pals adult program newsletter edition 95: march 15,...

1 | P a g e PALS Adult Program Newsletter Edition 95: March 15, 2018 Hello and Welcome to Edition 95! Lots of exciting things happened these past month at PALS Adult Program. Here is a look... I can tell time by myself! I am excited and happy. Sometimes it is difficult but I am doing a good job in Functional Skills. I like Functional Skills very much. It is fun. Knowing how to tell time makes me feel happy. – Abbie Doug watered all the plants in the program. He is doing an awesome job taking care of his flower box. I had Grooming class. I practised flossing. I flossed the giant teeth. It was different and scary!!! It was hard but I did a great job. I stayed in the green zone. I am proud of myself. – Ariel

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PALS Adult Program Newsletter

Edition 95: March 15, 2018

Hello and Welcome to Edition 95!

Lots of exciting things happened these past month

at PALS Adult Program. Here is a look...

I can tell time by myself! I am excited and happy. Sometimes it is difficult but I am doing a good job in Functional

Skills. I like Functional Skills very much. It is fun. Knowing how to tell time makes me feel happy. – Abbie

Doug watered all the plants in the program. He is doing an awesome job taking care of his flower box.

I had Grooming class. I practised flossing. I flossed the giant teeth. It was different and scary!!! It was hard but I did

a great job. I stayed in the green zone. I am proud of myself. – Ariel

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I got the garbage at PALS. I used a key to open the lock. It was hard because it was frozen. There was snow. It was

cold. I like snow. – Chris C

In Keyboarding class, I did typing using two hands. I typed a long story. Typing with two hands is good for your

brain. It’s easy. I love typing! – Gabby

In Printing Class, I wrote some letters, numbers and words. I feel happy because I like writing. It is fun. How cool is

that?! – Jamie

I cleaned the washroom. I cleaned the sink, toilet and mirror. It is hard work. I like cleaning the washroom. It does

not smell bad. I did a good job. I am proud of myself. – Tanya

I enjoyed Reading Class. I read Benchmark books and I answered worksheets. I read the book, “How Things Move”.

I learned how trains move on the railway. It’s cool. – Fraser

Laila did a good job delivering communication books to her teachers, as part of her end of the day tasks.

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Doug went to Salvation Army to donate some toys and game boards. He helped carry them to the car and unload them when they got to the center. He did a great job.

I talked about my goals for the week in Debrief. I did an excellent job. I got a proud badge for doing a great job at

Kits House. – Melissa

In Current Events, we talked about Pink Shirt Day and bullying. It was interesting. Bullying is not nice. It makes

people feel angry and annoyed. I wore pink clothes to support the people that experienced it. – Nicole

I cut tomatoes in Cooking Class. It was hard. The tomatoes were small. I don’t like it. – Charlie

I went to VanCity to deposit cheques. I gave the cheques to the man at the desk and waited for him to give me a

piece of paper. The bank is an interesting place. I think, the work there is hard. – Karl

I went shopping at No Frills. I bought bread, milk and pasta. The basket was heavy. I did a good job. – Julia

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We have a new student… Thomas!

I am happy to be here at PALS. I like it. I

like meeting new people and new friends

at PALS. Nicole, Jamie, Abbie, Karl and

Fraser are really friendly. I like listening to

the teachers. I also like making coffee &

tea, so people can drink. I like Relaxation

Class, typing, math, baking, Free Time and

the parties. I’d like to have work

experience at PALS to make money. I’d like

to volunteer, too. - Thomas

I was putting the chairs up on the tables in all the rooms during Cleaning Program. It’s okay. The chairs are heavy

but I can do it. It’s a very important job. It helps Gabby and Jamie. They vacuum and mop the floor. – Bethany

Laila had fun during her walk around the community. It started snowing during her walk. She was smiling the entire time.

I played curling in the Special Olympics. It was sweeeeeeeeeet! I love curling. I had to sweep, like a broom. It was so good. I had the best time. I got a ribbon and a cute panda. I feel good. How cool is that?! I think everyone

should try curling because it’s so fun. – Jamie

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Work Experience

I enjoy working with Abbie, Kari and Lori at Kiwassa. Lori is the daycare supervisor there. I also met the cook in the

kitchen. Her name is Anita. I like the staff there because they are so polite and nice. I really enjoy working with

them. They show me a lot of work at Kiwassa. The little kids are so cute, too. – Nicole

Nicole and I do the dishes and cups at Kiwassa. We wash it and put them back in the cupboards. We rinse the

forks and spoons, too. I like going to Kiwassa. It is my favourite work experience. I really enjoy going there. - Abbie

I am enjoying my ushering job at GCC Community Center with Luisa after PALS. I hand out programs and make

sure that people get them. I get to work at the concession stand there, too. It’s fun. I like it. – Melissa

I love going to work at Kits House on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like helping out at the daycare because I love seeing

all the little kids. They’re friendly, nice and fun. Working at Kits House is important to me. – Gabby

I have a new job at White Spot. I say “good morning” to guests and bring them to their tables. It is hard work.

Sometimes I get confused. I like saying “hi” to the customers. I feel happy when I work at White Spot. – Karl

I have been working at Staples for a long time. I front-face the items and help customers. I don’t mind the job. I

wish I had more jobs at Staples, like, maybe photocopying. My co-workers there are really nice. – Bethany

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The Social Enterprise Team is busy with another big order!

I putting tape and wicks on the tins for the candles. I helped pour candle

wax. Nikki and I made candles with different flavors and scents. They

smell good. I put the labels, too. I like working on the candles. It is my

favorite job. – Tanya

Proud Badges were earned!

I work hard at EFAP. I pull files, scan files and type in the computer. I feel happy. I am proud of myself. I like to work

at EFAP. It is fun. – Julia

I am proud of myself because I was being super flexible meeting new people. That was my goal for the week. I met

a lot of new people at PALS and at Kiwassa. I feel really happy and excited. – Nicole

My goal was to vacuum the floor by myself in cleaning program. I did it! I am so proud of myself. I need to vacuum

the floor to keep it clean. There are germs on the floor. I don’t want to get sick. – Gabby

I am so proud of myself because I did not have red zones for one month! I feel confident and haaaapppppy! I did it!

I will do it again. Everyone gave me a high-five and is proud of me. I love it!!! – Ariel

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Bethany, Melissa, Nicole,

Fraser, Jamie & Karl worked extra hard and earned their


I had to get 500 tokens by listening, working hard,

being nice and not interrupting. I bought Hershey’s

kisses. I shared one piece. I feel really good earning

my treat. I am already thinking of my next treat,

maybe a book. – Bethany

I went to Wendy’s and ordered a burger with fries

as my treat. I did a lot of jobs to earn my tokens. It

was hard. I feel happy earning it. – Melissa

I got 15 stickers for 15 days of full page tokens on

my token tracker. I got pizza and pop. I feel so

happy, that I want to have a party! – Nicole

I worked for 400 tokens and bought French fries

from Wendy’s. I had a positive attitude and was

flexible so earn my tokens quickly. I feel excited

and I so proud of myself. – Fraser

I earned my treat. I worked for 400 tokens. It was

easy. I just had to listen to my teachers all day, stay

on task and be flexible. I am happy. – Jamie

I felt excited when I earned my treat. I got lots of

tokens by keeping my brain in the group, by

keeping my body in the group and by being

positive. I bought chilly cheese nachos. It was

good. – Karl

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Chris C received his first cheque from

his employment at Go Studios!

I work at Go Studios. I mop the floor, wipe tables, chairs and microwaves. I sweep the floor. I work hard. They gave me a cheque. I feel happy. I like working at Go Studios. It is fun. I feel proud of

myself. – Chris C

Jamie celebrated his 23rd birthday!

My party was totally sweet, man! My Mom and my sister brought hotdogs, lots of chips and cupcakes. I was

surprised to see them. My friends gave me cards and I love them. I feel so happy right now. I like having my

birthday party at PALS with all my friends. How cool is that?! – Jamie

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Laila celebrated her 25th birthday!

Laila had a fun birthday party with her friends. She had cupcakes, cookies and balloons. Her

friends sang her “Happy Birthday” three times and gave her birthday cards. She was so


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We said farewell to our wonderful teacher, Ally!

Ally, thank you for all your

hard work these past four years and for sharing your warmth &

happiness with all of us. We will miss you!

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Good luck, Ally. Thank you for teaching us Signs. I like that class. Thank you for baking with me, too. – Tanya

I don’t want you to leave, Ally-cat from PALS. I will miss you when I go to Frog Hollow on Thursday and in Signs

class on Tuesdays. Good luck. Come and visit, please. - Ariel

Goodbye Ally. I like to eat noodles with you. I will miss you. - Julia

I wish you good luck, Ally. Wish you can visit us again. I will miss you a lot. - Abbie

Thank you, Ally. Goodbye. - Charlie

Hakuna matata, Ally! I will take care of my teachers and friends for you. I will miss you, Ally-cat! Stay gorgeous! –


Ally, you are such a good Ally-cat to me. Thanks for teaching me Signs like that. You are amazing. Have a good

retirement. Come and visit us soon. I will miss you. – Nicole

Thank you so much for helping me with the book cart at St. Paul’s and at Staples. I will miss seeing you every day

at PALS. Don’t worry, I will not forget you. I know you like me. – Bethany

It was nice working with you, Ally. I’m glad you worked at PALS. I will miss going to St. Paul’s with you. You helped

a lot. Thank you for working with me. – Karl

I will miss you, Ally-cat. Thank you for taking me and Ariel to Frog Hollow. Come in visit us. – Fraser

Goodbye Ally. Thank you for helping me make a placemat and finding pictures of animals, like cats and dogs, and

pictures of food. I will miss you. – Thomas

It was so fun to have you at PALS. I hope you’ll come and visit. Thank you for helping us at PALS. – Melissa

Goodbye, Ally. You make me feel happy. Thank you for hot lunch. – Chris C

Thanks for going to work with me on Tuesdays. I will miss you, Ally. You are a nice teacher. I like spending time

with you. You are my favourite teacher. – Gabby

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Nicole’s Melodies


This past month, we had so many parties,

That I was happy to stand on my knees.

I could even chase away the bees,

And feel at ease.

I wish we had thirty more parties

And load all the food in grocery cart-ies.

So we can continue the parties on the Party Bus


Share some laughs from the Cool Dudes!

What swimming stroke do sheep enjoy


The baaaahck-stroke!

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Stay tuned for

PALS Adult Program Newsletter Edition 96

on April 13th, 2018!

Have a wonderful month!

This is a photo of the students during their Cool Choice Class/Reciprocal Thinking class. They were so happy to see the sun. They are looking forward to having more sunny days this spring.