panduan monster hunter

------------------------------------------------------ Item location guide for Monster Hunter ------------------------------------------------------ By Limpwaster ==================================== Contents 1- Contribute/ contact info 2- Update Information 3. Introduction / about the guide 4- How to use this FAQ 5- All Items List 6- HR13+ only items 7- FAQs 8- Acknowledgements 9- Copyright Info ---------------------------------------- 1. Contribute/ contact info ---------------------------------------- I've offically retired from Monster Hunter, so please only contact me if you wish to use my guide elsewhere or anything which may breech copyright. I will no longer respond to emails asking questions / telling me about stuff I've missed. ---------------------------------------- 2. Update Info ---------------------------------------- 08/10/05 Version 0.9 - Added Fatalis items, item uses now COMPLETE (I think), and added some 'HR13+' which can be obtain before HR13 (thanks fulkth) 21/09/05 Version 0.8 - I THINK I know have ALL HR13+ items. I've also completed HR13+ item uses, and updated a few missing uses up to mystery bone. 20/09/05 Version 0.7 - Added new HR13+ items section, added more uses, corrected mistakes, added a few new items. 12/09/05 Version 0.65 - Added half the item uses and corrected some mistakes. Also added a few more items and stated if some items are supplied. 22/08/05 Version 0.5 - Added some more rewards and HR13+ items (Thanks to Shuma for pretty much this entire update) 14/08/05 Version 0.4 - Updated lots of carves, changed some BIG mistakes 28/07/05 Version 0.3 - The FAQ was created.... Future planned updates; - Add if item can be brought and how much for - Complete rewards (This is kinda on hold for now) ---------------------------------------- 3. Introduction / about the guide ----------------------------------------

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Page 1: Panduan Monster Hunter

------------------------------------------------------Item location guide for Monster Hunter------------------------------------------------------

By Limpwaster


1- Contribute/ contact info2- Update Information3. Introduction / about the guide4- How to use this FAQ5- All Items List6- HR13+ only items7- FAQs8- Acknowledgements9- Copyright Info

----------------------------------------1. Contribute/ contact info----------------------------------------

I've offically retired from Monster Hunter, so please only contact me if you wish touse my guide elsewhere or anything which may breech copyright. I will no longer respond to emails asking questions / telling me about stuff I've missed.

----------------------------------------2. Update Info----------------------------------------

08/10/05 Version 0.9 - Added Fatalis items, item uses now COMPLETE (I think), and added some 'HR13+' which can be obtain before HR13 (thanks fulkth)21/09/05 Version 0.8 - I THINK I know have ALL HR13+ items. I've also completed HR13+ item uses, and updated a few missing uses up to mystery bone.20/09/05 Version 0.7 - Added new HR13+ items section, added more uses, corrected mistakes, added a few new items.12/09/05 Version 0.65 - Added half the item uses and corrected some mistakes. Also added a few more items and stated if some items are supplied.22/08/05 Version 0.5 - Added some more rewards and HR13+ items (Thanks to Shuma for pretty much this entire update)14/08/05 Version 0.4 - Updated lots of carves, changed some BIG mistakes28/07/05 Version 0.3 - The FAQ was created....

Future planned updates;- Add if item can be brought and how much for- Complete rewards (This is kinda on hold for now)

----------------------------------------3. Introduction / about the guide----------------------------------------

There seemed to be a bit of a gap in the online item FAQ section, so I decided to fill it. It seems a bit of a big challenge at the moment, there’s a LOT of data to get together, please bear with me, it'll be finished one day....

In the guide you will find pretty much all items from the game.

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You wont find;

- 'Guides' for finding items, just the map area or other possible ways of getting the item. I may include guides for certain items if enough people ask me how to get it.- Supply only items (i.e. ration)- Buy only items which I deem pointless to add (i.e. monster reference or book of combos)- Anything still listed in section 2 (updates) as I obviously havent implemented them yet

----------------------------------------4- How to use this FAQ----------------------------------------

To search through the FAQ, I recommend you press ctrl + F to search for the name of the item you want.

Under each item there are the locations you can get this item, these are shown in the example below;

'item name' Notes - Any important notes on the item, eg HR13+ only

Use - The use / description of the item Makes - What the item is used to make (either combos or weapons / armor), followed by amount needed. If a group item is listed, eg Kut-Ku armor, the amount in brakets is for each piece of armor, not for the complete set. When the item is a part of a shortcut to a weapon, the amount needed will be preseeded by an S, ie (S/1) Combination - The two items need to combine to create the item Supply item - The missions this item is supplied (and can be kept)

FH 1, 2, 3, 4 - The map location of the item. The number refers to the area number for that map Carves - Which monster the item can be carved from Reward - Which missions give the item as a reward

Key FH = Forrest and hillsJ = JungleS = SwampV = VolcanoD = Desert

A few things you should know before we begin;

- I've marked most online only items, but please email me if I haven't said an item online only and it is.

- HR13+ are generally not avaliable offline, but some might be on 4* andup quests. Event items are definatley online only, as is Lao Shan, Kirin andFatalis.

- Although some items have been listed as carve item or reward, it doesn’t mean it you will always get it.

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EhudBarak posted this idea on the gamefaqs message boards, and it seems correct;

"From: EhudBarak | Posted: 7/30/2005 8:14:45 AM | Message DetailThanks :P

Oh and to further clarify my point as to the fact that you won't always get a Rathalos Wing in rewards from A Troublesome Pair or Wyverns of Land and Sky.

Your rewards are determined on how the quest is played out. If you complete it in say, 15 minutes, without any deaths your rewards will be better than if it took you 40 minutes and you had two deaths. If you don't believe me, test it yourself."

- Again, some items found from rummaging may not always appear at the spots stated. This can vary by the current mission you are on, and/or your current level.A good example of this is special mushrooms, which appear more often when doing the mushroom collection missions.

- Some items are marked with asterisks, which mean the following;

* Lao shan, Kirin and Fatalis are online only monsters.

** Item may require a bugnet to capture. In this case, equip the bugnet and run around the area until the big red cross disappears across the bugnet image. Generally, these areas are easy to find as you can see little flying lights overthe right spot.

*** Item may require a pickaxe to mine the item. As with the bugnet, equip the pickaxe and you'll know your in the right spot when the big red cross disappearsMining areas are general marked with a crack in the wall or big crystals.

**** Item will require a bait to capture item. As with previous two, equipt bait and when the red cross disapears you can start fishing. Fish are found in lakes/ rivers, etc (duh)

For more details on areas such as weapons, armor, rustones, firestones, etc,please check out the other great guides on gamefaqs.

----------------------------------------5 - Items list----------------------------------------

Ancient Potion Use - Fully restores Health and Stamina Makes - Skull face (1), Diablo Spear (1), Native Spear (1) Combination - Immunizer and Kelbi Horn Rewards - Slay Kirin

Antidote Use - Negates poison effect on user Combination - Antidote Herb and Blue Mushroom

Antidote S Use - Ammo, negates poison from the target Combination - Antidote Herb and Huskberry

Antidote Flute Use - Negates poison effect on user and nearby hunters Combination - Flute and Antiseptic Stone

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Antidote Herb Use - Sometimes negates poison Makes - Antidote, Antidote S FH 10 J 7 S 4, 9, 10 Antiseptic Stone Makes - Antidote flute, Various Gypceros armor Combination - Earth Crystal and Bitterbug

Armor S Use - Ammo, boosts targets defence Combination - Huskberry and Armor Seed

Armor Flute Use - Boosts defence of user and nearby hunters Combination - Mega Armorskin and Med Monster Bone

Armorskin Use - Boosts users defence Combination - Catalyst and Armor Seed

Armor seed Makes - Armorskin, Armor S Rewards - Help With the Festival, Get 3 herbivore eggs

Arrowana Bait Use - Fishing bait for arrowana fish Combination - Cricket and Bughopper

Barrel Lid Notes - HR13+ Makes - Cat Paw (1) D 11 Basarios Shell Makes - Shell Hammer (5), Graviton Hammer (10), Venom Lance+ (4) Carves - Basarios, Basarios Tail Rewards - Slay Basarios

Basarios Wing Notes - HR13+ Makes - Odyssey (1), Venom Lance (1) Carves - Basarios

BBQ Ticket Makes - Iron Chefblade (5), Enormous Ham (30) Reward - Deliver 10 well done steaks

Bitterbug ** Makes - Herbal Medicine, Catalyst, Antiseptic Stone FH 1, 12 J 2 S 1, 3 D 5, 11

Blos Fang Makes - Golem Blade+ (1), Bone Katana "Dragon" (3), Divine Slasher (20) Carves - Monoblos, Diablos

Blos Jaw Makes - Valkyrie Blade (1), Divine Slasher (S/1) Carves - Monoblos, Diablos

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Blue Mushroom Makes - Potion, Nutrients, Antidote FH 3, 4, 8, 10 J 2, 8, 9 S 5, 6 Carves - Mosswine

Bomb Arrowana **** Makes - Crag S Lv3 J 9, 10 V 4 D 5, 9

Bomb Material Makes - Smoke Bomb, Flash Bomb , Dung Bomb Combination - Sap Plant and Stone

Bone Makes - Bone (1), Cactus Creamer (1) FH 5 J 6 D 8, 11

Bullfango Head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Bullfango Mask (1), Iron Devil (1) Carve - Bullfango

Bullfango Pelt Makes - Various armor Carve - Bullfango

Burnt meat Use - Can increase or decrease stamina Cook a piece of raw meat on a bbq spit for as long as possible. May produce well done steak or rare steak if done incorrectly

Burst Arrowana **** Makes - Crag S Lv1, Crag S Lv2 FH 11 J 9, 10 S 0 V 0, 4 Reward - Panning for Goldenfish

Cactus flower Makes - Herbal Medicine, Cactus Creamer (1) D 2, 3, 7, 9

Catalyst Makes - Immunizer, Power juice, Demondrug, Armorskin, Spiked Hammer (5) Combination - Bitterbug and Honey

Cephalos fin Makes - Cephalos armor (1), Aqua Spear (4), Aqua Spear+ (2), Weary Finsword (2), Weary Finsword+ (2), Sandman Finsword (2), Cutlass (2), Sandstorm (4) Carve - Cephalos, Cephadrome

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Cephalos scale Makes - Cephalos armor (5), Plesioth armor (3), Plesioth+ armor (5), Lullaby Spear (4), Cutlass+ (10), Sandstorm (5) Carve - Cephalos, Cephadrome

Clust S Lv1 Use - Ammo, splits into 3 bombs upon impact Combination - Huskberry and Bomberry

Clust S Lv2 Use - Ammo, splits into 4 bombs upon impact Combination - Sm Bone Husk and Wyvern Claw

Clust S Lv3 Use - Ammo, splits into 5 bombs upon impact Combination - Lg Bone Husk and Scatterfish

Commendation Makes - Various Auroros / Borealis / Genesis / Glyph armor, Fire Dragonsword (5), Red Dragonsword (5), Rampart (1), Master Blade (1) Reward - Gather 3 herbivore eggs (Offline 4* and pre HR13 online), powderstone, Lao-Shan

Cool drink Use - User becomes immune to heat for a short period Makes - Frozen Tuna (3) Supply item - Volcano and desert levels

Crag S Lv1 Use - Ammo, penetrates and explodes. Single shot, powerful Combination - Huskberry and Burst Arrowana

Crag S Lv2 Use - Ammo, penetrates and explodes. Single shot, V.powerful Combination - Sm Bone Husk and Burst Arrowana

Crag S Lv3 Use - Ammo, penetrates and explodes. Single shot, VV.Powerful Combination - Lg Bone Husk and Bomb Arrowana

Cricket ** Use - Fishing bait Makes - Arrowana Bait FH 1, 11, 12 J 2 S 1, 3 D 4, 5, 11 Rewards - Deliver 10 raw meat

Crimson Horn Notes - Offline only To get this in the rewards for monoblos, you need to knock his horn off. Do this by hitting his head / horn Makes - Auroros Torso / Borealis Chest / Genesis Torso / Glyph Chest (1), Monoblos armor (1), Siegmund (2), Crimson Lance (1), Crimson War Pike (1), Crimson Club (1), Monoblos Club (1) Rewards - Monoblos

Demon S Use - Boosts targets attack power Combination - Huskberry and Power Seed

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Demon Flute Use - Boosts attack power of user and nearby hunters Combination - Mega Demondrug and Med Monster Bone

Demondrug Use - Increases users attack power Makes - Mega Demondrug, Black Katana Mk.1 (1), Finblade+ (1), Aqua Spear+ (1), Lullaby Spear (2), Bone Scthe+ (1), Cutlass (5), Red Tail+ (1), Combination - Catalyst and Power Seed

Diablos Shell Makes - Diablo (2/3) / Diablo+ (5) armor, Diablo Hammer+ (2), Diablo Maul (2), Finishing Hammer (20), Diablo Horn (3), Studded Club (1), Dual Diablo+ (5) Carves - Diablos, Diablos tail Rewards - Slay Diablos

Diablos Spine Notes - HR13+ Makes - Various Diablo + armor, Diablo Horn (1), Diablo Horn+ (1), Studded Club (1), Studded Club+ (1), Spiked Bat (1), Finishing Hammer (S/1), Dual Diablo (5), Carves - Diablos

Diablos Tail Makes - Diablo Hammer (1), Diablo Hammer+ (1), Diablo Maul (1), Finishing Hammer (10) Carves - Diablos Tail

Disk S Use - Ammo, can richochet for extra hits. 3-shot burst Combination - Huskberry and Disk Stone

Disk Stone *** Makes - Disk S, various weapons FH 6, 11 J 3, 4, 9 S 8 V 2, 4, 5 D 6 Reward - Re-supply the dragonator

Dragon S Use - Gunner ammo Combination - Dragon Seed and Lg Bone Husk

Dragon Seed Makes - Dragon S J 10 V 6, 7, 8 Dragon Toadstool Notes - HR13+, can be obtained pre HR13 from D5 (unconfirmed) Makes - Max Potion, Immunizer J 2, 9, 10 S 11 D 5 Rewards - Gather special mushrooms (rare)

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Dragonite Ore *** Notes - HR13+ Makes - Hi-Metal+ armor (15/20), Kut-Ku+ armor (3), Lobster+ (5), Rathian+ armor (10/12), Steel+ armor (12), Bone Katana "Wolf" (5) / "Shark" (7) / "Dragon" (9), Halberd (1), Halberd+ (1), Gigaton Hammer (5), Anvil Hammer (10), Earth Shaker (20), Onslaught Hammer (50), Gunhammer Prototype (20), Dead Revolver (15), Venom Spear (5), Shock Lance (10), Trident (15), Iron Knight's Pike (5), Steel Knight's Pike (10), Dragon Knight's Pike (15), Grayburg Javelin (10), Valhalla (10), Gun Lance Prototype (20), Gatling Lance (15), Diablo Horn (5), Dragon Lance (5), Dragoon Lord (10), Black Dragon Spear (5), Thunder Bane (5), Kirin Bolt+ (4), Dragon Blood (5), Dual Tomahawk (5), Guild Rapier (10), Prototype Saw-Slicer (25), Injector Cannon (10), Flechette Gun (3), Grenade Launcher (10), Titan Launcher (5), Meteor Cannon (15), Vor Cannon (10), Yian Kut-Ku Cannon (5), Lao-Shan Cannon (20), Quickcaster (10) FH 5, 6, 11 J 3, 4, 9, 10 S 7, 8, 11 V 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 D 6 Carves - Basarios+

Drugged Meat Use - Bait for wyverns. Cause sleep when consumed Combination - Raw Meat and Sleep Herb

Dung Makes - Dung Bomb, Dung S FH 1, 5 J 6 D 8, 9

Dung Bomb Use - Causes some wyverns to leave the area Combination - Bomb Material and Dung

Dung S Use - Ammo, causes some wyverns to leave the area Combination - Dung and Huskberry

Earth Crystal *** Makes - Antiseptic Stone, Battle armor (3), Various weapons FH 5, 6, 11 J 3, 4, 9, 10 S 7, 8, 11 V 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 D 6 Rewards - Re-supply the dragonator, Deliver sootstone

Egg ticket Makes - Guild Knight / Maiden armor (5), Kitchen Knife (1), Ninja Sword (5) Rewards - Egg quests (i.e. Gather 3 herbivore eggs)

Electro Sac Makes - Eager Cleaver (5), Jail Hammer+ (1), Prison Hammer (2), Binder Mace (20), Trident (10), Thunder Bane (1), Thunder Bane+ (2), Frightbane (3), Thundertip (10), Guillotine (10) Carves - Khezu Rewards - Slay Khezu, Capture Khezu

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Fatalis crust Notes - HR17+, online only Makes - Dragon armor (1), Dragon Lance (2), Dragoon Lord (1), Dragon Buster (1), Dragon Blood (1), Black Dragon Sword (1), Ninja Sword (1), Double Dragon (1) Rewards - Fatalis

Fatalis eye Notes - HR17+, online only Makes - Dragonhead / Dragonface (1), Black Dragon Spear (1), Dragon Buster (1) Rewards - Fatalis

Fatalis Horn Notes - HR17+, online only Makes - Dragon armor (2), Dragon Lance (2), Dragoon Lord (2), Dragon Buster (1), Dragon Blood (2), Double Dragon (1), Dual Dragon Ultimus (4), Vor Cannon (2) Carves - Fatalis Rewards - Fatalis

Fatalis scale Notes - HR17+, online only Makes - Dragon armor (2/3), Vor Cannon (2) Carves - Fatalis Rewards - Fatalis

Fatalis shell Notes - HR17+, online only Makes - Dragon armor (3), Black Dragon Sword (2) Carves - Fatalis Rewards - Fatalis

Fatalis webbing Notes - HR17+, online only Makes - Dragon / Shinobi (Moon) / Shinobi (Sun) armor (1), Dark Parasol (1) Rewards - Fatalis

Felvine Use - Melynx will steal this from you before any other item Makes - Cat Burglar (3) FH 7 J 3 S 9 D 10 Reward - Felyne Hunting! (Online event) Fire herb Makes - Gunpowder, Sm Barrel-Bomb V 3, 6, 7 D 6, 7

Firefly ** Use - Fishing bait Makes - Goldenfish Bait FH 1, 9 J 1, 2, 5 S 1, 2, 3, 11

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Firestone *** Notes - HR13+, quite rare, can be traded for Lao Spine Makes - Rathalos Helm+ (3), Rathalos Cap+ (3), Fire Dragonsword (12), Red Dragonsword (20), Gunhammer Prototype (4), Dead Revolver (4), Grayburg Javelin (5), Gunlance Prototype (4), Gatling Lance (4), Meteor Cannon (2) V 8 Carves - Gravios tail Rewards - Powderstone

Flabby Hide Makes - Khezu armor (3/4). Khezu+ armor (5/6), Yian Kut-Ku Cannon (5) Carves - Khezu Rewards - Kill Khezu, Capture Khezu

Flame Sac Makes - Redwing (1), Rathalos Firesword (1), Red Tail (1), Red Tail+ (2), Spear of Prominence (9), Crimson War Pike (3), Red Saber+(2), Flame Falchion (3), Blazing Falchion (4), Corona (10), Monoblos Club (1), Gradios (5) Carve - Rathian, Rathalos, Gravios Rewards - Slay / Capture Yian Kut-ku / Rathalos / Rathian

Flash Bomb Use - Confuses monsters for a short period Supply item - Velocidrome Combination - Bomb Material and Flashbug

Flashbug ** Makes - Flash Bomb FH 1, 9, 12 J 1, 2, 5 S 1, 2, 3, 11 D 5, 11

Frog Use - Fishing bait. Used to lure / catch plesioth FH 11 J 4, 8 D 4

Garbage Use - None, can be traded for fire herb, sap herb or screamer Obtained when a combination fails

Gendrome Hide Notes - HR13+ Makes - Diablos+ armor (2), Vespoid+ armor (2/3) Carves - Gendrome Rewards - Slay Gendrome

Genprey fang Makes - Stun S Lv2, Viper Bite (15), Viper Bite+ (10), Deathprize (5) Carves - Genprey Rewards - Slay the genprey pack

Genprey hide Makes - Gypceros armor (5/3), Lobster armor (2), Vespoid armor (3), Viper Bite (5), Shotgun (Emerald) (6) Carves - Genprey, Gendrome Rewards - Slay the genprey pack, Slay Gendrome

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Genprey scale Makes - Genprey armor (6), Babel Spear (20), Shotgun (Emerald) (8) Carves - Genprey, Gendrome Rewards - Slay the genprey pack, Slay Gendrome

Giant beak Notes - This item is rare pre HR13, chances increase post HR13 Makes - Kut-Ku Chin (1), Divine Slasher (S/1) Carves - Yian Kut-Ku Rewards - Capture Yian kut-ku

Godbug ** Makes - Nutrients, Lifecrystals FH 1, 9, 12 J 1, 2, 5 S 1, 2, 11

Gold ticket

Makes - Chrome Razor (10), Iron Devil (10),Native Spear (3), Black Dragon Spear (10), Vacuum Striker (3), Black Dragon Sword (10), Odyssey (5), Cat Burglar (5), Prototype Saw-Slicer (3), Dual Dragon Ultimus (10)

These are obtained by staying in either the Queen or King room a certain number of times. These are:

Queen 25 times = 1 ticket 50 = 2, 75 = 3, 100 = 4, 125 = 5, 150 = 6 Total 21

King 25 times = 2 ticket 50 = 4, 75 = 6, 100 = 8, 125 = 10, 150 = 12 Total 42

Speak to the guy sitting next to the pawn room and he will give you the tickets when you have stayed in the room the above number of times

Goldenfish **** Notes - Special item which must be sold at end of quest FH 0 J 7 S 7 V 0 D 4

Goldenfish Bait Use - Fishing bait which only attracts goldenfish Combination - Firefly and Snakebee Larva

Gourmet spit Rewards - The BBQ Festival! (online event)

Gravios Carapace Notes - HR13+ Makes - Gravios+ armor (1/2/3), Gigaton Hammer+ (5), Titan Hammer (10), Gravios Spear (4), Titan Launcher (3) Carves - Gravios, Gravios tail

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Gravios Head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Iron Devil (1), Venom Spear (1) Carves - Gravios

Gravios shell Makes - Gravios armor (5/6), Gravios+ armor (5/8), Gigaton Hammer (5), Gigaton Hammer+ (5), Titan Hammer (9). Carves - Gravios, Gravios tail Rewards - Slay Gravios

Gravios Wing Notes - HR13+, very rare Makes - Auroros Tasset (1), Borealis Tasset (1), Red Borealis Tasset (1), Genesis Tasset (1), Glyph Tasset (1), Red Glyph Tasset (1), Venom Spear (1), Odyssey (1) Carves - Gravios

Guild Ticket Notes - Online only Makes - Guild armor (1), Maiden armor (1), Personal armor (1), Shinobi armor (moon and sun) (1), Teddybear (1), Ninja Sword (1), Guild Rapier (1) Rewards - Certain online events only

Gunpowder Makes - Lg Barrel-Bomb, Sonic bomb Combination - Fire Herb and Nitroshroom

Health Flute Use - Boosts health of user and nearby hunters Combination - Lifepowder and Flute

Herb Use - Restores a small amount of health Makes - Potion, Recov S Lv1 FH 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 J 5, 7, 8 S 2, 3, 10 V6 D 1, 3, 4, 7, 11

Herbal medicine Use - Negates poison and restores a small bit of health Combination - Cactus Flower and Bitterbug Rewards - The BBQ Festival! (online event)

Honey Makes - Mega Potion, Mega Nutrients, Catalyst FH 7, 9 J 2 Rewards - Gather 3 herbivore eggs

Hornet Bladefin Notes - HR13+ Makes - Hornet+ armor (1/2), Black Katana Mk.1 (2), Black Katana Mk.2 (5), Dark Lance (3), Insector (3), Insector+ (5), Hornet Gun (5) Carves - Hornetaur

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Hornetaur Head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Horent+ armor (2), Dark Lance (3), Dark Lance+ (4), Dark Spear (5) Carves - Hornetaur

Hornetaur shell Makes - Hornet armor (5), Hornet+ armor (10), Black Katana Mk.1 (5), Black Katana Mk.2 (10), Dark Lance (5), Injector Cannon (20) Carves - Hornetaur

Hornetaur wing Makes - Hornet armor (10), Hornet+ armor (10/20), Hornet Gun (20) Carves - Hornetaur

Hot drink Use - User becomes immune to the cold for a short period Supply item - Cave quests (i.e. slay Khezu, panning for goldenfish)

Hunter Citation Makes - Master's Blade (1) Reward - Defeat Monoblos and the village chief rewards you with it

Huskberry Makes - Several ammo types (combos), Battle armor (20) FH 1, 2, 3, 4 J 1, 3 S 5 V 1, 2, 4, 5 D 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10

Immunizer Makes - Ancient Potion Combination - Catalyst and Dragon Toadstool Supply item - Offline Khezu / Diablos urgent quests

Insect husk Use - None that I know of (please email me if you know) FH 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 J 1, 2, 5, 7 S 1, 2, 3 ,4 D 5, 11

Iodrome Hide Notes - HR13+ Makes - Gravios+ armor (2/3), Lobster armor (3) Carves - Iodrome

Ioprey fang Makes - Poison S Lv2, Hydra Bite (15), Hydra Bite+ (10), Deadly Poison (5) Carves - Ioprey Rewards - Slay the Ioprey pack, Slay Iodrome

Ioprey hide Makes - Gravios armor (5), Monoblos Helm / Cap (5), Hydra Bite (5), Barbaroi Tusk (15), Ogre Tusk (20), Shotgun (Blood) (8) Carves - Ioprey, Iodrome Rewards - Slay the Ioprey pack, Slay Iodrome

Ioprey scale Makes - Ioprey armor (9), Shotgun (Blood) (10) Carves - Ioprey, Iodrome Rewards - Slay the Ioprey pack, Slay Iodrome

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Iron Ore *** Makes - Various pre HR13 armor and various weapons FH 5, 6, 11 J 3, 4, 9, 10 S 7, 8, 11 V 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 D 6 Rewards - Re-supply the dragonator, Deliver sootstone ore, Slay Basarios

Ivy Makes - Smoke bomb, Net FH 2, 6, 8 J 2, 7 S 4

Jewel ticket Makes - Guild Knight armor (3), Maiden armor (3), Personal armor (3), Crystal Hammer (1), Crystal Nova (2), Guild Rapier+ (5), Guild Saber (7) Rewards - Deliver sootstone ore

Kelbi hide Makes - Bone / Chain / Hunter armor (2), Leather / velociprey armor (1), Misc. armor (1/2), Rapidcaster (15) Carve - Kelbi

Kelbi horn Makes - Ancient Potion, Rapidcaster (2) Carve - Kelbi

King cactus Notes - HR13+ Makes - Cactus Creamer (1) D 2, 7, 9

King Meat Makes - Enormous Ham (1), Thunder Tip (1) Rewards - The BBQ Festival! (online event)

Kirin Hide Notes - Online only (event monster) Makes - Kirin Bolt Mega (1), Kirin Bolt Ultimus (2), Quickster (2), Corona (1), Carves - Kirin

Kirin Horn Notes - Online only (event monster) Makes - Kirin Bolt (1), Kirin Bolt Mega (2), Kirin Bolt Ultimus (4), Prototype Saw-Slicer (2), Guillotine (18), Grayburg Javelin (S/1) Carves - Kirin Rewards - Slay Kirin

Kirin Mane Notes - Online only (event monster) Makes - Kirin Bolt (4), Kirin Bolt+ (3), Kirin Bolt Mega (4), Kirin Bolt Ultimus (4), Quickster (8) Carves - Kirin Rewards - Slay Kirin

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Knife Mackeral **** Use - Sharpens weapon FH 0, 11 J 3, 9, 10 S 0, 7 V 0, 4 D 4, 5, 9

Kut-ku ear Makes - Kut-Ku+ armor (1), Yian Kut-Ku Cannon (2) Carve - Yian Kut-Ku Rewards - Capture Yian kut-ku

Kut-Ku Scale Makes - Battle armor (3), Kut-Ku armor (5) FH 1, 5, 9 J 6 D 8, 9 Carves - Yian Kut-ku Rewards - Slay Yian Kut-ku, Capture Yian kut-ku

Kut-ku Shell Makes - Kut-Ku armor (3), Kut-Ku+ armor (10) Carves - Yian Kut-ku Rewards - Capture Yian kut-ku

Kut-Ku Webbing Makes - Kut-Ku armor (1) Carves - Yian Kut-ku Rewards - Slay Yian Kut-ku, Capture Yian kut-ku

Lao-Shan Claw Notes - Online only, HR 8+ Makes - Dragon Destroyer (1), Dragonbreaker (2), Double Dragon (1) Carves - Lao-Shan

Lao-Shan Plate Notes - HR17+, must kill Lao to carve, Rare item. The plate can be carved from ANY part of lao except his back. Makes - Chrome Razor (1), Dragon Slayer (1), Double Dragon (1) Carves - Lao-Shan Rewards - Kill Lao-Shan

Lao-Shan Scale Notes - Online only, HR 8+ Makes - Auroros armor (5), Genesis (5), Eager Cleaver (S/1), Dragon Destroyer (5), Dragon Slayer (10) Carves - Lao-Shan

Lao-Shan Shell Notes - Online only, HR 8+ Makes - Auroros armor (5), Genesis (5), Dragonbreaker (3) Carves - Lao-Shan

Lao-Shan Spine Notes - HR17+ Makes - Auroros armor (1), Genesis armor (1), Finishing Hammer (1) Carves - Lao-Shan

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Large Barrel Makes - Lg Barrel-Bomb Supply Item - Given for most wyvern quests FH 12 S 9 D 11 Lg Barrel-Bomb Use - Large explosive. Must be triggered by an impact Combination - Gunpowder and Large Barrel

Lg Bone Husk Makes - Crag S Lv3, Clust S Lv3, Dragon S Rewards - Any Large wyvern (Gravios, Diablos, etc)

Lg Lobstershell Notes - HR13+, rare item Makes - Lobster+ armor (3), Nightmare (S/1) Carves - Plesoith

Lg Monster bone Makes - Gravios+ armor (3/5), Kut-Ku+ armor (3), Various weapons Carves - Most wyverns tails. For Lao Shan, bone must be carved from back while still alive. Rewards - Most Wyvern quests

Lifecrystals Makes - Lifepowder Combination - Godbug and Wyvern Fang Lifepowder Use - Strong restorative power Combination - Lifecrystals and Wyvern Claw

Lightcrystal Carves - Gypceros, Kirin* Makes - Great Serpentblade (1), Crystal Hammer (1), Teddybear (1), Valhalla (5), Guild Rapier (5), Guild Rapier+ (5) Rewards - Slay the Gypceros, Powderstone, Fatalis*

Lost Umbrella Notes - HR13+ Makes - Dark Parasol (1) S 9

Machalite Ore *** Makes - Cephalos (2) / Hi-Metal (4/8) / Hi-Metal+ (10/15) / Hornet (3) / Lobster (4) / Monoblos (1/2/3) / Rathalos (2/3) / Rathian (3) / Steel (12) / Steel+ (10) / Vespoid (5) armor, Diablo helmet/cap (3), Various weapons FH 5, 6, 11 J 3, 4, 9, 10 S 7, 11 V 3, 4, 8 D 6 Carves - Basarios, Basarios tail Rewards - Re-supply the dragonator, Slay Basarios, Powderstone

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Majestic Horn Notes - This is a rare item. Most of the time you'll get twisted horn To get this as a reward, you need to knock Diablos's horn off. Do this by hitting his head / horn. This is less rare post HR13 Makes - Auroros Helm (1), Borealis Crown (1), Diablo+ armor (1), Genesis Headpiece (1), Glyph Crown (1), Diablo Horn (1), Spiked Bat (1), Dual Diablo+ (1), Quickster (2), Grayburg Javelin (S/1), Rewards - Diablos

Master's Skull Notes - HR13+ Makes - Skull face (1), Tormentor (1), Native Spear (1) FH 5 12 V 7 D 9

Max Potion Use - Fully recovers health Combination - Mega Nutrients and Dragon Toadstool

Med monster bone Carves - Aptonoth, Apceros Makes - Demon Flute, Armor Flute, Gravios armor (5), various weapons Rewards - Slay the Gypceros, capture Yian kut-ku, Slay Basarios, Slay Rathian, Slay Gravios, Slay Rathalos

Mega Armorskin Use - Greatly increases defence Makes - Armor Flute Combination - Armorskin and Pale Extract Mega Demondrug Use - Greatly increases attack power Makes - Demon Flute, Various wepaons Combination - Demondrug and Pale Extract

Mega Fishing fly Use - Fishing bait Avaliable online on special market days and offline after Monoblos is defeated

Mega Juice Use - Stops you loosing stamina for a short period of time Combination - Well-Done Steak and Power Extract

Mega Nutrients Use - Slightly increases max health Makes - Max potion, Spiked Hammer+ (5) Combination - Nutrients and Honey

Mega Pick Axe Use - Lasts longer than a regular pick axe Avaliable online on special market days and offline after Monoblos is defeated

Mega Potion Use - Restores a moderate amount of health Combination - Potion and Honey

Monoblos Heart Notes - Offline only. This item is rare Makes - Master's Blade (1), Thunder Tip (1) Carves - Monoblos

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Monoblos Shell Notes - Offline only Makes - Monoblos armor (1/2), Dark Scythe (5), Crimson Club (3), Monoblos Club (3), Dual Diablo+ (5) Carves - Monoblos, Monoblos tail Rewards - Monoblos

Monoblos Spine Notes - Offline only Makes - Monoblos armor (1), Dark Scythe (5), Crimson Lance (1), Crimson War Pike (2), Dual Diablo (5), Finishing Hammer (S/1) Carves - Monoblos Rewards - Monoblos

Monster Fluid Makes - Various weapons Carves - Vespoid, Hornetaur Rewards - Bughunt

Mosswine head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Mosswine Mask (1) Carves - Mosswine

Mosswine Hide Notes - HR13+ Makes - Moss Breastplate (1) Carves - Mosswine

Mystery Bone Makes - Bone Club (10) FH 5, 12 J 6 S 8, 9 Needleberry Makes - Normal S Lv2, Spiked Hammer (15), Spiked Hammer+ (15) FH 1, 2, 3, 4 V 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 D 1, 2, 4, 8

Net Makes - Pitfall Trap Combination - Spiderweb and Ivy

Nitroshroom Makes - Gunpowder FH 3, 7 S 7, 10, 11

Normal S Lv1 Use - Standard ammo Supply item - Serveral missions, more likely offline

Normal S Lv2 Use - Standard ammo Combination - Huskberry and Needleberry

Normal S Lv3 Use - Standard ammo Combination - Huskberryand Rumblefish

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Novacrystal *** Notes - HR13+ Makes - Guild Knight / Maiden's / personal armor (1), Hi-Metal helm+ (1), Hi-Metal cap+ (1), Teddybear (2), Valhalla (1), Guild Saber (5) S 7, 11 Carves - Gypceros, Kirin*, Fatalis*

Nutrients Use - Increases the maximum Health level slightly Makes - Mega Nutrients Combination - Blue Mushroom and Godbug

Old Lady's Note Makes - Kitchen Knife (1) Complete all level 1 offline missions, then go online and speak to the fish lady in the market

Pale Bone Notes - HR13+ Makes - Khezu+ armor (1), Thunder Tip (S/1) Carves - Khezu Rewards - Capture Khezu

Pale Extract Makes - Mega Demondrug, Mega Armorskin Carves - Khezu Rewards - Capture Khezu

Pale Lips Notes - HR13+, rare item Makes - Vacuum Striker (1), Divine Slasher (S/1) Carves - Khezu Rewards - Capture Khezu

Paint S Use - Ammo, marks large monsters on the map Combination - Paintberry and Huskberry

Paintball Use - Marks large monsters on the map when thrown Supply item - All offline missions and online pre HR13 Combination - Sap Plant and Paintberry

Paintberry Makes - Paintball, Paint S FH 2, 4, 10 J 1 V 1, 2, 3

Pawprint Stamp Notes - Online only Makes - Cats Paw (50) Reward - Felvine hunting online event

Pellet S Lv1 Use - Ammo, fires a spray of pellets Combination - Huskberry and Scatternut

Pellet S Lv2 Use - Ammo, fires a spray of pellets Combination - Huskberry and Wyvern Fang

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Pellet S Lv3 Use - Ammo, fires a spray of pellets Combination - Sm Bone Husk and Wyvern Fang

Piscine fang Makes - Agito (4), Dragon Agito (3), Bone Katana "Shark" (5), Divine Slasher (20), Skull Crusher+ (4), Kut-Ku Jaw (10) Carves - Cephalos, Cephadrome

Piscine liver Notes - Special item which must be sold at end of quest Carves - Cephalos, Cephadrome

Pierce S Lv1 Use - Piercing ammo Combination - Huskberry and Velociprey Fang

Pierce S Lv2 Use - Piercing ammo Combination - Huskberry and Pin Tuna

Pierce S Lv3 Use - Piercing ammo Combination - Sm Bone Husk and Pin Tuna

Pin Tuna **** Makes - Pierce S Lv2, Pierce S Lv3 FH 0, 11 J 3, 7, 9, 10 S 0, 7 V 4 D 4, 9

Pitfall Trap Use - Capture large wyverns Combination - Net and TrapTool

Plesioth fin Makes - Plesioth armor (1), Plesioth+ armor (2), Finblade (3), Finblade+ (3), Plesioth Watersword (3), Lullaby Spear (3), Requiem Spear (6), Nightmare (10), Aqua Spear (2), Aqua Spear+ (4), Weary Fin Sword (2), Weary Fin Sword+ (3), Sandman Fin Sword (4), Cutlass (2) Carves - Plesioth

Plesioth scale Makes - Plesioth armor (3), Plesioth+ armor (5), Nightmare (15), Cutlass+ (10) Carves - Plesioth

Poison S Lv1 Use - Ammo, poisons target Combination - Toadstool and Huskberry

Poison S Lv2 Use - Ammo, poisons target Combination - Sm Bone Husk and Ioprey Fang

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Poison Sac Makes - Gigaton Hammer (3), Gigaton Hammer+ (6), Titan Hammer (9), Vemom Lance+ (5), Gravios Spear (12), Poison Axe (2), Poison Battle Axe (4), Hydra Bite+ (1), Deadly Poison (3) Carves - Iodrome, Gypceros, Basarios

Poisoned Meat Use - Can be used to lure and poison monsters Combination - Raw Meat and Toadstool

Potion Use - Restores a small amount of health Makes - Mega potion and Recov S Lv2 Combination - Herb and Blue Mushroom

Power extract Makes - Mega Juice Carves - Gypceros

Power Juice Use - Allows you to run without loosing stamina for a short period Combination - Catalyst and Rare Steak

Power Seed Makes - Demondrug, Demon S FH 10 V 6, 7 D 3, 5, 7, 10 Rewards - Help With the Festival, Gather 3 herbivore eggs, The BBQ Festival! (online event)

Rare Steak Use - Recovers stamina Makes - Power Juice Cook a piece of raw meat on a bbq spit and press x as soon as the music stops. May produce burnt meat or well done steak if done incorrectly

Rathalos Plate Notes - HR13+, rare item, can be obtained on the offline TP quest Makes - Dragon / Rathalos+ armor (1), Chrome Razor (1), Dragon Massacre (5), Lao-Shan Cannon (3) Carves - Rathalos tail

Rathalos Scale Makes - Rathalos armor (3/4/5/6), Rathalos+ armor (7), Redwing (5), Dragon Slayer (10), Flame Falchion (3), Blazing Falchion (6), Gradios (5), Spartacus Fire (5) Carves - Rathalos, Rathalos tail Rewards- Slay Rathalos

Rathalos Shell Makes - Rathalos armor (2/3), Rathalos+ armor (15), Siegmund (10), Red Tail (2), Red Tail+ (4), Hell Fire (6), Red Saber (2), Red Saber+ (2), Corona (15), Gradios+ (5), Spartacus Fire (3) Carves - Rathalos, Rathalos tail Rewards - Slay Rathalos

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Rathalos Tail Makes - Rathalos Guards (1), Rathalos Guards+ (3), Binder Mace (1), Red Tail (1), Spear of Prominence (10) Carves - Rathalos tail Rewards - Slay Rathalos

Rathalos Webbing Makes - Rathalos armor (1), Rathalos+ armor (7), Shinobi (moon/Sun) armor (5), Hide Belt (4) Carves - Rathalos Rewards - Slay Rathalos

Rathalos Wing Makes - Auroros / Borealis / Genesis / Glyph Gauntlets (1), Rathalos Helm / cap (1), Rathalos Helm+ / cap+ (3), Rathalos Fire Sword (1), Odyssey (1), Gradios Ultimus (1), Carves - Rathalos Rewards - Capture A Rathalos, Troublesome Pair

Rathian plate Notes - HR13+, rare item, can be obtained on the offline TP quest Makes - Auroros / Borealis / Red Borealis / Genesis / Glyph / Red Glyph pants (1), Rathian+ armor (1), Chrome Razor (1), Dragon Massacre (5) Carves - Rathian tail

Rathian scale Makes - Rathian armor (2/3/4), Rathian+ armor (20), Valkyrie Blade (2), Sieglinde (5), Dragon Slayer (10), Gradios (5), Valkyrie Fire (5) Carves - Rathian, Rathian tail Rewards - Slay Rathian

Rathian shell Makes - Rathian armor (2/3/4), Rathian+ armor (10/18/20), Sieglinde (3), Gradios+ (5), Valkyrie Fire (3) Carves - Rathian, Rathian tail Rewards - Slay Rathian

Rathian spike Makes - Rathian+ armor (15), Shell Hammer (9), Graviton Hammer (12), Gradios Ultimus (9) Carves - Rathian, Rathian tail Rewards - Slay Rathian

Raw Meat Makes - Poisoned Meat, Tainted Meat, Drugged Meat, Rare steak, Well done steak, Enormous Ham (10) Carves - Aptonoth, Mosswine, Bullfango, Kelbi, Apceros

Recov S Lv1 Use - Ammo, heals target slightly Combination - Herb and Huskberry

Recov S Lv2 Use - Ammo, heals target slightly Combination - Potion and Huskberry

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Rubbery hide Makes - Gypceros armor (4/5), Jail Hammer (3), Shock Lance (5), Trident (5), Poison Axe (2), Poison Battle Axe (4), Thunder Bane (2), Thunder Bane+ (4), Fright Bane (6), Thunder Tip (10), Kirin Bolt (2), Kirin Bolt+ (4), Prototype Saw-Slicer (10), Tankmage (10) Carves - Gypceros Rewards - Slay the Gypceros

Rumblefish **** Makes - Normal S Lv3 FH 0 J 3, 7 S 0 V 0 D 4, 5, 9

Ruststone ** Notes - see the rustone FAQ on for details of obtaining and using ruststones Makes - A Rusted weapon or random weapon J 10 S 7, 11 V 3, 4, 8 D 6 Rewards - Powderstone (offline) Sap Plant Makes - Bomb Material, Paintball FH 6 J 5, 7 Scatterfish Makes - Clust S Lv3 S 7 V 4 Scatternut Makes - Pellet S Lv1 FH 1, 4, 8 J 1, 10 S 1 Screamer Makes - Sonic Bomb Rewards - Slay velocidrome, Slay Yian Kut-ku

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Silver ticket Makes - Tactical Blade (S/10), Eager Cleaver (S/10), Divine Slasher (S/15), Eternal Annihilator (5), Finishing Hammer (S/10), Binder Mace (S/10), Onslaught Hammer (5), Grayburg Javelin (S/15), Corona (S/10), Thunder Tip (S/15)

These are obtained by staying in either the Rook or BIshop room a certain number of times. These are:

Rook 25 times = 1 ticket 50 = 2, 75 = 3, 100 = 4, 125 = 5, 150 = 6 Total 21

Bishop 25 times = 2 ticket 50 = 4, 75 = 6, 100 = 8, 125 = 10, 150 = 12 Total 42

Speak to the guy sitting next to the pawn room and he will give you the tickets when you have stayed in the room the above number of times

Sleep Herb Makes - Drugged Meat, Sleep S Lv1 FH 9, 10 J 5, 8, 9 S 4, 9

Sleep sac Makes - Lullaby Spear (1), Requiem Spear (2), Nightmare (5), Weary Fin Sword (1), Weary Fin Sword+ (2), Sandman Fin Sword (3) Carves - Gravios

Sleepyfish **** Makes - Sleep S Lv2 FH 0, 11 J 3, 7 S 0 V 0 D 9

Sleep S Lv1 Use - Ammo, puts target to sleep Combination - Sleep Herb and Huskberry

Sleep S Lv2 Use - Ammo, puts target to sleep Combination - Sleepyfish and Sm Bone Husk

Sm Barrel-Bomb Use - Small explosive charge Combination - Small Barrel and Fire Herb Supply item - Offline hunting quests and some pre HR13 hunting quests

Sm Bone Husk Makes - Pierce S Lv3, Pellet S Lv3, Crag S Lv2, Clust S Lv2, Poison S Lv2, Stun S Lv2, Sleep S Lv2, Various weapons and armor FH 5 J 6 D 8 Rewards - Slay velocidrome, Slay Basarios, Slay Gendrome, Slay Diablos

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Sm Lobstershell Notes - This item is quite rare Makes - Lobster armor (1) Carves - Plesoith

Sm Monster bone Makes - Various weapons and armor FH 5, 12 J 6 V 8, 9 Carves - Aptonoth, Apceros Rewards - Slay Yian Kut-ku, Slay the ioprey pack, Slay Gendrome

Small Barrel Makes - Sm Barrel-Bomb FH 12 S 9 D 11

Smoke Bomb Combination - Bomb Material and Ivy Supply item - Offline and pre HR13

Sonic Bomb Combination - Gunpowder and Screamer Supply item - Offline and pre HR13 Land shark (etc) missions

Spear Tuna **** Notes - HR13+, can be obtained on the offline TP quest Makes - Frozen Tuna (1) FH 0 J 9 S 0, 7 V 4 D 5

Special Mushroom Notes - Special item which must be sold at end of quest FH 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 J 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 S 5 Carves - Mosswine

Spiderweb Makes - Net FH 6, 8, 12 J 6 S 4 Stone *** Makes - Bomb Material FH 6, 11 J 3, 4, 9 S 7, 8, 11 V 1, 2, 4 D 5, 6, 10, 11

Stun S Lv1 Use - Ammo which Paralyzes target Combination - Stunshroom and Huskberry

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Stun S Lv2 Use - Ammo which Paralyzes target Combination - Sm Bone Husk and Genprey Fang

Stun Sac Makes - Dark Lance (3), Dark Lance+ (4), Dark spear (5), Viper Bite+ (2), Death Prize (4) Carves - Gendrome

Stunshroom Makes - Tainted Meat, Stun S Lv1 FH 3 J 3

Sushifish **** Use - Slightly improves stamina FH 11 J 3, 7, 9

Tainted Meat Use - Can be used to lure and paralyze monsters Combination - Raw Meat and Stunshroom

Thunderbug ** Makes - Jail Hammer (3), Jail Hammer+ (5), Prison Hammer (7), Binder Mace (30), Shock Lance (3), Thunder Tip (20) FH 1, 9, 12 J 1, 2, 5 S 1, 2, 3, 11 D 5

Toadstool Makes - Poisoned Meat, Poison S Lv1 S 1, 6, 9, 10

Trap Tool Makes - Pitfall Trap Supply item - Given on various capture quests

Tuna Bait Use - Fishing bait, attracts only Tuna type fish Combination - Worm and Yambug

Twisted Horn Notes - To get this as a reward, you need to knock Diablos's horn off. Do this by hitting his head / horn Makes - Diablo armor (1/2), Studded Club (1), Studded Club+ (1), Dual Diablo (2), Rapidcaster (1) Rewards - Diablos

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Union Ore *** Notes - HR13+, can be obtained pre HR13 by getting vespoid bladefins from kirin+ event and trading them with the forest elder for union ore. Makes - Hornet+ (4) / Lobster+ (5) / Plesioth+ (3) / Rathalos+ (7) / Vespoid+ (5/6) armor, Executioner (1), Executioner+ (1), Dark Scythe (2), Tormentor (3), Finblade (1), Grayburg Javelin (10), Dark Spear (2), Thunder Bane (2), Thunder Bane+ (3), Frightbane (4), Dual Tomahawk+ (10), Guild Saber (20), Insector (10), Guillotine (20), Grenade Launcher (5), Titan Launcher (3) J 4, 10 S 7, 8, 11 V 3, 4, 5, 8 D 6

Unknown Skull Makes - Tormentor (5) FH 12 V 7 D 9 Rewards - Gather 3 herbivore eggs

Velocidrome Claw Makes - Serpent Blade (2), Vile Serpent Blade (3), Great Serpent Blade (5), Bone Scythe (4), Bone Scythe+ (4) Carves -Velocidrome

Velociprey Fang Makes - Pierce S Lv1, Agito (5), Agito+ (5), Serpent Bite (4), Serpent Bite+ (6) Carves - Velociprey Rewards - Slay the velociprey pack, Slay velocidrome

Velocidrome Head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Velociprey Mask (1), Iron Devil (1) Carves -Velocidrome

Velociprey Hide Makes - Hi-Metal armor (5), Hi-Metal+ armor (10), Velociprey Mask (3), Knight Lance (3 or S/5) Carves - Velociprey, Velocidrome Rewards - Slay the velociprey pack, Slay velocidrome

Velociprey Scale Makes - Bone armor (1), Velociprey (3), Serpent Blade (5), Vile Serpent Blade (5), Shotgun (Azure) (6), Knight Lance+ (3) Carves - Velociprey, Velocidrome Rewards - Slay the velociprey pack, Slay velocidrome

Vespoid Abdomen Notes - HR13+ Makes - Vespoid Guards+ (1), Flechette Gun (1) Carves - Vespoid Rewards - Attack fo the Giant bugs

Vespoid Bladefin Notes - HR13+, can be obtained pre HR13 on Kirin+ event Makes - Vespoid+ armor (1), Insector (20), Insector+ (30), Eager Cleaver (S/1) Carves - Vespoid

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Vespoid Shell Makes - Vespoid armor (5/10), Vespoid+ armor (15), Injector Cannon (10) Carves - Vespoid Rewards - Bughunt

Vespoid Wing Makes - Vespoid armor (10), Vespoid+ armor (25) Carves - Vespoid Rewards - Bughunt

Well done steak Makes - Mega Juice Cook a piece of raw meat on a bbq spit and press x when the meat changes colour (after the music stops). May produce burnt meat or rare steak if done incorrectly

Whetstone *** Use - Sharpens weapon Makes - Battle armor (5) FH 5, 11 J 10 S 7, 11 V 1, 3, 4, 8 D 6, 10, 11

Worm Use - Fishing bait Makes - Tuna Bait FH 11 J 4, 8 S 6, 8, 10 V 1

Wyvern claw Makes - Lifepowder, Clust S Lv2, Eternal Annihilator (99), Spiked Bat (10) Carves - Any large wyvern Rewards - Any large wyvern quest

Wyvern fang Makes - Lifecrystals, Pellet S Lv, Pellet S Lv3, Golem Blade (5), Bone Katana "Wolf" (7), Eternal Annihilator (99), Skull Crusher (10), Studded Club (10), Studded Club+ (20) Carves - Any large wyvern Rewards - Any large wyvern quest

Wyvern Marrow Makes - Gunhammer Prototype (2), Dead Revolver (2), Hell Fire (1), Spear of Prominence (5), Gun Lance Prototype (2), Gatling Lance (2), Red Saber (1), Red Saber+ (1), Flame Falchion (1), Blazing Falchion (3), Corona (5), Gradios+ (1), Gradios Ultimus (2) Carves - Rathalos, Rathalos tail, Rathian tail

----------------------------------------6 - HR13+ only items----------------------------------------

These are a list of HR13+ exclusive items. Most are also online only

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Barrel Lid Notes - HR13+ Makes - Cat Paw (1) D 11

Basarios Wing Notes - HR13+ Makes - Odyssey (1), Venom Lance (1) Carves - Basarios

Bullfango Head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Bullfango Mask (1), Iron Devil (1) Carve - Bullfango

Diablos Spine Notes - HR13+ Makes - Various Diablo + armor, Diablo Horn (1), Diablo Horn+ (1), Studded Club (1), Studded Club+ (1), Spiked Bat (1), Finishing Hammer (S/1), Dual Diablo (5), Carves - Diablos

Dragon Toadstool Notes - HR13+, can be obtained pre HR13 from D5 (unconfirmed) Makes - Max Potion, Immunizer J 2, 9, 10 S 11 D 5 Rewards - Gather special mushrooms (rare)

Dragonite Ore *** Notes - HR13+ Makes - Hi-Metal+ armor (15/20), Kut-Ku+ armor (3), Lobster+ (5), Rathian+ armor (10/12), Steel+ armor (12), Bone Katana "Wolf" (5) / "Shark" (7) / "Dragon" (9), Halberd (1), Halberd+ (1), Gigaton Hammer (5), Anvil Hammer (10), Earth Shaker (20), Onslaught Hammer (50), Gunhammer Prototype (20), Dead Revolver (15), Venom Spear (5), Shock Lance (10), Trident (15), Iron Knight's Pike (5), Steel Knight's Pike (10), Dragon Knight's Pike (15), Grayburg Javelin (10), Valhalla (10), Gun Lance Prototype (20), Gatling Lance (15), Diablo Horn (5), Dragon Lance (5), Dragoon Lord (10), Black Dragon Spear (5), Thunder Bane (5), Kirin Bolt+ (4), Dragon Blood (5), Dual Tomahawk (5), Guild Rapier (10), Prototype Saw-Slicer (25), Injector Cannon (10), Flechette Gun (3), Grenade Launcher (10), Titan Launcher (5), Meteor Cannon (15), Vor Cannon (10), Yian Kut-Ku Cannon (5), Lao-Shan Cannon (20), Quickcaster (10) FH 5, 6, 11 J 3, 4, 9, 10 S 7, 8, 11 V 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 D 6 Carves - Basarios+

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Firestone *** Notes - HR13+, quite rare, can be traded for Lao Spine with forest elder (see forest elder guide) Makes - Rathalos Helm+ (3), Rathalos Cap+ (3), Fire Dragonsword (12), Red Dragonsword (20), Gunhammer Prototype (4), Dead Revolver (4), Grayburg Javelin (5), Gunlance Prototype (4), Gatling Lance (4), Meteor Cannon (2) V 8 Carves - Gravios tail Rewards - Powderstone

Gendrome Hide Notes - HR13+ Makes - Diablos+ armor (2), Vespoid+ armor (2/3) Carves - Gendrome Rewards - Slay Gendrome

Gravios Carapace Notes - HR13+ Makes - Gravios+ armor (1/2/3), Gigaton Hammer+ (5), Titan Hammer (10), Gravios Spear (4), Titan Launcher (3) Carves - Gravios, Gravios tail

Gravios Head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Iron Devil (1), Venom Spear (1) Carves - Gravios

Gravios Wing Notes - HR13+, very rare Makes - Auroros Tasset (1), Borealis Tasset (1), Red Borealis Tasset (1), Genesis Tasset (1), Glyph Tasset (1), Red Glyph Tasset (1), Venom Spear (1), Odyssey (1) Carves - Gravios

Hornet Bladefin Notes - HR13+ Makes - Hornet+ armor (1/2), Black Katana Mk.1 (2), Black Katana Mk.2 (5), Dark Lance (3), Insector (3), Insector+ (5), Hornet Gun (5) Carves - Hornetaur

Hornetaur Head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Horent+ armor (2), Dark Lance (3), Dark Lance+ (4), Dark Spear (5) Carves - Hornetaur

Iodrome Hide Notes - HR13+ Makes - Gravios+ armor (2/3), Lobster armor (3) Carves - Iodrome

King cactus Notes - HR13+ Makes - Cactus Creamer (1) D 2, 7, 9

Lao-Shan Plate Notes - HR17+, must kill Lao to carve, Rare item. The plate can be carved from ANY part of lao except his back. Makes - Chrome Razor (1), Dragon Slayer (1), Double Dragon (1) Carves - Lao-Shan

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Rewards - Kill Lao-Shan

Lao-Shan Spine Notes - HR17+ Makes - Auroros armor (1), Genesis armor (1), Finishing Hammer (1) Carves - Lao-Shan

Lg Lobstershell Notes - HR13+, rare item Makes - Lobster+ armor (3), Nightmare (S/1) Carves - Plesoith

Lost Umbrella Notes - HR13+ Makes - Dark Parasol (1) S 9

Master's Skull Notes - HR13+ Makes - Skull face (1), Tormentor (1), Native Spear (1) FH 5 12 V 7 D 9

Mosswine head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Mosswine Mask (1) Carves - Mosswine

Mosswine Hide Notes - HR13+ Makes - Moss Breastplate (1) Carves - Mosswine

Novacrystal *** Notes - HR13+ Makes - Guild Knight / Maiden's / personal armor (1), Hi-Metal helm+ (1), Hi-Metal cap+ (1), Teddybear (2), Valhalla (1), Guild Saber (5), S 7, 11 Carves - Gypceros, Kirin *

Pale Bone Notes - HR13+ Makes - Khezu+ armor (1), Thunder Tip (S/1) Carves - Khezu Rewards - Capture Khezu

Pale Lips Notes - HR13+, rare item Makes - Vacuum Striker (1), Divine Slasher (S/1) Carves - Khezu Rewards - Capture Khezu

Rathalos Plate Notes - HR13+, rare item, can be obtained on the offline TP quest Makes - Dragon / Rathalos+ armor (1), Chrome Razor (1), Dragon Massacre (5), Lao-Shan Cannon (3) Carves - Rathalos tail

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Rathian plate Notes - HR13+, rare item, can be obtained on the offline TP quest Makes - Auroros / Borealis / Red Borealis / Genesis / Glyph / Red Glyph pants (1), Rathian+ armor (1), Chrome Razor (1), Dragon Massacre (5) Carves - Rathian tail

Spear Tuna **** Notes - HR13+, can be obtained on the offline TP quest Makes - Frozen Tuna (1) FH 0 J 9 S 0, 7 V 4 D 5

Union Ore *** Notes - HR13+, can be obtained pre HR13 by getting vespoid bladefins from kirin+ event and trading them with the forest elder for union ore. Makes - Hornet+ (4) / Lobster+ (5) / Plesioth+ (3) / Rathalos+ (7) / Vespoid+ (5/6) armor, Executioner (1), Executioner+ (1), Dark Scythe (2), Tormentor (3), Finblade (1), Grayburg Javelin (10), Dark Spear (2), Thunder Bane (2), Thunder Bane+ (3), Frightbane (4), Dual Tomahawk+ (10), Guild Saber (20), Insector (10), Guillotine (20), Grenade Launcher (5), Titan Launcher (3) J 4, 10 S 7, 8, 11 V 3, 4, 5, 8 D 6

Velocidrome Head Notes - HR13+ Makes - Velociprey Mask (1), Iron Devil (1) Carves -Velocidrome

Vespoid Abdomen Notes - HR13+ Makes - Vespoid Guards+ (1), Flechette Gun (1) Carves - Vespoid Rewards - Attack fo the Giant bugs

Vespoid Bladefin Notes - HR13+, can be obtained pre HR13 on Kirin+ event Makes - Vespoid+ armor (1), Insector (20), Insector+ (30), Eager Cleaver (S/1) Carves - Vespoid

----------------------------------------7 - FAQs----------------------------------------

Q. Could you tell me the best way to slay the rathalos offline?

A. Errr... this is an item FAQ, so no. But here is a link to an excellent littleguide

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Q. How do I get Majestic Horn / Twisted horn from Diablos? Its never a reward for me?

A. As with the tail, you have to remove the horn during the game by attacking ituntil you see it break off. You will then receive the item as a reward.

Q. What is (Insert item here) used for?

A. I'm trying to add all item uses asap. If there is an item on here which I havent explained, email me and i'll try and let you know and add it to the guide

Q. Whats does TP stand for?

A. TP = Troublesome Pair. It is the last offline level available, and also aHR20 online quest. In the quest, you have to defeat rathalos and rathian in FH.The offline level is a popular way to obtain HR13+ items such as the infamousplates, as this is the only offline level which is the equivelent of an onlineHR13+ level.

Q. Whats this Kirin+ event, and how do I get it?

A. Kirin+ event is an online only event, which even someone with HR0 can do.As its a plus it means you can get HR13+ items from the level, even at HR0. This means you can get items like union ore early, thus opening better weaponsand armor. In theory, a HR0 who had completed offline could get full Los+ armor.

As it is an event, it wont always be avaliable, please see the special online event FAQ on for a bit more info on this quest.

Ask me some more questions (which relate to my FAQ) and I'll include them inhere

----------------------------------------8 - Acknowledgements----------------------------------------

I would like to thank inoble for sending me all the items for Forrest & Hills and jungle, as well as a few mission rewards. Credit also goes out to EhudBarak for his wisdom on the gamefaqs board,and John_Sagesun and Rathkeaux for helping out with the barrel lid.

Massive thanks to Shuma A.K.A Frogtron999111 for HR13+ items and a few bits I'd missed out.

Thanks to thegreatmilkguy for his weapon creation guide, Pyr0k1n3s1s forhis Armor Creation FAQ, and Oggy Doggy for his complete weapons list on:

They have been a great reference for me when updating item uses.

Thanks to fulkth for informing about HR13+ items which can be obtained early,and a few other bits too.


----------------------------------------9 - Copyright Info----------------------------------------

Copyright 2005 Thomas Anderson

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

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private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

Websites which have permission to use this information are:


Please inform me of ANY website not listed above which is using any part of thisFAQ. If you do want to use my FAQ on a website / publication, JUST EMAIL ME!!!Email is [email protected]

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.