papaya leaves tea

15 Uses for Papaya Leaves - A Powerful Cure for Cancer Posted by Dr. Paul Haider on July 30, 2013 at 12:18pm View Articles Most people know about papayas but not many know about the amazing health benefits of Papaya Leaves. Papaya Leaves contain powerful healing compounds that are very important for great health and vitality... and for curing cancer and dengue fever. Indigestion-Heartburn - Papaya Leaves are great for getting rid of invading bacteria that cause upset stomach problems because they contain karpain which kills bacteria. And it contains lots of papain, protease enzyme, and amylase enzyme which help to breaks down proteins, carbs, and sooth the GI tract... and helps with acid reflux. Papaya Leaves reduce inflammation of the stomach lining and heal gastric ulcers by killing H. pylori bacteria. And Papaya Leaf tea soothes away colon inflammation from IBS and other inflammatory bowel diseases.

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15 Uses for Papaya Leaves - A Powerful Cure for Cancer Posted by Dr. Paul Haider on July 30, 2013 at 12:18pm View Articles

Most people know about papayas but not many know about the amazing health benefits of Papaya Leaves. Papaya Leaves contain powerful healing compounds that are very important for great health and vitality... and for curing cancer and dengue fever.  

Indigestion-Heartburn - Papaya Leaves are great for getting rid of invading bacteria that cause upset stomach problems because they contain karpain which kills bacteria. And it contains lots of papain, protease enzyme, and amylase enzyme which help to breaks down proteins, carbs, and sooth the GI tract... and helps with acid reflux. Papaya Leaves reduce inflammation of the stomach lining and heal gastric ulcers by killing H. pylori bacteria. And Papaya Leaf tea soothes away colon inflammation from IBS and other inflammatory bowel diseases. Break Down Wheat Gluten - Papaya Leaves have the ability to break down wheat gluten making it easy to digest. Cancer - Papaya Leaves have a milky sap that’s great for preventing and killing cancer cells because it contains acetogenin. There are many studies including studies in Japan showing that Papaya Leaves are effective for curing cancer. And there are people who have cured their cancer by drinking Papaya Leaf Tea for extended periods of time. 

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The University of Florida did studies showing that Papaya Leaves contain agents that kill cancer, especially cervix, prostate, liver, breast, and lung cancer. The more concentrated the tea the better the results... and there are no side effects of any kind. Down through history in Australia the native aboriginal people have talked about Papaya Leaf Tea as a great cancer healing agent, also in Asia and other places. Most recommend taking 10 leaves, cutting them up and boiling them in a 1/2 gallon water until it boils down to quart... then let it cool. The tea will keep in the frig for 2 days in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid... drink as much as possible.Plus Papaya Leaf tea enhances chemotherapy... and helps with chemotherapy side effects.Prostate Enlargement - Papaya Leaf tea can help with benign prostate enlargement and also help with rectal lesions problems associated with prostate enlargement. Acne Remedy - If you have acne then take dried Papaya Leaves and putting them in a blender with just enough water to make a paste. Then take the paste and used it as a mask, let it dry, and then wash it off... it works great for acne! Increase Platelet Count - Papaya Leaf Tea cures thrombocytopenia or low platelet counts which keeps a person from clotting. There have been many studies showing that Papaya Leaf Tea can increase platelet counts in cases of vitamin deficiencies, chemotherapy, dengue fever and more. Menstrual Pain - Take 6 Papaya Leaves and boil them in a liter of water for 15 minutes. Then add any kind of juice that you like... let cool and drink one large glass 3 times a day. Laxative - Papaya Leaves made into a strong tea also work well as a good laxative... for those who suffer from constipation. Dengue Fever - Papaya Leaves made into a tea lower fevers and helps with colds, flues, and even dengue fever... and some even call it a cure for dengue fever. Skin Problems - Papaya Leaves can help with fungal infections of the skin, warts, scars... and get rid of freckles. Increase Appetite - Papaya Leaf tea increases appetite bringing vigor and vitality back to the body. Cataracts - Papaya Leaf tea can prevent cataracts. Emphysema - Papaya Leaves contain lots of Vitamin D which prevents emphysema. Immune Booster - Papaya Leaves contains lots of powerful antioxidants that boost your immune system and stave off cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer. Papaya Leaves create “Th1” a cytokines which boost the immune system and fights cancer. Anti-Aging - Papaya Leaf also contains 50 or more different amino acids such as: threonine, glutamate acid, glycine, valine, leucine, phenylalanine, lysine, tritophan, cysteine, histidine, tyrosine, alanine, proline, aspartate, and more... and some of these agents are used in cosmetics for creating young healthy looking skin, and have been used as anti-aging compounds.Contains - Papaya Leaf contains lots of great nutrients such as B-Vitamins for vitality and enhanced mood, Vitamins A and C which are powerful antioxidants, calcium and Vitamin D which are important for strong bones, Vitamin E which is important for sexual and cardiovascular health. Flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants that keep away cancer and

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cardiovascular disease, tannins that boost the immune system, and betacarotene for immune enhancement and eye health.    You can find Papaya Leaf tea on-line or ask for it at your local health food store. Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas, and at - feel free to contact him any time. Also check out Dr. Haider’s radio show at August show to be about “Spirituality and Food”


PAPAYA LEAF Tea:The papaya plant – also called pawpaw in Australia and known scientifically as Carica papaya – is most widely known for its delicious orange fruit. Native to Southern Mexico and the Carribean, papaya now grows throughout most tropical and subtropical countries in the world. Papaya leaf tea may have a number of health benefits including potent antioxidant properties when taken regularly.Sponsored Link

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Papaya Leaf and Cancer

Papaya leaf tea has been used in tropical regions to treat a number of ailments and recent scientific data suggests that papaya leaf may be useful in fighting cancer. According to research published in the ''Journal of Ethnopharmacology'' in February of 2010, papaya leaf tea showed promise in treating a variety of human cancers in vitro including cervical, breast, lung and pancreatic cancers. Scientists posit that the anticancer effects of papaya leaf tea may be due to the stimulation of immune cells that kill cancer cells. University of Florida researcher Dr. Nam Dang, one of the team members responsible for the study, elaborated on the university's website that papaya leaf tea demonstrated no toxicity on human cells, potentially making it a safe, natural treatment for many forms of cancer.Natural Ulcer Remedy

Papaya leaf tea may also be a benefit for gastric ulcers, according to research published in "The West Indian Medical Journal" in September 2008. Researchers found that papaya leaf tea prevented gastric ulcers in rats subjected to alcohol compared to the control group. Further, the rats pre-treated with papaya leaf showed less oxidative stress in their blood, suggesting that papaya leaf tea had a strong systemic antioxidant effect.

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Researchers attributed the reduction in ulcer formation and oxidative stress – at least in part – to an increase in glutathione peroxidase activity – an important antioxidant function that prevents free radical-damage in the body.Other Antioxidant Effects

Other research suggests that papaya leaf may reduce hydrogen peroxide – a marker for oxidative damage. Research published in the ''Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine'' in June 2012 showed that while papaya leaf tea did not demonstrate as many antioxidant properties as ascorbic acid, scientists still concluded that it may have potential pharmacological and nutritional benefits in preventing or reducing free radical-damage. More research is needed to determine papaya leaf tea's antioxidant properties in human subjects.Quick Tips

Always work with your doctor or other qualified health-care professional before self-treating with herbs. This is particularly true if you have cancer or another serious health issue. Papaya leaf tea may be a suitable safe and natural adjunct treatment for cancer and other diseases in which the immune system needs support and in the prevention of free-radical damage.


Papaya leaves balance blood sugar and boost immunity 

(NaturalHealth365) Most of us are aware of the nourishing, restorative and protective benefits of papaya fruit, but have little knowledge about the healing powers of papaya leaves – which are far more powerful than its fruit. Unlike the fruit, the leaves are bitter to taste due to its high concentration of phytonutrients – which explains its therapeutic benefits.The nutrition inside the papaya leaf is incredible!

Based on the research studies, it was found that the phytonutrient compounds in papaya leaves act in synergy to display a strong antioxidant and immune enhancing impact in the bloodstream. Papain, alkaloids and phenolic compounds are responsible for their positive biological effects.The enzymes papain and chymopapain are the two biologically active components of papaya. They aid in digesting proteins and are widely used for treating indigestion, bloating, and other digestive disorders. In addition, the alkaloid compounds, carpaine, pseudocarpaine and dehydrocarpaine demonstrate chemo-preventive effects.Pure isolated alkaloids and their synthetic derivatives are used as basic medicinal agents because of their antispasmodic, analgesic, and bacterial properties. The phenolic compounds, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin and kaempferol exhibit potent

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antioxidant effect. Papaya leaves are also high in minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and manganese.Diabetics have 3 good reasons to try papaya leaf extractsEnhances insulin sensitivity: Poor insulin sensitivity is the cause for type-2 diabetes, which causes inefficient glucose uptake by the cells. Several animal studies and some human studies have shown that papaya leaf extracts were able to demonstrate glucose lowering effect.A study on Mauritian population showed that papaya leaf extract supplementation decreased the enzyme levels of ALT and AST (bio-markers of type 2 diabetes) among diabetic patients and improved insulin sensitivity.Decreases diabetes complications: The mix of antioxidants in papaya leaf extracts are helpful in decreasing the secondary complications of diabetes such as fatty liver, kidney damage and oxidative stress. A growing number of well-researched studies have demonstrated the same.Accelerates wound healing: The process of wound healing is delayed or hindered in a diabetic patient and can cause other complications. Many studies have confirmed that consuming papaya leaves enhanced the process of wound healing – due to its anti-bacterial and remarkable antioxidant action.The health benefits extend beyond blood sugar stabilization…Some clinical studies have confirmed that the papaya leaf extracts effectively inhibit cancer cell growth and improve immune activity. A 2010 study, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacolgy confirmed that the papaya leaf extracts can mediate and boost Th1 type cytokines in the immune system and may potentially treat and prevent certain types of allergic disorders and cancer .How can I use papaya leaves?The Japanese, the aboriginals of Australia and many traditional herbal treatments have used papaya leaves for their health-enhancing powers. The tender papaya leaves are cooked and consumed similar to spinach in the islands of East Indies. Fresh, green papaya leaf is used as an antiseptic, while the brown, dried leaves are used as a tonic and blood purifier.The best way to consume the papaya leaves is in the form of tea. Prepare a tea infusion, by adding 10 leaves to half a gallon of water – allow it to boil till the quantity of water is decreased to a quart. Cool and consume in small doses as needed to treat indigestion, for detoxifying, for immune-building purposes or as a general tonic.The adverse effects of the papaya leaves have not been tested in humans however animal studies suggest low toxicity, hence they are considered safe for long term consumption.What are the forms of papaya leaf extracts available in the market?Papaya leaf extracts are available in the market as capsules, tea leaves and in the powder form for consumption. When you reach for papaya leaf extract supplements, be sure to choose non-GMO, organic supplements since most of the papaya, today, are genetically modified. Many studies have shown that choosing fermented papaya extracts to be more beneficial due to their enhanced antioxidant and immune-boosting effects.

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With government-run healthcare turning into a disaster – many people are turning to plant-based remedies that are effective and less expensive, with no side-effects. Papaya leaves are just one of many natural ways to improve your health – especially if you suffer from diabetes.If you can’t talk to your current doctor about natural healing – find another doctor and take action today.Looking for natural health solutions? Sign up now – for our free, weekly show featuring the greatest minds in natural health and science plus a free gift!References:1. Otsuki N,; Aqueous extract of Carica papaya leaves exhibits anti-tumor activity and immunomodulatory effects. J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Feb 17;127(3):760-7.2. Ngozi Awa Imaga,; Phytochemical and antioxidant nutrient constituents of Carica papaya and Parquetina nigrescens extracts; Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5(16), pp. 2201-2205, 18 August, 20103. Somanah J; Effects of a short term supplementation of a fermented papaya preparation on biomarkers of diabetes mellitus in a randomized Mauritian population. Preventive Medicine (2012)4. Isela Esther Juárez-Rojop Hypoglycemic effect of Carica papaya leaves in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012; 12: 236.SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Click here to join the NaturalNews Inner Circle – a monthly (online) subscription offering exclusive audio interviews, video events, natural health product discounts, free gifts plus much more!- See more at:

Papaya Leaf Tea for CancerPromoting, Researching, and Growing Papaya Leaf TeaSkip to content


Papaya Leaf Powder is the New “Matcha”Posted on September 20, 2014

Based on its unique natural phenols, the papaya leaf stands out in Nature. Even as compared to Green Tea and its powdered form, (matcha or maccha), papaya leaf tea could be the new “matcha” in powdered form.

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Matcha boasts the natural phenol, catechin, (EGCG), which is shown to be more effective in neutralizing free radicals than regular green tea. Matcha is generally considered for its cancer-fighting in Japan due to this intense level of catechins.

Determination of catechins in matcha green tea by micellar electrokinetic chromatography.AuthorsWeiss DJ, et al. Show all JournalJ Chromatogr A. 2003 Sep 5;1011(1-2): leaf also contains a phenolic content higher than any other part of the papaya plant. It’s cancer-fighting flavonoids are gaining in reputation. This invites us to consider its culinary appeal in powdered form, prepared as a Matcha. The thinking behind the Matcha form of green tea is that the whole leaf can be ingested, increasing its potency in your body at four times regular green tea. Papaya leaf powder is available from most major herbal wholesalers.”The Julia Ruffin Project researches, promotes, and grows papaya leaf tea.Leave a comment

Enzyme in Papaya Leaf, Papain, Inhibits Tumor Growth and Metastatis in   Lab Posted on September 17, 2014

Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy for cancerous tumors goes back to the success of Dr Beard in the 1930’s. He retrieved the trypsin (a proteolytic enzyme) from young cows and injected it straight into the patient’s Tumor. This method showed success. Doctors who subsequently tried to mimic this procedure were discredited but they tried to retrieve trypsin from old cows, which by definition have less pancreatic enzymes due to their age. The theory of an “enzyme bank” that decreases as we age belongs to Dr Edward Howell, who proved this in a series of studies over years. (1945 +)

The enzyme in papaya leaves, papain, is a proteolytic enzyme that also seems to show a similar effect on tumors, as in this animal study below. Papain is a more potent proteolytic enzyme than our body’s trypsin.

Inhibition of tumor growth, invasion and metastasis in papain-immunized mice.AuthorsBellelli A, Mattioni M, Rusconi V, Sezzi ML, Bellelli L.

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JournalInvasion Metastasis. 1990;10(3):142-69.

“The growth rate, invasion and metastasis of both the B16 melanoma and the Lewis lung carcinoma were inhibited in mice immunized with papain. These animals presented an increased mean survival time as compared to the tumor-bearing nonimmunized controls. Quantitative microscopy suggested that vasodilation and edema, associated with tumor invasion, are, at least partially, sustained by proteolytic enzymes, being strongly reduced when tumor cells were inoculated in papain-immunized mice.” a comment

Study Reveals Most Effective Anti-Cancer Papaya Leaf Tea   Temperature Posted on September 13, 2014

The International Journal of Food Science and Technology published a study in July that claims the best anti-cancer temperature of Papaya Leaf Tea is 85C (185 degrees F) and cooked for 25 minutes with a water to leaf ratio of 20:1. The specific cancer under study was pancreatic cancer.Antioxidant and anticancer capacity of saponin-enriched Carica papaya leaf extractsQuan V. Vuong1,2, Sathira Hirun1,2, Tiffany L.K. Chuen1,2, Chloe D. Goldsmith1,2, Shane Murchie2, Michael C. Bowyer1,2, Phoebe A. Phillips3 andChristopher J. Scarlett1,2,4,*

How to Dry Papaya Leaf for Tea

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Papaya, or carica papaya, grows leaves in a spiral up its trunk. The leaves live four to six months, according to the California Rare Fruit Growers. The trees grow in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Traditional use and preliminary studies suggest papaya may have anti-tumor activity. Papaya and its leaves contain papain, commonly used as a digestive enzyme. Papain also helps treat worms and intestinal parasites, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Drying papaya leaves at home gives you a supply of this traditional tea. As with all supplements, consult your doctor before using papaya leaf tea.

Step 1Harvest or obtain papaya leaves in late spring or early summer for faster drying. Cut the leaves late in the day after the heat has passed, if possible. This is the time of day when plant leaves are most dehydrated. Alternatively, gather fallen leaves.

Step 2Wash the papaya leaves in running water. Pat them thoroughly dry with towels.

Step 3Trim the stems 6 to 8 inches long to save room in the drying area, if desired. Make bundles of four to six leaves. Wrap heavy twine around the bundle and tie it, leaving at least 1 foot of twine to hang the leaves for drying. Repeat for each batch of papaya leaves.

Step 4Hang the bundles of papaya leaves in a dry, dark place. For example, from a hook or nail in a shed or at one end of a clothes rod in a closet.

Step 5Allow the leaves to dry naturally. The process may take four weeks or longer, depending on temperatures and humidity. Squeeze a leaf to test it -- a fully dried leaf loses its flexibility and cracks rather than bends.

Step 6

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Break up the leaves by tearing or cutting them into fragments that will fit into a tea strainer or tea ball. Store the papaya leaf tea in airtight glass jars or crocks.


Frequently Asked Questions

Browse the list of Frequently Asked Questions for answers to your questions. If you still have questions, please contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions. For specific questions about our products including usage, dosage and formulation, click here to email our herbalist. 

7 Top Reasons to try Herbal Papaya Products

Reason #1: Papaya is a super fruit loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and the papain enzyme that help your body stay healthy.Reason #2: All natural, organic, non-GMO superior quality ingredients are always used.Reason #3: Our products are manufactured for safety in a fully temperature-controlled  FDA-inspected and cGMP facilities that ensures purity and accuracy of materials through inspection and evaluation at every step of production and packaging.Reason #4: Our extracts use the strongest extracts available in the market. Reason #5: 10% of profits go to provide education for girls in communities where our Papayas are grown. Reason #6: Excellent 5 star customer service, striving always to bring you the best, we will never compromise our standards.Reason #7: 60 Day 100% Money back guarantee. No games not gimmicks.  

Is Papaya Leaf Tea or Papaya Leaf Extract safe?

Yes. With a wide range of natural remedies  on the market today, we understand that it can sometimes be difficult to make sense of it all. In the herbal industry, you must ensure you use a qualified source to ensure the consistency, safety or potency of the herbal remedies you buy. That is why all papaya leaf products from Herbal Papaya are manufactured using an FDA-inspected and non-GMO compliant facility which ensures strict safety standards to bring customers therapeutic effectiveness, consistency, safety, and potency. If you are pregnant or taking a blood thinning medication, please consult your doctor before you take any of our products. Papaya leaf in high dose may have abortive effects. 

Why is my Papaya Leaf Bitter?

Papaya leaf is bitter like dandelion but not AS BITTER as that. Bitter herbs are very healthy for you! That bitterness is known as “bitters” and can help with physiological reactions within your body. These herbs usually have an astringent nature within the body and work as a tonic, internal cleanser, relaxer, and stomachic. Bitter herbs are commonly used for digestion and inflammation disorders. Our papaya tea is good with a little stevia, monk fruit, agave or sweetner of your choice to make it easier. 

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What is the connection between Papaya Leaf and Your Bodys Health?Papaya leaf is the only natural source of the enzyme Papain which helps digest proteins and fats and speeds up the bodys metabolism. The Papain in papaya helps the digestive system function effectively, and because 70% of your immune system is contained in the digestive track, this helps maintain the effective functioning of the immune system. Papaya leaf is also very high in anti-oxidants which combat free radicals in your body and helps your blood platelets and your immune system fight disease. Loaded with vitamins A, C, E and K, papaya provides the essential vitamins required to maintain healthy skin and overall wellbeing.

Does the Papaya Leaf Extract in Liquid or Capsule contain any alcohol?

No. The extraction process used for obtain the Herbal Papaya leaf extract ensures that there is 0% alcohol in our products. The liquid and capsules are alcohol free. This is important when comparing a water based extract to an alcohol based extract. They will not taste the same. Because an extract contains alcohol does not mean it is stronger or more potent. If you are giving an extract to a child or do not want alcohol in your papaya leaf extract, Herbal Papaya is your only source! 

How does the new Preservative free Glycrein based Papaya Leaf Liquid extract compare to the old water based Liquid extract?

Our new extract formula is a glycerin base while the old formula was water based... BUT you are still getting the same amount of Papaya Leaf extract (1,000mg of extract) per dosage!!! We just removed all preservatives!!!

With our previous extract, papaya leaf was added to alcohol and water. The alcohol was evaporated and water added back. Unfortunately preservatives were required because of the  bacteria and fungus growth typical in water based extracts.

With our new and improved papaya leaf extract, papaya leaf is added to Vegetable glycerin - a sugar based, low glycemic powerful extraction agent. Glycerin extracts the papaya leaf and traps it inside its molecules. Heat, alcohol or preservative is never added. Each molecule is like a mini capsule which contains a lot of papaya leaf molecules, and is activated by saliva and the digestive system. The cool thing about vegetable glycerin is that it is extremely shelf stable and does not need preservatives! It is longer lasting, PH balanced and prevents microbial activity. 

So whether you add heat, freeze it or add it to your juice or tea, it does not affect the properties of  the papaya leaf enzymes. The molecules of the vegetable glycerin are larger, so when it goes into your body the sugar does not increase insulin so it is healthier for your pancreas. It is low glycemic, better tasting and easier to take for kids. Not only is it healthier for you, its more alkaline for your body and its more bio-available. 

Our Papaya Leaf Extract capsule is a 10:1 herbal extract ration. What does that mean to you?

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Most other companies use a 1:1 or 4:1 ratio of extraction; we use 10:1.  Our liquid is 10 times more potent than a 1:1 and 2.5 times more effective than a 4:1.10:1 means that for 1 kg of the extract, 10 kg of raw material is used. For 1 kg of a 4:1 extract, 4 kg of raw material is used.This explanation is sometimes confusing, but simply put, as the higher the ratio, the more potent the product is.So a capsule that contains 600mg of papaya leaf extract powder with a herbal extract ratio of 10:1 is equivalent to 6000mg of Papaya Leaf and an extract liquid that contains 1000mg per dosage at a herbal extract ratio of 10:1 is equivalent to 10,000mg of Papaya Leaf. Our extraction process ensures that our papaya leaf extract reconstitutes to achieve the same synergestic ratios as in the papaya leaf.For more information on herbal extract ratio please google this and do the research yourself. You can also find information here Herbal Papaya is not in any way affiliated with the link and associated site above. The contents of this site may change, and we are not responsible for their content, intension or message. 

Does Papaya Leaf contain caffeine?

No. Papaya leaf is a caffeine free herb. This means there is no chance of dependency with long term use and it is good for your body!

How do I know Papaya Leaf works?

The effects of Papaya Leaf are supported by scientific research. In addition, there are several testimonials from real life people to support the efficacy of Papaya Leaf in promoting overall wellbeing and health. These testimonials are not limited to our website or our company. Papaya leaf extract is good for you, period! If you use our products or if you use the fresh Papaya leaves, you will get results to will provide health benefits to your digestive, blood and immune systems. We also encourage you to send in your stories and tell your friends about the benefits of Papaya leaf. That way you are helping others and sharing health!

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Another great benefit of papaya leaf is that the rich vitamins and nutrients found in it help maintain a healthy immune system, and provides support for the blood system. Papaya leaf also supports healthy skin tone and is a great addition to your anti-aging plan. Papaya leaf extract is a strong formulation that extracts the active ingredients from the leaves of the papaya using an

extractant. The extract is much stronger than the Papaya leaf tea and comes either in the liquid form with the extractant or in a powdered form when the extraction medium is removed. Papaya leaf is also a safe and effective aid to

help indigestion, skin disorders, bloating, menstrual cramps, intestinal cramps, fungal infection, constipation, and inflammation. Papaya leaf extract

and tea may be used topically on your skin. This amazing tropical plant is one of Mother Nature’s best kept secrets!