palermo altri due passi

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Page 1: Palermo Altri due passi

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Somewhere between the 8th and 6th Centuries BC, the Phoenicians colonized the area of what would become Palermo in Sicily, previously inhabited by Sicans, Cretans, and Elimi. In 254, the city was conquered by the Romans and after centuries of peaceful Roman rule, the area was ravaged by barbarian invasions starting in the fifth century. The city was conquered by the Byzantine Empire, which governed it for about three centuries, until 831. The Arabs took the city from the Byzantines and under their rule, Palermo enjoyed a period of splendor and prosperity. Normans succeeded in gaining possession of the city after a long siege in 1072. Subsequently, the city fell under the rule of the Swabians, the French, and finally the Spaniards. By the 18th Century, Palermo had become part of the Kingdom of the Naples, comprising Sicily and southern Italy. There were more rebellions in the 19th Century, ending with the landing on the island by the great Italian liberator, Garibaldi, who took the city as part of his campaign to make all of Italy a new country. This was achieved by 1870 when Palermo became part of the newly formed Kingdom of Italy.

Fenician la origine (se numea Ziz: floare), fortăreață cartagineză în perioada grecească, a fost cucerit de romani în timpul primului război punic (245 î. Hr.). Asediat și cucerit de Genseric, Odoacru și Teodoric, s-a aflat sub suzeranitatea Bizanțului din 535 până la cucerirea sa de către arabi în anul 831.Capitală de emirat (948), comparabilă cu cele mai mari orașe ale lumii musulmane, a trecut la normanzi în 1072. În timpul domniei lui Frederic II (1194-1250), devine centru cultural de primă importanță și punct de întâlnire al culturilor arabă, iudaică și creștină. Mai apoi este stăpânit de suabi, de francezi şi apoi de spanioli. Decadența, survenită în timpul dominației Casei de Anjou, a continuat sub dominația aragoneză, spaniolă (sec. XVI) și a Bourbonilor din Neapole (din 1736).Participant la mișcările din 1820 și 1848, orașul a fost eliberat de către Garibaldi și a făcut parte (începând din 1860) din nou creatul stat italian.

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Politeama Theatre, built between 1867-74 in neo-classical style as designed by Damiani Almeyda, is surmounted by a large iron and glass roof, which was the time of his construction, a bold technical implementation. Above the arch of triumph (the entrance the theater) is a beautiful bronze chariot, sculpted M. Rutelli, in which Apollo and Euterpe hold fiery horses. The right side of the Theatre is the Civic Gallery of Modern Art, which dates back to 1906

Teatro Politeama Garibaldi, construit între 1867-74, în stil neoclasic (arhitect Damiani Almeyda) are o imensă cupolă de sticlă, o adevărată provocare pentru epoca construirii sale. Deasupra arcului de triumf de la intrare Apolo şi Euterpe conduc o cvadrigă (sculptură M.Rutelli) Partea dreaptă a clădirii adăposteşte Galeria de Artă Modernă

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Teatro Politeama Garibaldi, Piazza Ruggero Settimo

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Palazzo Normanni

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Quattro Canti (Patru Colţuri)Este o piaţă mică la intersecţia străzilor principale vechi (acum Corso Vittorio Emanuele şi Via Maqueda), împărţind oraşul în patru cartiere (mandamenti). Scuarul are o formă octogonală datorită clădirilor din colţuri care au faţadele Baroce în diagonală.

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The traditional center of Palermo called "Quattro Canti" (Four Corners) is located at the intersection of Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Via Maqueda, making it the heart of this city's old historic district.The four facades bear fountains with statues of the four seasons, the four Spanish kings of Sicily, and of the patronesses of Palermo, (Cristina, Ninfa, Olivia, and Agata).

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Faţadele celor patru clădiri sunt decorate cu fântâni având statuile celor patru anotimpuri, statuile a patru regi spanioli ai Siciliei şi ale patroanelor spirituale protectoare ale oraşului (Cristina, Ninfa, Olivia şi Agata)

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Dome of Chiesa di San Giuseppe dei Teatini

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Dome of Chiesa di San Giuseppe dei Teatini

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Quattro Canti At ground level on each corner is built a fountain, with sculptured figures on the three upper floors, accompanied by Classical Greek columns, Doric at the bottom, then Ionic and finally Corinthian.

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Carol V (1500 – 1558)

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Piazza Pretoria in front of the Municipio (City Hall). Fontana della Vergogna, the "fountain of shame”

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Piazza Pretoria Fontana della Vergogna, the "fountain of shame” It was created for the Florentine villa of Don Pedro de Toledo by the mennerist sculptor Francesco Camilliani in 1554.The Council of Palermo got the exorbitant price of 30,000 scudi for it. It was transported to Palermo in 644 pieces and it was reassembled in Pretoria square, which was laid out in a different way in relation to the monumental fountain. It is a circular fountain and is decorated with allegorical statues.Once locally known as the Fontana della Vergogna, the "fountain of shame”, because of the nude statues. It is one of the few true pieces of High Renaissance art in Palermo.

Supranumită „Fântâna ruşinii”, a fost creată în 1554 pentru vila florentină a lui Luigi Alvarez de Toledo, fiul viceregelui Don Pedro Álvarez de Toledo (şi cumnatul lui Cosimo I de Medici) de sculptorul italian Francesco Camilliani. Cumpărată de oraşul Palermo a fost transportată şi reasamblată în Piaţa Pretoria, fiind primită cu reticenţă de localnicii pudibonzi

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The surrounding railing was designed by Giovan Battista Basile and put there in 1858.

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Piazza MarinaThe Square is situated in the heart of Palermo and it incorporates the Garibaldi's Garden, with wonderful specimens of ancient magnolia and old ficus trees. Around the square there are most beautiful palaces of 1800.

La Fontana barocca del Garaffo, 1698

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Piazza Marina

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Via Maqueda

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Via Maqueda

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Via Maqueda

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Via Maqueda

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The Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele (0pera house and opera company), Piazza Verdi

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The Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele is an opera house and opera company located on the Piazza Verdi in Palermo, Sicily. It was dedicated to King Victor Emanuel II. It is the biggest in Italy, and one of the largest of Europe (the third after the Opéra National de Paris and the K. K. Hof-Opernhaus in Vienna ), renowned for its perfect acoustics.

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Imortalizat de Francis Ford Coppola în „Naşul III", minunatul Teatro Massimo este cea mai mare Operă din Italia şi a treia ca dimensiuni din Europa, după cele din Paris şi Viena, şi este renumită pentru acustica sa.

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The Vucciria Market can be found at Piazza San Domenico immediately adjacent to the Church, as it winds it's way down towards Corso Vittorio Emanuele

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la statua equestre di Giuseppe Garibaldi

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"To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.“

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Sound: Musica popolare - Sicilian Carretto

Text : Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Internet Otilia ContraşCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foiş