palindrome advisors_fall 2011 newsletter

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  • 8/4/2019 Palindrome Advisors_Fall 2011 Newsletter


    Palindrome Advisors: Notes from the Road

    June 2011-September 2011



    To our beloved Advisor &

    Nonprofit Community,Hello again! We wanted to use this

    newsletter to bring you up to speed on

    all the incredible things the PalindromeTeam has been up to this summer.

    Though inbox zero is a distant dream,

    we have never been more certain of our

    mission and vision. The Palindrome

    model is working!

    We started the summer graciously

    accepting The Guardians invitation to

    theActivate 2011 Summit in London,

    UK. We were so honored to be a part of

    the roster of incredible individuals who

    have changed the world with their ideas

    and endless energy. To be able topresent alongside our idols was a dream

    come true.

    Back at home base in San

    Francisco, we spent hours on the phone

    all of July with our nonprofit partners and

    advisors hearing stories of incredible

    matches (or what Doris fromAndreas

    Voice Foundation likes to call, matches

    made in heaven!) We realized that

    although scalability is important, the

    Palindrome model is unique in its human

    element. We understand you, the

    advisor, and you - the nonprofit - in a

    way other matching services do not. The

    process may take longer but the end

    result is in line with our goal: pledging

    the right skill set to the right nonprofit inan engaging and deep board

    management role. We were lucky

    enough to hire the most energetic and

    insightful set of summer interns who

    managed our social media, sales

    collateral and nonprofit outreach. It was

    through their fresh perspective that we

    got introduced to 50 new nonprofits

    around the United States. In August, we hosted a movie night

    with Academy Award nominated

    filmmaker, Adrian Belic who wowedaudiences with his movie Beyond the

    Call - a documentary on a group of

    three men who went to the worlds most

    dangerous, war-torn places to distribute

    medical supplies and goods. At the

    same event, we welcomed two new

    board members to the Palindrome Board

    (who you can read about more below.)

    As a nonprofit ourselves, it is important

    that we add diverse talent to our own

    board so we can continue to gut check

    our mission/vision and iterate Silic

    Valley style.

    September was a whirlwind mo

    as the Palindrome team flew across

    country to NYC for the awe-inspirin

    Social Good Summit. We met someour idols ranging from Ted Turner to

    Mandy Moore and Lance Armstron

    of them were pushing the envelope

    thinking of new ways to change the

    world. It reminded us to never be

    complacent and to continue to use

    incredible community we have (all o

    you!) to keep doing more.

    Early this week, Charlaine Moo

    our Executive Director got voted to

    on the board of the SF SPCAin ord

    continue to support her champion - animal rights. We are so proud of

    Benjamin Oaks-Lee was voted to s

    on the board of NYC Mission Socie

    and Dag Kittlausjoined the board o

    Cabrini Green Tutoring Program.

    Thank you for your continued

    support and belief in our mission. W

    couldnt do this without you.


    The Palindrome Team

    Click on our logo

    to visit us online


  • 8/4/2019 Palindrome Advisors_Fall 2011 Newsletter






    Steve Hart

    Founder and Chief

    Technology Officer at

    ViaSat Inc.


    Chris Kelly: Founder of

    Kelly Investments

    Steve Hart

    As CTO of ViaSat, Steve provides

    technical direction across the company

    and works with a diverse set of ViaSatbusiness areas to drive innovation and

    strategic positioning, and supports

    business development activities, with

    technical support in product concept

    development, customer relations, and

    proposal activities.

    Mr. Hart is a co-founder ViaSat Inc. and

    has helped lead the companys rapid

    growth from three people in 1986 to a

    global company of nearly 2,000

    employees today.

    Mr. Hart has over 25 years of experience

    in design, development and engineering

    management for digital communications

    and networking equipment. He led the

    development of new satellite networking

    algorithms and directed the creation of

    the ViaSat Information Security business.

    Prior to joining ViaSat, Mr.Hart was astaff engineer and manager at Linkabit,

    worked as a computer security analyst atthe Merdan group on various projects for

    the National Security Agency and the

    Navy, and served the U.S. Air Force as

    an imagery intelligence specialist for four


    Mr. Hart was named the 2004

    Outstanding Executive by the UCSD

    Jacobs School of Engineering for his

    dedication to ensuring the highest quality

    in education for its students through

    close ties with San Diegos high tech


    Chris KellyChris Kelly is a Silicon Valley attorney with a

    long track record of representing innovative

    companies. As the first Chief Privacy Officer,

    General Counsel, and Head of Global Public

    Policy for Facebook, Chris helped the

    company grow from its college roots to the

    ubiquitous communications medium that it

    is today.

    Chris left Facebook in 2009 to seek the

    Democratic nomination for Attorney Generalof California, garnering 16 percent of the

    vote in a seven-way race, his first run for

    statewide office. Since the June 2010primary, he has become an active angel

    investor in companies seeking

    transformational improvements in

    technology, media, and finance.

    As a policy advisor for President Clinton in

    the early 1990s, Chris advanced critical

    domestic programs, including the success

    initiative to put 100,000 new community

    police officers on America's streets and th

    formation of AmeriCorps, a network of

    national service programs that engage

    Americans to improve education, public

    safety, health, and the environment.

    As an attorney in private practice before h

    time at Facebook, Chris represented

    Netscape in the Microsoft antitrust case a

    Diamond Multimedia in the groundbreakin

    suit over the MP3 player that furthered

    personal use rights over digital content.
  • 8/4/2019 Palindrome Advisors_Fall 2011 Newsletter


    Being the foundation arm of the United Nations,the team at UNF (The United Nations Foundation) has

    always had big shoes to fill. Not only have they filled

    these shoes, they have triumphed over all sorts barriers

    and obstacles to continue to iterate their already

    successful model. Their lack of complacency despite

    continuous success is a model we advocate within the

    Palindrome community. Here is an example of how they

    continue to push the envelope:

    The UNF team (composed of some of thebrightest and most talented people we know in the

    nonprofit space) approached us with a simple question:How do we do more to raise awareness for our multiple

    campaigns and how can we utilize technology?

    That simple question kickstarted the first mobilecampaign of its kind. The UNF now utilizes SMS, mobile

    display and its very own app to distribute its message

    and fundraise across the United States. Text UNF to

    80676 to kickstart alerts on a variety of UNF efforts.

    Read more about the campaign on the 4INFO website or

    in Mobile Marketer.

    Download the United Nations Foundation App Now!

    United Nations Foundation

    United Nations Foundations Kickstarts Digital Campaign

    On September 16th 2011, the United Nations Foundation launched a mobile app that consolidates

    news streams from all of its different programs, connects people via social networks and allows them

    to donate with just a few clicks. The launch ceremony featured statements from United Nations

    Messenger of Peace and recording artist Stevie Wonder, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for

    Communications and Public Information Kiyo Akasaka, United Nations Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin

    and United Nations Youth Champion and actress Monique Coleman.





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    AROUNDTHE WORLDPalindrome at Activate London 2011

    In June 2011, Zaw Thet was invited to the GuardianActivate Summit in London, UK to represent Palindrome

    Advisors. We were incredibly honored to be asked to

    represent our vision of how technology and leadership

    can go hand in hand to better the lives of those around

    the world. Here is a sneak peek of Zaws Speaker


    What is the ethos of Palindrome? How does the

    culture in your organisation help to inspire those in the

    non-profit sector?

    During my time in school (or out of school starting

    companies), philanthropy was always defined through the

    phrase "finding time to give back." I found it problematic

    for two reasons. First, the premise that we should "give

    back" is based on the idea that something of importance

    has been given "to" us in the first place. It is that very

    mind-set that delays the burgeoning philanthropist in us

    all. What is enough for us? What is the point when we

    think we are "ready" or "able" to give back? Second,

    "giving" to others simply should not be based around a

    timeline. Philanthropy should not be compartmentalized.

    It should be central to who we are as human beings. My

    personal ethos and that of my team is "to change the way

    leaders give" and to then communicate that change to alarger advisor community that is struggling with extremes.

    One extreme is complacency - giving sporadically after

    specific events (natural disasters, personal loss, etc.). The

    other extreme is total dedication a la Bill Gates and the

    "Giving Pledge". At Palindrome we hope to create a

    healthy, structured and engaging middle ground - giving

    day to day through mentorship, education and board


    Funding and skills are essential for the success of

    non-profits. How are Palindrome Advisors addressi

    these needs?

    I would actually stress skillset more than funding, whicwhy we came up with the "Palindrome Pledge," a way

    executive level leaders to serve on the board of a non-

    profit for a minimum of one year. So many of my friend

    and colleagues gave thousands of dollars to non-profit

    every year but still saw a huge disconnect between the

    non-profit and for profit world. After several months of

    interviews with our non-profit partners, we realized that

    the non-profit world was in dire need of for profit talent

    Non-profits need guidance in capturing an audience,

    telling a story, and expanding their model to address a

    larger "market" that's exactly what for profit leaders d

    The only difference is we do it for money. At Palindrom

    our advisor community is comprised of individuals withunquantifiable "intellectual wealth." That is where we fi

    the most value.

    What advice do you have for those wanting to make

    difference in the world through technology and


    Don't compartmentalize your life. It is the integration of

    technology and new business models, not only in your

    day to day life, but in your philanthropic output that wil

    allow you to reach scale. Explore new/untested ways to

    integrate the non-profit and for profit world. Technology

    a powerful vehicle to affect this change but it is not theonly one.

    And finally, what can we expect from you at Activate

    Expect "disruption." I live by the beat of my own drum

    and seek to change the way people think about

    fundamentals: communication, mobile, social media,

    technology and philanthropy.

    Click here to read the full speaker interview.

    You can also see Zaw speak live on Making Social

    Innovation Sustainable or Bringing Business Expertis

    to Nonprofits.
  • 8/4/2019 Palindrome Advisors_Fall 2011 Newsletter


    How to get others involved

    Goal:Grow advisors by at least 50 morepeople in order to match new nonprofitpartners that are growing rapidly

    How you can help:

    Refer 10 people you think would makegreat Palindrome Advisors.

    Post updates on Facebook and Twitterregarding your involvement withPalindrome.

    Share our application links!Advisor application

    Startup application

    Non-profit applicationPALIND




    Palindrome Board

    Goal:To expand the Palindrome Board

    While Palindrome works diligently to helpstrengthen the board of nonprofits, we arecurrently in the process of building our ownboard.

    How you can help:

    Recommend people you know thatwould be a great fit for our board.

    If you are interested, get in contact with


    Upcoming Events | Mark Your Calendars


    October Salon featuring After-School All-Stars

    Please save the date for our LA Salon on October20th 2011 featuring ASAS and other nonprofitfocused on the Children & Education space.RSVP here if you can attend.

    Palindrome Holiday Party Sponsored byElement Lifestyle

    The Holidays are a time to give back, spend time

    with family and friends and celebrate. Please joinus in December to celebrate the success ofPalindromes inaugural year. Element Lifestyle,our gracious corporate sponsors will be hosting.Get ready for lots of bubbly!

    November Salon featuring United NationsFoundation

    The UNF is going to be in the Bay Area andwould like to welcome the Palindrome communityto a Salon featuring news on their new digitalcampaigns!

    Palindrome Annual Summit - February 2012

    The Annual Summit promises to be our biggestevent to date. This summit will be a TED talk

    meets Dialog Conference affair bringing togetherthe greatest minds in the business and nonprofitspace.
  • 8/4/2019 Palindrome Advisors_Fall 2011 Newsletter








    NYC welcomes the Palindrome Team

    with the open arms of Fall

    We stopped by to say hi to Foundin

    Advisor Derek Handley who was o

    his way to New Zealand!













    Sorry for the quality of image but we

    had to take a quick shot of Founding

    Advisor, Greg Feller, who attended the

    summit in NYC with the team. Greg

    was recently matched with Hellen

    Keller International!

    Lots of quick coffee breaks in between


    Tammy Tibbets ofShes the Fir

    stopped by for the Girl Empowerm

    panel with Founding Advisor, Eve

    Rusli of The New York Times (anomatch made in heaven.)