palline 2 tmax in on. the new sensitivity experiments superimposed anomalies are turned on from june...

Palline 2 Tmax in ON

Upload: jonas-hill

Post on 08-Jan-2018




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Tmax SD – ON – Sensitivity to the SST forcing In all the experiments, Tmax variance maximizes in N Patagonia and along the eastern SA Pacific and Atlantic forcings are associated with ↑ variance in Amazonas. Indian forcing is related with ↓ variance at around 20°S


Palline 2 Tmax in ON The new sensitivity experiments Superimposed anomalies are turned on from June to February, following the idealized seasonal cycle The exception is the tropical Atlantic anomaly, turned on from October to June, following the idealized lag Nio-Atlantic Nio mode Tmax SD ON Sensitivity to the SST forcing In all the experiments, Tmax variance maximizes in N Patagonia and along the eastern SA Pacific and Atlantic forcings are associated with variance in Amazonas. Indian forcing is related with variance at around 20S Tmax Mean Tmax P75 Tmax P25 NoD [%] with Tmax in the 4 th quartile NoD [%] with Tmax in the 1 st quartile The variance in Amazonia is related with Large of the threshold of the P75 (45% of days falling in the 4 th quartile) Moderate of the threshold of the P25 (no more than 15% of days falling in the 1 st quartile) in the Tmax mean field Tmax ON Sensitivity to the Pacific Dateline SST forcing The in the Tmax mean field in LPB and Central- North Argentina is related with of the threshold of the P75 (35% of days falling in the 4 th quartile) of the threshold of the P25 (15% of days falling in the 1 st quartile) Few changes in variance Tmax ON Sensitivity to the basin forcings Ro(ET,T2m), with negative correlations (blue). Estimation based on annual mean observed values ET is limited by atmospheric demand Classifying the regions with either T (demand limitation) or P (supply limitation) Jung et al., 2010 Ro(ET, PP) with positive correlations indicating coupling ET is limited by soil moisture supply Supply and demand limitation of ET DPacEPac Natl CInd CTRL Tmax ON Jung like maps Sensitivity to the basin forcings Tmax ON Jung like scatter plots Sensitivity to the basin forcings Natl CInd DPacEPac CTRL Soil moisture-climate interactions Seneviratne et al. (2010) adapted from Budyko 1956