.7) to fields of

earthquakes' laws.

Type of earhquakes' pergnancy and develpmeut

the model of earthquakes mechanism.

A; B, C, H (x,y) VX, WX - XU[D,a,b,c] (2.5)

Accordiyg to dohivatia, we obatin

A+ B+ C+ D = M (A+B+C+D ) (M>0) (2.6)a + b + c + d = n (a + b + c + d ) (n≤0) (2.7)

that three-motions be

(1)Amf1GQs = AmfaQs(Ro) (Ro>0) (2.8)

(2)Amf1GQs = AmfaQs(Rm) (Ro=0) (2.9)

Page 48: paper 2013.106

(2)Amf1GQs = AmfaQs(Rn) (Ro<0) (3.0)where Am is earthguaces conltant , f is field , G is colem of heterotypic

valume , Q is gradationfor-yan, R is echo-cukued. lind uolum.

< 2 >

We know , the great unifiel-SL is very large, its sphere inclule large transonic-

fredom earthquakes fields, indactive Y-fredom "three foot", discharge-changing-

pztrograbby-hypotenuse, immersion-pethogr-elphy and rece-ssive slow-long themour

phase, etc (E. g ocho-curved line, inclined-brecothreghy, psitive pele, culserse pole.)

The earthquakes and tectonic movement, physiographic ecology, geotectonics

(geotectnic system) and inflnence of large scale topography etc being links close.

Specially we called item "great field of un-field" and "retur ning-movements"

Nozethelless as such, We would tests and to try made seismoscope,

seismograph, and design seismic regioralization. In here we omitted, see another

paper or PATEN. (Seismograph-Type-QA-12 Earthquake Surrey insetment) The

seismograph's structure and works principles be according above for to designned.

In general words, the earthquake's (Seismil focus. arise-medidum-stop-re-start-

formation, etc). research and test first recognized its mecroscopic properyies but

them's iinearly vrlying section and line-arized solution, linear group, linear internal

fics this be summaried. In Tables and Figures. ( Q. V. sketch/Fig no 12. 13)

The earthquake's formation not only be plate tectonics's (or theaty of continetlra

drifetsome actions but also be changing-force, Changing-field, Chd chaing-

chemiscal-energy exchange (energy flux and fertilitys).

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[2] Bochme, K.W. Aher, J. Phgs, Curved Space and qravitation, 1965, 33, No5


[3] Putta, n, c: Sesmic loss mechanisms. geophysics, 1981, 46, h25, 846-8-10.

[4] The orign of iuternodiate and deep focus earthquakes. NASA SP-331, SYMP,

Gzzszquificant accomplisne-ments in sci, 1972/11/7- Goddard Space Flight Center,

1973, 220-233.

[5] FALSAYE-RLA.S.Regional stress field in the area of seromholi in sights

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above these paper was written by Doc..Hahey , ,pro.mdin.shmith, prof.ruida-si,…

Doc..bert.jes...copy right..

Author Postscript: The above compilation of papers. These research papers have several authors,

the first author hahey, papers including physics, cosmology, geology, biology, medicine,

neurobiology, environmental protection, and many other papers, here is a compilation of papers

edition, Natural Sciences Proceedings sets. Some papers at the International Conference in

communication. The original paper drawings are not in this compilation, omitted, added later.

Please note that copyright protection, copyright protection. The neva