paper 2 english language. details 2 hours long section a four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) section...

Paper 2 English Language

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Page 1: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

Paper 2

English Language

Page 2: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

Details2 hours long

Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins)

Section B Two of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on

each task)

Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension




Phone-inPhone-in LeafletLeaflet



What do I What do I look for?look for?

Page 3: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

You will be given two non-fiction texts to read and four questions to answer on them.Questions will be one named text. However, one will ask you to compare them. On this question, you can use the bullet points as subheadings when comparing both texts.Different types of questions test different skills. Click each box…

Section A Reading Comprehension (1 hour)

Information Retrieval


Skill: Searching and finding.Question wording: List reasons or details/make a list of...According to this text or writer, how or what or why.Explain how and/or why.Method: If it says so, you can bullet point your evidence. Don’t waste time explaining or analysing your quotes, this is a test of your ability to simply find the information. Aim for 10 points for 10 easy marks!

Analysis of persuasive technique.

Explaining and

Summarising .

Comparison of texts.


Skill: Exploring how writers build arguments or persuade.Question wording: Who is this text aimed at? (Advertisements)How does the writer try to encourage or interest or argue?How does this text try to persuade or sell or influence?Method: Focus on content of text- quote and explain. Pick specific words out. In an advert, every detail will be chosen for a reason so think about how each feature is working to attract and persuade the intended audience.

Skill: Unpicking a writer’s attitudes, impression or opinions.Question wording: What impression do you get of the (writer or thing)?What image does this text create of the (writer or thing)?What are the writer’s (attitudes, opinions, thoughts, feelings) about...Method: Be specific about the attitudes you spot. Attitudes or opinions can often be subtle, ironic / humorous, or could change through the text. Develop points with further explanation only when you feel it needs it.

Skill: Finding similarities and differences between texts.Question wording: Compare and contrast these texts.Which one of these texts do you find more effective?Method: Use the bullet points as subheadings. It makes it easier for you and the examiner. Use plenty of comparison words (whereas, unlike, similarly, just as, on the other hand) and compare both texts for each bullet point.

Page 4: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

Analysing non-literary texts.Most


Least important

1. Content – what the text is saying about issue.

2. Language – words/phrases used.

3. Tone

4. Structure – how the argument/essay is put together.

5. Approach

6. Headlines/titles

7. Pictures

8. Presentation – used to get message across clearly and effectively.

Page 5: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each


A national newspaper is attempting to educate its older readers in the ways of the young. It needs up-to-date, lively articles on hobbies and interests - from fashion to football, from music to model-making, from computers to cars.

Write a lively article for the national newspaper on your hobby or interest.

1. Intro

2. Background on hobby

3. Specific, popular examples

4. Why it is a good interest to have

Tai-kwando - Be Fit and Enjoy!

If you think of martial arts, you might believe you have to be super fit and have an obsession with Bruce Lee films, but these days learning a martial art is popular and really enjoyable. It's also a great way to get fit.

Tai-kwando is a martial art with a difference. It's not like judo (boring) but is loads of fun and I've been doing it for two years now.


x Use columns

x Draw pictures


Have a heading

Use sub-headings


Page 6: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

ReviewA review is a type of articlein which you give your opinionof a new book, film, band or television programme.QuestionA teenage magazine has asked you to review a computer game, CD, TV programme or film for its

readers. They would like your honest opinion and want a lively, interesting style. Write your review.

Who is the Inside Man?This was a question I left the cinema with when I had finished watching this film,

directed by Spike Lee. The film is a thriller but, although it's pretty complex, it's well worth going to see.

The film is set in New York and you get a real feel of the place through the setting and the characters, including the NYPD and the rich bank owners. It begins with a robbery at a well known Manhattan bank, but very quickly you begin to ask yourself is it really a bank robbery at all? The plot twists and winds its way through 2 hours of fast-paced action and there isn't a minute when you're not feeling gripped (or sometimes confused).

The characters are great. Denzil Washington is the hostage negotiator and he's smart but also funny and very likeable. British actor Clive Owen is the main robber - he's also smart but is also not your average criminal -for instance he's not interested in the millions of dollars in the vault. Why?


x End up selling the thing you review

x Tell the readers it's just 'really good‘



Give opinions on good and bad

Recommend it

Ask and answer questions

Page 7: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

SpeechQuestionA debate is being held inyour class on vegetarianism.You have to make a speechfor or against it. Write what you would say.

1. Intro2. Meat is good for you3. Doesn't make a difference to the killing of animals4. Too difficult to continue5. Can lead to deficiencies in vitamins

I am here today to debate the topic of vegetarianism. Many vegetarians feel they're really making a difference. Many vegetarians feel that they can set an example and stop others eating meat. But I feel being a vegetarian is a waste of time.

Firstly meat is good for you. It has been proven that it is full of protein and vitamins that any vegetable substitute cannot provide. Man has eaten meat since the dawn of time and has survived because of it.


x Start ‘Ladies and gentleman..’

X Use speech marks


Use paragraphs

Use connectives

Use persuasive techniques

Page 8: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

Phone-inQuestionThe 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London. Many people support the idea, but

many others feel the Government's money should not be wasted on London and the Olympics. A radio station is running a phone-in on this topic and you decide to contribute. Write the contribution to the radio programme.

1. Intro2. Brings tourism/ sense of pride3. Creates thousands of new jobs4. Events held all over country, not just London5. Encourages sport and fitness

Hi, I don't actually live in London but I still think that having the Olympics in our country is a great idea for the people and the image of the country as a whole.

Firstly, I think that it will attract masses of tourists and visitors who will bring money into the country. Also what about us feeling proud of our country? We beat lots of other countries to win this bid so we should celebrate.

Secondly, ...


x Write it as a script

x Use speech marks


Write it like an essay


Page 9: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

LeafletQuestionExperts say that binge drinking is a bigger problem amongst teenagers than drug abuse. Write a

leaflet aimed particularly at teenagers giving advice on binge drinking and how to avoid it.

1. Intro2. Section on what it is3. What the problems can be4. How can it be avoided5. Helpful addresses/websites

Don't Binge - Look after No. 1Are you one of those people who follow the crowd? Are you one of those people

who doesn't like to be left out? Chances are if you're answering yes to these questions then you're probably involved in binge drinking. Binge drinking is now a bigger problem than drugs and it's affecting you in ways you're probably not even aware of.

How am I binge drinking? I only drink on Fridays and Saturdays…If you're drinking to feel drunk, even one night a week, then you're binge

drinking. You may know that just five units of alcohol in one go are now classed as binge drinking. You may also need to know that if you're drinking extra strength larger or beer then it only takes 3 units to be classed as binge drinking.


x Draw pictures

x Write lots of 1sentence paragraphs

x Use too many bullet points


Use picture boxes

Use headings + subheadings


Pic of girl in hospital, tubes etc

Picture box >

Page 10: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

Report QuestionYour school is keen to have a fitness drive for all

year groups. The Head teacher has asked you, as the representative for Year 11, to write a report for the year group, suggesting how a fitness drive would work best.

Format of a report• Title of report. Then who is writing it and who it is written for• Intro saying what report is about• Four sections, using sub-headings, developing an idea in each• Three recommendations, bullet pointed to conclude.

Report on Ideas for Fitness Drive for Year 11

By: To:The purpose of this report is to look at the problems facing levels of fitness in our school, particularly Year 11.

Healthy EatingAlthough the canteen has tried to improve the food, students are still managing to eat chips, pizzas and other unhealthy options every day. The burger bar has been removed, but the main dining room still offers unhealthy alternatives. Also, healthy foods are often tasteless and smothered in mayonnaise.

PE Lessons


x Think you can do this without revising format!


Keep it formal

Avoid first person

Use appropriate layout

Develop each section

Page 11: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

LetterQuestionImagine you have relatives living abroad. You have not been in touch for a while but you would like

to visit them as it would be a cheap holiday. Write a letter which would persuade your relatives to agree to your visit. Remember to set the letter out appropriately.

1. Intro2. Great opportunity to see world/them3. Need break after exams4. Educational5. Have saved the money

(address)Dear Aunt May and Uncle Jack,

How are you? Hope you are all well and not too fed up of the Aussie sun! How's Sara and David? Are they still living at home, treating the place like a hotel! Sorry I haven't been in touch, but I'm revising for my exams at the moment and what with a part-time job on top of all the work, things are really busy. But, I'll have finished my exams on June 28 and then I have the whole of the summer to do as I please.

Anyway, speaking of having the whole of the summer off, rather than just waste it, lazing about, I was hoping to spend some time travelling and Australia sprang to mind. I'd love to see more of the world and everyone says it's a really cool place to visit. I've got the time, before I have to knuckle down and start college, and of course I'd love to see you all as well.


x Use slang

x forget to show range of vocab


Be sure of your persona

Make it realistic

Page 12: Paper 2 English Language. Details 2 hours long Section A Four 10 mark tasks (50-55 mins) Section BTwo of any of the following tasks (30-35mins on each

How to set out a formal letter:How to set out a formal letter: Your address

On top right

Of letter

Date goes under the writer’s address

Address of who

You sending letter to

Goes on left

Above main body of letter